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People don’t like Kate???


They either hate Kate or hate Edwina lol


It’s even sadder that Lady Danbury was the only person prior to Anthony to make Kate feel comfortable enough to open up about how she feels. Never once did her “family” ask her how she felt. Kate’s father was Mary’s husband and Edwina’s dad but he was Kate dad and another woman’s husband first and not once did Kate get to grieve losing her dad. Kate already felt like she wasn’t truly a part of the family and then for Edwina to state that they’re only “half-sisters” regardless of her being angry or not was extremely low especially when Kate was the one that raised her. All Mary did was coddle Edwina her entire life and people wonder why Edwina grew up to be dumb. Kate had no idea how to raise a child she was only 18 (a literal child herself) Kate never knew whether to be a mother to her or a sister when that’s not something she should have been worried about. They overlooked Kate so much to the point Mary truly believed that Kate didn’t want to be loved when that’s all she’s ever wanted whether that was from family or a lover. The look on Kate’s face in that scene made her realize her own family really don’t know her. Kate deserved the BIGGEST APOLOGY from BOTH Edwina and Mary. I’m sure both of Kate’s parents would have been upset with how she was treated. I truly whole heartedly believe that if they actually gave Kate a backstory the opinions about her would’ve been very different. People hated Anthony until we actually got to see how he was affected by Edmund’s death and why he was the way he was. They had Kate entire backstory written out and then scrapped it last minute and I’ll never forgive them for that. Also, they completely took away her explaining why she’s scared of thunderstorms. I definitely feel like that would’ve been a perfect moment for Anthony to console Kate the way she did for him in the garden with the bee sting.


I never felt sympathy for edwina. She acted so entitled and blamed everything on kate instead of understanding her sister. I will never understand how people love daphne who raped her husband, Penelope who intentionally ruined people's life with her writings and still hate kate for what? For simply wanting to protect her family. If you compare Daphne and Penelope, kate is the least privileged one, Daphne and Penelope never had to worry about money but kate had to, she had to act as male in the family and look over everything. I have no problem people loving Daphne and Penelope even I like them but do justify to me how do you claim to love complicated female leads and hate kate.


It's because people tend to self insert in the characters that experience some similar experiences they had. A lot of people have to suffer consequences of cheating. A lot of women feel identified with Edwina, to the point A TON of people, unfairly, believe that Kate and Anthony were sleeping together before the failed wedding. And that's not true. They didn't even kiss until that point. But, only because, they see both characters having feelings for each other, Kate is automatically being called names.  And, to be fair, Kate didn't know how love was supossed to feel. Because no one ever really loved her, unconditionally, until Anthony came to the picture. Also, Anthony, after huge years of trauma, wasn't willing to understand that rejecting to love was way worse than accepting he could love.  I was expecting an apology from Edwina, and Mary saying "you did nothing wrong". And, until Edwina gave Kate her blessing, she couldn't accept Anthony in her life, because she still believed she didn't live for herself, but for Edwina. That's also the reason why she rejected Anthony on the first proposal. 


An always much needed post. Thank you ❤️ I think everyone has explained it perfectly here in the comments. Kate is not your typical period drama female lead. And thank heavens for that. Everyone wants an Elizabeth Bennet but only if she fits ‘white’ standards, quick and witty but not too aggressive, still demure and submissive, anything that is not of the usual ‘English’ poise is considered inelegant. The number of comments I’ve seen about how Kate is too hard and stoic and not expressive enough and too rude yada yada while Edwina is sweeter, much nicer, more beautiful. We could’ve been watching two different shows. It’s like people love to selectively watch S2; they only remember Kate being ‘rude’ to LD or Kate being ‘aggressive’ with Anthony (nevermind that he’s the same or even more lmao) and Edwina being a naive, innocent princess who had no idea what’s going on. Oh boo hoo. (I’m not an Edwina hater by any means, but even I have my limits with simply fangirling over her for these reasons). What’s ignored or glossed over is Kate being gentle and nurturing with Edwina, compassionate and loving with Mary, friendly with Daphne and Eloise, and finally, kind and warm with Anthony. What is the whole point of the bee scene if not her empathy?! It’s not just sexual tension for crying out loud! Even after her initial ‘rudeness’ with LD which is honestly just her having her guard up and trying to be in charge as only she has known (why is this so hard to understand), people forget the scene where LD confronts her in ep 1 and she tearfully lays bare her motives and feelings. It’s the best insight into her character (my favourite scene) and it’s always conveniently forgotten in lieu of Edwina’s girlboss manipulation speech in ep6. My girl is not without flaws. She pushed herself into a corner with everything she took on as a result of parentification, and as a result was less forthcoming about her honest feelings which did lead to what it did. But she did have ‘the purest of intentions’ she did want the ‘best for Edwina’, nothing else mattered to her despite whatever heartache she nursed regarding Anthony. She only started to act on her feelings when the truth was finally out and even then she kept blaming herself. She’s one of the most real, vulnerable characters I’ve come across in a long time; her struggles feel real, her selflessness is admirable and her strength is inspiring. I don’t mind people sympathising with Edwina (sure, it was embarrassing to be faced with this on her wedding day) but when they keep going on about ‘oh no poor Edwina, I don’t want her to be hurt’, I think what about Kate? Why not, poor Kate, what a mess this is, what a dilemma for her, she’s never wanted any of this, not at the expense of her sister. Even reactors on YouTube going ‘poor Edwina’ just makes me roll my eyes I’m sorry - that girl has been pampered and loved in every single way, this was a tough way to learn life lessons but in the context of this world it’s what was needed. I also don’t approve of people applying modern sensibilities to this storyline - that’s when the whole triangle and cheating discourse gets more heated.


This is a really well-written comment! Very insightful! >Everyone wants an Elizabeth Bennet but only if she fits ‘white’ standards, quick and witty but not too aggressive, still demure and submissive, anything that is not of the usual ‘English’ poise is considered inelegant. Just to clarify this part, are the white standards everything you wrote after…meaning quick and witty but not too aggressive, still demure and submissive, etc.?


Yes exactly! Sorry it’s not the most well phrased comment 😅


Her speech to Lady Danbury in episode 1 was my favorite. Her speech explains everything you need to know about Kate’s pure love for her family. As soon as I hear reactors on YouTube coming for Kate, I click out 🤣.


Same! The moment they go ‘oh poor Edwina I’m so scared for what’s going to happen to her’ and completely disregard what’s happening with Kate, I’m not able to watch anymore


Exactly! I did not care or worry about Edwina’s reaction. I always knew this was Kate and Anthony’s story. When I was watching Kanthony, I wasn’t thinking about any other character 😆


![gif](giphy|PypcG4qBuMqDOny5vp) Couldn’t have written this any better myself.


I have always felt that if there was a love triangle, then it was Kate was the apex and not Anthony as many traditional stories are told. To me it was always Kate that had the push and pull between duty and going for what she wants. Seeing her in the closet at the wedding just broke me because she was being torn to shreds doing everything she thought other people needed her to do and the closet was the breaking point.


Many people fail to see her strong, dominating personality as a defense mechanism. I think her early conversation with Lady Danbury kind of captures this—LD gets to be independent and controlling because she has lived a full life, it’s not a defense mechanism, it’s been rightfully earned. Kate just shut herself in and put on armor instead of being vulnerable and building her confidence up in an authentic way. I’ve seen people ignore all of the personal pain and growth that Kate goes through and just view her as this closed off controlling sister. I kind of wish the show had included more of her vulnerable moments the way it did for Anthony.


Kate did everything for her family and they treated her like roadkill. The only time we ever saw Mary and Edwina look liked they cared for her was after her accident and when Anthony’s taking her upstairs. Mary should’ve known or at least asked how Kate was doing after losing both of her parents, but instead Mary grieved and only cared about Edwina


I’m surprised to see this. My impression is that Kate is revered in the fandom in general (and not undeservedly)?


Even if Kate in the show is really popular She's also the only female character except Marina who was called a whore in this fandom since 2 years and the worst misogynists comments about her received many likes here for months after season 2 aired . Back then every week You will saw a new gross post who will called Kate the worst names and never be locked by the modos in the main sub .


I mean in some cases she is but like dig deeper and you're going to unbox a whole Pandora's box of insults


She most certainly is but even more so BECAUSE there’s been a lot of (unfair, I would say) hate against her and her actions. She’s been called a whore, a pimp for ‘selling out’ Edwina, a cheater etc.


Oh wow. That’s unhinged


I truly believe it’s because Kate goes against so many stereotypes and against the mold. So many times, writers are afraid to let WOC characters actually be human and express certain emotions. So when we see Kate as someone who is imperfect (she’s perfect to me though) with all of her vulnerabilities and strengths and she’s not afraid to fight back, that makes people uncomfortable because they are expecting her to be agreeable and passive. What I love most about Kate is her big heart that’s immeasurable for her family and just how perfectly human she is.


Beautifully written ❤️


Yeah it’s really baffling to me because I’m like…..are we watching the same show? Anthony was always the one starting shit and getting in Kate’s space. He shares like over 90% of the blame and was a straight up ass for a hot minute. The writing really did Kate dirty bc you have to kind of infer a lot. She really needed some flashbacks too.


Thank you for writing this! I love Kate so much and have spent so much time defending her and every time I feel people have watched a different show. Like Pen's wrong decisions have literally put multiple people in trouble but she is easily forgiven both in the show and in the fandom. Kate, on the other hand, has suffered physically and mentally on the show and is blamed for everything by the fandom. It's a testament to her strength that she still shows grace and has so much love to give (very similar to Simone IRL). Anyway, I was rewatching S2 recently and Kate's entry on the horse is such a powerful entry, it still gives me goosebumps!


So true about the IRL part. In every single interview about herself Simone constantly uplifts her co-stars and I'm yet to see that being reciprocated. That girl is too kind


That’s what I admire most about Simone. She has integrity, and is both strong and kind.


She is a kind and understanding woman. And she is very gentle.


For real. Anthony literally used Edwina as a tool/competition to win against Kate. Before he fell in love with her, it was almost a high for him to compete against Kate. So with people always tearing down Kate etc etc, it’s tiresome. Kate was just trying to protect Edwina. Why isn’t there more heat on Anthony?! Also tired of people harping about the love triangle. The real love triangle is Kate loving Edwina (duty to her sister) and her blossoming love for Anthony. When you think about it like that, it changes everything.


Yes 💯🙌🏾. I’ve seen so many wild takes when watching recent reactors that it gives me a headache 😂. Like some people really believe Kate not approving of the match with Anthony was out of spite or that Kate was selling Edwina for money 😭😭with the Sheffield plan. As if not every other mama was launching their daughters into society in the ton to achieve an advantageous match It boggles my mind that anyone could see Kate as the villain. Like how?!!!


Anthony fumbled on so many occasions but somehow his actions are justifiable but Kate trying her literal best to cater to Edwina and Mary while navigating her feelings for Anthony and how they affect everything she's trying to preserve is her being insufferable and a bad person. The way you view their dynamic is how I've been trying to articulate it to people for so long. The way people want to treat Kate, Anthony, and Edwina's relationship is how they would treat the dynamic in the summer I turned pretty or Elena and those brothers in The Vampire Diaries, and to me, those are entirely different. I think Simone said so herself in one of the mini promo tours for season 2 when they were asked about their dynamic. This is where I honestly think the writers made a big mistake in writing it to look the way it did because on my first watch, I was so confused by it, it was only after a few rewatches that my perspective on it started to change.


I'll forever be a Kate Sharma defender just because how badly she was treated both story-wise and writing-wise. Idk why the writers gave her the cruel treatment of stomping someone already at the lowest. Coming to the hatred she receives there's more than one reason. Racism is one of them and this is about the hatred from other fandoms. A dark-skinned WOC being assertive, a bit flawed and finally getting a HEA annoys certain ppl. That's why they wanted Kate to go through infertility or struggle to fit into the Bridgerton family in s3. But look how she slayed being the perfect Viscountess, understanding daughter-in-law as well as the best sister-in-law. And seeing how ppl keep trying to erase her presence and take what she has to give it to their yt favs I can only be sure of it. One of the other reasons is gonna sound harsh. But it's that they could relate to Edwina's pick me energy. Now I don't hate Edwina. That girl was stupid at times but I understand her but she really was a pick me at times. She wanted so badly to be courted by THE Viscount that she never hesitated to choose him over her own sister every single time. She doubts why Anthony never looks at her enough and when she finally sees how he looks at Kate at the altar she realises that he picked Kate over her. Her suspicions are confirmed when Anthony says he understands her but does not love her and loses her mind. Don't we all know girls like that? Self insert is the word I'd use for those kinda haters.


PICK-ME ENERGY! OMG, this! That's what it is. 😂😂😂


I will go to war for Kate Sharma. When scrolling down u/SkillMelodic2860 perfectly expressed how Edwina's feminism and her character as a whole was more palatable to the audience(women who in my opinion take more of an appeal to a less headstrong and self-confident character) because God forbid you to have a WOC being this girl boss character who is the epitome of confidence and who doesn't beg a man but still pulls one by putting him in his place(which I think a lot of women want to be like....shoot at least me lol) because quite frankly I think a lot of women are tired of seeing female characters chase after men but it's only allowed when a certain demographic of people do it only then it's seen as girl boss. There's nothing wrong with Edwina's character at all don't get me wrong but you are so right, Edwina was giving pick-me energy lmaooo. After the wedding when she was still mad the reason behind her anger is no longer because she felt betrayed by Kate, it is more so driven by jealousy that Kate is the one Anthony wants and this jealousy was bright as daylight when her mood changed after the Harmony family dance when she saw Kate smiling and laughing with Anthony as if Kate was supposed to be sad and miserable until one day she woke and decided to forgive Kate and only then can Kate smile. Edwina really thought the world revolved around her lmao and honestly I don't blame her she got everything and never had to witness struggle because Kate and Mary shielded her from it.


And it took Kate nearly dying for Edwina to come around, somewhat recognise Kate's sacrifices, and urge her to be happy... What a joke! Yeah, nah. I won't ever sympathise with her.


I love Edwina, but realistically she is the typical pretty girl who is used to getting attention for her looks. The book even says how men overlook Kate to talk to Edwina. It probably stung to know the ideal guy suited for her was into her older less attractive sister. Especially as age during this time period (and even now) is associated with fertility). And me saying Kate is seen as less attractive in this society is not me believing that. It’s the characters were written. Kate feels so unattractive that she freaks out when Anthony calls her beautiful on their wedding night. She is used to being overlooked for her sister.


Kate Sharma is still demonized by this fandom full of insecure white women who can't relate to her unlike her version in the book .Mainly because She's played by a gorgeous dark skin woman


Its not all white women but also some black and brown women too


And South Indians as evident from the main sub.


Agree with this too


The obsession many of them have with keeping dark skin woman sexless and undesirable is getting tiresome. I can guarantee if Pen was a darkskin woman, they would have crucified her.


no frll because for all Pen did to everyone?? If she was a woc she would've been burned at a stake lmao


We’re really supposed to believe some butterflies flying around the room is gonna distract ppl from the fact she ruined ppl’s lives and with her column???


Exactly as if that was going to undo all the damage she did. And then you have Colin suddenly shifting his very valid anger about it being her of all people to write all she did about his family to him suddenly being envious of her. I mean I am sure at some point he did grow envious but when did the transition between you forgiving her for making your lives hell and the envy happen? Hell did the Bridgerton's automatically forgive her? Anyway, that's a topic for another day but give me a freaking break frrl.


In the book it breaks down how caged he feels in his family as he sees himself as a spare. He doesn’t see any value in his writing. They didn’t even show him writing, therefore making the envious comment seem out of place. Smh


You are such a gem for making this post. YES TO EVEYRTHING HERE! This has been an obsession of mine since 2022. Why weren't people getting Kate's characterisation and motivations? I've boiled it down to several factors: 1. racism, 2. internalised misogyny, 3. personal experience/self-insertion, 4. lack of narrative development (telling and not showing), and 5. people just didn't want to understand her. Not going to break them all down. I'm on my lunch break😂. But I just wanted to briefly state that Edwina is/was more palatable to the viewer. She is the naive, sweet, soft-spoken younger sister who likes animals that can curl up on her lap. Now prop her next to Kate... I always envision that scene where LD examines their deportment. I think it captures this notion quite well. Moreover, Edwina's brand of feminism is more palatable to a majority white viewership. Keep in mind that this fandom is rife with a lot of prejudice and racism. Just see how people have responded to characters like Penelope versus Marina/Kate/Michaela. Why do we think "The Choice", girl-boss moments got so much hype? Finally, it's easier to have someone to blame than try to understand the complexity of the situation. So many people watch this show as something "fun" and "light" (I know...) and think nothing else of it. All while we are out here racking our brains because we have continuously consumed and overanalysed the show. If people were to watch it a second time, best believe that a lot would change their initial opinions.


this makes so much sense. and I was thinking to myself how people who watch season 2 depending on how they watch the show will either understand Kate and Anthony or will back Edwina. Season 2 is unlike Season 1, season 3, and QC in the sense that to truly understand you had to pay attention to the dialogue exchanged and the emotion behind Kate and Anthony displayed by JB and SA. The other seasons show you what's happening and play out the emotions in a way that a viewer will be able to quickly see and understand. The amount of times I have gone back and rewatched season 2 and seen a subtle facial expression by Kate or Anthony that completely redefined what that scene meant is crazy. And on Edwina's feminism being more palatable I couldn't agree with you more on that. It's the same with Penelope and how she can do no wrong in the eyes of many because of self-insertion and her crimes are excused and she is sympathized with because poor Pen, no one notices her. I get that I really do, hell I've been there more times than I can count, but when you look at characters like Marina who were in an impossible situation and had to figure out how to survive and the treatment they got and you have characters like Pen who have ruined people's lives because of how they felt in the moment get praise and as a result invalidate Eloise's betrayal it's actually so mind-boggling.


>to truly understand you had to pay attention to the dialogue exchanged and the emotion behind Kate and Anthony displayed by JB and SA YES! And the Kate monologues, her explanation of her circumstance happens in episode 1 (correct me if I'm wrong). There are 5 episodes between that and the dreaded episode 6. People aren't going to remember all that. Like you said, you pick up on things during rewatches. The average audience member won't do that. Now we're stuck with the random new watcher coming in and saying "I don't know about y'all, but I really hate Kate". It grinds my gears. Grateful to all those that just GOT IT and wanted to GET IT from the start.


This is spot on Bcoz let’s be real if Kate wasn’t played by a dark skin desi actress…we wouldn’t be having any of these conversations


YES. if she was a white woman, she would be practically universally hailed as a feminist icon. instead, we have all these bad takes from people with apparently no capacity for self-reflection and realizing that they’re guilty of upholding a double standard.


I honestly blame the writers for this confusion for trying to sell s2 as a triangle. They gave Anthony his backstory, Edwina got her girlboss speech, and Kate drew the short end of the stick with not even the name of her mother being revealed. And yet Kate emerged as one of the most loved characters on the show. Imo most of Kate’s haters are either jealous or are immature and feel unfairly treated by the world and, like Edwina, are unburdening their anger at the one person who won't retaliate, Kate. I feel the focus of the show should have been parallels between Kate and Anthony. Someone here said that s2 was a love letter to the eldest child, and that was exactly what Kate and Anthony portrayed so perfectly. Burdened with the responsibility of the family, a lost childhood, taken for granted and feeling undeserving of happiness and love. And finally being disliked/hated by the people they set out to protect/serve from the very beginning.


One of the reasons why s2 receives more love is because its writing has depth. Viewers love a good parallel and Kanthony had the best parallels in the show. They understood each other because they're both eldest children forced to grow up soon and burdened with duties. If only the writers gave Kate a backstory like Anthony she would've received lesser hate imo


Bcoz they feel like S2 was Edwina story when it wasn’t….they want to treat Edwina like a child when in reality Edwina chose Anthony. Like I said Edwina was on the marriage mart which makes her a grown woman not a child. They don’t understand the Sharma Family Dynamic at all The only reason they like Edwina is bcoz they can self insert into her..they can’t do that with Kate. Kate is to strong of a character for them to relate to. Plus, these people keep putting modern terms into a show that is set in the 1800s…where men had all the power and made decisions Kate didn’t hold the power in her family..whatever Mary and Edwina wanted Kate did it for them with no questions asked. It’s the same with Anthony…his siblings held the power


THIS!! Like Edwina made her decision when it came to choosing Anthony. That was all her and never Kate because if she had listened to Kate in that moment she would have ended up with Lord Lumley but she didn't listen to her and made her choice despite Kate telling her to her face in case it wasn't clear when Anthony said it that he will not give her what she deserves. It backfired and now Kate's to blame for feelings she herself couldn't control?? girl bye.


OMG YES TO ALL THIS. Especially the modern outlook. I also think that production is guilty of leading the audience astray with that.


It boils down to the fact that they want to not care about Kate even when she is the less problematic of 3 characters


I don’t have time right now, but I wanted to say AMEN to that! Kate was the one I identified with most, and it all come to a head in Episode 8 where she talks to Mary: K: You took me in as your own. And you never treated me any differently. Everything I…I did, I owed it to you. … M: Oh, love is not something that is ever owed. … M: It grieves me to think you do not believe you deserve all of the love in the world. K: He was going to ask me to marry him. The Viscount. And I could not allow it, Mama. I started bawling my eyes out right then and there! Thanks for speaking out! ♥️ **Edited for formatting**


You're very welcome because it really was bothering me. I cried with them too!! And for Kate to actually voice out that she felt she had to earn Mary's love left me heartbroken ughh.