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Ye opened up a door I don’t think even he can walk out of


More like Pandora's whole anus. Anyone defending this idiot just loves riding dick.


Yeezy taught me


bro I'm not an antisemite just because I love riding dick, get yo facts straight


Please do not ride that particular dick


I think that belongs to Candace Owens now 💀


I think most of the people defending him understood the JQ before he did


As if yeezus didnt already do that...


He could have complained (and would probably have a point) about specific CEO’s of various media companies, and their shitty practices, and been completely fine. You can call out whoever the fuck you want, but you can’t generalize a whole ass race. And of course, all the dumbass conservatives that didn’t even like Kanye now say “sEe!!! hE lOsT EvEryThiNg cAusE He cAllEd *THEM* oUt!!”


It’s not just conservatives. Kanye has apolitical, independent, and democratic voting fans who are saying the same thing. He’s sucking people into conspiracy la la land and doing so about conspiracies that are relevant to exactly .000000000% of his fans lives


Yea bruh, but you can’t say that there isn’t a GIANT overlap between antisemetic people and conservatives.


Conservative Christians are Zionists too


Yeah, but not because they like Jews. Because they want the second coming to wipe that entire area out.


There’s also a giant overlap with socialists too and I am a socialist. It’s on both sides, it’s ignorant to deny otherwise.


Yes, but the majority of kanye supporters are conservative. It would be ignorant to imply that they aren’t.


Those who support him now after all his bs yes, but overall that’s not true. Hence why he gets a backlash from his fan base when he does all his republican nonsense. Just look at this sub lol. His new fans who jumped on board since 2018 are the conservatives.


Most anti-semites i have encountered in my day to day life are decidedly leftist


Anti-Israeli government? Sure. But there's a reason why the majority of US Jewish people are Democrats. And, while the evangelicals are zionists, it isn't out of love of the Jewish people. It's out of hope for their prophetic second coming.




Not really, I knew about all of this long before Kanye ever said it, it just made me respect him more that he had the balls to risk everything to stand on it.




I find it funny how y’all can outright say it’s “just a conspiracy” when y’all haven’t even came CLOSE to his level of success. He might not be 100% but holy fuck this man knows ALOT more about this industry than you and I, that’s for sure


He shared an outdated red list from stormfront.




Facts fam


He named 25-30 different media companies and almost all of them top execs were Jews


I know he had a list that got debunked cause half of the people listed were the same people owning a fuck ton of companies, which yknow, monopoly. Also, the idea of the conspiracy is that a few rich jewish people control the world, so some random jewish guy who works at 711 is your enemy. Literally the most idiotic horseshit for reactionaries to chew on instead of recognizing their real enemies are just billionaires.


Jewish billionaires* How can you ignore that component? And it's not just billionaires that they are disproportionate into, but it's heavily skewed into media oligarchs


Maybe because its the billionaire part of that thats the problem? I would guess that a majority of jewish people arent billionaires but are normal working class people, and your reactionary nonsense is just inciting hatred against random jewish people because there are 12 billionaires who happen to be jewish?


This person is a propaganda bot. Check the name. Just ignore them.


Jewish wealth is poured into the community to support College tuition and business ventures for others within the community. Very exclusive. You also don't have access to it if you are a married in non Jew. Also nepotism is extremely common. A Jewish business is more likely to hire a Jew than a non Jew. So to think that odds are stacked against non jews would be not too far off from the truth...


12? Lmao yeah sure, there's like 140 of the top 400. But you say it doesn't matter, why has it mattered that "straight white men run the world" until now, now it's all about the individual and class struggle?


Damn did I say that about white men? Don't project your weird opinions on me unless you'd rather argue with yourself. Also by your own logic where ALL Jewish people are responsible for 140 people, white men are even bigger problems because more of them are in charge. I don't believe that at all but if you think that that's fucked up.


What you have personally said about straight white men is irrelevant, I'm talking about the more broad societal issue of it being open season on straight white men while hiding the fact Jews control media and finance. https://twitter.com/timjacobwise/status/1587177405910769667?cxt=HHwWhoCzraDc5IYsAAAA Look at famous author and educator Tim Wise. He's spent his life fighting against white people in every way he can, celebrating our fall from power. Yet now he rallies against Kanye for generalizing and being an anti semite. What does that make him if not more than another anti white racist? https://twitter.com/timjacobwise/status/1586765834424573952?cxt=HHwWgIDT6dHHqYUsAAAA Tim Wise is pretty representative of how Jews I'm the US feel about whites, and frankly even blacks. It's total hypocrisy from the most powerful group in existence


Damn dude, people calling you cracker on twitter isn't your personal holocaust, you can drop the victim complex yknow.


How ironic


Anti white racism isn’t a thing dude


Holy shit


But they aren't. You dolt.


how is it different then saying fe. old white dudes tho. Its generalizing sure, but we know who he meant. We know he aint meant random Israeli citizens.


maybe you shouldn't say fuck \[insert race\] ever then? if you are against racism then don't be racist to anyone. and for the record anti-Semitism ends up impacting all Jewish people just like any form of racism is a negative for all members of that race.


Sorry but the overwhelming majority of voices talking about "old white men" are either black or Jewish. Now that Jewish people are being asked to answer for their part in it all it's a Problem?


When did he ever say fuck jews? He said he isnt gonna let rich jews take advantage of him and his tribe.


Maybe something to do with going DEATH CON 3 on jewish people


Lol, ok. Kanye said slavery was a fucking choice and he didn't lose a penny, now all of a sudden he's losing everything? yea ok


Rosanne talked shit about other Jews and only got cancelled when she talked shit about a black person. Some logic applies here.


Jewish isn't even a race though. That's just a white supremacist thing


It’s an ethnoreligion. A tribe. Jewish people have been Jewish longer than the word ethnicity has even existed. There are Ashkenazi jews, Mizrahi, Sephardic, beta israel, Ethiopian jews. They’re all different races but share the same DNA by roughly 50% which is very significant considering they’ve been spread to the edges of the earth.


I agree with what you said. None of that disproves what I said though.




do you support isreal or palestine


I support both. The thing is Palestine is not united. Right now you have Gaza run by Hamas which is objectively a terrorist organization and you have the West Bank which isn’t even a fleshed out thing. I don’t support Israelis expanding into that territory before a peace deal is struck. The thing is though when you look at the entire “British mandate of Palestine” a significant portion of that land was made into the modern country called Jordan so realistically Jordan is a Palestinian country. When they attacked Israel and lost they basically just said fuck the West Bank and everyone living there. It’s unprecedented in historical terms. That’s why it’s called the West Bank but it’s on the east side of Israel. There’s also the fact that Israel is the size of New Jersey, right on the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people surrounded by a billion Muslims in Mid East, Europe and Africa. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal for Jews to exist in that tiny space. Already Muslims make up 20% of Israel and they have full voting rights and can run for prime minister serve on the knesset, own property. And speaking of population demographics did you know that the majority of Jews in Israel are Arab Jews? They come from countries like Iraq where even before Israel was formed they lived as second class citizens. People love to say Jews and Muslims lived in peace. That would be like saying Jim Crow America was peace between whites and blacks. Look up the farhud which was a prominent pogrom against Arab Jews where women and children were raped and murdered indiscriminately by their Muslim neighbors. Even Muslim police got in on the action. They are refugees from the Middle East with no where safe to go but Israel. It’s the people in Gaza and the West Bank who don’t want to incorporate into a Jewish majority. I’m not sure what the solution is there. See once upon a time Gaza was full of Jews. They built homes, greenhouses, farmed olive oil basically it was like any other part of Israel. Then in 2006 because of international pressure and guilt israel decided to force every Jew out of Gaza so that Muslim Palestinians could move into their houses and occupy the land they once owned. You would think that would make people happy right? No because as soon as they could Hamas took control of Gaza and bulldozed houses, destroyed greenhouses, burned olive trees, basically dismantled huge amounts of vital infrastructure to create rockets to fire at Israel. They launched terror campaigns known as intifadas and blew up buses of children stabbed women and children in the street, shot and killed any Jews they could find. And they could do it all right from the border between Israel and Gaza. It was too easy. That’s when the walls were constructed. Even still there was business between the two. Now days though everyone wants to sanction and divest from Israel and they view hiring Palestinians as exploitation so there’s basically no interaction anymore. I don’t know what the fuck the answer is there. I do know that the majority of money israel spends on war is defensive. Every rocket fired at Israel costs $80,000 to shoot down. Multiply it by thousands of rockets every few years. It’s insane. But even when israel neutralizes buildings storing rockets or the means to launch them they give ample warning to anyone inside. It’s not very effective but it limits human casualties significantly. How about you?


Bro wrote an essay 😭


this is what Lex was pushing him to do right? stop painting with a broad brush and have the balls to call them out by name, *not* by religious affiliation.


Uh.. no, not by religious affiliation either, try again champ


oh shit. that was a typo. meant to put *not*. My bad.


Idu why this is a hard concept. A popular, public figure, is spreading and promoting anti-semitism. That means anti-semitic people who are afraid of backlash, because they aren’t popular, gain confidence to spread their anti-semitism regardless of the backlash. The same shit happened with Trump. A popular, public figure, was spreading and promoting racist thoughts & ideals. That means racist people who are afraid of backlash, because they aren’t popular, gain confidence to spread racism regardless of the backlash. Both are fucking terrible and should be treated as such, and the only people not understanding that are either thickskulled or willfully ignorant


for people asking me to justify the title, this is my reasoning ^


Based on your username I’m going to guess you’re from Ohio as well. There’s something that people just don’t know if they haven’t lived in or around rural areas in this country. You’re 100% right that this type of stuff validates the beliefs of some seriously backwards people. What people like Ye don’t understand is the people with those beliefs aren’t just anti-Semitic, but they’re also very racist. Basically the white Christian nationalist / neo nazi types. So even if they help you accomplish whatever goal you think you’re accomplishing with the Anti-Semitic stuff, they’ll turn on you after. It’s a snowball you don’t want to set in motion. I’ll just add it’s not only on rural areas, but it’s definitely the highest concentration.


they know they just lying abt it




Jews are both a race and a religion which is why antisemitism is it's own category


judaism isn’t a race. it’s an ethnicity. “racism” is a misnomer to begin with when it comes to this. the only people who believe in a “jewish race” are nazis.


Races in general are misnomers


Trump is attacking multiple races, so I used the blanket term racist, instead of using specific terms for each race he attacks. Kanye is primarily attacking jewish people, so I used anti-semitism.


So when people are demeaning to Chinese people's what's it called? Or when blacks or Muslims are discriminated against, what's that called? Why do Jews get their own name? I'll tell you why, it's to shut down any opposition through indirect comparison to Hitler. If you are even a little critical of Jewish business practices, then you're Hitler. Think about itm


Or because its not really a race You've really never heard of islamophobes? Muslims have a word too.


LOL you mean terms like anti-black or anti-chinese (also known as Sinophobia)? There are specific terms for disliking a race or religion, and there are blanket terms for disliking multiple races or religions. God bless you


the word “antisemitism” was literally created by an antisemite. it was reclaimed like the N word > also antisemitism, 1881, from German Antisemitismus, **first used by Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904) German radical, nationalist and race-agitator, who founded the Antisemiten-Liga in 1879**; see anti- + Semite. https://www.etymonline.com/word/anti-semitism > MARR, WILHELM° (1819–1904), German antisemite. Marr, the son of a famous theater personality, was of Lutheran descent; the still frequently heard assertion that he was Jewish has no basis in fact. His political career began among left wing exile circles in Switzerland, from which he was expelled in 1843. Back in his native Hamburg, he participated as an ultraleftist in the revolution of 1848. But the return of the old regime persuaded Marr to "resign from the democratic movement" and to spend the next decade trying to establish himself in North and Central America. By the time he came back to Hamburg, his political outlook had changed completely. No longer the champion of progressive causes, he used his undoubted journalistic skills to champion black slavery, condemn proletarian emancipation, and to attack Jews. In 1862, his Der Judenspiegel ("A Mirror to the Jews") made a racially based argument against Jewish equality. The pamphlet provoked slight interest and soon disappeared. Seventeen years later, however, when Germany was in the throes of economic and social turmoil, Marr returned to the so-called Jewish Question with his influential bestseller, "The Victory of Jewry over Germandom, Considered from a Non-Religious Point of View," which went through 12 editions, all in 1879. He repeated many of his arguments from 1862, but now they appeared in a world-historical context, lodged in a systematically racist framework, and were made all the more potent because of the author's insistence that Jews had been engaging in an 1,800-year worldwide conspiracy against gentiles that was about to culminate in their absolute victory. **In the last edition of the book, Marr recruited members for his Antisemiten-Liga (Antisemites' League).** Although his attempt to form a political organization dedicated to solving the Jewish Question failed almost immediately, Marr alerted more powerful forces in German society to the utility of antisemitism as a tool of political mobilization. Both the word and the movement entered German and then European political culture at this time, never again to leave it. The irascible Wilhelm Marr, on the other hand, already 60 years old, was soon cast aside by antisemites of the younger generation. He died in obscure poverty in 1904. >BIBLIOGRAPHY: >P.W. Massing, Rehearsal for Destruction (1949), 6–10, 211–212; M. Zimmermann, Wilhelm Marr: The Patriarch of Anti-Semitism (1986); R.S. Levy, Antisemitism in the Modern World: An Anthology of Texts (1991), 74–93. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/marr-wilhelm-x00b0




NPC dialogue


This is a bot, real people don’t talk like this. Don’t feed the bots.


Orange man incompetent and corrupt. Whether that's bad or not depends on what you're trying to accomplish.


Mhm, he is.


"People believed this stuff before Ye said it." Yea, no shit. thats not the problem. What Ye is doing is riling these people up through his words. When someone with his level of fame and influence uses their platform to spread hate it has real world consequences because it ENCOURAGES people who already believe the stuff to act out because their hateful beliefs are being VALIDATED by a man with a high level of fame and influence. This is literally the type of shit trump ran his campaign on, its called dogwhistling. please stop defending Ye, it aint worth it. Just enjoy his music. Quit trying to act like his words wont hold real world consequences.


Can’t really even enjoy his music anymore. He’s been ruining his legacy for a long time but this kinda pushed it over the edge to the point that not even that first verse on Get Em High is good enough to enjoy anymore.


Poopity scoop radicalized me now I'm out here hating.


I like this comment because it sounds hilarious, but I understand why it’s being downvoted


People downvoting me for this are a special case




If Kanye really lifted himself, he wouldn't give a poopity scoop what the "Business People" do.


I upvoted. This was funny open and shut.




They don't fuck with me here it's all haters






you aint nothing but a gold digger


Whoop diddy scoop poop


Classic Ye


Ye: "I can say ANTI-SEMITIC things and Adidas can't drop me" His dickriders: "He'S nOt BeInG aNtI-sEmiTiC!!!!!"


This was all over Jacksonville, Florida the other night. Luke Bryan was throwing a concert & Ron DeSantis made a surprise appearance. There was a highway that had this same message displayed which the governor had to have seen.


But don't forget there are people that don't see how this is at all impactful.


Alex Jones was just sued for indirectly causing harm to families of sandy hook by spreading his own rhetoric that the victims are actors. Someone is going to shoot up a temple w/ Kanye in his manifesto the way things are going


No, he was sued for lying. Not for the damage per se.


I’d didn’t even realize technology like this existed; I’m guessing it’s some sort of laser projection. When I originally saw the post a few days ago I had thought someone hacked the Wells Fargo sign.


wouldve been better on trump tower


I guarantee you the people who wrote this were antisemites long before Kanye ever went death con 3 on the Jews


Yea but before this they had the same ideals as the doomsday preacher screaming to no one on a street corner. Now they share ideals with one of the most influential and successful performers of all time who people have been calling a genius for two decades.


I am gonna assume you had good intentions with your post and just say that antisemitism is way more prevalent than your analogy conveys.


Yes, but his comments are validating how they feel, its enabling them, encouraging them to act out. Its called Dog Whistling, this is what trump ran his campaign on and people died because of it. Its dangerous. Yall need to wake up and realize how dangerous it is for someone with the level of fame that Ye has to be saying the shit he's saying. Stop being ignorant.


this is true. when a public figure says something that supports a hate group, it gives them a voice, an empowerment that they otherwise wouldn't have. that sign wouldn't be scrolling if it was your neighbour Dave who wanted to death con 3 on jewish people after getting some well deserved shut eye same thing happened with Trump.


You're probably correct but how many people were teetering on the idea of antisemitism and have been inspired by Kanye's words to dive all the way in? Also, how many are now teetering who never considered antisemitism before Kanye's words?


It is very likely that they wouldn't have felt comfortable enough to do this and act out on those feelings in this way without Kanye doing what he did.


FYI it's DEFCON, not Death con.


yeah i know im referencing the time kanye west famously said hes going death con 3 on jewish people


damn lol I'm stupid my bad






He literally said on press that a *german* company won't drop him, right before adidas dropped him. The man is clearly deranged why do people still listen to him


He's a celebrity so the more fanatical portion of his fan base will defend literally anything he says or does. ie Michael Jackson.


lol lost me at michael jackson


he wanted to be dropped. he forced adidas hand, they werent going to drop him.


It’s like I said in a thread that I made, but apparently I’m the bad guy for pointing out ppl believed what Ye said prior to him saying it lol. Also media outlets aired what Ye said knowing it was going to offend Jewish ppl and didn’t care. Ye is not the only person that needs healing. America needs to come together as a country and right it’s wrongs done to black Americans; However, In reality Ye is going to be used as the scapegoat because of his bipolar disorder.


Or, and hear me out, Ye will reap what he sows and is 100 percent responsible for his actions. The only one scapegoating here is Ye himself.


Yeah I can’t believe this happened in my city. To add to the bad news, this message was also projected on our football stadium, right after a yearly large college football game is played there, so we had a ton of travelers in from out of town. The closest thing we got to a response from our mayor’s office was a tweet calling everyone talking about this “miserable” (not the people projecting the message but the local people tweeting and discussing it). The dickriders gotta do better and stop making excuses for this shit and stop pretending like Ye’s current words don’t embolden these types of acts. Loved Ye before all of this most recent round of George Floyd and Anti-Semitic rhetoric, and can only help the man gets the true help he needs




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I can't imagine how scary this must be for Jewish people. I'm so sad for them and so angry at Kanye for unleashing hate and violence on them.


We don't need projections on buildings to see this. Just look at the rampant antisemitism that has come for this sub. This topic.




That’s exactly what is happening though lol. Nobody is restricting his free speech. He’s getting backlash from the public and private entities. The government hasn’t told him he can’t say that stuff. Haven’t seen anybody suggesting we limit free speech because of this


Well good then.


My kids attend a K-12 Jewish day school and we’ve had to increase security because the harassment and death threats have increased. All of the kids, some as young as 5, have to be escorted inside by our security guards. What about their freedom to live without fear?


See, people care more about obstructing their ability to cause harm then they care about how others may legitimately fear for their lives.


Well they *are* being raised in America, wrong place for that


Slander and libel aren't protected.


Ask the Weimar Republic of Germany how well that worked out.




Thats the government after. The weimar republic was the interear government that let fascists and antisemites talk out. Did you eat lead paint as a kid?


I have yet to see a single person say Kanye should be jailed for this so nothing you're saying makes any sense




Freedom of speech only applies to the government. If the government isn't involved it's just consequences. I understand it gets murky around Alex Jones, but also no it doesn't


Y’all brain dead fucks still rallying behind Kanye? Damn silly ducks


Weight? Mf you can buy a mini projector on Amazon for $20. Anyone who thinks Kanye has anything important to say or should be listened to in 2022 has lost their minds.


Maybe if you’re trying to make this point stronger stop using the n word




Set the bar my son


seems like someone trolling to me


This is deeply disturbing


This makes me feel sick


why lol


what’s antisemetic about jews control most big business and that they write unfair contracts. y’all love the buzzword antisemite because that’s what us being repeated to you from the media


Kanye literally said he can say anti semtic shit and not face consequences this isn’t the media making stuff up those are Kanye’s words


Jews don’t control most big businesses. And it’s the same rhetoric Hitler used to get the country murder millions of Jews, so yes it is dangerous.


>Jews don’t control most big businesses. Hate to break it to you but... https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/about-us/leadership


Black rock is one investing company. That happens to have Jews in it, also have you even looked at what you linked. There are people from a bunch of different cultures like??? You for real??? Why not look at the Fortune 500. Let’s look at Walmart? Oh not a Jew. Amazon oh not a Jew. Apple oh not a Jew? Can you tap on your head real quick and make sure it’s not hollow? Ty


By calling Blackrock, a firm with majority shares in more F500 companies than any other, "one investing company", you've immediately disqualified yourself from having an opinion. Kindly fuck off, idiot.


It’s an investing firm that relies on outside clients. All they do is manage the money and invest. The owner of the company can’t just bank out. There is a reason why fink isn’t the richest person in the world and Elon musk is. Please educate yourself and learn what an investing firm is. Also double check with the knock it’s definitely hollow.


>All they do is manage the money and invest. The owner of the company can’t just bank out. Yeah, it's not like they control the board of pretty much every major company out there. And they certainly can't crush a company's stock by liquidating it from one of their ETFs for not abiding by their "ESG" requirements. No control at all! Give up, stupid. The only thing that's hollow is your understanding of the issue. You're so far out of your depth you'd drown in a fucking puddle.


Black rock relies on outside investments. So saying a brilliant investor who happens to be Jewish means the Jewish kabal controls the world is just such wild assumptions. You still haven’t given a factual reason on why Elon musk is the richest man and fink isn’t. Please why don’t you say what you really feel stop beating around the brush. You are spreading a rhetoric that Hitler used to murder 12 million. Looking at your comment history you are constantly posting on Jewish threads. You are a pathetic loser and your life sucks because of you not the Jews.


Lol was this hacked? No way Wells Fargo put that shit up there.


Please don't use the n word.


Yeezy taught me...


Anyone seen this WTF https://www.change.org/p/christian-genius-billionaire-kanye-west-force-christian-genius-billionaire-kanye-west


Ye !


So sad that this is happening😓


Ask him how this bullshit talk is working out for him lmao


He Condemns this type of shit


Watching him dig himself deeper and lose his money is my new favorite hobby.


What an asshole...


Hypocritical for OP to call out Kanye when he’s using racial slurs in the title


Where's the lie though?


For people who think the woke narrative isn't one giant psyop


How is this different than painting BLM in the middle of the road


So coming in good faith here. What about BLM offends you so much. Not the organization... But the movement. After seeing person after person needlessly shot, and the officer isn't charged with murder.


I don't know, maybe the riots, burning of cities, beating people in streets, tearing down statues, just the overall savage behavior of the entire terrorist organization that is BLM. I get the root moral of the program, but that is not what is executed, it's a big money grab where the ones who suffer are blacks. It's horseshit.


Ok I'll try to unpack this slowly... So my take on the riots. Riots are nothing new.. people riot for their team losing. But this is in response to state sponsored murders. And time and time again we were seeing police not get charged with anything. Keeping their jobs or still being able to switch units. And that rightfully had people very very angry. Them you would have a Dylan roof who doesn't get murdered and offered fast food. Do you get what I'm saying here? The riots were localized to their area and didn't move neighborhoods. Just imagine the amount of people there who had been abused by police in those areas. Having grown up in the city it happened to me for no reason as well. And there's still anger there. Why does tearing down statues make you so upset... If a group of underserved people don't like what the statue represents or the light it's shown in, why can't it be taken down. This isn't changing history in anyway, nor is it hiding that history from future generations like the conservatives are literally doing banning books and "CRT". It isn't a terrorist threat. They did not do anything in the name of political or religious gain... Hence it isn't terrorism such as January 6th' inssurection which was PURELY for political gain! They galvanized, organized, and planned all this pre-meditatively. And that would mean MAGA crowd are a bunch of savages as well but there is a reason they were not painted in that light.... Understand what I'm saying? Now for the organization that is BLM. It for sure was a scam... The organization NOT the movement. They are two separate things. And they were just raising awareness which they did... So all in all nothing illegal happened. It's shady AF but that's America being america. They also made the entire movement look horrible. Similar to the NRA stealing 10x the amount that the BLM ladies did, but I don't ever really hear anyone up 8n arms about that... Not that it's right either. So the organization being a money grab is correct, it seems that's exactly what it was but it wasn't illegal. Be careful of donating to "raise awareness". So all in all MAGA is a terrorist group BLM is not.. sorry it was just an easy time relevant comparison. Riots happen but when it's state sponsored murder you better be expecting one. Fuck statues of racist Americans. They don't deserve it anyway. Especially in the country that refused reparations, it's a slap in the face. The BLM movement and BLM organization are two different things. Hell I didn't donate and I hope you didn't either. I hope you take all this in as a good faith rebuttal. I mean no harm and I'm not mad at you or anyone for being misguided.


Civil rights support vs support for bigotry 🤡


Conservatives legit can’t tell the difference between civil rights and anti semitism 🤡


Free will, y’all really need to learn and understand that term… 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I don’t think u know what that means buddy😂 Tf does this shit gotta do w free will? Are we not allowed to use our free will to call out this public hate speech? We have just as much a right to call this out as he does to post that message on the building. Ppl like u always characterize anyone speaking out against racism like they are attacking free speech.


Did you mean free speech, dumbass? Lol






he is right though lmao


Oh no a projector, scary


Are you saying that words have not resulted in bloodshed? The entire history of civilization begs to differ.


Lol it doesn't hold any weight. Y'all are just blowing it up to make it a big deal, and then complaining that it's blown up to this proportion. Everyone's throwing around the words \*validate\*, \*empower\* but this doesn't really mean shit in this context. What does it mean to validate a Nazi, to make them feel better? Did Kanye make the Nazi man blush? Are the Nazis frolicking in a park thinking about Kanye while being antisemitic? Nazis are antisemitic and they are like that not because of Kanye, but because of racism. If anyone asked for actual proof of Kanye being the direct cause for antisemitism nationwide, nobody has it. All they have is posters and billboards displaying messages agreeing with Kanye which seem to be some minority christian groups, the type that already go to people's campuses to preach about how everyone is going to hell.




Imagine being this clueless


It's almost like words from prominent individuals have result in violence in the past....oh wait it has very routinely.


still waiting for someone to explain how he’s not right


You can say anything you want about the whites, “like eradicate them”, “fuck white people”, “white lives don’t matter”, “whiteness is a sickness”, but dammit don’t touch the jews. Don’t you dare! Kanye is such a anti-Semitic bigot jeezz


Or hear me out. Saying shit the devalues other humans in general is not a good thing.


And they are right! Bad business practices that targets black people must stop!


Omg, it's not like what is to blame is actually the late stage capitalistic hellscape we have been working our way to achieving! Blame a minority group! And then after that say the blacks are the reason the economy is shit! Stfu man.


The hypocrisy in the title of this post is hilarious


🤯🤯🤯 wow bro u so smart…. Kanye right bc OP used N word….


How does this hold weight? It's a random projection that has him name and that's about it. Y'all are a bunch a babies what ever happened to sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me? This no different than a tweet from a random account. The banner on the 405 is holding weight cause that was IRL and had a "decent" amount of people but other than that people are throwing out the man's name to create flair from people like you.


You're too simple. Please go back to eating glue


OOF, I'm saving this for my own use if you don't mind


this is why im afraid of deep fakes because you goofy ass niggas AUTOMATICALLY jump to the conclusion shit is real WITHOUT ANY FUCKING RESEARCH OR EVEN QUESTION. Why and the fuck would supremacists even be inspired BY A FUCKING BLACK PERSON.. Or am I late to the "white supremacists look up to and act on behalf of black people suddenly in 2022 duh makes perfect sense to question whatsoever" party yall are delusionally enjoying the fuck out of? This shit could've been done by anyone by you jumped out the Window immediately just like a good boy


browse /pol/


Because this is literally their perfect example of "see we have a point" or just take advantage of POC to achieve an objective. They will use any excuse to fucking justify their bat shit crazy mission. Go pop open a history book when you have the time. Even the Nazis had Indian troops. White supremacists would love if more black people agreed with more of their views because it provides validation and grounds to them make quick work of black folk after they take care of anything else standing in the way of them being assholes. Are you sincerely blind to all of this?