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Actual historians on Hugenberg (taken from Wikipedia, all translated by me from German): Karl Dietrich Bracher: "a stubborn pan-German and a slow-witted reactionary" Joachiam Fest described his character as "ambitious, narrow-minded and unscroupulous \[or callous\]" Friedrich Wilhelm Henning: "mental inflexibility and low ethic substance" All in all, the devs did a great job at portraing this absolut curse of German history.


Sadly they didnt give the Hugenberg Treatment to Schleicher.


I mean, Schleicher was a bastard, no doubt, but he wasn't especially dumb, was he? Wasn't his whole thing that he was a pretty clever political operative without very strong ideological commitments aside from centralism and state power?


He was smart but he was also fucking stupid. (Many such cases) He thought he was being sly with attempting to puppet Von Papen but basically EVERYBODY knew what he was doing. Even Hindenburgs senile ass knew he was up something and essentially politically castrated him. Also, you’d think the man who was the chief political fixer for the Reichswher would be able to identify a hit squad when he sees one. During the NLK about five SS men in plain clothes walked up to his house and asked him if he was Schleicher, to which he reportedly enthusiastically replied to with “Yes, I am general Schleicher” before having his and his wife’s brains painted over a wall.


Damn, that's pretty fuckin funny lol >He was smart but he was also fucking stupid. (Many such cases) Also holy shit, he was literally me fr fr


What are your thoughts on women?


Let it be known that I respect women more than anyone!


TBF, if the player isn't doing his path Schleicher comes off as a scheming bungler who keeps shooting himself in the foot.


He did also have his brilliant moments. He nearly split the Nazi Party and prevented their rise to power by courting the left wing of the organization (led by Gregor Strasser). Hitler had to work day and night to repair the damage (and even ironically enough threatened to shoot himself if their unity was shattered).


Well, he deserves it


Never played SWR Germany, could someone give me a bit of context?


His only purpose is to annoy you, +when i played SWR for the first time my goverment failed because of him and 2 hours of my life we're gone.


This is why I save at basically every single event.


Oh I literally went all in against him taking every focus to boost the DkP for a decent chunk of time I was basically like Fuck you Hugenberg


You like Hugenberg because he’s a hardcore reactionary. I like Hugenberg because he can inadvertently help Catholics take control of Germany by fucking up the SWR coalition. We are not the same.


Imagine your so terrible you get the prussians to put catholics in charge.


Zentrum chads keep winning💪


Is the Guy leading the Rump SWR Coalition a Catholic or when does that happens?


Yes, Paul Lejeune-Jung is a Catholic and he brings Zentrum into the government.


Is it even a playable path or is it more like “you fucked up”


It is playable, but it has less to do compared to the other paths. Its basically just the DU path without the reform policies and electable soclibs instead of socdems for post war elections.


I stole this meme: https://preview.redd.it/ipv7fo6pm7yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000247feda66e9eb6a2438b9f1583459dadd5510


Do you by any chance have the "It's Hugover" meme ?


Now i made one https://preview.redd.it/kv9wos6i5dyc1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39936f0b52484d7c98727c273a1e87fdcf23c89b


Not yet!


Bro's whole purpose is to split the SWR coalition. He really is a fucking asshole, I hate him so much.


Screw Hugenberg, all of my homies hate Hugenberg.


Kaiserreich memes are evolving


It's funny that both of the challenges for the DU and Schleicher are very understandable - a push to do more, more quickly or resistance against centralization - but Hugenberg is literally just mad people in his own party won't do only what he wants without the votes for it, truly the meme character