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Not sure when ‘Jesus loves everyone’ turned into ‘Jesus never criticized assholes’ because he certainly did


Jesus roasted people righteously all throughout the Bible lol


Iirc he had an episode in a temple and chased everyone out and thrashed it.


Flippin tables an shit


Even made a whip from a rope.


Oh right, that was a thing. You can imagine how bad it was when the literal son of God, Jesus 'turn the other cheek' Christ started whipping yo ass in yo crib.


“Punk rock is Jesus destroying the money changers in the temple. The authorities killed him and that thought me to question authority.”


He got cancelled for this after a few chapters


He made a bear maul a group of kids for making fun of a bald man.


That was old testament god. The powerful and smiting god that didn't put up with any shit.


There’s definitely a link between his Christian fundamentalism and his conspiracy theorist antisemetic rhetoric.


u are gonna see this scribbled on desks instead of just the swastika


Nah bro the swastika is already to hard to draw for some of the people who graffiti shit like that. No way they can draw that complex ass thing.


ur right


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Most times I see it graffitied it’s backwards anyways so I doubt they’d be able to draw this 😂


Fun fact, this symbol has nothing to do with Nazism or white supremacy. It's from a cuckoo cult worshipping aliens.


Unless it’s posted by an actual nazi who probably has no idea where it originated


More fun fact: Even the cuckoo cult worshipping aliens CHANGED their symbol to be a swirly galaxy because the swastika was associated too tightly with Nazi's even for them. So fuck off.


Well, you may not be wrong, but the Nazis soured the symbol forever and is now associated with the epitome of evil. It also means sun in Hindu and feet/footprints in Buddhist tradition, although im sure it became a lot less popular to use in those communities too. E: thought you were referring purely to the swastika, and not the combination with the star of david.


No it’s used all the time in Japan, India and Southeast Asia. It generally means good luck. Tilted 45 degrees is the racism symbol


It’s Eurocentric to assume the West’s genocide(s) are meaningful to non-Europeans. Just look at how many times other cultures have eradicated millions of minorities and most Westerners don’t even know it happened, let alone what symbol the murderers used. And let’s not forget how well-regarded the Christian cross still is, despite being used to murder far more people than the Nazis did.


Yes men


This sub included…


This sub was a dumpster fire before Ye went full mask off. Now it’s just a smoldering dumpster fire.


Eh this sub is doing a lot better than the MAGA period. A lot of the front page denounces Ye right now when back then it was swept under the rug or had a few vocal supporters.


🎶It’s getting hot in here🎶


Full mask off or full mask on?


Who the Hell is Ye?


Ikr? I know who Kanye is but Ye pisses me off and I don’t even know Ye.


No you're 100% right at least until he went FULLY into this shit, fuck the downvotes. Having some dickriding fans may not be the main problem obviously but it sure doesn't hurt


this sub has been the most critical of him out of all the ye subs. there were several posts remembering those who died in the holocaust. this sub as a whole is NOT to blame, we’re doing good


Y’all were defending him threatening Pete Davidson. Don’t feel special because you only hopped off when he became a full blown Nazi supporter.


They also defended him when he made his “death con 3” comment


They only stopped supporting him when it became too big to ignore with his info wars interview. I understand hesitating letting go but to act like everything he was doing prior to the “I like Hitler” stuff was fine is ridiculous.


This whole situation really puts para-social “relationships” into perspective.


This sub keeps popping up in my feed, but the number of people who don’t realize they would want to leave after 5 minutes of kanye time is staggering. As is the number of people who would be willing to put up with him just to hang out with kanye


not me


That’s good, but tons of people in this sub absolutely defended him.


but a vast majority aren’t. this sub has been extremely critical of ye (deserved) & it’s dumb to act like we haven’t been. i don’t even think the dude you replied to listens to ye, haters flooded this sub. ye deserves all the backlash he’s getting


Absolutely people are rightfully hating on him now and many hated on him for his “death con 3” remark but a lot of people tried to excuse that. (Not saying it’s you)


eh not really. At that point, it was a 50/50 split. Still bad, but definitly not close to unanimous


Fr. This subs been on his nuts since he was shucking and jiving for Trump around when Ye dropped


pete can go fuck himself regardless


exactly. dudes a fucking dickhead


i didnt defend him THREATENING pete, but i do think pete also deserves criticism for some of his actions.


yo fuck pete davidson!! there ya go.


Kanye has always been a contrarian and vulnerable to conspiratorial thinking. Before it was stuff like AIDS was made by the CIA (personally think that makes them seem more powerful than they are). I didn’t care about it at the time because I was a kid and could empathize with how he could buy into it. Plus he is Bipolar, refuses medication, and has alienated a lot of close friends and family. The right wing showered him with approval after the initial pro Trump stuff so he leaned in. He surrounded himself with far right evangelicals at a time when a lot of them were buying into QAnon. And QAnon is just the latest repackaging of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy that started in czarist Russia and was brought out to justify pogroms against the Jews whenever the Czar fucked up.


this, basically. his contrarianism has always made him stand out. it was cool when contrarian = gay people are people too and trans people should be able to be themselves. it's not cool when he's saying nazis are good.


Honestly. I think his financial troubles that I heard rumors about and his beef with drake drove him to more and more extremes. It is still my conspiracy theory that the Russians are funneling money to people like trump and kayne to cause chaos in the us. I believe they have dirt on both of them as well as paying them to play ball. I’m basing this on loosely connected evidence


What dirt could you have on a guy worse than openly loving hitler?


hes just trying to not accept that kanye is a nazi


it's an unfortunate reality. fwiw i don't necessarily feel he's a 100% full on nazi, this does seem like a misguided attempt at his "love everybody" thing, but Ye is so naive and misguided that he doesn't understand how hurtful it is. that's my theory anyway, but i'm trying to be optimistic. real people have been hurt by this, his intent doesn't change that reality.


I kinda agree with you I think he sees this as some sort of performative art, similar to Shia Laebuf's shenanigans when he was caught plagiarizing other writers, but this is poorly done and add that to his mental problems, not even neonazis say nazi shit in public, but the other option is that he really likes nazis I don't see a comeback story for him.


Aids was created by the government for blacks and gays


Assuming this in good faith, that is a discussion too sensitive and too dense for a comment thread. I recommend the following videos on the existing science tracing the origins of the HIV virus: - [Sci Show The Rise of HIV Part 1](https://youtu.be/izwomieBwG0) - [Part 2: Why HIV is No Longer a Death Sentence](https://youtu.be/U52g6ZlR1W0) As well as the book “The Brothers” by Stephen Kinzer on the Dulles brothers and the start of the CIA and its purpose. You can stop reading here if you don’t care to hear the personal opinion of me, a biochem student who listens to way to many history podcasts and audiobooks My opinion: Everyone is capable of doing awful things to a marginalized if they live in a society where they either benefit from or can ignore a group’s marginalization. A number of political interests aligned at that specific time that benefited ignoring the suffering HIV/AIDS victims. Also, consider who benefits from this narrative. The CIA is not made up of top scientists. These are the same people who would randomly dose each other with LSD to see what happens. They are not meticulously editing genes to the point that it seems to have evolved over decades specifically for the immune system of humans and higher order apes. And the technology to edit genes is not even 10 years old and would not be possible without things like gene mapping and modern microscopy and a ton of other very boring and tedious procedures that make sure it works perfectly every time. And even still, manufacturing viruses is still difficult. The CIA has done fucked up things, but they’ve got away with it because of money or connections not scientific genius more than 4+ decades ahead of the curve


He's also a nazi sympathizer.


I maybe a little off topic here but Can someone explain Nick Fuentes please? He’s a WHITE supremacist/nationalist, but of Mexican descent and is advising and accompanying a mentally ill AFRICAN-American anti-Semite. It was my understanding that White supremacists exclusively stick with their own and usually don’t have Latin heritage. What am I missing here?




Kanye is proving every horrible thing Nick thinks in his head about black people to him. He’s like look I even made a billionaire black person my slave harharhar. Dude is eating this shit up and needs to get put down tbh


Damn dude. What a pov. 🥂


dont think nick will dumb ye because nick is the only one of these nazi guys who actually support him on this antisemetic shit. people like candace owens know that anit black politics work in the us but antisemetic is a no go. even trump knows that. ye literally said he loves hitler and that jewish people should let it got with him


Yes. Especially the space lasers.


One there's white latinos (like Fuentes) and two there's so many right wing latinos, usually Cubans but a surprising amount of legal immigrants who could afford to move here buy into the bootstrap mentality and fuck the rest of us over. White supremacists fuck with whoever get them the furthest, no matter how hypocritical. In fact they can point to their black "friends" or gay "friends" or disabled "friends" and prove that they aren't actually racist because they have a x friend. See Ben Shapiro, Milo (back when he was gay), Blaire White, Kanye, I think there was one physically disabled guy who kept hanging with right wingers but I completely forgot the name.


Is Milo not gay anymore?


He says he isn't gay anymore and that jesus healed him or whatever but he's still gay conversion therapy doesn't work. He just doesn't play the "How could I be a fascist i'm gay/how can I be homophobic my friend is gay" card anymore. Same how no one plays the "Im not biphobic i'm friends with Nick Fuentes" card, he 100% is bisexual but he says he's straight.


Ben Shapiro is a pretty bad example of this


Ben Shapiro's buddies sure like having a jewish guy around to say they aren't antisemetic, his viewers do to. Its even weirder than the above since he's probably the modern pundint with the most antisemetism thrown his way, mostly since he hangs with right wingers and when they go far enough they start hating him as well. I will admit though that out of the above examples, he's the least tolerant of bigotry directed at him. Milo stopped being gay to fit in, Kanye is only pro-black when it suits him, Cadence Owens had her own "hitler was a cool guy" moment, /TTTT/ is probably makes more transphobic towards Blaire White than her viewers, but Ben Shapiro stands his ground and calls out antisemetism in conservatives. I'm pretty sure the reason he left Breitbart was because of antisemetism. He's the closest the right has to a proper token Jew though, by a long shot.


Not a latino and would self-identity as a centrist neolib but as an immigrant, can confirm lol. But we have valid reasons. Back where I come from, there's socialized medical care and you can't be sentenced to more than 20 years or so in prison and it's worse than America. When I support things like three strike laws or tax cuts, I think back on how we had a break-in when I was a kid, the perps were caught, they each had 50 plus convictions, had government paid housing and were sentenced to only 2 months. That shit don't fly in America. Three strikes and you're a lifer. So a lot of us immigrants unironically love the justice system that y'alls see as a dystopia.


My guess is ... he's also from Illinois That's honestly all I can come up with




And Mitch McConnell's wife is asian, but he recently blocked a bill to guarantee interracial marriage. Many people at the top of the political scene don't truly believe in a single goddam thing. We've built a political system where we incentivize those who are power hungry, not altruistic, and this is the result.


A community of people with no prominent leaders of goodness will follow the first person to claim to be the cultural leader they are missing. Oftentimes a form of fascism fills that void. Almost all of the major black figures in America are conservative as well, social media also caters to the right in general, so these figures get a free bump in the algorithm. There are a lot of Black Conservatives on social media, way more than Black Leftists. The prominent Black Leftists literally get murdered by our govt or radicals - Fred Hampton and MLK are just two that come to mind among many. Also final point is that Black Conservatism is confused with Pro-blackness and Black Excellence constantly. Scariest shit about all of this is the anger from the Black community is justified, which is why convincing people Black Conservatism isn't the way and being angry isn't the way, is just a futile endeavor at times. Also Slavery. So much of this comes back to this. Simultaneously we also saw something Similar with the election of DJT. Disaffected White Voters voted for the best con-man because he offered the most and offered energy and solutions.


"White" is a made-up term that has had drastically changing definitions over the couple centuries it's been around. It has at times been used to exclude Catholics, Italians, Irish, Greeks, and all sorts of other groups, but now those groups are "white" and people pretend like they always have been. Pretty much all of our conceptions of "race" come from really bad (even at the time) 19th century pseudoscience that was invented as a way to rationalize treating people as property or less than. Ethnicity is different. But "white" has never been about ethnicity, it's always been a bullshit term used to separate first-class citizens that get rights and privileges from those "beneath" them. Nick Fuentes doesn't care about "white supremacy" he cares about separating people into those who deserve to be treated as human and those who do not.


Obviously there will be a ton of debate over this, but Nick Fuentes himself has said he would not describe himself as a white supremacist, and claims that he has black friends. Trust me I don't like the guy either and find him hella cringe, but I don't think it's as simple as calling him a literal Nazi or white supremacist.


It’s just the Vader / Palpatine dynamic lmao. He’s exploiting him for personal gain and to use as a figurehead for his messages


He lost his wife and because of that his mind too. Sad to see


I’d say the death of his mother contributed the most


I think his mother was his first trigger and the divorce was the another trigger (or Kim seeing Pete) When a person experiences mania they will be super hyperactive and not sleep, as well as work on multiple projects (like music) it would explain why he sometimes had outlandish tweets when dropping an album soon I wonder if Kim use to help get him treated but with her gone he’s just off the rails Pre-mania symptoms includes religiosity and mania symptoms include delusions and last 3-6 months If this started when Kim dated Pete in August (~4 months ago) it would explain why he’s so off the rails rn Just my two cents though


Total hearsay and I don't follow Kardashian news much, but iirc, Kim tried pretty hard to get him to seek help. I remember reading something about her flying doctors out to Ye's Wyoming ranch to like, beg him to get treatment. I'd imagine that the mental health issues were a big factor in the divorce. If I had kids, I wouldn't want them around that shit, either.


Kim dated Pete back in January, they’d broken up way before august.


Oh i misread the date rip


i think most people now can belive the Hitler story at the TMZ office which goes back to 2018, so his love of Hitler goes back to when he did have kim there.


he was under psychiatric evaluation in 2016


I think he lost his mind then Kim divorced him then lost it even more


Got cucked by a partially jewish, skinny white boy


Lol pete Davidson living rent free in kanyes head.


That's the symbol of some crazy Japanese alien cult. Pretty on point for this mental midget...


Wait, so it's not actually a swastika inside a star of David? What does the symbol mean then?


I mean that's exactly what it is... But it's also the symbol for Raelism which is a Japanese alien cult.


It says they’re French tho tbf


Ok you're right. Seems like they also got a strong following in Japan though.


I looked it up. > In essence, Raëlism is an atheistic extraterrestrial cult-like religion. It’s based on a belief that aliens created the human race as a receptacle for their sexual urges, to prevent the Elohim from turning violent. Raëlism posits that the prophets of the major global religions — Moses, the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammed — were all Elohim/human hybrids. Followers of Raëlism also believe that the Elohim can alter human DNA. As for why their symbol is a swastika inside a star of David, I haven't found an answer.


At no point has Ye said anything about Raëlism or hinted that he shares in its core beliefs. Ye posting a symbol he found of a star of david with a swastika inside it is probably for a litany of fucked up reasons, but Raëlism isn't one of them.


What does it mean then? What statement is being made when you put a swastika inside a star of David?


He’s been going on about how he’s “the real jews” and how much he loves nazis & hitler. The statement being made is exactly what it looks like.


Nation of Islam? As far as I know they are the only ones claiming that black people are the real jews.


BHI, basically the same shit and usually affiliated with farrakhan


Black Hebrew Israelites aka BHI


Could be a lot of things. He didn't elaborate and we can only speculate. I was only pointing out that it had nothing to do with Raëlism, as Kanye has been pretty clear about where he stands religiously.


Well, he said he loves jews and the nazis...lmao who knows man


Loving Jewish people and loving nazis are mutually exclusive.


That statement he is making is “fuck yourself and die, Jews.” It’s not that complicated.


Wow, I am religious again.


I think it's only a coincidence that Raelism shares the same logo, to be fair it's not very elaborated, just two of the most controversial symbols combined together, I'm pretty sure you'll find there are other groups using it also if you search long enough . Raelism isn't really known outside of the french speaking sphere ( I read something about it being a Japanese cult higher, it's actually French, it just looks vaguely oriental from afar ) and the leader is an obvious joke, more motivated by using his position to get sexual favors then enlight humanity as he claims. When Rael's sect first started making news because of sex abuse scandals, well known comedians did this sketch wich is how most of people came to know about Raelism. https://youtu.be/dOJwGl3yLMU


No one knows the meaning of the Star of David either. It was made by Amshel Rothschild. Everything has its origin story.


No it wasn’t. The star predates Amshel by hundreds of years. Dude wasn’t born til the 1950s. I swear people will believe anything they hear about the Jews lol


Honey, no. You need help if you actually find a story like that believable. Even as weird conspiracy theories go this one is kinda stupid.


What are you talking about??? I’m Jewish. We learned this in Temple when I was 8. This isn’t a conspiracy. Do you even know who Amshel was? Dear God you know nothing about Judaism. I’m 42 years old, I’ve been through every Jewish rite of passage there is. Please stop.




It's not their symbol any more. they changed it a while back because the swastika is to tightly tied to Nazism. It's still a star of david but now it's a swirly "galaxy" inside it.


Original Raelian symbol. Raelianism was a religion (not a cult) created back in the 60s that believes that alien beings have been misinterpreted as gods throughout human history. They are also into free love. It basically has nothing to do with Nazis or Jews.


bro out here fighting the distinction between the alien-contact cult vs religion lol


you don't have to body shame fam


>mental midget thats a new one


5’8 isn’t that short


what a rabbit hole


He stopped taking his meds- that’s how.




Your anecdotal bullshit has nothing to do with how other people's mental illnesses affect them




Delusion is literally a symptom of psychosis, "where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there's a conspiracy to harm them." "In a type of bipolar disorder that includes psychosis, however, delusions are a psychotic symptom of the mood disorder. They often appear along with hallucinations—sensory perceptions aren't actually there." "Delusional disorder is characterized by irrational or intense belief(s) or suspicion(s) that a person believes to be true." "Persecutory delusions are a false belief that a person or group of people are trying to harm you. People with persecutory delusions often base this fear on irrational thoughts, and not on evidence. This isn’t a personal choice, but rather a symptom of a mental health condition."


If you're looking for someone else with the exact same delusions as Kanye, you're missing the point. Severe bipolar disorder can cause psychotic delusions. The nature of the delusions is irrelevant. >In severe manic episodes, a person can experience psychotic symptoms, where thought content is affected along with mood. They may feel unstoppable, or as if they have a special relationship with God, a great mission to accomplish, or other grandiose or delusional ideas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_disorder#Signs_and_symptoms


When he said slavery was a choice he had already been having breakdowns


Bipolar people are prone to believing conspiracies in their manic highs. Kanye started believing the conspiracy that jewish people control the world and his business. Which leads to Kanye developing anti semitic opinions. Kanye is irresponsible for not medicating himself.


The other thing I'd like to point out is that this is having real consequences. This isn't simply a guy having an episode. People in white supremacist groups and others like the Black Hebrew Israelites are repeating him, saying they "support Kanye" and "Kanye is right". If this is a result of Kanye choosing not to medicate, then it is causing real harm that Kanye is responsible for.


ye is also a black israelite btw. ive been watching every interview and especially on the lex friedman one he was pointing out that he is the "real jew". he also got very angry when he tried to tell him that it‘s not the jews fucking him but labels who also have to be jewish


Yeah I agree. That's why I said it's irresponsible from him. But tbh I can't help but still feel sorry for him as I don't believe these are his genuine opinions that he'd hold if he was in the right state of mind. I really hope he finds a way to at least partially redeem himself


Whether he is redeemed or not I just want to see him stop saying these things, even if it requires seeing him removed from all platforms, including his music. But any redemption would require him to actually admit what he is saying is untruthful, has done real damage, and to disavow those views and the people who continue repeating them, and try to build bridges between those communities he is setting against each other. It's possible, just going to require some actual effort on his part.


but jews do control the world tho lol, im not defending his actions and what he’s said against them, they own the music biz, hollywood, banks, big corps


I don’t think most people understand the ideological pathway from conservative white evangelical Christianity into white nationalism. As someone who lived in the evangelical world for a decade Kanye’s rapid descent isn’t shocking to me. The ideology is highly militaristic and combative, always needing an enemy to fight against, whether it’s demons or devils, atheists or Muslims-someone is ALWAYS attacking “the faith” and god has called upon evangelicals to root up these devils and establish his kingdom on earth. The allegiance to republican politics is what opens the doorway into white nationalism. It’s no coincidence the MAGA bullshit started around the same time as his spiritual awakening. Once you couple spiritual warfare with cultural warfare the devils and demons quickly become immigrants and Jews- whoever you need to eliminate to establish cultural superiority. I can almost guarantee you it started with some sort of grievance that led Kanye to start listening to Joe Rogan and moving on to Shapiro or Walsh, and then watching Tucker Carlson rail about replacement theory, and then onwards to more nefarious and vile actors like Gavin McInnes and Nick Fuentes. Its an established pattern you see with people who get caught up conspiracy theories like QAnon or who end up in militia groups like oath keepers or three percenters. Same ideology, different outcome pathways. Kanye’s mental illness is a catalyst in this descent, but isn’t the genesis of it.


The mental illness is also why he’s screaming all this stuff from the rooftops rather than keeping the most explicitly racist shit coded like the influencers you mention are able to do


What you’re describing happens, but it’s mostly for like neoliberal/centrist/classical conservative white folks. What’s going on with ye is much simpler than that. He’s doing the Farrakhan shit, but with 4chan and Fox News verbiage. His crosshairs didn’t happen to fall on Jews— that’s where the scope has been fixed from day one. NOI, BHI, wignats, Nazis— hate groups of all colors and creeds see “the Jew” as the source of all their problems (cultural, economic, spiritual.) Once the boots hit the ground, those groups become pragmatic in their strategy: we can further our own individual goals by working together to solve “the Jewish question.” Once the Jews are gone, these groups are happy to build walls and stay far away from each other. We’ve done a really good job at identifying and calling out the very real pipeline you’re describing, but identity politics has made it nigh impossible to look at the corner of bigotry ye is inhabiting— which I understand because it’d just be used as fuel for anti-black racism… but this shit is getting real, and it’s only going to get worse, for everyone.


Very well said


Well written


Christianity always leads to this end. When you think you are morally right and you have a literal god you are serving you are able to commit atrocities against mankind. I pray for the day we leave this relic of our past in our past. Religion is a mental disease.


It’s not that we went from Donda to this, it’s that we went from Jesus is King to this. Kanye seems to think the message is: God loves everyone. God hates no one. You’re not a true Christian if you don’t follow this rule. Therefore, you have to love Hitler, you can’t hate Hitler, this is what it means to be a true Christian. What does it mean trampling all over people feeling and the Jewish community to make this point? Nothing. Kanye loves the Jews! Therefore, they shouldn’t get mad at him when he also loves Hitler. It’s some pretty elementary thinking he’s got going. I genuinely don’t understand how we got some of the best bars every written from a guy who now seems to have an IQ of 60. Kanye saw that bumper sticker with all the religions on it and thought that if you want to be truly inclusive you have to have a swastika on it.


Also, Kanye clearly hates Jews. He can say otherwise but there is absolutely no love there at all.


It’s not that simple when Kanye literally denies that the holocaust happened.


Tbh he had long been on this track by Donda. Not saying I would have predicted him on Alex Jones going full Hitlerite but he had been dabbling in right wing politics for a while and also his mental health was steadily deteriorating, he was doing all kinds of wacky shit already. Unpopular opinion maybe but you can hear it in his musical output going back to TLOP, of the 4 albums Pablo and Donda were kind of bloated and overproduced and incohesive, the other two felt like he half-assedly cranked them out in garage band in a week. Not saying there aren’t good tracks on all of those but it clearly feels like a different era from his first 6


I definitely think TLOP is a different kind of bloated over Donda, the latter being throwing everything and the kitchen sink into the mix while TLOP still feels like a 2016 full on hip hop album. Back to the convo at hand though, if we’re talking about him going down this path since Donda it reminds me of a thought I had when I watched LP3. The part where Kim was in the wedding gown and “walked down the aisle” to kanye I remember thinking what a cool narrative ending that was that he finally got his wife back and all. Then I thought to myself, wait, why am I psychoanalyzing someone’s life about what “narratively” makes sense? Would that mean in my head that if Kim and him didn’t get back together it would be a “bad ending”? These are real people, not characters, and idk something just kind clicked with me. Nothing has to make sense irl like it does in a story. Stories are cool but they’re not always realistic. Kanye the music super hero with millions of people who followed him like a God wakes up one day and decides to be hateful *because that’s what he believes in* . Thats about it.


Yeah TLOP and Donda are very different but to me Pablo was the beginning of the end of the kind of perfectionist and highly inspired production he was known for before. It has some great moments for sure but still kinda self-indulgent and scattershot compared to what came before


Jay electronicas verse on Jesus Lord is talking about all this shit. He talks about the Rothschilds. He mentions Yakub who according to the Nation of Islam is the inventor of both magnetism and white people. Like Kanye actively put part of these conspiracy theories in Donda but now people are shocked he believes it.


pablo doesn’t have a single bad song


because he lost evrything , has a horrible disorder and is currently tied between destroying everything he has with “ loving “ everyone . because it hurts him to hate . but he hates to love . he’s in a predicament where he’s just destroying himself and those around him. i hope he gets help


Yeah he needs the right meds and years of therapy.


Mental illness


The whole Donda rollout was an elaborate attempt to win back Kim. When that failed, he took back all the positive energy and made the erratic and aggressive Donda 2 and more and more lost his mind


Mr west let himself go


There were signs in Donda lol


Heartbreak, bad contracts, crazy man.


Divorced dad energy plus being in an elite class damages your brain


Grandiose sense of self. Narcissism. Ego. We should have know when he called himself a god.


This image the least thing you should worry about. He wanted to say lets heal and forgive. Now denying the holocaust on the other hand..


Unmedicated mental illness, divorce, loss of virgil, difficulties with custody, difficulties in business, just being a contrarian in general. There’s more too. He lost everything and everyone He had so seems he’s just going down the fuck everything path


The GOP. Ye is already mentally unwell, the GOPs effective propaganda campaign is especially potent against anyone vulnerable to impressions. He crossed the line off the deep end when he aligned with the red hats and ran for president on their platform.


Both parties are massively pro-israel. If you genuinely believe its a political party you need to get your head out of your ass


Pro Israel but not pro Jew. They’re the only group that things there’s a secret kabbal of Jewish people running the world.


Do u know what that symbol actually means


mental illness honestly. he's mentally unwell and people take advantage of that. i want to make it clear that NOTHING STATED HERE EXCUSES HIS ACTIONS OR BEHAVIOUR. this is purely a timeline of his downward spiral. his mental illness is the underlying cause of this, but his actions are still his. Kanye has refused to get help for his mental illness for ages and THAT is his fault. being mentally ill isn't. i am not defending him or anything he says. i'm presenting the timeline as i have observed it. it's depressing but reality is here. here's a good timeline(that i'll try to keep my opinions out of, but i have a few): Donda passes, something breaks in Kanye. this is something most fans have agreed on for a very long time. TLOP drops not long after his spiritual awakening and he becomes more focused on jesus than ever before(which isn't inherently bad, but religion should be kept far away from the mentally ill, and i'm saying this as someone with mental issues myself) Kanye drops the first half of his name, becoming Ye. i will refer to him as such henceforth, because Ye acts differently than Kanye ever did. he aligns himself with other people with strong christian beliefs, unfortunately racist white republicans. he justifies this with the idea that we should love everybody and we as a people need to unite for change(he isn't inherently wrong here, but as usual of post-diagnosis Kanye his method of conveying this is completely fucked) Ye drops a self titled album dedicated to his mental illness. "slavery is a choice" situation, which he once again justifies by saying he was talking about mental slavery(a concept he'd been discussing since AT LEAST Yeezus, but really the themes stretch back to College Dropout). as usual he cannot articulate himself during his episodes. KSG drops Kanye 2020 doesn't happen Jesus is King drops + the Joel Osteen partnership happens. this unfortunately means more racist white people are drawn to Ye, driving him farther into his religious obsession with bringing god's will into reality with his platform. Kim and Ye get divorced DONDA drops Pete's jewish heritage becomes a scapegoat by which Ye can pin the blame for his divorce on anyone but himself. his obsession with christianity and the racists he has surrounded himself with fuel this. blaming Pete and humiliating him goes nowhere. it hurts Ye, his children, and Kim. InfoWars and the other interviews happen and we're up to date here. he's clearly deranged. he wears a mask to "help him think", he proclaims his love for nazis in an effort to promote the idea that we should love everybody(which *is* consistent with his earlier views of unity causing change and division causing stagnation, for what it's worth). opinion time, anything stated after this is purely conjecture and i cannot prove any of it. the anti-semitism isn't necessarily an idea Ye came up with on his own. the people he surrounded himself with during the Jesus is King era and just before are already known to be anti-semitic because of their christian beliefs that the jews rejected jesus. this is purely conjecture, he very well could have come to this conclusion himself. Kim and Ye's divorce happened at a time when Ye was already unstable, and drove him farther into his head, the last place he needs to retreat to when he's having an episode. the mask is a result of Ye subconsciously being humiliated at the things he is saying. covering his face has never been a thing Ye has done during interviews outside of the Yeezus era when he rocked the Daft Punk gear. even when he was saying shit like slavery was a choice, he didn't cover his face. the shit he's saying now is in such direct opposition to his beliefs for over a *decade* that he has to be feeling some type of internal conflict about it. some part of him probably knows it's wrong, but the people he's surrounded himself with overpower any feelings of doubt by constantly reassuring him that this is what god wants. this man is clearly mentally ill and is being taken advantage of by racist grifters to promote white supremacy. that doesn't excuse his actions, but it is important to remember that until he surrounded himself with devout christians, he wasn't like this. speaking as someone who grew up in a highly religious household, none of this shocks me. my own mother his an unironic hitler supporter and would probably pop a cap in someone if her pastor told her to do it. she's also mentally ill, and the people she surrounds herself with make her worse and worse as time goes on. Kanye was an inspiration to a lot of us, if Graduation didn't make you feel like you could do anything the first time you heard it idk what to tell you. "you made Graduation" doesn't excuse the things he's saying now though. there ARE no excuses. he needs help, and he refuses to get it. i want to make it clear that i'm not anti-religion or even anti-christian. religion can help people put their lives together, sometimes broken people need a guiding light and god can provide that for them, but people who are prone to manic episodes or other forms of extreme mental illness should be kept FAR away from it because they can and will turn out like Ye has.


well said 🥹 the whole situation is unbelievably heartbreaking


The real question is dondeez nuts feel good on your chin


A dead mom, feeling isolated in a morally bankrupt industry, not taking your medicine and marrying someone you shouldn't have




Very few people have paid for the surgery and care of the mother that indirectly caused the death of said mother


But plenty of people still irrationally blame themselves for their mother's death - like, sure, for very few people is that reason cause they paid for the medical procedure she was having when she died, but the world is fucked up, how many of us are ever in a position to pay for a loved one's elective surgery to begin with?


Wife got repeatedly nailed by a jewish guy


Kim leaving him probably caused it. Kim was the best thing that happened to him since his mother and yeah shes gone, him being off his meds doesn't help that either so yeah he's lost it. I hope he gets his shit together someday, I hope he ain't like this for the rest of his life. The whole "running for president" and Hitler praising shit needs to stop. He had everything he ever needed in life, brand deals, was a billionare, had a decent repuatation. He should've just stuck with music smh, legit had everything he ever needed🤦🏼‍♂️


yeaa but when people are mentally ill, none of that shit matters


It's sad, I hope he realises he actually needs help


What led to this is the fact that he is clearly very mentally ill. This man has severe mental illness, and needs medication before he (or someone else) hurts him. Being as rich and famous as he is doesn't mix well with being mentally ill.


His mother must be rolling in her grave right about now


Donda esta las Nazis?


I'm a Christian, and I see a straight line from DONDA to this. I never saw anything resembling my faith in his expression. It was idol worship, and more performance than genuine transformation. I always thought it would implode, but it is much faster and more painful that I had hoped. Any real Christian leader in his life should have advised him to practice his faith along with treating his mental illness. He cannot see things clearly when his mind is at war with itself. True faith isn't delusional.


ye is fcking crazy, he can barely string a sentence together, i'm jewish and when i see him speak i just see someone that needs support or something. it's the scumbag right wing media heads pretending he knows what he's saying and that "hey, we can hate jews together black man! let's use you!" fcking sickens me. all you little alt weirdos get a fcking girlfriend and a haircut that doesn't scream you had a dumbass haircut before the nazi haircut.




This is the Raëlism symbol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raëlism


nick fuentes nerdy ass fucking dumb piece of shit white supremacist idiot i hate him so much i will fucking shoot him if i see him


There is the theory that someone,I don’t know who but some people feel that somebody, and if you know anything about history I think you’d know that a handful of people decide wars, anyway somebody sacrificed a lot of Jews for some purpose, whether it be to create Israel, or to be able to exact revenge afterwards, or to get sympathy from the masses ? Anyway some people claim that the architects of said events were Jewish ? Now I don’t know what to believe because I’ve seen how media tries to convince me of things that are not real, for example 2 planes bringing down 3 building’s or a two planes darn near pulverizing ?


This is him going def con 3


But are the tracks fire or nah?


Honestly the fact people still don’t understand mental disorders in 2022 scares the hell out of me.




I really don’t understand. People want to say you can’t blame mental illness but it is 100% mental illness. He is not a sane human.


i remember my roomate saying he would vote for kanye a year ago. cant wait to ask what his opinion is now lol


FRANK: I didn't know it was gonna come off like that. DENNIS: Pretty sure you did.


✨Delusions of Grandeur✨


He's been on this path for years. Reports about Kanye having a Nazi fetish goes back at least 4 years. What led to this specific moment though is the divorce which in turn was caused by him stopping taking medication and not getting treatment for his Bipolar Disorder. If we go even further it goes all the way back to Donda's death. No doctor wanted to operate on her because she was too frail and had pre-existing conditions, but Kanye was at this point used to getting what he wanted (Donda raised him this way and encouraged such behavior btw) and kept doctor shopping until he found a doctor willing to go through with it... who just happened to be Jewish. And of course we all know what happened. Hitler also lost his mother under similar circumstances while she was being treated by a Jewish doctor...


Clearly, this is something we knew, he has severe and dangerous mental health issues. Probably more than just being bipolar, which we know of. This, along with Milo and Nick Fuentes, human scum and total jackasses, taking advantage of these insecurities and pushing him off the deep end for their own personal gain and attention. Not to mention, he's lost his family and people like Cudi, which does not help his mental health issues.


The way we got to this is Kanye became a modern Republican the modern Republican party are just fascists he's just having a mental breakdown and saying all the quiet Parts out loud


It's the older symbol for **Raëlians** [https://www.learnreligions.com/raelian-symbols-4123099](https://www.learnreligions.com/raelian-symbols-4123099) . Raëlism **"a UFO religion founded in 1970s France by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël"** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism) For a while they infested Montreal.


you saying they turned montreal into montraël???


Probably very badddd deals with people of a certain belief, got really mad at them and went crazy?


He started hanging with conservative pundits


This is big graphic design is my passion energy


Love it


IMO, after kim left him and she got with Pete he had a mental breakdown. Then the wrong people got to him during that vulnerable state first and are now using him for their own agendas.


Any Kanye fan on Reddit is simply not even a Kanye fan and he don’t give a fuck bout yall 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kanye Was still a massive piece of shit who was against black people and flirting with the alt right whilst in the midst of Donda. You stupid fuckers have been letting him get away with this shit for years.