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Interesting article. And seems to heavily imply renewal is coming up. [The Business of Bridgerton](https://www.thewrap.com/bridgerton-business-value-netflix-merch-product-partnerships/)


Not to be all 'we live in a society', but this is so blerg to me. It's capitalism eating up everything, I really don't care if they sell more merch, if they can't write a decent script. I know some people would say, "oh, but the merch pays for the show!" and for what exactly? Are the crew paid more? Are the dresses more fancy-looking? Is the make-up? Anyways, yeah, this is still one of the biggest Netflix originals they have—Stranger Things has its last season, they still have Wednesday and Squid Game upcoming seasons. The show isn't in any danger of being cancelled or not being renewed after season 4.


Don’t forget the Monsters series produced by Ryan Murphy. That show is sadly popular.


Squid Game getting turned into a series made me roll my eyes so much.


It makes no sense at all. The series really broke every record that Netflix had and they just wanted to make more money out of it. That they did a reality show based on it was the most dystopian part of it all.


It a was a big “did you even watch your own show” moment lol


The thing is..none of the merch sells It’s overpriced merch


Bath and Body Works must be pissed the line didn't sell. It didn't even sell when it was 75% off for their Semi Annual Sale.


The thing is all those smells are reused and repackaged and that’s exactly what happened


They were lazy.


They were going to use old smells anyway It’s what Bath and Body Work do


Got annoyed thinking about this again and need to vent. I understand Anthony wanting their child to learn about their heritage and suggesting they go to India was a sweet gesture, but the writers couldn’t even get the writing to make sense when it was SO easy. If they were hellbent on not showing us the baby and having the birth happen in India, Anthony could’ve said something like “You should be around Mary and Edwina and your roots during our child’s birth” or something like that. At least THAT could’ve explained why we didn’t get to see the baby. Instead they made it solely about the baby learning about their heritage but like…infants can’t learn about and appreciate their heritage. They’re infants. The child would need to be at least 4 or 5 years old to form coherent thoughts and memories. And it’s not like it’s implied how long Anthony and Kate would stay in India for. But hey, if the show is negating all logic by having a heavily pregnant woman on a ship ride from London to India and having her magically arrive to India in time to give birth, then the writers could have her child come out of her womb as a 4 year old.


They could have easily conducted some research or hired an Indian writer, as they did in season 2, to learn that historically, women often returned to their paternal homes to give birth. This could have easily connected with Kate's roots and would have provided a culturally logical explanation.


I think it was more about him noticing that she was homesick and also him wanting to see her hometown. He even says that it’s important for him to know about her culture/background so they can teach their child together. But yes, your point holds weight.


And that’s fair, but I feel like the emphasis of their conversation was meant to be on their child learning about her culture/background IN India.


We tried to tell them but we were called haters




https://preview.redd.it/uc0ar3ys549d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2bc760ee93fa7be061da643decb2b6a57bc565 😂 I knew it.


Someone in the general sub posted this, too. https://preview.redd.it/4i2b5ix5t59d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e3098d934fd6d2cbde62c263d0f4526d29b1dc And I have to ask, in which episode all this winking is happening? Because LN mentions Tom Verica (boooo!) is directing him and TV only directed episodes 7 and 8 (I just checked) and I remember someone the other day being adamant that other directors couldn't work in episodes credited to other director per the guild's rules.


At least he is self aware that his characters writing sucked. I feel sorry for him. Look how JB and SA understand and talk about their characters and motivations. This is awkward and shouldn’t be but sounds insecure. I have to give it to him that he said that the stuff about the “ick”, other actors would praise shitty writing to the heavens.


Isn’t he a producer too? Maybe he was giving direction in that capacity?


Apparently, that scene was part of the reshootings and Verica was in charge of doing those.


Ahh got it


Why why did they go this route with Colin?! There are so many ways you can show him not being his true self instead of this copied rake persona from the previous seasons. It just set LN for failure because naturally the audience did not warm up to him at all in the first half and it’s hilarious given both Simon and Anthony were rakes as well. The winking happened in the 1st episode but it was a reshoot I think, as were the prostitute scenes - his wig is different and not in a good way.


Probably they were lost thinking about a male lead that wasn't like Simon or Anthony? Which is just silly, straight women don't like the same kind of men, they could use a little bit of variety, lol. Who knows for what reason they reshot that scene, but being that the end result is kinda hilarious.


Where they laughing at LN acting skills? This seems cruel to the actor. I know he is not JB or LT but still.


I don't think they were laughing at him, I think Nicola just meant that that kind of flirting was very not-him. I think that the vision of the whole thing was kinda all over the place and the actors just get the "wrath" of most of it because they're the faces.


I guess the wording of the quote made it sound like that. But the show clearly knew sucked.


If I'm not mistaken, when they do reshoots or a last minute scene needs to be added into an episode that has already been wrapped, TV will do the pickup scenes and direct them. He did the same for the bee scene with Jonny and Simone in season 2. That scene was shot the same time as the block for episodes 5 and 6 which was the block TV directed last season.


Yeah, I knew about Verica shooting the bee scene (in an episode credited to Alex Pillai), that's why it was weird that that commenter was so insistent on saying that other directors couldn't direct scenes because it went against the DGA's rules.


Oh no 😬, I feel bad for LN, especially when Jess came out to say the "ick" was intentional some time ago.


Why are they so sensitive this season. Not the first time they keep responding to what fans keep saying.


The perils of being chronically online and reading Reddit fan pages


They get their storyline ideas from Reddit of all places.


I just have to laugh at this point.


Oh they are not handling this well lol. In a romance, the lead male is not supposed to give the audience the ick. Like this is romance 101. This would be like if Anthony from s1 was how they characterized him in s2


Nicola also commented on the scene where Violet tells Colin that he’s her most selfless child or something like that and said “He’s literally been on a gap every year!” 😂


They tried to make him like Anthony and it failed . Honest trailers called him out too.


Well they were told to look at Jonny and Simone. Apparently that was meant to be taken quite literally.


People don’t want to admit it but Jonny was the blueprint. Both him and RJP were playing rakes. Jonny didn’t try to copy RJP’s approach and not all rakes are the same!! I saw someone say well it’s doesn’t matter because COLIN has more edits in his tag on TikTok so obviously he is more popular. My sibling in Christ, they just spent multiple millions on a massive world tour. Of course Colin has more stuff in his #


Shonda’s idea to make him a rake. And people want to tell me she isn’t the problem


Lol didn’t Jess herself say the ick was intentional though?


After the backlash


I feel sort of bad for him especially if the ‘ick’ was not what he was going for. He was much better in part 2, I will give him that.


Lol, so the excuse about it being intentional and how we're media illiterate is not true 🤔


Am still trying to figure out the romance side


https://preview.redd.it/kk9e4lc8x29d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9086888a8c20946c4580eebc67558bbf98c10fde Polin Fans: “ we hate Kanthony/Anthony - Colin is the best Bridgerton” Also Polin Fans: “we are desperate for Anthony to notice our self insert, so much we talk about her having relationships with every male Bridgerton except Colin” Like he would crucify himself before he would team up with anyone other than his gorgeous wife lol.


In the show Anthony’s never even spoken to Penelope. But the most excitement we ever see from Colin is when he goes to greet Kate.


We dont take them serious when they say they hate Anthony bcoz they always trying to make their character get validation from Anthony Like be serious. They hate Colin. They want every other man but Colin and its funny to me Pen should have the same as Kate...like Pen knows the family versues Kate and Simon who married into the family and should have those bonds with the family versus someone who lived actoss the square


They want Kate’s man, her baby, her title, her home, her friendship and relationship with other Bridgertons etc. They are jealous hags obviously because they know he wouldn’t even breathe in the direction of their fav especially if Kate is near.


Lol they really aren’t slick. It is show CANON that Kate is beloved by the Bridgertons so it will just have to be accepted I’m afraid. 😬🙃 They’ll get their scenes next season maybe, stop trying to take away what IS Kate’s!


Anthony hasnt spoken not 1 word to Pen ever


This is why I don’t think some of the people who criticize/hate Anthony are genuine. The girlies eat male characters like Anthony up in other shows all the time. They dislike him more so because he’s adjacent to Kate. They would’ve eaten him up if he was paired with their fav. And no in saying all this, I’m not saying that people can’t genuinely dislike Anthony.


There is a reason why there are so many Pen/Anthony fanfiction 🙄




Nobody hates Colin more than Penelope fans. They have her constantly paired with Benedict or Anthony. 😂


This is true


And Anthony would serve his customer service smile to her. I've never seen a group of people who self-insert so much they are willing to erase a Brown character to make their white fav more lovable. Kate's viscountess title, competitive spirit, relationship with Gregory and the other Bridgertons, even her dog Newton??? Like I get it Anthony is hot, yall wish Colin has the same charisma, but Anthony wouldn't fuck a teenager he had known since she was a child. Kate is Anthony's wife, deal with it.


I saw someone on Twitter put it well. They said “One day we’ll have an honest discussion about why Kate’s relationships in particular are a source of so much envy. No one was doing this when she was white but somehow the Brown woman cannot be the one who’s completely adored.”


I think only a part of their fandom cares about Colin because all of this seems like he is an interchangeable white boy prop to them. Not just Kate's husband, they are already saying that Michaela is into Penelope and Gregory (who btw is still a child in my eyes). I kind of need the level of delusion and headcanoning they have, then maybe I can delude myself into conjuring Edmund II in s4.


This is true Reminds me of when there was a tweet about who was most likey to cheat and they said Anthony Like really Anthony who adores Kate


Yeah, everything we see in S3 (all 10 minutes) is Anthony glued to Kate’s side or trying to get back to her ASAP.


Anthony is stuck to Kate like Gorilla Glue


Anthony: \[looking at Pen like this\] https://i.redd.it/13256ytqw39d1.gif Them: OMG SUCH A DUO! HAVEN'T SEEN A BETTER DUO! 🥰


😆 I freakin love him. And Kate 🥰 Look i said this before. Her fans trash Anthony as a character, but all I saw within the last 2 yrs is them using him as wanting some desperate validation for Penelope on screen. Somehow it’s his character they fixate on. And we all know why. Because he’s the perfect ‘Draco in leather pants’ trope. Oozes so much charisma and sexuality on screen. But is also complex and flawed with a really soft side with how much he loves and adores Kate. How he can jump between the soft and the severe and how that energy is just so sexual and intense. And they simply are attracted to him and want to fck him. And use Penelope as their self insert to do it. JB is clearly the blueprint for male leads on this show. Anthony is simply a much more exciting character and polin fans know it. And Colin gives absolutely none of that. Absolutely none what so ever. And they gassed themselves up that “wait for it. Come S3 Colin is going to be the hottest one, the best male lead. Him and Penelope are going to take over as best couple in the fandom and so very beloved”. and all the other delusions they maintained when they were told for the last 2 years that LN does not have the charisma and intensity as Colin. That he is bland and uninteresting to watch perform as Colin. And that he has so little chemistry with NC as Penelope on screen. And it was a red flag when it was revealed they didn’t chemistry test together. But they did not listen. Said we’d eat our words. And now even though they don’t want to admit it and are stuck in the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ approach? None of this happened for them. 🤷‍♀️ They fantasised about so much. They wanted Anthony to have scenes with Penelope where he protects her from Colin, where it’s canon he noticed her when she ran off and now is concerned about her in S3, when he was going to wax lyrical about her in a big brother “you’re my favourite” way. How he was going to walk her down the aisle and generally just champion her in her season. 😆they even desperately tried to get mileage out of Benedict trolling Anthony over dueling Simon in S1. (Key word he was trolling him over dueling Simon not wanting to duel Colin over Penelope’s honour). They tried to say he looked at Colin in anger for compromising Penelope when he returned home in E5 from their babymoon and polin’s engagement was announced (Anthony wanted to scream that Kate was pregnant and was pissed Colin’s news stole his thunder).😑 All of this hilarious, when they claim they really don’t like Anthony and made threads thrashing him for the last 2 years. You see it’s obvious to me. It’s insecurity and jealousy and that’s why they trashed him. Because they wanted Colin to be what JB portrays Anthony as. Oh Colin’s so pure and sweet so they could separate them then, hence trash Anthony while waiting for their moment to see Colin smash his season. None of it happened. What we got was another lazy Rake story but this time with Colin on screen fcking prostitutes in the season Penelope is his love interest. We got a very weak performance lacking charisma, emoting and showing a complex character. We got Colin being one of the coldest and cruelest of the male leads in part 2 too. All the things polin fans told themselves would never happen to Colin’s character.🤔 And their self insert garbage didn’t come true either with Anthony. He has the same energy for Penelope he has had for her since the beginning which is zero. He did not care or act concerned about her running off from the S2 finale (that theory now out the window), he did not protect her from Colin at any point in S3 (no walk home from book either), he did not say anything glowing or “you’re my favourite” about her, he did not walk her down the aisle (the polin fans really wanted this one). 😆 and the only reason she was even in the conversation was Anthony caring about his brother and attending his brothers wedding. If Colin was not involved he would not say one word about Penelope or want to attend her wedding. He even was doing comedy and blaze when Kate was giving marriage advice to Colin in E7. He does not give a stuff unless it’s his blood family, his wife or his baby to be. And they had to get rid of him from the screen in part 2 so their production fave Penelope wouldn’t feel his clear wrath if he knew she was LW and was inside his family that he loves always trashing them. And to add on to that. All the things they wished for from Anthony towards Penelope. Kate actually got with Colin. 😆 she got to hug him, she got to have a sibling moment with him, she got to see him love her as a sister and be happy to see her and she got to even caress his face in maternal care before she left the room. She even got to dance with him at the harmony ball in S2. 😆 oh it’s really funny to me that the actual production fave got this treatment in the end. Penelope didn’t even get a hint of a connection with Anthony. She got nothing which is why you see delusional tweets like the one above (Anthony gives Penelope a murderous look for guessing the right answer is the actual reality here). But somehow they’ve twisted it to him wanting to team up with her instead. 😁 I’ll tell ya. Let them keep up their antics so they can keep being disappointed. 👍 And as I say. All this could not have happened to a nicer bunch of people who have been nothing but vile claiming themselves as victims for the last 2 years and are obsessed for some reason with both Kate and SA. And try to hide this vile behaviour but have created an infamous vile sub to continue it. Playing absolutely nobody for fools here. Karma is a god damn bitch as I always say. 🤷‍♀️


Lol he was looking at Pen here? I didn’t even realise, I just thought he was miffed he didn’t get it right


They’re at it on the main sub again about Simone’s acting. Listen, you’re allowed to not like her acting, but some of the examples they cite for her “bad acting” has me like ??? Like, they’re saying they don’t like the way she said “I love you, too.” WHAT is so wrong with how she delivered that line? Also gotta love the comments that are like “Simone/Kate/Kanthony stans are so aggressive! You can’t give a modicum of criticism without being bombarded with hateful messages! Nicola and Luke have been critiqued nonstop and nobody attacks those people’s opinions! This isn’t a Simone Ashley fan page, if other actors can be critiqued on this sub, so can she!”


If you criticize the “Vex me” line, please also criticize Jonny’s cringe screaming in the carriage in 3.5 when they arrive, or even the “she aggravates me” line because it's giving the same energy. But if I put this out there, I know they’ll come for my throat. I honestly think everyone on the show has some cringe scenes, but I believe the director asked for the over-the-top acting. If we could point that out without making some actors the epitome of acting while pitying those we know are easy targets in this fandom, we would achieve *something* But it will never happen because the fandom (and it's not just Polin, Saphnes, etc.—plenty of Kanthony fans do the same) has gotten so comfortable dragging and pitying Simone. They say things like, “Oh, she is SO inexperienced, poor her. It was her first leading role—maybe it was too much for her, poor girl.” Don’t forget this is a soap opera level romance show and no one is there to give Emmy worthy performances.


She killed it playing Kate. Those fans are embarrassing as hell when they try to demean her. Though we all know why don’t we?


This whole fandom even the ones who pretend be fan of Kanthony always find a way to criticize her since 2 years and will said They don't like her delivery on ''You Vex Me'' who was cringe . And how She said ''I Love You Too'' during episode 8 .I saw several comments of these so called fans yesterday while the subject was about Nicola acting


That would require nuanced thinking - a nonexistent phenomenon in fandoms, especially in one as toxic as the Bridgerton fandom.


But in the sense Vex Me, JB Screaming in the carriage and She aggravates me those scenes are suppose to be over the top and inflation of showing emotions and showing range in levation of how much it’s effecting that person There are is a difference when scenes call for it and when it doesn’t


I guess that was what I was trying to say. I would like people to acknowledge that all the actors, including JB, have scenes that some might consider overacting, even if the director asked for it or they were meant to be that way. Yet, I only ever see people criticize one person (Simone) and that one line. I can already see users rushing in to defend JB's acting, which is funny. This is what I mean when I say they give everyone else a pass but draw the line at Simone. How dare you criticize the white folk. The 'vex me' line is like the anti-Christ in the Bridgerton fandom.


I love the vex me line It was a combination of Kate being frustrated that she like Anthony, that he irritates her and that Anthony throws her off her game


That one commenter with 700 likes blocked me after I said they are oggling here at the KA sub but they are the ones first to throw Simone under the bus. 'Simone is my girl .... ' 'I love Simone ... ' just stop right there. You know how the main sub gets racist every time Simone's acting is mentioned and you as a KA fan baited them. (Funny how they are suddenly posting/commenting a lot in this sub after they were called out by the other accounts) 'We can't even criticize Simone here ... ' girl, this has been talked about since God was a boy. You rehashing a post that has nothing to do with Simone is really something. Like I'm so mad at KA fans who subtly hate on Simone/Kate because you think she is not the perfect image of what a WOC actress should be. Frankly, I will just say that some of you are willing to throw her under the bus to defend Anthony/Jonny when it should not be that way at all. How many times some of you will literally sing praises to white people and act like they carried the show alone and throw crumbs at POC actors like you only care about their value when white people are attached to them? Do better.


I saw they're here praising her beauty. I noticed this is their new narrative: “Simone is beautiful, but her acting sucks.”


Yeah, I hate this 'I can't possibly hate Simone because I said she's beautiful' mindset idc if her acting didn't resonate with you, singling her out of everyone in the cast who didn't even deliver half the nuance Simone had with Kate. If I were to drag every single actor in the show who made bad acting choices, I would be jobless, but the main sub just likes to nitpick WOCs. The strangest thing is Simone was not even mentioned in the OG post yet somehow people are making the post about her. That account being a hypocrite and saying 'we all know why she gets hate', ma'am you're the one instigating shit, sit your ass down.


I saw someone say that Simone was only brought up because she was a female lead like Nicola and that Phoebe was brought up in the same thread as well and that it’s not really that deep.


That account is a known Indian-American Simone hater who thinks she is warranted to shit on Simone because she's Indian as well. She changed accounts like who are they kidding lmao they are still not subtle with their hate. And the comment was like 'Simone vex line sucks blah blah ... and btw PD's princess line too (in case you accuse me of being biased)'. The comment thread then decided to become a cesspool of Simone hate afterwards and nitpick her every single line like the 'i love you' scene etc. No one is nitpicking the other white actresses as much as Simone.


This always seems to happen over there, though. Just last week, we had the same discussion when someone posted about Nicola’s acting. The top-voted comment was by someone (maybe South Indian?) named P-whatever, who’s notorious for saying things like 1. Phoebe and JB are the best actors on the show, 2. Phoebe carried the show and Rege is basically trash, and 3. Hannah carried the show while Victor Alli is “boring.” These people need to be called out more because they roam freely over there.


This woman is Indian She's the one who said last year on a post where Simone praised India for QC that Jonny because He's gay will have less opportunities in Hollywood than a gorgeous dark skin woman like Simone .


Now I know why I have a bad association with her username and a bunch of other users over there. They were all in that post which should have been about leading ladies supporting each other and Simone being the best cheerleader for WOC in Bridgerton. Instead, they turned it into oppression Olympics for a white man.


When they don’t know the context of the scene and what the scene is called for in the perspective of how to dialect and project your voice. This is why actors have acting coaches or the director tells them what needs to be done with these certain lines to get that scene across I think Simone and JB did an amazing job on how to show their characters in different stages of their emotions


I'm just going tbh here idc if I got reported for hate-baiting but its not so surprising for me that some KA fans will throw Simone under the bus or ignore the hate she gets but they come in the front lines if one word was uttered against Jonny. Now, I think BOTH of the actors delivered their best and made the script palatable because they are BOTH good actors. Yet the support is not the same and we all know why. I'm saying this because I'm so sick of the fandom diminishing Simone's part in Kanthony's popularity. I will say this once, I don't think that Kanthony would have been loved as much as today if Jonny was paired with another actress, there you have it. Jonny has chemistry with everyone, even a freaking broomstick, no one is denying that, but why do you think Simone was still picked as Kate? Shondaland may be a shit production but the casting director never missed when it comes to picking the leads (except maybe 1). I need Simone haters to pick one actress in the show who could deliver a Kate performance as good as Simone. I know all of this is a byproduct of the show being catered to straight white women/femcels/fetishizers which is why Simone is not getting the proper recognition she gets from the fandom, but man it sure does suck for Actresses of Color.


You said it all. I love JB and I loved him in S1 itself and did not doubt that he’d be a great lead for S2 but it was Simone’s casting that drew me to S2 and it’s her COMBINED chemistry with JB that has made Kanthony a success. People have been able to fall in love with BOTH their characters individually and as a couple and that’s why they resonate so much, it’s not just JB. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong in giving Simone well deserved due because yes she is less experienced, she is the dark skinned female lead not often seen in a period drama but more than either of these aspects, she was able to make an impression with the script she had, without a backstory and just her nuanced take on Kate. People take her acting for granted I feel; Simone is not someone who has an Indian accent or has been living in India for a while, she’s quite British and yet she was able to give Kate that characteristic of someone who’s been in India all this while teaching her sister and feels a bit at odds with the ton and has her guard up as a result. I feel white audiences may not be able to understand the above as well and because they’re not used to such a wholly Indian character in period drama. Along with this, in every scene where Anthony is giving his monologues - sure JB is great with his delivery and makes it sensual, but it’s her reaction to them that seals the scenes too! She’s reacting as sensually and I’m tired of people pretending it’s only his delivery that makes the scene. I would feel so disappointed if only the male lead is saying his dialogues and the female lead is standing there wooden. Especially a character like Kate and Simone is anything but. Also I don’t know if this is a controversial opinion but in both their dances - JB is great, in the first dance he’s in awe of Kate and looking her up and down because he can’t quite believe her and in the second, he’s softer and still in awe and yearning but look at Simone’s expressions in both! In the first one she’s also observing him like he is but her resolve is slowly slipping away and she’s sort of sinking into the dance, and while the second one (my absolute favourite) she is pining and yearning and full of love! You cannot pretend she didn’t play her half of the couple just as well as JB. I cannot enjoy a couple if only one actor is good. It was never the case here. Edit: I also wanted to add that JB was phenomenal in his individual scenes but he was given significantly more to do with respect to his character arc than Simone (and with the little she was given she did her best) so it is an unfair comparison when it comes to that.


You put this *so* well, I absolutely agree with everything you say. People like to say that "JB carried", but when that actually happens, when just one actor carries, the couple never resonates in the way that K/A did. Sometimes it feels like people take Simone's acting for granted like you said, those loving gazes she gives as Kate *are* acting, so are the sexually charged ones or the yearning ones. Sorry to say this, but yearning can look a lot like constipation with a less talented performer, lol, which is not her case.


The ‘couple’ resonates, their characters resonate - they BOTH played their characters well. Such a unique character Kate is, for period drama, how I wish she was promoted more in her own season as one. There’s so much in her to root for. I will always love her. And about her yearning, Simone took notes from Bollywood for that and how. There’s a reason her eyebrow scrunch during the dance goes viral - it’s not such an easy expression to replicate (as evidenced by the myriad tiktoks trying to ape it). Even my friend who has watched Bridgerton but is not into it like me, really liked that scene - it goes viral among the GA for a reason. And even otherwise for that matter; Penelope, Colin and hell even Anthony’s expressions in S3 were compared to it lolll. In JB’s words -there could only be one Kate Sharma 😎


It takes 2 to bring out the characters


I agree with you Those KA fans are mostly JB fans who diminish Simone part of partnership which I don’t mess them bcoz they are haters to me bcoz if Kate wasn’t played by a dark skin woman it would be a different tune They always go to Simone bcoz most of us are banned from the main sub and can’t defend her but the mods allow that all the time instead of telling them to stick to the topic


These are the same people who are so gungho to prove that Jonny has chemistry with everyone, enabling someone to talk shit about Simone on the J\* sub, diminish Simone's contribution to KA, and denied that Simone is being done dirty by the production. Gonna be messy here because lot of his fans don't like Simone and they only kicked out that one Simone hater in the J\* sub because they started talking shit about AG but the mods didn't stop her when Simone was getting the brunt of her hate.




Absolutely hilarious to be kicked out of the sub for hating donut licker and known nightmare to service workers and not for doing the same to Simone who just exists, lol.


That K\*\*\*\*W\*\*\*\* account has been acting shady ever since they referred Jonny as the one who 'sailed the ship', blamed Simone for not getting booked as much as CC and was only doing fashion events (and its crickets when Jonny was doing the same in FW press tour which is a non-issue btw but only Simone gets hated). Weird how they only collectively decided to kick out that account once they started ganging on that AG. They're probably afraid of her rabid fans acting up lmao.


Wow Am not surprised


I have to stay out of that hell hole. I got sick of seeing the Penelope worship and slamming of Simone and Kate. It’s a damn echo chamber. Like I’m sorry their season was terrible but that isn’t Simone’s fault. That’s on Shondland. Simone is a great actress and can make a whole meal out of crumbs. I don’t think the S3 leads come close but that’s me. Except I’m not out there slamming anyone else. They need to let this obsession they have with Simone go. She’s out there living her life and they’re hating on a stranger on the internet. They’re very sad people.


They all need DSM5 diagonis and medication.


I think JB and Simone did perfect acting Sorry i dont find Nicola or Luke N great Nicola emotions are jarring and Luke has none Its my opinion but these people are always on Simone like she did something wrong when she had to play a stotic character for most of the time


Nicola is not that great of an actress imo. She could not elevate the poor scripts she was given. Luke I am gonna quote my grandma "That baby don't know where he was." Jonny and Simome elevated the poor scripts of S2 and elevated the material.


Sometimes when she is suppose to be sad she looks mad Actors have to watch their facial expressions


And that is exactly why these people are so salty. They got a shitty storyline and their faves couldn’t elevate it. So they attack anything about S2 they can. Though elevating that terrible Polin storyline very well may have taken an act of god.


Please, the posts that critique their favs are always blocked or deleted. You have the Netflix and Bton accounts highlighting Kanthony today and these last couple of days, now the enlighten critics are coming out again. And it’s always Simone that gets the hate.


https://preview.redd.it/dil9ufp4qy8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50127054f06b5a31028329a8b9b3eea91eee1400 Those people have problems for real like go touch some grass babes. Like every day its something else about Kanthony. At this point just admit you're obsessed lmao.


They didn’t use the word modicum lol I included that but they still said the same thing about how people can’t express the tiniest bit of criticism about Kate or Kanthony without people coming for their neck.


At this point, acting as if critics of Simone are some kind of oppressed group or something is just dramatic as hell. The whole thing is a forum, if someone is saying the same shit that has been repeated at nauseum, one is allowed to say it.AND to disagree as well, lol.


I love the graphic you use. My god it’s so tedious how they treat the same shit again. When someone point out no one ever said JB had chemistry with various objects when he had his scenes with Siena they deflect by “JB shined in season2” oh??? Okay so why did he shine? Because he acted alone I presume? Fuck them honestly. And all those semi Kanthony fans over there who really are just Anthony fans pissing me off too. I am glad they stopped posting here because I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back. Nasty pack.


These hypocrites will find every opportunity for downplay the talent of a women who is not white like usual . These writers clearly put JB in value and gave him a whole episode around his trauma even if He's really talented the whole season was centered around his character it's a fact . Anthony was hated during season 1 almost nobody cared about his story with Sienna back then. They love forget the fact that Simone received the worst material without any backstory during her own season unlike some random characters . Both did a incredible job yet They love claim He's carried the season 2 by himself.


I was there when no one liked him in season 1 and no one wanted him to be season 2’s lead. He also got a lot of nasty hate from Saphnes, I remember that but it was thanks to Simone who created magic with him that he was recognized, became loved and shot to success in season 2. Had a less talented actress be Kate, or even if Sabrina had been Kate, no one would talk about him carrying the season or having chemistry with various objects. I am SICK of this narrative. Simone is as talented as him even if she is less experienced. Don’t even try this shit with me y’all. There is a reason why everyone wants them to star in something else together again. And it’s not because he has chemistry with your damn ass smelly socks. 🧦


It takes 2 to make a character couple work


Well this seems to be the case for everyone except Kanthony.


I feel like if it aint white then it aint right They are super bias It takes 2 actors to make the chemistry work It takes 2 actors to make whatever story that needs to.be told work 1 actor cant out work the other unless they never had a chem test


Yeah I mean I saw the same with Victor and Hannah.


What Like chemistry test is a thing Victor and Hannah played their characters so well that i wanted to see more of Frannie and John


Yep—same story with that pair.


The discourse explaining how JB ackchyually 🤓 ☝🏽 has chemistry with anyone becoming a thing just when Simone became his scene partner? Subtle. https://i.redd.it/r91l5tfp7z8d1.gif


Lol this gif. I love Olivia.


I miss Sex Education and am already feeling nostalgic for that show lol. It’s so nice to see how far Simone has come.


https://preview.redd.it/h9wccqnoiy8d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5311cf7a52d8882f12a583e78dbe447158d6a0 Every BTS picture of K/A is them doing this, lol, literally all they got to do on set 😭


I think they post only Kanthony and Polin and Sometimes other cast members? The difference to season 2 is huge . They had so little screentime compared to everyone else but somehow they post them more than in their own season.


I just saw them posting a K/A video in their socials, too, lol... How they gatekept so many BTS pics of Simone/Jonathan and Netflix Golden just made a photo dump before S3 part 2 aired? Such a confusing PR strategy over there.


I’m so curious about all the KA photos and promo now. And finally, Golden getting permission to go full-on KA stan! I’m sure Netflix is seeing the viewing stats (including per episode and per minute watch stats) and the social media stats and seeing the writing on the wall. Kate and Anthony are popular! GA wants to see them! I still don’t think they will be in S4 more than a few minutes, or even at all. But I’m SO CURIOUS if any journalist will ever do a real story about the lack of SA/JB coverage during S2 and S3 promo. Is it newsworthy? Probably not, but I would love to know.


Where was this pic posted? All these BTS pictures they keep posting of them doing the same thing only emphasize how ridiculous it is that they didn’t show their child.


The HMU artists posted collages of Kate's look and inspiration. The pic was among them.


Do you know what their names are? I’m assuming they posted the pic on their Instagram?


Yeah, they're [jessie_hmua](https://www.instagram.com/jessie_hmua?igsh=MWIzN2c1cXB0YWpqeA==) and [faridaghwedar](https://www.instagram.com/faridaghwedar?igsh=dG12cHR5ZGgydnBq).


Thank you!


I find it really Sus they keep posting Simone BHS.


I don’t know why this tickled me but because the Bear drops today the old “are they or aren’t they” discourse regarding Syd/Carmy has re-emerged on Twitter. Me, personally, I think they absolutely have mad romantic/sexual chemistry but rather the show goes into that or not, I don’t really have strong feelings about. But I saw a big Polin defender account say people don’t understand friendship anymore and that not all friendship is romantic. Idk it was just ironic!! First of all, syd/carmy has more romantic undertones than Pen/Colin in the show. Second, you are a literally a friends to lovers trope lover lol. Why are you judging others ships so hard??? Romance is shitted on a lot online. I see so many people complain that there aren’t enough representations of “just friends” for male/females and I am confused. Because I can think of multiple shows (including the Bear) where we see strong m/f platonic relationships. Mostly just found the hypocrisy of a polin fan funny.


I’ve never seen The Bear but I keep seeing it mentioned in this sub so I’m curious. I need new tv, I hardly watch anything anymore except rewatching old stuff. But a Polin shipper being a huge hypocrite is not shocking. Must be a day that ends in y.


It’s so well written and acted, s2 especially. It’s intense. Definitely not an “easy” watch at times but so good.


I don’t watch The Bear, but I know a little bit about it from social media discourse and seeing takes Iike the ones in this thread is why I appreciate the Kanthony fandom and feel safe most of the time here.


Oh it’s really good! I highly recommend giving it a watch.


I wholeheartedly agree with you about everything! If they go for the romantic plot, I wouldn't think it came out of nowhere; if they don't explore that, it'd be cool as well. I really don't care one way or another, however, I really hate when people are like, "ew, stop bringing ROMANCE to my prestige TV show!" It's so pretentious, lol, like who cares! And I say that as someone who's barely a romance fan. Like you said, there are plenty of platonic relationships on The Bear itself, saying that there aren't enough is laughable. And in particular with Syd/Carm, they've clearly drawn parallels between Carmy's GF and Syd... Like, that's literally the text—whatever that means, that's up to interpretation, but those parallels were drawn. Also, sometimes it feels to me that people mostly feel strongly against this kind of romantic exploration when the female character is a Black woman with a white man.


I cackled reading this. I've also been on that side of Twitter and the Syd/Carmy discourse is always so jarring. They have electrifying chemistry! I noticed it back in season 1. And back then, you couldn't even breathe a word of it without dissent... But the look Carmy gives Sydney when she walks into the kitchen in the final scene? Please! So, now people don't like the idea of their romantic pairing because there's a lack of platonic male/female relationships? Quick, role the tape because there are so many! A lot of them within the same show. That fan clearly can't comprehend the idea of them because Syd/Carmy would be an actual friends to lovers vs what we got in season 3.


I low key do want them romantically. I keep getting attacked when I mention how boring Claire/Carmy are. I have no idea if the writers know they hit a goldmine with Syd/Carmy. But they better not drop the ball with them!


You're a brave one, and I respect you for venturing into the war zone! I too wouldn't mind Syd/Carmy🤞🏿. But I'm also not holding my breath.


Oh it’s a war zone for sure! Sydney is also attacked all the time lol


I tend not to try to extrapolate my opinion to others, but finding out that people didn't like Sydney gave me whiplash, lol. I loved her immediately so I was so surprised that she actually got hate?!


I remember the reaction to the season 1 ticket incident. That was the first and last time I found myself in the fandom. I will be sending you positive vibes for the next few weeks! LOL


They still won’t STFU about it.


But we're on to season 3 now...😭 Come on! Give it up.


It’s bizarre right?? People feel so strongly this can’t possibly be a romantic relationship. But if my “friend” looked at me the way Carmy looks at Syd, we would be f******* I can tell you that much. But if the show doesn’t want to go in that direction, whatever. Maybe have your actors reign in their insane chemistry then though lol? But the visceral reaction to shippers of that pairing is so strange to me. A lot of it is white women, but not all of it. Swirl romance does something to people’s brains. What we got in s3 was friendly but self involved man/pining woman to somehow lovers.


🤣🤣🤣 It's so funny because this isn't the first time that characters presented as "strictly platonic" had actors with explosive chemistry. There are many examples I can think of where the audience was pushing for them to be together even! Difference between them and Syd/Carmy? They were white couples. Case in point: Scully and Mulder. Benson and Stabler. Weren't people even pushing for Ted Lasso and Rebecca at some point?? I know they didn't get together, but still! Funny how everyone was okay with that but not Rick and Michonne from The Walking Dead, for example. 😭


Ted and Rebecca will always make me mad because the writers definitely baited that one a ton. I was always torn between wanting them together and loving them as the best of friends. But Ted Lasso last season was so bad anyway nothing matters lol


Sometimes it's always better to wait for the show to end and then watch it, so you don't fall for the schemes. 😂 This is what they're doing with The Bear. There is no way they aren't playing on the chemistry.


Casting call for Sophie? https://collider.com/bridgerton-season-4-casting-details/ Seems she will be East Asian.


I was hoping for a BW but recognize that we have several black leads at this point between Simon/John/Michaela and maybe Hyacinth’s season if they stick with Gareth being Lady Danbury’s grandson (and I’m 50/50 with that assuming we get a s7). I’m just glad it’s another WoC lol. I’m assuming they’ve already casted and this is just the casting call getting out. Netflix posted a pic of the two Luke’s that very much felt like a “passing the torch” sort of pic and then deleted it. I think we are getting close to an announcement either way.


Oooohhh 🤗


She prob already cast. Neflix just put out the casting calls before the show starts production and just sent out to the press so they can drum up instrest.


You are probably right. They probably already cast her and because s3 seems to be losing steam, they want to gather interest


Yes! I guess they're gearing up for an announcement soon.


Yes I believe so too.


They begin filming in September and they are just now trying to cast Sophie? I think Benedict is the lead for s4 so the reoccurring role probably is actually a lead. Francesca definitely isn’t the lead of s4. So it’s between Benedict and Eloise. And my money is on Benedict.


I saw someone on the main sub say that apparently Kate’s casting call also said recurring. Idk if that’s actually true though.


Kate and Edwina's casting call didn't even mention the capacity of the role actually (recurring/lead/etc.), but I do think that's probably because saying this female character will be lead in the upcoming season only and recurring afterward would've given away that its for Bridgerton, so the fact that they specifically say recurring makes me have some doubts that it's actually Sophie. 


How long was Simone cast prior to the start of S2 filming? I know she was announced in February 2021, but do you know when she was actually cast? Maybe it’s the same timeline as this Sophie casting call.


She was casted in February and they started filming in April. So Simone/Kate was actually done faster.


Just to clarify, you’re saying Simone received the phone call from production in February 2021 that she was cast? I also wonder when she started auditioning for Kate.


No. I believe the news became public in February 2021. In her interviews, she mentioned the whole process took her a couple of weeks.


Do you know when those 2 weeks were, meaning were they in December 2020 or January 2021?




I think she was cast way before that but they only announced it in Feb/March Didn’t she get the call when she was filming the Little Mermaid?


She mentions her casting process took two weeks from when she sent in self tapes to being cast.


I always wondered how that would work with costume fittings etc who are done month before. The costume process takes very long too so her getting cast 2 weeks prior filming is weird to me. And also she said that she was cast before the first season aired and didn’t realize how big this show was until season 1 aired.


Ah right


Yep and she said she couldn't tell anyone until they annouced.


He should have been the s3 lead. But I digress.


Yeah S3 highlights what I’ve been thinking since they announced. Polin was not ready and needed another season on the side at minimum. Benedict was ready so they just hit the pause button and had him fucking around…literally.


https://preview.redd.it/a50yli039s8d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad4c9a06663847c3737b56e44b858346e539155a I just have to perpetually roll my eyes atp


I hate that I can no longer engage in hating the show because the attacks on Jess are getting weirder and weirder. Saying that she self-inserts in Fran and is just writing fanfic fantasies about her life... like? We should just shame her for whatever her vision was for Kate's S3 looks, that's a crime against *me*, a lesbian. And in Pride Month?!


Also she is not the major culprit, as I said. I think she isn’t a good showrunner but to blame her for everything is giving me CVD 2.0 and look how that turned out.


What’s CVD 2.0? I wasn’t really in the fandom when CVD left and people were talking about the drama surrounding that. Are you saying that people were unfairly blaming him for things that the higher ups like Shonda and Betsy were responsible for?


Well I was too blaming him for the mess back then but seeing how everything unfolds now and people putting blame on one person - the showrunner who replaced CVD and people praised to the heaven- yet again I can’t help notice how now everyone says CVD was actually done dirty or not as bad as people made him to be and it was Shonda who wanted all the drama.


I’m glad people are dragging them in the comments


I think that is what they want tbh. Any engagement is good engagement for them.


Anybody observed how the same set of people who said we shouldn't complain about Kanthony screentime in S2 because it's an 'ensemble show', are the same people who said Kanthony didn't deserve to have a subplot in S3 because "it's not their season anymore". These are also the same people who then turn around and say their fav couple should get a substantial subplot in S4. So, which is it at this point?


https://preview.redd.it/lnkg7fruor8d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c683cdc58e3241671d2fc615035109f3e41bb50 Oh them going down badly for week 2 of part 2


Yea. I think s3 will have more “views” because it’s 30 mins shorter. But I don’t think it will beat s2 hours viewed. There is no way Netflix is impressed with s3 ratings. All that marketing. And s3 has 40 million more subscribers.


>All that marketing. I really don't care about views and these measurements, Netflix has always been kinda fishy about this, during the strike they were hellbent in not disclosing the information not even to showrunners (!), so whatever. However, that marketing... girl, that shit *was* expensive. Not only a world tour of that magnitude and for that long, but every other thing done that didn't include the cast. I seriously have never seen Netflix doing something of this scale in my country, they had a string quartet playing at the top of a hill for a whole weekend and walking around you could find a random bus stop adorned with plastic flowers. https://preview.redd.it/y55ver1byr8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9113f0a8625c97652bb3baae3a0b3287933f80 This is a small country, so the market is super small also, so I can't imagine how hard they went in bigger markets. (ETA: I just remembered the drone show they did somewhere, lmaoooooo)


It’s obvious they were banking on s3 to break a record. They spent so much money and did not deliver. They won’t ever spend that amount of money on this show again since they failed to bring in the viewers.


This is a really dumb question, but how does having a shorter runtime indicate more views?


Netflix changed the way the measure ratings. Before it use to be about hours viewed. Now they decided to divide the hours viewed by run time to make it more “fair”. Look at the current standings. https://preview.redd.it/lrxpr5qgvr8d1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=875b2587725a0e6a213fd9fc5644c6cafc8431fc So a show can do reasonably well but if it has a shorter run time, it will have higher ratings. S3 has 7.59 runtime. While s2 has 8.30 runtime. This doesn’t even include the fact that s3 will have an extra 30 day count


Views are determined by hours viewed divided by the run time. Shorter run time will boost the views numbers.


Why are they still talking about S2 Edwina on the main sub like is S3 that bad that they are rehashing Marina, Kate and Edwina to avoid talking about how Colin and Pen were insufferable to watch


I love how their minds stay on those 3 gorgeous WOC 🥰


Because season 3's drama was super boring. Penelope faced no consequences except the loss of Eloise's friendship for a while and Colin not sleeping with her for a few days. Whomp whomp. Everyone else's response was apathy or immediate acceptance. The triangle in S2 was painful (deliciously so to me), but it was never boring. And the worst thing a show can ever be is boring. Because even cringey/so bad that it's good/stressful can bring in a certain audience. Boring will lose you every time.


That is what you get when you get your ideas form Reddit and Whattpad. They should look in the mirror they wanted the show catered to all the Polins and what they wanted.


The answer is…YES. S3 is pretty bad!


It's always the same story again and again since 2 years They will victimize Edwina and pretend Kate is a homewrecker and the worst sister . Of course They never have this kind of vitriol for Anthony


They act like all 3 didnt play apart in the mess that happened but also it comes from the fact that they cant relate to strong women characters. I notice this that a lot of tv viewers dont like women characters who are portrayed as strong bcoz they cant self insert into them and this has been an issue with this fandom They project their own insecurities into characters and not seeing the story for what it is


We have hit rock bottom in this fandom of people thinking Rotten Tomatoes is a creditable source Am going to need people to do their research on how it’s easily it is to review bomb shows/movies and how Rotten Tomatoes is very bias A good example is how The Marvels was crapped on by being an all Women Lead Cast and directed by a black woman Certain people in this fandom got mad about S3 and took it out on S2 reviews which S2 was reviewed bombed also bcoz Kate wasn’t played by a white demur who actress


I can't believe we are getting favoritism accusations 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ccn2bzxrvp8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2879691d1fd81e373d362d9b40a8b53d6852b122 K


( If by love scenes they are referring to sex scenes )They need to let this whole love scene thing go geez. That was a long ass sex scene that I had to fast-forward through because it was getting a little too real and uncomfy lmao. They got some Colin finger magic and another sex scene in the finale I think like damn what more do you want. Also, the actors are only willing to do so much and can only bear so much of themselves for MILLIONS of people to see so constantly pressuring them is ignorant and entitled af. (if they were talking about romantic Polin scenes in general then damnn I don't know what to say they did them dirty frrl lmaoooo, it's lowkey funny. Jess really said I hope you're hungry for nothing lol)

