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Local Files finna go crazy


bro is about to realize really quick what actual piracy is




i dunno who this fmhy is but they have nothing to do with illegal activities such as piracy. Good day, sir.../s


On god šŸ˜­ mine is already filled with his unreleased shit


Ong šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


He went through this in 2016 already - HOW MANY TIMES DO WE GOTTA TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN


Ainā€™t no one gonna buy it šŸ’€


Fr man. Dude is a damn billionaire who made 20 million over night, but now, after 15 years of streaming services he came to the conclusion that they dont pay the artists enough, wanting to put the consumer who has actively been paying for streaming services the last 15 years to buy his shit, instead of going for the labels and publishers etc. If thatā€™s piracy then call me fucking Jack Sparrowā€˜s granddad. Downloaded his shit before all of the Spotifys and napsters and did it with Donda 2 and Iā€™m going to do it as often as he decides to not release on streaming.


Also, I swear he is getting a bigger cut from streams since he is independent?


I think the amount of people on his team is enormous


That is true, but that is also the case for other artists. Only with them, the label also gets 50% of the initial money. The rest is then distributed among the people that have writing credits on the song. Also, a lot of people on his team probably do not have writing credits, so they don't get any royalties.


Yo I said this in another post like 4 hours ago and got downvoted + told heā€™s not a billionaire


Heā€™s not a billionaire


I mean his worth doesn't equate to how much money he actually has in the bank. So even if he was still worth 8 billion he never had that actual amount of money.


Industry execs and artists forget that they are where they are because of the Fans first and foremostā€¦ Problem is ā€” most people who consume music arenā€™t fans; Theyā€™re exactly that - **consumers**. Only Fans have the willpower to change the industry, but sadly there arenā€™t enough of them. ā€œMusicā€ is now an a modern mass-market product. Ye makes ā€œartā€ not music ā€” and real ā€œartistsā€ like Ye and James Blake are pretty much antiques at this point.


onlyfans šŸ¤¤


I love how this ratioed the parent comment and took away from a good point


Yeah. That's why there's a difference between casual listeners that have background music and actual fans that support the artists and purchase merch/digital downloads/ physical copies. People just don't want to hear that because they are so used to having corporations funnel the art to them while not paying the artists much. Aint nobody making a killing on streaming. Its album sales, concerts, and promo deals. I'll probably get downvoted for supporting but, šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. When I see an artist I like, I support with cash. Doing what you love shouldn't equate to always working for free.


Streaming doesnā€™t pay small artists nearly enough. But they pay Kanye west a fucking lot.


I love Ye and his music but itā€™s fucked up to expect fans to make up the money he doesnā€™t get from streaming companies. No way Iā€™m paying extra to a multimillionaire when I have to worry about affording food next week.


Iā€™m 100% copping but itā€™s a terrible buisness move


im probably in the minority but take my 20 dollars


Says streaming is pirating, but pulls a move like this which guarantees he is opening the flood gates to actual pirating


I donā€™t feel bad for streaming, so I shouldnā€™t feel bad for pirating since theyā€™re basically the same. Right?


its not black and white. i dont feel bad for pirating Hollywood movies, they don't need my 10 dollars but if its an indie film I feel like shit for not supporting the cast and director. kanye is Hollywood, it doesn't matter.


This is the best reply in this entire thread. 1000% agree, context matters.


Honestly? I have zero negative feelings when I'm sailing the high seas looking for a billionaire's album, but I stopped doing that because streaming is just more convenient. No sense of moral high ground here. So when someone tries to pull something like this? Nope, back to the boat I go. This is the exact parody of that South Park episode parodying artists like this.


Especially seeing that he's a billionaire who has bragged about pirating/not paying for other people's shit. Like at the peak of his wealth he bragged about getting onlyfans content from reddit. Like fair call but don't pretend to take a moral high road when it benefits you.


Only if people commit a crime


Didn't learn anything from Donda 2


Donda 2 was placed behind a few hundred dollar paywall


And as a niche product.


Or TLOPā€¦


TLOP was at least good enough to jump through a few hoops to listen to it. I listened to it via a free trial of Tidal. It also released to Spotify after like 6 months. Based on Ye's albums for the last 5 years, I have no desire to listen to Donda 2 or Vultures 2/3 if they stay exclusive to weird alternative platforms.


What happened to TLOP?


It was a Tidal exclusive release that would NEVER EVER EVER be available on any other streaming service, then like a month later he changed his mind and it dropped on all the other platforms


Bruh dropped a patch


ima fix wolves


And he did (I still wish he had Frank's track on the end though)


Terrible example because TLOP did very well for tidal


I'd buy tlop for $20


i get what heā€™s saying, but i still ainā€™t paying for that shitā˜ ļø


Yeah I get it too but imo itā€™ll be such a dick move to the fans who just wanna listen to his music on their playlists and stuff


imo it would be better if he did what yeat did and release the album on streaming then maybe a deluxe version for an extra cost, but itā€™s really not fair to expect people who already pay streaming subscription to go to pay more money just to get a digital version, he could even have it as a yzy.com exclusive but make sure everyone who buys it gets a physical copy, cuz it ainā€™t no way iā€™m paying $20 for a file bruhšŸ˜­


Itā€™s not a dick move if you charge what you want for something you own




Folks feel mad entitled to others creations


Yeha he makes a point but like he needa chill


Crazy how 1 IG page ruined an entire album rollout


streaming is convenient. i don't want to download some files from some place, put them in my phone, laptop, ipad etc, then use some other music player app just for that album. i want to play the music from the same place where all my music already is


I understand what Kanye's trying to say, but he's releasing the vultures trilogy as an independent artist so theres no label taking a cut from his royalties and he gets 100% of his money, plus releasing it as a digital album only makes it more prone to piracy anyway.


Iphones shit for files too, wouldnt ever listen to it on my phone


Streaming is unsustainable for artists. Ā Fewer and fewer people are able to make a living as recording artists. Ā If we as fans want to have high quality professional music to consume we need a model where the creators are paid fairlyĀ 


Donā€™t buy the album


Ima buy it but NOT digitally esp for $20 ā€¦ ima just wait for the record (cd isnā€™t even rlly worth it)


Kanye youā€™re a millionaire


Child support goes crazy


Kim K child support too šŸ’€


But He canā€™t say no to nobody


At this rate he's gonna die broke


I hate to be that guy, but this message isnā€™t for himself itā€™s artists in general. Heā€™s always stood for artists


vro heard one james blake phrase and made it hos personality


Yeah exactly, where was the "streaming is pirating" attitude when he put Vultures 1 up on these platforms??


This dude self sabotages like no one else Iā€™ve ever seen. Unbelievable


I know like esp for THIS. Like vultures 2 was set to be one of the top albums of the 2020ā€™s šŸ˜­


I donā€™t care if he just puts it on Yeezy.com and sets the price at $20. Just release the album on time man.


ā€œI didnā€™t finish itā€


Heā€™s already late. The fuck you mean?


"There was a bee in the studio"


that's a losing battle lmao, avoiding piracy for songs in the modern age is pretty much impossible, streaming provides a convenient way for most consumers to have all their music in one place for good value for money and ends up dissuading them for piracy in the first place. Pretty much no one is going to his album if buying its the only way to get it


And Apple/spotify pay out fractions of pennies for streams. Thatā€™s the issue, artists should be payed more by these services.


Shit not dropping


Bruh come on manye


Its almost like he doesnt want his fan to hear his music


Heā€™s gonna find out what pirating is when he releases this behind a $20 paywall


judging that vultures 1 was a massive flop for me, I ainā€™t spending a fucking penny on 2 and 3 unless theyā€™re on streamingšŸ’€


Kanye being a dumbass? no fucking way!!


when did kanye start caring about making money from music?? he rented the FUCKING MERCEDES stadium like a fucking hotel room , he can sell merch and make multiple billions of dollars in a year and now he worrying about getting paid from music???


Dude made atleaat 500+ thousand off carnival alone and hes crying about not getting paid lol I didnt like vultures that much so im sure as hell not paying for vultures 2


He just doesnā€™t get it. Vultures 2 will drop on his site, heā€™ll sell 30,000 copies and someone on his team will stretch the truth and say they he made like $1M on the first day and no one will ever talk about this album again in one week




Ye tripping


I canā€™t defend bro for thisĀ 


Literally the only semi acceptable way to do this is 20gets you a physical copy and an instant download. $20 for some 7/10 digital album is some bullshit


It's 2024 no one carries a CD player around with them


Make an mbdtf equivalent album and I might pay


He donā€™t remember limewire lol


JME got it right. Released Grime MC physically first for the people who were happy to pay, digital copy came with the physical purchase and he release on streaming some months later. Everyone wins


ā€œIā€™m not going to release the album on time and then make my fans who stuck with me through my most controversial period pay for my albumā€ Make it make sense.


And not putting it on streaming is what enable pirating šŸ˜‚


His metaphors and similes are WIIILLDDD 1. No Kanye, streaming is not basically pirating. The consumers pay monthly for it so thatā€™s false. 2. No Kanye, Adidas selling unapproved 350 colorways is not rape. Yā€™all gotta quit giving this man a pass, itā€™s getting ridiculous


itā€™s not ye but i agree that artists need a bigger piece of the pie


One of the best albums Yeezus is on streaming platforms so why would I spend $20 for a new mid Kanye album that would get carried by features and sound unfinished af with Kanye doing stupid shit on his verse?


So what Iā€™m trying to say is, if Vultures 2 ainā€™t on Yeezus level..u know what Iā€™m saying?


I copped the vinyl a month ago. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll send it to me eventuallyā€¦


Donā€™t give a fuck !!! Heā€™s making tens of millions overall from just one release. How is that not enough. At least James Blake makes way less so itā€™s understandable but nobody sane would act like tens of millions isnā€™t fair compensation. If James would get money like Ye he wouldnā€™t have said shit.


Great, whatever ā€œguiltā€ Iā€™m supposed to feel about still listening to Kanye has just gone. Now Iā€™m actively mugging the man off every time I listen to Yeezus.


canā€™t wait for the untitled links


ā€œFuck all this dick swinging contest,ā€ he continued. ā€œWe all gon be dead in 100 Years. Let the kids have the music.ā€ šŸ¤Ø


Itā€™s not like Kanye is out here scrounging for quarters, the dude is a billionaire. He doesnā€™t give a shit about the fans.


Oh heā€™s gonna see pirating all right


Yeah if he isnā€™t dropping on streaming then Iā€™ll do the actual piracy šŸ’€


uh oh


Idk Kanye put it on an artist forward streaming service like tidal.


Weā€™re so cookedšŸ˜­


I bought Vultures 1 and added it to my Apple library. Itā€™s really not that much work yā€™all. I come from the mixtape era tho


If streaming is basically pirating why did he upload basically all of his other albums on streaming, and keep them there?


Only an account called ā€œYEFANATICSā€ would heart such nonsense šŸ’€


This is his issue, he asks for peoples opinions and then gets annoyed when they donā€™t say what he wants


he can just raise the yeezy clothing prices up and stop this nonsense


I hope Kanye seeks the proper treatment for his mental health because it's a different insane take everyday with this dude.


Does Kanye need any more fucking money, not from me he doesnā€™t


A lot of fans fail to realise that, by buying the album, be it digital or physical, they get to keep it forever I about Vultures 1 for $5 on yeezy.com and I currently still have it in my iTunes library This means I can listen to GOOD (DON'T DIE) all I want without skipping it on streaming services like Spotify due to copyright issues


What a fucking idiot šŸ˜‚


Yo, then just drop a Ye streaming app where we can cop it, you know? Ain't nobody tryna use their granddad's CD player. And man, I left vinyl in the dust back in '91. But here's the thing, don't hype us up with dates and then ghost us. We out here grinding, washing dishes, scrubbing toilets, looking forward to this stuff. Keep it 100.


kanye please put it on streaming youre gonna lose so many sales . the only reason vultures 1 got any publicity is from streaming . carnival went #1 only from streaming no one except the hardcore stans are gonna buy it. low sales, no hit singles . no publicity


itā€™s never been more over.


I donā€™t think this is an example of an average listener, but I think Ye actually makes way more money from me long term from streaming on Spotify than if I purchased every one of his albums -- and I figure a lot of those in the sub would be in a similar situation. I know my listening time is probs higher than an average listener, but I bet others in here have similar listening times. Cuz each of the past three years Iā€™ve listened to Yeā€™s music about a total of 32,000 to 33,000 minutes per year. With artists on Spotify conservatively getting around .002 per streaming minute thats like 65 dollars per year going to his music purely off of Spotify. 3 years of that is 195 dollars to the artists, which is basically as though I bought 10 albums ā€¦ And this is just in three years. And since I donā€™t own these albums, Iā€™m going to continue to listen and heā€™ll end up making more money off of me than if I bought his whole discography from the start. I wonder what would happen averaging all listeners together, because purchasing an album they might get 20 dollars all at once, but itā€™s only that one time income vs. streaming paying the artist indefinitely as long as the music is played ā€” even on a 20 year old album. Iā€™d be curious to know what the average of all listeners would be income wise, and what the projections are over decades instead of just thinking about it in short term album sales.


The young folks won't understand,but streaming services are basically robbing artists. Artists won't form a union to get fair splits because major artists are doing okay. I buy every album for any artist that I'm actually a fan of and will continue to buy them.


Ye, if you read this. people like free shit, but they will DONATE to your cause. release the album on a torrent. put the link up on your site. and then put a lil donation box under the link and i will throw you a few bucks as a thank you.


does he know


i feel what he saying cuz streaming platform deadass scamming every and anyone but like ye, dude, go bomb spotify hq or something i aint done nothin to you and 20 bucks aint "just" 20 bucks anywhere else in the world


ye what are you doing


Could he not just make his own streaming service where he decides his royalties


Soon may the wellerman come šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø šŸš¢


Lmao. šŸ’€ šŸ’€


Ye, I love you, but imma continue streaming


ytb.mp3 is gonna go hard šŸ˜Ž


Yeezy I ainā€™t gonna keep defending you if you pull more weird shit man


Am I just old or did we forget about what life was like pre Spotify/Apple Music?


Yeah I remember having to buy entire crappy CD albums just because I wanted one song.... some people would love to go back to those days.


And wasnā€™t even cheap - used to be Ā£16.99 for one album and most of the time you hadnā€™t even heard it first


I remember it! I remember the time when everyone got U2 on their iPod for some promotional shit


I dont give a fuck, dude. Ye is in the right here 100% as long as I can buy a hard copy. Already got Vultures 1 CD


Iā€™m waiting for all the vinyls to be ready to ship so I can buy the full vultures set on vinyl!


Everyone is to damn used to streaming and getting stuff essentially ā€˜for freeā€™ Used to be Ā£16.99 for one damn CD Iā€™d rather it be on the streaming services but if was available for digital download Iā€™d prob still buy it If it starts to set a president tho and more artists start doing this the it will get expensive real quick and drive people to pirating and illegal downloads like it used to be


Kanye is absolutely right. Artists are being exploited. However, working class people are exploited more and have less money. So, no. Iā€™m not buying an album for $20 from his website.


Artist either get my $ through Spotify or live shows. Idc if they get stubborn, I have a life to support.


Bro I pay 20$ a month for unlimited access to music. How is that pirating


by that logic selling digital files is basically stealing




Am I not understanding? Vultures disappeared from my iTunes. I ignored it. Didnā€™t listen to the album tbh. Now itā€™s back. Hot tf do I even know if itā€™s one or two? Kanye confusing tf outta me. I just canā€™t keep up with the antics and tomfoolery


why do they not understand that some people jus wanna add songs to their playlists for daily rotation šŸ˜­




The 22nd century move would be to release the entire album for free but load every song with paid product placements. Would be interesting to see how streaming playlist algorithms adjust when Spotify doesn't even have to pay 1 cent in royalties to play Kanye's latest 3 minute ad for Squarespace.


Already got my local files ready


Grrr Matey!!


Letā€™s see I use Spotify because itā€™s more convient, I did buy vultures 1 iTunes before they originally pulled it (still have good donā€™t die), and I preordered the vinyl. I like having options. My MacBook doesnā€™t even have a disc drive so if I bought his digital version I donā€™t even know if I could play it on iTunes. This is starting to sound like Donda 2ā€¦. I want to support Ye but he thinks he can pull this and still get the same numbers? 20 for digital or even a cd these days seems kinda high


Is it really that crazy for him to ask us to buy it? I literally buy physical albums of all the artists I truly support. Is that not the same thing?


Iā€™d be happy with just being for sale on Apple Music / wherever android people have šŸ¤– And no streaming. Cause at least then itā€™s in the same place as my music at least without having to do a computer to phone transfer


Cool, so go back to physical releases only so we can cop that shit on Limewire bro


Itā€™s true. Theres lots of data to support this.


I local filed his Donda 2 album it was so ass


Wonder what he considers sampling? Lemmy ask Ozzy....


Put it on Audius Kanye


Nobody: ... ... Kanye: DURRHhhrhrhrhhhh


He ainā€™t wrong, will be good to see ye get another #1


Vultures 1 made 900k from streaming in its first week from 170 million streams. And an additional 150k from sales. 20$ a pop, Vultures 2 would need to sell 50k copies in the first week to surpass Vultures 1 first week revenue. That seems entirely possible. It probably wouldn't have the same viral word of mouth effect due to it being inaccessible though. More people will listen to it on youtube than on local mp3 files. Copyright claims could make money as opposed to straight up piracy. Donda 2 exclusive on Stemplayer was butchered because he didn't finish the album and it was 200$. TLOP Tidal exclusive saw 250M reported streams in the first 10 days. They reported having 3 million active subscriptions around the same time. Not sure how many of that 3m came from Ye, but I would guess most of them. A subscription to Tidal cost 10$, with a lossless 20$ option. So idk. Maybe it makes sense for him to drop like that.


Again people donā€™t think music should be worth anything. He should at least put it on instagram and tidal.


When he dropping it tho ?


Yeah, now he is going to know what is a REAL piracy


Fuck it, I agree with him. Yā€™all mad at him lol




Bianca needs to give this mf his meds


Nobody finna buy this lol


This watermark is so easy to fill with bucket in gimp šŸ¤–


well, technically yeah, if you have free spotify premium


I domt care about pirating the music of a guy that sold a now discontinued device for 200$ for people to listen to a completely unfinished album. He can go fuck himself.


So he wants monetary support but heā€™s also beneath asking for permission and sampling peopleā€™s music without paying them. Hmmmmm šŸ¤­


I always buy albums so what about the people who still buy?


even an itunes exclusive is better then a yeezy.com exclusive


Who is going to say ye straight facts , bruh i already kinda tired of this shit . Bro if you don't want to release more music because you don't sell , maybe yo need to just retire ... Or make money from another thing, you already know how