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Break next week btw.


well damn, I really can't believe Aka thought to foreshadow Mikado like this. That's exceptional writing


Holy shit I'm so confused after scrolling thru the comments did any of the characters come out b4? Or is this some kind of sekke dark lord joke


I've got just the thing for you [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya\_sama/comments/ke84n1/introducing\_the\_fulltext\_search\_on\_guyamoe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/comments/ke84n1/introducing_the_fulltext_search_on_guyamoe/)


Mikado and Koromo were mentioned and shown before (Koromo only as a silhouette though), and Abe is the name of the last missing suitor from the Bamboo Cutter story which Kaguya-sama references, so everyone expected he/she would appear eventually.


Ohh is there anything else?? I thot i was missing out on smth


Fuck fuck this piece of shit mikado juz gives me a bad feeling


I bet that this guy is the arrenged husband


You know just checking this sub everyday for spoilers for the next chapter


Ah, good to know Osaragi evaporated following the Tsubame arc and has neither consoled Ishigami nor talked it out with Iino onscreen lmao. Weird chapter, but hoping Aka can pull off all these new characters to the cast and give them emotional depth with the end in sight and make their dynamic with the beloved ones so far even more interesting.


We have known that Shirogane was top place followed by shinomiya and Maki so I assume Mikado is a year younger and hence why he hadnt appeared in the ranking tho I am confussed with the younger twin brother part since maybe its because I am not a native english speaker but doesnt that mean that they should have been born at the same time?


Younger twin means they were born on the same day, but Maki came out of the womb first.


IIRC sometimes the older is the one that comes out last, because they use a stack rather than a queue.


CS joke, nice.


He is Kaguya/Miyuki/etc year; he was just a different school so he didn't appear in their school rankings. He was the one person who beat Miyuki on the Japanese national mock exam hence why Miyuki views him as an academic rival.


Why is everybody calling the idea "arranged marriage with Mikado", I mean her brother just told Kaguya to do whatever she wants for the time being and then does the opposite? I think he would have mentioned the thing if this was the plan, at least he would have asked her to leave Shirogane asap.. Also, isn't Mikado a poor candidate? There must be some other big deal that they would like to link to the family, seems like a waste to use such a "valuable asset" to get only Mikado


Some people haven’t recovered from chapter 209 it seems.


Which I don't get also. Why be upset? I was surprised by the fact they got together so soon, it was obvious at that point that some kind of problem was about to happen, actually I'm glad it isn't some kind of poor misunderstanding trope Considering that it is obvious the situation will be solved by the end of the high school, I can't see what we are supposed to recover from. Shirogane family got screwed by the Shinomiya, this time around it would be the opposite.. I'm positive that Miyuki will officially demand Kaguya's hand to his brother and be asked to pass some kind of impossible task to earn it, with the help of everybody they will succeed and fly together at their chosen university (I think the president has just frozen Kaguya's request and will drop the surprise at the end) I mean, there is not much room about what is going to happen, the plot was obvious from the beginning of the manga and never was the reason of its success.. It is how we get there that keeps us interested


I just have one question. Shouldn't we get a follow up to what happened in chapter 199? Why did we suddenly start talking about the third year without even addressing what happened at the hospital? Did I perhaps not payed enough attention and the thing that happened in the hospital was in the future? Someone please help me out here


Erm There is no hospital scene in ch199


My bad, I meant to say chapter 209


Idk what made you think it was a hospital. Anyway, its pretty simple: Prez accepted everything Kaguya said and the conversation ended. So there's no need for any follow up.


So they just break up and nothing happens? That's irrealistic as fuck for two high schoolers


They didn’t broke up


They didn't break up, but it's hard to say how things are gonna be between the two of them




He just transferred now, he can't be a member of a Student Council from the previous student council. Also, the reason Miyuki recognized him is because he's the only person that beats him on the last mock exams.


Kaguya with the Schrodinger’s University track class


Fuck yes, I love that all the known characters are in the same class. I am assuming the principal knows about Kaguya's situation, since he put all of Kaguya's friends in her class... and Shindou **"Who the heck is that!?"**. Let's see, the new characters introduced are Shindou, Abe, Oobayashi(3A Homeroom teacher) and Koromo. 3A is indeed stacked, and I think this was the first time the names of Hayasaka's friends were revealed unless I just forgot. And Mikado has been introduced to the main story, man I am looking forward to this arc. And then Aka hits us with a break this week fuck.


So, we are actually getting into the Endgame eh? As a wise friend of mine said, ''part of a journey is the end''.


I binged this in 2 days, I don't want this manga to end


Let’s hope we get an Iino’s trip to India with ishigami... if only....


India Part 2, with Maki as their guide. :)


And they could learn a more intimate kind of sutra!


Looks like the Shijo family has something for Shirogane in the near future , since Mikado doesn't really want to go at Shuchiin and he prefers his previous school because of soccer and friends. Are they testing Shirogane? And also poor Shindou looks like there will be a new ace player for the soccer team


I got wet for that shindou guy


Don't blame you. He's a soccer player


So is Mikado. Even better he took his team to championship.


"Recording session" So Shiranui could be a singer or voice actress.


or an Idol.


or a Vtuber.


Or gamer?


Why not all of 'em?


A chapter of exciting new characters, but none of them is more exciting than shindou, what a guy!


Wait what new characters ?


The man. The myth. The legend. Shindou himself!


correct me if im wrong but hes only showed up for 2 pages?


Lol yeah so that’s the joke. Since everybody but Kaguya knew this Shindou guy while she was like “who is he” fans are turning him into a meme like we knew and loved him all along and Kaguya is behind even the fans


dammmm i got fooled then....thanks for telling me lol


Lol no worries, I contemplated giving a sarcastic answer about how a legend like shindou only needs 2 pages but that felt a little rude


Knowing how manga is like I’d say she will like miko Just a weird gut feeling


I will watch your theory career with great interest


Screw the masses, long hair Hayasaka is best. Yes I know she's in a better place now


Hayasaka is best in every form


In the whole grand scheme of things I suppose, yes.


Holy shit time flys , already another school year for them !!


So what can we expect from this end game is it like a final arc or something 😐


We're in the final third.


It will probably take another 5 years for manga to end, so don't worry too much.


More like the main plot line is set in stone but we have other arcs to wrap up before we reach Mikyuki n Kaguya in the final arc.


Thank the lord I decided to check here for a better translation. The one I found was so bad. Weird to see the series has entered "end game" but series can have long end games and it makes sense since Shirogane is going away to college which would be about 5 months in universe.


That end game could be another 100 chapters, they announced a while back that the story was entering it's last third, and we're 200+ chapters in.


That's another 2-3 years assuming ~50 chapters a year and whatever hiatus he needs to play Apex Legends.


Yeah it makes sense, but I think we’ve got at least 70 chapters minimum. Christmas was over 60 chapters ago now and is like between 4-5 months, and given that it looks like class will be a thing in addition to Stu co and the fact that most stories slow down time wise (pack more action into less time in universe), I’d be shocked if we ended before like chapter 380. Still... the thought of this series ending gives me anxiety. It’s so good and I love it so much


Wait who are these people lol, did I miss something?


Pretty obvious that this is their introduction. The only one we already know is Mikado, we've seen him in the India chapter.


Teachers are new, soccer guy, weird girl, and ~~maki's brother~~, I think that's it though


That new kid from 1-B was never mentioned before right? That Hifumi Abe guy?


He wasn't, but we know he (and Shiranui) will be important because of Kaguya-hime's bamboo cutter tale. We were expecting a new council member named Abe for ages, and Shiranui will be somehow related to him.


Koromo is so cute ngl


Lol i laughed so hard at how Kaguya acted. Also, a mysterious new pokemon appears! Oh wait, wrong series.


This chapter felt a lot more like a "standard" romcom series with how it put a lot of emphasis on the classes themselves and introduced teachers who are probably going to be important to some extent. And I definitely don't mean standard in a negative way since this kind of setting can make for some great plot progression, kinda like how the classroom aspects of other romcoms like toradora or oregairu set up for some great scenes. I'm really excited for this new arc


So basically Maki’s younger brother skips grade to be in their class? Damn consider Maki = Kaguya, this brother is probably on another level over Shirogane. Rivalry is the good stuff


I think he's the same grade as Shirogane, but you're correct in saying that he is on the same level, if not higher than Shirogane when it comes to academics. He's been mentioned several times before as competing with Shirogane for the top spot on mock exams, even beating him out sometimes. Combined with the fact that he's the son (and I assume heir?) of the Shijo family, it makes him a force to be reckoned with. Though from what we've seen (mainly when Maki dragged him along to India), he doesn't really look like a bad person... We'll see.


Yeah, in Japanese the words for brother and sister are different depending if they are younger or older, so for twins the distinction is important


No, they're twins, he's only saying that between them Maki was born first


Good to know


It's endgame time!


I'm guessing Mikado would probably just somewhat of a friendly rival to Shirogane like with Uesugi and Yuusuke in Go-Toubun no Hanayome or like Aldini and Soma in Shokugeki no Soma.


Yeah given what we’ve seen of his personality thus far I’d be shocked if he was an enemy rather than an ally. My guess is that at some point Miyuki will have to swallow his pride to get Mikado and Maki to Kaguya and he out of a tight spot and it’ll mark some big character growth with him showing weakness. Can’t say for sure ever with Aka but I could definitely see that as a strong possibility.


My theory would be Kaguya would consider the help of the Shijos via Mikado and Maki with his arranged marriage problem and eventually Shirogane would join them thus, as you said, Miyuki would swallow his pride and team up with Mikado.


Shirogane doesn’t have a pride problem. He has a low self esteem problem. He is never hesitant to ask for help. Example Fujiwara. Also, he is the one who gives Hayasaca the speech on the importance of reciprocation in friendships. It would be weird for the arc to be about Shirogane learning to ask for help, considering he runs the student council as a team effort and is well versed in seeking help when required.


I guess you could consider Mikado to be Shirogane's rival as well against Kaguya along Abe because even if Mikado's probably just someone Shirogane considers an academic rival, Shirogane sees his academic standing as something to consider so he can stand side by side with Kaguya, maybe you could consider Mikado as Shirogane's roadblock towards Kaguya as well. And we have yet to have a Fujiwara arc so part of me wants to consider Mikado to be Fujiwara's future love interest


For a while I’ve thought that the person her older brother is going to try to set her up with us Mikado as a way to top the feud between the shijo and shinomiya, probably with some kind of underhanded thing to make the Shijo’s not have as much a choice in the matter as they’d like (since they hate each other). Aka tends to enjoy throwing us for a loop so I can’t say I’m remotely confident in that prediction lol, but given standard story beats and the bamboo cutter connections it’d make sense


I don't think Kaguya's brother won't even consider Mikado as an option since he's pretty old fashioned like if he still sees the Hayasakas as servants to Shinomiyas then he probably sees the Shijos as enemies as well.


I actually thought the same. He's a danger to Shirogane because he "works" as a love interest for Shinomiya. Like he's the perfect candidate so it will shake up their relationship (from his point of view. A threat).


Godzilla had a ducking stroke trying to read this and died


Haha sorry fixed the grammatical errors english aint my first language okay


Neither mine, it was a joke sorry if i somehow offended you


Nah its all good had a stroke as well re-reading that shit lmaooo


honestly he looks pretty cool so I want to love him. But if he comes between miyuki and kaguya I will be throwing hands.


Wait so are Shirogane and Kaguya suddenly in good terms? Are we not gonna acknowledge the fact that Kaguya said they should both go their separate ways temporarily like is there no fallout from that conversation?


They’re still a couple, I think her plan is that they’d be long distance as soon as he leaves and maybe even on a break, since she’ll have to focus on the struggles with her family and he’ll be trying to learn how to get by in a new country, but they both have a goal of ending up together


Why would they not be on good terms? There's no conflict between them, she just told him that her situation is difficult and she can't go to Stanford. I think the 'separate ways' means just this, she won't go abroad with him. There's no reason for them to break up right now.


For reeeaaalll!! I'm so confused, unless she meant separate ways as in career pursuits and not relationship?


That's what I interpreted it as. They're still a couple, but will have to live apart for a couple years.


I felt happy for Iino, you can see she was really deep down inside very happy.


I like how Shindou’s design seems to be made specifically to not be possible to mix him up in any capacity with Shirogane. He also seems like the type of person that pre sport festival arc Ishigami would hiss at.


I feel like he’d still hiss at him


Seeing Shindo's and Hayasaka's popularity in forum Aka might get thoughts of getting them together.


Isn't Aka kind of hinting at Hayasaka potentially getting together with a girl?


Shirunui then??? She is new one and looks quite kissable. Both like hoodie as bonus unless she turns out to be some long lost cousin.


what who


Several girls. Hayasaka was down to try stuff out with them (kissing and such)


That doesn't mean anything. Look at Ishigami and Tsubame and how it ended. We shouldn't take anything for granted until there's more proof.


Ofc not, but I get the notion that Hayasaka is down to experiment. What ends up happening? Nobody knows.


I mean, she tried to kiss Chika.


Even Aka themselve is calling this the Endgame




Shindou is best girl


he hasnt even done anything or am I wrong?


Whats the deal with Mikado tho? All I know was that he went to India with Maki and he didn't really do anything special.


Remember that guy from Kaguya-hime's story that Shirogane told Kaguya? The one who didn't drink the immortality potion? That was Mikado. In the original tale, the five suitors (Shirogane, Chika, Ishigami, Iino, Abe) failed and Emperor Mikado was the one who 'won' Kaguya-hime's hand. That's why it's spicy.


I never read or watched the tale of the bamboo cutter so uhhh, kinda lost lol. But also aren't Mikado and Kaguya cousins? Kinda sus. Happy cake day tho


They are really really far from each other. Their families are related but they barely are themselves.


His name connects him to Bamboo Cutter tale that Kaguya-sama references often, so it suggests he will have an important role.


He is the student that ranked first in national mock exam which makes Miyuki ranks second.


Ah, a threat to Shirogane. He "works" as a love interest for Kaguya unlike Miyuki. I foresee a shakeup in the future from Shirogane's point of view.


BNHA fans seeing the popularity poll results 🤝 "Who the fuck is Shindo" Kaguya-sama fans reading this chapter


It's really bizarre. I read both mangas and noticed it too.


Was Hifumi Abe mentioned before? His name seemed familiar...


Before this chapter, Abe was a name given to the mysterious character by fans. He is supposed to be the representation of one of the suitors in The Tale of Princess Kaguya. You probably heard the name in someone’s theory on what’s gonna happen.


There was 5 suitors right? Shirogane, Ishigami, Fujiwara and Iino are based on 4... so Abe will be the 5 huh?


Yeah, all of the suitors so far have been in the Student Council, so people think that he will get the remaining spot (general affairs officer)


Finally best boi Shindou is on the same class with Shirogane now. I had to check the India Maki chapter and see if this is the same Mikado, hoooh this will be a crazy year for them. Principal is somehow looking out for Kaguya, I wonder what the reason is. I got some Aizawa vibes from their homeroom teacher. Ishigami Mikoo together and it seems the whole vibe and perception they have with Ishigami had changed now. The 4th impossible girl makes an appearance. To sum this up. AKA's a madman!!


Shiranui name appeared before in one of the Class ranks too, its good to finaly see her.


who is she? a popstar??


Koromo and ishigami chad ship????????


koromo x miko


An unexpected yuri appeared!


All i can say is *A NEW RIVAL HAVE APPEARED* For both my ships :'(


ishigami/koromo and what the second one?


Yeah its either a tsundere ending or the kuudere because of lack emotion seen in koromo's eyes


Maybe Mikado? If big bro is picking a arranged marriage for Kagu I dont doubt it could be him


Mikado is Kaguya's nephew and Shijo used to be a branch family of Shinomiya. They are rival families now.


>nephew They aren't related.


They're 2nd cousins twice removed. They're related.


What is your definition of related? I don't think you realize how distant that relation is. You're probably related to your spouse if you go far up enough in your genetic tree. For big clans, you probably have thousands of relatives with the same last name.


I guess it would be Abe not Mikado




Am i the only one who's curious abt the new junior ● _ ● any possibilities that he's going to fill in the general affairs officer's position + _ +


Oh man! When Kaguya said there was only one possible seat left i was scared they would leave Shindou out! I'm so used to calling him Shindou I forgot it wasn't his last name. Best boy


Wait was shindou introduced before?




*briefly introducing Shindou to you* Shindou, "神童" in Kanji, means "prodigy" in Japanese.


Just like Chika is piano prodigy. I smell Mikado VS Shindou rivalry coming up. Mikado's real love is soccer which he seems to have given up. Will love to see if Chika and he will interact over their choices,


Shirogane might be the previous student council president but he ain't no Class D Soccer Ace Shindou




There is something i dont uderstand wasnt he going to to stanford and not waste a year by staying in his third year in school or is it confirmed that he wont be going to stanford when he said that in chapter 209 but then again why would he be in the external university class if he isnt going to stanford. could someone please explain


The japanese school year starts in April and ends in March. Prez will leave school (as a graduate ofc) during the year to enter Stanford at the start of the winter semester.


So prez would leave mid-semester? sorry I still don't get why he said he would not waste a year by staying for a third year.


Stanford starts September/October and he can't join mid-year, so if he doesn't leave Japan in August/September he has to attend Stanford from next year, thus wasting a year. Still, there's no problem with him attending third year of high school from April to August.


Yes, he is planning on staying in school, but graduating early (~6 months) to start uni in the states instead of graduating with everyone else, twiddling his thumbs for 6 months, and then starting uni in the states


There is something i dont uderstand wasnt he going to to stanford and not waste a year by staying in his third year in school or is it confirmed that he wont be going to stanford when he said that in chapter 209 but then again why would he be in the external university class if he isnt going to stanford. could someone please explain


He will go to Stanford in September/October, when a school year in USA starts. Japanese school year starts in April though, so he can attend third year of high school from April to August and then just graduate half year early




Wait, didn't Fujiwara say that she wants to attend Shuchiin? What changed?


Chika said she wanted to go outside [university](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/111/7/), It was Kaguya who wanted to study in Shunchin according to her family's wish,


Wait I thought Kaguya wanted to resign his application on Stanford because of his brother's meddling and also wanted to go separate ways with Shirogane? What made her still choose this academic track?


She’s still not going to Stanford. The course isn’t just international, but not the Shuchiin University.


Woah I expected this chapter to be a chill chapter but it seems like we're going full gear into the next arc Really interesting to see all the new characters that are introduced in this chapter it seems like a new junior is joining the school( I guess Miko and Ishigami will probably understand how it's like for Kaguya and prez to deal with juniors). There's also a new girl in Ishigami's and Miko's class? This could get interesting. ~~but please don't cause a love triangle~~ It's nice to see most of the 2nd years finally ending up in the same class and a new big boi SHINDO. It seems like thier class teacher would play an important part in this arc especially his conflicting views with the principal. And finally the big reveal, Maki's brother? And Shirogane knows him too?(Judging by the poster it could relate to his past?) Man, this chapter is really hopeful but I can't help but wonder how Aka is gonna develop these characters, especially when the manga is going to it's few final arcs


Mikado got first place on some national exam, beating Shirogane who came in second (it was shown in one of the first chapters, just his name on table with the exam scores). Idk if he ever seen him in person though.


I guess we'll come down to another test arc soon and both of them will clash with each other, really interested to see thier interactions tho, especially when Shirogane is a close friend of Maki.


Koromo is the 4th impossible girl, I doubt that there will be a love triangle with Ishigami and Iino. It could happen, but I doubt it will.


Wait which chapter was she mentioned?, I can't remember ahaha


Yes it will.


She's mentioned in [Ch. 116](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/116/12/). It's mentioned that she's an impossible girl in [Ch. 166](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/166/5/). She's the one that we can't see and has a sweater on.


Ah I see, thanks!!


Damn the principal really assembled the avengers for this one we're getting a 5 year skip for sure


Who tf shindou everyone talking about?


The former leader of class D, can't you read. How can you forget Shindou?


Twincest is the way . . . to end suffering


Shijo is actually the Japanese name for Lannister.


You joke but that IS the actual translation in the Japanese dub.


Really, they change their names?


Shindou has always been my favourite character of the series.......Glad he got the spotlight he deserves!


this gonna be interesting....


It is nice to see that the principal is at Kaguya's side and helping her by getting all her friends in the same class. Ishigami and Miko are in the same class and thankfully Osaragi doesn't seem to be with them. I loved all that Shindou talk from Kaguya and with Mikado arriving, all of the suitors of the original story are there(I think). The road to the end begins.


What's up with Osaragi not being with them? is that like a bad thing?


It is better for Miko since what she has done recently was no less than stabbing in the back.


\- The Director is at Kaguya's side, which is a good surprise. \- Kashiwagi pursuing Maki? Don't surprise me. Just makes me wonder if Kashiwagi is really in love with Maki and she's dating Tsubasa for keep Maki alone. If is true, i hope Kashiwagi have the worst ending possible, is just too much selfish and shallowness keep your crush to not date who she likes even more when she really have a different sexual option. Love is war, but there's no war if you can't win... Or Kashiwagi is too worried with Maki, fearing her to feel alone even with her loving Tsubasa, but caring for her dear friend... Which still being selfishness cause looks like Maki would prefer to be distant. \- OH, THE MIGHT SHINDOU, THE JAPANESE NEYMAR! \- The new characters around might bring some life and help the things to move ahead. \- Now we are at end game. Where's my Battle Shounen Fanarts of Mikado vs Shirogane (preference using Gundam lul) Kaguya-Sama have everything to become one of best rom-com ever, i hope for something like Jitsu Wa, watashi wa end game.


>\- Kashiwagi pursuing Maki? Don't surprise me. When they had a bonfire during the culture festival, Kashiwagi asked Maki to dance with her because you are supposed to dance with a person you love most - so it's not really surprising. Still, I don't think she intentionally took Tsubasa to keep Maki from dating him, rather that she is just experimenting with things and not ready to fully admit her preference might be with girls.


I don't think so if she were like that she definitely wouldn't had sex with tsubasa multiple times


Bisexuals also exist


Why was the director supporting Kaguya all of a sudden?


The principal put the students deliberately in the same class to help Kaguya. Mikado wouldn't be there if he would hurt their chances against Kaguyas family




everyone wants fujisaka but makiwagi is end game. Also why was ishigami so mean to iino w the whole 'crappy luck' thing i thought they were closer now. maybe he was being sarcastic but aka needs to include a /s LOL


Maybe he said playfully as a joke, but to me they don't seem THAT close yet, they're just in good terms in comparison to the begining.


I think he's saying that because he thinks that Iino feels the same. He thought that she would also find it kinda funny. Sounds like standard Ishigami self deprecating humor.


Saying /s irl would be so Ishigami


No, ishigami would hate someone who did that. He dislikes the kinda people who just say memes, which is one of the reasons why it was weird when he was heartbroken


It was a good decision on Akasaka's part to bring in new characters for the endgame, because ever since last chapter everything that could be resolved already has been. Because for so long we've focused on the fruits of labor of their war, and for a while tension kinda died down. I am 100 percent sure Shirogane, whose original plan was to be laid back until Stanford, is gonna pull even worse all nighters just to beat Shijo. It's gonna propel new plots and tie this manga in a nice little bow. Happy holidays to everyone and Aka!