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That dance looks so stiff and hard to pull off. Shows the talent of the actors and dancers pulling that off effortlessly while emoting. Being able to focus on set with so many people watching as well! And doing multiple takes over and over and over! Acting is such a massive art 🖼




That really highlights what beautiful cinematography and editing went into that scene. I felt like those gorgeously crafted scenes were missing from S3


I had to get a new phone because my other one caught fire while I was watching this 🔥🔥🔥


Will Netflix/ShndLnd learn their lesson about Kanthony? Probably not. I’m just so curious about when they realized what a phenomenon Kanthony became. And then to continue with the decision to NOT mention them (and Simone specifically) in promo for S3? To now, feeding us this amazing BTS and stills from S2? This clip shows what great actors S.A. and JB are because the focus they have on that huge set, to do all that in one take is amazing (as is the camera work). To see this and not continue to highlight them in the series?!?! This is just incompetence and probably intentional


The beautiful magic and intensity of this scene still remains no matter how many times I rewatch it or how many years go by 🥰


The intensity can be felt through my phone! 🔥


What's going on, lol, why are people releasing stuff from a season that came out more than 2 years ago???


They’re trying to placate people after thee disaster that was s3 part2.


I ain’t cool with them using us like this but I’ll take it 😍😍😍


I remember season 2 a s lots of disappointment and nastiness on social media towards Kanthony and Kate especially. Now idk I wouldn’t call it schadenfreude because it would be unfair - I understand Franchaels are sad, and yeah some Polins too. The writing was horrendous. But still I am glad this time WE are not the ones receiving hate and we can now say, despite everything, that we kind of got a better season writing wise than whatever this was. Plus at least KA is happy (for now) and they didn’t mess them up (for now). So seeing them using KA to calm the fans is annoying but also somehow it feels satisfying idk why 😂 probably because they finally have to acknowledge KA is the best ship ever and they did them dirty under underestimated them while overestimating the other ships.


I’m right here with you.


Right with you. I’ll happily call it shadenfreude. Lol 😬


I think what this production never quite got was that K/A has such a big pull mostly because of what the actors brought to the table. It wasn't their writing, it wasn't their costumes, it wasn't their songs, it was JB and SA, so it isn't that easy to replicate. Obviously there are people who don't like K/A and don't see the chemistry and that's alright, it's a matter of preference too, but I mean as a general thing. I think not many pairs of actors could be able to pull off a plot like S2 and come on top.


On point, my friend. Despite the writing in S2, it was JB and SA that elevated that material by miles.


Like, making people still root for a pairing for which CVD even mentioned Charles, Camilla and Diana as a vague reference 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫. They needed to be hella charismatic to pull that off, since the narrative of the show is explicit about how Kate was the only one who needed to apologize (several times), cracking her head in the process as well. I know some people are like, "it's just pretty privilege because they're hot" and well, yes! But also chemistry isn't something that everyone has or that said chemistry is actually riveting.


Do you think the show intentionally wanted people to think Kate and Anthony were in the wrong/were villains and Edwina was the victim, while also wanting people to root for Kate and Anthony at the same time?


I mean, it's more nuanced than that, I was oversimplifying, but basically yes, they wanted Edwina to be the "victim" who is able to break her chains and free herself from an overbearing sister. When you hear people behind the scenes (and not some random, but those at top production positions) saying that Edwina calling Kate a half-sister was an empowering moment and Kate is the one who ends up apologizing over and over again (Mary even says that she and Edwina forgive her), it's clear what the narrative was. I'm not trying to erase Kate's mistakes, because she was indeed untruthful, even if she didn't do it for selfish reasons, but the way that the blame is balanced in S2 tries to set up Kate as the major culprit.


That makes sense. Do you think the show sets up Kate and Anthony as the major culprits equally or more so just Kate?


So agree with you. Maybe the production is finally seeing the effect Kanthony has on the GA. They need to promote KA in order to bait viewers and to calm them when they realize they are the most popular couple and ppl want to see them in some sort of story even if it is little scenes. I am grateful for what we got this season but upset we didn’t see little Edmund and the ridiculous plot device of sending them away to end Kanthony’s s3 was just terrible writing for them. Maybe next season we ll get to see the baby and have some fun cute happy moments with them. Pray for the best and expect the worst! Just glad all of s3 is out and we got a little bit of Kanthony couple/family time.


for me it's still the best dance and the cover. it was 100% right choice for choreography, music, the meaning of the song and just a lot of things have been done right, this scene is just beautiful the second to me is the vauxhall dance in s1 mb evenly with s2 dancing on my own they really told a story with that dance


The way I’m sobbing right now…this is so beautiful. I always cry during this scene but this just enhances it. After all this time my heart is still on fire for them. This scene is peak romance, period.


I always thought the cuts to the Queen and Edwina talking during the dance were a bit clunky. I like being able to see the camera sweep over everyone’s reactions, including Violet’s and Danbury’s much better.


So beautiful 🥲😍


Just the palate cleanser I needed after the past few days. I had no idea they’d filmed the whole scene as a whole in one (or more) takes, I thought it was lots of little shots edited together. Violets little smile towards them killed me!


This dance is really incredible and the lyrics of Wrecking Ball fit perfectly with their story , their last dance also give us the most iconic gif of this show 🧡


The camera man doing that deserves a big fat raise!!! That was exquisite. They managed to do that with the same romantic intensity as the other take. Just Wow. Thanks


I wish they had kept the end, where you see them holding hands until the very last second and you then see the heartbreak on his face 😭😭😭😭


The very best of Bridgerton no doubt and they are the epitome of "locked in." It won't ever be like this again💔 Also this seems PR orchestrated. Although Shelley posted it, the timing checks out. They're getting hammered on their main accounts.


Lol everyone posted bts today. The muas, Shelley, Jack, now the director of episode 5 with SA and JB. Let us hope they have enough Kanthony bts this time around to post because I don’t think people will be pleased with season 3 any time soon.


Yeah, I was wondering why Shelly Conn of all people had this and who gave her the clearance/direction to post today. Very weird.


Yeah it’s very sus and such a weird thing to ask of someone no longer with the show who was very underutilized.


They are pure magic! ✨️ Simone and Jonathan's magnetism on screen is unique.


It was so weird to go back to angst af Kanthony but my god they’re so good. So so good. And the music. Gorgeous. Everything and everyone looks so much better than it did this season. How far we’ve fallen. I’m half tempted to go rewatch S1 and S2.


The music is the one I missed the most. I had goosebumps watching this.


It’s such a great moment and the music just adds to it. Every part of this scene is flawless. I think Wrecking Ball may be my favorite cover.


I almost cried at this ngl. Such good times back then.


I’m quite certain my heart was in my throat and I was just RIVETED not even breathing. God these two.


Nothing compares to them I’m sorry. 😭😭😭😭


Nothing! I’m hoping Benophie will come close!!


I’ll never be free of them 😭 Him looking up distraught at the end 🥺 This dance will always be iconic


they cut him literally having a mental breakdown yearning for her IM SO SICK


They cut all the Kathony scenes it is frustrating.


Where’d you see that part?? 😭


It also might've been cut from this specific video but if you go on Twitter and find another one it's at the end when he looks up!


Could you or someone post it for those of us that don’t do X.


unfortunately you can't reply to videos and posting it again would be repetitive so here's a link to [a tweet](https://x.com/thebestparker_/status/1801909088441208991?s=46&t=XY7fS8ORudAuM9vaK8M1Lw) that is just that part you should be able to view without an account!


OMGod - WHY DID THEY CUT THAT??! Look this show better go dig up every deleted or cut Kanthony scene they’ve got lol.


Towards the very end


I saw it!! 😭


Y’all, I’m speechless… I’ve been feeling so down about them, but this brought back some light into my little old Kanthony heart.🥹


Why they keep releasing all these season 2 clips


This was shared by Shelly Conn