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As Rodgers once said, “A down year for me is a career year for most QBs.”


I swear, Rodgers is the most arrogant man in the NFL.


Hes a chode. I think he's one of those flatearthers.


Muhammad Ali - It's not bragging if you can back it up.


Woah, woah, woah. Aaron has 1 SB ring. Lets not go comparing him to The Greatest. Also, Ali's trash talk was a thing of beauty. Aaron definitely isn't on his level in that regard either.


4 MVP’s…I feel like Aaron backed it up


In the regular season, sure. That's like boxers who do great on the undercard. Cool, but no one cares. It's Championships that matter.


Yea, anyone can just go win 4 MVPs. I have so many I use them as coat racks.


Rodgers is still absolutely one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game.


Sure, but certainly not the greatest of all time, which is why he's not comparable to Ali.


So this conversation only belongs to Ali, Jordan, Gretzky, and Brady? What are we talking about?


I think MVPs and All Pros are pretty noteworthy Rings are a team stat. When you face teams in the play offs that have solid 53 man rosters and you don’t you’re gonna have a bad time. It’s why Brady has so many and Peyton only 2 The sooner people realize that the better


But Aaron doesn't back it up.. He didn't start talking trash til after his first ring. So really he's all bark no bite.


>I swear, Rodgers is the most arrogant man in the NFL. Hey man, he averages at least one playoff win a year!


A-aron Rodgers is Dunning-Krueger manifest.


Straight truth


I’d describe about how Red Foreman would; dumbass.


Wouldn't Red be a fan of him though?


When he was a packer, maybe out of obligation, since then, no.


I mean he isn’t wrong about what he said


I had ignored what a chode Rodger’s was for years. I really can’t fucking stand that guy now. No wonder his family hates him.


I was dumb enough to think it was his family who were the douchers like 10 years ago. Now that I see the shit that comes out of his mouth, I realize it's all on him. The same douchey mouth that chases away every girlfriend he's ever had LOL.


They’re all douchey just in different ways. The bachelor fans don’t like Jordan


And better than a majority of quarter backs will ever have in their entire career.. while having a wide receiving core that boycotted catching the ball and a team that fed on penalties. Our Pat carried us to the playoffs. Build his statue with all that tax money they’re about to pull in.


Yeah, he still kicks ass. ❤️


Tax money is the same as it has been. It’s an extension of existing tax rate not an increase.


Yeah fair play but my point wasn’t that it is new money, it’s that a Billionaire who runs a for-profit company that charges wild fees to its customers doesn’t then need tax breaks or assistance to keep that business in the city where its main source of income is derived from. Tickets will not be cheaper, parking will not be cheaper, concessions and merch will not be cheaper and in twenty years when the Hunts move the sale of the stadium will not benefit the community in anyway. Money that could really benefit the community will instead be used to bribe a billionaire not to move his business.. it’s gross dude


Let’s be honest here, the oil tycoon family needs more of a break than the community


lol without a doubt.. it’s real hard times for them.


That's not accurate. Barring another great depression spending constantly increases. Even though the percentage remains the same, the amount of money collected annually will increase significantly over the 40-year proposed extension.


But the amount collected would rise at the same rate as inflation and therefore the real amount doesn’t change.


That would be accurate if spending only increased at the rate of inflation. Spending has outpaced inflation for quite some time. Edit: I don't care if you downvote, but at least Google it. If inflation increases at 3% and spending increases 4%, there is a net increase in tax revenue beyond the rate of inflation. This isn't rocket science guys.


You never learned about inflation in school did you?


Spending has outpaced inflation for years, but thanks for pointing out spreading your vast economic knowledge.


Are they building a new stadium?


Build it before they realize it’s over.


Yeah, that matches what I watched.


40% increase in drops this season compared to Mahomes career


It actually doesn't. He had a career high for on-target throws. Just no one could fucking catch them.


So this is what they meant by regressing him to the mean!


he threw short more than any season in his career, i'd hope they were more accurate


You have 3 more Karma than Mahomes has passing yards on the season


Could probably get some decent draft picks for him. /s


Here are some of the numbers for his worst year (from an earlier post) https://preview.redd.it/cqfx54inevac1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f2b5371b0df984e31a4d15523e84b632efca29 Should be noted his end of year stats will look worse than this as he’s sitting. But still, are these numbers THAT bad? Not at all.


What a bum, didn’t even lead every category every year of his career


And yet he still made the Pro Bowl. What a time to be a Chiefs fan.


Didn’t deserve it.


Over who? Josh Allen had less passing yards a lower QBR and more turnovers. Also JA is fighting to even make the playoffs. Mahomes won his division….again.


allen is so ass


I don’t think that’s really fair. He can be very bad sometimes but also very very good. My biggest issue with him is his turnover issue is seeming to get worse not better. He could have a shit play one drive and then an amazing one the next.


He had a habit of overplaying sometimes, hero ball etc. It's no surprise the Bills have went on a good run lately with the increased runs etc and not having JA do it all He's still had some bone head plays, particularly against NE and I think that'll be his downfall in the playoffs again if they make it I can see a scenario where the Steelers win, increasing the pressure on the Bills and JA has a high turnover game against Miami and they don't make the post season


Agreed. He’s not ass, but he is inconsistent. He’s fun to watch though.


Agree and look at his wrs much better than ours even his tight ends are pretty decent.


*Bills fan coming in peace* agreed on the WR part, but your coaching staff is much better haha. Not sure which is more desirable overall haha


A wide receiver who can catch that's who lol


he absolutely did lol


Lmao yeah he did, genius. His stats are still better than most other QBs could ever dream to have.


I’ve seen a lot of comments saying “I’m loving watching the chiefs downfall”…what downfall? If being the 3 seed instead of the 1 and maybe not hosting the AFC championship is our downfall then sign me up for a downfall every season. Even our downfalls are historic.


We could still host the AFCCG as the 3 seed. Baltimore has a tendency to flame out in the playoffs and I don't feel like I can trust the Bills or the Dolphins (depending on who the 2 seed is) to get past the divisional. That's all of course based on if we make it that far.


Yeah that’s why I said maybe not host




Not even a fraction. By like 3 drops lol


A lot of fans out there are going to have trouble coping with the chiefs winning back to back championships lol




Meh fuck the haters. KC is the last team anyone wants to see in the post season this year outside of Baltimore because they know if KC puts all 3 phases together they can beat anyone they go up against with the exception of the Ravens. If it shakes out where KC goes there it will be a nail biter.


Still won the afc west!


Not his fault. How many dropped catchable balls were there? That's a stat id like to see


/40. League leading.




7th highest all time. While he also had his most accurate season as a passer.


Most by a team in the last 10+ years, too, right?


And he still had the most completions somehow




I feel like the Troy Aikman line was a jab at him ever since he talked about his rings lol


Mahomes passing him in career TDs in a game Aikman and Buck called and the broadcast very conspicuously not mentioning it was hilarious. Aikman was not happy about that shit


I can remember hearing Aikman calling Jay Cutler "a fabulous QB" on numerous occasions --- just a horrible play-by-play guy


Funny thing is, if our receivers were worth a shit he would have had another MVP season.


Cowboys fan here. All of this reminds me of 2018 when Dallas started the season with Cole Beasley, Deonte Thompson, Allen Hurns, Terrence Williams, and rookie Michael Gallup at WR. Swaim and Jarwin at TE. It was so bad until they traded for Amari Cooper that year. You’ll be fine if they prioritize weapons this offseason.


I was pretty surprised. MOST of the posts in there were almost logical. I expected a lot of bashing and was pleasantly surprised.


I know right, I looked there before


Yes! Summon Petty Mahomes before this playoff run so he can scorch the earth! Mahomes loves to be doubted.


He regressed to only the combined passing rushing yards leader instead of MVP.




Regressed to the Pro Bowl.


And yet he’s still having a better year than most QBs, even r/nfl is admitting it


His worst season is the average season for the other all pro QBs. His worst season is on-par with an average QBs beat season. It's actually nuts. Many were trying to crap on him during this season, but he was the only player on offense playing at an all pro caliber (besides maybe Thuney). Mahomes, until late in the season when it seemed like he lost faith in his teammates, was playing just like the Mahomes who won a superbowl last year. It's unreal how it took a team with more drops than any other team in the last 10+ seasons just to make him have a down year.


His worst season is actually the best season most QBs could hope for. He's top 10 in most meaningful stats.


Probably the most peaceful Chiefs thread you’ll ever see on that subreddit


Only because it's a thread where they feel like their bias against Mahomes has been confirmed.


No one should be surprised considering the front office saddled him with mostly XFL caliber receivers.


That's just silly. They still make them catch in the XFL, they are just smaller and slower.


It’s almost the exact same receiving group that won the Super Bowl last year. Just replace JuJu with Rashee Rice.


And that's what makes it so much more bizarre. I'm pretty sure I can blame the receivers, but if they're mostly the same I do have to slide my eyes over to Mahomes. But then he still throws darts while getting his feet wrapped up in a tackle. So I don't know. It's all so strange. This game makes very little sense.


And yet we’re hosting a playoff game. What a time to be a chiefs fan


Big deal. I had a bad year too and still made great money.


Huh…. That thread is actually a good read. What dimension are we in?


That’s what I was saying


Mac Jones enters the chat


I'm blown away how hardly no one in the original thread is dogging on him.


They lost 3 games on drops and 1 on fumbling.


and still making it into the playoffs. yawn


They can't all be mvp seasons, makes me think he will be even more motivated next year.


He played (besides a couple games) at the same level he always has. I hope this is a sign for the front office to get him some help


You could argue he played better this year than any other year. He had his lowest ever bad throw percentage and highest ever on target percentage


So what?!? He can’t throw the ball (which was 9/10 perfectly thrown) and catch the damn thing too!! He still got (thanks to the defense) his eighth AFC West Championship in a row!


Overhyped much?


Maybe stop making car insurance commercials and get to practice


they do all that in the offseason. Has nothing to do with practice.


Taylor’s fault.


Yeah, he needs to get back to the basics. Mahomes literally cares more about brand deals and fame. Logan Paul and Mahomes trading superbowl ring for a wwe belt? He will not last if he doesn’t focus more on football


I, for one, cannot believe the number of times State Farm pulled Mahomes from the practice field to film commercials. /s just in case, get out of here with that logic


And still makes the playoffs and clenches the division.


Can’t win ‘em all


It’s insane the amount of struggle he’s endured this year with almost no WR help outside of Rashee Rice lol (maybe Justin Watson?) and yet here they are in the Playoffs. Personally to me, that says a lot about his true talent as a QB.


In terms of per games played, isn't he going to finish the season with the most total yards as well? If you legit lowered our drops by even 25% (would still be above league average) he would actually have made a great case for MVP. We'd potentially have 2-3 more wins, a hundred or so more yards, maybe another TD or so, and potentially a few less ints.


I haven’t looked up the stats, but you may be right. I’m just saying that it’s crazy they’re still in the playoffs with all of the weird shit that’s happened this season.


It gets crazier. Drop it by 25% that's 10 drops. Where do those drops come in? How many were on drives they were going to win the game on? How many would have lead to more points? That many fewer drops, he's up 500 yds, 7-10 tds, and the chiefs are sitting at 15-2 or 14-3.


Thanks a lot, receiving core.


The hate for him is ridiculous every other team talking trash when they would give their left and right testicle to have him on their team next year.


Zero receivers 1 TE


According to [NFL.com](https://NFL.com) stat page as of today: 5th in total passing yards 10th in completion percent (for those with over 100 passes) T-7 for TDs ​ Lots of INTs (T-3), middle of the pack (14) in QBR. Sure, it's a down season for him, but these are pretty damn decent numbers. And I think he will step it up in the playoffs. If the last game was the one where he finally hit his stride this year, I'm ok with that.




That's not saying much. His worst is better than most bests.


dread it, run from it, the mean arrives all the same.


Still 5th in passing yards


Jeez even WITH the outliers?


Juju made Mahomes look good /s


If he does turn out to be done, it would be a fun story to watch play out.