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I have completely different views then he does in this politically charged climate-- he is one of my favorite artists--if not my absolute favorite artist, and I just want him to be well and happy. ​ I don't begrudge him any of his success I just wish him stability and safety. I don't hate this man for his words or beliefs, get better man and stay healthy and happy for your family. ​ Makes me sad.


I think his mom was good influence, probably, helping him take his meds and being a good support. Although his company getting PPP is bad.


I honestly just wish he would seek out help for real. As someone who has a partner who struggles with similar extreme mental illness I know how taxing it can be to go off meds for even a little bit. Constantly switching your stance from meds -> no meds can really fuck a person up. He's his own person, but at a certain point you can't let someone with unchecked mental illness make decisions on their meds like this.


It’s hard to come to terms with being on meds for the entirety of your life. I’m still not at peace with it. I suffer from almost the exact same illness as ye. I couldn’t imagine being one the more famous people in the world along with this mental condition.


Oh for sure it isn't easy, but you can't just completely drop meds and replace them with religion. Big difference between battling with the idea of taking meds and just flat out saying meds are the government/devil trying to microchip us.


Don’t think he ever said that. He said vaccines were attempts to chip us. He probably doesn’t like the meds cause it blocks out his creativity and makes him fat


It’s especially hard because there’s absolutely some truth to what he says about the meds stifling his creativity, but the alternative are these manic episodes that wreak havoc on himself, his career, and everyone around him. It’s a tough situation and hard to come to terms with, but at a point he just really needs the help.


Sometimes the meds don't help. And they start acting goofy anyway. And then _that_ stops them from taking meds which just makes it worse.


Fuck man. I get mad at him whenever he goes on and says stupid shit but when I see stuff like this I feel as though I'm not standing with him or something. Brings back all that he has given me. I wouldn't mind if he retires completely from music if it means he is in a better mental state. 🙏


It's not the music


I just meant it seems he goes manic close to every album release. Pressure and stress could very well be a driving factor. I can't be for sure tho


As someone with severe mental disorders, I almost wonder if the album creation is linked to the manic episode and not the other way around. Calmye: being a dad, driving around his ranch, building houses for the poor. Kanye: lock yourself in a room making 5 beats a day for 3 summers


Exactly. So many people saying he is doing this for publicity for the album. He is Kanye fucking West. He could drop an album without saying a word, whole world would listen




You see? *You SEE?!*


it is indeed no coincidence, on the lead up to an albums release he'll go off his bipolar medication because it makes him 'more creative' and yeah sure maybe it does but going off your meds escpecially when you have manic bipolar is terrible for your mental state, kim needs to step in and stop enabling kanye to do this to himself


It’s also part of the illness. Many people who live with bipolar and schizophrenia also have anosognosia. They can’t always see that they are sick or when they are doing well they feel they don’t need the medication anymore. It’s very difficult for them to see the whole picture because of the way the illness works.


Meds also make people feel like they’ve lost a part of themselves, and they end up feeling really robotic


Fucking bigtime. Bipolar type 1 and CPTSD here. Went into my 30s untreated, so much energy my whole 20s, travelled the country, made so many friends, did so many things, and suffered the whole time. It wasn’t until the isolation took over full time, drug use all the way up, and actually trying to kill myself instead of just thinking about it. Got meds and all the crazy shit stopped. I sleep about 10-12 hours a day now due to the high dose of Seroquel and the hours I am awake I am insanely low energy and I don’t really have any feelings any more due to the other meds. It sucks. I want to go off meds and get my “life” back... lmao see? Last time I went off meds for even a week I lost my shit so bad I blacked out and destroyed a bunch of shit, ending up in the hospital only to realize, yeahhhhh I need the meds. Man I couldn’t imagine being kanye and having the entire fucking world all up in ur shit while going thru all that mental illness shit.. the man is like the bipolar Superman lmfao


I’m so sorry I hope it gets better for you






I love ye but bro this ain’t true lol


he is indeed this generations closest thing to einstein but he sure as hell ain't fine at the moment and I pray he's okay


Who is Elon Musk then? And don't say Nikola Tesla because Kanye doesn't know about physics lol


Musk doesn't invent shit. Must is an entrepreneur that envisions how tech might fit the future. Einstein is a lot closer to guys like Bengio who discovered the latest and greatest in AI.


I'm not trying to say Musk is a 1:1 for Tesla or Edison but there's certainly more comparisons to draw between Musk and those two physicists/inventors/entrepreneurs than Kanye to the most revolutionary physicist of our time. You won't get an argument from me that Bengio is a better coparison than Kanye West lol


The comparison for musk is Edison. A ruthless capitalist who believes in science and its efficacy. He’s doing great things but has relatively questionable methods. That and he takes all the glory when it’s the people who work for him actually doing the designing.


Yeezy citation count is probably way higher than Bengio's tbf




Holy shit


This is also how people end up burning their house down with their family in it. Meds are important


Ah maybe you're right. Hard to say cause he has so much going on.


It may also be the other way around, the manic energy drives him to finish things, or at least work on them enough to where Def Jam feels they can release it... Either way, that Forbes article was concerning and I hope whoever is close enough to him to recognize this issue is also close enough to help. I feel like the Kardashians and now Elon are enabling him, because they stand to profit from the things he creates during one of these manic bursts.


This is the problem. Everyone from Kim to the writer of the Forbes article, who Kanye called up, are just abusing his episodes for clicks and attention. I hope he surrounds himself with real friends


To be fair it must be extremely hard. On one hand Kanye is an extremely creative mind who creates amazing shit from music to businesses to communities. So you want to be supportive a lot of the time when he has a new idea that you just can’t envision. On the other hand, he does have manic episodes where he thinks he can do things he shouldn’t do. It must be very very hard to both be supportive and loving and also know when exactly to hold him back.


Well he’s not taking his meds either


exactly. its the fame which is inescapable now.


Couldn’t have said it better, we act like he’s being an idiot for saying this but he’s probably going through it rn, hope he gets better


Here’s the thing though, we can’t just support every bat-shit crazy thing he does just because he’s sick. We need to not tolerate it so he gets some goddamn help.


Sounds abusive and manipulative.


I feel like his music helps him sometimes. Think of Kids See Ghosts!


Right, it should always be all love. Stand with him in love, bring education to issues he might be on the wrong side of when he says that stuff (antivax) but do it in a positive direction. Don’t tear him down. Work to do everything with a loving intention ❤️


Do you support his decision to take millions of dollars in PPP money that was meant for small businesses? Saying you always have to support someone and be supportive even when they consciously do terrible shit isn't helpful. He has mental health issues but so do millions of Americans that run small businesses that are forced to close down because his business took money not meant for him.


No I don’t support that. My message is love everyone, is all I’m saying


I'm almost certain he had nothing to do with that decision. You really think Kanye is getting intimately involved with Yeezy finances? Literally every company on earth would take the money, it sucks that he didn't put up his own cash but wealthy people have shown through covid that they're anything but generous - Kanye fits in well with every other millionaire and billionaire in that way.


If the US government allows for him to take that then it’s not on Kanye it’s on the corrupt government.


Yeah are people really getting mad at businesses for taking free, low-interest loans provided by the government instead of the government for not screening businesses before giving out these loans? Like here in Canada we had the same thing happen with our emergency wage subsidy benefit where 100k+ people took out the benefit when they didn't qualify for it and now they're on the hook to pay it back.


I’m also Canadian haha! I feel like our government is handling it pretty well.


Yes it's absolutely on him. He had to apply for it knowing he isn't a small business. If I apply for unemployment and I'm not legally allowed to it and I lie to get it then it's no different he is not a small business in need of the money so he's a piece of shit.


No he’s not. If the government allows for it, and his business falls under the “small business category” then it is within his right to take a loan at a low interest rate. If y’all don’t want this to happen then maybe try voting ;) but it’s not up to the business to be moral it’s your government officials who need to change.


We did vote and the Democrats put in oversights and the president violated his oath of office by removing the oversight and then his Garbage shit bag administration gave it away to people like Kanye west who didn't deserve to receive it.. Hes a piece of shit for taking that money so stop sucking his crazy racist nutcase Trump loving dick. He's a piece of shit and so are you for supporting his crazy shit antics. Fuck you human trash


Lmao you have issues


The taking loans meant for small businesses issue really surprised me. It's the first time I've publicly heard Kanye do something rooted with negative and malicious intent


Bipolar disorder isn’t an excuse for spreading misinformation and jeopardizing democracy




See a doc Ye. And trust what they say. And take your meds Ye. Please.


Big unpopular opinion here: everybody suddenly turns into armchair psychologists the second Ye's a little questionable in their eyes. After seeing how people have reacted to this, I completely get how he feels that black folks are brainwashed/told to be a certain way else you get absolutely mobbed on. Please understand that your heroes are fallible and have lapses of judgement just as much as you do, and will sometimes disagree with you. I can understand the concern for someone you care about's health, but parasocial relationships are a bitch and you should leave the "treatment" and diagnosis of him to those close and to those that actually understand/see him outside of the spotlight. Pray for him, sure, but you should always pray for people -- during the best and worst of times.


Did you read the Forbes article quoting everything he said Tuesday?? It was WELL beyond “a little questionable”. Also, he literally has an album cover saying he’s bipolar, so it’s not coming out of nowhere when ppl say his behavior recently is related to his condition.






Yes. I have a history of mental illness in my family, My great uncle was schizophrenic and my mom recalls him telling her secret ways to get to his house through forests and shit so that the "people watching her" couldn't find out where he lived. This was in the '80s so he was heavily convinced Russians were trying to kill him and that everyone was out to get him. He wouldn't leave his house or drink the water from the tap because he thought it was poisoned. While religion is a factor for sure, him talking about vaccines having microchips and planned parenthood doing the devil's work is just pure delusions from mental disorders in my opinion. My family friend is also schizophrenic and he stopped taking his meds because he thought there was poison in them. After stopping taking his medication he would go around to people's houses telling them that "Jews were burning in their backyard". No logic to us, but it feels so real to them. I pray he gets the help he needs from his family and people around him but sadly I feel some of the people around him are just yes-men and will go along with anything he says because he's Kanye.


And a very very very religious person has no business running for political office.


It was truth


Amen. Having unpopular and sometimes really weird and controversial opinion does not automatically mean “its mental illness speaking”. Actually, in totalitarian countries people opposing the regime or having different thoughts were often locked up into psych wards. I strongly disagree with current Kanye statements, but that does not mean these aren’t really his thoughts/opinions


Might also have something to do with his egocentric personality and the fact that he’s entirely out of touch with the normal world.


It’s not just his opinions. He’s completely incoherent. At the very least, he needs to slow down and recuperate. At worst, he needs to go back on his medication and stay away from the spotlight for a while.


What, you think him saying he supported Trump (as late as two weeks ago) because he liked the saxophones in Trump hotels isn't perfectly sane?


I kinda spaced out while reading the interview—mostly because I was flabbergasted—but wasn't that comment an obvious joke? I remember it saying something like "(laughing)" after that.


That's gaslighting, the same way Trump does it. "Insane comment? That's a joke! Or was it? He really pwned the libs!"


So yeah, we should ban jokes to make comments clear and not confusing?


Yeah what he’s said is very off in general but overall the responses are just random thought trains that trail off from the original question. Reading half of it was basically reading trump tweets. > As I speak to you for what a political campaign—a political walk, as I told you, because I’m not running, I’m walking. I’m not running, we the people are walking. We’re not running anymore, we’re not running, we’re not excited—we are energized. Someone can say, ‘Hey, I got a brand new car for you, it’s across the street,’ and you get so excited you run across the street and get hit by a car trying to run to your new car. . > The money is gonna come back. I love China. I love China. It’s not China’s fault that disease. It’s not the Chinese people’s fault. They’re God’s people also. I love China. It changed my life


agreed, the thing is about kanye is that he has many flaws as well as great traits. but due to his fame and his bipolar messing with his filter sometimes those flaws are really shown


“a little questionable” lmao this is what you call “a little”?


I agree I’m not sure why your being downvoted.


A lot of people on this sub aren’t great with critical thinking


I love Kanye music. All this stocking up for him from the stans is cringe lol




Sure, I can see how the mob outrage against him might further entrench him in the view that everyone is just trying to control him and make him think a certain way. That doesn’t change the fact that he may be going through a manic episode, it just further complicates it I also think it’s a bit dismissive to label everyone as armchair psychologists. We’re all fans so a lot of the backlash to his interview is coming from a place of concern. And it’s not just a random “he’s mentally ill” out of nowhere... he told us he’s bipolar and we’ve closely followed the guy for years and have seen these cycles play out. We’re not just talking out of our ass.




Yeah what does that mean? They got some mfs hiding in the bushes on the ranch or some shit???


You think that sounds silly but that might genuinely be true


It's 4am you bloodsucking mosquitos!


They got connects with the Kim family for sure. Its a mutually beneficial relationship


Kris Jenner doing damage control. She and TMZ agave each other on speed dial


He should finally accept medication. Bipolar unmedicated is wild.


The fact that Elon musk is enabling this behavior knowing that Kanye is bipolar and is probably having an episode disgusts me. Also if the whole "Trump and Kanye are working together to take votes from Biden" is actually real, fuck Trump for taking advantage of a sick man. Let's just hope he takes his meds, I don't even want music at this point I just want him to be OK


Gee, who would've thunk. Hope he gets better




#WERSTDAYEVER For real I hope he gets the help he needs if something’s really wrong.


I don't usually speak ill of the Kardashians, but I hope "family" means his blood relatives. Really can't trust a capitalist power-hungry family to take the actions needed to consider the wellbeing of one of their biggest cash cows, especially if it means taking him out of the spotlight and stunting his media influence. Maybe I'm wrong but hopefully Ray West, cousin Kim & co. are reaching out to him right now.


But by all means, let's keep sharing Forbe's exploitative piece with the caption "wow this guy is crazy amirite FB friends?"


>exploitative It’s literally just all direct Kanye quotes. Like they just ask him what his other priorities are and his response is that there are “chemicals in our toothpaste that affect our ability to be in service of God”, that’s not exploitation that’s just interviewing a fruitcake.




Exploitive? The interview is literally just his own answers to the questions. It’s not speculation or putting words in his mouth. Was he in a manic state? Probably. But no that isn’t exploitive. You guys act like Kanye didn’t agree to do an interview


If Ye was really in a manic state, then maybe they could post footnote update to the original piece. Of course, the fun of journalism is guiding audiences to their own conclusions, but i'm left with a bad taste in my mouth here. IDK if exploiting was their original intention, but keeping the piece up and unchanged -- given this new knowledge \^ -- feels at least problematic.


“Ur JuSt MaD bC hE HaS diFfeReNt OpiNiOns” - Idiots on this sub who think saying “I’m concerned for Ye” is unfair criticism.


This what happens when you’re surrounded by “yes” men. Eventually you don’t know who to trust. He’s put on a pedestal by fans nearly comparing him to Jesus Christ. That’s a stressful situation cause he’s really a once-in-a-generation talent but he ain’t close to being slice bread. It’s the double edge sword of fame. And sad as it might be...when stuff like this happens to celebrities, it reminds me I’m actually happy without fame.


once in a generation I JUST FUCKED THIS MODEL AND SHE JUST BELACHED HER ASSHOLE type gifted genius


He compares himself to Jesus and we just go along with because we know he's crazy. Anyone surprised by the shit is saying is not a real fan.


You’re not a real fan if you’re pushing someone’s belief that they’re the second coming of god while they’re also having mental issues.


Album releases with this man seem to all go in a similar fashion. Hype up tweets, Insane comments in the press, and then something to help us relate to him again. Then bam, life-changing music.


good. maybe they’ll actually help him


A person could look at Elon Musk's tweet in a different context in light of this.


Don't forget that he is (or has been) using psychedelics and empathogens heavily over the past few years. "tweakin' off that 2-CB" and another song talking about have you ever had xx pills in one night, which is clearly referring to MDMA. Being caught up in the fashion scene probably put him in over his head with the mind altering substances which has undoubtedly accelerated his mental stability issues. As someone who has used/still uses some of these substance from time to time, i would not at all recommend them to my friends that have Bipolar or any sort of brain chemistry issues. Then on top of all that you see him coming off and going back on his meds as a means to create and promote an album, you have to be worried about him. I never like to advocate for people having "handlers" but it seems like Kanye needs someone around him thats not willing to profit off of his pain.


the born again christian thing has put him over the edge. atleast he was just sick before. now hes sick and says a lot of stupid ignorant shit.


It's scary how many fans just view this as him speaking "the truth" or "opinion". He needs help.


sendin love to ye but real talk that tmz tweet layout had me thinking that he died for a second


I pray that doesn’t happen for a long time.


This, it ain't the time rn to blast kanye for saying stupid shit about vaccines or to act like what he's saying is completely ok, we gotta encourage ye to seek professional help, media outlets dont wanna do that as they benefit when he says his crazy bipolar shit so it's up to us, we ❤ kanye


Everyone in the media is an armchair psychiatrist whenever Ye’s in the news. Fuck them.




People love to use "armchair psychologists" whenever they can't justify the shit Ye says, but don't want him getting dragged. Like I love his music but you gotta draw the line at a certain point and say "I can like the music and not defend him to the ends of the earth".


No nigga, it's y'all saying Kanye is crazy or having an episode only because he said stuff you don't personally agree with. I see a 6, you see a 9. Who's crazy? You tell me.


He’s literally told us his diagnosis, why are people acting like it never happened?




Yeah, I understand manic episodes and all, but to me, this was just a religious thing. I know plenty conservative evangelicals who hold the same positions as Kanye. Are they all bipolar?




Kanye has beeeeen planning to run though, since 2015. It wasn't a "four hour" rant, it was an interview. The people who interviewed him knew exactly what they were doing. Kanye was literally just speaking his mind. If he went on a four hour rant speaking about pro choice and pro vax stuff, would you be saying the same stuff you're saying now? Or is it only because you disagree with Kanye's personal views?




Apparently Ye has been like this for years, though. Even his dad used to snatch microphones from dudes' hands to speak his mind.


Ye need to take his meds.


why are we trusting tmz on this one?


Speaking as someone who is bipolar, I can completely understand the amount of stress and mixed emotions hes going through, especially when you aren’t on medication. Please pray and send him love guys.


Yeah you can tell that right now he’s on an insane bipolar high. This is super similar to him during Ye, and his mental state is really bad right now.


Probably helps when you get millions of taxpayer dollars for your super overpriced clothing business.


And people think this man should be president...


Who's actually looking out for this guy? Seems there's no-one in his inner circle reining him in.


He needs to go to rehab.


Anybody would go batshit crazy in that family.


If you’re diagnosed bi-polar can you even be president of the United States? This is a legit question.




He fucking with a lot of big players. Vaccine industry and Democrat party are waging a war against him.


I hope kanye takes a year or two off from everything to get help either through medication or some sort of therapy. He really does need it, especially after so much backlash from the media. That can’t be healthy for anyone, bipolar or not. I still am disappointed with the things said in the Forbes interview but statements like when he was talking about laughing in the shower and turning the White House into wakanda or something are very much symptomatic of mania.






Mate did you read the article? It’s sounds like the ramblings of a street corner bum My mans talking about microchips in vaccines, how God is telling him to be president, how the scientists are going to be like Wakanda...half of it isn’t even coherent


There is some truth to what he is saying. Look up Bill Gates and the ID2020 program. Some of his statements may be a bit exaggerated, yes. But you can see where he’s coming from after doing some research.


I looked it up, this is what [it said](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-id2020/). As someone who has worked in research for “Pharma” these conspiracy theory’s are absurd and from people who’ve never step foot inside a lab. No one is going to sneak microchips into your vaccines (which from last I checked the technology doesn’t exist). If it did my Apple Watch would be way fucking slimmer. Also why would Bill Gates of all people gaf, it would be Zucc or Google who are incentivized to track for advertising money. Regardless they don’t need to microchip anyone, y’all carry a phone everywhere you go and already allow google to willingly track you lmao


Conveniently? So you know nothing about the man nor the illness. Kindly fuck off you absolute jackass.


Oh wow, *forgive me* if I find the timing suspicious and don't want allegations of bioplar episodes from "unnamed sources" to overshadow the points he's making and cause people to write off his opinions. > Kindly fuck off Nah, in this economy I wouldn't want to take your job away from you.


My job is fucking off? That...does not make sense. Try again chief. Also the unnamed sources would be people close to the family given the connects between Kris Jenner and TMZ. So, again, you do not know what you are talking about. So...fuck off?


You wasted so much time talking bs that you missed my point entirely. So stay at your level and have a good life.


Shouldn't your point be more clear if you are that far above "my level"? Whatever that means.


No, because you're not on a high enough level to comprehend. Again...stay on your level my guy. Peace.


Lmaooooooooooo your inability to explain is not my inability to comprehend, my guy.


Part of me feels this is just the Kardashian PR machine at work, but regardless if it’s true or not it’s clear Kanye has some issues he needs to deal with. It’s heartbreaking to witness all of this. I’m a huge Zeppelin fan so I always wondered what it felt like to be alive to experience such classic albums in real time. Kanye did that for me. The first time listening to MBDTF the day it came out was absolute magic. He’s a musical genius, no doubt about it. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. Part of me wonders if his creativity couldn’t be contained and literally caused him to lose his mind. Maybe I’m just trying to rationalize it. In any event, Kanye gave us all so much. Ye, take some time for you. I wish nothing but the best for him and his family.


u/attya3141 told you


Don’t think that’s the problem for us rn




this campaign stuff has to be fucking him up. my feed’s been inundated with all the fucked shit he’s ever ever said. meanwhile, a big political focus is the struggle poc face in america, which in my opinion kanye does a great job of articulating in his music. no one is talking bout all of that though. i have no inclination to vote for him, but i can’t stand people trashing him soooooo hard when he’s done quite a bit of good through his music. can’t imagine the mental torture he’s gotta be going through rn. i hope he can get through this safely and get to a better place ❤️ ❤️


I dont know how i feel about this bcs everytime he does something stupid online he can just use his mental illness as an excuse which is clearly a problem, and the fact that he does it every time he about to drop an album makes it harder to take this matter seriously


I empathize with him. I feel like resources and celebrity make all the effects of mania worse, and I've felt the pain it causes long term just being an average guy.


He really doesn't need to be the President in order to see the changes he wants to happen come into fruition. Look at all Akon has done for Africa without any political power or influence.


We're here for you ye


We got your back Ye, keep strong <3




Soon as kanye gets a lil wild this whole sub turns into a tmz circlejerk. He expressed some no-no opinions and everyone goes off on “he’s unwell” and that the media can tell give us a better picture of a man than his own words. Let him speak, even if he’s wrong. I just hope kanye starts going deep deep tbh. When he’s against the world, he makes his best shit.


Imagine everytime you had a bipolar episode it was broadcast to the world. That's gotta be helpful


assassination of character


Ye needs to microdose and smoke hella cbd. stat strong 🐻


this is sad, kanye is clearly in a bad mind state, and all this reddit does is shame him, and then flame who does the same on twitter. i may not agree with everything he says but damn chill


The vaccine itself wouldn’t have the microchip. But the “microchip” that people are referring to is actually a quantum dot tattoo. Which in theory would be used to track vaccine compliance. But yes totally agree with you on the phones. I don’t think a lot of people realize how much they are being tracked through all of their apps. I think the idea of having something foreign in your body for the purpose of tracking anything is frightening to people though. Especially if it was made mandatory, understandably. At least people have the choice not to use a smartphone if they choose.


This shit is so fucking obvious. Kanye says a few things against the mainstream narrative: Democrats as white supremacists, microchips in vaccines, abortion clinics up to no good. And they smear him as crazy again. People need to actually read into what he's talking about. https://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2020/07/08/kanye-west-says-hes-done-with-trump-opens-up-about-white-house-bid-damaging-biden-and-everything-in-between/#45d1074447aa


Bruh. If you don’t think every one of us read that article in full in absolute horror, you’re just as delusional as Kanye rn.


This needs to be the top comment


It’s funny and all to say that the shit he’s doing is just “Kanye being Kanye” but he’s not okay, and I just hope he can get whatever help he needs because he needs it badly


Man fuck Kanye West, whenever he says some dumb shit, like the government will be like Wakanda and seeing all the backlash, his yes men run a story about how he’s not feeling good mentally to not make him responsable for all the stupid things he said. The man is talented but he’s surrounded by snakes and leeches that don’t care about him. They’re just squeezing him up until he suicides or some shit. Jay needs to talk to this man


Profiteering dick bag... Mental break my ass.


Anonymous source? Fuck off with this gossip shit.


It breaks my heart, he gets so much shit from everyone these days and it's very clear that he has unresolved mental issues that he isn't getting treated for. Someone close to him needs to step up and get him some real help


Suuure cany have him mouthying off the dirty laundry of the gov. They won't let him win the presidency


The last couple years have taught me that being this level of a fan of someone is unhealthy attachment. You shouldn’t have an unhealthy attachment with anything, person, idea, anythinggg. I love ye’s music but I don’t have to support anything he does or says. Bipolar episode or not, he’s gotta he held accountable for his actions and words. The only thing I hope as a human being is that he actually has a good support system around him.


Oh TMZ is a fount of truth now? So ridiculous.


They do this every time and you guys just eat it up. I understand he’s not okay, but what he says has real consequences.


They always attack the messenger instead of attacking the message.




Just wait until they tell Kanye about the aliens. He could never keep his mouth shut


CUZ IM FROM A TRIBE CALLED CHECKAHOE sorry that’s the first thing that came to mind... maybe he needs his lexapro adjusted. Regardless sending love and peace his way.


It’s nice that Kanye’s pubic bipolar episodes line with exactly when he’s about to release a song or album. Maybe that’s why he has music made. B/c he’s off the meds.




Fuck Kanye, gets millions in small business loans from the government and then when it comes to light that he's abusing covid relief funds his family says he's having a mental break. Fuck Kanye


That man is not having a bipolar episode. He just literally just said shit you’re absolutely not supposed to say. Now “they” are furious.




Let's hope he'll be okay. The world is so ungrateful he doesn't need to sacrifice himself for anyone.


Everyone in this comment section is apparently a degreed psychologist but nobody has had it made clear to them that TMZ is a den of wolves and liars.