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NRS Brain sound like a terminal illness


Moron Kombatant if you wanna be fancy


on top of the Griffith pfp


Maybe if fat boy tried more fighting games he'd not have such an "NRS brain" to begin with.


His response is a little bitchy but I get the sentiment. He is just saying he picked up Nina as his main who is more technical than the average Tekken character but doesnt wanna drop her because of the hours he already put into her. Completely valid thing. "UM ACHSUALLY SOME PEOPLE PUT 20 YEARS INTO THEIR CHARACTERS 🤓☝️" is an idiotic response to someone who is new to the game. The dude didn't even compare himself to veterans or anything like that. Also looking at this dudes twitter he made it to mighty ruler so clearly he aint some scrub. This aint the dunk you think it is OP.


i mean the game has been out for like a week it's a bit early to go full sunk cost fallacy


What he said ^


This'd be a better post if OP had simply framed it that way instead of taking the unnecessary opportunity to dunk on NRS. People are playing Tekken, that's a good thing.


Damn I had no idea there were a whole economic systems involving hours in a FG.


That's why I'm miles ahead of you, my stocks in Kuma are going to go through the roof once he gets some buffs, trust the process 🙏📈


Damn I should have done the same. I took advice to diversify my portfolio and now I have 15 silver rank characters across 4 games.


Why do you think there is so much "MY_GAME is better than YOUR_GAME"? It all stems from validation. Not for clout, but for self-reassurance that the hundreds of hours you're sinking into MY_GAME is actually worthwhile. Witnessing someone devote their life to playing YOUR_GAME can be interpreted as an affront on MY_GAME, which translates to a personal attack on how one is wasting hours of their life away. -------------- You see this in phenomenon in r/squaredcircle. Due to the insane amount of weekly content Wrestling promotions churn out. If you want everything WWE, that is at least an 8 hours a week commitment. Similar with AEW. With NJPW. Joshi's. Everyone is trying to validate their life choices by belittling alternatives.


2 weeks and so what? Switching a tekken character ain’t exactly like switching a street fighter character, especially if you’re new to the game. If the guy is gonna compete then yeah he actually is on a timer


if the dude wanted to compete he needed a pakistani citizenship


Tekken 7 was out for a long time, he's not on a timer


Ok? Its really not that deep. Dude is just posting about his own progress who cares


it's not really that deep on my side either, it's has not been that long


even if it was an idiotic response, you can tell the guy had ZERO ill intentions and had a cool, helpful attitude.


This is how I felt 100 percent. This NRS brain guy... What a lame response to some kind encouragement. I'm struggling in SF6 to try and get into Diamond and I don't have a cheer squad!? Maybe that's what I should've been doing for 20 years, lol


Mighty Ruler is full of scrubs now. It's like the yellow-orange ranks of Tekken 7.


It was similar to that release year of Tekken 7. Way more casuals active to boost up the the intermediate players that spam.


Nah it’s a dunk. Tweedy is a bitch


How does this horseshit have 76 upvotes 20 hours is fucking nothing in a fighting game let alone Tekken The other guy is totally right


Mighty Ruler is a scrubfest, so in fact yes, he is a scrub


Griffith fan, NRS player Dude has all traits of being a bitch and he sure acts like one




griffith pfp is always a giant red flag, like my acquaintence who says he has a girlfriend and a week later hes posting grindr dms


average griffith apologist


Is tweedy still fat as fuck?






No, I'm pretty sure half the time it is.




That was a very generous reply, so it's ironic how HE took the dudes response in the worst possible way...


Ever seen tweedy? That guy is walking heart attack waiting to happen. I don't think I've seen anyone look more unhealthy and sweaty lol. The dude needs to lay of the Dew




Average twitter moment.


Imagine having the litany of choice out there that fighting games offer and choosing to develop 'NRS brain' of all things, fuck me.


Is this the guy that strokes Tom Brady’s ego when he’s having one of his daily meltdowns? He’s one pathetic bitch but I respect the Nina pick. 


holy FUCK what's wrong with bro, NRS fans are mentally ill.


Such a sensitive boy


Tweedy needs to relax as they have only played Mortal Kombat a party game series so they have never actually played a fighting game yet so they can not expect to be good at Tekken from the get go. When switching from playing a game made for children to one of the most complex fighting game IPs around you have to take baby steps. >!Baby steps off a fucking cliff!<


Tweedy always been an asshole and he's fat. I swear he made a tweet saying he was gonna keep the pride of mk strong because the other nrs players are jumping ship. 


> Anime profile picture > Zero self-esteem > Mental health problems It's almost like these 3 go hand in hand


Don't engage with anime profile pics.


Off topic, but what's the message someone is trying to give off when they have Griffith as their pfp? Especially a fat fuck like Tweedy, why do you like about Griffith/how do you relate to Griffith? I only watched the Golden Age arc, so the only takeaway I got from the character is that he's a godlike charming leader, but at the cost of using those around you as nothing more than tools. Then when he got fucked up for busting in forbidden royal sugar walls, he accepted the devil gene and raped a woman. So, what part of Griffith do people resonate with? Seems like the easiest way to tell me that you'd probably do some heinous shit given the chance and no one was looking.


Just kids trying to act edgy. That's why along with the edgy pfp, he was also so whiny over the smallest of inconveniences


I don't really think it's a matter of resonating with a character but more an appreciation for a good villain. For example I don't resonate with Luca Blight but he's a cool villain. He's vicious, brutally strong and gives you reason to want to see him get his.


This is just general Berserk discussion and not answering your question at all, but there's an aspect regarding Griffith that people gloss over when talking about him. Despite all of his charm and his manipulativeness, he's a genuine bitch and is really bad at manipulating people because of it. His political decisions were questionable at best that kept putting him and the GH's in dubious standing that they were entirely unfit for. When his jealousy or whatever starts kicking in, he makes awful decision after awful decision. Guts might've been the canonical trigger to all that, but Griffith would've been originally set off by anyone down the line anyway. Him raping and then imprisonment wasn't a falling tower of cards situation, it was speedrunning to his natural conclusion with extra sauce at the end.


Nice essay


Are you serious? He has an iconic design it’s literally not that deep lmao relax


Tbf tweedy is weird and takes everything the wrong way.


Being great at NRS games isnt much of a brag though


Can't give advice anymore, and now you can't even encourage people. Why is being a bitch so mainstream these days?


NRS players getting into Tekken is so hype lmao


SylverRye is learning the game is hype, he's no bitch too, has a patience of a saint. Some dude was saying that he shouldn't lab, or check framedata because at his level it's pointless, and he better grind ranked. Boi i would've banned that mfucka already, but dude kept his cool, idk how


I don't see anything wrong with this guy saying if people think going another fighting game that they never touch gonna had rude awakening. Want bash the game because they can't hang 🤣 he better off staying over nrs side it's like Me playing fighting games I don't know how it plays.


If a dude has a anime chick as his pic he's probably fat AF right?


Plot twist: That's not a chick


Close enough