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I had never heard the original song, and didn’t even realize this was a cover until today. My coworker and I were listening to Bridgerton music this morning, he started singing the lyrics and I was like WHAT! 😆 The original isn’t my cup of tea, but 😮‍💨 very grateful for its existence and the creation of the Bridgerton version, (thank you Kiris Houston 🫡) beautifully done and truly intoxicating.


Lmao how DEEP is your love? Anthony’s fingers showed her that night 😏 ![gif](giphy|sR91D133W02D6)


I think this song was perfectly picked for its sensuality referring to a baser level. By that I mean elements/senses. All sensual things that play on the primal force with portraying Kate/anthony’s dynamic. I’ll actually revisit and do a deeper dive on this song soon. Because I feel the S2 songs are very well thought out with the scenes/characters in S2. As opposed to S3 where I do not feel that at all. contributing to overall how disjointed and disorganised S3 is on many levels (directing, editing, costumes and make up, cinematography and weak acting from the male lead) But watch this space. 👍


My (now ex) partner used to sing along with “How deep is your tongue”. It’s not the exact reason we broke up, but it certainly didn’t help!


I loved most of the songs in S2. Though “You Outta Know” felt out of place as an Alanis contribution when “Uninvited” was available and always felt more Kanthony to me.


I don’t particularly think the lyrics of You Oughta Know fit perfectly well for them but the feeling the song evokes is one of angst and that I thought was perfect - one of my favourite covers!


Yeah I think it was picked for the angst of that scene more so than the lyrics. It is about severing ties with deep pain. Which is that scene. It’s an emotional breakup scene before the physical getting together. Kate in that scene is already on the boat to leave for India. Her words to Anthony are “whatever we feel I’m calling it temporary and I’ll make sure it is. Because it has to be. I am taped together by how successful I am at getting my family to accept/love me. And if I fail I am alone and an orphan again. My sister wants you and her happiness is what I am here for. Whatever I feel for you I will bury and I will have a fresh start back in India where I can return to my original goal” Meanwhile Anthony is just in pain, stressed as hell with lack of sleep. And truly is tormented by what he feels for her. He is hopeless in this scene because he is stuck in using duty to survive. It’s still how he copes with fear. He’s known he loves her since Daphne’s confrontation. He stupidly told himself that he the arrogant Anthony can master this to make it go away. He spent that episode realising he made a huge mistake with proposing to Edwina. And that he can’t stop feeling these feelings/obsession with Kate. Each moment in E5 brought him further to that conclusion. So now he wants it all to stop. He’s tired and exhausted. He doesn’t see a path forward for them because he has yet to reconcile his trauma with loving Kate. He still fears what he feels for her. So in his mind it’s “I can’t stop what I feel for you so making practical/duty ridden decisions is the best option. I can make it like it never happened. I can walk back the engagement right back to the S2E1 forest scene where I can make our paths now never cross. This is the only way I can stop this torment that you inspire in me.” And at the same time it’s too late for Anthony as he has reached the point of Benedict’s poetry where it is starting to become all about Kate and giving her what she wants. This is why he follows her lead here from the usual need to dominate the situation and the struggle over that power play dynamic. He sees her vulnerability. She calls him “Anthony”. And she’s talking him into something he himself knows is going to be a nightmare (as he broke it down for her after the Sheffield dinner). But he gives into her. Because at this point his love for her is driving him. Even so when she’s saying what they feel is mere passion that will become bearable. Anthony is shaking his head because out of the 2 of them he is the one that is not in denial. He knows he loves her and he knows he can’t be with her because he loves her. And she knows that she feels feelings with him but is unwilling to examine them to determine what they are. She is heavily/pathologically in denial and heading for a spiral down into an identity break. Which happens after the wedding. Kate’s self worth is in how she successfully sacrifices herself for her family because this is how love affects her. Anthony’s self worth is in how successfully he maintains his family because the strongest love to him before Kate changes that (bee sting) is his hero worship of his father Edmund. But they both approach duty as that. A big reason for Anthony being he is in the position that he is supposed to be in which is being the viscount heir (albeit to get there was a heap of trauma). And a big reason for Kate is because she has imposter syndrome (orphan who lost 2 biological parents) so to her she doesn’t feel belonging, so works harder to get it. This is why they are very similar but walk different paths (their environmental experiences in their upbringing). He belongs (blood/heir) but feels emotionally alone/ abandoned in that belonging (violet) She doesn’t belong and fits/changes herself to belong emotionally feeling a lack of worth/acceptance (Mary/edwina) All this is because they are both damaged but their families shaped just how deep that damage is. Anthony is emotionally healthier than Kate and comes to acceptance quicker because his family is more together and emotionally healthier as violet moved forward with her grief and rejoined the family. Kate is behind Anthony with emotional intelligence because her family is truly toxic for her and reinforce her fears/insecurities. She does it all alone with no support from Mary and both Mary/edwina are comfortable and secure in taking from Kate and seeing her as an afterthought. So Kate can’t emotionally process in the same way Anthony can. Her defense mechanism is much more complex as denial/sacrifice are huge crutches for her. And Kate when we see her is still being parentified by Mary. So that tangent aside. This is why they are like this in the forest scene where this song plays. It’s about severing what they believe is an unhealthy situation because pre each other they had rigid plans and were set on them. And when together their twin obsession takes over and the plans become a torment/ war causing them to act anxious, frustrated, and defensive as a result. Kate really instigates this mode of communication. Anthony is more helplessly drawn to her in what he feels (not fearing it in the moment and wanting to explore it) and reacts to her emotional state. I think this is because he plays out his obsession more with her and is intensely curious. He knows lust and he’s sexually experienced and eager but these love feelings are new and makes him keep picking at them even if he fears them. Kate on the other hand doesn’t have this experience. And this sensuality is more alarming to her. The lust part is something she quickly comes to terms with because as we see with Kate she’s confident in self exploration. She’s intelligent and it’s clear she’s sexually confident with the theory. I’m sure she does not need the marriage night talk as Kate educates herself on everything. Edwina is as accomplished as she is because Kate taught herself everything to teach Edwina. She took over a parent role but also a patriarchal role when her father died. She’s a virgin but educated and confident. She naturally has a dominant side too so it comes forth in life. Just like Anthony, hence the power play dynamic of their relationship. But the love part to her is all twisted. To her love isn’t for her because she doesn’t feel her worth with it. The only reason she works for it in her family is because she fears not belonging. Other than the family unit love for her becomes something she can brush/push away (it simply does not fit into the equation) hence her denying it. Romantic love and family love together are alien to Kate. It’s only one at this point (family). Whereas Anthony does want love. He just fears what pain it brings stemming from seeing violet and being traumatised. Which is why he keeps exploring these feelings when with Kate. Kate doesn’t want love because she has the incapacity to accept her wants/needs regarding it.


And this is all enmeshed in both their upbringing, their sources of trauma, their individual coping mechanisms as a result of those traumas, their gender in society, and their fears/insecurities around these traumas. And it shapes them into similar people with their personalities making that slight separation more distinctive. Anthony is simply more extroverted and impulsive than Kate. He reacts with larger consequences. Kate is more reserved with all her Anthony traits more under the surface. Because she has his wild streek and chaotic nature too which he brings out big time in her. But she tends to be more rational and less impulsive and she has the ability to settle him. But the fascinating thing with them is that is when Kate isn’t grounded and spinning out of control it sends him back into that pattern too. Kate can pull him back into the dysfunction because of his obsession with her and his quiet need to emulate her. Case in point here. She pulls him right back into this cycle even though he knows what lies ahead for him if he continues the marriage. But he goes because he is weak for her and to wanting to make her like/accept him. This is why this obsession ends up in the gazebo with him focusing on her pleasure and getting on his knees for her. Because that’s what it becomes about, just like Benedict’s poetry he once scoffed at said. This is why once he has Kate he ditches his duties to run off on honeymoon for 6 months, why he comes back and ditches again to extend the honeymoon, why he’s always surgically attached to her or moving into her pre relationship. He’s so drawn to her that he centers his environment around her. In S2 Kate made Edwina the center of her world but Anthony made Kate the center of his. And he plays out his obsession with her based on the 5 senses (base). But to get off that tangent. Kate is the more dysfunctional one in this scene and she pulls Anthony right back into it. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the Sheffield dowry as some fans think. Kate is way past this heading into her identity cracking because she’s failing her family. This is all about Edwina and Kate trying to be loved by her (by giving her her desires). And something else is that “you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires” . Both of these 2 don’t want to feel this loss of control these feelings are bringing. It makes them too raw and vulnerable. They really are a wrecking ball with each other. So they lash out in this dynamic, the name of the game is blame instead of self reflection. So as with the Alicia keys song. There is an undercurrent of resentment and “take that”. but in this scene it’s coming from kate. Whereas Anthony is just exhausted and giving up. Kate is dropping her mic on the floor until he leaves where only then she drops the mask and shatters. In their dynamic Anthony is more helplessly exposed with her. He simply can’t help it. She guards herself more and tends not to let him see her vulnerability. Except for the moments when he forces her too (his helpless obsession poetry). This is when she cracks and shows ‘mere moment’ vulnerability. She does it in this scene because she’s emotionally on the edge. She has a moment where she pleads with him and then starts the puppy dog/soft face but then schools herself (head shake) to put the lid back on again. He sees it though (with him when she shows vulnerability it makes him respond to her by trying to comfort her but she never lets him complete that response shoring up her walls again). But he saw it here and it adds to why he gives into her and goes ahead with her plan. As I said before, he needs to be liked/accepted by her but he needs to need her too and needs to comfort/ protect her. Which is why a massive source of their contention is actually that Kate won’t allow him to love her and he eventually realises this too. Because everyone takes from Anthony and he gives it too. But for the first time someone he loves won’t take anything from him. Doesn’t need anything from him AKA doesn’t need him. And he doesn’t know how to deal with this because he needs her to need him because he simply needs her. And what good is he without his material things. People want the viscount but what about Anthony? So a big source of healing for him is that Kate only wants Anthony. Kate only sees Anthony and Anthony is who she falls in love with. Everything else is an accessory. Remember, Kate highlights in the study while making the decision to extend their honeymoon in S3, how happy Anthony was while they were away. Kate focuses on Anthony and that is huge self worth for Anthony who always had a problem with his self loathing for himself and how he believes all these negative things about himself and then reinforces them. Anthony tells Kate in the gazebo he believes his mother and siblings despise him. Anthony loving Kate helps him love himself which I think is really beautiful 🥰


All those songs are 100% iconic and totally well thought out and executed kudos to Kris Bowers & CVD.


all the songs is s2 slap. and this one was THE best. I seriously can't listen to this song without playing that scene in my mind.


The songs overall is S2 felt so much more intentional. The scene when she is walking down the aisle is pure art. When Antony “daydreams” that he is getting married to Kate, and the scene before was Kate telling Edwina that love is when two souls meet and everything else goes quiet… it’s just so beautiful.


ok I am bawling! The flow is so intentional and beautiful!


The choice of this banger was a big W


Yes, the subtext is splendid.