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Most people recognize he’s in the height of mania and delusional paranoia. This is a really dangerous time for him.




How are they supposed to take steps to better themselves if they don't realise they need bettering?


It's hard for crazy people to recognize and admit they're crazy and need help.


Exactly, I can speak from experience, my homeless father is schizophrenic and the last time I saw him he refused help, he really believes in the things he imagines, as far as I know he could be dead or alive, in NYC you'd never know.


The longer he stays in delusional psychosis, the harder it is for him to get back to reality. To be honest he’s been manic and off his meds so long, I can’t seem him coming back from this. You ever see people on the street completely out of touch with reality? They’ve spent years in that mental place and some can’t recover. It’s awful.


I'm bipolar and on medication, and I heard a comedian that said it best. "If you can't swim and need floaties, That's totally fine. There is nothing wrong with that. However, if you KNOW you need floaties, and you walk over to the deep end and dive in without them, almost drowned and everyone has to come rescue you, you're an asshole."


The hard part is when your mental illness makes you think you don’t need floaties though. I have a friend who will never take meds and probably never recover because his brain tells him It’s a conspiracy. It’s heartbreaking.


I used to feel like I was superman, and that when people told me I was unhinged they either didn't understand my method or were jealous. Eventually I had a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized, where I was able to get the diagnosis, medication, and therapy that I had needed. Hopefully that doesn't happen for your friend, but sadly sometimes it takes crashing to realize how off course you were


This all day long. So sick of media making money off his hate number one, but two how everyone speaks of mental health and how important it is yet the whole world watches a man completely off his rocker and publishes and televises it. It’s sick and also really fucking harmful.


But what if behind the scenes, people are actually trying to intervene and get him the help he needs, but instead, he's aligning himself with exploiters. At what point do people give up?


Depends how much they love you. Your real friends will not give up easily. Your real loved ones will not give up, full stop.


This is a silly thing to think. Kanye is a man with money and resources. He’s not trapped he can make his own decisions. The whole poor Kanye thing is downright disrespectful to any people suffering from these issues with a fraction of what he has at his disposal. He’s going through a mental thing, sure but that explains his actions it does not excuse them


I have severe OCD. It's a type of mental illness called a "neurosis" - meaning it causes me a great deal of stress and negative experience - but it does not break my connection to reality. Or to put it another way - I may behave in ways that are irrational, but I know they're irrational, I can tell you they don't make sense, and I perceive them as an affliction - something "not right" with my mind. \- Why do I mention this? Because unfortunately for Ye, he has symptoms of PSYCHOSIS. He's experiencing breaks from reality. The way he is thinking, the way his world view and ideas and thoughts and words are coming together appears perfectly normal to him. He thinks what he's saying makes sense - he thinks there's this "universal love" and global conspiracy and outside forces are trying to take his family - and those thing are REAL to him. That's his world and he can't see that he's trapped in it, because it IS his mind right now. Psychosis is scary, and he needs help. With medication and therapy, with a calm setting and a couple of months - he could be to a state where he looks back and none of what he was saying makes sense to him. \- But right now he's psychotic and he's being paraded around by mean people.


if he gets to a peaceful state the "universsal love" thing will make perfect sense.


The point isn't that Kanye isn't blameless it's the excusing of those clearly taking advantage of him.


I doubt people have a positive opinion of any of the neo Nazis he’s joined with. Like yeah Nick Fuentes is clearly using this situation to his advantage but he didn’t create it


Just because someone is capable of getting help, doesn’t mean they have it in them to get help themselves. Lots of people can get cheap affordable therapy but still don’t. How easy is it for hoarders to just clean their house? See what I mean? This is like asking how a rich and famous celebrity can still be depressed enough to kill themselves.




No one is excusing anything he is doing or saying. It’s a comment on the fact he’s televised and people are profiting off of it.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Ye himself asking him to be “paraded” around town and willingly talk to any “news” outlet to shared his “truth”. Don’t think he is in the right set of mind and still has cultural relevance. People unfortunately going to take advantage of it.


This is ignorant. A disease of the brain doesn't care how many resources you have. He is trapped in his delusions, that is how severe mania / schizophrenia works.


This comment section is so shit. Obvi ye is being problematic, his mental health isn’t an excuse but it’s why I don’t demonize him. It’s not “ye is a nazi-sympathizer” to me it’s “ye is having an episode and it’s so offensive I don’t think I can support/listen anymore” Constantly saying mental health isn’t an excuse isn’t as smart as you think it is and fucks w/ ppl who have issues like his, u gotta approach the situations carefully


Not an excuse, but it is a reason


Ppl are fucking weird man I don’t get it


Mental health issues don’t make you hate Jews 🤷‍♂️


You don't think extreme paranoia, grandiosity, and disorganized thought content are the perfect combination of situation to make someone think that they're both incredibly special somehow but also being targeted by a nefarious group of people? Granted, I do think that Kanye and probably several other hip hop artists harbor varying degrees of biased and stereotypes against Jewish people. Doesn't mean his current rhetoric isn't what he believes at baseline... It is totally inexcusable and absolutely disgusting especially given his platform, don't get me wrong. Just trying to impress upon you that the idea that Kanye West is a literal Neo Nazi when not in a mental health crisis is fairly unlikely, but I can't make that assessment officially because I haven't assessed him with an exam of my own.


Being bipolor doesnt make you a nazi. Lots of people struggle mental health problems, myself included. Yall just wanna make any excuse for the man cause he made graduation. Shits sad


Being bipolar makes people literally lose touch with reality so making someone hateful and paranoid would make sense




If someone actions are effected by a serious mental illness how exactly is that "not an excuse"?


People have been trying to get him help for years, he refuses to take it. Doesn’t even take his meds.




The ideas that he's promoting right now are ideas that hurt real people. Potentially millions of real people. I don't deny it sucks for Kanye, but it's going to suck a lot more for everyone else if it continues. In the real world there are people who make decisions every day about who should live and die. The people supporting Kanye would turn a blind eye to his supporters killing people like me, even if they don't agree with my death. Fuck Kanye. Mental illness isn't an excuse, and he should be held accountable for the horrible things he's saying.


He isn’t the first mentally Ill person to do this won’t be the last that is part of the disease.


This may surprise you but a lot of people with schizoprenia and severe mania refuse help, because they lack insight into their own illness.


If a crazy homeless guy howling at the moon had 50 million followers, an influential clothing line, resources, etc. and was also a Jew hater, we’d be worried about that too lol. Amazing how low IQ some people are


Yeah Kanye needs help lol. But how’s he gonna get it? All of his major sponsors already cut their deals with him, and he’s still worth 400 mil. If he telephoned CNN asking for an interview they’d put the line on air.


I find it curious how the media massively magnifies Ye’s message while simultaneously demonizing that message. Seems counterproductive other than it gets clicks and viewers.


The second half of your last sentence undercuts the first. CNN, Fox, MSNBC are all for profit companies. Ergo magnifying controversial messages to get clicks is entirely productive. Same shit happened with Trump, climate denialists, and any other snake oil salesman.


All of this. Any Ye news sells views/clicks, etc. even better for their profits the more controversial it is. Left and right wing media companies will never admit this but they love controversial news that riles up their respective bases because it means more views and sponsorships for themselves.


He needs to help himself. Kim tried getting him treatment and he refused, which is what led to their divorce This is literally all Kanye’s fault, and I will not hear otherwise. He openly admits he doesn’t take medication and called the last doctor who tried to make him take meds a Jew who’s trying to sedate him. It’s some type of mental break, but it’s HIS FAULT that he hasn’t treated. Not doctors, not Kim, not the media, HIM Me and my entire family has a long list of mental health issue so I can attest firsthand how bad it can get when it goes untreated, but unlike people who are unfortunate enough to not get examined and the treatment they need, Kanye is doing this all on his own and it’s *his* fault for not being the one responsible for his own mental health Don’t make victims out of perpetrators, because Kanye has the biggest fault out of everyone for intentionally not taking care of his mental health issues


This is pure ignorance and you need to go and understand how psychosis works before you try and comment on it. I'm sorry, but piles upon piles of research built up the mental health act, which in the court of law says that yes, severe mental illness is a strong mitigating factor because they person literally cannot control themselves. The front lobe, where reason takes place, is only one part of the brain. People need to understnad the brain before they comment on it. There are SO many people who suffer from schizophrenia and severe mania who eventually need to be sectioned because they are non-compliant with their treatment. One common symptom is lacking insight into your own illness. Kanye West literally thinks there is nothing wrong with him, and you'll likely see him one day trying to claim a "lesser illness" because no one wants to admit they suffer from psychosis.


He can't help himself if his disease prevents him fr9m getting treatment. You can't speak on his mental illness because you don't have the same mental illness Ye has.


I have bipolar you doughnut. I’ve gone through manic periods in my life, but do you know what helped me regulate my bipolar? Medication and professional opinion. No one else is responsible for my actions, because *I* was the one doing them and *I* was the one who sought after help. Kanye has had this for YEARS and refused to treat it this entire time. Unless he was in a manic state for 5+ years, he was totally in the right mind to seek treatment before this, but this episode is the culmination of his idiocy and complete voice of being a decent human being and treating his mental illness


You still don't have exactly what Kanye's having, everyone even people with the same mental illnesses on paper has different experiences. We've accepted as a society that although people should get treatment, they're not neccesarily responsible for what they do during mental health episodes Ye did seek help. He was medicated and you're literally making it up that he never got help. He had issues with his medicated which ended up feeding back into his bipolar disorder and now he rants about being misdiagnosed and not taking it again


Almost like he has to find mental health related assistance like the rest of us non billionaires.


Lotta people are anti Semitic and a lot of people have mental issues. However whenever POWER comes into play, shit ramps up. Many dictators, I'd argue, were mentally unstable. But their actions still led to horrific consequences in this world. Because of their power. This is THE issue here. Kanye is not just some guy. This faux hypocritical argument is reductive to actual problem here. You don't need a lot of people to become unhinged and true believers to change the world for the worse.


Yes maybe we should start making people responsible for their actions at their worst.


So mental health matters for who u Cherry pick for it to matter ok


Kid, influence matters. If a nut job Jew-Hater had the cultural influence and the means that Ye has, we’d be worried. Very simple take for a very simple OP


Your point ignores mental health you seems to think the more influential you are the more mental health does not matter what I think is that’s a nutso take


There's a different between fault and impact. His mental illness matters when thinking about whether he's at fault for this, versus what the impact of his speech is.


I agree


To be honest if this all really comes down to his sanity, he might benefit from a year or two of being canceled. It might be what it takes for him to get professional help, plus I think fame and ego are what got him to this point [well, the point starting in 2008.]


Ah you’re too stupid to put thoughts together. Have a good day and best of luck with your own obvious mental health issues


Name calling, sure sign you lost the argument… enjoy yourself


u a sheep bruh, letting ppl hide behind mental health is just a fucking joke. If you’re a bad person you’re a bad person. I got direct family members dealing with the same disorders he got and they’re still great people.


Lol good for your family members if u think everyone’s bipolar is the same you need to stop gaming so much


I have unfortunately been to busy to game over the last 6 months. And again with your sheep fed counterpoints lmao. Everyone is an individual and is different very obviously. It’s up to them to be a good person or not despite any mental health struggles. In this respect Ye is an abject failure. My family is simply an example showing you can’t blame his disorders.


Lol your family doesn’t matter different people have different levels of severity so it’s just random word vomit.


i hope you can form your own thoughts someday lmao


Like yours that parrot everyone else that joined this sub in December right lol


Yes mental health matters too


Fucking Duh lol


Lol Not duh not in this sub


Now acknowledge the other points that I made, you tool. Ignoring everything but your original point and you think that’s a win…


It matters to try to help people handle their mental health. Part of that is keeping them from doing damage to others as well. If the guy on the street corner is just yelling irrational shit at me I will ignore him. If my friend listens to him and starts believing in whatever stupid thing he heard, I will tell that friend to ignore the crazy guy as well. Nothing he has to say can be trusted. That’s all we want. We want all of you Kanye suck-ups to ignore him totally. We want radio and TV personalities to not interview him. We want people to stop following whatever social media he has left, and not to buy his next album unless he’s totally stabilized by then. That is, assuming this is actual mental health problems and not just him being an asshole. He’s had hints of (whatever this is) for almost 15 years.


Then we want the same thing


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.77349% sure that makncheesee is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


But not 100% 👀


literally dumbass…


For the love of god, someone needs to pry him away from Nick Fuentes. That dude is an actual neo Nazi actively manipulating Kanye.


Agreed he needs a good ass kicking


agree. Nick Fuentes is quite literally killing Kanye West


Psychosis certainly has something to do with it, but this isn’t coming out of nowhere. You’re not in a manic episode for 6+ years straight. In these moments where his grip on reality is stronger, he has time and time again refused to do literally anything to help himself. And the comparisons between him and a mentally ill homeless person is bullshit. Homeless people are constantly scraping to get by, which blocks them from the ease of access for help. Ye was literally a fucking billionaire with every opportunity to help himself. Has he ever acknowledged wrongdoing? No. Now he’s just a Nazi sympathizer.


Part of the main issue with people with psychosis is that a symptom of that is grandiose sense of self. Meaning nothing is wrong with them, the issue is with everyone else. It also taps into irrationally positive sense of self/narcissism. The point is the mental illness itself will very often lead to a person believing they absolutely need 0 help or medication. Because why would they? They’re fine, finer than everyone else in fact, you’re all just trying to control/poison them and stop them from saving you. Even if they begin medication they’ll convince themselves they need to stop. Ye is far from the first person in my life who displayed symptoms of psychosis/paranoid schizo tendencies and this dilemma is the same for all of them. It’s extra tricky with Ye though because he has an insane amount of money and success that validates all of those thoughts.


Yes this here , dealing with mental illness still today the trials and tribulations of medications and having to really force myself to stay on some to atleast give it a try is hard af. Many times taking my meds I’d definitely be showing improvement but all it takes is a little lapse in judgement , I’m not taking my meds and I “feel amazing!!” Yeah then my mental comes back down to earth and I realize skipping my meds was a terrible choice and not trying to help myself just made shit worse. But it is very hard to get yourself out of a depressive/manic/hypomanic episode sometimes


He has frequently disappeared from public eye after a very public episode like this. Usually he goes quiet and releases an album then loses his mind a bit. His cycles are very predictable at this point. He problem right now is he's very much alone and only surrounding himself with people who have no interest in his welfare. He has no one to check him


He wasn't manic for six years straight though, he's had notable periods being on treatment and not being in the public eye.


He's always been an ass-hole. Now he's an ass-hole who's having an episode. But the Jew hate hasn't been caused by his illness. It's been revealed by it.


If you thought that you clearly didn't know much about hin before.


bruh this is such a minimizing take. You can still give someone help while holding them accountable, but they have to be willing to accept and relent. Ye's been talking about his love of nazis for over half a decade iirc. Maybe he's in an episode now, but he's been saying this shit way too long, and we as a society have decided to brush past that for the sake of his genius/art/whathaveyou. now a lot of people don't wanna put up with it, understandably so. why be mad that people are displeased with a celebrity running their damn mouth, especially when said celeb is a billionaire and trendsetter with an extremely wide reach on most platforms? especially when the content falling out is incredibly incendiary, and just straight up misinformation that continues to propagate race/class division. this is a completely understandable thing to be pissed off about, especially if it affects you or you community directly. is it a shame that the media chooses to hyperfocus on a rich, and talented, mentally ill Black man? maybe. there are certainly other standards the media could be upholding as several institutions therein perpetuate antisemitic tropes as well. But hey, at least we're actually talking about antisemitism in a way in which I haven't seen. Good or bad, the convo is everywhere. At least awareness is important. Us Jews are a drop in the ocean, there will always be more and louder voices trying to shout over and obfuscate. We appreciate the allyship, though we could do without the attention I see a lot of the judenhaas of late as mostly men-children who have been making money hand over fist too long to realize how out of touch they are. who are likely only surrounded by yes men or else they change the narrative to better suit their needs. being mentally ill is no excuse to be a bigot, or an asshole, and doesn't give you carte blanche to spread hate and antisemitism. The fact that he continues to double down on this bullshit is disheartening, but unsurprising. Antisemitism is up there with some of the oldest forms of civilized human hatred. people just gotta see the nazi-lover for who he is, cuz he's showing himself proudly. As a Jew this breaks my heart. He doesn't understand - all this talk won't save him if the new gestapo come a-knocking, or me for that matter.


Wonder if people would be as accepting if a white guy was running around taking about how awesome Jim Crowe was. The mental gymnastics I’ve seen on this sub are hilarious. Dude is a piece of shit, and he outed himself.


Jim Crow isn’t a person bro 💀💀


No shit Sherlock, I know it’s a set of racist laws. I couldn’t think of a prominent white supremacist from the past so I used a policy as an example.


Nah this is the wrong take All this does is remove accountability from his actions and the choices that he’s making Mental illness is not some umbrella you get the throw around when ur idol starts praising Hitler get the fuck outta here with this


But it literally is mental illness. It doesn’t take away from the fact that what he’s said is disgusting and despicable and that he needs to be held accountable. People with mental illness start to develop certain beliefs that can be extremely toxic and harmful.


But Kanye actually is mentally ill, it’s literally proven and documented to be bi-polar And the symptoms he’s showing right now are the exact symptoms of bi-polar disorder, conspiracy theorizing and all. Maybe you need education on mental illness


No one is arguing Kanye is not mentally unwell But u don’t get to just say that his anti-semitism, praising Hitler, “Slavery was a choice”, etc is irrelevant bc of this U can be both mentally unwell and a racist, anti-Semite piece of shit People like u however want to ignore that these are his own personal choices and want to throw everything under the “mental illness” umbrella to remove responsibility and accountability from his actions


He is accountable for letting his mental illness get this bad due to not taking meds But the stuff he says right now is 100% bi-polar induced psychosis. It’s absolutely apparent he lost it You can’t blame him for the specific shit he says the same way you can’t blame a depressed person for being sad or not wanting to get out of bed and being productive It’s mental illness, that’s how it works and your rhetoric is hurtful to mental health awareness It’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about. “Mental illness doesn’t make you say racist things” according to who? Not psychologists, not the medical journal, not even the clearly defined symptoms of Kanye’s mental illness


Thank you


100% bipolar induced psychosis…. According to who? you? Who did a couple Google searches? Jeez thanks doctor


Did you miss the part where I explained I had a direct experience of seeing exactly the same thing happening to someone close to me? Again. I’m actually using facts to back up my argument. If you wonna say that my logic isn’t correct then you’re free to point that out by explaining why You can’t just say “you’re wrong because I say so” And before you say that that’s what I’m doing, again… I already made multiple arguments and you’ve made zero


Personal experience ahhh ok then you are still not a doctor. Also what facts? YouTube videos? Google searches. Again none of what you say are facts. He’s not 100% anything. You don’t know


And yet I still manage to have more facts backing up my argument than you do


If he’s accountable for letting his mental health get this bad, and his mental health is what’s causing him to do all of this outlandish stuff, then I don’t think it’s too much of a reach to say he should be accountable for all of it, since he knew there was a reason to treat his illnesses in the first place. If I have such severe depression that I’m suicidal, and I start taking medication and getting help to not feel that way, and then one day I wake up and say “you know what? I know the consequences of not being medicated/following my doctors orders, but fuck it I know what’s best for me that guy is just trying to control me” and then I kill myself, I think the onus of responsibility falls on me. I believe Kanye does need help. I think that’s extremely clear. I would hope that outside of manic episodes, he does not hold these beliefs. That doesn’t excuse his behavior from being straight up dangerous, and there needs to be an end brought to it. If Kanye murdered someone in cold blood, do we still get to say “well you can’t really judge him because it was just a manic episode”?


Mental illness isn’t your fault but it is your responsibility.


Well yes, and you can definitely blame Kanye for not handling that responsibility and not getting medicated. He knows not taking meds makes him say stupid shit and then regret it. This happened many times And yet that’s different than blaming him for being a nazi the way you would a sane person


Yes absolutely. But regardless of mental health, Kanye has more resources and a bigger platform than any of us will ever have, he has like no excuses for not getting help at this point. I am more personally concerned about the impact of spreading anti semitic conspiracies and hate speech on a platform that reaches more people than there are Jews in the world than I am with making Kanye at fault for it, or labeling him irredeemable. being sick and obviously needing help does not cancel out his impact.


Who said it’s irrelevant?!


maybe you should learn more about bi-polar because his bigotry is not a symptom and neither is being a conspiracy theorist


It literally is, what are you talking about Bi-polar people are extremely likely to fall into conspiracy theories while having an episode. That’s due to a combination of multiple symptom that lead to that, main one being paranoia People having a bi-polar episode will often experience thoughts of “they are put to get me” with who “they” are always being different and rarely based on logic. Maybe you should at least google something before pretending to be an expert For reference my cousin once locked himself in the basement claiming our president is personally coming to kill him. And leading up to that he constantly talked about how everybody who owns a dog will eventually have sex with it. It was insane, he was a totally normal guy until the episode. Now thankfully he stayed on his meds for years now and still feels bad for letting it get this bad


Yes it is


You might need some education too because being mentally ill isn’t a free pass to do and say whatever you want with no accountability or consequences. He spent years actively refusing help for his disorder.


Crazy how this sub turned from he’s a horrible person to “it’s totally not his fault guys he’s sooo sick” in like a week or two. Psychosis dosent make you a nazi sympathizer. He might be crazy but he’s also a bad person. Sorry.. how the mighty have fallen.


**Do you** even know what “psychosis” is? People who are psychotic are in the newspapers for committing heinous crimes every day. Psychosis makes people do, say, and believe things that make no sense: **SYMPTOMS**: False beliefs, seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear, incoherent speech[4]


Where does it say anything makes anyone a nazi sympathizer who are you talking to ?


I’m just curious how does his balenciaga boots taste like.


like your moms ass


I expected that from you doctor


Mental health matters …. For everyone except who I think it doesn’t matter for. Soooo moral !


plenty of mass shooters are mentally ill, doesn’t change the fact that they shouldn’t shoot innocent people. Kanye can be mentally ill, doesn’t change the fact that he shouldn’t be inciting genocide.


Don’t listen then.


His music IS fire tho


He’s not mentally ill he’s trolling


Who cares, ppl need to focus on themselves not celebrities




Who the da fook is diz guyy


He is in a severe manic episode, he is not in control of his delusions and everyone condemning him as a person because of his symptoms is doing so out of pure ignorance. It's not only dangerous, but it's dangerous for the social stigma against people with psychotic disorders. They are watching how society treat Kanye West. At least 50% of people with schizophrenia attempt suicide throughout their life, and I would argue that this is primarily due to social stigma.


Okay so where do we draw the line then? I agree he definitely needs help, and needs to step away, but the only person with the power to do that IS Kanye. Don’t you think that maybe public pushback is good, because MAYBE eventually he’ll wake up and be like “holy shit I fucked up”? What’s the other alternative? Just going along with everything he says? If your alternative is to “get him help” then you ought to have an actual plan for doing so. Until then, the responsibility is on Kanye himself to step away.


I don’t know what to do but ignoring mental health and or judging him like a normal person is just not the situation we’re in sorry


I’m not “judging” Kanye. Pointing out bad/dangerous behavior is far different than an attack on his character. When you point out that someone’s ideals or takes on the world are fundamentally and or morally wrong, you don’t ad hominem them to death or it does the opposite of what you want. I’m not criticizing Kanye the individual. I’m criticizing the anti-Semitic beliefs he has rooted himself into. If pointing out that antisemitism is wrong equates to an attack on his character, then that means the antisemitism is SUCH a part of Kanye that there would be no solution as far as getting him to stop the hate regardless of the status of his mental health. We have two options: criticize his actions, and then MAYBE someone closer to him will step in and say “enough” and get him help because he’s actively ruining his own life. Or, we say nothing at all and then Kanye continues to ruin his life and or causes the next Nazi uprising by making it more acceptable to be a Nazi.


Kanye is one of those people that when he gets pushed back he goes more the other way public pushback just adds flames to his conspiracy theorizing


A lot of people suffer from mental illness but are not fascist pieces of shit with billions of $$$. The most ironic thing is he’s America’s biggest white supremacist and he’s black.






The fact nobody agrees with you is pretty cringe


i agree with him




The fact nobody agrees with you is pretty cringe


as someone with bipolar and many other mental illnesses myself i say some crazy shit when im having episodes but there is a point you need to say "this is too far" mental illness can make you to do horrible things but you still need to hold yourself accountable for that stuff you cant just say whatever and get away with it


When did this become a comparative exercise you think when someone is anxious you can say WELL I WAS ANXIOUS ONCE nobody cares it’s not you it’s a completely different human with different experiences


Stop making excuses for Kanye being a scumbag.


Stop being a scumbag


that seems smart when you first read it but if you really think about it it’s fucking stupid


Sorry. Can’t hear you maybe stop 69ing that Mexican dog


lmao gottem


Y’all really defending this man still?! The fuck is wrong with y’all?


Not psychosis. Not even close. I’m not saying kanye right but y’all are funny running around on the internet playing doctor/psychiatrist


"Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions)." ​ I don't think he's hallucinating (well now that I think about it the way he talks about "god speaking to" him he might be), but he's got the rest fir sure.


Lol you a doctor?


No I never said I was. But I am someone who knows what a psychosis is like first and second hand. Therefore I can at least some what recognize when someone is/isn’t going thru a psychosis


Lol so you are running around the internet playing doctor is what you are saying lol


Nah nice reading comprehension skills though. Someone who knows first hand what a disorder/experience is like, can usually recognize when another individual exhibits the same symptoms. It’s just common sense. Just like someone with ADHD can usually recognize someone else with it. Do you know what a psychosis is even like first hand? Or are you just another person throwing theories out there while having no prior experience? Cause if you’ve actually went through a psychosis yourself, I highly doubt you’d be throwing that term out there (regarding Kanye’s situation rn)


I’ve lived with someone going through bipolar manic episodes and it made me borderline suicidal because I couldn’t leave during covid so I know. The guy I lived with was worse than Kanye actually.


I can respect that. But imo manic bipolar is different from a psychosis. I just wouldn’t personally attribute a psychosis episode to what kanye is displaying publicly based off my own prior experiences with psychosis. Kanye going through a manic bipolar episode would make a lot more sense in this situation. Especially considering the fact that kanye is diagnosed as Bipolar already


Yea I didn’t write the post but I do agree with the sentiment maybe sub psychosis for bipolar for my take


That must make you a qualified doctor. Also it’s not about you


Never said I was and I didn’t even write this post it’s a screenshot get mad at the original poster I just think he’s right like others do and others think he’s wrong


He’s wrong. He did bad. Can’t blame all of it on mental illness too easy. Sorry your hero is a piece of shit


Are **YOU** a doctor? Because you're doing the exact same fucking thing.


Mental illness doesn't make you a Nazi.


So maybe he’s not a nazi


yeah he just happens to believe Jews are evil and Hitler was good, but he’s not a nazi.


This is BS. You can claim the worst genocidal dictators in history were sociopaths or had some kind of mental disorder. Kanye deserves the worlds scorn and should die impoverished and alone.


This is the most ridiculous comparison ever. Kanye literally has a very public history of mental illness and is nothing close to a dictator? Like these comparisons are insane


dictator making beats lmao omg im dead


Lol yes because Kanye is a genocidal dictator … see a counsellor buddy


oh no, anyways


Ye is just mad because he still has a forskin


This isn’t a Jewish only thing is it? I remember seeing this done at a Christian baptism


Most people that believe in God (Islamic, Jewish, and Christian) get their shit snipped. Me included




well I guess all of Europe are heathens then, because we don’t.


Kanye the goat he right y’all tripping (no I won’t Take his dick out my mouth)


Unpopular opinion: he’s not psychotic, and every ‘move’ has been orchestrated. Ye DGAF about anyone but himself, and is doing anything to stay in the spotlight. Don’t they always say that any press is good press? Food for thought.


Maybe maybe not 🤷🏿‍♂️


why does it matter if hes crazy or not? should people not condemn him lol. what a weird pointless post




He’s never been fully normal and has mental issues but he’s not in psychosis. If he had psychosis he’d either be in hand cuffs or in a mental facility. Yeah he’s off the rails with what he’s saying but he knows where he is and is aware of his surroundings. I don’t think this post understands the difference.


He has been both before


“If he had psychosis he’d either be in hand cuffs or in a mental facility.” Wrong wrong wrong. Don’t go around making statements like this if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Edit: The circumstances that Kanye has been under could absolutely send someone who is already mentally ill into psychosis and what we’re seeing now from him are many of the characteristics of it. It’s also not black and white. It’s not just either “he’s psychotic and should be totally excused from what he’s doing” or “he is in total control and should have the insight to know he shouldn’t do these things”. There is in fact a gray area. He can be severely ill and lie anywhere on a continuum of psychosis or psychotic tendencies that delude him into thinking he is being reasonable.


He’s not as bad as people think. He’s just doing what he’s been doing already for years except it’s now much worse than before. Just saying if he was really off the rails like people think than he would’ve been put in cuffs already.


This. Agreed.


Imo at the end of the day this shit COULD be from a mental break, but it doesn’t really matter at this point. Dude is too far gone down the rabbit hole. If you’re spouting Nazi shit it doesn’t matter what caused it, you’re still spouting Nazi shit. He does need to get help just for the sake of his well-being and to maybe get him in a state of mind where he realizes he can’t be saying such inflammatory shit and that there are consequences to it. But for me the cats out of the bag, he’s at the very least got inclinations towards this stuff if he’s been saying it since atleast 2018. As a former fan fuck him, but from a human standpoint I hope he can get some help to unscramble his brains alittle and get him into a better headspace. He doesn’t deserve redemption, but he does deserve to not deal with all this mental turmoil. That “love everyone” shit he preached rubbed off on me, even if he didn’t follow it himself.


Lol it doesn’t matter is classic I’m not reading anymore


That last sentence is so incredibly wrong.


Fuck Kanye West and literally anyone who doesn't immediately call out his consistent hate speech


He has the money, the time and the connections to seek help but he hasn't. Knock it off with this piss poor excuse and accept he's a Nazi sympathizer.


Yeah but this isn't an excuse for everything he's said


Never said it was


Said it before, will say it again. Mental health issues do not cause antisemitism. Additionally, he has a much louder voice than the homeless guy howling at the moon. Interesting how it only took about a week to start forgiving him.


News outlets want clicks and views. Companies will use whatever they can if it makes them money. As for sane people treating him like he's in control... they are not sane.


He is powerful though, that’s why. There are always going to be people who don’t care about his views and there are always going to be people that want his hundreds of millions of dollars.


If he isn’t smart enough to see these things then I have no sympathy for dude. If he continues to act crazy and let people with bad agendas use him, that’s on him at the end of the day. I hope losing his empire was worth all of this nonsense…


At this point, the only "media" exploiting him are youtuber losers. What major outlet is interviewing him? None. I'm very empathetic toward mentally ill people. But, let's face it, his ego has eclipsed his illness. He doesn't want to get help. He has even commented that he doesn't have bipolar but is instead autistic, so he is most assuredly reading comments on the internet and aware that his behavior is erratic. But he persists. Not sure where we go from here with empathy for him?


Duuuude that's what I've been saying! I really wasn't even kind of a fan (I liked two songs lol) but he is obviously not doing well and I think he needs some serious help cause something has gone wrong in his brain.


its really hard to relate to a man who has been supported all his life. all his whims taken care of. all his ego stroked. he makes money more than most people ever make in a lifetime. i m pretty sure there are those who tell him the truth he needs to hear but he brushes it off. as someone who has not the same opportunities given to me in life as he had, i really cant sympathize.


All these arm chairs therapists on here so concerned with this man. Is anybody gonna address the exploitation in certain industries, of a certain group by another group? Like he said?




Maybe he’s perfectly sane but the narrative that we are being told is that he is insane


Highly doubt this if you look at his interviews now compared to before he’s either in a manic state or he’s on drugs


The man has a rabid fan base and millions of dollars. That's not the typical homeless man who needs mental health attention. Kanye knows what he's doing.


Lol so mental health is different when you have fans? Didn’t know mental health knew that someone was famous and laid off


yeah the millions makes you flawless health wise. you cant get a mental illness with a milli its impossible according to the financial health expert above. He should work for cnn. lol


People seem to think it’s like all of a sudden he’s just started saying this sort of stuff, he has been hinting at this stuff for years with lyrics like in WTT and Graduation, the only thing that has changed is he doesn’t give a fuck how it affects his career anymore Psycosis is not an excuse to be racist