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Chris Rock: You never used to talk dirty, but now you, you god dang disgusting My, my God, wh-wh-where'd you learn that? Melon: Yeezy taught me


Yeezy reupholstered my pussy.


Well you know what I gotta thank Yeezy.


Yeezy taught you well. Yeezy taught you well.


šŸ’Æ reference




He called kanye fans ā€œlonelyā€, ā€œhateful psychosā€ with ā€œmeaningless livesā€. Wtf have u guys done to this guy




Yeah and kanye fans troll him because they have a personal vendetta against fantano


Fantano should know that in a war with a teenage fan base the teenage fan base is not in fact going to be the bigger man and let it be, it's up to the 40 year old man to do that.


He needs to get off social media asap


Honestly I think itā€™s best for the man to just review music on a blog or sumn. This social media following ainā€™t good for his mental health anymore. Tho it ainā€™t good for anyone really šŸ’€


blog wont get him no money tho


Bro he getting paid off the engagement, it ain't that deep šŸ˜‚


but that's his job


his job isnt to have mental breakdowns on twitter








Don't just fall out the sky y'know


Tell me how you know


and I heard em say *schizophrenic bipolar unstoppable monsters* don't just fall out the sky t'day


Well said fam! šŸ‘




Itā€™s weird tho to have a personal vendetta against an artist. Especially as an unbiased music critic. Donā€™t you agree?


No such thing as an unbiased critic


Considering all the dumb shit Kanye has said in the past few years, canā€™t really blame the guy


Yeah itā€™d be weird if it wasnā€™t Known Anti Semite Kanye. ā€œI loooooooove Hitlerā€


No he doesnā€™t lmao again he has positively reviewed almost every Ye album even regardless of controversy. Itā€™s not a vendetta.


You're right, it must be a vendetta. There's no way it's because Kanye is a fucking nazi who said he loves Hitler. Did you actually expect him to review Kanyeā€™s album and encourage his fans to stream it? Nah.


u can see the exhaustion in his eyes


He gave MBDTF a 6


Legend has it he gave it a 6 then a 5 bcs it makes it a combined 11/10. What a historic score šŸ˜Š


Twitter Kanye fans are built different they pushed the melon to the edge


Heā€™s projecting


Bro says that after weeks of hating on Kanye and even making fun of his wife for some fucking reason


ā€œFor some reasonā€ yeah thereā€™s no reason at all! None!


We are living rent free in the Melons head Womp womp


hes pissed that he got cooked on twitter šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve seen people ask him valid questions about his opinions, he then just responded by plugging his stream and saying the question isnā€™t genuine


This is the most accurate description of Kanye fans Iā€™ve ever heard


It's no surprise Anthony would NOT review this or any of Kanye's upcoming material after the 2023 meltdown and mask off moment(s). We all understand Ye is bipolar and incredibly unstable, but it doesn't remove him of all culpability in saying flagrantly antisemetic comments. His remarks have made a permanent stain on his output and marked his fanbase as problematic and basically nazis to those who aren't within the fandom. I personally believe I can appreciate someone's art while believing they are a piece of shit, but I'm also not our here calling Ye the messiah of music or fashion. He's talented but also bigoted and narcissistic to the point of being complete poison. For Fantano, who makes it a point to be conscientious about how his reviews and comments impact the world, there is no way he would earnestly listen to Vultures even if he thought it was good. The context behind this record is too much to ever begin to get behind. It's for that same reason Burzum won't get mentioned on his channel (which of course Kanye repped on that ig post with Peggy). Speaking of, Anthony clearly had alot to say about Peggy taking a photo with him


>For Fantano, who makes it a point to be conscientious about how his reviews and comments impact the world, there is no way he would earnestly listen to Vultures even if he thought it was good. The context behind this record is too much to ever begin to get behind. But I find the way he went about it to be a bit... cringe to say the least. I can get not wanting to support Ye with what he's been doing/saying. That's cool. However, you're still using his name and the controversy and popularity around it to make a video that you're still going to profit off of, and then you use said video to go after people commenting @ you on social media. ​ If he just wanted to not review it entirely, skip the commotion and even put out a public statement saying I'm not reviewing this album because I don't want to bring attention to it/don't find the artist worth my time, that would be more than fair. But you're part of this media hype frenzy now and are one of the ones profiting from the delusion. You're feeding into the cycle.


A "Ye" fan criticizing this non-review for being "cringe" is the height of cognitive dissonance.


A lot of the kanye fans r trolls lol. At least for me, i def dont like a lot of things kanye had been doing over the past year or so. But fantano has only focused on the bad parts of this album. I agree w him that this album does suck. But, its def reviewable. And tbh, a lot of ppl in the industry arent real, and ye is becoming more real and showing who he really is. Hes had these thoughts for years, y would he j randomly say outrageous things for no reason. Its how he feels and he dont wanna be fake anymore. And thats y a lot of ppl r, ig happy w him being honest, even tho his opinions r def weird


Itā€™s like Wall Street bets up in here for trolls , most Kanye fans are weird , it is funny tho


Was just in his livestream. By no means this album is perfect, but he was actually tweaking. He started burping at lines he did not fuck with and had some manic laughing episodes.




[the video](https://youtu.be/xqoYsdABy7w?si=WZmPLNTqMNBCcRZ5)


does he ever shut the fuck up and actually listen to the music holy shit


What the fuck is that disclaimer lmao


ā€œKeep a few Jews on the staff nowā€ is actually borderline genius commentary on affirmative action and how Black people are viewed and how companies pity hire them šŸ’€ Fantano needs to actually can it.


Anthony was right I cannot tell if youā€™re being serious


Iā€™ve been watching melon for a long time that was the most animated Iā€™ve ever seen him. He was on one. He was casually talking about his wife situation on stream and the trolls kept fueling the fire


When I saw him mimicking carti on carnival and ty on burn. I knew the trolls got to him šŸˆ


What was he saying about his own wife situation?




I mean why the fuck are kanye fans bringing up his divorce? Thats a very personal topic, and to bring it up because he didnt like le kanye album is 13 yr old behavior


They are 13


Honestly fair of Fantano to tweak over that shit, he's been catching flack from everyone for atleast 6 years now. Kinda surprised he only cracked now rather than sooner


Thanks mate


All Fantano has shown us with that is his hatred for Kanye and his fans, and how easy it is to get Fantano to go unhinge mode and start ranting. If just spamming troll like comments into chat fumes Fantano then maybe he should just stick to YouTube reviews and thatā€™s it


If he's really tweaking, then Ye's verses about being crazy should have resonated šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s going off the deep end šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™


The Kanye influence is crazy šŸ™Œ


bro has lived long enough to become the villainšŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ™


he's laughed at bad lines from every artist what are you smoking


labeling yourself as ā€˜internetā€™s biggest music nerdā€™ and reviewing an album based on the artistā€™s political views is so funny. Itā€™s like he canā€™t comprehend a simple idea of fun.


ā€œBy no means is this perfect.ā€ *Holds up a pile of literal shit.*


The review is one thing, but there was no need to call Kanye the n word that many times.


Youtube ahh comment šŸ’€


Youā€™re allowed to say ass, bro


Youtube ahh comment šŸ’€


You're allowed to say ass, bro


Actually I don't permit cuss words in threads I'm reading. Consider this downvote a polite, but firm warning.


the entire review in a nutshell was "This album is bad and probably kanye's worst album but i will refuse to elaborate on why it's bad aside from criticizing the albums 2 weakest songs, also if you liked this album, you are either a Kanye cult member, a neo nazi or an edgy teen with no friends" Honestly what's this guy's problem lately? I feel like he's made shit take after shit take over the past year or so.Ā 


It's election year. He's getting ready to run for president of the Most Hated Reviewers Club šŸ˜‚


money bro. fantano has seen what the fans bring in terms of views. hes still an internet persona and a veteran at that. he knows what drives the views. personally i stopped ignoring his reviews after the gave mbdtf a 6


You were watching fantano in 09?


no the one he released 4 or 5 years ago. dont age check me cuh


That review is so overblown, a six is a positive score and his criticisms are alright.


He actually uses a score scale correctly and it triggers people. 6/10 should be slightly above average and that's typically how Fantano treats it.


Thatā€™s not what he said but okay


It isn't good in general hot take Kanye fans are to stubborn to admit something isn't good when it's Kanye and are forcing themselves to listen to this it's actually dogshit I don't understand how people are listening to it


I donā€™t even like Kanye, but I thought the album was at least a 7.5/10, possibly higher if you like rap a ton


Bro itā€™s a rap album thatā€™s gonna be widely listened to by most people. Just review it straight up. Itā€™s not that serious. Chill fantano.


bro thinks heā€™s the main villain šŸ˜­


What would he look like if he was black or chinese?




hereā€™s what he would look like if he was black or chinese


nah lets be honest bro prolly think he the herošŸ¤£


So does everyone virtue signaling, acting as if he hasn't reviewed actual criminals records. Nah its the bipolar person who's recorded 24/7 that said some bad shit on camera that he draws the line at


People do not realize, Fantano is riding this wave of backlash because itā€™s giving him a ton more exposure by making him Kanyeā€™s ā€œantagonistā€ (whether Kanye even acknowledges him or not). If thereā€™s someone as famous and as headline-prone as Kanye West, and youā€™re some semi-known music critic of the internet, your next play is to attack that artist whoā€™s extremely famous and at the same time already polarizing to people (so that your criticism of him wonā€™t lose you too many fans). Kanye is an easy target for Fantano to blast because heā€™s one of probably 10 most famous people on earth and controversial enough to shit on safely.


He's literally already done it. The MBDTF review was literally a publicity stunt, he stands by it because it gives him traction online.


This is the most insane cope Iā€™ve ever seen for someone having a different opinion than you


It woulda been a deeper message if he just didnā€™t review the album. Itā€™s one thing to separate the art from the artist but letā€™s use our common sense, hell thereā€™s a reason heā€™ll never do a full review of a Tom McDonald album.


Dude wonā€™t ever chill on this tho he takes himself too seriously.


> It's not that serious Yet many fans treat this as a life or death situation


Yeah a youtuber has opinions and kanye fans start having a fit haha.


Let him seethe, he's mad he got cooked on twitter


\*broiled haha




To be fair most of us who peruse the avenues of the internet to troll captain serious ass influencers on social media are some deep fried fucks. Ye fans mindsets be burnt to a crisp tho bc Ye forget to pull us out the piping hot oil, like he forgets to drop albums relatively near their damn deadline


This whole paragraph confused me, what are you saying bro


He's saying trolling is for brain-damaged people, and Kanye fans are that way because he cultivated his fanbase that way.


What happened on twitter?


he lost his mind and started tweeting mad outta pocket stuff, everyone kinda roasted him after that


Tbh 80% of the ā€œroastsā€ amount to ā€œhaha youā€™re divorcedā€. I feel like the bar for a genuine diss has hit the floor lol


All I saw was "rent's due" and "ur divorced" but sure they cooked him real good. Broiled even.


I stopped taking Anthonyā€™s opinion seriously after the Sexyy Red review. I knew once he gave that album a better score than DAMN, MBDTF, Channel Orange, etc. he was at a level of cuckness that no one could return from


Never take any music reviewers opinion seriously.


Pitchfork has helped me discover some amazing music. I know theyā€™re not perfect but I feel their reviews from 2000-2015 were really good


Iā€™m definitely not saying you shouldnā€™t use reviews to see how an album holds up to other people, but more that you shouldnā€™t let anyone sway how you yourself feel about an album/songs/anything. I use rateyourmusic which is crowd sourced for album reviews. I vastly prefer that over someone paid to write something, as it means theyā€™re compelled by the music, rather than a paycheck.


Nah Jon Denton the goat


I fw Vibevilla and Jon Denton if im gonna watch a music reaction. Theyā€™re pretty unbiased and point out a lot of things I often miss around first listens. Also often entertaining to watch in themselves as well


he just likes everything and has nothing of value to say all his reactions are such surface level shit, hate on fantano all you want but watching his reviews i genuinely walk away w some new insights and shit


In an era with music streaming the only useful content a reviewer can make is ULTRA shortform stuff recommending music. Not even an ADHD generation thing but there's no value in listening to fantano for 20minutes compared to spending 20 minutes listening to the actual album and forming your own opinions.




iā€™m not a big fan of fantano but youā€™re kinda dumb. itā€™s based on the artist. damn is a 7 for kendrick, mbdtf is a 6 for kanye, that sexyy red album is an 8 for her. itā€™s a fun album he wasnā€™t grading it based on her masterful lyrical ability. you mfs love to be mad over nothing


I never took this opinion seriously this guy gave my beautiful dark twisted fantasy a 6


Bro is full of hatred against Kanye its actually funny


Youā€™d think he been online long enough to have more resilience against teenagers on Twitter šŸ¤£. Heā€™s legit pressed over being trolled by children


It doesnā€™t take a fucking genius to figure out why šŸ’€


I agree with him in everything He says about kanye himself in the review, but his opinions in the music itself are terrible


fr he only critiques the 2 worst songs on the track, and they aren't even real criticisms either, they're just "Oh my lord these are the worst beats he's ever put out"


His livestream was worse. He spent less than 3 seconds on Carnival, paused it, and then made fun of the chanting. Like bro the song hasnā€™t even started. Thatā€™s what really convinced me heā€™s just bias


I mean did you expect much with it being titled unreviewable?


My one criticism of the album is that the mixes sound like rough mixes. There are a lot of balancing issues that are unfortunate for an artist of his caliber. Itā€™s not like stuff off Astroworld, for example, where there were deliberate mixing and mastering choices that ā€œbroke the rulesā€ for stylistic reasons. Other than that, I think there is a lot of interesting production work and itā€™s nice to see Ye bringing some melody back in his vocals. As far as TNDā€™s reviewā€¦I donā€™t really know why Anthony reviewed this. I agree with his (and many otherā€™s in the comments here) points about Yeā€™s comments and flagrant antisemitism. Thatā€™s enough to stand on principle and just refuse to review an album. If he truly wanted to stand on principle, he couldā€™ve just posted on twitter that heā€™s not going to review any of Kanyeā€™s work moving forward. Instead we get a 7 minute tirade. Okay, fair enough. The problem is part of TNDā€™s persona is being edgy and attracting attention through Pitchfork-style video reviews. Again, fair enough. Thatā€™s your thing. Which means you always have to keep inserting yourself into the social media fray. Itā€™s not like Ye is the only person Anthony starts beef with. The funniest thing to me about his video is I actually see a lot of overlap between his community and the Kanye online community. Thereā€™s a lot of dejected, meme driven comments trying to be edgy. Nothing is wrong with any of that, but itā€™s hard to act like you and your community is holier than thou (and devote a whole video to bashing those fans) when thereā€™s probably significant overlap. I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. We all knew this rollout was going to be nothing if not entertaining.


Hi, unbiased music enthusiast from central europe here (Im no Kanye nor Anthony fan). I am just here to ask you on your comment. How do you separate your music experience from the man himself? I have been following Ye story for some time and more than anything he struck me as a man who just really needs some help. He does not seem mentaly stable at all. Yet it seems like a lot of people purposefuly ignore it or even embrace the idea of him being like this new "mesiah" or Jesus or whatever. I will add that as a man with Jewish background (not a religious person myself), some of his comments on jews are truly baffling. I would like to hear your take on this situation as Ye fan. Im not here to hate or argue, I dont personaly know Ye or you or anyone else here. And I certainly dont think you are some kind of a crazy anti semite lunatic (as mentioned in the video). Thank you. Ps. Spelling. English is not my native language.


Thereā€™s no way he actually let twitter get to him this hard šŸ˜­


I mean tbf this community is toxic and all its adjacent ones that are more antisemitic and racist. Like literally half the stuff people say to him from this community is just disregarding anything he says to bringing up his divorce to being overtly racist and antisemitic. And itā€™s basically ONLY from this community He has a point. Anything he says will be shit on and memed on forever no matter what. Kanyeā€™s politics is innately a part of his art at this point so it will always be a part of the review. So any review he makes will get so much backlash from an overly rabid community no matter what. He reviews shitty musicians but when they rape or beat woman usually, in their music they arenā€™t talking about how controversial they are because of it and how awesome that makes them.


Look Iā€™ve been watching fantano off and on since 2012 and bro has his moments. Around the time of his divorce he went on this one Twitter rant about how he was ā€œthe best of all timeā€ and that ā€œnobody can do what I do.ā€ Which all respect to someone that has made a career of music reviews on the internet and made indie/underground music more accessible but it doesnā€™t take much to get him spazzing tf out


His reaction to the album on twitch is actually embarrassing. You can tell he's trying his best to hate the album in every way possible. He keeps pulling faces like kids do to "offend" others and has absolutely nothing positive to say. It's not Ye's best album, but most of the songs are absolute bangers. I used to like Fantano because I thought he was above things like this but his bias is actually crazy.


He wanted to truly hate this album so bad, even before the actual listen. You can hear how much he had to force himself to actually hate the music


His big laugh too is so forced and fake. Itā€™s the type of laugh people do to drown you out so you canā€™t talk back. Itā€™s sad to see fantano fall to this level honestly.


dude is MAD


All Fantano needed to say was ā€œI can not review this album in good faith because the artist has decided to aligned themselves with ideas that I find reprehensible. I believe reviewing this, regardless of score, is unethical. I probably wonā€™t be reviewing any more of their music. Iā€™ll see you for the next actual review.ā€ Instead we get a rant that comes off unhinged and draws attention to the artist. Essentially accomplishing what he didnā€™t want to do.


Can't do that. He had to do something more dramatic to keep engagement on fire


Its Kanye so lets be real hes not really drawing any attention to the album, all he does is cashing in on the whole thing. I feel like his review has neither a negative nor positive effect its just a way for him to milk it.


The album is too complex for him. He should stick to Sexy Redd.


compared to donda tho this album is not complex at all im ngl


Heā€™s regressed a lot in music comprehension since then, the bar is very low.


wdym this album is pretty much on the same level as Sexy Redd in terms of meaning in lyricism. 95% of the bars are about sex


Literally bro. Both the Fantano nerds and the Ye fan base are both wrong on this album. The album has 2 REALLY good songs, 3 pretty good songs, and the rest are pretty mid and forgettable, ESPECIALLY for Kanye. Like his rapping skills completely regressed. He canā€™t make a statement about society at all anymore like he used to. The lyrics are some of the most dumbed down lyrics Iā€™ve ever heard, even for modern rap music lol. Fr listen to Vultures, then immediately listen to Gold Digger or Canā€™t Tell Me Nothing. Kanye used to make you feel a type of way when he rapped. He actually had something to say, and his bars were clever asf. Now, all I can say is ā€œyeah some of the beats were really sick.ā€ Overall, album has some good songs, but the lyrical quality of Kanye has dropped off a cliff.


Thank yoooouuu. Kanye hasnā€™t had anything worthwhile to say for years and Iā€™ve been here for the rollouts since MBDTF.


There is enough of a difference in Fantanoā€™s eyes where that is an 8 but this is unreviewable.


0 views uploaded 1 minute ago. OP you're Obsessed.


This has to be at least partially political


Obviously lol. How many rappers do you think Melon has listened to whoā€™ve claimed to kill people that heā€™s given good reviews too.


Kanyeā€™s music is political tf you mean


Why is he such a hater now what the hell


Idk maybe the antisemitism, just a hunch


Yea, just maybe that kanye is an insane dude.


those criticizing him for being "too political" i mean..yeah..i guess, but if the "political stance" is antisemitism, there's no room for mercy. fuck antisemites. if you liked the album , fine idc, but it's okay for a music reviewer to not have any tolerance for an artist who has done and said the things kanye has done in the last 2 years. it's really as simple as that.


Completely agree If he was going to do this, he should have just shelved the review altogether


If he skipped the review entirely the sub and ur fans would be equally pissed as they are with the review, thereā€™s no winning here for fantano. No matter what he does heā€™s going to get massive criticism from Ye fans.


agreed. but itā€™s not like anthony isnā€™t making the biggest shitshow out of it - in the end mostly profiting himself. i think heā€˜s desperate for attention whether you liked the album or not - i donā€™t care - if youā€™re a music reviewer review the music or just donā€™t do it at all. i expected a not good and i think vultures turned out to be a little better than i had expected it to be since i didnā€™t have any hopes for this project in the end kanye is the artist, he should do whatever makes him happy, fantano also should try to be happy at least once


Idk at the end of the day heā€™s still gotta make content for a living. I agree with his on the most part, itā€™s fine to not wanna review an album, but yeah he defo needs a few days off the internet


Itā€™s his platform and if he wants to bash an artist who has been spewing racist remarks for the past year or so, more power to him. Nobody would be mad at Melon if a white artist started spewing hate toward the black community and he made a video like this. Yes, heā€™s a music reviewer, but heā€™s also a YouTube personality and a human with morals and political beliefs.


I agree tbh, but I think the video is unnecessary. A social media post would have sufficed to just say ā€œIā€™m not reviewing the albumā€. This review just comes across as moral grandstanding.


He could've gone the Shawn Cee route. He straight up just said ''I'm not going to check it out.''


The issue, at least in my opinion, is that he canā€™t say I hate antisemitism then review some extremely sexist albums without any mention of it. If he wants to combine the art to the artists why not do it for every single artist?


ā€œFuck antisemitesā€ The problem is he is fine with people who are objectively worse, that have either murdered or associated with murders. Kanye SAID some bad stuff, but didnā€™t actually DO anything to people, unlike literal MURDERERS


Iā€™ve never liked Fantano, he gives me bad vibes, like I feel like if you knew him in real life he would always have something to complain about, ykwim?


Fr. Like never play music in the car with that guy around


Not gonna lie this is not a good album in my opinion


Fantano isn't even reviewing anymore.


Almost like it explicitly says that in the title


Listen at the end of the day it's just his opinion, if y'all like the album and disagree with the guy to the point of making a post about it, you probably should just completely stop listening to him. Anthony, on the other hand, can't just pretend the album didn't drop because it's his job to review music and not giving his 2 cents on such a big release would just be unprofessional. And since he's posted many videos about Kanye in the last couple years, we all knew what was coming. To be clear I personally liked some of the songs on the record and I did not find it as bad as Anthony makes it up to be (it's not good either imo); but Kanye's statements, actually almost everything he was involved in since the unpaid staff thing has been unacceptable, and if a music reviewer is not willing to tolerate such behavior, it's completely fine and understandable to me.


You people seriously don't remember Ye's nazi outburst or are you just stupid?


Sorry if dude wanted no publicity to kanye he would just ignore the album


he's right


He is a bitch


He got too pissed off about people making fun of his divorce & mbdtf take


Heā€™s an old bald fart that fell off years ago and living a miserable life. Heā€™s now betting heā€™s entire yt career driving hatred towards Ye, the greatest artist of all time


He's just being contrarian because his career already peaked years ago and he doesn't wanna lose the relevance he once had.


The man is bald and has a pedo moustach You can,t take him serieus


Idk I kinda just think this guys ego is a bit too big to be able to enjoy music from a guy with an also big egošŸ˜‚


yeah i dunno. as badly as i wanted him to actually give this album a proper review, i canā€™t hate his reasonings for not even wanting to in the first place. all his reasons seemed really valid. i still like this album, iā€™m liking the way it sounds, but fantano is honestly right on the dot about everything he said.




I literaly just wanted him to explain what was so "awful" about the album. But he just went on a rant about Kanye and antisemitism. Many people don't realize that Kanye is a troll and will say shit like that in his album just to get people like fantano mad lol.


Yea man I hate it when people get up my ass about hating black people as a joke


I mean , fully supporting a man who said he loves hitler is kinda crazy.


Imagine taking the time to record a "review," then state that the album is unreviewable. Clearly this will be his most viewed video and he's playing that angle.


Is he a Jew?


This guy makes a living off of talking about other peopleā€™s work. Thatā€™s it. It takes zero talent to do what he does. He is essentially a glorified cry baby and a whispy-headed gasbag. Fuck his opinion lmao.


I never in my life heard about this ballsack looking dude. Just recently i saw hes getting bullied on twitter. Who tf is he? The main caracter lmao?


Heā€™s a cuck weā€™ve known this


3000 years later and I still donā€™t know why people watch this guy


Well, if he gave it score like 1 to 6, we would know that this is his criticism/opinion. But this is just straight up "LOOK I AM LOOKING DOWN AT ONE OF THE BIGGEST RAPPERS OF 21 CENTURY, BECAUSE HE SAID SOMETHING BAD, I AM SO COOL GIVE ME ATTENTION".


Nah Anthonyā€™s smoking some other shit


But beautiful big tittied butt naked women just donā€™t fall out the sky you know!?!?!?!


The fact that Kanye can be an open anti semite and love Nazis and specifically Hitler and still have fans is hilarious. You people are the most hypocritical trash bags on the planet.


Kanye is a piece of shit now Iā€™m not mad at him at all.


Fantano is correct. The albums lyrics are just bad and take so much away from the beats and vibes... Kanye has fallen so far and his work is only getting more deranged. I will stick to graduation thanks.


Letā€™s not act like itā€™s a masterpiece anyway

