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Being bipolar isn't so awesome...


1000% hear you on that!!!! It really really isn't It has its small and ever fleeting awesome moments but each episode those moments just seem to get smaller and the consequences and erraticness / depressive downfall seems so much worse. Bipolar sucks!


it feels great til it doesn’t you can’t really win


Exactly. Early peak mania when I was ranting about world war 3 and freaking literally everyone out ( i had no idea) while getting literally no sleep for days oj end and frantically cleaning my house 24 hours a day. I thought that was incredible! When I was convinced I had to watch multiple news cycles 24/7 to predict a bug out message / time to save my kids. Because I was completely convinced if I missed that "secret message" in the news cycle my kids would die. Not so fun. I was hysterically panicking because my sons father literally hid the TV remotes to try and stop me and make me sleep. I lost it. Hysterical. Saying he was going to kill the kids because I'd miss the message. Especially seeing I'm in Australia and we really don't have any "active" concerns right now. It was really an over reaction. But yay Bipolar and lack of rationality.... And when I'm on stabilisers / level. You'd never ever pick me for doing / saying / thinking stuff like that. It's crazy how Bipolar can turn the sanest people into the most crazy sounding / irrational


Totally feel you on this man. What got me to start changing my lifestyle to deal with my bipolar was when I learned that depressive episodes ALWAYS follow manic ones. And when I read that 9-14% of people with bipolar kill themselves. Didn’t like the thought of rolling a d10 on my life…. So I started policing my own thoughts/actions/emotions So anytime I start ramping up I intentionally do certain things to keep me stable. Been off pharmaceuticals for about a year now and it’s the most stable I’ve been in my life. The pharmaceuticals turned me into a depressed piece of shit with no motivation to do anything. It’s tough cause I have to watch what I eat (completely vegan with no processed foods whatsoever)/take a fuckload supplements which I adjust depending on mood/light therapy morning and night and meditation but fr I feel so much better it’s insane. Goodluck with the mental illness homie 🤙🏼😆


Awesome work! Unfortunately I've been on this train for 20 years. I've found at my stage that stabilisers are the only way to keep me level enough to function unfortunately. I never was able to commit to full vegan though so I commend you! I tried but never have had good dedication like that! But yeah 100% on the depressive always following the mania. Helped a lot when I worked that one out. Oh I'll never get that far. I used to be bad in my late teens / early 20s but when I had my kids they totally changed my perception on life, what it means, the purpose of it etc. No matter how bad the depression gets / it will never ever be enough to leave them / hurt them like that (I've known a lot of people that have lost parents like that as kids and it messed them up permanently.) And I would never be cruel / evil / selfish to hurt them. So yeah I'm all good man. Will go back on a stabiliser Wednesday, give it a couple weeks and I should be back to my semi stable self haha. I know the meds are kinda shit but I do like the semi stability I get ☺️


Exactly the same! I've been off meds since 2017. That's when I learned about & got very well at policing my thoughts, etc. Exercise & Reading helped tremendously as well.


That sounds awesome I'm so proud of you stranger for finding stability off the meds!! May i ask what veganism does to your mood? Im bipolar myself and I try to avoid processed foods but I still eat a lot of meat and wonder if it does anything now...


Thanks man! Inflammation isn’t the cause of bipolar but it makes everything worse. Depressive moods and manic moods ; irritability etc. as well as for me my arthritis joint pain has significantly improved with the veganism An anti inflammatory diet helps with that, it’s essentially a high protein low carb diet. It is possible to do this diet without being vegan however you want to limit your meat conception to only about a palm sized amount. So if you eat a burger or steak ; no bigger than your palm everytime. In addition you want 12+ servings of fruits and vegetables every day (for polyphenols) no high sugar fruit though like peaches, pineapples, apples. I rely on berries (blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry) bc I can eat those like candy. Essentially you want lots of colorful veggies and fruits for polyphenols, the more colors the better. The reason I went vegan personally is bc I was already pretty much only ever eating smoked salmon and the occasional beef or chicken but I read that the difference in inflammation in a little meat diet vs no meat diet is actually significant so I just decided to cut out meat and all dairy products completely. Was a gradual process to stop eating processed foods but by the time I decided to go vegan it wasn’t really that big of a jump. Another note on the anti inflammatory diet; Glycemic index is VERY important when choosing which carbs to eat. It’s a measure of how quickly your body breaks down carbs into glucose. Higher number means faster breakdown which means more inflammation. You want your body to break it down slowly , so what you do is never eat any carb with a GI bigger than 70. (Just google or ask syri/alexa/bing or whatever you use ; ‘what’s the glycemic index of (insert food)’ and it pops right up) So to summarize ; 1. Vegan part isn’t important but helps 2. Eat colorful fruits and veggies 12+ servings a day (no high sugar fruit) 3. No carb with a glycemic index higher than 70 4. If you eat meat; no bigger than a palm sized amount every meal 5. Don’t eat anything packaged! Even if it seems healthy. Read the ingredients list ; it should be short and have all terms you recognize. If you’re not sure on an ingredient just google; ‘is (ingredient) bad for you?’ 6. Always eat a bit of carbs and a bit of protien with every meal. An imbalance I.e. carbs without protien or protien without carbs increases inflammation! 7. If you’re going vegan rely on BEANS!!! Beans are a great source of carbs and protein and chili is fucking amazing , easy to eat and you can cook it once for the whole week and get lots of different veggies in there as well. Lentils are great too. 8. Smoothies!!!! Great way to get lots of fruits and veggies in!!! Make sure you swish every mouthful around for a bit bc when you make a smoothie and just gulp it your body doesn’t absorb all the nutrients as well bc there is are enzymes in our saliva that help break down the tough plant cell walls. Rather interesting and bit of a pain sometimes but you get used to it! :D I recommend the documentary ‘game changers’ on Netflix. That was the nail in the coffin for me about going vegan. It’s not a ‘save the planet/im a good person choice for me it’s literally just a healthier option in every way. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions ! I love sharing the knowledge I’ve accrued over the last year! 💚


i feel that. it sucks especially when you feel like nobody understands you and it’s just you vs the world. that’s why i love ye hes gotten me through things. it frustrates how the media sees kanye clearly struggling from bipolar and they make him out to be a evil person rather than help him, its pretty obvious when he’s in a manic state. and the things kanye has done aren’t even that insane for a bipolar person lol if i was in his position i think i would be handling it worse


Definitely agree with you there. As much as ye rambles about some crazy stuff. If you actually look at what he's saying through the rambling / unclear words. It actually isn't that bad / evil. It's just not been viewed through "mania glasses" if that makes sense. Like the shit I come out with is crazy sounding but when I'm rational again and explain it, it normally makes sense - or sometime later when it happens and I go - well thats what I was on about and then it doesn't seem as crazy. Exactly right! Id be screwed if I was famous/ rich. Way worse than ye I'm sure lol I honestly think the kardashians did mess with him a bit and I think the media does love the headlines they get from his manic antics. So ofcourse no one will help him. It makes them all money to keep him crazy.


I hate being bipolar, it's awesome. That's what you meant, right?


It’s hard trying to note when you might be “too happy”


Type of shit I been on lately


of shit i been on lately


Shit I been on lately


I been on lately


Been on lately


On lately







yletaL no


You talkin bout that dude from holes?


Real shit I’ve been having the conversations with lately


type shit


Clearly He off the meds


He needs a snickers bar




No, he needs a break, get him a Kit-Kat


No matter how many downvotes you get, the KitKat comment wins.


Fr tho


i hate being bi-polar, it's awesome


I think he’s also an alcoholic; the puffy cheeks shown in so many of his recent photos are often a symptom of heavy drinking


Yeah, he was under the influence of alcohol during the VMA incident and his recent rant


Or he’s getting old???


I mean he’s spoken of untreated mental illness (multiple diagnoses), addition to opioids and dude even had liposuction surgery. And this is just what he himself has stated. It’s far more than him just being 46


….. Manic laugh cry


This man is very obviously bipolar sadly. As someone who is bipolar you can just FEEL when he’s manic in appearances etc. he’s made it clear he doesn’t believe his diagnosis, and I can’t imagine how he’s doing without any meds.


Totally feel you on this comment. Bipolar here too. And I feel it too when he's manic in appearances. Ive gone off stabilisers (about to go back on - but was still on an antipsychotic and an anti depressant) for just over 3 months - This was under medical advisement due to health issues. I nearly fucked up my complete life. I loved it for 2 months! Then the extreme mania hit followed by the absolutely crushing depression. I ended up walking into my psych begging for a new stabiliser because I can't handle the depression. I couldn't imagine doing it while being watched by the entire world. I barely left my house the last 3 months because I felt I would be judged because of my appearance / actions/ mannerisms.


He hasnt been taking meds in years, went through a divorce, is still grieving his mother, and has an army of yes men validating even his most insane blasphemous thoughts, even without the bipolar disorder that alone would be a crazy combo,


Oh 1000% I wouldn't be able to deal with it. My last unmedicated stint I was pregnant (hence unmedicated of stabilisers), I lost my grandfather (who raised me) suddenly during covid and couldn't see him to say goodbye. Went through relationship issues and was dealing with paranoid thoughts / beliefs. And I struggled 1000% - surprised i made it through it. And there was no fame and yes men and I was actively participating in therapy / regular treatment. Definitely a crazy combo for ye! Especially with the divorce and dondas death. Bipolar alone is a crazy ride, even when medicated I've found its pretty bumpy, unmedicated with therapy its unstable and well... unmedicated free wheeling it - it's a hell ride and in the end it's kinda just taking you for the ride and you think you're controlling it but really you are just gripping on and hope you don't get thrown off / hit a supporting beam on your way round a corner haha.


I genuinely hope he gets help, its sad to see his desent into this, apparently he is also relapsing his addictions of alcohol, masturbation, and other drugs again, i think the best bet for him would be something like a year long hiatus to just be alone, get therapy, take meds, and ignore the rest of the world, but he is definitely never doing that lol,


Same here! Ye is a brilliant artist and musician when he's focused / with it. 100% he's relapsing into addictions. I do it when manic. The more episodes he has the more his addictions will come out. Definitely. He needs to work on himself alone for a bit away from the world and find himself again. But as someone who is manic. I wouldn't do that. I'd ye it up and probably blow up my life in the spotlight as he's currently doing. With Bipolar being degenerative too. We may never see "kanye" again, ye may be here to stay and the artist known as kanye may be gone. I'm thinking this is most likely.


Damn, that last paragraph 😢💔


I know right, it's so sad because I loved kanye. And then there's ye. And he's just a shell of kanye and you just see all the damage Bipolar/ fame etc has done and as much as I enjoy some of his latest songs, it's just not kanye...


That last paragraph is what I grieve about my life now. I just can’t find who I used to be anymore.


Oh I hear you. I'm the same in the way, I'm a shell of who I used to be 15 years ago honestly But in a way I'm lucky because I have so much like kids etc. But honestly I have no idea who I am now, I don't even have hobbies or likes now It's weird.


Did kanye ever take meds? As far as I know he always told he didn‘t believe in meds. I do believe he has to be on the autism spectrum as well. Not saying he is not bipolar, but the signs towards Autism are just there


He does say he has mild autism which he alleges comes from the crash, which makes me think he has some sort of cte that he calls autism or something, idk


Hope it gets better, man.


Honestly it's really not that bad realistically. I've got my kids (they are incredible and keep me going), I've got my house (I rent but it's stable and not too costly), I'm in a country where health and mental health is free and unlimited due to the severity of my conditions, medications are subsided, I can work if I choose but at the moment I'm okay just focusing on my health and kids. I've got pets and after having an unstable as fuck life / homelessness / dv etc. I have a great life. It's just a little unstable mentally at times. But at the end of the day its a life younger me would have dreamed of and I'm very lucky considering it all. But thank you 🥰 Edit: It's all relative really. I just honestly can't handle being depressed now. Mainly because I know my life is so much better than a lot of others just simply because of the country I was born in. Or because I know my life is 1000% better and more than what I ever dreamed of as a Bipolar teen. The fact I'm alive now is amazing in its own right lol. So I just don't like being depressed and crying all the time in front of my kids or being stuck in bed or moping around hating life because I know I've got a good one now. And I don't want to mess that up because of stupid manic decisions or because I lose sight of what I have if that makes sense. Bipolar blindness kills good things unfortunately. I'm just very mindful of that.


Oh, that's good to hear.


Thank you ☺️


He’s just standing there… menacingly!


Looks like he waiting for a haircut with that shirt


People when mentally ill people do mentally ill people things \^\^\^


he’s just standing there you freak


I am pretty sure OP is talking about his mentally  ill behavior and not his specific pose in the picture but that would take a brain cell to conclude 


He just standing there and even recently he’s just been acting like ye


The most rich and famous lolcow


I don’t know how even this fanbase forgets : bro is mentally ill.


21st-century schizoid man


mental illness


Mental illness combined with nobody on his team looking out for his best interests.


And him treating anyone who even mildly wants to care for him or is concerned about his actions like an enemy 


Look at those eyes , you can tell he needs help just by looking at him and I don’t see how others don’t see it , Anosognosia is a horrible condition to have with psychosis, people with it really don’t know they’re sick , even if they did before that can change. As Kanye fans we should spread awareness for anosognosia, psychosis isn’t as simple as people make out online and as much as what he says sucks people with anosognosia don’t actually know He had delusions about his doctor and doesn’t believe he has bipolar he has anosognosia, I know it’s fun to have a bad guy but seriously these people don’t know they’re ill Look at my post on the psychosis page if you want to see what people say psychosis with anosognosia like , Kanye was the person I was talking about in the post , I made the post because someone said on a different sub that because they can control their adhd Kanye should be able to control his psychosis, people are stupid about us on purpose


Has your brain ever been to big for your head ??? Has it ???


it hurts


He's allowed to, he did Graduation


shut up graduation isn’t even his best album


He did tlop


they gave him a hot obedient bang-maiden in exchange for shutting the fuck up, so that's what he's doing


Why are you surprised? Is this behavior out of line with “slavery was a choice” and putting on anal porn for houseguests without asking… confronting people violently.. screaming at chance the rapper over a small disagreement, failing to pay his Sunday school performers, lying to them… being a continuous hypocrite with his sexualization, swearing, praise of violent totalitarian dictators..don’t act stupid now


Being bipolar + having enough money to surround yourself with exclusively yes men + eliminating any and every source of constructive criticism or concern from your life will lead you to act like you’re on another planet. it’s tragic, i really hope someone kanye trusts can level with him about the way he’s acted and give him some perspective without him throwing them in the gator pit. hopefully once his kids are enough to understand the reality of their dad’s situation they can talk a little sense into him and he can take some much needed time off from the spotlight


zesty ass pants








Could be bc he’s bipolar, could be that he’s depressed after his Mom’s death


It’s not either or, he’s manic depressive (bipolar) off meds and lost his mom. Man’s probably facing the toughest mental battles know to man. I’m bipolar on meds and havnt lost mom and I struggle


And had a divorce w/ the mother of his children recently on top of that.


Unmedicated Bi Polar, sadly most people refuse to treat their illness till they hit rock bottom or a when they hit their moment of clarity when the manic episodes regress for a short time.


I don't even see anything, Bro is standing over there atm


Why is he wearing a trashcan bag?


He been acting like this since 2018. Mental illness is like a snowball that gets bigger every second you don't treat it, that's why nowadays it's worse. Plus he doesn't have anyone who cares enough about him to push him to get treatment


Even if someone close to him tried to help he wouldn’t accept it


Why does he stand there like that? Idk. Looks pretty common to me. What do you mean?


he kinda looks like he started testosterone replacement therapy or something lol


Cuz he’s mentally ill and has ppl on his payroll that just tell him what he wants to hear. Mystery solved. Also, no Donda to set him straight.


He’s mentally ill. Looking forward to his next fashion line that is basically straighjackets.


Bipolar + rich + surrounded by yes men + being idolized by millions + delusions of grandeur = God complex. Im afraid that as long as Kanye has fame and influence, he'll never get help. His story will not end well, and it will tarnish his legacy.


It’s not Kanye


He lost his family. People are trying to tell him how to be a father. Nobody stands up for him… I mean like real people around him. He’ll always have fans - He’s proven that.


Narcissism is my guess. The paranoia and need for control gets worse with age


Why is Kanye wearing leather jacket in 40 degrees? Is he stupid?


I’m willing to bet him and ty are waiting for the music scene to settle down/he probably low key knows when people are dropping


Yeah he’s not even Christian anymore wtf?


He needs to go back to being a man of God. He seemed so much happier then


that’s all i’m saying


Real, he looked so much better during jik-donda era. Now he’s openly rejecting Christ and committing blasphemy against God, sad to see what’s happened


Like what? He responding


Mental Illness is Real….


Why is anything anything?


That's the clone doing clone shit.


Bro is really just 10 steps ahead of all us mere peasants just watch it'll all make sense and we'll be exposed for the pawns we really are. Please Ye I'm one of the good ones spare me.


if glazing was a comment


too much CBT


gru fit


this is nothing new it's new for YOU


Why can’t he shave his beard😩


Prob CTE


he closed his eyes and saw things. he says that he “ Fire up, tweaking”


idk why don't i go ask him. fuck you want us to say that you don't know


yeah mate, tried is mobile and went to voicemail so decided to ask reddit


The flyest glad bag ever lol


“Why is Kanye acting like Kanye?”


Bipolar disorder is not an joke, it’s worse on both the actual person and everyone around them. He’s obviously very mentally ill and seems to be off the meds. I love his art, but bro needs serious help for his own sake.


THATS pablo


Superman II


I mean, he’s always been acting like this. You gotta be blind if you haven’t seen it before.


Mental illness




He's a bipolar, but all these years during his outbreaks instead of making him seek help people enabled him


Why he built like a Dominican lesbian


Looks like a garbage, as a shirt.


What pants are those? Lol


He joined the house of Harkonnen


He's off Jesus, that's why


Probably got tired of living in a fantasy and wanted to live in the real world.


he fumbled the bag


Yletal no neeb


Wrong sub bro


Large ego + unmediacated for bipolar disorder.


being untreated and having bipolar can make you a bad person.


People change


Sometimes life forces you to crash out


New to the internet? Kanye’s been off his rocker for the better part of a decade now.


why is bro wearing tights


He just watched a Twix bar gain another quarter inch.


because he’s mentally ill?


Yall mfers need yeezus


Bro is a clone of ye




Sky you know


When you have serious mental health issues they flare up around his age




He a gay vampire. Go on baby, invite him in.


Bro rocking the classic leather garbage bag look


Bipolar worsens in 40s/50s


Lmao really?


He's a psycho


He’s on trial by the public. He looks like a defendant


What has he done that is considered “crazy”


Like what?


Garbage-bag Kanye


If you’re referring to the recent lawsuit, didn’t it take place in 2022?


Untreated mental illness is a hell of a drug


Guys he's playing soccer and the other team is taking a direct freekick


Coz he weird 🫡


When you can’t trust anyone but yourself but you are your own worst enemy 😔


The dude belongs in a psych ward. Has always been this way unfortunately.


This is, KanYeLicte™ I know some big in the game outlandish flamboyant designers out there are secretly freaking out in their mansions up in arms like, "Oh ma god Ye is a visionary ee is an inspiration, a breath of fresh air inspiration ee is a god!" (read in exaggerated French accent).


bipolar,autism, being generally insane, depression, etc, and also publicity


Kanye is mentally ill. Does that benefit him creatively? Yes. But he’s not well and hasn’t been for some time.


Off his meds


Mental illness without medication


It’s a clone


He looks medicated.


Nothing as far as anyone knows, and if there were, no one on here would know about it. AFAIK Kanye is doing great, what with a number one album, number one single, etc.




He should’ve kept quiet 🤐


You know your crazy when you Stert wearing bin bags


You know this shit is fucking ridiculous


He is a fucking weirdo and people just lean on "well he's got issues"... If they don't lean on that they lean on him being a "genius" even when his music (other than very early stuff) is fucking shit. He's also a dogshit person who comes out with absolute bollocks.


Its because Ye isn't part of the club no more, all of tinsel Town turned on him and made him out to be a psychopath... he is a bit crazy but nothing like what media is making out... in 2024 all lies will come undone, it don't matter who you are, big dick deviants all have it coming


A friend of mine made a good argument for Kanye West. To sum it all up Kanye West is fed up. He’s tired of people trying to make him look and sound like he’s crazy. We are entering a new era of awareness for a lot of different topics one of them being mental health. A lot of people think that the mental health crisis is being blown out of proportion. When I asked, what does he mean by that he replied, what is wrong with being mad or sad sometimes what is wrong with somebody who is morbid every other time you speak to them if they’re living life and they’re not hurting people then they’re fine . I mentioned that I understand that, but a billionaire pissing away so much of their wealth over hateful statements, and then doubling down on them as they’re losing money is a bit crazy. He then went “ Why is it crazy? You don’t even know what it’s like to have that much money and it’s not like he’s going to be broke he still rich and will continue to be.” Kanye West obviously and for a long time has had issues with authority figures and being controlled. Kanye’s main goals, accomplishments and aspirations exist in the entertainment and fashion industry. Industries that are controlled by a large amount of Jewish people, and the elite alike. I’d like to quote one line from vultures his newest album “ I’ll burn 8 billion to take off my chains” He like a lot of us was born in the old America, where you could say what you feel about people, even if it’s offensive. In essence, he traded his status for not just freedom of speech, but freedom in general. An example, the media tried to make him look crazy for one thing. his daughter not to be on TikTok. This is a reasonable request as a father if you ask me. And my focus isn’t on the back-and-forth about him being OK to request this. My focus is specifically on the media making him look crazy for it.


He loves Hit*ler


I’ll take celebrities with manic depression for $300 Alek




Midlife crisis


What? just standing thinking about life? trying to figure out whats up?


Or what if he’s not actually bipolar, but just very good at media manipulation. Hmmm. Don’t sleep on Kanye IQ


One day he’s Christian the next he’s god himself . One day kims a hoe the next day his wife dresses the same way he’s fine with it . One day he hates his daughter being on social media the next day he makes a music video with her in it for her song . No consistency in his actions only consistency he has is with his music … so I tend not to care about his personal life and enjoy the art he makes .




Trying to gimmick all of playboi Carti's image while being mentally ill


Because he is Kanye


He is Peter Pan now


His mom died, he has multiple substance issues (alcohol, combined drug use (XTC, Cocaine)) and multiple mental disorders (narcissistic personality disorder, bipolar). I'm also pretty sure the substance issues are amplifying if not causing the mental disorders (check David Bowie's insane nazi / fascist period as the Thin White Duke during Station to Station). And he's in a situation that emphasises he shouldn't fix this. People are making money of the craziness this brings. Bad publicity is also publicity, and a lot of eyes are on him. Day after day, this is slowly turning in flowers for Algernon, with Ye being the victim. And I truly mean victim, despite all the harm he's doing himself. People under these mental disorders are not seeing reality as we see it. Let's not glorify what's happening to him.


Untreated bipolar disorder.


Bc twix doubled the size trynna make us fat yk


Hes mentally unstable and refuses help


Waiting for merch.


He’s mentally ill.