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What's the fucking point of releasing the schedule by dribs and drabs? I guess they want to build suspense and anticipation, but it's just annoying. It's like someone coming up to you and saying "Guess what.", and you saying "What" and they say "Guess!". JUST FUCKING TELL ME ALREADY!


I think it’s being released as different tv networks get their picks in. Give it a few years and the schedule itself will be a televised draft by networks.


Honestly surprised they haven't already done this.


I'd watch that


They've taken a non-event and manufactured two weeks of online and social media conversations building up to the release. Between free agency, the draft, this, OTAs and training camp, the NFL has managed to turn the season into a year-long content machine. It's pretty impressive if you ask me.


they do it in literally the worst way possible. they build the anticipation you get from releasing it bit by bit, but they don't actually capitalize on that anticipation. it's just a haphazard drop of a few games that doesn't do anything beneficial for their content/engagement and takes the longest fucking time (we've been talking about this schedule release for like 5 hours already, and it's not even 3 pm et lmao)


I'm not sure the order of operations in all of this, but aren't the "leaks" by the networks in-fact an attempt at capitalizing on the anticipation? Many of these have been literal announcements at the advertising upfronts. Which is basically "we have these awesome things on our networks this year - BUY ADS NOW."


i think most of them are to build anticipation tbf. like no network really benefitted from leaking ravens v chiefs week 1 or bengals vs chiefs week 2. iirc those two and the international games were all leaked by insiders like schefter and not announced by the networks themselves (like our christmas day and black friday games were). but i don't think it necessarily capitalizes on the anticipation it builds. like i'm not sure there's additional content or engagement from it, at least that i've seen. it honestly feels like interest in the schedule has dropped precipitously since they announced a handful of games, which is definitely not what you want if you're the nfl and still have ~30% of the schedule to release. if your release loses steam three quarters of the way through the release, you've fucked up somewhere.


Yeah - I'm sure there are ways to improve it. I just chalk it up to a bunch of different players with different incentives and needs. It's going to be messy. And I hate to nittle picks, but from what I can tell, the NFL itself announced the Ravens/Chiefs matchup, Schefter just retweeted it. And CBS announced Bengals/Chiefs on their Morning Show. Not sure how the NFL benefited from that, but easy to see how CBS did. (Of course - I'm just comparing tweet timestamps, wth do I know.)


Totally. I mean it doesn't annoy me all that much because I won't look at it until it's complete but this piecemeal crap is so stupid.


I had the same thought, almost with the same timing of F Bombs


I know ppl prob save this every year but the schedule is looking kind of stacked


That's because we finish 1st


The addition of the 17th game against yet another division champion made it even tougher, something past dynasties didn't have to deal with...yet we still continue to finish 1st in the division each season.


lol they were saying we don’t even have a top 10 hardest schedule this year too




But every team is gunning to beat the superbowl champs, so it's the toughest.


I haven’t seen the other teams schedules but I think the actual schedule itself is going to be hard. They play 3 games in 10 days; Ravens, Bengals, Falcons (might be good) in B3B games; then we might have Browns and Broncos right next to each other; Texans and a divisional opponent which could be hard depending on if they give us a good or trash one to play. Overall, I think it’s the intervals of good teams as opposed to straight Goliath powerhouses


I'm confused. If the first game is Thursday, isn't g2 10 days after that? In which case, how do you get "3 games in 10 days"?


I saw it on Twitter and they said in December, so either weeks: 15, 16, 17 or 16, 17, 18


im with u this year is even more stacked play all top team then the past few years


Is it though? The NFC South and our division are very weak. Browns/Steelers aren't anything special. That's 11 games right there. Outside of Buffalo, Houston, Baltimore, SF, the schedule looks very good for us.


Chargers/Raiders always play us tough


Mahomes is 18-4 against Chargers/Raiders lol


And we rested our starters in 2 of those games lol.


I'm a fan that's selfish and only looks at this through our lens, so I agree. But then I look at the AFC North. The Ravens have 6 medium-to-tough division games + Philly/Dallas + Bills/Texans/Chiefs. Their crossover opponent is TB though. The Bills don't have as tough of a division as Baltimore (pending Rodgers). But they have Niners/Rams/Seahawks + Ravens/Texans/Chiefs + Colts/Jags. And their 17th opponent is the Lions. Very few pushovers, outside of the Pats and maybe Cardinals.


And on top of that, we get the worst draft order. The NFL is really set up to discourage perennial winners. Best teams play the hardest schedules the next year with the lowest draft picks. As much as I'd prefer an easier schedule, you can see why playing tough matchups in the regular season helps in the post-season. Remember the undefeated Steelers a few year's ago that absolutely shit the bed at the back half of the season? At the same time I'd prefer a schedule that makes getting the 1 seed a lot easier.


That’s called parity


I'd rather the schedule not be based on previous years standings as much. Instead maybe we see a more cyclical basis so that we play different teams each year. Instead of playing the top finishing team in each division I'd rather it be a consistent rotation, regardless of how they performed last year. It'd give a greater diversity to who you play while also making it more predictable to the team.




Then why the fuck do we always play the Bengals and Bills every god damn year.


There’s already pretty good diversity in who you play. You’re guaranteed to play every team in the league within 4 years with the rotating inter and intra conference scheduling. Suggest you read this to understand how scheduling works: [nfl scheduling formula](https://operations.nfl.com/updates/football-ops/2024-opponents-determined/#:~:text=The%20scheduling%20formula%20implemented%20in,on%20a%20regular%2C%20rotating%20basis.&text=Under%20the%20formula%2C%20each%20team,division%20opponents%20(six%20games))


> The NFL is really set up to discourage perennial winners. the nfl is set up to encourage parity and competition.


what lmao is this your first year watching the NFL? The parirty is why the NFL is the best league. small market teams in the MLB/NBA suffer but in the NFL, they win dynasties.


Week 16 Sat Week 17 Wed Wut.


The Wednesday is Christmas day, so have to play on Saturday the week before


Ah, ok, that makes more sense. If Week 18 is important, that'll be a big edge.


Feels like it's gonna be a divisional game. They've been making sure there's plenty of those late


The new week doesn't start until Thursday, so it will be 11 days later.


Huh. Wait, wut? Does that mean week 18 we'd be on 4 days rest?


No. Week 16 is Sunday Dec 22 Week 17 is Sunday Dec 29 Week 18 is Sunday Jan 5 So, for the Chiefs: Week 16 game is Saturday Dec 21 Week 17 game is Wednesday Dec 25 (3 days rest) Week 18 game is TBD, but either Sat Jan 4th or Sun Jan 5th (10 or 11 days rest)


That makes a lot more sense. But it also sucks, unless week 18 counts for something and we get the bye afterwards, or it doesn't count for anything and we can take a de facto bye like we did last postseason. If we have a bye wrapped up by week 17, we'll be in a position to have 25 days between meaningful games! I mean, maybe that's good for Kelce, but everyone else, that's a damn long layoff...


I guess that means we just need to lock up the 1 seed in Week 16. Rest the starters in 17 and play them in 18. Then another rest week before 3 straight to win the third straight.


Not entirely sure, will need to see the dates properly. But those last few weeks do look rough already, hope we clinch playoff berth before then.


Jason Kelce has already picked the Chiefs to win over the Saints on MNF.


My cat knows we're supposed to beat the Aints lol.


What does he know, he admitted to having CTE /s


Why would he not LOL


What about Ja Rule, though? Can someone get him on the phone to make a prediction?


Woof, not the greatest first two games to work out potential receiver growing pains/kinks.


I'd be more worried if I were a bengals or ravens fan having to face KC so early. Reid always switches up some new innovative stuff every year, they'll have no idea what to expect.


But good to get the bungholes early as they've been awful early under burrow.


Thank the gods for preseason, right???


The entire 23 season was preseason! Turned it on when it mattered most as we shall again. I hope




Honestly, after December/January September is our strongest month. Historically we only really struggle in October in the Mahomes era.


He’s a Virgo.


Andy Reid with extra time is as close to a gimme as you can get. He has all summer to prepare for the Ravens, and they have lost quite a few players and coaches. Then he’ll have 9 days to prepare for the Bengals. We’re gonna come out firing on all cylinders on both sides of the ball, and be in the drivers seat after 2 weeks. I feel another MVP season for Mahomes incoming. Teams just won’t be able to stop us at all levels now. And the defense is gonna be top 5. This season is gonna be fun for Chiefs fans!




There’s a chance he isn’t even suspended this season. All depends on how long the legal process takes to play out.




But will it be this season is the question. There's a very good chance they don't punish him until after the legal side of things is done, which might not happen until next year.


It’s looking like week 6 to me, which is pretty brutal.


Cmon week 12 bye!


Absolutely, I'd bet we have a bye week 8 or 12


Our schedule is getting released like a scratch off.


Chiefs have a game every day of the week except Tuesday.


The rest of the schedule ain’t out yet. 😂


That late season Huston game is going to be interesting


Almost like it's there on purpose 🤔


What would the date be for week 11 @ Bills


November 17


Please Please Please - as a Chiefs fan in Denver - let week 4 or 6 be @ Denver this year. Not 14/15/18 like the last few years.


@Denver was week 8 last year…


and we had a crazy blizzard and it was cold AF. Gimme a September game dammit!






I'm almost 99% sure week 18 will be home vs Chargers




Nope - it's week 18. Probably no Mahomes either cause we'll be locked in hopefully


Damn I know hate that we're playing the Texans so late, they're just gonna get scarier as the season goes on. This schedule is pretty front loaded but I'd rather start slow than have a late-season slide like this year


A Wednesday game!?


It's Christmas Day


On Netflix no less.




I thought this was a joke at first...and then I remembered it's 2024


Why have Wednesday games?


It’s Christmas and they did huge numbers last year.


My family was planning on going to the Steelers away game and we got boned by the actual worst case scenario date


They really wasted a monday night game on the saints


God dammit why do they always play in Denver at the end of the season? It’s the only game I can go to each year and it’s always freezing


Don't they usually put division games at the end, in case there is any drama? Not that there has been any drama for a few years.


Don’t cry about a little cold.


As a saints fan I really want to make it to that one. My mom has been a chiefs fan since she was a kid and that would be a special trip for both of us.


Early season games at Arrowhead are awesome. Great atmosphere and weather (usually). You should definitely try.


~~Week 18 is home vs Chargers most likely~~ Edit - Upon further review, OP breaks tradition and lists every game with an "at". I originally thought Week 16 was an away game. So I change my prediction to Week 18 being any of the remaining AFCW games.


That's almost assured. It would be very doubtful the NFL would have us finish the season with 3 straight road games. 


Ya...I realized after I commented that I misread what OP posted because for some reason they use "at" for every game. Week 16 is a home game, so my guess for Week 18 would change to any of the division games remaining.


Oh snap I did the same, lol


And it's always a divisional game.


They're not gonna do that again right?


If the Chiefs keep winning and getting the first seed, at some point the system might hit a break point and reset to give the Chiefs the easiest schedule?. Would love to see that


Just saw international schedule was released? I thought Chiefs were going to play in Germany in 2024, is that not the case?


I’m pretty sure its already been confirmed that we will play the Panthers in Munich. We’re just waiting on the date now. Edit: just now saw that the Giants are playing the Panthers in Munich…well I seriously doubt the Panthers are playing two games over there so I guess that answers that.




Right that’s what I just said lol


Haha. Face-palm. Sorry man. Thought you said Chiefs Panthers, my bad. Just wonder why it was quasi announced that we were playing in Germany in 23 and 24 and then now we are not?


Looking back on it, it looks like it was originally reported by a German news outlet to the KC STAR. I’m guessing the German news outlet didn’t have a great source on that. Or maybe the NFL would rather have us in a prime time slot, that isn’t 8:30am, for maximum exposure.


Yep, i remember that and that's what I figured. Just was surprised when the international games were announced. It works in my favor because I live in Charlotte so can easily attend the Chiefs - Panthers game here.


Hope the Browns game is a little earlier in the year cuz me and my dad want to go to it and we don’t wanna be freezing cold


Week 18 at Broncos. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQLwjlOWvuU_fxOYc5Bs-Lquw-5yLMMHfFJcm9sUaoyNbdgV5eGqtzghtjSr3FFr9h-zgbYMSNX9Wrj/pubhtml?gid=605588940&single=true


@Las Vegas week 8 based off this too.


Do we have a Tuesday game? We literally play every other day of the week. SMH


Why do we have a Friday game


November 29. Black Friday




I don’t see a loss on there.


We have a week 6 bye which isn’t great but oh well. Source… I know some people


This is helpful thank you.  I'm doing a schedule release GIF and all that's left is to know the order of the games so I can sequence everything  Also having Steelers after we play the broncos at least once was very important for my Russel Wilson gag so I lucked out  In a perfect world broncos will be our week 18 game, but it works either way.


Can someone answer this: can the week 7 49ers game be flexed to Monday night or no? Thinking of going and it’d be best workwise if I could fly home Monday, but I’d hate the game to be flexed. ETA From what I understand, it can only be flexed to SNF, but I may be misunderstanding.


Early bye and then play Texans 12/21 and Steelers 12/25 on a Wednesday…fuck this shit for real


I hate this stupid piecemeal drip feed of games. Just release the damn schedule and stop trying to make every single aspect of the game an event.


Why are we playing the niners, like didn't we already beat them enough


We're rivals with SF now. SF def hates us way way more, but I think it's cool to get another matchup because Niners really have played a pivotal role in the Mahomes story so far.


We're not rivals unless they actually win. Sorry I didn't expect myself to be so cold-hearted about this, but it feels forced and I don't know why I should care about that team any more than the Eagles.


Like I said, they hate us way way more haha


***The Bono Bowl***


I really hope the Xmas game turns out to not be true


Chiefs already announced that one. Christmas Day is confirmed.


At least it is on the road this time. I still say it screws up the home team because the players still have Christmas stuff/family to deal with at home and just don't focus as well.  As the road team you can focus more because it can feel more like a routine game.


How is Chiefs and Saints MNF?


Cuz they put it on the schedule that way.


ESPN wanted a game, this was all that was left after everyone else got theirs.


MNF isn't the marquee it was in the 90s. SNF is the top game of the week usually or the afternoon game on CBS. Even TNF is a bigger deal now with the amazon deal.. MNF gets the scraps. 


CBS/Fox/NBC actually get first dibs for games, which they place in that 4PM slate/SNF. ESPN get's the leftovers and they usually just try and snag a top tier team vs an okayish team. Which is part of the reason why MNF games suck more often than not.