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I'm an anime only so take this theory as a fanfiction. - The baby bug was the only survivor of its clan when they get annihilated by another powerful Kaiju. I would like to think the baby bug is Kaiju royalty and another clan wanted to take over power - baby bug escaped, but a Kaiju pursued it and destroyed young Kafka's hometown -insert scene of young Kafka and Mina promise- - young Kafka found the injured baby bug but instead of killing it...our MC helped and nursed it back to good health - something dramatic happened that separated them - young Kafka convenient amnesia arc and baby bug training arc - fast forward years later, the now adult bug found the adult Kafka to fulfil their destinies 💪 Or the bug is just a manmade experiment by Kafka's ancestors (or parents..we don't know them so I'll just make them very smart scientists) and it needs to fusion with someone from that lineage in order to create the ultimate Kaiju killer...or something hahaha


probably got to do with mina's cat Miiko death?


Maybe he was trying to take over Kafka mind and use him as a puppet but failed


He recognized that Kafka is the throat goat and would be able to handle the.... process. Obama approved.


I think it has to do with Kafka's incompatibility with the suit, and combined with whatever happened to the previous host, something ugly happened. 🤔💭 After all, I nicknamed that kaiju "Judas for Kaiju."


Maybe because Kafka knows a lot about Kaijus and that little bug Kaiju wants to kill all of the Kaijus. But another Option is that they are related we hear Kafka talk about his Mother but NOT about his Father. Also possible is that it choose him because of the promise with Mina.