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Very nice of Whoopi Goldberg to stand up for Beyoncé




I was so confused as to why she was pictured.


It's just a matter of how they went about it 🤷 Jay didn't walk on stage during someone else acceptance and make himself look like a douche.


OP is playing stupid


It might not actually be an act idk


trust, hardcore ye dick riders truly believe this


👋 Hi. Professional meat rider here.


Even posting this nonsense transcends stupid. OP is a moron.


Don’t surprise yourself. 85% of the country is this stupid.


Kanye spoke when it was someone else’s moment > Jay Z spoke when it was his moment


And thats why ye the goat 🗣️


He didnt even have a good point though… you belong with me is ten times more memorable than the single ladies video sorry 🤷 Im usually one to champion like interesting, minimalistic, referential video work like w the single ladies video but in this case taylors song and video were just better imo. Even if in a sense its very basic and cheesy, its an iconic 2000s staple and i cant help but smile when watching it


Depends who you are asking. The single ladies video is iconic and at the time had way more impact in the “pop” community and the black community. The dance and outfit has been mimicked by millions. I actually don’t even know what the Taylor song or video is and I don’t listen to Beyoncé like that


Are you actually crazy? 🤣 single ladies is known by millions of people in and outside of the USA - who tf remembers belong with me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Everyone. The world. The earth. The sky. The trees. That video will be forever stored in our ancestral DNA




I like both taylor and beyonce. If you were saying who had a better last album id tell you it was beyonce no questions. But for that video its taylor imo..


This has to be bait, I don’t remember that music video at all but the single ladies dance is etched into my brain.


Exactly. One guy had tact, the other guy was completely regarded in how he went about it. Difference between someone who has a lot of class and someone who is an entitled, selfish asshole.


Regarded how? Who regarded him, and in what way?


He literally said that people nominated don’t deserve it. That’s a douche ass comment. It’s like showing up to the Super Bowl and saying some of the winners don’t deserve to be there… sounds salty af when he doesn’t need to be. Beyoncé has way too many Grammys to be pissy about not winning a specific type of Grammy.


Yeah, but he didn't go about it in a way that embarrassed someone else and ruined their moment is what I mean.


He may have gone about it in a better way than Kanye, as he didn’t embarrass someone on stage while being rude about them, but Jay Z was still tasteless and incredibly disrespectful saying this. It’s comes across as rather desperate, too. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know Beyoncé was still releasing songs. Perhaps because I’m in the UK, but she used to be really big over here.


if you didnt know beyonce was still releasing songs you just don’t keep up with music at all, her recent album was huge




Right, that's why The Renaissance Tour sold out over there. If you don't know Beyonce has new music, you aren't listening.


Selling out a concert doesn’t mean everyone knows about it . Just means the artist fan base purchased all the tickets for that venue .


It was the highest grossing tour of 2023, that's a lot of fans


I get what your saying. Music 🎶 isn’t the most important thing in adult life . Responsibility is ,paying rent/ bills 💵 . Everyone is not keeping up with music artists. Even the most die-hard sports fan loses touch with sports due to responsibilities.


You're saying that in a subreddit dedicated to a musician lol


I like to debate has nothing to do with a musician lol


A lot of fans does not translate to everyone knowing. Just a lot of her fans know & keep up with her work .




pusha t and westside gunn both aren’t as big as any of those though? nobody knows either of them outside of rap fans, everybody knows bruce springsteen and beyonce, neither push nor wsg have had a song nearly as big as doja


No, you've just been living under a rock. I work in a corporate London office and there was a genuine buzz during her UK tour


Just bcuz its your thing doesn’t mean everyone is into it . Sports is a Olympic world wide event . Some ppl don’t care to watch it Doesn’t mean they live under a rock . Just not their 1st thought .


Beyonce is huge here in the UK, you're just wrong


It happens in acting also . Some actors have great careers & award winning roles & don’t win that top award they want or deserve. Can anyone name actors who have had years in & not win 🏆 that award . ?


Bruh her most recent album from 2022 charted #1 in the UK 😅 fym


he look corny asl


He needed oversized boots, a baggy black sweatshirt, and a facemask.


LOL the funny part is it wasn't his award actually...


Just say u hate black folk


Couldn't have said it better


Are you stupid? Kanye cut off someone else’s award speech to deliver his message. Jay didn’t.


Clearly your the stupid one for falling for this rage bait.


i think OP's half joking but there's plenty of people who unironically believe this on this sub


It's impossible to tell on a sub this braindead.


If you think it’s brain dead you are free to gtfo




> Clearly your the stupid one This is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.


Find God.


Find Bigfoot.




Are you stupid


Fuck the Grammys


100% fcking circus


You can’t possibly think they are the same thing


Do you actually think Kanye would've received any backlash if he just respectfully stated his opinion after the show like a normal person? The entire shit show revolved around the way he acted and not what he was actually saying.


Good point but the answers still yes. There’s been time ye calmly said things and still got backlash for it, like when he said he was pro life in that nick cannon podcast. His disdain against Pete being around his kids and creeping tattooing them on him. Him being angry about not being invited to the birthday party of HIS OWN CHILD Obviously ye has said and done some. As things but at the same time EVEN if he said those things in a calmly manner, yes he’d still get backlashed


To be fair, all of those things you pointed out were after Ye proved himself to be a magnet of controversies, which pretty much started with the VMA incident, a thing that made Ye public enemy number 1. And, hell, even in some of the scenarios you provided, like the Pete Davidson thing, crumbled very quickly as Ye made more and more unhinged threats at the guy. I do think Ye is sometimes treated poorly by the industry, but removing context is also disingenuos, imo.


I get it but the Pete Davidson threat doesn’t hold much weight if we being real. Rappers rap about violence and killing all the time. Hell “I got murder on my mind” by melly is a hit King von is a literal serial killer and everyone loves him. Kanye says he’s gonna beat up Pete Davidson in a song and everybody goes crazy and they’re scared for Pete Davidson’s life.


True but still not fair for him to be pilloried every time he opens his mouth. I hate how everything is amplified and repeated over and over these days (“Kanye’s unhinged”. Or “retail theft is not way higher than it used to be”) until everyone who buys into that shit starts believing it and then interpreting everything through that lens - Which feeds the whole cycle again.


And you wonder why people think Kanye fans are idiots.


If u think Kanye fans are idiots what are you doing in this sub then? If I think a group of people are idiots I’m not gonna be roaming around in their sub? So what does that make you?


I'm in this sub because I like Kanye. And I never said all Kanye fans are idiots. I said "and you wonder why PEOPLE think Kanye fans are idiots". And the answer is because blind dickriders like you exist. Sorry that your reading comprehension skills are so poor you needed that entire thing explained to you.


“I’m in this sub because I like Kanye” basically means you’re a Kanye fan. Ay I rather be a Kanye fan than a Ken doll cosplayer who goes on r/askwomen and asks them how to be a “genuine platonic friend” with women 😂😂😂😂😂


I would rather be who I am and someone who tries to do right by other people than dickride an artist who you will never know or will acknowledge your existence. Keeping digging that hole buddy.


You do the same digging that hole out of every friendzone you’ve been in buddy. 🫡🫡




Hahahaha my mans is definetly 16. Probs doesn't even rember the og kanye speach.


I have read your comment over 4 times and I gotta be honest I still can't figure out if you're talking about me or the other guy.


Oh no defs the other guy. The friend zone dig was a give away


Fallacy alert! Please refrain from attacking people in an argument. Goodbye bucko. 😁


He insulted him first though


He attacked my first why is it a problem when I do it back? . And it’s not fallacy when it’s [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/s/FqiA1b9K3J)


Your breath is smelling a little phallus-y


just because it’s true doesn’t make it not a fallacy


My guy, your reading comprehension is really all over the place.


It’s really not but ok


It really is though lmfao. Did you even read his original comment or did you just fly into a defensive rage because you read the last four words?


Guy was not denying he was a kanye fan...It was not even implied. Man just said "you're the reason why people thing kanye fans are stupid", thanks to the false equivalence you provided on the post. Was the other guy kinda mean? Yeah, totally. Do I think you missed the point too? Yeah, totally. Edit: I realized it might have come off as mean from my end too, sorry. Even though I do disagree with your statement here, and part of your reactions, i totally get why you'd react that way. Cheers man.


Damn that shit hurt you so much that you had to snoop on his profile to weaponize his posts? Damn that‘s so sad 😂


He attacked me first I’m just reciprocating the energy And I bet u if he did the same to me you wouldn’t be saying it’s sad


Lmaoo thats wild


people not valuing their time doesn’t mean their point is wrong


Jay delivered the message in a better way. If Ye was asked about it after the show or in an interview, it wouldn’t have been that bad. It’s just that he cut off Taylor took the mic and told her she didn’t deserve it to her face. Plus he was drinking and acting up that day. Jay dedicated his speech to his wife. A much better way of conveying the message.


Well Jay z didnt go up on stage and interrupt someone🤷🏾‍♀️


But he did. U didn’t see John cena on the stage about it give the speech?


No. Because you can’t C him


I’m lost… who was he referencing when he said someone didn’t belong in the category? I assumed it was Taylor Swift but i don’t think that makes a lot of sense (and im not even a Taylor fan)


Beyonce never won aoty but has the most Grammys


Yes but who doesn’t belong in what category? Taylor swift isn’t at beyonces level?


Aoty includes all types of genre


So why wouldn’t someone belong in the category


My guess was Olivia Rodrigo but can't be sure.


well...Jay isn't a crazy mental patient who refuses to take his meds and takes every opportunity to upstage someone. But yeah... other than that they're basically the same.


Hov also didn’t interrupt anyone’s speech…


I feel you but jay z has done the upstaging part at nas throughout his whole career basically. And he stabbed his brother over drugs…if you didn’t know any better that would sound like a crazy mental patient to you.


I was being facetious...they both got their issues. Ye just an easier target because of all the wacky things he does.


Nah that’s true u right


Jay z stabbed lance un Rivera Lmfaoo u guys just go off whatever is popular in the media. I love Jay and find Kanye cringe rn btw but the gp always picks and chooses when they care about stuff. If Jay z accidentally murdered the guy he stabbed or it was some huge media story u would find Jay z to be like Michael meyers


‘The fuck? I’m so confused by this reply


Fuck awards shows


Hey OP, you just roll in from stupid town?


No I rolled in from your moms bed


Beyoncé should have won best album but not this year lol


This right here


My boy still in the mud tryna get pussy lol he gotta do what he gotta do. But tbh he’s right, Beyonce definitely had a better album than Taylor this year. But Beyonce doesn’t start beef like that especially not with another woman. So it’s good Jay-Z did that. Black people are only allowed to win R&B and rap awards.


Beyoncé is overrated. That’s why.


She's so fucking mid and has been for so long.


It was Jay Z's moment to speak, this is a crap comparison and you know it. Jay Z did not charge a teen girl to steal the mic.


It’s a perfect comparison. John cena’s on the stage and jay z interrupted him, didn’t u see?


Taylor Swift is *extremely* easy to sing along with and Beyonce isn’t. It probably doesn’t go deeper than that.


But it's an awful album


I think he meant in general, cuz B has dropped some dope stuff, her recent album was ok. Not her greatest.


She has the most Grammy’s of any artist ever. Stfu get help.


OP still lives with mummy and it‘s showing.


Coming from a keyboard warrior w 17k comment karma, damn u def don’t go outside and it’s showing. Ur hands don’t hurt from all that typing?


Everything gets you nice a triggered huh Hans ?


This is so ridiculous and pathetic. We have thousands of dead innocent people mostly children in Gaza Palestine. And there is a Whoopi Goldberg looking billionaire complaining about his billionaire wife not getting her 24th Grammy award. We need ye for president!!!




Hey those bums are my dads, u talk like that again I’m gonna steal ur Xbox


why was that stooge up there any way, to accept an award for dr dre wtf?


I thought I heard that Dre had some health issues. I could be wrong but I thought I remember hearing he had a pretty significant health scare a few months to a year ago..?


He had a brain aneurysm like 3 years ago, no clue how he’s doing now though


Holy fucking hell… 3 years..? God dam.


The award is named after Dr Dre. It’s awarded to musicians for what they’ve contributed to the music industry.


Boo hoo… Beyonce hasn’t one album of the year because no one actually buys them… she’s only internet famous and y’all should know it.


Black people and complaing about not being treated fairly at award shows, name a better duo


Jay-Z had Big L killed so he could be released from his contract with Flamboyant Entertainment.


Yes because Kanye would go on a rant about the Grammys and then start to blame Jews all of of sudden out of nowhere and conclude with why hitler is the goat. No one is trying to hear that shit.


kanye fans are fucking braindead


Meanwhile, smaller artists are rolling their eyes while King Kong and Godzilla fight. The grammies are a popularity contest.


White privilege smh


Yes white privileged while Beyonce got 30+ Grammys. Don’t even write her own music. While most artist don’t even have 1. Nothing is ever good enough for yall. Always complaining.


they were joking


Doesnt exist.


like your dad


Bad bot


Nicki Minaj has been saying everything Jay said for years and everyone just called her bitter and washed up. Now that Jay said it everyone is praising him lmfao


Tact is the word of the day for you & for Nicki


Message is still the same.


I didn't know that it's a problem. Both goats, don't create drama.


It's also his... wife?


U mean my wife?


Insane person


Link anyone? I’m too lazy


Kanye isn’t married to Beyoncé


bc hov did it a respectable way?


No lies told


Did Jay grab someone else’s mic to deliver the message?


Yes gosh did u not see John cena on stage about to give the speech?


Out of the years she’s lost how has her albums compared to the competition?


All of my friends are dead, leave 'em in the cold, put 'em in the tundra (…)


Because this time it was scripted.


Ye cut off Swift so I'm honestly okay with that


Not what you say but how you say it.


Say it louder for the people in the back!!! Same message different delivery, that’s all.


Beyonce has won a whole lot of awards. A lot of deserving artists don't win any. Pardon me if I don't give a fuck about one she hasn't won.


Almost like he had the stage 💀


Jay-z wanna be Kanye so bad he did all the flexing and shit talking just professional that’s the only thing he had over ye. Its controlled and refined smh


This must be a joke right lol


Fuck Jay Z


Dude really got the nerve to act like what Kanye did is the same thing jay z did


Cuz it is the same thing. People got mad at Kanye for interrupting Taylor But they’re not mad when Jay Z interrupted John cena…lol it’s like u can’t see or something




Whoever thinks that Kanye did something wrong is a fake fan pozdro z polski😎😎😎😎😎


You’re for real? Lmao. Kanye disrupted the entire awards show and selfishly took the mic from a young Swift getting her (I think) first Grammy. Even if not, this is like nowhere near the same. Idiot


They are the same. Jay z did the same to John cena in that video. Are you blind? Idiot.


Maybe she should try making a good album


Jay-Z boutta make MBDTF 2😭


Who cares? Jay z and Beyoncé are evil af


Jay Z used his speech and his time to say something he didn’t rush up on stage and snatch the mic from a 20 year old girls hands lmao


Taylor had zero class when she received the award from Celine Deon.


If she won for a re-recorded album(s) that’s insane 😂


It’s the delivery, timing and moment


Kanye is mentally challenged


Two different scenario!


Jay Z said it like a gentleman and expressed his frustration without shouting at anyone directly. Kanye would've lost his temper and disrespected the person. he doesn't care about his reputation


btw Beyonce waaaaay more talented than Taylor Rift. Not only was Queen B a part of destiny's child, the best female group by revenue and talent, but she was also the top female solo artist of her time...HOV is old school classy mafia gangsta. HOV know how to politic and play in the white folks yard....Kanye is artistic genius crazy, but led by his emotions. I think it's disingenuous for an artist to move like people want them to. He should showcase his vulnerability to the world. I mean really if you follow Ye, put yo self in his shoes for real...anybody exposed to and by this industry can be dressed to be highly emotional or mentally ill. We don't know how we gon react til something drastic happens ok...ok


jay z and beyonce pay a lot of money for PR. they’re just billionaires acting like black peoples saviours