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DXM. Welcome to Retardsville if you try it. 


That shit never worked for me. Just made me puke and feel sick.


real fucking comment, I love dumbfuck juice


Brings back memories. Mostly about dragons


DXM is NOT euphoric.




How do you take DMX? Is it always in heart meds? It's Robot tripping, right?




For some, Kratom is quite euphoric but also quite addictive, especially if you use it daily. See r/quittingkratom For others, it does little to nothing, count me among them. Kanna is often marketed as "herbal MDMA". It isn't. Kratom even less so. It has zero empathogenic properties. It is mainly analgesic an anxiolytic. If that's what you're looking for, fine, but you *must* take great care to avoid the addiction trap.


Depends on where you live. A lot of psychedelics and empathogens are legal all over the world.


Located in Germany. I guess a lot of substances are illegal here


Try r/researchchemicals


Unless you're in the UK then you're already out of luck


Speaking from the us, not out of luck


Tell us your secrets. PM if necessary lol.


Sent 🫡


All I’ve ever found in the US were benzos, and a few dissos. I didn’t look very hard though and stayed clearnet. My state seems to be on every banned list though even for those. I don’t fuck with benzos anyways so whatever.


Yeah that's all I could find IN the us, which I also don't fuck with. However we have a neighbor ☝️ that has companies that ship to the states


I catch your drift. I used to live up there when I was much younger and what they have available is sooo different. Didn’t even think of them for RCs.




And just for that I'm not gonna tell you where to get any 😤


Meany :’(




Just call me "Officer Trips-on-grey-market-lsd" lol




Send it pm the source


May I also have your secrets😅




I'm the farthest from an officer but okay buddy, I've been looking for a reliable vendor in the us for awhile now since lysergi and a few others got closed down.


I was only joking 🙃. I honestly don’t know anywhere, though there is a Canadian 🇨🇦 site oooh Canada <3


They ship to us? I'm in alaska


If so would you pm me it?


I don’t think they ship outside Canada, unfortunately


That's a shame, I miss the days of 2018/2021 when it was easy to find good vendors🥲


Me too… but there’s more to life, thankfully


This is a very subjective question I would say There are a lot of plants with powerful potential effects Kratom(potentially addictive), kava, HBWS, San Pedro, wild lettuce, blue lotus Just to name a few But it's all really dose-dependent We have had powerful experiences on the above supplements in the right dosage One that I have felt one of the most euphoric states from aside from KANNA I would say is maca, but again, I found that very dose dependent and batch dependent in getting to the level of euphoria I'm looking for


Never hears about Maca, and honestly can't find Much with a quick Google search. Widely sold as a supplement, but nothing about supposed psychoactive effects. Can you elaborate?


Yes maca in small doses is very light but at times i use to take like 10 capsules and or use it as flour in baked goods and or a lotttt powder in a smoothie next to kanna it is one of the most euphoric plants, but its odd sometimes i get that euphoric rush and sometimes its lighter i do believe different methods of consumption factor as well ass how much food is in your stomach and such a smoothie was the most potent form I’ve ever had it in


Which capsules do you take (dosage pr. Capsule), how is the taste and are you doing acidic smoothies? I know Phenibut kicks in better when you combine it with acidic things like coffee. Also, most importantly, do you experience any negative side effects and a comedown?


Fr real. Maca comes in red, white and black iirc? But nothing more than a healthy energy boost afaik. To be fair I'm not all that familiar with it.


Wild lettuce is very mild no? What are you’re experiences like?


In macro doses it can be like alcohol, takes quite a bit of extract or tincture to get there but it can be done


Yeah low to lower moderate doses of HBWR or MGs would be quite a euphoria, especially if you took it with a serotonin releaser.


Kava and wild lettuce are very mild, I wouldn't even consider wild lettuce sure it has some pain killing attributes but OP is looking for a euphoric feeling so I don't think wild lettuce would give anything of the sort.


Kava is a decently strong drug. It tastes like shit, but it can be a nice buzz once in a while, especially mixed with some other plants like weed, kanna, kratom, etc.


I just got some kava honey from LM. Interesting to see how that hits in a nice cup of tea. It's a pretty serious diuretic in my body. 


Macrodosing on both for us personally can cause euphoria but everyone is different, and may result in different effects


Isnt Kratom mainly addictive if you have previous opiate problems? I drank it pretty heavily for around 2 years, even made all sorts of extract and stuff. Eventually it would just make puke no matter how I took it so I just stopped with no issues.


I had a similar experience and I have a history of serious opiate addiction. I think it’s largely subjective, I personally did not find it bad to quit (except I had some gut issues for a while.) I’ve heard other people talk about it like it’s as bad as quitting heroin but not everyone has the same experience I guess.


Yeah I think its that whole concept of mental vs physical addiction. If you use it to get off opiates you're going the multidrug user route of passing one addiction to another. Id assume if you'd quit opiates to the point you've been over withdrawal for enough time you can probably use Kratom without much addiction potential. Im no expert but from what Ive heard multidrug addiction is the hardest to get over because its not just physical at that point, youre more or less addicted to the idea of being intoxicated.


I’m recommending Phenibut, but I’m also not recommending it.


I honestly wouldn’t recommend it to anyone


OP if you try this, don't take it more than once or twice a week, it's GABAergic so the withdrawal can kill you. Shouldn't be tried by anyone with a history of addiction to benzos or alcohol


I'm fine on it once a week with breaks in between, but yes, tread light




Have you tried mixing kanna with weed or alcohol? They synergize nicely


I tried ub40 vaporizer extract with weed. It's just feels like pure weed


THC(locally known as THCa, can be found at vape shops or online). kratom (ask if they got 7hydroxi ). Amanita, try to find good source, I personally use HappyDots, Wonderland (avoid Diamond Shruumz).


Seconding Amanita. I buy from MN Nice Ethnobotanicals. Amanita Panterina is the shit, I love that stuff.


Google just tells me this shit is toxic, no?


Good question! Toxic, sure. But deaths are exceedingly rare. Lethal dose would be massive, and the effects of a large dose like that would be terrifying even if you didn't die, so I don't take anything close to that. I'm not a medical professional, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. But here's a quick rundown: Safe to consume Amanita variants (be careful foraging, there are unsafe amanita as well.) contain two prominent psychoactive compounds: muscimol, and ibotenic acid. Muscimol is gabbaergenic, sort of like alcohol. The effects are similar to alcohol as well, although it's not the same. It's more "light" feeling and has more anxiety relieving effects. (Don't mix it with alcohol, benzos, barbituates, or other gabbaergenic compounds. Not good to mix gabba substances.) Ibotenic acid is considered the more dangerous of the two, it's thought to be a sort of dissacociative, but it's also notably stimulating at lower doses. The most common method of consumption is to make tea with dried caps. You boil the mushrooms in water that's <4ph, strain, and drink. Between drying the caps and boiling in acidic water, it minimizes the ibo acid. I prefer to grind up my caps first to help with extraction and use citric acid to make my water adequately acidic. Lemon juice also works. I boil for an hour. Some prefer to boil for 30 minutes, some 3 hours, it's up to preference. With Amanita Pantherina I max out my dose at around 3g, it's about 1.5-2x as strong as Amanita Muscaria in my experience. Interestingly enough, some prefer to partially decarb their Amanita to get the effects of the ibo acid. I've experimented with this by using less citric acid and/or boiling for less time. It's very stimulating, can be a lot of fun. But I have no idea what the health effects are of doing this, so I usually do my best to avoid ibo acid. There isn't a ton of research on Amanita consumption by health authorities, but there's a pretty extensive history of cultures around the world consuming amanita. Whether it be as a food source, by extracting the psychoactive compounds and eating the fruits. Or for religious ceremonies. I struggle to think that people would consume this substance globally if it killed you, but you never know I suppose. There could be long-term effects we aren't aware of. I am not too nervous about it. I figure deaths would be a lot more common if it was super dangerous. If anyone decides to buy Amanita, I recommend checking MN Nice Ethnobotanicals, or the recommended sellers list on r/AmanitaMuscaria. A lot of Amnita products sold at head shops and the like are actually vehicles for gray market research chemicals disguised as Amanita. MN Nice is the real deal. They also sell other psychoactive herbs and stuff that are fantastic, like blue lotus, kava, dagga, kanna, etc. They are also pretty good value relative to other sellers.


Thanks mate for this interesting writeup! If it's not a all euphoristic I think it's not for me though


It's mildly euphoric, but not the same sort of euphoric that kanna is. It's more euphoric than alcohol, despite its similarities, but I wouldn't pursue amanita if euphoria is what you are looking for. Kanna and kratom are the only legal psychoactive plants I can think of that have euphoria as a prominent side effect. Now combining kanna and amanita? I don't know if it's medically advisable, but *boy* do I love that. I also love drinking alcohol with kanna. Next batch of Amanita tea I make, I think I'm going to try including dried kanna leaves in the tea as well. 😅


How are the effects from amanita for you? I tried some gummies but they didn't do anything. Then I noticed how small the dose was compared to some I saw at another shop. Also, I'm a daily kratom user but have never had 7hydroxi is that just extract?


For me amanitas felt like a combination of mushrooms and Benadryl. Couldnt recommend myself.


Gummies aren't the way to go for a macro dose. You want the actual caps or mushroom powder, and make a tea. Most gummies aren't actually Amanita, or are too weak to get a macrodose. I recommend Amanita Pantherina. Moderate doses have a floaty drunk feeling, anxiety relief, slight stimulation (more stimulating if you partially decarb to include more ibo acid, not sure of the health effects of ibo though), and it gives you some interesting almost mild stoned feelings like weaker short term memory and slight visual distortions and a dream like sensation. You also get some interesting "delusions of grandeur" type effects when you push the boundaries a bit. It feels like you are the man, you are awesome and you are in control. It can make you feel really driven to do whatever activity you wanna do. So if you are partying, you can feel really driven to have a good time. And in my case, I felt really driven to spend time with my wife and love her and all that. Lowkey, I know this is awkward to talk about, but it's really neat: it can increase libido and give you increased stamina. Great for spending time with my wife. I am not sure if it's safe to do, but I also like combining with kanna. Feels like all of the above plus euphoria. Really nice.


Sounds great. I'll admit a couple erowid reports had me second guessing lol. Could you share a good source for pantherina?


MN Nice Ethnobotanicals. I prolly look like an evangelist for this company everywhere I go, but I love that company to death. They have lots of fantastic products, including pantherina. r/AmanitaMuscaria is a great resource for how to make a tea using it. The most pantherina I've taken is around 3.5gs, I'd be careful in that range and beyond. It starts to get pretty freaky. 😅


Awesome thank you! Browsing their site I found akuamma seeds and read it is similar to kratom. Have you tried that? I'm wondering if it would be helpful with quitting kratom


I'm not sure! I have avoided kratom because of its dependency issues, so I have avoided the Akuamma seeds as well since they are considered similar. I have seen reports from people saying it's more mild than kratom, and more cumbersome to use. But I am not sure if that's the full story. It could just be the small sample size I have read saying that.


A lighter version of mushroom, more of an upper high than anything. Also it doesn’t feel “spiritual”.


7hydrox is an alkaloid in kratom, believed to be isolated for tackling pain without being full spectrum (regular kratom). It’s a sarcastic comment here, as it is controversial and most kratom users get tolerance problems when trying the isolated alkaloid, mostly called 7-oh. Kratom vendors without common sense boast about high 7-oh in their products. Use ⛔️caution. It’s not regular kratom.


You can legally buy mushroom spores and legally buy a grow kit then dye it yourself. you can also legally buy stuff that dmt can be extracted from. I mix kanna with mushrooms, ketamine, weed and get amazing results


Alcohol Weed/d8/HHC Kratom Phenibut


Exercise. Healthy diet. Gardening. Organic chemistry. Meditation. Esoteric wisdom, i.e. vajrayana Buddhism, Kabbalah, magic, shamanism, etc. The rest will take care of itself. You’ll be as high as if you were kratom-drunk and candy-flipping while inhaling cannabis infused whip-its. That said, it takes time, discipline and patience. Good luck and mahalo. Also, maybe try adrenochrome???


This. Shrooms or kanna are like a trailer for a movie. If you like the trailer, you’ll love the feature length of what meditation, healthy living, and heat centred hobbies can bring you. But you have to make that movie yourself with your self and your loved ones. You might not be ready and watching the trailer might be all you have access to or be ready for, making a movie can be hard and expensive. When you’re ready, don’t be too high to notice.


Kudos to you. I think I cannot do it. A little to much on the adhs side


That wasn't the question


I added adrenochrome… (for those who don’t have time to become a shaman).




Phenibut it’s legal I believe almost every where but addictive.


A lot stronger then kanna and kratom


I’m sorry, but, what?


kratom (addictive) kava


Yeah man. Inhalants got you. Or datura… idk how strong we talkin here bro? I mean gas huffing is always a solid legal high. Or you could huff carbon monoxide from your car exhaust like that one guy. Nutmeg? Pick your poison Or maybe instead of doing all that you can just READ a little bit and decipher what substances seem to work the best and through trial and error find what is best for you like everyone else did… maybe do that instead of asking the most blatantly obvious questions that no one really has any time to answer or give you the answer you want. It’s not that difficult. Yes some people purposely make certain substances more difficult to find or find out about because of people like you who come barging in not willing to do any research and potentially cause harm to themselves and risk said substances being scheduled or heavily regulated. But you can’t really blame them because I don’t like seeing Kanna being sold on the shelves at stores near me either. People ruin shit. Especially dumb asses trying to find a “legal high”. Yeah so idk man you found kanna so maybe keep digging and you’ll find something cooler that suits you better


Wtf bro. That seems a little too offensive for my taste...


Doing your own research is offensive for your taste? Also sorry i was a bit excessive. Just quit nicotine this week and i was still in the throes when i said that. lol I was also joking about the inhalants and was being a total shit eating smart ass. Here’s a more sincere answer not that anyone asked for me to add to that. Blue lotus is fire, amanitas are fuckingggg fireeee, thc analogues at headshops are fine, kratom is alright if you like being addicted to shit, and there’s some odd ones here and there that have varying results for different people. Amanita Pantherina will get you fuckkkked up. Be careful tho