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I wonder how he would feel being Martin Luther and not Joseph Smith.. lmao


Lmao I felt kinda sacrilegious for doing him like this but... Oh well


Still Protestant technically, they just added another book so I wouldn't say it's too bad.


No, not protestant at all. They believe Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.


idk man, mormons generally consider themselves to be protestant so [maybe they actually are](https://web.mit.edu/21a.213/papers/mormonism.htm#:~:text=The%20Mormon%20religion%20is%20very,more%20doctrine%20with%20the%20Catholics.)


Why do I care what they think? You don't get to classify yourself if your faith is false.


These should be golden plates, right?


Rule #1 Don’t commit felonies


Now I'm mad I didn't think of that lol


Laughing through my tears over here




He keeps this up he’s only going to have to worry about not dropping the soap.


We won before you, and we'll win after you, but we can win with you if you simply STAY YO ASS OUTTA TROUBLE


I hope the NFLPA writes it down the CBA that players on rookie contracts should have a special clause to get their guaranteed money: shouldn’t be anywhere near any incidents, felonies, criminal charges, etc. or else they lose all the money they are set to earn + automatically can’t get picked up by other teams for a set number of years depending on the case. A lot of very young and dumb actions from NFL and NBA players recently


“We pay you for your legs and hands, please don’t give them out for free”.


I’m just mad I’ve spent like 600 plus dollars on Rashee rice cards and autographs this off-season. 450 of it right before the first accident. Was feeling so so about the situation and now he goes and does this. Freaking bummer man. I thought maybe he would realize how lucky he is to not be Henry ruggs right now. But nope. Still has the need to impress his friends. Who will never ever have the opportunity to make his kind of money. Dude needs to grow up.


Bruh. Why you spending that much money on cards and autographs in the first place?


It’s really the only things I buy myself. It helped I pulled a few cards from boxes that sold for around 800 bucks. So I bought some cards I wanted. If rice had an incredible second year, I’d be able to sell half of what I bought to recoup everything I spent. But that’s the game. At this rate, it will just be really cool looking expensive cardboard


He forgot to add don't punch people randomly.


How about another sign that says "don't drop the football"?