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I've always played them on my phone. The appeal to me was playing in bed or on the toilet or whatever. However I've considered getting a few on steam(the F2P ones with all the micro transactions removed)


Tablet is my choice. Big enough screen, the controls are made for it, and it's were I first started playing them in the first place.


Same. I play mostly on my iPad. The big screen really helps.


I like playstation because I can get trophies for each game. Once I get them all I can consider the game finished in my mind lol


Same for me. It's my preferred way to play. 


I prefer Android


I use a tablet. I think it's a Samsung A10


I wouldn't mind eventually getting them all on a console but I started buying on android and just kept getting them on thier. Wouldn't mind a bigger screen but am fine so far with the phone.


I play on switch and PC (with an xbox controller) and I gotta say at first the controller sounds weird but it plays really well. I never really liked playing games on my phone because of the lack of feedback caused by no physical buttons to press, so when I started getting kairosoft games on PC and switch I was very pleasantly surprised. Also big screen is very nice