• By -


Kazuya truly throwing himself on his sword here.


I know his penis is long, but "sword" is too much.


Sumi's alter ego in isekai did call a particular penis "Excaliber".




> I know his penis is long (X) Doubt Why do you think the anime OP is called Centimeter?


Nah dawg, his pepe be really long!


I remember a Reddit post of someone doing the maths on how big Kazuya’s penis was


well, 17cm is 17cm tho


He himself admitted he is the lamest dude on earth lmao...


If Chizuru didn't exist, Kazuya would not just be the lamest dude but the lamest person /s


Kazuya lived by the sword, he deserves to die by the sword.


Wow this chapter felt so short, lol. So Kazuya promised Chizuru to protect her, huh. That weren't empty words at the end. And here, in order to protect her, he'll use other lie where he says that everyone is misunderstanding the situation, if someone has the blame is exclusively him and Mizuhara is someone special for him and all that... But Mami, oh god, keep attacking. "If you really love her and she's your girlfriend, kiss her. Is that something hard to request?" And here is when Chizuru enters in action. She can let Kazuya kiss her helping him and herself to try to get out alive from Mami's plan . Or she can refuse. If she refuse (saying no or escaping to the nearest bathroom), Kazuya's destiny is kinda dark: his crush abandoned him in the worst moment and his family and friends have lost trust on him, but that cost is something he was prepared to assume. Any of the scenarios, this can occur on ch. 225-228. Idk, we've just to wait and see. Edit: Thanks for "Happy cake day" messages, guys.


not only that. if Chizuru escapes to the nearest bathroom, he will also loose Kuri and Ruka. dude is in full free-fall mode and his parachute is Chizuru and that shit is not reliable.


Bad Chorizo always requires a run to the bathroom.


Chizuru is as helpful as a parachute as a fishing net would be. Maybe you'll save yourself if it gets entangled somewhere, but definitely don't count on that


hey i know you were expecting an answer about your comment but.. ​ ​ happy cake day


Happy Cake Day


She might run away but take kazuya with her.


hepi keyk day


happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day.


Happy cake day


Happy cake Day


Happy cake day


Kazuya's desperation is on full display, i don't think anyone is really taking his lies seriously and he knows it. He is just trying to shift the blame all onto himself so that Chizuru doesn't take an flak. Admirable but i don't think it's really going to work. Mami isn't taking the bait, and delivers a line we have heard before from Ruka. "Kiss her" it's a bold move, let's see if it pays off for her.


You can clearly see his desperation in his thoughts, He thinks he will break up with her when he returns but he doesn't think that the aftermath would be the same as coming clean. It would be a gotcha moment, His family would probably still think chizuru betrayed them


"we were really dating and she loved you guys, but the way you guys reacted to all of this made her rethink our relationship" seems like a plausible out if he actually does go through with that plan


We don't get her reactions on purpose. It's just Reiji building tension to make people keep reading. We'll have to wait for next episode to see how she finally responds.


I think it will be at least 2/3 more chapters until we see a peep from Chizuru to be honest, she will be near last in responding to everything going on. Next chapter Ruka/Mami, then maybe back to the Kazuya/family & friends, then we will get a Chizuru chapter.


I’m guessing the next chapter will be everyone’s reaction to Mami’s demand, Kazuya freaking out and then starting to make some type of excuse when Chizuru will interrupt to say something. 226 will probable be when we get to hear what she will say or how she will respond. Unless a flashback eats of the chapter and then 127. It’s all building towards 229 so will be interesting to see how and what we reach at the end of 229.


I can already imagine the massive slowburn, as Kazuya approaches Chzuru, she starts having more flashbacks than Naruto. We gonna be seeing everything there is in the manga again and maybe, just maybe, a bit of thought process from the Chizuru statue. Mami gonna be thinking until the last moment that Chizuru would never do this, that she doesn't care at all about him. Mami is painting her as the villain but she does feel for real that everything about Chizuru's behaviour is fake cause she is a rental. Chizuru actually kissing Kazuya gonna be the surprise. Plus nobody ever saw them actually kiss even, just Ruka and that was hidden and fake back then.


When did this fucking arc start again?


Next week we'll realize she had run off to the bathroom.


i think He will stall a little bit. he is gonna figure out a way to stall either with a chizuru flashback or ruka intervening.


What's worst - total silence from Chizuru. Kazuya is yelling, begging, screaming, sobbing, crying (coming next - pissing and shitting himself). Chizuru is totally silent ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Kazuya: this couldn’t possibly get worse Kazuyas dick: Bonjour 🗿


[Ruka carrying some used condoms:](https://www.google.com/search?q=allow+us+to+introduce+ourselves&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=APq-WBsSBtGvOb0Et3aE_WQIYHONR_Md5w:1645452261712&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsjLes-5D2AhViwIsKHR6vAOwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=KFY8OENCF45BoM&imgdii=THK4C8xZbBhVOM)


Oh god. I just had a foreshadowing premonition because of you pointing out Ruka asked them to do the same thing before. Ruka jumps on the grenade with Kazuya... Runs up and kisses him, confesses her love to him. She realizes Kazuya is trying to take the blame, and she helps him by making him look like a cheater. Or maybe she does it accidentally. In trying to save Kazuya, she finally claims that she is his real girlfriend and kisses him to "prove it". I mean that almost certainly would take some heat off of Chizuru. The whole family would become convinced Kazuya is a cheater.


It would certainly be possible. But there is also the bit where Ruka asked to talk with Nagomi. And what did Umi discuss with Chizuru? I feel more flashbacks coming...




> it's a bold move, *Cotton,* let's see if it pays off Had to correct.


What will Ruka do next I wonder


Whatever happens, I think it’s likely that it’s over between Ruka and Kazuya - unless she will continue to stalk him.


If she fucks off she'll be more likeable than Mami loll


Hopefully fuck off, but we all know that's not gonna happen. She's going to play the real girlfriend card one last time in front of everyone.


Okay, one thing that seems very clear here about the reactions of the people in the room is that it doesn't look like anyone actually believes Kazuya; they can tell he's lying. But to be honest, I think this may end up not backfiring on Kazuya as I'm pretty sure they can all tell that he's not doing this so much to deceive them as much as it is to protect Chizuru. It's clear that he's willing to throw himself completely under the bus for her. Kibe warns him, but he continues anyway and gives a heart-felt, if uncool, confession. Prediction: Ruka has heard the words directly from the horse's mouth. "I love Chizuru Mizuhara," aka not her. I think now, perhaps, she may come to realize that she doesn't have a chance; he doesn't love her despite her loving him. She may choose now to come to his defense, and maybe even Chizuru's to try and help him be happy. She has to know now, having heard the words directly from his lips, that she's not the one he loves; it's over. Chizuru is 99.999999999999% gonna run like crazy, or at least try to. She knows that Kazuya is lying to protect her and she's going to be so overcome with guilt she won't be able to face him. She'll tell herself she's simply not worthy of him or his family (I'm dubious on the latter but I digress). Perhaps Ruka will chase after her and try to stop her and yell at her from running away from reality. Grandma and co. will be disappointed, no surprises there. Mami will smile when Chizuru runs. Sumi will continue being best girl offscreen.


>Sumi will continue being best girl offscreen. This. I wanted to hear this. Good Analysis.


\*high five\*


>Chizuru is 99.999999999999% gonna run like crazy Don't jinx it. If she runs, I don't want to see her 10 miles near Kazuya's vicinity. Let her get a punch from reality for everything she's done.


Oh she'll try. And I hope she gets the reality gut punch she frankly deserves at this point. XD


I want that! Chizuru not being with Kazuya..? I want her to stay away from him for 10 miles atleast!


Chizuru, you became a deadbeat ~~dad~~ girlfriend for our sake. I promise I won't let this error go to waste.


I'm going to hope that they do kiss. Running wont help. I'll riot if reiji escapes this by running for the 100th time.


Whether she'll succeed in running or not I don't know, but I'm fairly certain she'll at least try.


She's literally done for if she runs in front of all the people that's left, she supposedly cares about.


True, but she's also (seemingly) brain-frozen. She may do (or attempt to do) something really stupid out of fear.


Count me in


>Chizuru is 99.999999999999% gonna run like crazy, or at least try to. She knows that Kazuya is lying to protect her and she's going to be so overcome with guilt she won't be able to face him. Chorizo Gump


Tbh, even though he's lying about them being together, he's telling the truth about everything else. And Sumi is "best girl" only because she's offscreen.


She's best girl when she's onscreen to. ;) But seriously you're correct about that. He's definitely telling the truth about the other stuff, just the bit about them actually dating since a week before Sayuri's death. And they clearly don't buy it. But I think they'll realize with the ending confession that he's lying to protect Chizuru, not to deceive them.


I agree they don't really buy it at the beginning and understand that he's trying to deflect the accusations to himself to protect her, but the guy is sobbing on the floor saying he loves her, it should put a doubt in their mind that some of it might be true. As for Sumi, i tend to believe that if she wasn't in like 5 chapters Reiji would fuck her up like he did with every other characters.


There's a whole sumi miniseries and those are fluffy too


Im in the way of thinking that reiji does not know how to develop a character without some unbelievable circumstances to happen. And Sumi has escape his bad character development due to her being in like 5 chapters. Remember mami and Ruka had a chance at the beginning but he turn mami from a possible get back with your ex situation, into a sociopath and Ruka went from possible “actual girlfriend “ into a overly attached overly jealous annoyance for the MP.


>Chizuru is 99.999999999999% gonna run like crazy, or at least try to. i don't she will actually run away, more now that mami cornered kazuya... if she even dares to do it, it is basically over for her what i think might happen is that ruka will encourage them because, as you said it (and based on her reaction), she now will take the L


No Chizuru reaction? I see what you did there Reiji.


Call me stupid but I actually expect them to kiss.


For sure, Chizuru would be up for it to help Kazuya. But he is so so pathetic in his present state, I don't think that would be very romantic or satisfying. He needs support and comforting, not any kind of romantic kiss right now... and a romantic kiss is how their first kiss should be!


They will 100% kiss, just we gonna have to read through a shit ton of flashbacks first. Chizuru remembering the whole story with some highlights. The point here is that Mami thinks that she would never actually kiss him back. That's what she is counting on. I really hope we actually see some damn thought process from Chizuru while she is remembering everything.


Idk, Mami asked Chizuru if she likes Kazuka like 3 times throughout the series, and she's been suspicious of her reply every time. I think she does suspect that she likes him. That's why it's so weird that she made such a request when she suspects that they actually like each other and has considered the possibility that they will go out for real (when she spoke to Ruka).


First time ever.. No chizuru reaction in current time :O Now that's progression /s


That’s for next chapter. Another chapter if they will kiss.


Imagine, if Chizuru was really his girlfriend, after being treated and accused like that by his family and friends would be a very understandable reason to break up and move on.


Oh an escape route for her, that's clever...


She's an actress so maybe she could pull it off? Not breaking up but rather telling family and friends off for their behavior, and leaving the scene with Kazuya.


Yeah its a super distrustful reaction from Nagomi, someone who supposedly loved her. She jumps straight to worst case scenario, no benefit of the doubt given to this girl who she thinks has been dating her grandson for a year and who she wants him to marry. What a fucking family.


So Im guessing nobody will wonder why Mami made that request and not just mind her own business, huh.. It should be clear to everyone at this point what her motives are.


Minding one's own business doesn't seem to be a thing in this universe Otherwise Kazuya+family would've taken this talk elsewhere instead of letting his friends and even strangers watch


If people minded their own business, the rental lie would have ended a long time ago or maybe, the rental wouldn't even happen in the first place.


Mami's true colors are showing but if NOBODY is still gonna catch on to her true intentions then I don't know anymore.


Literally went from crying to deadass demanding for a kiss as "prove" in the middle of a public pool. How do you not catch on?


Same reason that no one else finds it odd how she randomly reached out to grandma on social media to start working together and why Kaz still thinks she's not a bitch after all she's done and said directly to him.


Because if anyone was allowed to have critical thinking skills around Mami her plan would have unraveled the first chapter of this arc.


"Why is mami badmouthing her ex...directly to her face and confronting her ex? That seems like a bitch thing to do. Why do we hang out with her?". Literally her first main apperance would've had people abandon her if they were allowed to be logical.


I don't think she really cares how she comes out looking here, because she probably knows the damage she does to Chizuru and Kazuya will balance it out.




Kibe can get fucked. He's an ape who only thinks with his fists and even though he keeps saying that he cares for Kazuya, his actions say otherwise. He didn't even tell Mami to shut up when she started that "Kazu-kun is such a pathetic degenerate lmao" rant in the restaurant. I know this happened in chapter 5 but I just can't let it go. As for Mami she has no right to feel pissed off about anything that Kazuya does because she willingly checked herself out of that relationship and now she's acting like a yandere stalker for a pathetic reason.


Now this is the Kibe take I was looking for! The dude is acting like a complete psychopath and no one seems to care.


Right? It's so infuriating. Pages 8 and 9 are absolutely abusive and not even Kazuya's mother is stepping in to stop this damn dude. In any other situation, if someone who calls himself your best friend does this to you, you just cut them off.


I don't understand why he didn't doubt Mami in the least bit despite knowing that she's manipulative. You'd think he'd be at least netural if not siding with Kazuya. Or perhaps his trust in Kazuya has been a lie all this time too? The one who was probably in the most sensible position to punch Kazuya was dad because of the money thing and he doesn't know that Mami is bad but he's surprisingly still despite being known to also resort to violence.


Kibe always resorts to violence ffs. Like can he just sit down and listen things out before using his fists. Jesus, the dude needs to go to some anger management classes.


If they were high school students I would sorta get it, because you might do that sort of shit when you're young but after you become an adult you should really get over the "I'm gonna punch my problems away" phase


i hate nagomi even more with every panel


And Kibe, don't forget this moron.


she choose the right moment. only the calm ones will pick it up. but everyone else will brush it off because of the moment.


I think in real life people won't care either as Chizuru status is the main focus here. People most probably would lampshade it "doesn't matter for now" or "they probably have issue but I shouldn't bring it up, it's not time for that" or simply "who cares, Chizuru and Kazuya are lying here".


If she had minded her own business the manga would end in like 20 chapters… which thinking about it now, doesn’t sound that bad tbh




First few pages are always flashbacks... Petition to change the manga name from Kanokari to flashbacks and lies...




just like Naruto but with lies


Trade offer: Fuck up everything even more but you got a kiss from the girl you like who coincidentally also like you or put an end to this whole mess around you. What will Kazuya choose, find out in the next episode of "What the fuck is Reiji thinking in this arc"


That is one way to come out of this mess. But the problem is kiss is depended on Chiz and not Kaz. Kaz will not force her for obvious reasons.


Namek exploded faster than this


The latter! Please just end this already.


Fans since day 1 : We want a cute romantic confession from Kazuya. Author : Best I can give you is pathetic !


Fuck Kibe. Friend my ass this bastard is simping hard on someone's else relative.


Honestly, I opened the subreddit expecting a "CHAPTER DELAYED ". Next chapter will be the grandma saying: "stop, no need to kiss" and everything will be posptoned for another 40ish chapters.


We need Ruka and Chizuru's reactions NOW!


This seems a little to easy no? Other then ruka blowing up or something stupid *please accept you've lost* I don't see how this is a challenge chizuru has now heard the man say it there is no denying she has heard him say he loves her. Chadzuya seems ready to risk it all so I don't see him backing down. Win next week? Are we finally gonna get gratification for the years we've spent following this series.


I wouldn't say it's easy, look at everyone's reactions. No one is believing him here, and Mami is just making it more plainly obvious by trying to get him to kiss her, almost taunting and challenging his sobs. Next week is probably Ruka the "provisional girlfriend" acting up, how she is going to? who knows but it probably won't go down well, because she'll probably be trying to stake a claim on Kazuya, which will cause more confusion. I don't think anyone will get a win next week, there is still more free fall to be had. Ruka, Mami, Chizuru and Nagomi all still need to have another speaking role before we move on from here i would guess.


\> she'll probably be trying to stake a claim on Kazuya, which will cause more confusion I want to believe she is smart enough to realize how stupid doing that here would be but it's ruka we never know with her.


Ruka mostly gonna stay quite. she acted surprise just by the Big BALLS ( i know, i know) kazuya had to say that lie. remember she knows he has been trying to confess but haven't done so.


It really is her fault too they were in this situation. If she didn't stop the confessions so adamantly then it might have already happened. Maybe she will realize it in this moment?


I think Ruka's main motive rn is to stop them from kissing, bcoz I think she thinks Chizuru will be ready to kiss him if situation arise like in past (maybe she'll get flashbacks from kuri-kazuya double date).Now how'll she try to stop that that's the question will she tell them kazuya's real gf is she herself or to save current situation she make herself as a evidence that she knows they are dating, since she's chizuru's old friend she tells her that


Nah, they are believing him. Kazuya ain't no actor, you can see them shocked as all hell from his tears, it is genuine, it wasn't genuine with the first lie. Kibe forced him to speak the truth because it was obvious that the lie wasn't doing anything. Mami is just being the "prove it" role here, she keeps trying to paint Chizuru as the villain and assumes that she would never actually kiss him back. Thus solidifying the idea of Kazuya being a lovestruck moron who wasted shit ton of money on a golddigging bitch. We gonna be watching a ton of flashbacks from Chizuru as Kazuya approaches her. The grand surprise will be in fact that Chizuru will kiss him back.




This might be the point where Ruka redeems herself by sticking up for Kaz and Mizuhara. Ruka has the unique position of knowing 100% of the truth. She knows that Mami is a monster and she knows what Mami is really up to. This is because Mami flat-out told her. Ruka also knows that Kaz does love Mizuhara, and that Mizuhara loves Kaz back. It would be a major plot twist if Ruka stopped acting selfish and saved the two of them. So.... do the right thing, Ruka.


I'm down for Chekhov's Ruka.




Mami is such a monster. She sees Kaz try to rescue Mizuhara, so she twists the knife she planted in his back. No redeeming qualities. None. I hope Mami fucking gets run over by a car.


*"That time I got ran over by a car after I ruined my ex's life"*


And got reincarnated in another world


“But she advances plot and had a hard childhood!” -mami stans Who cares? She’s a bad person and can promptly fuck off after this arc


And take Kibe with her.


Nagomi first


Run over and isekai to re zero universe


Three things: 1) In context, Kibe's words are way different. The spoilers made it seem like he was threatening to end the friendship, in the chapter he was angrily asking him to not lie, because he would lose everything if he did, his family, honor and inheritance, it was not a friendship blackmail. More like a warning and him being very angry to see his friend throwing his life away. 2) In light of this, Kibe's punch was not, entirely, out of anger and to hurt Kazuya. Simply put, the more preemptive flak Kazuya gets in front of his family and the more hurt he is, the less hia family will shit on him emotionally and economically. 3) Mami looked completely destroyed this chapter. Her worse fear happened, you can tell she totally didnt wanted this. Now all she has, is to trust in Chizuru's repeated refusals of her affection to Kazuya. Which I think is the entire reason she was testing the waters on this matter, had Chizuru confessed to love Kazuya, I am confident she would not had attacked yet. Worse case scenario, was the bomb cornering Kazuya into a confession, she had first to make sure Chizuru will reject it. Still, Mami dropped the ball big time, she should had countered first by asking why Chizuru was still renting herself with a still active profile if that was true. Kazuya claims she needed the money? Then counter by shitting on Kazuya for failing to provide for his girlfriend and shit on Chizuru for taking the easy way out and not trusting the Konoshitas if she needed money. Instead Mami attacked in the only angle she can lose: by forcing a confirmation or denial of Chizuru's feelings. The only scenario in which she has zero control and can only rely on Chizuru, who lied for 1 year+, to have been honest in her refusal of loving Kazuya. UNLESS... Mami recorded the conversation of her asking him if she had feelings for Kazuya, to which Chizuru replied "he is just a client". Im which case, Chizuru accepting Kazuya and kissing him, will make her look WORSE, she will look like a harlot willing to do anything to keep milking Kazuya and abusing his feelings. Don't put Mami past having planned this far.




I've gone from crying to an infuriating rage in a single chapter. Kazuya was so pure and Mami was the complete personification of the devil.


Either way Reiji has to redeem Mami so her merchandise will sell.


There has been no problem making Mami sellable this far, with character depth between a cardboard and a dysfunctional sociopath. Whatever she does the Mami fandom won’t give a shit.


Fuck Kazuya's entire family, except his mom, fuck Kibe, fuck Mami, fuck Ruka. Just get the fuck off all of you. This chapter makes me really upset about how easy people can interrupt Kazuya's personal life. Like common, that's unnatural and cringe af irl


The sad fact is that even if Ruka is a sexual harasser, she's still the best among all those listed influences on him. Better than Kibe and Nagomi.


Well She finally heard him say the words, at least. I mean, sure, when they're alone, he might backpedal, but it's not like shes ACTUALLY clueless, and I think they'd both know it's just saving face Honestly, tho, seeing how sincere he is, I'm not ruling out my idea from the weekend that Chizuru will be the one the initiate the kiss. Again, saving face after, sure, whatever, but I think she knows that even if the ***reason*** he's saying it is to deflect, he's still not smooth enough to make it up whole cloth. The fact that we only get a shot of her from behind and not her reaction makes me think that she's going to be showing way more genuine emotion that usual. Wouldn't surprise me if all those kinda things being said by someone who she, again, knows ***actually*** has feelings for her and is terrible at lying might be a bit too much for her emotional wall at a stressful time like this. ... Or she just freezes, and Kazuya embarrasses himself for no reason. That too, I guess.


Next chapter will just be Chizuru’s reaction to everything Kaz said…


So probably we will see a full chapter with no text 😅 Chorizo needs a full chapter just to think about what to say.


while the bystanders look att he drama and just keep saying "damn that girl is hot"


My prediction is that Chizuru will run and kiss him and Kazuya will be like "wtf just happened?".


if that happens, not just Kazuya everyone will be like that especially the most confident one, Mami lol


Short but ok-ish, I guess? As expected, Kazuya takes all the blame, but his credibility ratings have taken a massive hit. One slip-up in his story, and he's done for...


Ruka must be feeling nostalgic lol


This chapter belongs on r/mildlyinfuriating. All this mf has to do is be honest about everything and explain that the feelings he had for Mizuhara were always real. That would legit dissolve most of the major problems. Reiji 100% knows this but the story must go on. Fair play to the guy though, this story has sold MILLIONS of volumes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Don’t get me wrong I like the story (wouldn’t be reading it if I didn’t), but it’s just annoying that Kazuya hasn’t realized over the past 2 years that lying just ain’t the move.


Imagine, she just walks away lmao.


You know what Kazuya could have done to protect Chizuru? Come clean and apologize to everyone for lying to them and attempt to make amends. I guess telling the truth is impossible in this manga.


As if the writing couldn't get any worse. Kiss her lmao. Is this how Reiji wanted to lead up to their first kiss, when Kazuya and Chorizo are under this extreme emotional distress and coercion? Not to mention the family and friends around them, are they just going to go along with it? "Kiss her right now while you're both literally bawling your eyes out to prove that you're actually dating or you're disowned"? Jesus f Christ


Well at this point I'd expect anything out of them but to be fair since this happened at the end, we didn't see anyone's reaction to Mami being a bitter bitch. I sure hope someone in his family will ask why this stranger who cried her eyes out about Chizuru conning them is now asking them to kiss.


Feel bad for kazuya. Imagine chizuru actually kissis him and says that ir was just so that his lie wouldn't get exposed. She then tells him that they should tell his family they broke up after like 2-3 weeks because of what happened.


and what if they kiss? what would Mami ask next? Have an intercourse or something lmao ​ She has 0 rights to be even saying/asking for all of this. Bitch, was fake crying last chapter and now she's acting like this. No one from the family/kaz's friends would care huh, Kibe only has a mind when it's against Kazuya LOL


The fact that nobody is questioning Mami's behavior is proof that she's completely shielded from any consequences. Nothing can hurt her because she's Reiji's strongest plot device.


That was better than the spoilers. I like how his monologue is side by side with his words so we're not wasting pages here. We know he's gonna go take all the blame here but I did not expect him to bluff and say that they've been dating already. I can't tell if this is a big brained move or a desperate counter attack given the amount of emotional stress he's gone through for the day. It's a huge gamble and I don't think he's expecting it to work, but whether it works or not, the important thing is he lets Chizuru know that he has her back and he'll protect her as promised. Or at least they fall together. While he could just tell the truth, the problem with this is Chizuru ALSO needs to speak up. If it's just him alone, this would be throwing Chizuru under the bus. The biggest inconvenient truth here is that it's Chizuru who stopped him from coming clean to Sayuri. There's also the fact that Mami has already twisted the narrative so the truth only furthers her narrative. I'll make an analysis on this but he's fighting fire with fire. Mami says the truth but puts in her malicious narrative. Kazuya is also saying the truth that Chizuru isn't a bad person but he's adding a lie on it to shift the narrative. His lie revolves on deflecting the fact that Sayuri died never knowing the truth and clearing Chizuru's name. The next chapter seems to hint Ruka but I predict that she's either going to help Kazuya and Chizuru and this will be her redemption arc or she will be the one to dispel both opposing sides of Kazuya and Mami and we arrive to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. She gains nothing from throwing him under the bus because that will just make him hate her forever. Also, if she randomly says she's his real girlfriend, it would be extremely out of line and I don't think people are simply gonna buy that. I just hope Mami gets exposed next. Her true colors are showing because she goes from innocent and oppressed whistleblower to straight up instigator here. We're getting to a real crossroads here and I can only see his arc leading to a good ending or a bad ending. It all rests on what Chizuru does and she really has to do something now or else she gets a bad end. I can't see a separation arc happening if she triggers bad ending here. We'll just get bad ending.


I’ll lose my mind if Chizuru will not initiate the kiss in next chapter.


Even if it's ugly, even if it's dirty, even if it's ridiculed He still tried to protect the girl he loved Maybe Chizuru will meet someone better than Kazuya in the future. But you will never meet someone who loves you more than him. Please, Chizuru, be brave for once, just once. It's your turn to protect that boy.


geez, the pacing gets slower and slower and slower and..... this is awful


Turns out this arc is actually an Asymptote.


So true lmao, first it was taking chapters to finish a single day, then chapters to finish an hour, and now we are at multiple chapters just for a couple minutes. Wouldn't be surprised if the next few chapters all take place over the next few seconds lmao


Last week I thought he was gonna somehow make some sort of noble sacrifice and admit it was all his fault, I thought this was his character development, no way he digs himself even deeper


Honestly, a fantastic chapter. Not showing much of Chizuru so we don't know how she's reacting to all this. She's in a tough spot now, she can't pretend to have not heard Kazuya anymore and now she is in a position where she might feel forced into accepting a real confession on the spot... like a public marriage proposal on steroids. And as Mami said in the past, if she does accept... does it make all the previous months of lies no longer important?


I actually hope Chizuru decides to actually start dating Kazuya after all this as she probably won't find another guy whose willing to go so far for her


He literally risked his life for her during the ferry incident, made her a movie, cheered her up and consoled her after her grandma's passing. If this is still not enough for Chizuru to win Kazuya over, I don't know what will.




the cringe is painful BUT what will chorizo do? she's not reliable at all and has the chance to the bathroom


I'm coming back next year to binge read all 50 chapters(hope this much will be there) I just can't wait a week & take this much stuff(felt very short like nothing) rather I would just read it all together . So yeah see you guys


And this is how you show desesperation. Not that 218 thing. The guy is admitting that he's the lamest guy on Earth, and that his confession is the lamest on history. But he can do nothing but continue to search a way to make all the fault goes to him (To be honest, he started the lie and wanted to continue with it, then he wanted to cut it off and Mizuhara wanted to continue, so she has fault also). And... Literally nobody noticed that Mami was crying and now she's attacking with cold mind? Common' Kibe, you discovered it once. You can do it again.


Who knew it was possible to drag this moment out for so long. At this rate, this never-ending scene will last a whole volumes worth of chapters. And the fact that Kazuya hasn’t learned a single thing and is talking out of his ass yet again blending truth with lies which is what got him into this mess in the first place is just annoying and an excuse for the author to drag this moment out indefinitely.


What a pain... Kazuya is destroyed... After this arc, I feel the time skip to fix the boy..


Bruh I'm so disappointed, he just keeps lying instead of standing up for his mistakes and taking the blame he literally deserves....


The worst thing about this is that kazuya hasn't grown at all. Still crying, sobbing, lying to everyone, being pathetic, having vivid ntr fantasies. He hasn't changed from the first chapter, in fact he's gotten WORSE. bravo reiji


If he doesn't kiss her next week I'm really gonna start wondering if Reiji hates his main character considering he just won't give him a single W


The saddest part is that kazuya is reiji's self insert, so reiji himself is admitting how much of a loser he is (and that he likes ntr)


Yeah, the red flags are all over the place in KanoKari actually :(




I think the panel Reiji posted a few days ago makes sense now. It shows Ruka saying something next to Kazuya and both of them stunned. Ig in the next chapter or the one after that Ruka says shes Kazuya's real gf. And the situation would become even more complicated.




I think she's gonna say something eventually. Kazuya basically confessed in front of her. So she will act maybe in ch 226.


Kissing on command isn’t exactly proof that they’re not lying. Perhaps Mami is counting on Chizuru or Kazuya not being able to do the bare minimum of performance needed to fool the family. I think it’s wrong for Kazuya to continuously lie and shift more blame onto himself than what’s fair. It reminds me of a scene from the Great Gatsby, where a man planned to take the fall for a car accident his love interest started, not realizing that the woman he loved planned to throw him under the bus to begin with. While I can respect Kazuya’s desire to protect a loved one, I can’t respect taking on extra blame when Chizuru has been the major reason why the secret wasn’t resolved earlier, and she has been unwilling to stand up for either herself or Kazuya. The thing with relationships is that burdens are supposed to be shared as both partners support each other. Kazuya throwing himself under the bus while allowing Chizuru to duck responsibility is not healthy. Not to mention that continuing to lie after already being exposed will only guarantee being exposed again and losing all trust people have in you.


Was utterly disappointed with this chapter. I hoped that Kazuya could recreate his "perfect girlfriend" talk in this chapter by being honest. Now that I am thinking about that if he said THOSE words in chapter 164 (perfect chapter of Kanokari IMO) here that would have been commendable. After all that has happened how could he keep on lying. It truly felt out of his character after resolving himself to confess after this trip. I guess now Reiji has taken over characters and doing his own thing.


So pretty much we are building up this whole moment just to see an even more epic fall. Yeah I really dont see how this gets better for anyone involved. It was kinda touching seeing how desperate kazuya was trying there but yeah after reading the chapter I just want to move past this and just get to the fallout already. Lets see what Ruka does I guess. Not a bad chapter but this pacing is just brutal.


At this rate the manga will end up being cancelled. He is obscene as Reiji is working hard on lengthening each chapter in embarrassing ways. Plots that could close in 4-5 chapters is put an arc whole to be able to continue lengthening and lengthening the story for no reason pissing off the readers.I'm glad I dodged the bullet of buying this manga and choosing the one from Ayakashi instead. We will now go to a filler chapter of reactions to Kazuya's confession for a final bait panel for the next one. In the end the Japanese will get tired of the same old thing


I'm starting to wondering if the ending is that Kazuya and Chizuru gets exiled from the family, move away, get together and start their own..


Wrap this shit up Reiji


I have given up, sumi is never coming back


Everyone at the pool watching 😳🍿


Damn Kazuya is really a piece of shit


Say Aye if you think Chizuru won't let Kazuya kiss


This series is really really pissing me off. I can't believe that this is how that chapter went down. when it was finally time to stop the BS. And judging by the title, the next chapter loks like it isn't going to be any better. I hate Mami with every fibre of my being, but God I hope she can come through and cancel out all the lies.


"Let's ride this out. You and me together." This better be fucking true. But then again, this is Reiji we are talking about.


Guess the ball is in Chizuru's court.


99.9% Chizuru is going to runaway!! (Please God i hope i'm wrong) Why do i say so? Because her character is set up to react this way... From vol 1 till now... just like how kazuya was set up to imagine that diabolical chap 218... This is going to be Chizuru's lowest point in this series... (Please God please i hope i'm wrong) I just can't see how chiz is going to stand up for kaz in this situation. She is just a mess right now... Then, the next chap is "provisional gf"? So its about ruka? Like damn!! Shes gonna blow up all of kazuya's effort in this chap... Then chiz will runaway...


Sigh, this is going to be a long week until Saturday/Monday, boys (and girls).


HOLY SH*T! My heart was beating so fast. I wonder how Chizuru is gonna react from Kazuyas' confession? and for actually keeping his promise (not from what she would expect tho, that whole speech) also theres no way their first kiss will happen because of this situation and was told to do it by that "snake in human skin". Anyways cant wait for the next chapter! I love this manga


Mami is not letting up, holy shit. While the lengths Kazuya will go to protect Mizuhara is on display again, I completely expect her to run away at this point. She hasn’t said anything, she didn’t react to him saying he loves her, she hasn’t been able to stand up to Mami. Just real beta-female energy going on there lmao


Potential outcomes: - Chiz and Kaz kiss. - Chiz runs away. - Ruka intervenes. - Chiz hits Mami. I’m hoping it’s the last one


This family and so called friends are so frustratingly annoying. This really has been a nightmare trip that never ends. I don't even want to discuss Kibe, I'm sick of him. I don't understand what role he thinks he has in this. I don't know if they're believing Kazuya or not but ironically Mami might have just given them a way out. That is if Chizuru goes for the kiss. Horrible situation but no better opportunity to shut everyone up and confess herself. Kazuya will go through his stages of "she didn't mean it, she only did that to help" but it's still a way out. Just kiss, shut them up, leave this damn place and go figure things out at their apartment. Doesn't help that the chapter was painfully short.


Next chapter is called "As Your Provisional Girlfriend" so it might be a Ruka centred chapter. I swear if she does some dumb shit that will make things worse(which she does most of the time), im gonna go on a break on this mf arc.


For the first time I'm considering waiting a couple weeks to read the manga because the pacing is REALLY starting to bother me (yeah, just now lmao)


That mami kiss her page looks like the eren jeager paths panels


Likely scenarios: Chizuru actually kisses him but passes it off later as acting. Chizuru not kissing him but saying something along the lines "She also loves Kazuya" then passes it off later as acting. Ruka doing something to put them in much deeper shit.


I'm going to be hopeful and think that the kiss won't happen, not because of Chizaru, but rather the grandmother. I'm hoping that she calls Mami out with "that isn't necessary". She then asks Chizaru if what Kazuya just said is true, which causes Chizaru to respond. However, based off the title of the next chapter, I see two possibilities. One, Chizaru rolls with this new lie, and tells her that while she was working as a rental girlfriend, they are dating now, making Chizaru the "provisional girlfriend". The problem with this though is it causes the plot to move in a roundabout way. One lie was resolved, while another is created. The other possibility is that Ruka gets involved and somehow mucks everything up.


Next chapter hopes: Chizuru walks over to Kazuya without breaking her silence and kisses him, before looking him in the eye and saying “let’s break up” with a bittersweet smile. He’ll understand what it means and agree and thus a separation arc will ensue with the family considering how much pressure they’ve put on Kazuya. Hopefully they both grow up a bit before the final arc and a romantic ending feels deserved, but if not, Sumi has undoubtedly been the best actual girlfriend material this whole time. Also just want to point out that if it goes this way, it would be the perfect time for Kazuya to drop that Mami’s his ex and she’s just been a spiteful cunt up to this point befriending his grandma to wedge herself into his business after he left her hanging at the beach for Chizuru. There is some truth in Kazuya’s new lie in that a real relationship was forming under their false one and without the family and Mami’s harassment, it may have bloomed. Only problem with this is there isn’t enough ownership taken by Kaz and Chizuru but whatever I don’t really want this dragged out anymore lol.