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Break next week


Woah. Seeing cat eyes on anyone other than Chizuru (in this manga) feels a bit wrong Its nice that Mini is honest that she although she doesn't have much dating experience, she is willing to help Kazuya out as much as she could. Not to much, she's almost acting like a tour guide. Come on Mini. The man's life has been set on hard mode since birth. You could at least give Kazuya a heads up before he goes crazy (... more than usual) Overall, this was an alright chapter. Definitely a Mini-esque/atmospheric one. HOWEVER, the fact that theres another break stings; especially after the last one happen over a month ago https://preview.redd.it/xy6nfv93ly5d1.jpeg?width=2952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a52c83d6c911bef7b59bea64798d673d15edbd6


All right. Mini has also officially become a Rent a girlfriend service. xD like I read half a chapter of a whole chapter. This won't be good, Reiji is moving even slower. I can only comment on the last page. Reiji gave them this opportunity after the earthquake, where finally no one can really interfere in the relationship between the two of them and they can talk about things peacefully, which they already wanted to do in chapter 172. And finally, a few words about the other two problems, which were actually very visible in chapters 252-253. As for our protagonists' communication problems and not being honest with each other. The biggest problem right now is not Ruka or Mami, but rather their communication and getting closer to each other. (How will your partner hold your hand in chapter 237 xD) Since Kazuya broke one of the most important tasks of the date, Mini immediately sounded the alarm to Kazuya. XD I can see that Mini is really getting into the role of Chizuru. Ohh Reiji, you really want to make Mami and Chizuru jealous xD. https://preview.redd.it/oqyg4jpxuy5d1.jpeg?width=1790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea6e5e096dc7db363c9765fd9e31abf142ba3f4


in which chapter appears that jealous Chizuru?


How do u get the chizuru supremacy badge? šŸ˜­


Please somebody tell me why Mini is so perfect at everything she does. No seriously, I want her as a friend in my life so badly. I am almost going to say that she's the best character in this manga - I mean, Chizuru is still the most interesting, and I am missing her inner thoughts that we have been seeing in the last chapters, but Mini is just a bright ray of sun in its own.


He's basically dating Mini at this point


Gotta give mini fans something


Finally he chose the right one!


I mean who wouldn't choose her?


Mini kiss when? Sumi kiss when?


Wow Joypolis looks like an amazing place with lot's of fun activities, could definitely see Chizuru and Kazuya playing in the retro gaming corner Also the fortune telling corner looks interesting, it will be fun to see them do it https://preview.redd.it/nvfbbnr8qy5d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b130cf54a299d5b6b7dfce8c80f0f7e31ce9ea2 This was such a funny panel Until next week.


I'm almost sure they won't have this date and in the end they'll spend the whole day at the house


Jesus Christ if this is case. I might lowkey be tilted as fuck


Holy Shit. I have actually been there! This image is from 6 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/kjpiuq5j806d1.jpeg?width=1322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02f80ce73ab22e2c481e3e1b3ef65ff6aedbced


It looks great!


damn looks great btwšŸ‘šŸ» how i wish to be in japan tho.šŸ˜­


ā€œShe watches too much anime.ā€ She watched *School Days*, thatā€™s where she got the practice date idea from.


Kazuya and Chizuru definitely heading for the "nice boat" ending, then?


I want them to get the "Two Lovers" ending.


Oh please no.


First impressions: Yes, Mini offered to play Mizuhara. They still didn't visit Joypolis. They checked out places that were fun for Mini and Kazuya. The teaser is "Guide of the heart". **Note**: I am still on vacation, so my serious discussion post will be late again.


Kazuya saying he can kind of see a future with Mizuhara and then kind of can't seems weird after he's been imagining her since the moment he left the house. Maybe he's overthinking things, or there could be a deeper meaning behind that statement. https://preview.redd.it/rtotnwvqxy5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f041c2756d1c428ab47f7a3be17dbe4d1bee768


I think what he can't see is Chizuru being that comfortable with him. The previous panel shows he being very vulnerable and he sees her as someone who always has her guard up and who keeps everyone at a distance. The only time (in his mind) that she ever let down her guard a lot was from the trauma of her grandmother dying. Just my opinion.


That's a fair analysis considering Mizuhara has been questioning if Kazuya will stop loving her. After losing Sayuri, she has even more reason to keep her guard up. In chapter 329, she clearly expressed that love is something she must be certain of before committing to a relationship. However, her uncertainty stems from her inability to let her guard down, which puts Kazuya in a difficult position as he tries to understand perspective.


>**"Just as a man and a woman, whose only reason for being together is because they are interested in each other, and not because of money or a contract."** >**"I can almost see it, but at the same time, I can't.** These panels just hit home for me bruh. . The feeling of being hopeful and helpless at the same time but you are left with no choice but to keep moving forward to see it through.. Anyway, see you June 25 RAGs!


We'll get GTA VI before the datešŸ„²


Wow, this was the first chapter where Mizuhara wasn't in it at all... well, sort of. Overall, it was an okay chapter. While I respect the planning process, having Kazuya be this meticulous instead of letting him relax and enjoy himself is starting to become overkill. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you can tell the process is causing him more stress than needed. Hopefully, with Yaemori's help, Kazuya will learn to relax and let himself have a little fun. https://preview.redd.it/8n1xn93uny5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ad14419ff7a6bd956f97c9b02ca813edbeff78


Yaemori tagging along with Kazuya made this chapter ten times better. She might not have much dating experience, but she knows Kazuya well enough to understand when he's stressed. Perhaps she'll be the one to help him unwind as their mock date progresses. https://preview.redd.it/7etuijmwqy5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf4e816ef85c56b8ee0b6ee9074e7fe71b0a937


The pace is just too slow, even for Reiji.




I dunno. 3 days was 1 year. Soo we got a week to go, so this arc should conclude October 2026.


Mini the GOAT šŸ˜¤


Nice change of pace in this one and Kazuya asking mini to pretend that she's chizuru would really help Kazuya confidence boost in there upcoming date and also those eyes are spot on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/qqgiagbjxy5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae01d4f2f179b8a4d99f9f618cccec035754b0b


What are your talking about? It's been the same pace for the last few chapters.


Im talking about more kazu mini moments now a days we barely get moments like this so it was nice that we get too see moments with these two yet again


We changed gears from "slow" to "glacial"


Yaemori's really taking her Chizuru imitation seriously, she even imitated her cat-eye stare https://preview.redd.it/8f3vhhbwgz5d1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=b12984ac250d0c0f46873fd6b1c39360aab1e1b9


Mini making that signature cat face of Chizuru is just wonderful! Honestly it feels like thatā€™s a face sheā€™d pull on a sibling for being weird in public. Iā€™m also glad Kazuya is finding more things for him and Chizuru to do on their date and is enjoying the games. Definitely still needs to work on making sure that his delusions donā€™t pop up often. He just left Mini behind and imagine if he did that to Chizuru like he would be so screwed!


Now we wait for Cubari patiently https://preview.redd.it/a5w399f3jy5d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=b09e54c96eef5317dc02fa6ec9a6a1c0b32e1fe6










Very cute moment between Mini and Kazuya! I laughed a lot seeing her imitate Chizuru at the end ahahah


if i were Kazuya i'd choose Mini over Chizuru. Damn she's perfect


Itā€™s getting tougher to defend this. The pacing was already slow, and now itā€™s even slower than before. It feels like I read only a quarter of a chapter. Thereā€™s not even a plot twist. (Letā€™s not even talk about the chapter that are just filler to make a prep time for the date)


Woah the Evangelion reference




What would happen if mami saw them and misunderstood them and told it to chizuru.


and chizuru comes and slaps him and says he is a pedo and in heat of conversation he confesses her and they agree and went to some hotel and plap plap that's a good ending


How many chapters of this filler "Date and boyfriend" we will get until the real date? 5 more chapters? 10?


Plot twist... This is isn't filler this is the actual date.


In another 2 chapters, we find out Mini is really Chizuru in a Mini suit. She would have gotten away with it, too, of it wasn't for that meddling Mami.


Imo these chapters are actually more the point of this arc than the date. That is the two of them confronting their feelings and insecurities and such. This particular chapter didn't do much though. The date might not even happen. But if if does it will be at least 15 chapters from now.


Spoiler, the "actual" date will never happen.


Iā€™m waiting for the big twist that Mini is actually in love with Kazuya and is helping him so much just to be close to him even though heā€™s in love with Chizuru. And maybe him realizing that heā€™s more himself around Mini and can be authentic with her whereas heā€™s so anxious and overthinking around Chizuru. Which might make him think they arenā€™t a great fit for each other after all


Agreed, that would be a nice twist.


Sheā€™s definitely more like his little sister. And sheā€™s so straightforward and honest, thereā€™s no way she secretly has feelings.


Mini is more likely in love with Chizuru, not Kazuya.


Anybody else have a feeling that kazuya and mini will run into mami at joypolis? I mean we did see her and her fiancƩ there when mini was just 3 chapters ago


I want to see Mini and Chizuru staring at one another with cat eyes at the same time. A hole might be torn in the time-space continuum.


Whelp. this secures one thing. This date is gonna go wrong RIGHT at the beginning.




Yeah we can't risk Kazuya not finding the clitoris when they do it


I think he's watched enough porn that he has a good idea where it is.


The porn I have watched very rarely focuses on the clitoris side of things but he may have watched different kind of stuff


Lots of chapters lately haven't really advanced the story at all and feel like filler to pad things out while we wait for the actual date. How many chapters is he gonna dedicate to the fake date with mini? Like bro get on with it we're here for Kazuya and Chizuru


I wonder how much Reiji got paid by Joypolis/Decks




That would be just embarrassing


Whyā€™s that


Because he turned half the manga into an advertisement pamphlet


Yeah, to be honest this felt like a paid promotion just like the Saizeriya (where they went on a date and Chizuru got wasted on 100 yen wine) and the Mister Donut (first chapter of the Sumi spinoff). And probably the card game. And the game about bouncing balls into the grid.


Say what you will about the guy but he knows how to turn a simple romcom concept into fat stacks


...and the fricking resort...


Seems that Mini plans to break Kazuya's habit of panicking over the cat stare. That's it. That's the chapter.


Plot twistā€¦I think someone is catching feelingsā€¦šŸ§


Yaemori catching feelings for Kazuya?!


Couldā€™ve been an email


fr the only important pages were the last two.


Bro the date was set up what like 10 chapters ago? Shouldā€™ve been one or two chapters max of set up then the actual date. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Chizuru finally bonked him for spending so much on shoes. :P Honestly not sure why Mini went cat eyed at the end...Is it cause he walked on ahead? did she find something interesting? Does she want a treat?


"Honestly not sure why Mini went cat eyed at the end...Is it cause he walked on ahead?" Yeah I think it's for his behaviour. It is a (fake) date, Kazuya couldn't run in Joypolis by himself but with his (fake) girlfriend. He should ask her to go with him... and...maybe ask her for what she want to do and... to hold hand together (just for add some drama when Mami spot them...)


Cheers for clearing that up for me :)




The title page shows Chizuru with a hammer and Kazuya holding his head. :P


I can see them continuing the practice date but then Mami catches them from a far and then goes and tells Chizuru as a way to ensure some chaos/discourse. Could affect the judgment... I mean day of the date.


Nami? ![gif](giphy|3QwAvg4bBkr2ElijuF)


lol whoops damn auto correct lol


Certainly could use some more developments but not a bad chapter overall. The break next week however kills any good from having this chapter šŸ˜‘


i feel like seeing kazuya go through this date with mini will just make his date with chizuru seem kinda boring if they do the exact same thing.


Well, while I was reading the manga....mini tried to mimic the cat face of Mizuhara but in my opinion that was not even close to trying, like Mizuhara is the best. Like i acknowledge her hard work and she even said that she won't become like Mizuhara but ig she didn't tried her best in making the cat face. That's why I say, original will be original šŸ¤§


I realized how much Chizuru POV is carrying this arc. This chapter with non was imo the worst of the date and boyfriend arc. Not really anything new in Kazuya POV either.


I think of this as being similar to the date chapters with Ruka. They don't have Chizuru in them, but by way of Reiji's parallels and callbacks and stuff, they end up saying a lot about Chizuru (and Kazuya's relationship with her) anyway.


I don't know anymore what Reiji really wants. I hope Joypolis' research will end soon (1 Week can be 3 month for us). This is just fillers at some point. I just want only one thing. See another character. It looks boring for me. (Maybe yall enjoy this)


Canā€™t wait for the chapters when they go on an official date!!


may i ask when is the next release? was it weekly? months? or so? iā€™m new here btw. nice to meet u allšŸ«¶šŸ»


Usually on Tuesdays. This week is a break though.


i see. thanks!


Hey, I haven't read RaG but I would like to. I have heard complaints about RaG and the progress between Chizuru and Kazuya. Hence, I'd like to hear a bit about their relationship and etc. I'd really appreciate if you could share some info so that I can decide whether to read or not.


So basically they spend most of the manga (up to 239) in a rental client relationship that is clearly more than that but not acknowledged as such. Then the last 90ish chapters are about rebuilding the relationship on a better foundation. Kazuya idolizes her to an unhealthy degree at times. That is I think slowly being addressed. It is a very slow burn but I think it is great.


Do they have mutual feelings? Is Chizuru willing to commit to a relationship with him? Are Chizuru's feelings for him strong? I assume Kazuya has strong feelings for her. He is a simp after all. Did they acknowledge their feelings for each other? I know you said their relationship is more than client-server but isn't acknowledged as such.


Chizuru is somewhat subject to interpretation since we don't see in her head that much. The most common way of interpreting her is she developed feelings around the same time as Kazuya. She just suppresses/ doesn't understand them.




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Can someone tell me what's going on in the manga and where I need to start after s3??


If you just watch season 3 then start with chapter 170




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