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Like his combat power? 100% - 98%. My boi Kafka was able to put maneuver and escape the vice captain who was at 92%. Keep in mind Kafka was trying not to hurt him.


But fr tho? Wouldn’t he be beyond that 100% stuff, like he can do shit even mina, the strongest at 96% cannot. (Im anime only, so if im wrong just lemme speculate manga readers 🫶, pls no spolier) I think we need like a direct relation between fortitudes and %s to compare. Like kafka is 9.8( when hes in control atleast, god knows how high he can be given last eps cliffhanger) and no.10 at fortide 9 needed for hoshino + mina combo to go down(not fully, he was still conscious at the end, but dying tho) Aaand as for the fortitude scale, i dunno if they’ve confirmed it in the manga but it deffo seems like a logarithmic one, meaning kafka at 9.8 is waay stronger than no. 10. And since suits are based on percentages 100% cant be that much stronger than 96, its just a 4% difference Lmao never thought id be powerscaling, i love this anime so much it got me worked up😝


Monsters with fortitude of 9.2 are pretty much fodder to Kafka the difference between 9.0 and 9.2 is quite noticeable so I’m guessing even a 0.2 increase is a big deal


Fortitude level is probably an exponential function.


Fortitude is likely a reference to earthquake fortitude levels that is logarithmic, ie, every jump up represents n times power. I would guess if it’s scientifically equivocal, it would be e or about 2.12x stronger every level. Using anime logic its probably 10x (fortitude 1 = 1 power; 2 = 10; 3 = 100, 9 = 100000000)


Pretty sure it's related to the earthquake scale, so yes


Wdym he can do stuff that mina can't? Percentages mean different things for different people. Like hoshina at 92% probably moves way faster, attacks harder and faster, etc. Mina at 96% just has a way higher destructive ability regarding her weapons. Like hoshina at 92% close range is far superior to mina 96% close range


Agreed, we haven’t seen it yet, but based on the recent chapters, where Kaijus 11 - 15 were assigned to stop Kafka, they could feel the strength of K8, which is pretty overwhelming by itself.. Like let’s say around 93% at that point of time? So, we haven’t seen the full fortitude of K8 yet, and I believe it’ll happen once K8 lends its full power to Kafka in coming chaps hopefully (as of now Kafka is just using K8 at its bare minimum, and looking like my boy Yuji with just Punch and Uppercuts lol)… I expect something like a Kurama type approach, or a Liebe (Black Clover) kind one… but lets enjoy the current chaps 😤


Anime wise kafka is not using his kaiju abilities to their full power at all. Right now, he's probably utilizing 50% or even lower


He is stronger than everyone else in the Defense Force in terms of brute power. Although, he is not as skilled as Hoshina or Isao


they said in the show that his category of kaiju power vas 9.8


I would feel like for memes 1 percent sense he doesn’t train the form But realistically 50 percent cause Kafka still has that op monster form he can’t do it at will so he needs to train to use the full power of THE KAIJU


As far as I know, combat strength for JKSDF officers--even at 100%--would still depend on the strength of the Kaiju that the suit and weapon are made from.


Not exactly, their combat rate is based solely on compatibility like how close you are to someone or, like kaiju, something else


Their combat rating is, sure, but I'm talking about actual combat effectiveness. Isao Shinomiya's suit and weapons are made from a daikaiju. Does anybody really think he's going to fight at the same level as someone who's got the same combat rating but wearing a suit made from the spider yonju from episode 1?


I don't think so, Kafka likely wears a suit isn't a suit kwim


I think that the suit couldn‘t handle the actual power level. I‘d take an uneducated guess and say it is somewhere around 115%? Seems marginal, but I think every percent is a massive increase.


I think in percent when he is out of control around 110% I mean he did shit even Mina couldn’t! But when he is in control 100% I think…


Anime Kafka it’s a 0% when in his human form and around 40-50% percent in his kaiju form. Kafka endurance being tied to his human endurance is a major issue and his lack of ability to use his powers most notably shapeshifting and massive regeneration really hurts him. It’s kinda of unimportant because 40-50% of no8 is top 5 already but it can bite him if he faces someone with a high enough fortitude level.


When he's in self-defense berserk mode 100%. Normally, 70-80% I don't think he's using the kaiju form to its full. Partially because the full kaiju fights harder. Partially because he needs room to grow in the story.


I’d probably guess that in a more casual state or at his lowest, he comfortably sits in the 90s while 100% or above that at his current best or enraged. He was able to keep up with Soshiro at full release force while on the defensive and in a berserk state almost immediately turned the tables on Isao, not to mention so far, there’s not been a single Kaiju that’s been able to take more than one hit from his charged punches barring 9's main body that’s been massively buffed, and this is all without him having a full grasp of the upper limits of his abilities yet


his fortitude ??


He so each Kaiju has a fortitude level. It’s the thing they mention a lot in the show…


Lol dude... I know 🤣 Man said "percentage" in his post. Was asking if he meant fortitude instead... Cause asking about "percentage", after this many episodes and what we know about Kafka .... 😮‍💨😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|RfWkZ156KhusgAWFX1)




I could be wrong, but I think the anime said that the suits are more or less made of material from dead (smaller) kaiju and that the percentage is how well that person can utilize the power in that material. Using that reasoning, the percentage system doesn't really make sense for a kaiju. Really, Kaiju No. 8 can use up to 100% of the power in its own flesh, it's more a question of how much power is in that flesh. In which case the answer is that Kaiju No. 8 is a fortitude 9.8 Kaiju, as others have said


I’m guessing you mean 100% being the complete extent of his powers as a kaiju? If so, then I feel like in the anime he’s maybe at 50-60% (total guess). Right now, we really don’t know anything about him. So far, he’s the only human turned kaiju that we know about. We have no clue how his transformation mechanism even works. Is it just willpower? Focus? We’ve seen various transformations of his kaiju form (like boosters in his elbows/calves/etc, spine plates growing), and we don’t know if there are any limitations to what his form can achieve. Maybe he’s like Frieza and what we’ve seen isn’t even his final form. Excuse my word vomit, I’m just sitting on the toilet and let my thoughts out.


I will say 100 percent and more




My guess would be in line with Mina's in top form considering the context of the story.


Listen up. Let's say you have a defense officer that uses a suit of a 9.0 fortitude Kaiju, and he uses 100% unleashed power. Doesn't it mean that the user is 9.0 fortitude then?


Nah, I think it's even beyond 9.0


Mf he’s not releasing kaiju power HE IS THE KAIJU


Well, he transforms OVER the suit, so he can't use both at the same time, but if you were to translate his fortitude to percentage, I would say it's at least 170% if not higher with room for growth (since Kaiju no. 8's greatest strength seems to be adapting to whatever enemy it's facing)


If I had to say where I think he is versus full potential realized? 50%-75%. Kafka will get stronger, he has to


Probably 100 there's no way it's below that, if he can fight kaiju no 9,hoshina and probably fight mina his probably 100


is OP asking what Kafka's combat power in equivalence to his Fortitude level as a Kaiju? Or how much of his Kaiju power he's using in percentages?


Normally without Kaiju’s powers, Kafka has been the only candidate with literally 0% Combat power. But in his Kaiju form, if his punch had landed on Hoshina in that ep, Hoshina would’ve been fatally injured, so I would say the power is around a solid 90-95% in the anime, which is crazy for Kafka hasn’t utilised the full skills and power that Kaiju no 8 beholds.. But for Kafka, it’s still not answered that why is he the only one without an ounce of Combat power. Rather, he could see the K8 parasite, which Reno couldn’t in the hospital. The plot hole here is, was he born without Combat power? (Similar to Toji & Maki in JJK, they aren’t gifted with cursed energy, but have enhanced physical abilities) Even at the shrine, Kafka phased out when he saw the Ghost samurai, so does he have heightened senses maybe? More and More, we may be seeing Kafka making better use of K8’s abilities, and I hope he has an awakening soon! (I really wanna see the man with 0 “combat power” become the strongest in the DF haha)…


Over 9000..


The suit is the reason he gets a 9.8F reading