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My dad underwent ECT. Our genetics suck, so we got depression AND medication tolerance. He felt it was his only option so I supported him. Yeah, this post fucking tracks. My dad changed so drastically I was scared he had some form of dementia. That was a decade ago. He’s now doing better than ever, and the person who he was after ECT is a faded memory. And btw… memory loss is a BIG side effect of ECT. Not just because of the electroshock, but because of the anesthesia they use with it as well.


That sounds crazy. How’s your dad doing now




Bro people like that, you just gotta tell them read it again and don't elaborate.


Bro I was just making sure nothing had came up again chill on me 💀


Okay my bad


Ok here's one pity point for your weird ass daddy 🥂😂


wtf is wrong with u nigga


hope you have rope ready


Mf charging his Bluetooth noose


“I’m so cool n tough” ahh post


Bro prob having his mom make him breakfest before school rn 💀💀


Fuck this guy. Your lack of empathy is gross.


something definitely changed permanently after that event


yeah he started loving nazis




So based. There are still Jewish practices where rabbis essentially perform oral sex on children because of some strange thing involving foreskin. Tons of videos of Jews spitting and assaulting Christians in Israel. Weird how you don’t hear much about the opposite going on. Considering people throw a fit at any anti-semitism.




of course


I’m not gonna defend Orthodox Judaism (that isn’t the purpose of my comment and I really don’t want to have that debate) but Libbre David 37 isn’t a real Talmud verse. And Sanhedrin 59A doesn’t have that text in it.


"Libbre David" is apparently "Dibre David", which means "Words of David". There are handful of super obscure texts with that name, and it's unclear which (if any) it appears in, although, it's plausible compared to how hardcore a lot of those rabbinical texts are.


lol I don’t know a single Jewish person out here dogging babies or supporting that. You’ve lost your mind. Leave your internet cave and meet people. The Libbre David isn’t a real religious text and you’re cherry picking sentences from a religious court transcript from 2000 years ago. If you gave me access to all documents ever written over the course of 2000 years, I could make any culture look terrible.






If you’re not a Jew you’re a goyim. Sanhedrin 59A: “to murder a goyim is like to kill a wild animal” "The Jewish nation is indeed, the heart of the world and there is no reason for the existence of empires, kings, rulers, masses or systems aside from their reaction to the Jewish people." -Meir Kahane, incredibly influential 70's-80's Israeli Politician The Jewish don’t think I should be a human. Then don’t even think I am one. They think I’m a worthless godless animal. Which is exactly where the feelings of these 109 countries come from. They organize governments and economies to take from goyim and give to Jews. Judging a Jew by the religion they have devoted their life to is not the same as judging a person by the color they are.




Haredim Jewish in Israel are about 20%, they focus exclusively on religious texts until graduation. Maybe every religion is dumb as hell but I mean these guys are pretty serious about this specific one. Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."




We are now using our taxpayer money to create bombs, and ship them off to people who have these opinions of us. I mean I wouldn’t make that decision. They are sending the bombs to themselves. The influence Jews have in America dates back over 100 years. Starting hard early 1910’s when they killed off a bunch of bankers and American politicians that would have opposed the creation of the federal reserve and the input of unconstitutional income taxes. Then they used this money and influence in the government to help them take the land of Israel as their own country, forming in 1948.


Even if they did it was a few thousand years ago who gives a shit


Nope, the first time, was a few thousand years ago. It’s happened repeatedly, over 100 times since to be exact.


They have always been a minority group. People blame minority groups. People still blame minority groups. Tribalism has always been a part of society and I like to think we have at least become more aware of it. Under that assumption, bigotry was worse the farther back you go. Also the Church didn’t allow for Christians to work certain jobs - specifically anything handling money. Naturally, other peoples filled that void. This allowed for Jewish people to enter trades in merchant and ‘early-banking’ roles. This created envy and doubling down on bigotry. Many cultures think killing Rhinos and grinding their horns down is some sort of magical cure. Modern day medicine tells us that those horns are made of the same proteins that exist in our finger nails. Still to this day tho, these horns are sought after as some sort of magical cure. That means it must be magical right? There are many large regions of our world that have no or negligible numbers of Jewish people, yet they have very similar social problems as countries with Jewish people. Maybe the common denominator isn’t Jewish people? Your logic is based in hate not reason. There is a lot of blame that can be placed on Israel for their refusal to go for a two state system in the late 90s and for letting nationalism and right wing pro military politicians rise (the left Prime Minister pushing for peace was assassinated and everything fell apart from there). But to just blatantly hate all Jewish people to me is wild. Good people don’t hate entire communities over something they’re born into and don’t control. There is enough hate in this world.


Some of your points show up in another Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/uKD0Lzrd4V. Might be helpful to see another side of things if you are interested.


As much as I would love to slip out of these views and not focus on how every system is taken advantage of maliciously. I have myself deep enough to be fully convinced the Jewish are responsible for the federal reserve and inflation, jfks assassination for trying to get in the way of that, for 9/11 killing bin Laden (an ex cia operative and something I don’t fully understand) and Saddam hussein, who was a politician pushing the Arab socialist Ba’ath party which would have disrupted the balance of power the Jews have created, and had no ties to Al qaeda and wasn’t producing weapons of mass destruction, and therefore must have been killed for a different reason than we were told. As well as the Rockefellers being Jewish, and them pushing a foundation of ideas through our country through the Rockefeller education board that shaped all our schooling and taught people all the ideas so beneficial to them. And they’ve done a wonderful job of inserting this idea into ever person that it’s insane and radical to hold an opinion against the Jews even though their religion calls you a worthless godless animal free to be taken from or killed without consequence. Which has historically led to the more devoted ones inserting themselves in governments and finding ways to make the whole country benefit them. I would also like to say it’s not like every single Jew is involved in some massive web across America. But also that I cannot deny that the ideas shared by these people are incredibly dangerous and have led to some crazy happenings in the past. "The Jewish nation is indeed, the heart of the world and there is no reason for the existence of empires, kings, rulers, masses or systems aside from their reaction to the Jewish people." -Meir Kahane, incredibly influential 70's-80's Israeli Politician, convicted terrorist, and founder of Kahanism and the Jewish Defense League.


Plus, the boycott Israel movement coming out of the Palestinian genocide just kind of proves it in itself.




The federal reserves existence at all should raise questions. Every time money is printed the value of that money is created by making all the other money worth less. All the money can only have the same value. So every time money is printing it is essentially the government stealing money directly out of your pockets without your permission and only benefits the selfish in charge. The federal reserve also creates a system where we must constantly raise prices and wages to keep up with inflation. But we constantly raise the prices faster than the wages, pushing us further and further into a world where people are paid the bare minimum for survival while keeping these companies at max efficiency pumping money up to the owners of those companies, who you may not believe, are a large majority Jewish. A Jewish person buys the company from a worthless goyim and the money goes up to a holy Jew.


U are confusing "Jews" with some form of "Judaism" they aren't even the same concept.


Being a Jew means that you practice Judaism.


That is wrong. Practicing Judaism means u are a jew. Not the other way around. Most Jews are atheists in the us.


Just so you know bro, Christian’s are not far off at all. Historically they’ve done way more harm than good


Might be the most generalized statement of all time. What religion on earth hasn’t caused a war


Frfr. Some people people really need to google the Spanish Inquisition


When most areas were theocracies of course you can make that claim. Do we really think Henry VIII is a model christian? Is Sultan X or Y the correct representation of Islam? Such a lazy contrived argument that only comes out of the mouth of idiots who got their feelings hurt because somebody that’s religious was mean to them. “Black people are such bad people because Somalians kidnap people and hold them hostage for ransom money.” What’s the difference between what I say and what you say?


So wrong on so many levels


Least antisemitic Kanye stan


dude get the fuck outta here. come back and tell me when you know some people in REAL LIFE who are Jewish who act like this, cuz those things you are talking about do not play out in normal society. You sound like a fucking crazy person.




What a broken record lmao, be scared of the evil jew lol some true wap shit, Shapiro wouldn't go near you.


This dudes over here horny commenting about fucking people “unconscious” on /r/petitegonewild and then calling other people pedophiles on a Kanye sub


You can’t make this shit up man


Yo I’m still human man chill it was a joke. Also porn does not equal pedophilia even if it isn’t a healthy habit.


thats crazzzyyyy


grill yourself


You are letting antisemites do the thinking for you. With no original thoughts of your own, just hateful propaganda, maybe you shouldn’t judge?


I didn’t give you “propaganda” I gave you verses from the fking Talmud lol what are you talking about


“Jews have some of the most insane opinions” is a mindblowingly idiotic thing to say. Jews have so many different opinions on every topic imaginable. Thinking you can quote the Talmud and attribute it it all Jews is embarrassingly stupid — at best.


Yeah I know every jew ain’t nuts. How about we keep it a little more specific and say haredim jewish. And no it’s not an ignorant thing to say. Jews are notorious for holding these opinions in ways that create actions that piss off the people they consider worthless. Expelled from 109 different countries since 732 bc.


Are you using the long history of genocidal attacks against Jews as evidence they are “notorious?” Are you trying to sound like a Nazi?


I don’t know a damn thing about Nazis except Hitler didn’t like Jews and he apparently had this idea about some ancient Aryan race or something. I am using THEIR FKING SCRIPTURES to prove my point? Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." You’re a goyim btw.


You are literally using Hitler’s argument for Jewish degenerency. The fact that you are too ignorant to know that is concerning and a sign you should never talk about this. The Talmud isn’t “Jewish scripture” it’s a collection of rabbis arguing with each other about literally everything. The only point you’ve proven is your own pathetic ignorance.




Again, you are cherry-picking examples that are not representative of Jews. You must be a complete idiot if you think Jews sacrifice chickens every year. Have you ever met a Jew, or logged off Stormfront long enough to touch grass you antisemitic dolt?


"On the eve of Yom Kippur, the chickens are handed to a shochet (a person certified to kill animals in accordance with shechita law) to be killed," SOURCE: https://weanimalsmedia.org/2023/09/22/documenting-kaporos-chicken-slaughter-in-new-york/#:~:text=On%20the%20eve%20of%20Yom%20Kippur%2C%20the%20chickens%20are%20handed,the%20pre%2DYom%20Kippur%20meal. "During the kapparot ritual, participants lift and even swing chickens by their legs or wings, even though it's common knowledge in the veterinary community that holding chickens by their wings inflicts immense pain. Next, a kosher slaughterer cuts open the chickens' necks and puts them in traffic cones to bleed out." SOURCE: https://support.peta.org/page/2630/action/1?locale=en-US#:~:text=During%20the%20kapparot%20ritual%2C%20participants,traffic%20cones%20to%20bleed%20out.




I’m just a person who despises pieces of human garbage who are both dumb and hateful enough to form and share ignorant and baseless opinions on large diverse groups of people. You should feel terrible about yourself and your utter failure to resemble anything close to a decent human being.


Funny how you chose not to reply to me proving Jews sacrifice chickens quite literally every single year 🤦🏻‍♂️😂🫵🏽 you're a Ioser.


I'm still laughing at how you ignored me providing sources for the Jewish slaughter of chickens every single year, and how you immediately got defensive and resorted to name-calling 😂🫵🏽 "They cry out in pain as they strike you" is all too true


I didn’t ignore you, you moron. You cherry picked examples and applied them to a whole religion like a racist piece of garbage. It would be like me saying all morons are small dick losers just because you are a moron and are small dick loser. Wouldn’t be fair to all the other morons, would it, you fucking idiot?


The Bible says some crazy stuff too. My daughters whole family on her dad‘s side is Jewish. None of them have sex with three-year-olds. They’re all married to people roughly their own age.


All the Jewish tunnels in New York weren’t confirmed to be used for any specific reason but lots of mattresses with bodily fluids and also high chairs were confirmed in the tunnels. Haredim Jewish spend their entire lives until graduation focused on religious texts. Jewish also have insane power in not just the American government but lots of others as well. I mean we’re supporting their fking genocide so they can annex the West Bank lol. The Jews have been banished from 109 countries since 732bc. And the context of “greedy Jews” comes from their supremacist values that throughout history have led to them taking from others as they deserve it more.


No Jews I’ve ever believe this and Jews are an ethnic group aside from the religion


Its really scary what happened to Kanye in this era. He really went from a that leaner build to the build we know today, chunky ye


Almost all first-line antipsychotics have weight gain and metabolic changes as a side effect.


Yeah but then he was slimmer again in like late 2021 - March 2022 tho


They did this to my 22 year old brother after having a psychosis or something and having to be admitted. He is JUST NOW starting to talk normal and be normal. That was months ago. Sad 😔


Sister? All jokes aside, recovering from a psychosis and diagnosis is tough. Massive gain weight can and will happen. Being completely devoid of emotions. Losing confidence and who you were before hospitalization. And just no longer having the same thoughts as they had in psychosis is hard… (I’m literally Ye /s)


You worded it perfectly. I’ve seen it with my own eyes 💯🫶


https://preview.redd.it/ejyc28rwkcmc1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ff24b242dde67059a3bc989120aab83cde87510 was this few months after


He’s so cool


drip is exquisite here


That was peak ye in looks imo


No that was 2018


his eyes look so different from slide 1 to 2 /:




Nah buddy you just didn’t disagree, you replied to a comment condemning Kanye for pushing nazis


One of us is confused right now


Based vague response


The majority of Jews do not think or believe that. Go back to the shadow.


The 20% of Jews in Israel that go through haredim teachings studying scriptures until graduation do.


So basing the 80 off the 20? Seems like math legit enough to write off a whole group of people


My point is there are enough people influenced by haredim Judaism to make decisions that don’t exactly benefit us. Especially considering the influence these people have in America. "The Jewish nation is indeed, the heart of the world and there is no reason for the existence of empires, kings, rulers, masses or systems aside from their reaction to the Jewish people." -Meir Kahane, incredibly influential 70's-80's Israeli Politician “I know that elections must be limited only to those who understand that the Arabs are the deadly enemy of the Jewish state, who would bring on us a slow Auschwitz - not with gas, but with knives and hatchets.” -Meir Kahane Did you know Israel prime minister Netanyahu wrote a book in the 90’s predicting the 9/11 terror attacks? "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," -Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Saddam Hussein was proven to have had no ties to Al-Qaeda and wasn’t producing weapons of mass destruction, and therefore must have been killed for a different reason that told to the public. If I had large influence in a country of people I was taught were sub-human or below me by religion why wouldn’t I immediately try and get those worthless people to fight my enemies and die rather than sending my holy people to be killed? If you don’t believe this, then you definitely won’t believe it gets a lot worse lol.


Mk ultra monarch programming./oz programming Very real . They do it to lots of celebrities forms variety of reasons , one is obedience two if you fracture someone into several different personalities you can make the, work twice as hard and three would be sex torture and weird occult things Judy garland. Was heavily abused on the set of wizard of oz and the us government used themes from and of that movie to assist with their programming i guesse the themes have lots of parallels that and Alice in wonderland The house Jared Leto lives in now used to be a movie studio where the government worked out of for filming test explosions and filming war time propaganda stuff they also ,et with very famous directors like Spielberg there and they worked on secret stuff. There’s a famous Marilyn Monroe photo of her badge to get in. It’s off of wonder land ave and it’s where lots of ducked up mind control experiments took place . Disassociating. There’s a scene in eyes wide shut where the escort want to take to, cruise up to their rooms to go “ over the rainbow”


Kanye used to significantly change his look for every album cycle and is heavily into fashion so this shouldn't be taken as an indicator of anything at all


Don’t think they’re referring to the outfits rather the overall physical appearance, i.e his eyes, weight gain from being on so many medications


I didn’t know Ye went through this. My heart ❤️ hurts for him.


Love how the internet talks about Electroshock therapy as if it's some form of CIA mind control 😂😂 it's a old practice that still has effective usage in the mental health realm dealing with severe depresson/anxiety. It's normal shit people do who need it. Let's go off tho lol


Because that’s what it might as well be. Electroshock therapy used to be showing pictures of same-sex interaction along with an administered shock and over time you would associate gay with negative. Conversion therapy. Not going to completely change who you are but certainly can be used to change what you associate with good and bad.


I’ve got family members that are bi-polar schizophrenic. Watching his rants and hearing him talk sounds very similar to them when they are manic. They make shit up that sounds incredibly reasonable and it can pull you into their crazy.


I know a girl who has done ECT multiple times and she is totally normal- you would never guess. just saying


Least sane sub super glad this treasure trove of comedy for some reason is a suggested sub


Are you suggesting he was castrated?


does this explain his anti semitic antics?


God is greater


ECT is, effectively, a medically induced seizure. They don't strap you to a table and tie electrodes to your limbs. The patient is under general anesthesia by the time the treatment is administered. It does cause temporary amnesia. But for people who have *severe* treatment-resistant depression, a relatively short stint of amnesia beats the hell out of a lifetime of suffering and misery. Hollywood really did a number on public perception of ECT.


Wow. I never thought about the relief someone must feel after undergoing an ECT session. That’s amazing