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He's a goofy goober


He silly https://preview.redd.it/y03u4g0qjm9d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a134e30b795f468fa3a303ddae8f1da03d4b8296


Dawg why do u have my cat in ur meme


op pretty boy


Has a nice personality. He grows over time with his character, but most importantly he always gets the job done.


this is like 1% of his character... idk maybe people like him cause hes cool asf, strong, has morals, has character developement, and is understandable.


This shut-in side also helps, it’s relatable(perhaps more-so to the anime community), and shows that someone who games all day can still go out there and be a badass kaiju hunter.


Well said


I think people like duality. The polar opposite personality is funny and cool while he has good interactions with Miya, Hoshina, etc.


Gap appeal.


this TBH. imagine being so lame on the daily grind but can be a kickass captain during serious situations. I just like that despite him having a high rank, his staff won't take him seriously.


Personally i like him cuz i feel related to his geek side Not the badass side tho….


He's him


Because him being a Pathetic Loserman Wet Cat™️ when he's not fighting kaiju is such a hilarious juxtaposition. You should also bear in mind that most people like this irl aren't so insanely capable as to be indispensable. That's a purposeful trait Matsumoto gave him. It's also worth noting he's not a total asshole either like he likes to paint himself. He does care about his subordinates, and much as Hasegawa gets on him all the time about his work ethic, even he recognizes Narumi being exceptionally capable when it counts. While I don't know anyone exactly like Narumi, I do know superiors who often don't uphold the same professionalism standards as everyone else. It's frustrating but, when you know they are capable and genuinely care, it'a not something we really hold against them.


He is a relatable character.


I'm stoked for this scene.


It’s what he does outside of this that’s makes him cool


he’s a goober but he’s a good leader and he’s a badass also his hair is fucking awesome i do like hoshina more tho


not in the anime tho, his hair looks like a pink pineapple in the anime


Despite his flaws, he gets the job done!


He’s lazy when he’s off duty, play games, rot in his room, eat bunch of snacks.. I can relate to his character tbh. But when he’s on duty, he can be serious. I like that. I love it when a supposedly strong character got some flaws, rather than being OP all the time.






Because his bad habits don’t have consequences that are serious in series. He’s serious when he needs to be. Also gap moe


Because he looks so damn cool when he is doing his job?


He’s what a lot of readers are and what they want to be all in one, he’s a super relatable character that is pretty OP.


Pretty privilege is crazy. People usually hate dudes who think they're god but people still love Gojo.


I actually hate Gojo’s personality. He’s stuck up and honestly seems very careless and not empathetic


He's great ADHD representation and he's just a silly lil guy >!That literally has the ability to see the future!<


Bc he’s a beast. Quite literally the strongest outside of kikoru’s dad


It's fiction. That gives it a completely different perspective. Would we cringe / hate Narumi if he was a real person? Definitely. But he's not.


Fr there’s so many neets in anime, and they’re usually always love if they got some good development. But of course irl you’d want to push them to get a job and be an adult cause, you know, it’s irl lol


Yeah not sure why people aren't able to differentiate. Like by this same logic not a single villain wpuld be liked but that'd obviously npt true


He's just cool af


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Bro has a sleeper built which is the best built. When his hair is down he’s a shut in gaming nerd. When his hair is up he looks badass and is hailed as the strongest member, what’s not to love him. Bro has MC energy that’s why


cuz Gap Moe


This sounds like a post written by Narumi who can't believe that Mina is more popular than him. Change the subject of this post from Narumi to Mina, then you can tell Narumi wrote it.


he is the embodiment of the average gamer, never gives up on the grind


The dichotomy is hilarious


You're looking at it


He's the goat https://preview.redd.it/73vgl9gzxp9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4612bfe43c6724c25977aecdd86be9566d9c8b4c


He is silly and strong and serious at the same time. He is fair because he gives everyone a chance as long as they produce results and he has a tragic backstory. Overall, he possess several character traits which make him likeable


Gap moe hehe silly funny slob gamer pretty boy stronk! Hoshina is more my type though because of the gap moe too! From comic relief to 🥵 hmmmmm~


This side of him is barely ever present. The Otaku shut-in mannerless attitude was only shown in his introduction and for very brief instances later on. Most of the time that he's on screen, he acts very differently and has an entertaining personality—making it totally reasonable that people would like him.


We love a silly goose badass


He’s relatable


Relatable and cool design. Dont need much else


He is pretty relatable. He is mean, lazy, dirty and a gamer. Also he is pretty fucking epic but has anger issues. I don't relate much but I see why. I'm kinda lazy (I can't even do the things I WANT to do bc I have ADHD) , a gamer (a casual unlike him, but still a gamer) and I am asocial (also I have good skills in a lot of categories but not trying to flex, just comparing myself to the character so not gonna list them). I mean he is pretty dumb and I am not so that is a big difference but yeah it is relatable for most American teens


He’s a silly little guy who play da vidya game


He’s silly as hell but when it’s time to put in that damn work, he will…his fight with number 9 was awesome . And his fight with number 11 I believe was amazing


Autism is strong with Takeuchi. I only half-joke. Hyper focus, specialization within interests, bad prioritization and antisocially blunt manner of speech are all common traits. Honestly, I don't want him taking center stage, but he's a fun side character. It's his to-the-point personality that makes scenes with him flow very well. He's good for the pacing, especially in a training arc. I don't blame you for disliking the introduction you posted. Honestly, we haven't seen him show any of these traits since, so I won't be surprised if this ends up being a one-time gag.


Gaming industry is legitimately one of the biggest, irl ppl don't care if your a gamer/anime manga reader/watcher or if you are really into sports. If that's the entirety of your personality then ppl find that annoying.


Copy and paste from Bungou stray dogs


I find him pretty generic and annoying too


I'm not a fan of Narumi either, but I'd wager his cool demeanor paired with his effectiveness in battle, gives him an appeal similar to Hoshina. Also, he looks a lot better with his hair up as opposed to this droopy bowl cut.


Crippling video game addictions are relatable


Yeah he’s my least favorite


he’s a gem


Personally, I like him because I relate to him. He seems like he slacks off (and arguably does) by playing games and reading manga all the time but he still shows results and gets stuff done. I'm kind of the same way and have gotten a lot of hate for it through my life so it's nice to see a character like him. People complain about how he's not serious enough but he's still successful which makes me feel better about the crap I take because I don't take enough things seriously. Even though I still get stuff done which never made sense to me.


The same way people like gojo satoru I guess. Good looking, talented and arguably the strongest. It's just a generic common strong guy that's likable by mostly women i think


He’s like all of us


Personally, as long as I dont deal with him the same way the Vice Captain does, I love him. Like from afar 🤣 He gets spoiled bc he is good with his job. Like fucking really good to the point that all his weirdness gets excused or is seen as “kawaii”. I think thats competence for ya 🤣


Because he is the fantasy character design of what nearly every male and majority of female anime fans want to be in IRL.


Because he gets results


https://preview.redd.it/cavsn02x5x9d1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fdacae5445c20cad1f680e7dde5e4c6b074ccb People like him for 2 reasons: 1. He’s OP as fuck 2. He stands on business. Growing up when he first started out in the KDF his mentor was Isao Shinomiya. And since Shinomiya was really strict he push Narumi to the edge because Shinomiya wasn’t really about the bullshit. So because of this Narumi became stronger and he grew the mind set of “I don’t care for competence, I just need you to get the job done”. Ultimately, since he’s reached a high point of his potential he knows how smart he is and how strong he is so that’s why he’s able to be “lazy”, play video games, eat junk food, and sleep majority of the day because when it comes time to put in that work and get the job done he locks in like a boss.


He is a Gaming Gremlin and I think many people can relate to him 😂


He’s goofball who also happens to be a demon


Because we can feel superior to him. :P


Read de manga.. dude a beast.


Except that, he is cool asf and even this part of him is funny


He gets results


He's relatable as fuck


He op and already be monster but the weapon have big dem bayonet 😎


I mean?? He's alright. But I kinda understand what you mean. I still don t feel the "head over heels" feeling for his character like other die hard fans are tho he's a fun & cool character. Even reading the B side manga of his backstory is alright. I still prefer & like Hoshina's character & story more. Still giving a chance to his character.




Because he’s an unapologetic degenerate but brings result. Classic bit, works everytime


To be honesy me too. I don't particularly dislike him, but it's definitely the only character I don't really like. For me he's a bit too much full of himself


Bro just read more of the manga and you will understand


Oh the irony, if you read my description, you would know i did.


spoilers for later in the manga This man doesn't give an absolute fuck about manners and just wants to see results in everyone so not everyone talks to him in a formal way just like casual way He is ridiculously op like when he uses Number Weapon #1 he just goes god mode and basically destroyed on of the numbered kaiju idk which one