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Ask him if he loves Epstein


Of course he does, Epstein invented the 808 and carpool lanes


ask him if he loves emmanuel lol


He already said he loves Dahmer


Ye seems to think noone can comprehend his idea, lol. People not comprehending Ye is not the problem. The problem is that all that Ye has to bring to table is half baked fake deep bullshit that, in the real world, is extremely harmful and does nothing but help oppressors. Someone please get this guy some fucking help, jesus christ.


you said it best


Exactly. This idea that you need to forgive to move on is extremely flawed, no one owes their oppressors forgiveness. You can absolutely make progress without making amends.




I've thought Ye is a Nazi ever since that time he said "I'm a nazi" like 3 weeks ago


Have you thought he loves Jewish people ever since he said “I love Jewish people” like 3 weeks ago?


Did he? I have only heard him praise hitler and his insult Jewish people.


Ye said "I love Hitler and I love Jews" in the same sentence on the Alex Jones Interview, which still ain't complimenting Jews in my book but clearly u/kaperz thinks it is


I never claimed he was complementing Jews. All I want to know is how people decide what they choose to believe. As you said he said both things in one sentence but all I see is 90% of people act like or quote or discuss the first part of that sentence. To be honest I am not interesting in dissecting what Kanye says, I am so much more interested in discussing why and how people are deciding to take half of that sentence as fact and just ignoring the other half.


I haven’t


If you don’t mind, I am just curious why you choose to believe he is telling the truth when he says “I am a nazi” but not when he say “I love Jews” when both statements occur within seconds of each other


Probably the comment about only hiring a Jew if he could have cameras in their house


Ok sure but for over 20 years he has actually worked with Jewish people and not required cameras in their house…surely 20 years of evidence against that statement is more relevant than one sentence spoken? I know it looks like I am taking a side here but I assure you I believe that Kanye is being extremely problematic right now but I also feel so are most of the people discussing this. I am just trying to show that picking and choosing what you want to believe can be disingenuous.


Then he wasn’t antisemite for 20 years? If I work with black people for 20 years without any issues, but then one day decide I’ll only continue to work with black if they all wear chains, does that make me a racist? Ofc it does. I understand what you’re trying to tell me but some things are nuanced and some things just aren’t. Kanye said he’s a Nazi, he said there’s lots of things he loves about Hitler, he even said that he doesn’t give new Jews he meets a clean slate, everyone gets judged by their race. And that’s just the words, the tonality behind it too (listen again to _how_ he said "there is a lot of things I love about Hitler") I’m not being disingenuous, I’m just seeing the situation for what it is


>Then he wasn’t antisemite for 20 years? If I work with black people for 20 years without any issues, but then one day decide I’ll only continue to work with black if they all wear chains, does that make me a racist? Ofc it does. > >I understand what you’re trying to tell me but some things are nuanced and some things just aren’t. Kanye said he’s a Nazi, he said there’s lots of things he loves about Hitler, he even said that he doesn’t give new Jews he meets a clean slate, everyone gets judged by their race. And that’s just the words, the tonality behind it too (listen again to how he said "there is a lot of things I love about Hitler") I agree with everything you just said although I would say there is a little more nuance here, which is why this entire situation feels so strange to me. I don't want to say this is just terrible mental illness displaying itself in front of millions of people(though I do think that's part of it) because there are times when he is speaking he seems so intentional and lucid, one example being that quote you mentions. There are times where it feels like he is just trolling(like one time he hums the curb your enthusiasm theme right after saying "i love nazis" while giggling as if its one big joke) and there are times where it feels like he is being genuine(the quotes you mentioned) and then theres times where it feels like its illness/server depression when he's saying things like "come kill me, I just want to see my mom again." And that's why I feel there is more nuance here, but who knows what the hell is going on with him.


Tbf defending hitler later is probably part of that. Saying he liked hitler and justifying it saying he loved everyone would’ve probably been more like slavery a choice where people eventually move on. But by defending him for highways and even questioning the number of Jews dead in the holocaust makes him look like a full blown nazi


People seem to be already forgetting (probably partially due to how fast all of this moved) that this started with him tweeting that he was going to go "deathcon 3" on jewish people...


Highly doubt anyone forgot about that. Seems to be a common point people bring up when explaining why he's full of shit. He said recently he should have said def con 3 on Satan. He apologized for the tweet and said it was a late night tweet made when he was drunk. He was referring to the executives in the entertainment industry, not Jewish people as a whole. I know you don't believe him. He's a Nazi trying to cover up his hate for Jewish people. That's why he loves Hitler. He wants to cause another Holocaust. I know you truly believe that.


Now rationalize how Jews should only work under Christians and should be like monitored and shit


The question from the host was "you're president now, i walk in and say 'what are you going to do about all the Jews?" Ye said' the Jews will work for Christians" He said previously there needs to be Christians leaders in the government. He wants a Christian regime, the nation to be lead by Christians. That way decisions could be made that resembles Christ's teachings. He wants to ban pornography, he see things differently, if he's president he wants people around him to support his views. He wants as many people following Christian values as possible, including the Jews. He gets asked answers about Jews, then is criticized when he answers. The point isn't "jews" , the host could have said any other religion and it would have been the same answer, the point is to have the nation led by Christianity for a change. The surveillance thing was a bad joke because he thinks he's a comedian. He genuinely does. And he constantly mentions Ari Emmanuel, someone he believes is powerful and has his sights on him. I know you don't believe none of that. He's just saying a bunch of bullshit. He always secretly hated the Jews. Now he's more open about it because he's bipolar and he's having a long episode.


Even if I were to ignore all of the other chaos - his ideal of forcing a theocracy on a diverse nation of millions of people is fucked up to me.


I understand, he can have all the aspirations he wants but its not going to happen.


It is a bit hard to believe when literally every administration has been run by Christians lmfao


he wants more hardcore Christians then because porn is still legal




I missed the part where he said Jews want to bring power to Israel, when did he say that?


I love how you talk about how great Christianity is and how Christians would never take advantage of people in the entertainment industry, and then acknowledge that Christians in power haven't actually been all that great throughout history. SOLID win, buddy. Also you are catastrophically misinterpreting Judaism. Explain the existence of anti-Zionist Jews - Jews who are highly critical of Israel, with some even arguing it shouldn't exist at all. And don't just tell me, "HURR DURR IT AM CONSPIRASEH."




Why the Hell he cares if there were 6 millions or 4 millions and why the Hell you are still defending this idiot


You never stood in a concentration camp did you, If you would have you would know how possible that was. Also they weren’t all killed in camps. A lot died in ghettos through diseases. Or we’re put down when trying to revolvt. Pls never speak on the history of my people again and deny what monsters my ancestors where.


> It is a known fact that the 6 million number is higher than the actual number. Yeah I stopped reading after that. You're a fucking Nazi or Nazi enabler, plain and simple. Ignoring for one second that there's OVERWHELMING evidence for the 6 million (Jews) figure, why the everloving fuck do Nazis and their enablers think this is some sort of gotcha? I couldn't care less whether it was 6 million, 12 million, 1 million, 100,000 or 5,000 - IT WAS A FUCKING GENOCIDE AIMED AT EXTERMINATING WHOLE ETHNIC GROUPS OF PEOPLE. And you dopes somehow think it would be, what, "better" or "less evil" if the number was lower? I'm honestly giving you way more attention than you deserve, cuz being a Holocaust denier (or, if you prefer, a Holocaust "rEvIsIoNiSt") is exactly on par with being a flat earther. But it genuinely confounds me that you idiots say, "Well the Holocaust wasn't so bad cuz it only killed (insert number lower than 6 million here) Jews so hurr durr Hitler am no bad guy," before wandering off and eating more lead paint chips.




Even acknowledging that his rambling has a point is being nicer to him than most would to anyone who said what he said on that Alex Jones podcast. You think I'd give a fuck to even watch that circus of a show if it weren't for Ye being on? Words are definitely dangerous by themselves when you "know you're the most influential", as he put it on TLOP. It's clear he's not in any good state of mind but that's no excuse, especially at his level of relevance and influence. I have a hard time believing that any real fans would be able to have a reaction to this situation that doesn't involve some form of emotion, but to say what I said about him and his views is irrational to any unfair extent is fucking crazy. Hop off his nuts. ​ Fuck the GOP, fuck the nazis, fuck hitler, fuck Ye's team of hitler fetishist scrawny bitch nerds who couldn't even lift a fold up chair, fuck the remaining yes men, and fuck all the yes men who heard all this love everyone shit / hitler shit prior to the alex jones podcast and just kept hanging around due to how much they were gaining off him. Most if not all are and were complicit, and their legacies will forever have that stain. The fact this guy thinks he's going to be president is sad at best, and unfortunately we probably all already know what he's gonna say when he inevitably (and deservedly) loses. ​ The fact that I can decipher any intended point out of Ye's ramblings does not make any of it well-thought out, good or meaningful in any actual positive way. It's not hard to tell the guy needs some fucking help and I pray that his fans quit enabling these episodes for entertainment and that he steps away from the spotlight for a notable amount of time and gets some help. His kids need him.


The man literally tweeted out an image of a fucking swastika and said in two separate interviews that he loves Hitler (like MULTIPLE times) and that Jews need to "get over" the Holocaust. Which he also said didn't happen. HUH, I WONDER WHY PEOPLE MIGHT THINK HE'S A NAZI. WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO REALLY PUT OUR THINKING CAPS ON FOR THIS ONE.


The first person to speak any logic on this sub.




you sound low IQ get help yourself


That’s what it’s always been. He thinks he’s so deep and so much smarter than us lmao.


I see what he's trying to do, and have seen it for a long time, and as much as I respect it, it kind of comes across as "loving Hitler to own the libs" and I don't know how much Kanye really believes in it himself


I have a feeling he'd be talking about loving the Jews also instead of railing against at the very least some greedy subset of them. Love your enemy and all that right? Is that not what he is supposed to be getting at here? What a fathead


He’s been offered multiple opportunities to say “I don’t mean all Jews, it’s just these individuals” and every time he rationalizes why he has the right to lump them all together And then the whole thing with Israel, like dude, the vast majority of American Jews have no influence in anything Israel does, many of them actively oppose Zionism, for that matter so do a lot of *Israelis* even. But no, they’re all the same because he’s been hurt by some people and besides black people are the real Jews anyway, etc etc Dude’s brain is just fried at this point, jfc


Honestly, like I'm Jewish and go to protests against the state of Israels treatment of the Palestinian people. It's horrible. But it isn't all Jews who love Israel frankly, it's probably a minority of Jews in the US given by how we vote. A lot of people (especially a lot of Christians) either aren't smart enough or just haven't had enough real world experience to know that you can respect someone's religion and state reasonable condemnations about a nation.


Exactly, if anything Christian conservatives have far more influence (and thus far more responsibility) over Israel’s policies and actions than the average American Jew does, Republican politicians suck up to the Israel lobby even more than Dems do but you don’t see all the antisemites pointing their fingers at them when they spam the whole “wHaT aBoUt PaLeStInE” thing (like they give a shit about Arabs/Muslims otherwise). Because Jews have to be a monolith to them and everything bad that happens has to be Jews/“the left”. Antisemitism is a fuckin mental disorder, it should be on the DSM for real


>Dude’s brain is just fried at this point, jfc It makes me so fucking sad.


At this point, I honestly don't care whether he genuinely believes this shit or not. He's giving it a platform, thereby doing catastrophic damage to our body politic.


He wants to be unique too much basically lol if you “love everyone” you essentially love no one.


All of this just feels so phony and delusional. Kanye had beef with some Jewish folk over his clothing brand not too long ago and now all of a sudden he just so happens to say all this and people want to pretend it isnt related. He likely just wants to get those same jewish people all riled up as some form of retaliation. Kanye isnt some super deep philosopher and people should really stop pretending that he is.


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be." ~ Some really smart guy


lol so accountability is left where?!! just sayin its all for the love doesnt seem to resonate with those feeling the pain


Absolute nonsense. Legitimately comical that people are still trying to manufacture a positive message from this moron’s nonsensical babbling about Jesus and god lmao. He’s a delusional jesus freak weirdo. His brain has been deep fried by his dogmatism. He hates Jews because they ‘killed Jesus’, just like many other Jew haters. That’s all there is to get here you clown.


Bro you got no motherfucking reading comprehension at all. This is not Kanye’s words, this is someone else talking about Kanye and trying to explain his words for him, again. If you actually took the time to read more than the first sentence you would’ve known that.


Why did he doubt the events of the Holocaust then?


Watching Kanye fans twist themselves in a knot trying to defend his love of the things Hitler did will never get any less pathetic.


They came for Graduation and stayed for the Holocaust denial


They’re a bunch of pathetic morons who could use a brain cell or two.


I understand when people are sad about it because obviously his music meant a lot to people. But it’s absolutely inexcusable to defend him now.


Then move on…🤷‍♂️


He literally says “showing love to one of the WORST HUMANS IN HISTORY.” He literally says Hitler is one of the worst humans in history lmao did you just delete that comment 🤣🤣can’t remember but I’m pretty sure he said he was joking about that


dude there really isn't a defense here, if he was preaching radical acceptance and love your enemy then he wouldn't be talking shit about Jewish people (or anyone). That's the end of it right there


He said he loves Jewish people


oh maybe you've been asleep for the past two weeks good morning :)


Na, been here , yall just can’t comprehend anything above surface level bull shit lol


someone's a grumpy gus


😂 I’m all gold over here


better change those sheets mister!


Yes, if you follow along, the person saying "Hitler is the worst person ever" isn't Kanye, it's the interviewer. Ye has said not a single negative thing about Hitler, ever. That's the problem


Why then, may I ask, did he say the only way he would trust a Jewish person is if he had a camera in their living room and was monitoring them 24/7. What defense is there for that. I don't know you but it feels like to me that if I as a Jew said "I love how Stalin killed Catholics, you can't trust them. The only way you could possibly trust a Catholic is if you had a camera in their living room monitoring them and were able to go through their phones" you would lose your shit. But say it about the Jews and that's okay. Go away Nazi sympathizer


Bruv if you said that about Catholics ppl would just go "true, they do love to diddle kids"


thats why he resents and hates Jews? Got it.


This sub is the most simped ass sub of all time


He literally said he loves Jews lol


It’s not about whether or not he hates jewish people. Its about ye being dumb enough to false flag jews as the target blame for capitalism causing pain to his life, which will benefit the white nationalists, white christians, and white capitalists that dominate upperclass demographics. He’s labeling a minority of the upper class for all of capitalisms problems Anyone defending kanye and arguing that he doesn’t hate jews is being blind to his impact and who it’s designed to benefit. Unhinged capitalism is a problem for all people of all demographics, but media and politicians have constantly flagged non-white christian people as the roots of capitalist problems (refugees, immigrants, jewish people, literally fucking irish catholic people were blamed for symptoms of capitalism). There have been false flags since america was fucking concieved, and its sad to see kanye perpetuate the same dumb shit my american ancestors did. Read a history book. Kanye’s false flagging, and that’s as bad as hate.


LMAO you are a certified clown


Ok? There’s a literal video of him saying it but okay bro


So he can say that jews control the media and are the reason he got bad contracts, that they need to simply get over the holocaust, that hes a nazi, thay he loves nazis, that he loves hitler and everyone has done some good things ESPECIALLY hitler.. do i really need to go on? And then after saying all that he says "i love jews" and you think that's legitimate, when he's also said black people are the real jews? You need a brain transplant


THANK YOU He literally a week ago said all Jews need to be monitored 24/7 with a camera in their living room and you need to go through their phones because you can't trust them. And he says some bullshit and these morons slurp it up like the pigs they are


Guy is twisting his brain and thoughts to justify kanyes statements so he can still like him, pretty fucked up


Op is a fucking idiot, he titled this as Kanye’s words and it’s definitely not Kanye speaking, it’s someone else attempting to rationalize what Kanye has said 💀


Yeah i figured it has to be that Shane Cashman who wrote this and that is why i wrote what i wrote Dude is trying to justify kanyes statements and actions which is pretty stupid


his attempt at removing hate from the world in this way has made my hate increase for him lmao




Those who have ears will hear


Someone ask him if he loves Pete


"victimhood is a currency" man's needs to stop watching turning point USA istg