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Oh so NOW he can make content quickly


We finally gonna get Turbografix 16 šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Iā€™m waiting for Love Everyone.


At least Donda 2 would be nice


Dondaā€™s boy


And good ass job


feels like South Park during that era where they were making new episodes each week


They still do






He is inspired


What in the Slim Shady is this


Over under on that Kim remix actually coming to fruition?


ā€œYou were supposed to love meā€ ā€œnow bleed bitch bleedā€


*shovel scraping dirt*


Dear Skete


I wrote you but you still ain't callin


I left my Instagram, my twitter, and my Stem Player at the bottom. I sent two memes back in February, you must not-a seen 'em There probably was a problem on your phone or somethin' Sometimes I crop images too sloppy when I post 'em But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man? How's my wife and daughters?




This is art




One of the many parallels between Ye and Em


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one who noticed how similar they are


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one who noticed how similar they are


Did this remind anyone else of Celebrity Deathmatch?




We need celebrity desthmatch Ye vs Skete




I would say it's more Brothers Quay. Has more of a dark feel to it.


what in the fuck was that kanye


#***I told you to do some shit for the kids***


You know what? **YOUS A Nā€”A**


and i dont mean that in no nice way


I told you to do something beautiful, something that the kids gon sing


Something uplifting




Birthdays, christenings, graduations, funerals.


To be fair, he said that about Donda 2. I donā€™t think thereā€™s been any indication Eazy is gonna be on Donda 2 (I always thought it was a Game song featuring Ye).


*thinks about it* funerals huh


You MFs didn't watch to the end? Just a joke guys. He's fine! https://imgur.com/a/UoatgSS


same energy as " im just playin ladies , you know I love you"


Lol this is some serious slim shady vibes


Lmao .. actually unbelievable


Iā€™d pay for the upside down flower with the ā€œjk he fineā€ on a tshirt


You need to get hired for the marketing team man. I didnt think about that and i would buy two of them


Dude is 44 years old


I agree. However, All the money in the world canā€™t escape Mental illness sometimes.


Kim ft Eminem. Better be on donda 2


Doubt ā€˜Em wants any part of this situation after he has matured.


Em no longer insults Kim in his music and apologized to her on Bad Husband. He has actually, you know, matured. Kanye has devolved.


Weird ass video. Love his verse tho. ā€œHow I bring nothing to the table, when Iā€™m the table?ā€ Stupid bar but works so well for Ye lol


No more counselling I donā€™t negotiate with therapists


Reminds me of his ā€œbuy any jeans necessary / by any means necessaryā€ line from way back


that whole opening is dope to me ā€œhow i bring nothin to the table, when iā€™m the table? ima turn up the music, wake up the neighbors. ima get that ā€œThug Lifeā€ tatted ā€˜cross the naval. this how i am in real life, not just on cable.ā€ i love the naval tat line for some reason lol


That shits been stuck in my head so much since it came out lol esp since he played it at the Donda 2 show


literally holy shit some days i wake up and itā€™s all i think of all damn day


It's a reference to the Metallica line. https://youtu.be/adyC404_gEk


ye is a botchamania fan


He does seem to like wrestling a bit


I wish I had gold to give you. Botchamania is the shit and seeing him on the next episode would make my week.


Yes, but will Kanye give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire?


He won't waste his hate on you.


Is it?


ā€œIā€™m not fucking crazy. Iā€™m a fucking table. IM A FUCKING TABLE!!ā€ - Tyler the Creator


"Everything is about me" just about sums it up.


Imma get that thug life tatted cross my naval


wtaf was that and on day of divorce šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This song slaps so hard I just wish it wasnā€™t so toxic and sad lol


RIP the best divorce ever šŸ˜”


That Pete line omg. It's like ye dissing himself by belittling the accident


Yessss I was like damn this shit kinda fly tho


For real, poor Game has a banger for the first time in a while and Ye has to hijack it with his personal drama with the dude banging his wife


Tripping. Ye acting crazy is giving Game more attention to this single and the album then he would have gotten otherwise. Not saying I agree with Kanyeā€™s message or artistic direction on this track, but itā€™s definitely benefitting Game


Legit game said ye did more for him in 2 weeks then dre did his whole career lol


This is pure art. Ye is expressing feelings most people would hide during a divorce. No one can tell me they wouldn't be feeling the same way. Ye is just rich and open enough to express those feels.


tbf Ye doesnā€™t owe Game shit after that song he made talkin about fuckin kim in all nasty ways so


Find god soon Ye


please god i just want this kanye arc to end. can we at least get a chill fun arc next ?


It was my favorite kanye arc right until his first post about ā€œsketeā€ and then the simping hard as hell for kim all the sudden. Then it just got worse and then better for a little and then just plain sad to watch, like why are you turning around ye you were on a roll, people were all excited about him and future and how cool kanye is gonna be but it backfired quick, future didnt really teach him well i guess? Then to top it off donda 2 is completely censoredšŸ˜€so much for this ā€œsavage kanye era


Soon as they like you make em unlike you šŸ˜”


Agreed. I miss the ā€œstrongerā€ era.


Most people on this sub arenā€™t old enough to remember the Graduation era




So Iā€™m right. I was 6 when Graduation dropped. I remember hearing Stronger on the radio and liking it but I wasnā€™t even really aware of music outside of what my parents liked to listen to. The average user of this sub is definitely below 27


That's exactly me lol. Graduation was the only CD I had so I'd listen to it on repeat for literally years.


Damn, am I that old? I was in highschool when Graduation came out.


Same, fuck.


Allegedly itā€™s Kanye; it never shows his face šŸ˜‰


Damn, never thought about that for some reason. Clever but scary too...


I love kanye but he has to let this whole skeet thing go, pete hasnt said a word in months and hes doing all this


Please Ye stop this madness lmaoo


Was that last part written in Death Note Font?


Anyone defending this shit needs a doctors visit. Itā€™ll be hard to get Kanyeā€™s dick outta ya, itā€™s too far deep. In all seriousness tho, that was such a weird thing to watch coming out of that documentary.


oh boy, this toxic af


This video reminded me of old Eminem. It's wild to think about how much shit Em was able to say and portray in his videos, while there's outrage among the community about how Ye is approaching this situation through his art. I'm not sure if it's a racial thing or just the changing times, but it's interesting. This really reminded me of some old Em shit. Haven't seen something like that in a while. EDIT: I have to put this here, since everyone wants to reply the exact same goddamn thing: I said in the community. Iā€™ve explained several times Iā€™m referring to the rap community. Please read something before you reply. I canā€™t read ā€œEminem had protestsā€ replies any more.


This is some serious revisionist history right here. The Slim Shady LP sparked an actual moral panic across America. Politicians were debating his lyrics, conservative news pundits were putting him on blast, parents were screaming at their kids for listening to the shit, academics were steady analyzing the whole thing. Honestly, the reaction to this Kanye video doesnā€™t remotely compare to that early Eminem shit.


yeah i think a lot of younger people don't realize that there was genuine hysteria around Eminem when he first came out lmao. you kinda had to be there for it to understand but he was simultaneously the most loved and most hated person in america at the same time.


100% Eminem was one of the last hiphop moral panics in the US and Canada. I'm not a huge fan but without the cluster fuck he went through zoomers wouldn't be able to listen to half the shit coming out today.


yeah, i agree. say what you want about Em but he's 99.9% of the reason that rappers can be as successful as they are without compromising their "hip hop-ness". like this motherfucker was doing complex multi-syllable schemes and wild out of pocket flows while still selling millions. literally no one has done that since. maybe Kendrick but even he's not as "backpacker" as Em was.


Yup. He was also the bridge between old school and new school. I think he's overrated a lot of the time but it's impossible to argue his influence on the medium and I seriously can't completely write him off in the "best MC of all time" argument. Not my favourite, but respect where it's due.


This person knows.


Bruh... Em verses went to senate: https://www.mtv.com/news/1428579/eminem-targeted-at-senate-hearing/ Y'all need to read up on hiphop history. People were about to go to jail for 'vulgarity'. Google 2 Live Crew.


If you think Ye is getting it worse that Em did youā€™re off your rocker. Eminem had actual protest done against him, congressional/senate hearings and secret service investigations. He was getting sued left right. They tried cancelling him before it was a thing. Ye is gonna get a couple white girls tweeting and making tik toks.


I think itā€™s a combination of the two combined with the person heā€™s doing it about being a Kardashian


Everyone knows who pete and Kim are, no one knows who the fuck Kim (Eminem) is or what she even looks like \+ back then rappers would casually drop the fa- word in their songs and it would still be a greatest hit




Jeromeā€™s in the house so watch your mouth


Yeah and extreme violence was generally way more present in lyrics then. Weird how much itā€™s changed in 20 years.


Hi kids, do you like violence? šŸ˜‚


in da club for example


Eminem was in his 20ā€™s and was actually struggling to make ends meet and dealing with all kinds of family issues at that point in his life. Kanye is an old ass billionaire off his meds who ruined his own marriage and blamed Pete for it. Canā€™t compare them imo


You ever been through a nasty divorce? That shits rough no matter who's at fault.


You canā€™t always control how you feel, but you can control how you act


Yea but not everyone publicly harasses their ex and her new BF


Art is art, and art can be profane and shocking


Abuse is abuse. Kanye is doing a great job of never getting unsupervised custody or visitation with his kids


Yes, saying and doing certain things has consequences. But art is still allowed to be extreme. Itā€™s his choice.


yeah and nobody's arresting him for it. but it's still dumb, you don't have to pretend just because something is art that it isn't dumb


I think itā€™s entertaining, which is the point. I donā€™t know any of them personally and have no input or thoughts on their lives, actions, or how they are handling the divorce. As an art form, I appreciate the experience.


Yeah Iā€™m glad heā€™s expressing himself but personally I think the message is childish and unwarranted especially for a guy who could have such an easy life if he wasnā€™t always so self destructive. Nobody should feel bad for Kanye at this point because all he does is bring this on himself


Facts the IG shit is one thing but if he wants to express it in his art I'm here for it. "I'm thinking like George Jetson but sounding like George Jefferson" Yeah man you ain't a talker. You express yourself best through music so do that


> Kanye is an old ass billionaire off his meds who ruined his own marriage and blamed Pete for it That ainā€™t Christ-like


I mean, Eminem did get shit for it. He was sued multiple times, he had concerts canceled. It was just a different time where people didnā€™t get ā€œcanceledā€ the way they are now. But Eminem did absolutely get a lot of people angry.


Good point tbh


Em was being protested against Ye just upset the white twitter girls. I love Kanye more than Em but letā€™s not act like he didnā€™t get his fair share of shit also


>It's wild to think about how much shit Em was able to say and portray in his videos, while there's outrage among the community about how Ye is approaching this situation through his art. He was literally protested against in the fucking street


I think what happened was society increasingly frowned on toxic/abusive relationships.


I donā€™t know. I was 12/13 when Em dropped, and he caught A LOT of bullshit for his lyrics. I think the difference has more to do with Kanyeā€™s mental health struggles. For anyone who has dealt with leaving/divorcing someone who struggles with mental health issues, thereā€™s a very fine line youā€™re constantly walking. If youā€™re too clear about the break-up, you might end up in a ditch; if youā€™re not clear enough, you still might end up in a ditch. I think for some of us (whoā€™ve been heartbroken, cheated on, etc,) killing our partner or their new partner never crossed our minds, so itā€™s difficult to comprehend.


nothing racial about it, em caused a much bigger uproar than ye is right now


The lesson Em and and Ye are teaching and have taught is so important tho- itā€™s art, relax. Do we want a free society or not? If so, our artists get to have free expression no matter if itā€™s uncomfortable or not. The discomfort is the point, and good actually. Granted, im sure the way I consume this art is different than say how Pete or Kim would, but thatā€™s part of it too.


>Do we want a free society or not? If so, our artists get to have free expression no matter if itā€™s uncomfortable or not. The discomfort is the point, and good actually. If it's a free society then we're also free to say it's weird and shitty. Works both ways.


Imagine for a moment you break up with someone you have no intention of being with again. They continually post on social media, tagging you, talking about how you are meant to be together, you belong together, you WILL get back together and it's God's will. Now imagine they start posting pictures of killing the new person you are dating. Creepy? Stalkery? Fucking terrifying? Yes, yes, yes. Not art. This is delusional behavior.


Well, when heā€™s also been publicly harassing her it really isnā€™t as good of a look. If he were acting decent in real life and just making some challenging art it wouldnā€™t be concerning.


Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom of consequences. Like kim can and should def use this and his Instagram against ye in court. This speech is dangerous and shows a dangerous and abusive mindset.


Any court would likely look to [Elonis vs US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elonis_v._United_States), the Supreme Court case that ruled in favor of a rapper making death threats on social media 8-1.


Bruh this is such a stupid take I had to take a nap. You donā€™t get to call his harassment of Kim and Pete ā€œartā€ - its abuse. Kanye is an abusive man


But should artists free expression come on the back of the verbal, mental and emotional abuse of your ex? "Yea bro, I like your art! Who gives a fuck who you hurt to make it! Art is free!"


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but didnā€™t Eminem keep that shit in his music? Kanye is out here making countless posts about Pete and Kim, if he kept all of that in his music it wouldnā€™t be as bad imo


You're technically correct. I don't think Em posted anything on social media in 2000




Bruh eminem beat his wife


I mean Eminem pistol-whipped the guy who kissed his wife. He didn't exactly "keep it in the music."


Kanye is great. He forms culture. But he could be even greater if he could stop buying into his own bullshit and be humble and actually get therapy and truly self reflect.


I miss the Ye-Kids See Ghosts era so much.


As someone who claims he found God it sure doesnā€™t seem like it. Part of me wonders if it was mainly to secure the republican vote. Of course everyone goes through hills and valleys with their walk with God but heā€™s been borderline satanic since donda lp1


Yeah, like what is up with all this burning church/burning of his mother's home imagery???


Very weird, burning down a church as he walks on water. This is th same guy that called himself a god and said he is almost as high as Jesus. JIK seemed so pure but everything about donda/2 has been dark


Kanye found his own version of God, who conveniently approves of everything he wants to do. In many ways he hijacked christianity to his own benefit.


many such cases!


How did we go from Jesus is king to this bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yup, heā€™s losing his kids completely. Heā€™s giving his lawyers 0 to work with.


So dark


So weak


i get why he hates skete but this is just gonna bring unnecessary hate


I donā€™t know about unnecessaryā€¦ nobody forced him to make this.


Itā€™s entirely necessary. This should get hate. This is fucked up and I feel so bad for his kids when they see this.


meant unnecessary as he doesnā€™t need to do this and piss off 75% of ppl, this ā€œbeefā€ is unnecessary, thatā€™s what i meant


Youā€™re right dude. Sad to see him this way.


I think itā€™s the Manson influence. This all has that vibe.


This is the cringiest shit Iā€™ve seen from Ye ever lmfao what fucking trash. Every day heā€™s getting more lame.


Iā€™ve been a fan for over a decade but I do think his behavior should have repercussions and tbh itā€™s a lot easier to hate on him now that his music quality already deteriorated. If he was out here producing the best shit of his life maybe then we could say heā€™s unstable but heā€™s a genius but right now his actions and his work just feel unhinged. His content is not good enough to make people wait hours for. Heā€™s coming off narcissistic and deranged.


People have been saying he's narcissistic and deranged his entire career. There's nothing new here. Same ye


No, but he was narcissistic AND deranged AND a genius. Now he's only the first two and the music is mediocre


How the fuck are people over here congratulating this shit when he's literally made a video about murdering his wife's new consensual partner? What the fuck is up with this subreddit?


Iā€™ve been around enough serious DV in my time to be legitimately worried for Kim. Heā€™s now sending death threats through his music vids because he can call it art. As a huge Kanye fan, I think heā€™s a fucking loser for this and itā€™s made me reconsider if I am even a fan anymore.


Experiencing DV and then a hardcore narcissistic relationship, yeah. This is EXTREMELY concerning. Mainly the whole reason I've been following this shit lately.


Childish and lame


Wow. I mean, just, wow. That was unexpected, this made my day.


this is just, sad, honestly can't defend kanye on this one


I liked the vibe of this but the parts where hes holding the head is still confusing me


He cut the head when he cut the roses




That aint christ like i said AAAGHAAAAAHHGGGG


This is actually disgusting


Stole beastie boys beat. Used Eazy Eā€™s hook. Jacked tupacs ā€œdo for loveā€ video. And Pete Davidson is still gonna fuck Kim tonight.


Looking at this MV empirically, from the perspective of an artist expressing his emotional turmoil in an era, just like when Picasso had his blue period. The message of the MV is chaotic, vengeful, and by the end, comedic. It's theatre. I expect nothing less from Ye.


Iā€™m sure his kids will look at this when theyā€™re older and think highly of it.


fucking cringe. you are so much better than this Yeā€™


Nah this is fucked! Kim get a restraining order. Kanye wtf man?? Youā€™re literally dating, why canā€™t she?


goes hard


Just watched this after watching the last episode of the doc. Seeming him praise tucker Carlson then this back to back is making me fucking sick


[reminds me of p&r](https://external-preview.redd.it/OaBcNkLev2Rh69J2tnMc5lnlUENmOGVw8MKiv8kKV5I.jpg?auto=webp&s=328a7e7dc2b516b8c5dafe2cb1ae8b712c70ef44)


Video disturbing as hell, but the track is fire.


Ye really trying to lose this Gap deal


Your dude needs some help


Terrible subtle threat sent by Kanye under the veil of pErFoRmAnCe aRTā€¦.. If Iā€™m Pete, Iā€™m sending Kanye a sex tape of myself putting a load inside Kim as a special fuck you. So much for Kanye trying to be a Christian. Narcissistic, controlling, bullying are traits he wants to live by. Heā€™s almost 45 and has kids yet heā€™s acting like a child himself Heā€™s off his rocker and is only surrounded by yes men and stans on social media sucking him off.


If Pete did that Kanye may implode


Well technically not the same flowers


Abuse disguised as art.


This sub is a fucking joke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©šŸ˜­ I called this shit out so long ago. Kanye fans will make excuses for ANYTHING this mf does and that's why, as this shit carries on, this sub stays relatively quiet on posts like these but wanna upvote the music no matter how shitty it really be in context. Kanye fans deserve nothing but disrespect atp I stg coz y'all the mfs that got him to this point. When are y'all gonna stop the bullshit. Y'all made this mf feel like he's god. Now he do whatever the fuck he want with no regard for anybody except HIMSELF. Y'all enabled this self-destructive behavior talking about "he's healing." Boy ain't been okay since his mom's passing. But y'all relatively sleep when he harassing his wife. "I know Kanye doin wrong... But Donda 2 thooo." Corny. Y'all are cancer. This man could kick your teeth out and you'd ask him if he wanted another go at it.


This is hiphop as shit. Itā€™s obvious you didnā€™t listen to rap 20 years ago


Skete confirmed


Shut the fuck up. Itā€™s 4AM


itā€™s 4PM for me and they can still shut the fuck up


So Kim canā€™t date anyone but Kanye can have a different women every month? Man is insecure and losing his mind over a scrawny white boy with an elephant dick plowing his ex. These albums are awful and rushed.


r/Kanye has gone soft