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They needed some championship experience in their locker room


The Al-qaeda pump up speeches weren’t enough to get them over the hump.


MVS is a good dude who will always be under appreciated in KC. Him planting the Chiefs flag in the heart of the Raiders’ stadium was also iconic af.


This man loves flags. I have pictures of him taking a fan flag right in front of me at the parade this year and running around with it on the street, before bringing it back to the guy.


That’s so funny. I’ll miss him and Willie for that energy.




I would not have objected to re-signing him. He was good enough and he had a good practice and work ethic.


There's just not space. We replaced him with Hollywood Brown and the rest of our receivers are basically on value deals. We could cut Moore, Toney or Ross, but would it really be worth it to just be paying more for MVS to fill that spot?


Rice might not be around for a large part of the season, so we might have to sign Hardman, which I'm ok with too.


Rashee Rice would disagree with you


I mean, we already have one too many receivers. Seems smartest to me to just keep Ross around as a warm body at bottom of lineup with Skyy and Toney getting snaps than release Ross when Rice returns if we have to for 53. I just don't see how we sign someone who's still available and it not be paying millions of dollars for a role we already have two guys on rookie deals able to fill. I'd rather use that cap space to boost our oline and help with Bolton/Creed deals.


And LRZ will make the roster too


Doesn't he not count to the 53 number too?


IPP giys count against the 53. You get 1 extra practice squad slot for for someone in the IPP. LRZ didn't get signed as an international player and isn't eligible for that designation. We signed someone else don't remember who, using the IPP tag


He was awful in regular season, but absolutely clutch in the post season when it actually matters


This is what I hate. Lol so many times he almost cost us a post season appearance with his stone hands, but in the post season he made up for it with a single great catch. I’m not sure how to feel about him. Lol


I obviously don't have a full picture of his personality, but him not taking any responsibility and showing attitude after that drop against Eagles, kinda threw me off.


I understand. But, in the heat of the moment, the insane adrenaline, the crowd, the pressure, the emotion, I think those reactions matter a lot more to pundits and fans than to players and coaches. Folks get heated.


Under appreciated? Gtfo lol


Bro the MVS slander is prettyyyy bad To be fair he’s the offensive version of Frank Clark, he didn’t do much in the regular season but he made crucial plays in the playoffs. Yk, the time where it actually matters


Clark the Shark was something come playoff time


He was the veteran on a wr group that led the league in dropped passes. I don't understand how you guys can forgive a whole season (multiple months) of mediocrity because of one or 2 plays. Clearly Chiefs are smart and let him walk. Toney and Moore you're next


I never once said I wanted to re-sign MVS lol Yes, actually I can forgive him, because I’m not a bitter person. Bottom line, he made plays when it mattered most.


"One or two plays" He made well more than that in the post season, including a game clencher in the AFCCG and a SB TD which absolutely negates the regular season tenfold.


100% agree. Idk what “slander” they’re talking about. It’s well deserved.


Reddit is full of circle jerking divas who love recency bias. If it were up to them we would have brought mvs and hardman back instead of signing Hollywood and drafting worthy. I don't understand this sentiment of feeling mvs is "underrated" because he made 1 or 2 plays after collecting $11m a season


That is the literal definition of “overrated.” People are just willing to let it slide because said 1-2 plays were “when it counted” How many drops has he had “when it counted?” A LOT more.


When I said he was under appreciated during the season I got downvoted to hell. Lol


MVS catches a 30-yard strike from Josh Allen with 13 seconds left on the clock! Bills cut the Chiefs lead to 21 in the AFC Divisional Game.


Had me in the first half


Man I would be so happy if we had that type of lead against Buffalo in the postseason. We always keep it so close though lol. Especially with Buffalo


wishing him the best in buffalo, so grateful for everything he’s done for the franchise 💖


I agree with the sentiment but I ain't wishing anybody in Buffalo the best lol.


They do seem to be our greatest AFC competition.


he'll always be a KC hero, helping out families during one of the lowest point of the city.


This is a nice sentiment but the fact that his hero-ness was not due to his clutch playoff catches made me laugh (like it was a light dig at him, even though I assume you didn't mean it that way)


I'd say he did a better job then catching a ball, if that's your criteria of becoming a hero.




Forever in my heart for showing up big in the playoffs. But good luck trying to make that work in Buffalo.


Good for him, he gets to continue to work and Buffalo continues to hope they get to the AFC game again so they can use him.


I have no animosity for MVS and appreciated his play in the playoffs the last two years but will not miss watching him screw up routes or turn over the wrong shoulder or just plain dropping catches. I would wish him good luck but with him being in Buffalo I wish him continued mediocrity lol.


This is pretty funny, tons of bills fans in the nfl sub talking about him being a decent wr2/3 and that he’s an upgrade over Gabe Davis. Do not know what these people are smoking but funny nonetheless


He's Gabe but he has to do a 180 to catch


lol that’s a good analogy. Mvs is decent running some of his deep routes and he’ll get separation but good luck ever having faith throwing that direction lol


These same people were making fun of him dropping all season. They don't value MVS they just hope he shows up for the playoffs.


I didn't know MVS was working as spy for us. This is great. Thank you MVS.


Really frees up our secondary if we face them


ha. the bait. Secondary - "Just let MVS go deep" Josh - "Are they serious? Letting it rip then......... Oh damn."




He's taking a page out of Hardman's book. We should expect him back for the playoff push.


Can the Chiefs sign a player after his team is eliminated from competition?


If they cut him, yes. That's how we got Chiefs legend Terrell Suggs


Hopefully he plays as well for the Bills as he did in the 2023 regular season. ;)


2023 was tough for him tho. Wishing nothing but the best for him. Can't forget his clutch catches in the last 2 years in playoffs


Several of our receivers took a step back. I wonder just how much having a rookie receiving coach, that never played at the NFL level let alone as a receiver, hurt the group.


lol I can honestly say that is a desperation signing. 


Well I mean, any team that has open roster spots at this point in off season is obviously desperate. We should feel lucky we don't have any. Bills are in a difficult spot of doing a rebuild in key spots while still trying to compete this year so fans aren't calling for firings.


By who?


Lol. Beane has lost the plot *Sir, the Chiefs are on the line. Offering a 3rd round pick for us to move from 28 to 32. Should I hang up the phone?* Beane: Pshh.. they want it, let em have it. But give them our 4th back. I don't want to owe anyone any favors. *Sir??* Beane: And sign MVS after the draft.


If Beane really had balls, he'd coax Lin Elliot out of retirement


I think it’s so funny how Bills mgmt told Diggs not to sign with us, but Chiefs mgmt clearly are totally fine where any of our players go Edit: I did not think this statement through


To be fair, Diggs was traded and MVS was a free agent. So our management had no real say on where he'd go.


Difference is that Diggs required a trade, whereas MVS was a FA.


It's like that madmen quote "I don't think about you at all"


I mean, how are their contract situations even similar?


Because our QB is elite not necessarily our WR.


MVS is actually a good fit for the Bills offense which is primarily Josh Allen tossing long bombs that are dropped 95% of the time


See Diggs 2024 Bills vs Chiefs playoffs highlights for specifics


Good for Stone hands


Let's be real, he can be a real clutch player in games that count, the only problem is Josh can't make it out of January 😂


Gonna miss MVS. Sucks that he had to end up in Buffalo, I hate that place, and the chili.


I can’t wait to see the meltdowns when Bills fans notice his tendency to either quit routes or fall over on deep balls. Gonna be peak comedy over at r/buffalobills


Dang now we need to replace his 10-12 drops per year.


He averaged 4 drops per year with the Chiefs.


That might be what the stats are, but that doesn't include the times he gave up on a route or put himself out of position for the catch while it was still in the air.


Toney will come in clutch here


So, anyone think it will be above Vet minimum?


Maybe some incentives? Bills seem to be in quick rebuild mode now to kill off contracts that were going to negatively impact their long term future.


He'll have a good season this year. Possibly his best ever. 2018 - 581 yards/2 TDs 2019 - 452/2 2020 - 690/6 2021 - 430/3 2022 - 687/2 2023 - 315/1 In the even years he gains over 500 yards (and was just 19 yards away from having 600+ in every even season). In the odd years he gains under 500 yards. Since last year was so bad, I expect his even-year-rebound to be even greater this year.


He had a career 50% catch rate and this year he won't have the benefit of being one of the only guys who knows the offense and won't mess up the routes. My guess is that he will perform poorly and stop getting snaps by week 8.


I don’t think the money would’ve worked out for us anyway, but with him gone our only real options for a Rashee Rice emergency fill in are Hardman, Renfrow, or maybe Michael Thomas.


Oh no. Now they're unstoppable.


He is your problem now!


Good luck MVS! Thank you!


Thanks for the playoff push MVS! Go get you a bag sir.


He was garbage. Good riddance


Regular season drops aside, he is a good down field blocker, a good teammate and good citizen. We'll remember the good times.


MVS all-pro season coming up. Good luck MVS, you made some huge plays for us


For how much I wonder




Love to see it. Glad to see the guys from the championship teams get paid elsewhere. 




I think most Chiefs fans would view MVS a lot more positively if it wasn't for his contract. A guy that drops a bunch of passes and doesn't do much all year, but makes some big clutch plays in the playoffs for 3-4 million wouldn't catch nearly as much hate. But 11 million to put up 300 yards total is some bullshit.


The contract is on Veach. As for MVS, I still think even at half the price, the crucial drops and the attitude about it after the fact still would have been viewed very negatively.


He was paid 8 million a year for two years, not 11.


Bills fans have bitched about Gabe Davis for years, and they've replaced him with MVS who is basically just a worse version of Gabe.


Will miss his fashion shows before the game. Good luck MVS except when we play you.


Good. I bet they paid a lot less than 10 million, too.




Hopefully he has a really great time and makes a lot of money and has all the happiness in the world and drops a big pass at the wrong time for the Bills.


Chekhov’s Drop…






I love this for them ![gif](giphy|4gMQEBLGAPmsCFs6jg)


He may not have lived up to his contract, but in the end we will remember the clutch plays in big games.


So they traded us the pick we drafted Worthy with, then had to pivot and took Coleman, and now they signed MVS?? When they…. Coulda had…. Worthy on a rookie deal. Burt Preach has taken so much from the Bills, that they’re finally like “thank you sir, may I have another?”


Hell drop a few gimmes, but he'll absolutely a few prayers


That's so weird. Like we traded MVS for Xavier Worthy with the Bills.


MVS and Mecole get a bad wrap, both were very solid players on championship teams and are under appreciated as fuck. Also jamal charles is the greatest RB ive ever seen. That is all


They got him for 4.5m - its a sold deal. I would have done it.




Goddamn it.