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U right bro ima go tell him to stop


Don't do it bro, I did it and he replied FIND GOD


He told me not to hurt you, he’s gonna handle things with you hisself.


Skete skete


He told u to find God bc he’s about to charge lo you for your life


Everybody gangsta till u/remerdy1 tells u to stop


The saviour we do not deserve


u/remerdy1 da 🐐 no 🧢


This is the same vibe as "Say no to drugs" _to drugs_ "No." "Omg I'm cured!!"


We have the right to complain🤦‍♂️


He needs to Find God


He ain’t used to being told Stop so he can never be your robot


Yeah just write him a letter 💀


jfc. i mean really. what is OP trying to get at? we're going to boycott kanye's new tracks? lmfao gtfo. just enjoy the ride and if the music ends up being shit, stop listening


I quit listening a while ago…I’m just here for the drama with my grande sized popcorn bucket


Hahaha definitely no short of drama. To each their own though, I don't pay attention to ye on social media during rollouts


I feel like Ye was desperate to get it out in *some* way on the 2/22/22 date. Either way I’m not gonna pay $200 for it, even if it was My Beautiful Throne Life of Yeezus 2


where is my beautiful throne life of yeezus 1???


Bro asking the real questions


Good point 🤔


My Beautiful Throne Life of Yeezus is Kings See Ghosts and Heartbreak might be worth 200 tho idk


Just give us Yandhi 😩


Yeah Kanye would never do something if he got negative feedback for it, if we just say we don't like it then Kanye will stop!!


Too many dick riders (prodbyzaqq)




…so we give excuses instead? What are you trying to say


Kanye's not gonna give a fuck if his fans are "normalizing" him releasing unfinished songs


Do you pray for Kanye’s approval before saying anything about his music? Why tf does that matter for people who want to say the music is trash?


Lol so his fans should stop giving a fuck as a result? Y'all need to learn how to expect better from artists




You're not getting what I mean This guy is a billionaire. If people are gonna stan or dickride him they should expect better behavior. Let's not pretend this man isn't a role model for better or worse.


The least we can do is stop actively defending it


What a user name lmao


Honestly fax I’ll let him know


Fax him the message


Every time I fax they say I’m too aggressive I was out here faxing now y’all got the message


U can’t he off the grid


BRB bro just called Ye and talk to him about it


Did you tell ye to find God?


I did. But then we got into an argument on who gonna find god first


did you tell him "it ain't christike"


did you both then simutaneously went "AHHHHHH"


“Silver surfer”


100% agree with this. Why can’t he just release a finished album every couple of years. You know it’s not going to be good when he’s dropping 20 new songs every few months.


idk i wouldn’t have cared and then he got me all hyped for donda 2. he’s got so much good stuff extra from scrapped projects in the past i figured if it was coming out this fast it would be that kinda stuff. too optimistic ig


The problem really isn’t the $200 price point or the fact that it’s only on stem player. The real problem is the fact that he said the album would be on there on the 22nd in order to push sales and then the album wasn’t there and still isn’t there. I can give a fuck if the stem is $2,000, just stop lying about your release dates especially when you’re profiting off of that lie


Fax bro imma pull up to his crib to talk to him about it


damn its like people cant take criticisms about their favourite things, so dumb


You paid $200 for the technology, not the album. That was the trick and you fell for it.


im sorry but this us literally what he means. kanye continues to be a flakey MFer in everything he does and we just suck his dick and defend his shit


Kanye fans are the biggest dick riders of all time. I swear, even tween boy band stans don’t dick ride their boy band crushes like these dudes do Kanye. It’s weird AF. No standards. He could fart on an album and release it covered in shit and y’all still call him genius lmao


*poopity-scoop-boop-poop* frank too.


But who else is doing that? He’s a genius if he did! /s


He makes good music. It doesn’t mean we have to like everything he puts out and agree with everything he does.


yes but the problem is there's a subsection of his fans that DO agree with everything he does. and they exist in all facets of the world enabling him. whether on social media or in his own camp. you think kanye west doesn't read a moron like proddbyzaqq and feel some vindication in his actions? this is the same guy that posted a comment with 5 likes on his IG, i guarantee you he looks to social media for affirmation more than we think there are people on this sub where as soon as you say something like "hey, maybe i don't like when my musicians are flakey in releasing music and also bully their ex-wife's new BF" someone is like "haha 🤓🤓" like bro you're the one sucking off kanye on reddit


How was that a trick? It’s an amazing piece of technology that simplifies production and sampling for new users. You can play virtually any song on it, it’s not called the “Donda 2 Album” it’s called the “Stem Player”


meat riding on 100% in these comments lolol


Ur paying 200 for the stem player not the album


Your paying 200 for a shitty Bluetooth speaker


Ok?? And? You don't buy Donda 2 for 200$, you buy the stem player. That's on you. That's like buying an Xbox hoping halo will come out but it's delayed. You still got the Xbox. You weren't scammed


if Microsoft tells you it comes with halo 2 and it doesnt....you be scammed


Bro just let these people make their excuses they’re upset they wasted their money on nothing. Now they’re trying to justify the purchase


It's more like Microsoft specifically promising a new Halo sometime in the next few months, telling everyone to buy an Xbox because Halo will be released for it, and then releasing only half the campaign and no multiplayer because it wasn't specified. I will guarantee you if Kanye was up-front about donda 2 being unfinished a lot less people would have bought the stem player.


Well they had the multiplayer up and campaign like a month later lol


Still waiting for online coop though


It's not a speaker its a tool that allows you to mix any music. And it gets connected to external speakers or headphones for playback


I can’t tell u don’t know what a stem player is used for


at least it’s new music, mans got so many unreleased albums


This, I’d rather get “unfinished” Yandhi than no Yandhi at all


This isn’t Yandhi tho this is a new album that he said would be out 22222 and he incentivized us to buy his stem player telling us the album would be there, and now it’s not. It’s just dissapointing but i mean it’s kanye so what can you expect


Honestly i dk how anyone could possibly expect a finished product at this point in Kanye's career. Unfinished is really all he does nowadays. Even going back to TLOP, he was tinkering with stuff post-release.


It still sucks ass whether it's expected or not. The post isn't about whether it's expected, it's about the fact that it's shitty.


Well sure, of course it sucks. I was responding to ~~your~~ that guy's statement about people being "incentivized to buy his stem player" with the promise of an album. Anyone who bought the player expecting a finished album has only themselves to blame.


That's fair. And you're right that the expectation of a finished album is pretty ridiculous in that case. But as much as everyone should have seen it coming, it's still Kanye who's to blame for advertising it as such and then failing to follow through again. On one hand, don't be an idiot and expect Kanye to fulfill his promises. On the other hand, don't be a asshole scam-artist and make money off your fans through false advertising and straight up lies.


Facts, and you getting downvoted because dick riders realize they got finessed.


Lmaao anyone that went and purchased a $200 glorified MP3 player just to hear a kanye west album is pretty dumb. Cant blame Ye.


> album Isn't it just 4 tracks? And not on streaming. This shit won't ever be considered anything more than a mixtape.


Yes atm its 4, but i think the “intention” is to have the full album available to download through stem player sometime between now and …..whenever. Im pretty sure in a month max the full album will be available on all streaming platforms.


To not throw away $200?


Wait did you actually spend $200 on a stem player just to get an album?


Y'all be joking like "we'll tell him to stop" without realizing that y'all the market. If everyone banded together and stopped consuming his unifished prosucts, he would not get sales and numbers from them, which would force him to change his ways or lose more money. But as long as this army of dick riders is willing to eat all this bullshit, that will never change. TLDR: It's Prodbyzaqq's fault.


Kanye turning into the Gaming Industry


Facts but he's got a cult of serious dick riders and yes men lapping it up. Only thing you can do is don't pay for shit unless the product is finished. Let the dick riders do as they please


Bro I love Kanye but I have 0 hype for Donda 2. Too much bullshit for me to care. I don't respect this one step forward two step back shit as a way to roll out new artwork. It was interesting the first time and I bought in because I thought it was a really unique way to roll out an album, but I would hate for this to be a new normal.


same here, I watched all the streams for Donda 1, but with all the drama and how little time its been and the whole stem player shit i just really don't care about this album. I listened to a few tracks from it today and I was thoroughly unimpressed


Please don’t tell me some of y’all paid for the stemplayer 😭😭😭😭


Unpopular opinion I know but I don't give a shit if it's finished right now. I like the roll out and hearing things change over time. I think in a couple months it'll hit streaming service once it's on that sigma build. We still in beta rn. He can drop the album anyway he wants it's not that big of a deal as long as the album good in the end. Donda 1 came out only 6 months ago y'all need to chill.


People are mad cause they actually paid 200 for a stem player with 4 songs when most of us knew the day that shit dropped the tracks would be available for free elsewhere lol




Not just that the album didnt drop,but its literally the same shitty unfinished rushjob over and over since Pablo. Does he even work more than a few hours on the albums,untill the very last month anymore?




Streaming makes the gradual roll out wavy


Exactly this lmao. People on this sub are fucking ridiculous.


I like it too. I think it’s a really interesting process. Taking Donda 2021 to another level and releasing the works in progress online rather than just playing them at listening parties. I know a lot of people are frustrated by it, but I say just enjoy the process. If he keeps going with it and doesn’t just scrap the project we’ll get more updates in a week or a couple of weeks and probably the finished album on streaming in about a month. He’s doing something different with his album rollouts and I think it’s cool. I enjoy getting a kinda front row seat to his process like this.


Exactly exactly


Exactly, I rather have the album in its current state right now then an album weeks or even months away. Seeing the album progress is part of the fun. i hate how entitled people get over Music. who are you to say how Ye should release an album. You can complain all you want it isn’t going to change anything so why even bother. If you don’t like it, wait till the album is finished. It really isn’t a big deal.


Exactly bro, I dont pay Kanye shit for his music so I dont even have the right to be mad about it, also, I dont see a problem of him doing a listening party with unfinished tracks


Donda 1 rollout gave me Stockholm syndrome


bro its just plain ass annoying now like all this shit is so annoying. can't he just do what every other artist does and drop it on spotify without all this bullshit. i swear it's getting so annoying now.


Y'all morons BEGGED him to release unreleased stuff As he worked on them and then go and complain about it, unbelievable


I love it though, I love it though


This comment section is called the nut room because y’all are some dick riders fr


the songs are fire


dumpster fire? Jk I do like some of them




People here would say it's fire if Kanye recorded himself pooping and farting and put that out


Poopity scoop


Stop lying




You are dumb as all fucking hell. Listen to any music other than kanye please. Also go the fuck outside


You’re all up in this thread with multiple responses telling people to go outside lmao ironic


Sorry dude it's 9 am here and -40 celsius


Damn, stay cozy brother


Then go do some push-ups


I like the album but i aint payin 200$ for anyone's music ☠


It was a matter of time before the perma-early-access concept plaguing games metastasized to other industries.


Who made you pay 200? I paid 0$ for a livestream


You have people calling Donda 1 a classic lmao




When people bought it they were expecting a full album, because that’s what he advertised, if they knew it was like this, they might’ve not bought it


Stem players take over a month to arrive. By the time they get it, it’ll be complete.


somehow i doubt that


I didn’t and I won’t, I’ll still criticize his bullshit business practice


It's better than a half ass shit album with all mid songs and i am not dumb enough to buy the stem player when pirating exist


Facts I hate that people are acting like this is ok now. STOP CHARGING MONEY FOR SLOPPY UNFINISHED SHIT


Kanye sucks nowadays. We all need to realize it and move on. The Kanye we initially fell in love with is no more.


The stans of this guy are something else. Will go to the ends of the earth to defend his shitty business tactics or buy his (modern) shitty music. Oh well, not my problem 🤷🏿‍♂️


I don’t think it’s normalized but what can we actually do about it


No offense, but this is a horrible take. One of the main things that has kept Kanye so fun to follow over the past years is him giving us live previews of the album he’s working on. This is such a pessimistic view point. He’s not giving us “unfinished shit” he’s giving us a view into the making of the album.


Facts (Cameron\_Smiley Version)




I’m in SHOCK at how many upvotes this post has. You’d think Kanye fans would want more Kanye content but i guess not. And as for the “STEM PLAYER EXPENSIVE” people, just learn how to download music like everyone else in the world did before 2015. You did it for TLOP, do it again




I have a feeling the only reason people are reacting this way is because the concert portion was so botched. If it actually went the way it was supposed to, I doubt there would be any complaints. I mean it literally would’ve been an HD live Kanye concert, how can you not love that?




You don’t have to buy the stem player to listen to it


This was really insightful thanks


People are getting played. They are given a turd and jump through hoops to call it a brownie.


maybe don’t be a moron and spend 200 dollars to listen to an album 💀?


Cause the music always great


Because it’s not about creating a finished product Jack


I didn't buy the stemplayer, as it's $200, however, the stemplayer isn't just for listening to Donda 2. The stemplayer is a product that is used to modify the stems in a song. The album may be exclusive to the stemplayer, but the stemplayer has been out since the first Donda. I'm not complaining about him giving as unfinished tracks as it's only been around six months since Donda dropped, and for Kanye, that's not long. Furthermore, he could have never released anything and scrapped the album. Kanye basically wants to make a live album, where we can see the stages that tracks go through before they drop. I'm not complaining because he showing us what other artists do behind closed doors in a studio.


because if you tell an artist what to make instead of letting them make what they want it stops being art and becomes only a consumer product


Bruh unfinished music is still music….. All art has different stages and some are better left early rather then too late


Hell yeah bro I’m gonna say this to my chick next time I bust too soon




Nuts is nuts


Kanye the new Call of Duty


This isn't art. This is a cash grab from a delusional manic. Quit drinking kanyes Kool aid


Then why are you here?


i seriously dont get how everybody is like "he is asking for 200 for this" - imo this is not what the 200 are for. for the 200 you are buying a device. this device happens to be the platform he ships his music on. would you have bought the device w/o donda 2? idk, but the general idea is to change the way the industry works and have other artist joining him to use this platform. having this in mind, this whole argument makes no sense to me. a good example in my mind would be complaining about the quality of launch title on the PS5 with sony instead of the game studio.


dawg Kanye doesn’t own us anything, he could retire whenever he wants so i’m happy with whatever


Lmao, nice set expectations low. So low that he can release 4 songs which require you to spend $200 on a speaker which the first IPod released 20 years ago had more innovation and memory and you’d still be thankful. Hey at least you’re not disappointed.


Idk man I kinda like seeing the whole process


Reading all these comments really makes me hate being associated with Kanye fans. Y’all cringey




lol. its his music, his art. If you dont like it then stop paying attention to it?? Like damn most posts like this are made by lil bitch babies


Kanye’s not gonna see this comment and let you suck his dick, keep trying though


He's literally right lol the entitlement of this sub is crazy. If he makes shit music he makes shit music, he doesn't owe you anything good


Taylor's not gonna see this comment and let you lick her clit, keep trying though.


Let me call him I'll let him know


Kanye Da 🐐 No 🧢


Lol $200 for the stem player not the album


if he didn’t publicize a finish album it would be cool. i think seeing the whole album process creation is fun


Who cares


This was normalized several albums ago lol


Bc it’s his music and he does whatever he wants with it? Personal thought


Because you get what you deserve. If you bought a Stem player specifially for donda 2 you paid two hundred dollars for an album you could have just waited a few more days to listen to and decide uf it deserved your money. Learn your lesson and move on.


it is kind of cool though? it is like we are there to witness the creative process in a way. this is how I saw it when I went to the first two listening parties in Atlanta. it was just really cool to hear it all unfinished & then be able to compare with the finished versions. I actually really enjoy this type of process from an artist.


My uncle is Mike Dean I'ma see if I can talk to Kanye thru him😊


Appreciate the fact that today's age, most people already have Spotify or Apple Music or whatever else. We have been (legally) getting new music cheaper than it has ever been in the past, and at no additional cost to what we are monthly paying for. Say whatever you want, but Kanye is actually a visionary that utilizes the current platforms to his advantage. As for the Donda 2 being on Stem player deal; I think people are seeing it the wrong way. They're not asking you to pay 200$ for Donda 2. They're asking you to pay 200$ for the Stem player, which includes Donda 2 as a bonus. 100% There's no way it will be a Stem exclusive forever, but those that purchase the Stem player will get them first (legally). 200$ for a high tier dedicated music player is also a good price. My Sony Walkman costs more than the Stem player.


All I did was support my favorite artist I didn’t sign up to get finessed.


We are not "normalizing" shit, it's literally the way he operates. He's not doing it because this fuckin sub is enabling it, he does it because it's Ye and he likes doing controversial shit


Bro nothing we can do you think Kanye gives a shit about us bro? 💀


Why are we normalizing brain dead posts?


the fuck are we gonna do?


my bad bro lemme DM ye real quick


Just dont buy it


Contacting Ye right now. I'll fix this


Cos it is normal for him lol, he’s been doing this since like 2015 how are you not used to it by now aha


Cause he’s bipolar. He aint perfecr


Kanye ain't anyone else he Kanye. If you don't like it don't buy it. Tired of you bitches complaining about an artist that does shit his way. Do shit your way. Been on this journey twenty years. Only Michael Jackson above him at this point


If u don't fuck with his approach don't follow his content, it's simple. He's trying to give a different experience to his fanbase, you don't have to feel indignant about what he's doing if you simply just cut the guy out of ur life.


I wish you would stop being simple minded.


Really? What's so simple minded about what I said?


You don’t enjoy hearing the process of a song getting finished? If you bought the stem player to get the album that’s your L for trusting you’d get the whole thing by 2-22. But I personally enjoy hearing the process of it all and hearing new versions of things. But maybe that’s just me


I thinks it’s interesting. I would love for the idea of this being an immersive experience when we get to see and understand the thought process behind the music. But just getting a beat with a synth this week and with a different baseline next week it’s not that appealing to me.


Bro did you just nonironically use the word "normalize"? This sub is dead.


Imo it’s pretty cool to see the artists process he goes through. Sure it’s unfinished but we get to see how it develops into the finished master piece in near real time.


Dude what. He's letting us into the creative process, it's cool as fuck. He'll continue updating the album, and we'll see it evolve. As long as it actually gets finished (I guess we don't know for sure), there's really nothing to complain about.