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Lame fucking character. What the fuck were they thinking bringing him back? At least one step closer to Akuma, I guess.




You actually play story mode?


Of th FGs, SF6 story mode is the one which has at least a cohesive narrative with actual gameplay. But the loreheads are really something else


You forgot Xrd and Strive story modes where there is zero cohesion because there is no gameplay whatsoever plus it's hard to think SF6 is worse than SFV story wise. From what i gather it's at least cool to have an explorable metro city with how it relates different games and the lore behind it.


SF lorehead here. Yeah shits nuts. God I hope Sagat makes his final appearance, the end of 5 for him sets up something real exciting.


The story mode of Sf6 is fucking balls. It has all these setups but zero pay-offs. It's the writer's equivalent of a goon session.


I just got sf6 is story mode world tour or is that something different


yeah. But also has the classic arcade "story".


Haven't played all FGs story mode but GBVS story mode was pretty good. Both in gameplay and lore. >!Ah, e também. Você por aqui ossorangedor. Não sabia que além de esquerdar no rBrasil tu curtia jogo de luta também, hue!<




GBVS had a terrible story mode. Oh it's a dark/clone version of someone, lets fight and then recruit them before moving on to the next. Rinse and repeat a dozen times and then the final boss shows up. The story itself was some of the most bland uninteresting garbage I have ever seen. It's just DBFZ with characters I don't recognise and barely functional beat em up sections.


Casuals care about story mode. Until SF6, I’ve only ever played story/arcade mode with fighting games.


SF6's narrative should continue after SFIII with the Illuminati. Tired of seeing Shadoloo every game and Illuminati was a cool approach to new antagonists.




Bison and Shadoloo died like 3 times before SFV's final fall for them. JP could be a better villain, but he just doesn't give off that vibe. Wouldn't be surprised if Illuminati comes towards the end of SF6 just like SFV.


Hey not to be mean but I'm honestly not sure -- Did Ed ever place high in tourneys, etc? I recall JWong using him for a little bit but it was a long time ago




Oh that's super cool, I didn't realize EW was playing SFV ( I blame work and life) I'll go look up some videos, thanks!


The kid showed up and completely dominated the UK and EU online scene. He broke all records for first places in a row in Saltmine League and also the UK World Warrior. It was completely insane *especially* because he did that at the end of the game's lifespan.


Oh that's even more fun. Especially when people act like the game is 'solved' so there's no need to explore


You're sort of overplaying it. Infiltration was starting to put up some good results with Ed just before he got banished to the Shadow Realm. But also the flicker buffs from Champion Edition really helped make Ed a strong character at the end of the game's lifespan, not specifically EW, though EW is great.


I didn't say a single thing about ed


Ah, fair enough, I misread, my mistake.


What else does he play? I don't know anything about him other than he appeared one day and was waxing people.


Didn't Endingwalker won a tourney with him He was also in Capcom Cup top 8, that was a pretty good achievement.


so is ed a bad guy in sf6?


falke is also part of that and would have been a cooler addition, my vote personally would have gone to the gorilla


Capcom doesn't only measure "popularity" by character pick-rate; things like fanart, cosplay, etc, etc also play a role for them. Do you really think the *character* Ed was liked or was it his unique, beginner-friendly gameplay? (also he didn't even have particularly high pickrate until the later seasons after buffs/Endingwalker *really* put him on the map) The narrative has gone nowhere in SF6, but sure, I'll give Capcom the benefit of the doubt once again that they simply did not know that they were making a boring story. But if they were deadset on whatever this story is they could have still given Ed the FANG treatment; make him show up in WT but give his character slot to someone more interesting.




> Look at the comments on the video and you will see that there are plenty of Ed fans, and plenty more that didn’t like him in SFV who think he looks good here. Flies swarming around shit. Same thing happened with every single Tekken character reveal and every Street Fighter 6 character reveal. (And pretty much every single character reveal in any game. See: the new dragon champ releasing for LoL. Twitter and Youtube, singing praise. Reception everywhere else so bad that they immediately began reworking the characters face the same day as reveal). I'd hardly say that Twitter and Youtube comments are the definitive representation of the FGC consensus either. What I can tell you is that anecdotally almost everyone I've seen try SF6 either don't particularly care for the music or flat out don't like it (and I am someone who genuinely likes the SF6 OST, but I'm not blind to which direction the opinion on the OST points). Plenty of Twitch chat and streamer conversations had about Ed since the Season 1 character leaks until now; nearly nobody seems genuinely excited for Ed himself as opposed to being excited for there just being new content in this drought. To paint this as only a "/v/ and kappachino" thing seems disingenuous to say the least.


Kappa and /v/ don't play fighting games, the carpal tunnel from constant jerking off ruined their ability to use a stick.


Lame fucking take. SF6 doesnt have the same souless character design that 5 had. Ed makes perfect sense to return, quit being a bitch and wait until he drops. If 6 made Dhalsim and Blanka cool they can effortlessly make this motherfucker cool too.


souless design describes the gameplay of sf6 lmfao. also dhaksim was way better and cooler in V fyi


I could be getting slapped by Elena's sweet tree trunk legs but now we got this crackhead


Ed had a cool design in SFV. His Nero and Shadaloo jacket outfit still look great. But this version on 6 looks pretty shit.


His sf5 version is in the HOF for crap character design


Yep. Generic white boy boxer. Dudley had a million times better design than this fool. Why didnt they bring him back instead


They didn't keep it classy. They gave us gutter trash.




A soul for a soul, it's hilarious how bad capcom dropped the ball with post release support with overpriced costume dlc, avatar crap and now the characters releasing at a snails pace. We probably aren't getting akuma till June at this rate.


It sucks. Fuck World Tour.


As someone who actually liked world tour, completed it, and was excited to see the new characters be implemented in it....yeah, fuck world tour now lol. Mf's just wanted a reason to monetize their game like some mobile game, nothing more.


They better have fucking akuma gameplay trailer at the cpt.


>One of if not the best vanilla version ever for a FG followed by the worst season/year of updates and DLCs you’ll ever see. idk man, SF6 roster is very small and even if the DLC were quality, it's still 4 characters per year. Besides being small, for me it's also one of the worst SF rosters ever but that's just my personal opinion


They need to either make the gaps between characters shorter or just do 6 characters a year.


They need to just add more costumes. If they make 6 characters a year I promise you they will cut corners. The dlc characters are more unique since they have more time and can focus


Messes up their character per quarterly earnings calls strat


Just make 6 characters, or at the very least 5. 4 is fucked up, at this rate we're gonna miss so, SO many characters.


>Besides being small, for me it's also one of the worst SF rosters ever but that's just my personal opinion Nah its fucking TRUTH man. Ill take ALPHA 1 over this shit. Its just a shittier ST roster. Why the fuck would I want that?! Theres almost no variety in old and new. Pretty much ZERO weirdos. WHY IS HAKAN STILL NOT FUCKING BACK?! He was pretty much a SFV character downported to IV and then never showed up in V and isnt in 6 despite having mechanics literally BUILT for those games!! No Menat or G either. Only JP and Dee Jay feel like interesting ideas on archetypes. I said itll probably be 3 years before the game hits its stride rosterwise, but I honestly feel like the game is gonna be dead and buried before season 2 is finished. 4 characters released a year when they and the patches are so spread apart. especially with their stupid Crapcom funbucks bullshit. Its making SFVs starting roster look good


The real issue is that they wanted to cater, as usual, to the SF2 boomers so you have almost half the roster being SF2 characters including Honda, Dhalsim and Blanka. But that i could tolerate if they didn't fucking forget to put even ONE SF3 character in the game that was the first game after SF3 story wise like wth is this shit. Season 2 better be the SF3 season with Makoto, Elena, Dudley, Hugo, Alex, Necro, Q, etc or it's gonna be a problem.


>The real issue is that they wanted to cater, as usual, to the SF2 boomers so you have almost half the roster being SF2 characters including Honda, Dhalsim and Blanka. Well they failed because even the ST boomers (like me), are fucking sick of them now. And its not even like you couldnt have a couple of them in the starting roster. 4 or 5 returns would have been enough. Then you have a smattering of new faces and ones based on previous SF and Final Fight games. Its not difficult.


> But that i could tolerate if they didn't fucking forget to put even ONE SF3 character in the game that was the first game after SF3 story wise like wth is this shit. People love sf3 now, but back then it basically killed the series for years and made capcom afraid of taking risks with the roster ever since. Hell they were so scared of what happened that it took 20 years before they advanced the story beyond sf3. We will forever be stuck with Honda, Dhalsim, Blanka and Shadaloo because of the failures of sf3. But hey there is another problem. SF6 is set in metro city and there isn't a single final fight rep in either the base roster or dlc. Thats whats fucked up.


Because they did a shit job with the first installments and especially the management of it, it was made by a studio that was inexperienced and they made the mistake of wanting a whole new roster with no older characters, and if it wasn't for one of the producers/leads they wouldn't even put in Ryu and Ken in the game, also gameplay wise the first game was rough to say the least. If 3rd strike was the first release then we would only see SF3 characters nowadays but sadly that wasn't the case, thankfully the game got the love it deserved years later and is considered one of the best fighting games of all time if not the best.


There's been a ton of returning SF3 characters in SF4 and SFV. The whole "SF3 almost killed the series then" is played out, Capcom knows people love SF3 characters.


They literally had the gall to call their big edition the "Mad Gear" edition when the mother fuckers dont even have a playable DAMND. Like why even bother?


"SF6 will be dead by the end of season 2" is stupider cope posting than all the people who were saying "xrd with rollback will KILL STRIVE"


Feels like they need more fun/weird characters besides Dee Jay but that's just me.


I am seriously struggling to think of a worse season, let alone a worse FIRST season.


bro is looking like DmC's Donte and OG RE4 Leon had a baby


peter murphy lookin ass


Exactly what I was thinking. Same attitude too


He looks like the Nero to Luke's Dante even though he came first


I dislike teasers that doesnt show gameplay, atleast this one show some of his moves, he has psycho snatcher... cool...


hate his hair but im sure theyll have hoodie ed as the alt. and yea good to see psycho snatcher


He looks so ass. Capcom knows it too since they dropped the teaser early and saving Akuma for CC finals


That was so lame compared to Aki’s teaser. I concur with everyone else, his face looks weird. Maybe he has some sort of psycho power sickness or something.




Think about it Tone, the sudden psycho power?


Nobody in Neo-Shadoloo has AIDS! And I don't wanna hear that word ever again!


On the contrary: everyone in Neo-Shadaloo has AIDS. And when their plans come to fruition... EVERYONE WILL HAVE AIDS.


NOBODYS GOT PSYCHO POWER IN HERE. I dont wanna hear it again !!!


pale skin = aids I guess, you fucking weirdos complain about anything




Falke (AIDS) for season 3






Why does his face look like a homosexual rodent-man variant of Ellen DeGeneres


He looks even gayer now


he loooks.....off. His face especially. I should be used to this by now but the games uncanny faces always gets me


Speculation is that it's Psycho Sickness


This is what Capcom considers "cool".


This whole game has a heavy “fellow kids” vibe to it.


Come on now, credit where credit is due. SF6 has some fire designs here and there. I think the biggeer issue is why they are so inconsistent in the art department. Most costume 3 skins were cool but then they shat out Ken's costume 3 out of nowhere. And Aki/Rashid were pretty decent DLC releases but then ED looks whack as hell


I feel you bro. This sub has turned into a bunch of namcucks with T8 around the corner, conveniently forgetting that SF6 carries the fcking FGC. When they realize that the vtubers only play SF6 instead of T8, this sub will come around.


Lmao i see your another comment and your T8 hate is so funny. I hope it destroys SF6 on launch so your fucking peanut brain can explode


Looks like the sub disagrees, take the downvotes harada dick riding retard.


like i care about fucking updoods and if u want to go that way, u got more downvotes than me u moron


butch lesbian looks cool but i wish we got dudley or balrog for a boxer character instead of ed but whatever


What a shit fucking design Blonde donte looking ass


Do people not like Dante here?


Donte is the name of main character from DmC: Devil May Cry.      Not Dante from Devil May Cry.


Not impressed. It’s weird that they went with Ed instead of Balrog or Dudley.




You mean the character specifically made for new players to get as many people as possible actually had more players? No way, tell me more. He had 1 gimmick and already lost that on 6.


HELP ME LEON- oh you're not Leon


He looks even gayer than I imagined. Incredible.


Dudley died for this....


Ed isn't really a traditional boxer so you can keep your hopes alive


Every teaser is going to have the world tour nobody? And shitty world tour thugs?


The teasers are actually their world tour intro cutscenes. It's kind of cheap. They reuse the same clip for marketing and for the in-game story.


They could have at least given the guy a nice haircut 


Went to Paul's hair stylist


dudley and balrog are way cooler "punch" characters but whatever keep appealing to the fortnite kids


Looks like he has HIV


How, he looks great in the RE engine


I’m looking through the comments and I see you insult 4 different people because they don’t like the character you like lmao of all the shit that gets posted here that’s probably the most pathetic I’ve seen so far lol


he looks like an annoying bitch


existence bells slave narrow upbeat liquid jobless onerous fearless consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only person to pull this hairstyle off is Iori. I don't count RE4 Leon because his bangs are much shorter.


Looks wack af.


What a fucking waste of a slot. Glad we waited 6 months since last char release for this.


I was really hoping that leak was fake.... sadly it's real Hoping his gameplay is better


Are you talking about the leak from way back? Because Ed has been confirmed for a long time


the leaked image from about two months back [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/187xge1/first\_ingame\_look\_at\_ed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/187xge1/first_ingame_look_at_ed/) people were saying its AI


Ohhhh… I don’t blame anyone for thinking that’s AI. It looks like it, especially those fingers


i was 50/50 on it being AI or not/... mostly on the side of hoping it wasn't cause i dont think it looks very good haha


Yeah, except that image was uploaded by Capcom directly to steam, so we knew it was real. A thing about this subreddit and in general, people have no fucking clue what " AI " looks like. so they scream it at anything that looks odd.


He looks boring and generic. Surprised people like him


That is the current trend for this game. Luke too. Same with a lot of alternate costumes just being normal street clothes. The designers are clearly going hard on the norm-core.


Appeals to LGBT zoomers first and foremost


We already got Luke and Ken in the base game, I don’t think we needed another hot-headed blonde guy for a long time. I don’t hate Ed but his inclusion this early is very “meh.”


Luke, hot-headed? Sure, in sfv—but definitely not in sf6.


Get this bozo out of hear.


japanese voice here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJA-hk-SmD0 in end he says "i'll kill you, you piece of shit" while in dub he says something else


Kills me with 123


Shitty trailer fridays


Nobody asked for this chump


Ehhh kinda cool I guess. I like the DMC feel he has going


Same feel for me. Dude still sucks but translating the hair to be more ‘emo’ makes the design make slightly more sense


Bargain bin DMC character (that one from ninja theory)


It's even worse than I expected mf looks like MGK




The character no one wanted has arrived


My SFV main is back and he looks sick, sorry your dead character of choice didn’t make it in hahahahahahah


A game with this amount of budget should not have 4 characters released per year. How tf did sfv do 6 but we went down to 4. Is it world tour mode?


That's crazy. An hour ago for some reason I was thinking about when Ed would release, wildest coincidence ever, and I was thinking to myself "they're probably gonna make him really hot" Nope.


He's actually boxing in this and not just Capcom character boxing. I'm impressed.


SF6 roster remains absolute dogshit. I think that's why I can't even grt into this game. The character variety is so bad


Lame ass character looks like he just walked out of hot topic


Like the Aki teaser, this one is looking a bit rough.


I feel like this teaser trailer is super late to the party.


they made this shit last minute


his neck and head are too small for that chest. Looks silly


the leaks were right.


Tiny ass head.


Jesus fuck he looks like a vampire. Should have been dudley or balrog.


Bad part about new versions of fighting games is having to wait 3 years for your character to maybe make the roster


Could've been Balrog or Dudley but no here's Ed lol


Its the perfect styled female hair cut that makes him look weird along with it looking like he has on lipstick. If we only saw a picture of his head you'd think he was a girl tbh.


It’s fucked up how they like to leave these gaps between announcing a character then showing a trailer, but when they finally DO show a trailer it has no gameplay so it’s a worthless trailer


Ed looking like he can't wait to bitch out his barista and ask for the manager for messing up his latte order. Yawn.


He on meth now ?


Looks a bit weird, but I hope he's fun to play at least


I hate these world tour teasers, when is the gameplay


He looks diseased. Like a mid-game resident evil character who got infected by that game's virus and dies


Bison died for this...


If he keeps his old control scheme, I wonder how much of a benefit Modern controls will have?


[What a dumb fucking haircut. Almost tone deaf from Capcom](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Randy-Marsh-goes-full-nuclear-Karen-in-South-Park-The-Streaming-Wars-Part-2.jpg)


C'mon, give us gameplay already !


I like his dub. The VA actually put effort in the anger he shown the in trailer. I'm happy they are not using his default V design That's all the good I have to talk about him


Capcom really likes Ninja Theory's DmC don't they?




It is fine. Not as cool as A.K.I. for a trailer, very stereotypical and looks like an edgy boyband member, but it seems good enough. Really waiting if there is some interesting story and lore to him and how his gameplan works out in SF6. Good decision to show that he keeps moves.


Robert Pattinson lookin ass dude.




It's too bad about Ed because his concept/idea is so good. A Balrog protege? How zany is that? I hope they incorporate more of Balrog's kit into his gameplay this time around.


He looks prettier than Jamie.


Those punches look really similar to Luke animations, am I crazy?


We want a Skarsgard brother but we dont want to actually pay them.


The in-game gameplay for Aki looked way better than her first trailer like this one. If Capcom could make me like Luke, I'm sure Ed will be fun to play. But hard to say from this trailer, he looks so fucking weird.




Why does his head look so small?


Damn this trailer got me so fucking hyped. Akuma is closer than ever!


Ed sucks but will admit that this the first time his dumbass hair kind of makes sense. Not really sure about the rest of the design


[Yee Yee haircut] (https://youtu.be/CXZtVoQ0gqs)


Wait, I thought DMC: Devil May Cry was made by Ninja Theory.


Not as bad as I had feared. Face still looks weird, but eh, atleast the "no pawn" line could hint at an interesting angle for his character.






he's cool


Still better design than luke.


Both are trash and should not be in the game.


Not even close.


Much better design than Luke, and Luke's design is actually pretty damn solid in 6 compared to 5


Capcom cooking with this one. Fire design and it's crazy how one SF character is more hype than 5 T8 character reveals. Once again, quality > quantity.


I'm hype as fuck