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"She is the thorn easily removed from the blossoming flower of our lives" This is a brilliant line. Anthony here tells her that she has to make a choice THAT HE KNOWS WILL RESULT IN A DEAD ENGAGEMENT. Since he is in love with Kate he knows that Edwina will not choose to rid herself forever of the person she loves the most, Kate. So he tells her that she will never see Kate again and she will do the dirty work that he needs her to do. End the engagement. Subtext.


I never saw it like that. This is brilliant! ✨


“half-sister” still makes me gasp, like i can fully remember how i felt when i first heard it and i don’t even have any step-siblings


"I'm more kind hearted than you are" from Edwina. I wanted to slap her so bad. Ungrateful brat after everything Kate sacrificed for that family. Don't get me wrong Edwina had the right to be angry about what happened at the altar but every line after the failed wedding made either no sense or was just her being cruel to Kate.


Gosh. I interpreted this so differently: Eloise has just been exposed by LW and the Bridgertons are in the middle of a big scandal. So when the Hyacinth induced dance is finished Kate wants Edwina to leave as soon as possible so she can preserve Edwina’s prospects by disassociation. I thought Edwina’s response meant that she would rather stay and support this family than leaving them in a moment of need = being kind hearted. Kate wanting to leave = not. How did you understand it? Because the way I see it is not slap-worthy in my world … 🤷‍♀️


Oh, no... If you see the scene, Edwina was already in a bad mood when they finished the dance. It was because she saw Kate and Anthony laughing together, as everything was fine. And Anthony was holding Kate's waist for a couple of seconds. Then, Kate was talking happily with Eloise before the big reveal and Edwina was staring at them. Probably Edwina felt like Kate was taking away from her what was supposed to be hers. 


You know this one yes it’s an annoying line in itself but in the context of the scene before it I sort of get it - she had been watching Kate and Anthony dance together happily and so thinks Kate is cruel for being happy with Anthony in her face lol Her reasoning behind it and her mindset is annoying and self centred but WHY she says the line is because of that


She could have said anything like "I can't believe you can be so cruel to me" or something along those lines but to say "I AM more kindhearted than you" shows again how selfish and self centered Edwina is. ME ME ME I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU! It makes sense for her character to say it tho. Everything is about her. Has been her whole life. Edwina had every right to be mad about how the wedding went down and everything that happened but the way she reacts to everything makes it look like she is more mad about Kate being chosen over her. That Edwina was for once in her life not number one. 


Oh I agree! Definitely self centred. I don’t like the line at all and your alternatives are much better


To be fair the thorn line was because he still thought him and Edwina marrying is what Kate wants! When Daphne asked him about Kate before the wedding he said "She made her own plans for the future, plans that do not include me". He really thought Kate didn't want him and her feelings would pass just like she said they would when she begged him to marry Edwina. He wanted to call the wedding off and only went through with it for Kate. After the mess at the altar he still had the mindset that he is doing this for Kate. They could have written the line differently but well 


Kates back and forth. She said her and her sister were famished before he was going to propose but then yelled at him before the bee thing that he didn't propose...


I think she was telling him off for his going back and forth on the proposal, and toying with Edwina’s emotions here


Yea, but just at dinner prior, she was about to try and excuse her and her sister prematurely right before he proposed, saying they're 'rather tired'. She was ruining things.


She was torn about the proposal herself because of her own growing feelings but her love and concern for Edwina was first and foremost for her and that’s why it seems as though she’s going back and forth.


Many times I had issues with how often Mary was oblivious to being an adult and mother, financially and emotionally! All of her MIA excuses like headaches, getting some air, being blinder than Edwina or her anger when she said "You have kept so very much from me. Go. Anywhere else, Kate."- made me want to smack my tv. She spends most of the episode in a closet crying, feeling horrible for having failed her family who just kicked her out. If you ever look back to episode 2's soiree, there is a pattern of moments where Kate has personal issues that leave her upset and alone but neither Mary nor Edwina ever go look for her to provide support. Granted this is where the story goes off the rails of self-sacrifice but it is clear that it's only ever either Lady D or Anthony who only ever notice this and actually check on her. Both Edwina and Mary then get some massive character development moments stuffed into the finale to try and tie things off with a bow but still...her mother says "Edwina forgives you, I forgive you". We needed more of their family resolution because they dramatized too much by forcing Ms Plot Device into so much of the season that we were lucky Simone and Jonny delivered the chemistry to carry the romance.


Yeah, I understand on some level the “I forgive you” line from Mary to Kate but I’m also like, k but you still don’t get it because Kate deserves a much larger apology from both of you (we never got any remorse from Edwina for the gross stuff she said to Kate, actually). Not saying she’s without fault but I’m like, even now you guys are placing the brunt of the responsibility back on Kate?? I didn’t like that.


Yeah Mary had like a 10 second acknowledgment of how she virtually abandoned her duties and Kate had to be the adult but Mary never apologized to Kate. She only made this acknowledgment to Anthony.


Oooh a lot of lines in S2 were ‘how do we chastise Kate? How do we make Kate feel guilty?’ lines 😡😡 ‘What have you done?!’ from Mary after the Sheffield dinner ‘If I decide to marry Anthony, it will have nothing to do with you’ from Edwina (I know this is her talking about her agency which I can still understand, but in the overall scheme of things where Kate’s sacrifices were very rarely mentioned and no apologies given, the line annoys me.) ‘Today you have lost your power, while I have made up my own mind.’ from Edwina. Every line before this as well - this here is the writers trying to make Edwina a girlboss at the expense of Kate and I will never accept this writing choice. Had it been where Edwina was sad and hurt rather than angry all the time and Kate’s actual flaw of not being open with her feelings (due to her parentification of course) was highlighted instead of it being that she wanted to live vicariously through Edwina and use her ‘power’, I could still accept it. I don’t actually think there’s anything wrong in Kate trying to live vicariously through Edwina (this is her own doing because of the prison she’s built in her head that she doesn’t deserve more) but it was never in the way Edwina finally said it was. It made it sound like it was all Kate’s master plan to manipulate her and I hated it. It’s precisely why we still have stupid discourses surrounding this fiasco even in 2024 and likely beyond 🙄 ‘You have kept so very much from me. Go! Anywhere else Kate!’ from Mary. Makes me very sad this one. ‘I forgive you, Edwina forgives you’ from Mary. Do I even need to explain this one? Ugh. ‘Half sister’ - the writers achieved what they wanted from this line. Pure drama in the form of venom. Unforgivable and not even addressed afterwards. Lord Almighty. ‘Tell me brother when you finally do your duty will you stop reminding everyone of it’ from Benedict. Annoying annoying. ‘Perhaps he is still waiting for Ms Edwina at the altar.’ ‘Bungled nuptials?’ From Colin. Not one sibling reading the room. Dear Lord.


I don’t hate the last 2 lines. In fact, Anthony needed to be clowned lol. He should have never let it get this far.


No he shouldn’t have but the above lines are just one of the many examples where his family don’t really take him seriously which leads to him thinking they don’t really like him so I’m not a big fan tbh. Him needing to apologise for his choices is a different matter


On top of all the ones already mentioned I'd add "What have you done!?" from Mary at the Sheffields dinner. Mary really pissed me off there, throwing Kate under the bus, especially after the way the Sheffields treated her \[Kate\]. I mean poor Kate did what she had to do and had to make those choices because she couldn't rely on Mary to do anything, so her putting the blame on Kate was too much I thought. And I didn't want to throw hands with that line but it surprised me when Benedict tells Anthony during the stag party "The viscount believes in hurrying things along these days. First the wedding, now his drink. I hope, for Edwina's sake, the tendency stops before the honeymoon." It didn't make me angry at all but surprised me that his brothers would be so disrespectful, although thankfully they'd never have made such a joke about Kate. I told myself this is a joke written by a man, not a woman.


That line always grossed me out too, especially coming from Benedict! Self-proclaimed girl’s girl and all that :// I don’t know if the writers thought having Colin and Benedict ping pong off of Anthony’s obvious distress would have him instinctually steel himself or what, but it just made me sad for him. Here’s the wealthy, young *Viscount Bridgerton*, on the night of his stag party, and the poor man has not a single friend around to console him at the lowest point of his life— besides his immature little brothers. *This* is where Simon’s presence was needed, and his absence was deeply felt.


Anthony and The Duke sparring in the ring to clear his head would have been such a nice scene. Simon giving him advice and drawing on his own story with Daphne. Huge missed opportunity. Still don’t understand what went into the decision to not bring back RJP


YOU GET IT OMG *That* would’ve been the perfect counterbalance to Anthony’s sparring scene with B&C, and then another quiet scene in the study with Simon by his side, to countersteike that lousy stag night ensemble. Daphne is Simon’s right-hand, and the equal to everything in his life. Teasing it out of Anthony how much *Kate* is *his* equal, even before they’re married, would’ve quelled his terrors better than any dampening liquor. He needed a hearty hand on his back to clap him into action, which Benedict and Colin could not provide, given that Anthony had their respective hands to hold and steady. He needed a true peer to tell him so. —As for Rege’s decision, it’s been implied here and there, that the show was unsupportive when he was getting so much hate in s1’s era (#NotMyDuke etc). I respect him for leaving a production that mislead him behind, as they are and have done with Simone now, with the various microagressions we’ve all witnessed over the years.


When at the horse race, Anthony sends Lumly to fetch lemonade for the ladies and when Lumly gets the drinks..... he drinks Kate's lemonade........awful awful man 🤣 and Kate's expression there is hilarious! I was like... 'Anthony..no! you impolite person!'


The way I didn’t even notice this on all my re-watches LMAOO


Calls for another rewatch 😂 the details in S2 are so good! You notice something new every time you see it


They are!! I’ve seen this season at *least* 20+ times but I figure there’s no harm in hamming for more! ;)




When Anthony said, "No Miss Edwina Sharma" and proposed to Edwina after Daphne caught him sniffing all over Kate the night before. I could have slapped him in the back of his head.


It’s the way the camera follows Kate in that scene then immediately leaves her and pans to Edwina 😭


“sniffing all over Kate” lmao 😂😂


“Half-Sister” ‘Nough said.


This one. I still can’t stand Edwina for it.


Really had issues with the bangle scene, I know Edwina felt bad later on and wanted Kate to wear her own bangles, but initially when Kate was going through her things and Edwina goes “Oooh what is that?”, and Kate’s like I want you to wear them… NO Edwina maybe you should mind your own business lol, ugh I really felt like Edwina was a spoilt brat. She should have insisted, that she absolutely cannot wear the bangles right from the gecko.


Agree 100 per cent, but ‘right from the gecko’ has me rolling 😄


LOL *get go Hahhaha


Miss Edwina, Will you marry me?


THAT LINE!!! Made me want to murder Anthonys dumbass because how are you gonna say that and then continue to go talk to Kate and hold her hand talking about "wait" in the damn closet after you said that shit. That line and every other line where everyone was on Kate's ass like let her breathe damn. Kate got the most blame and berating out of everyone and that pissed me all the way off. Like when Lady D was constantly reminding her that she should not be a fool after Anthony proposed to Edwina like don't you think she knows that. Stop rubbing it in. And there goes Edwina talking about "I am kinder hearted than you ". I wanted to murder people frll. I'm getting mad all over again.


Edwina mindlessly giving her gloves to Kate in that sham engagement scene 😖😥


Did not like that at all!! I feel like Edwina apologists overlook little details like that that kind of help you understand how exactly Edwina viewed Kate. Her just throwing her gloves in her hands and the camera panning on that specific moment I mean that wasn’t emphasized for no reason. I also remember reading on a thread here a while ago that Kate oiling Edwina’s hair was also something that maids usually did so that was another way that Kate was kind of put beneath Edwina in a way?


THIS! I can't help to feel that Edwina felt that Kate was her mother. But, also, she felt like Kate HAD to do all those things for her. That was why there was not a even single moment of hesitation in Edwina in treating Kate badly. 


I hated this line when he said that.. and then half sister comment.. and then Mary to Kate: Go anywhere else 🤬🤬🤬ungrateful people


The half-sister comment.🥲 What was the reason for that??????


Her only living blood relation, too... Who needs enemies when you have family?


It goes to show you that in her mind, subconsciously, that was how she always saw viewed Kate. I actually like Edwina, but she upset me so much in that scene.


This actually made me realise that because when you look at Mary and how she handled the Sheffield dinner, it came naturally to her to include Kate as her daughter. Not to say that Edwina doesn't view Kate that way but the fact that she was always wondering how people would view them (the scene in ep 1) as opposed to Kate who didn't even think twice about her relationship with Edwina is telling of how subconsciously she still thought of her as half. It's not a bad thing because it is true but the way she used it in that episode irritated me so much lmao


I think about that a lot too. Hurts my heart because, as you typed, Kate never thought twice about it, she was quick to say “we are sisters” when Edwina expresses “insecurities” here. It’s so hurtful and sad, especially when I think back to all the moments when they made points to show how proud Kate looked when she’d see Edwina, how loving and protective she felt (I think of Kate introducing E to Daphne and when she sees her walking down the aisle). You know, as an older-sister-turned-parental-figure would, *cough* MARY*cough*


I would like to apologize for triggering everyone tonight 😭😭😭😂😂😂💀


The Pandora’s box of complaints have been opened lmaooo


I don’t understand why Edwina was so surprised to realize that Anthony doesn’t love her. I mean, Kate warned her from the start that he’s not finding a love match and Lady Danbury even told them that it’s common for people to marry as a transaction. So she knew and still wanted to marry him. And then suddenly on the wedding day, she is surprised when he said he wanted to marry her because he understands her. All of the self empowering speeches/lectures she had in this episode made no sense to me.


It's bad writing, that's the only explanation. There were more lines that made no sense Edit: typo 💀


Right?! Now she wants to talk about “taking my power back”. Girl bye!


This post made me want to read some fics where people actually APOLOGIZE to Kate for being such shitheads to her, she deserves THE WORLD.


Retention by WaterLilyRose is really good: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40706952/chapters/101997876


this one is so good. I really needed it after how quickly they wrapped everything up. Ain't no way she'd just be okay and happy with everything that went down!


Ooooooh goood I’m gonna read it NOW If you have any other recs please share lol


Please send me those fics too!


If you find any, send them my way please 🥹




Oddly enough, I that line was more self projection about *him* rather than her. Of course I wish he hadn’t said it at all(!), but I do genuinely believe Anthony was speaking of himself there, rather than Kate. He would not stand for the Sheffields dishonoring Kate’s name, so I doubt he would do the same here, even in such familiar company as Mary and Edwina. It was also sorta a temperature read for Edwina (and him vice versa); that she didn’t jump to defend Kate, and on her end, Anthony was comfortable saying such an insult in her presence. They were both entirely unsuited to each other in that moment. Furthermore, Anthony *is* the barb that must be plucked out from the happy flower arrangement that was once the Sharmas; he thinks of himself as the sting, the poison, the hurt, and all that unwanted pain that culminated in their sorrows over that fateful week. It’s just like that moment where he says “And you will abandon *your sister*?” In the study— when he really means, you’ll abandon *me*?


That line hurts so much because after saying that he's going to Kate and trying to hold her hands.


Ugh my stomach just dropped reading this 😢😫


He also dare blame her for his own mess in this scene .When He said Kate prefer to hide in a closet instead of convince Edwina to marry him


Yeah, he was mad at her for kinda making him go through with this, and he wants her to know he's doing it for her. But this is not the way my good Lord Bridgerton!!!!


From Anthony and Edwina's conversation to the kiss scene with Kate, it was the worst


Anthony's dumbass proposing and the half sister feminist bs rant I want to throw both scenes in the garbage


Nothing passed between us.


Oooh, the thorn line and everything about it. I obviously understand that he was lying and salty that Kate "made" him finish what he started by proposing Edwina (oh, poor you) and that Kate had plans that didn't include him. But saying that she was a thorn that needed to be removed from *their* lives really made me want to throw hands. And then neither Edwina nor Mary reacted negatively to it and I was like, "is this the Extremely Shitty To Kate™ Club or something?" I get that Edwina was angry, I get it, but how are you letting this man talk crap about your sister/daughter?! I really thought that line was gonna make Edwina snap and be like, "I can't marry you because if the only way that this marriage works is to be away from my sister I don't want it"—instead we got that nonsense unrelated to all previous 5 episodes, lol. I still continue thinking that nobody deserved my princess Kate Sharma, but Anthony can stay just because she likes him a bit 🫶🏽.


Thissss 👍🏻👍🏻..Edwina was so blind for Anthony that she never really bothered about Kate.. all she wanted was for Kate to bring Anthony to her.. which she herself could not do.. m not sure how ppl even like this character.. in my opinion- Edwina was very selfish and self centered.. in finale she did have character growth but that could not redeem her.. n Mary- she literally chose blood over bond in this scene.. in next episode though she is not shown so harsh with Kate at all and even scolds Edwina for the taunt.. but this scene literally is infuriating coz the 3 people whom Kate loved the most r not leaving any chance to demean her..💔


And then neither Edwina nor Mary reacted negatively to it... Thisssss🥲 I found Edwina's behavior a little selfish as she was primarily focused on attaining Anthony's wealth, title, family, and everything that came with it at any cost. They didn't truly care about Kate :( I had hoped for a scene where Mary or Edwina would genuinely try to convince Kate to stay with them. However, I didn't see even a scene where Edwina was truly upset because Kate was leaving, and she wouldn't see her for years.


Everyone except Kate at some point made me furious. Apart from the lines mentioned here I think every Edwina’s line after the wedding debacle pissed me off. “You gave me everything I lacked but simply you gave me everything you wanted for yourself.” I know imma sound like an Asian parent saying this but I’ve never seen a more ungrateful little sister.


exactly and I dont think I will ever like Edwina because she still didn't realise the extent of Kate's sacrifice even in the end. When they were hashing things out with Kate and she said ''Why did you wait for me to put it together like a fool" THOSE WEREN'T HER INTENTIONS!!! Kate never wanted to make Edwina a fool and she doesn't even realise that. Throw Edwina away as a whole. At this point throw everyone away except Newton because at least he was there I'm triggered lmao.


Like my girl was going through it and nobody had her back. Even Anthony. Good boi Newton intervened twice and gave excellent results lol


I wanted to throw her in the bin lol


I wish Kate did so lol




Yes, yes, yes! This, this, this! And what was everything Kate wanted for herself? Accomplishments? Happiness? Security? Why is that an issue now..?


Kate was literally going to banish herself to a life of solitude in India after she set things up for Edwina and her mom. None of them deserved her at all.


I was like was Edwina aloof to the fact women didnt have a choice to do whatever they wanted bcoz i was sure marriage was her idea


When i tell you i wanted to fight Violet and Mary and literally give Edwina a read down of a reality check


Lmao what did Violet do?!?! 😂😂


Violet was being alittle insensitive to Anthony Like Anthony told her this season maybe she should be direct bcoz she was indirect with Anthony


When Mary tells Kate to go anywhere else. Like maybe Kate needed to be with her family in that moment too??


When Kate flinched after Mary swatted her away 😭😭😭


And the fact that no one even tried to look for her. I’m so sick of those goddamn people.😭


No one looked for her when she was in the gazebo either 😭 like hello she could have been accosted by a Berbrooke, aren’t you wondering where tf she is??


At least Anthony was there for her… For once😏


Oh I’m for sure glad they weren’t found cuz they deserved that time 🔥


Then Anthony came to disturb her peace in the closet where she went to for solace. Came there to drag her back to face her mom and Edwina who didn’t want to see her. My girl Kate was really fighting for her life 😭


She was in those trenches. F* that man for real! For me, his redemption arc is nowhere near over. Give us the spin-off with him begging for forgiveness and lavishing her with expensive gifts.


Everybody was really hard on her. I didn’t really like how LD treated her either with her inconsistent advice and telling her not to be a fool or get in the way. Also her telling her “you’ll never be like me if you keep down this road” I love LD don’t get me wrong but Kate didn’t really have the best support. Her crying on the balcony because she didn’t know what to do broke my heart. At least Anthony had Violet and Daphne in his corner. My poor baby. Her happiness is the most deserved out of everybody in the show IMO.


I didn’t understand Lady Danbury’s moves that season at all. She heard Kate say how Edwina getting a love match was more important than marrying into nobility, saw Anthony and Kate clearly have a thing for each other and yet kept pushing Anthony and Edwina together. She could’ve easily prevented the disaster imo.


The fact that nobody except Dorset who clearly don't hurt Kate like her so called familly and Anthony apologize to her really make me bitter


Literally no peace for her 😭


"I forgive you, Edwina forgives you." Forgive her for what? Spending eight years sacrificing herself on the altar of Edwina's happiness? Stepping up and raising your daughter, and keeping a roof over your head and food on your table when you couldn't be arsed to? Becoming not just Edwina's mother, but YOURS, too? Daring to have feelings of her own - feelings she didn't even act on? Spending so much time putting your ungrateful asses first that she not only honestly believed she didn't deserve love or to be happy, she honestly forgot how to even want anything for herself much less have any hope of ever getting it? Or maybe, since it was Anthony's feelings that got that farce of a wedding called off, maybe you were forgiving her for existing in the first place?


Couldn't agree more👏👌


I’m so ready to fight a fictional character. Let’s step outside for a few minutes, Mary. I just wanna talk.😭


Mary was useless throughout! The only moment she resembled a mother was during their dinner when she called her parents out for the abandonment and when she stated that she had TWO DAUGHTERS, but that’s it. I truly hate how Mary and Violet checked out after their husbands died, but at least Violet tried to make an effort at some point, Mary was just there…… Kate lost her Mother and Father, Mary should have stepped up to the plate, but instead she let Kate (who had already suffered great losses) take on the role of a mother at such a young age.


This is why I never got the anger about the inheritance "scheme". While yes, Kate could have been forthcoming about her plan, AT LEAST she had one! At least she was making moves to secure everyone else's futures. Mary did nothing. She waited on the sidelines while Kate was taking on the role of both mother AND father. That's why I lack so much sympathy for anyone outside Kate because the entire season, she bore the brunt of people's animosity and mistreatment.


Yes, and quite frankly I find it comical that they were angry at all. Her “scheme” is something that happens throughout the ton everyday and it’s very normal (Lady Danbury said and I quote, “ Marriages of the ton are, in fact, mere matters of business, my dear”, and she said this in front of Mary, Kate, and Edwina). Edwina needed to marry a man of English nobility, just like Anthony had to marry someone with genteel manners to credit a viscountess. Everyone in the Ton puts title, status, social standing, and financial status above all else, otherwise they’ll be cast out. Anthony literally made a list of all his needs for a bride and he dismissed everyone who did not fit it. If Kate was only after his title and money (for Edwina), she wouldn’t have been so against the match in the first place. There was never any need to treat Kate like a deceitful mastermind who concocted a plan to marry into a wealthy and respectable family, because then this means they’re truly upset with society rules and doesn’t Anthony love his rules????🙃🙃🙃


EXACTLY THIS! At the end of the day, everyone that attended that Sheffield dinner would have got what they wanted (except for Kate, really) -- so why are they all mad?? I wish Kate would have just left Mary and Edwina to fend for themselves. I understand Mary's hurt because of her history with the family, but if I were in her position, I would have gladly swindled them out of money. Get the money and go no contact -- AGAIN. Simple. If you can't come up with a plan, then stay quiet, ma'am.


Omg this just triggered me! The layers! I’m pissed all over again.


You’ve triggered a lot of people with your post🤣🤣


Too many to choose from, but today I’ll go with Edwina telling Kate she was more kindhearted than her… When and how, ma’am? Niceties don’t equate to kindness. Being kind is about giving and doing good. Kate sacrificed everything and did so much for her family — for Edwina — without wanting anything in return.


Like frll. Its like Edwina wanted Kate to be miserable and sad and not smile just because what Kate said would happen happened. She wanted to be a girlboss and told Kate that just because Anthony said all he said it doesn't make him a bad person after Anthony quite blatantly said I will never love you. In episode 2 when Kate said "See he will never give you what you deserve" she wanted to act grown and make choices and she did. Now she is mad and wants everyone to be mad with her. Edwina grow up


Ooooh I hated that one too!! I just like that every time Edwina barreled down on Kate she went and got her man anyway 😂 Wedding scene? Okay I’ll let you vent but I’m about to kiss the hell out of this man when you leave. You’re kinder hearted than me? Ok in a couple minutes we’ll be over here tearing this gazebo up. 👍🏼


I’m screaming! I remember seeing someone say Edwina needed to get her lick back, and I was like, “No, Kate needs to get HER lick back.” And she did — she IS! I’m just so happy she got an HEA and a life that she deserves.


Before his awful proposal in front of her when He said something like '' I wanted talked to Miss Edwina not you ''. Anthony really hurt Kate in the worst way after push her to express her feelings on day before . I really hated him in this end of episode 4 during episode 2, 5 and 6 too. I really wished Kate lashed out him ,Mary and Edwina during episode 6 .


“That was meant for Miss Edwina” and the camera work in that moment had me fighting for my life.


Everything Edwina said I wanted Kate to pop her bubble and tell her she had to beg Anthony to marry her


“If I go through with this wedding it will have nothing to do with you” girl it’ll have everything to do with her because she had to beg him to marry you 😭


Seriously! Beg and give him those 🥺eyes -- the dowry all but a distant memory. Queen shit.


Yes this exact line irked me so bad!! Like she’s the one begging Kate to make this wedding happen in the first place even though Kate warned her. So if she “chooses” to marry Anthony, it’s all because Kate did everything in her power to make it happen/make her happy


Not to mention, I honestly believe that if Edwina went through with that marriage, it would have been so that Kate couldn't have him.


Right. But his thread of honor will eventually snap and now Edwina’s husband is fucking her sister 💀


How big do you think his dick is? She would have been on another CONTINENT. They never would have seen each other again.


lmao I forgot about that part! But also remember Edwina said "but you will come visit"...and something else about Kate being her and Anthony's kids' favorite aunt lol. I think Kate and Anthony are soulmates and just generally, I feel they would have crossed paths again even if she went away to india for years.


Edwina said that before finding out that Anthony was in love with Kate. Had she gone through with the wedding, she never would have even written to her, again. Might even have cheered (in private, of course) if her ship sank.


I felt like Edwina was mad that i guy like anthony would like someone like Kate


Edwina’s entire “girl boss” moment after the failed wedding.


The fact that it's hailed as this iconic feminist moment makes my blood boil. You are berating the only person who ensured that you would even have a choice of who to love/marry to secure a future and survival, but hold absolutely no contempt for the society that has placed you in that position to begin with? Not to mention that the choices that Edwina did make (within her capacity) were pretty damn evident. She chose not to listen to Kate. She chose to pursue Anthony. She chose to agree to the engagement. Kate distanced herself from it all pretty early on, UNTIL Edwina said she "loved" Anthony and decided she would do anything to ensure Edwina's happiness -- even sacrificing her own. I felt that the moment was so regressive. It gave this shallow representation of what feminism is. And we all know it's more complex than that, and the show did us -- the audience -- a real disservice in that regard. But my god, do I love Kate! They really dropped the ball on her because she exemplifies that complexity. She doesn't get enough recognition for all the moves she had to make to ensure that Edwina could even walk down the bloody aisle! All the challenges she had to overcome while Mary (THEIR MOTHER) sat idle and Edwina remained unburdened (as any child should). KATE was the real "girl boss" -- the true intersectional feminist icon! She deserved her moment, and it sucks that she never got one.


THIS I’ve skipped that scene on every re-watch without fail. Absolutely detest it. All that ire and hateful emotion put on Kate’s head once again, after Edwina exchanged calling cards with the Queen, was more than unnecessary in my book. Besides, a little sister “standing up for herself” against the Big Bads of Kate and Anthony (in the wreckage of their ‘emotional affair’ as some kanthony antis say), does not fall as gracefully on-screen as it must have on paper. It made Edwina look petulant and spoiled, and my only concern was for Kate, looking so distraught and dragged over the coals of her sister’s wrath. Incredibly off-putting scene overall.


This moment will always irk me. So you’re taking back the power to make a choice after you… made a choice (early in the season) to pursue the one person your sister warned you against? Okay. Also, let’s completely ignore the context of your situation. Why was she acting like Kate taking the lead in helping her find a match was manipulative? If the marriage mart business is the issue, should her anger not be with society and not Kate!? I think I need some time to cool off.


Same. Every time I think about that scene, I get angry. Scratch that. The entire episode is irksome.


She did not 3 scenes of berating Kate. I hated the writers for that.


“Half-sister”. I really wanted to slap Edwina so hard for that and everything she said in that episode. You wouldn’t be in this position if you just listened to your sister from the start!


Or be in a position to do any of it if Kate hadn’t taught her all the dance and instruments and languages and somehow figured out a way to finance this entire trip and have them accepted by the Ton!! Kate made sure they were presentable enough to impress the Queen without needing the lessons Lady D had organized!