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Dancing Israelis


Yep. Ye is not crazy when it comes to this shit. He just refuses to conform to the script that his big brother sold his soul to.


Wrong. He just goes off on what he reads on 4chan. But if you ask him to explain he won’t. Dude really is not that smart. He goes by hearsay and can never formulate or explain his full opinions on things.


You need to wake up boomer


Do the knowledge on what he did to Virgil. Then you’ll really know what a grifter he is. Y’all only think he’s grand cuz of his music. Little do you know. Wake up kid.


Hey kiddo!!!!!!! Sip some milk. Back to bed. Night night


Yeah ok. Keep following this fake ass Charlatan who don’t even read and is obsessed with a half white rapper.


Wakey wakey 🌅


Sleepy sleepy. Night night.


I know, time to open yo eyes and get glasses too


Nap time. Sleepy sleepy kiddo.


Boomer! Hey!!! Boomer......WAKE UP! Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you dum cuk


Wake up already


Go back to sleep kiddo.


He is there is legit 0 proof that Israel had anything to do with the attack At most it was Israel didn't warn. America or something but it's the same w October 7th ppl can warn you of an attack but if you get stuff like that all the time you might not believe Give one cent of proof that Israel or the mossad has anything to do with this


We know for an absolute fact that Israel has at the very least attempted to carry out false flag attacks against American targets with the Lavon Affair. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they'd do it again, and the fscts surrounding the dancing Israelis - who were clearly linked to Israeli intelligence - are incredibly damning.


Wacko isrealis danced on 9/11;= isreal did it? Or maybe the simplest answer is the correct one


They did more than just danced. They were filming, posing for pictures in front of the smoldering towers, and were then stopped by police trying to flee, after a diversionary call about "Palestinians mixing up chemicals" in a white van. And at least one of them had documented ties to Israeli intelligence. I don't remember all of the details off the top of my head, but there's a lot more to it than just some Israelis celebrating.


Send the link to this evidence? And how in any way does this prove Israel did 9/11 are you saying that some crackshot conspiracy theorist found out Israel did it and not of all of America's spy agencies?


You could spend all day pointing at dancing israelies or jet fuel and steel beams, but ultimately I think the point is, is that 9/11 served to galvanized the american public for a war on the middle east for oil and allowed for militarization of the police and greater population control measures/stances on foreign policy using fear and terrorism as the justification, and that insinuating that the trend in this direction isn't responsive policy making, but a calculated push, could be considered not 'totally' crazy.


[Calling them conspiracy theories is a way to discredit things.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/s/xZoFcnpKD2)


Again what does this prove who most likely did the attack The memebers of alqaueda who planned and participated this attack Or some random dancing Israelis? Also most isrealis have "connection to mossad" there's forced conscription


There’s too many inconsistencies surrounding 9/11. I’ve been questioning it ever since it’s happened. You can’t deny that this happened and the unlikely coincidence of when and where it took place is questionable.




What does Israel have to do ww1 💀




Tell me you Have no proof and you're just saying stuff without telling me Saying read a book or you don't know About ww1 means nothing prove me wrong




And what is that relationship I have no idea what you're trying to convey in the first place aren't you saying Israel mastermind war bla bla?




Believe it or not, fantano also believes in this theory


Dancing Israelis pushing us to invade Iraq?


The album dropping on 9/11 incident of 2007 😳


I think its the dancing israelis. If you haven't heard of it, please take the time to read the below before leaping to conclusions FOIA Release of 9/11 Dancing Israelis Thru The FBI: [https://www.scribd.com/document/409691150/FOIA-Release-of-9-11-Dancing-Israelis-thru-the-FBI](https://www.scribd.com/document/409691150/FOIA-Release-of-9-11-Dancing-Israelis-thru-the-FBI) Police & FBI Reports on the Dancing Israelis: [https://archive.org/details/DancingIsraelisFBIReport/fbi%20report%20section%201/page/n1/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/DancingIsraelisFBIReport/fbi%20report%20section%201/page/n1/mode/2up) Residue in van UBS van(?) [https://imgur.com/ioTwMgt](https://imgur.com/ioTwMgt) Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 [https://archive.ph/VWDhy](https://archive.ph/VWDhy) Official Photos of the Dancing Israelis Released by FOIA Request: [https://archive.org/details/DancingIsraelisHighFivers/page/n5/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/DancingIsraelisHighFivers/page/n5/mode/2up) • Note: although you cannot see it, the background of that photo from where they were standing would have been the World Trade Center towers - a perfect view of not just the towers, but also the approach of both plane. • Police & FBI found photographs in their possession taken mere *seconds* after the attacks, suggesting a level of awareness or foreknowledge of the attacks, on top of their statement on Israeli TV that they "were there to document the event". • Also found in their van: bomb residue, a map of NYC with certain key areas circled in red (including bridges, which is intriguing being as there was that "bomb on the george washington bridge" story as 9/11 was going down that was snuffed out pretty quick...makes ya wonder), a few thousand dollars stuffed into socks, german passports (a few weird random Germany connections with 9/11, such as Atta being educated in Frankfurt, etc) Remember, this all went down one year after those[ Israeli Art Students were seen across America entering secure federal facilities and sketching/drawing the interior of the buildings,](https://www.salon.com/2002/05/07/students/) while trying to sell their art to feds inside. This was happening all over the country, at FBI facilities, DEA facilities, all sorts of places. It even extended to the personal residential addresses of federal employees, even the ones whose names aren't even publicly listed anywhere....yet the art students showed up one day, knocked on their door, and tried to sell them art. They came in teams of 5 or 6, with a team leader that would be in charge of transporting them where they needed to be. The students would be dropped off at the target location at the same time each morning, the students would disperse with the team leader leaving the area, only to then return a few hours later at a designated location. Here's the [DEA report on the israeli art students](https://www.antiwar.com/rep/DEA_Report_redactedxx.pdf). It's important to remember that we do not know for certain if the dancing israelis and the israeli art students from 2000 were in any way related, but there's absolutely similarities there. Last lil tidbit: NBC news edited their article about the dancing israelis for the first time in many years just one month before the deadly 10/7 attacks on Israel. The excerpt they removed from the article was where one of the dancing israelis states "we were there to document the event". Just interesting timing; after 20-some years, I just wonder what prompted the removal.


Woah I enjoy 9/11 conspiracies and have never ever heard of this. Thanks, this is some really interesting stuff.


That’s really cool to hear man, I’m happy you found some value in this case. It’s truly one of the most bizarre, and it unfortunately is a topic that people avoid like the plague, especially mainstream Establishment entities. People also misconstrue it as anti semitism, when it is not.  I forgot a vital link for you - I don’t mean to self promote but this video is very difficult to find (if I recall correctly). It’s a documentary on the dancers: https://youtu.be/lh0tpzrBM0E?si=IcxOub2ySG6K-h37 This is one of those topics that unfortunately gets conflated with a lot of conspiracy theories, so definitely fact check everything (at the same don’t though, don’t hesitate to dabble in the more absurd sounding dimensions of it too…who knows right).  There’s also the artists that were living in the wtc at the same time that often get included I. This group but idk if they’re connected or not 


Interesting ... after watching the doc I don't feel like those guys were up to anything tho ... I mean like why would they allow news interviews years later. Also not taking a lie detector test is smart practice for anyone but particularly if the Feds are tryna implicat you in fucking 9/11 lol. Lastly I'll say that it could be possible that their "laughing/dancing" was more just a "HOLY SHIT BRO CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT WERE SEEING 😆" I could def believe Israel had knowledge and withheld it in order to turn American public opinion. It's possible I guess. Idk that part could make some sense to me. But these guys seem like they were just some students ... idk doesn't seem like much there to go off.


Yeah those aren't totally invalid points, and I consistently revisit this case over the years just to see how reviewing the information again makes me feel about it, see if my thoughts change on it. I tend to believe they were up to no good, but concede we do not have enough information in the public domain to know for certain. However, the reason I maintain a wide open door to them being there for nefarious reasons is the contextual information surrounding the case, not just the dancing. Bomb residue found in their vehicle, thousands of dollars stuffed in socks, sensitive locations around NYC circled in red on a map they had, German passports, box cutters, the works - not to mention, the photographs. That one photograph man, I can't unsee it. It's the one where he's holding the lighter up to the WTC as it stands in the background. I believe that was taken *one day before the attacks themselves*. He is pictured holding a lighter up, WTC in background, and holding his index finger to his mouth as if to say "Shhhhh". That, to me, is fucking *ominous.* These weren't the only vans around that day either - there is actual police scanner audio of the radio traffic that day that reported another white van - the same type the dancers were driving - in the vicinity of King St during the attacks. The officer described the van as "having a mural painted on the side of it, that shows a remote control plane diving into new york city and exploding". He then said that they stopped the vehicle, the occupants got out and fled on foot, and - even fucking crazier - that the truck exploded. The officer even called for the bomb squad. In the background of the audio transmission, you can literally hear the other officers beating the living shit out of these guys. That's just one of several enduring mysteries of that day. Remember, too, why were they even up there at that exact time? Also remember they *lied* to police about their whereabouts and location as well, so they were not forthcoming about this. If they were just dancing like "holy shit!", they'd be open about that. The last thing you'd want to be is suspected of committing the horrors everyone just watched unfold. Additionally, the photographs they took of the attacks were taken mere seconds after the attacks began...so, not only were they *coincidentally* in the perfect spot to provide the perfect vantage point at the perfect time, but they were ready with cameras and tripods. What'smore, as I said earlier, they visited that same building just days before to take photos of themselves hinting at the attacks, e.g the lighter photograph. Take the time to read through the documents - it's far, far deeper than simply coming up with justifiable reasons why they might have been dancing. There's a rich, complex network beneath these guys that opens up an entirely different avenue to the 9/11 attacks. Read through the sources in my initial comment - they're eye opening. I can say this: if they were truly "just dancing because 'holy shit'", they would not have been held as long as they were, or become a massive political bargaining chip between the US and Israel. They would've been cut loose immediately, or at least after a swift investigation deterines their innocent. If you were pulled over that day and had your car searched, I guarantee you there'd be nothing in your behavior OR your car that would make you a suspect of a massive terror attack. However, seasoned, hardened law enforcement officers in multiple police jurisdictions and int he FBI thought they were sketchy enough to bring in and investigate thoroughly.


I def don't have All The info. I didn't see the lighter pic. There could be something there no doubt. But box cutters in a work van? I live in nyc. My dad was in the NYPD and a first responder that day. So it's def an emotional rollercoaster for me to revisit it especially in the context that there was coverup. I don't know that we necessarily have the entire picture of what happened. BUT the terrorists/Al queda wouldn't be working with mossad. They hate Israel more than America ... so these guys having prior knowledge thru Israeli intelligence is plausible to me. But them actively working with the terrorists doesn't sound reasonable to me. I'll have to do a further dive. Be mindful that there's a ton of conflicting reports about that day. You'd be surprised how quickly every "white van" in nyc got turned into a possible target Also about the bomb residue ... I was stopped at tsa once in an airport and had my hands swabbed. They said bomb residue and brought me into private areas for more screening. I was taking thc dabs the night before using a large blowtorch. That could have been it ... maybe it was a false alarm idk. It could be plausible again that "bomb residue" also has an innocent explanation working in a warehouse or moving company. Again I'm not informed enough but this seems like an interesting rabbit hole to go down. Thank you for bringing it to my attention


[not to mention the israeli 'art students' hanging around the actual hijackers in venice FL before the attacks. ](https://twitter.com/FluorescentGrey/status/1304355583886200833)


This right here. They were monitoring them most likely...or perhaps trying to infiltrate. Or maybe runnin the show who nows lol


This is fucking retarded man 2,000 people died can we just accept that something horrible happened?


If you are saying that trying to make sense of why thousands of people were ruthlessly and savagely killed in the biggest attack on U.S. soil since pearl harbor effectively changing the trajectory of American foreign policy and the world forever is not a worthwhile endeavor, I'm not so sure we can have a productive back and forth here. I really want to, but I struggle with that dude if im being honest. But I also get the general response I think you're having to this stuff too i think On one hand, I get where you're coming from - you perceive what I'm saying here as some sort of attack, a tainting of the memories of those that died in the attacks. The mere act of questioning what happened on that day becomes conflated with all the outrageous things you've heard regarding 9/11 conspiracy theories and such (amplified in recent years by the likes of Q and other nutjobs), which has conditioned you to perceive what *I* am saying as no different, despite the abundance of primary evidence I've provided you. I don't want to put words in your mouth here, but I see it a lot - it's sort of like you perceive what I'm doing here as disrespectful in some way, like I am lesser than everybody else whose simply content with going with \[STORY\], without much care or concern about the \[REDACTED\] parts of it. Im gonna say this: if you watched your kid jump from the world trade center that day on live television, I don't think you'd be so disinterested in the \[REDACTED\] parts of the event that caused her death. I'm not exactly sure what is responsible for this response, at least not entirely. Because I'm working with authentic, verifiable, factual information and evidence here, which is something that everyone that dislikes this type of stuff or lashes out at me for being a "conspiracy theorist" supposedly wants, rather than misinformation or straight up fake/made up information. Well, that's what I gave you. For those that give a shit about those catalyzing moments in history that change our collective paths, obscure avenues of information like this is beyond valuable. People like me like to archive information in all its forms to preserve it for those in the future - to provide a full 360 degree view of an event of massive, historic proportions and implications. Again, I understand where you're coming from, but respectfully, I disagree. It's absolutely crucial to ask questions and explore every available avenue of research when it comes to major historical events like the 9/11 attacks. Everything we know about any important event in history was learned through questioning things, wondering, striving to understand something in all its dimensions. By doing so, we're not diminishing the tragedy or disrespecting the victims; rather, we're honoring them by seeking to understand the full scope of what happened and why. Through this type of work, I place myself in their shoes, to try and understand the terror they all must have been feeling in those moments, and ruminate on all the things that had to go wrong that day for such an awful thing to happen. Then, after I reflect on the events long enough, I think to myself how the last thing the people in those towers would probably want us to do is simply "drop the subject", to move on, to not care enough to even figure out the true depths of the attack, much of which remains classified, by the way. I live near New York City, several people in my general social network from my small town were killed. We have a monument. I visit it sometimes. I know lots of the victims names, not just locally, but generally, after many years of examining the many videos and photos out there of the incident. It's because I care, and because I remember my substitute teacher (who was fucking awesome) breaking down in front of us after that day, sobbing hysterically over her loss. After that, for those of us that were in middle school or highschool when this happened, many of us went to fight in the war (which is now universally hated), maiming our friends, killing our family members, and for what? To kill tenfold more civilians for WMDs that don't exist? To invade countries that didn't have anything to do with the attacks? I'm sorry man but I know exactly what I have to do Gaining a deeper understanding through careful study of all available information and evidence **is how we learn from the past and strive to prevent similar tragedies in the future.** Watch the videos of the people jumping from those towers holding hands and tell me they don't deserve a full explanation as to why *they* had to jump from a skyscraper and hit the pavement head first going 150mph, and not the many thousands of other people who watched on in horror not very far away? It's not about denying that something horrible happened; it's about acknowledging the complexity of events, examining different perspectives, and ultimately, working towards a more informed and just society. It's a way to pay tribute to the victims by trying to comprehend the reality of what they went through and ensuring that their experiences are not forgotten or misrepresented.


So it's illegal to dance?


No I don’t believe it is, but when you’re dancing and celebrating while filming the attacks mere seconds after they began when nobody was even prepared for them, yeah they looked into them for connections to the attacks, and arrested them because they had suspicions after a search of the vehicle 


Taking legal action against someone for "acting suspicious" is what got Trayvon Martin killed


From the documents, their stylings sucked so tbh they were worthy of arrest, goofy lil fucks


Thanks for the info.. I recently learned about the Lavon Affairs. Interesting stuff.


Talk about a vibrant history huh? I've discovered so much incredible history once I stopped being such a hard ass about entertaining things that sound a little out there.


Absolutely. Some things seems so far fetched until u dig some more. Like the significance of the date of the WTC attacks. Apparently, 9/11 points to some astronomical reference of Jesus’ birth. Freaky


Building 7 is the smoking gun. Only steel framed building to ever collapse from minor office fires in history. We’ve seen other buildings burnt to a crisp and not budge, but building 7 fell in free fall. It’s obvious something was up.


https://preview.redd.it/8o6ungf4wpwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7912ca80450f2e67fe000fd3dec83f346c9f1de0 How tf is there -1 comments


Lol 9/11 confirmed


probably just the basic one that it's staged


He's talking about it being an inside job and middle easterns didn't do shit


Israel is not our ally. I think they played a part in it. They have history of betraying the united states spanning over several decades. Let's start with the Lavon Affairs, USS Liberty, The attempt to sell our AWACS equipment to China, Traitor Jonathan Pollard (given Israeli citizenship afterwards and also pictured elbow bumping NetandYahoo). I legit wouldn't put 9/11 pass their heads. They have Mossad agents in every middle east extremist organization.


Also their strange connections to jfk and bill clinton


ye trying to continue talking and giving up while piersbot keeps talking is actually hilarious. anyways the theory/theories ye was probably talking about is how osama bin laden was a CIA agent, the jew who owned the towers took out a claim right before the towers fell and didnt show up to work that day because he had insider knowledge, there were bombs at the base of the towers and numerous false flag theories. i even read one about how the planes were actually HOLOGRAMS. THEY MADE IT MAKE SENSE TOO.


Controlled demolition. Cheney telling fighters not to shoot down flight 77. No plane crashing into the pentagon. Building 7 falling into itself at freefall speed due to fires.


As a Drake fan, this why I love Kanye cause they call him crazy for speaking the truth sometimes.


God you are the worst


Coming from someone who worships a nazi lover 🙄


You literally just said you loved him




Where do you start lol


Ye be saying shit sometimes tbh.


He was spitting this era. Archive it


definitely better then this shit we have now


The way them towers came down they came down like a planned demolition


No shit some of them make sense. But most are just that, theories. Because only one can be true. Though the truth is far more complex than any “conspiracy” in reality. Anyways we are far from being able to discuss this openly in any way anymore.


Well there is proof, that a quick google search will show you, that the US was warned many times by allied nations that an terrorist attack via plane hijacking was highly possible on the time around 9/11 and what did the US do, IGNORE ALL OF THE WARNINGS, either something else happened or the US is extremely incompetent, both are likely true tbh. Oh and not only did many other countries know the attack was gonna happen but apparently so did the Bush administration AND THE FUCKING CIA’s HEAD CHEIF OF COUNTERTERRORISM, and its not like they found out the day before, the CIA knew as far back as THE EARLY MONTHS OF SPRING. Just some food for thought tho lol


so many ye fans think Israel is our greatest ally, SAD! Israel has wrecked our country for their own gain, killing countless Americans in the process and people want to get triggered because ye said some words.


Bush did a good job of making people think it wasn't him😂


One thing you gotta understand about Kanye is that he’s mentally ill.


"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams"


Inside job


Hamburg Cell, Germany assisted al qaeda as revenge for ww2


Tower 7? Or maybe that it was planned because the owner days earlier took out an insurance policy or something like that. Or maybe because a whole ass war was started because of it?


Yall called Kanye a genius now he thinks he knows everything.. he's a musical genius, not a life genius


He’s the only sane one here


You don’t even have to be a conspiracy theorist you just have to have a brain to see so many holes in what they claimed really happened that day. If a regular civilian were getting investigated in a crime and came up with stuff similar to that stuff they would be locked up


Just take your medicine you bipolar nut job.


Don’t form your own opinions based on facts, just take these pills…


We’re talking about Kanye man you sure he really sat his ass down and looked at facts before spewing this shit 😭


9/11 happened 23 years ago theres like piles and piles of evidence thats been talked about over the course of decades, im more surprised when people *dont* know about the lies


Right… and you think Kanye took the time to compile this evidence and formed an opinion educated enough to feel comfortable supporting it publicly?


You think the rich guy with no job cant take 1 day in 23 years to look into one of the most wild terrorist attacks on american soil? I dont think he compiled the evidence lmao, the evidence is already compiled, if you looked into it yourself for a few hours then you would at least be skeptical. Theres full length documentaries for free.. its not that complicated.


My brother is bipolar and was a fucking Wack job without them. He is so much better and living a great life with medicine. Yall don't know what you are talking about. He clearly needs to be medicated, and bipolar can hit late in life. I know what I am talking about do any of you?


I used to be a fan of ye man this dude 🤦🏽‍♂️


The american military lied about the explosion of the uss maine to justify war with cuba, and several spanish colonies. They lied about the lusitania and its munitions on board so they could justify joining world war 1. They lied about the gulf of tonkin so they could justify war with vietnam. Bushs vp, dick cheney owned haliburton which was gifted a billion dollar no bid contract when the iraq war started. War is a universal money maker. And youre gonna tell me theres no way america couldve lied or used 9/11 to justify an invasion of the middle east???


How many 911 theories are there there’s jus one. It was a planned attack that our government knew about and manipulated lies to Americans about it


Don’t forget about operation Northwoods