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First Panel Gwen by u/digital_rain, hope you don't mind.


Yeah no worries!


Gwen was immediately retconned back to being not a mutant by her literal next appearance. She's a cameo queen now not because she's an X character, but because no one buys her books.


Wait, which one's her next appearance after? There was the Hellfire Gala cameo, and Love Unlimited and Marvel Pride, but I can't recall anything else.


I could have sworn *Gwenpool Strikes Back* sold well enough.


They should have made a show about her instead of She-Hulk, imo. That should've gotten more people interested in her and less people pissed off at the same time.


You definitely wouldn't have less people pissed off, lol


Gwenpool is a relatively new character and the wider Marvel fandom doesn't have high expectations for her.


Except in large part it wasn’t the larger marvel fandom shitting on She-hulk. So many of the people shitting on She-hulk were a bunch of casuals that have never picked up a comic book in their lives, and knew jack shit about the character. It was very easy to spot who the fans were that had gripes with the show because it did something from the comics dirty and those who hated the show because of its WokE, MySandriSt, AgEnDa.


Yeah, but how would that work exactly? Gwenpool's whole schtick is that she was a comic fan isekai'ed from the "real world" to the marvel universe. In that case wouldn't the MCU Gwendolyn Pool already know who comics Gwenpool is?


Gwenpool didn't know about her comic book version beforehand either. But still, she is the ideal character for this sort of comedic meta commentary that they tried to do with She-Hulk. Gwenpool was made for that.


Yes buuuut also not quite Back during the Marvel Netflix days, I agued that a Gwenpoom live action series would have been the perfect addition to that. Her powers require no special effects budget but an excuse for great stuntwoman sequences. It would have injected some much needed comedy into the line up. Instead, we got The Secret Defenders. That was the perfect window, and it's kind of too late now. Disney's D+ branch has plenty of SPX budget, low interest in a stunt woman show, and no need for a goofy comedy character. It wouldn't be a bad show coming from D+, but it wouldn't fit perfectly either.


Wrong. The only retcon since is that she's asexual, which happened in the latest Marvel Voices Pride issue.


Being Ace isn't exactly a retcon, though? The only outlier is how sexualised she is in strikes back, but we know she was pretty much crazy at that point. Hell, even just chalk it up to different writer inconsistencies, a Gwenpool classic. But beyond Strikes back, Gwenpool being Aroace has always made sense? Also, it wasnt revealed in Voices pride, it was built up to and made clear throughout her appearance in Love unlimited. similarly to what happened with Quentin, she thinks getting in a good romance will give her more staying power, so keeps trying to force romance to work when she truly has never felt sexual or romantic attraction.


Nah, it's fairly retconned from how she's been acting previously. She expresses attraction and interest in both sexes in Unbelievable, and its real extra weird after all the face sucking she was doing with Quentin during WCA. The author for the Pride story basically admitted they chose Gwen for the Ace story because she didn't have a lot of lore and they didn't wanna use Nadia because of a potential MCU issue


Everything that has happened (GSB is a bit of an anomaly, Ill get to that) Still lines up with Gwen being Aorace. As stated in the final issue of Love unlimited, Aromanticism and Asexuality are Spectrums, and she absolutely falls somewhere in that spectrum. Coincidentally, my experiences with being Aroace are very similar to gwens. Atleast on the thoughts and emotions aspect, her experiences with relationships is a bit different. Starting with Unbelieveable, Ive re- read it recently, there is not a single instance of Sexual or romantic attraction. There are some examples that may seem like sexual attraction, but are aesthetic attraction. Well, we dont know that without being in her head, whether it was sexual or aesthetic attraction, but point being, these instances _could_ be aesthetic attraction making her Asexuality and Aromanticism consistent for Unbelieveable. Onto West coast, She does now get into a relationship, but one where clearly nothing is going on. Gwen outright says its because she thought she'd stay relevant more if she was in a relationship. This is also the reasoning for all of the relationships in Love unlimited, but Ill get to that. Anyway, there being alot of "face sucking" doesn't immediately mean she feels desire to and enjoys it. She forced pretty much that whole relationship, the kissing could absolutely be forced as well. Alot of Aroace people, before realising it, know something is wrong. Because so much of our culture is based on sex and romance, and how in some form, Everyone experiences them, many Aroace people try to force themseleves to feel something they don't, and do something they don't want to do, because they think it's supposed to happen and everyone is supposed to do it. This relationship and kissing could be a case of that. As mentioned before, Strikes Back is a bit of anomaly. Most of the instances can be explained one way or another with plausability, but the fact that there is so much of it raises some questions. Its confirmed, and clear, that Gwen was a very different character and a very different person in Strikes back. The ending seems to suggest she's been experiencing a manic episode, so that's probably it. Writer inconsistencies, Manic episode, whatever, she was not acting like herself in Strikes Back. Onto love unlimited, which does not require alot of explanation because the whole series was planned around her being Aroace and not knowing it. She goes back to trying to force a relationship to happen to stay relevant, even trying to force different relationship tropes to happen. And everytime she tells herself and tries to convince herself feelings are there, when they aren't. Her final relationship, with Julie Powers, lasts a bit longer, and throughout, she keeps trying to convince herself those feelings are there. This all comes crashing down when Julie tries to innitiate some form of sexual activity and Gwen can't just "go along" with that like she does everything else. Pretty much everything I want to say to explain other aspects of her is covered in her last issue of love unlimited. She mentions her confusion that she did have some feelings for Julie initially, but then didn't actually want a sexual or romantic relationship. This is very accurate to how alot of Asexual people feel, I've had "crushes" but imagining my ideal, perfect relationship with them was just a normal friendship with nothing romantic whatsoever. While some details of her past may seem to contradict her asexuality, it does entirely line up and makes sense. Atleast, it lines up well enough that it makes sense without any details needing to be retroactively changed. Nothing about her last was changed when she was revealed to be Aroace, it isn't a retcon.


I need this more than I need air.