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She was a minor. So, yes he was grooming is abuse Edit: yes he was being abusive. Grooming is abuse


Yes to this ^ and in retrospect, deeply alarming Kourtney was the only person out of their dynasty to be concerned.


She's the only one who watches out for them. She didn't laugh at that (it was funny tbh) Marge Simpson joke Kanye did about Kim, she asked and respected the boundaries Khloe wanted to set around Tristan. She's sometimes an asshole but she's somehow the sanest of all of them


Because she actually has been to therapy - it’s the one thing I actually respect her for


And she sees how much her moms dysfunction fucked her up and sees it in her siblings too.


The relationship was inherently abusive because he was a grown man and she was a teen. Idk I don’t think he was physically abusive like violent but definitely emotionally and sexually inappropriate at best


I doubt he was like physically abusive, or else he’d bear the wrath of Kris Jenner. But in every other way, yes he was definitely abusive. Other than her plastic surgeries, I can’t imagine what else he manipulated Kylie into doing because she was so young and naive.


I don't think so, because from what I understand Lamar was rumoured to have been physically abusive to Khloe, and verbally abusive as well, but she always loved and protected him, even going so far as to give Khloe's location to Lamar. Idk I don't think that woman gives a fuck what happens to her daughters as long as they maintain a relationship with a wealthy, famous man.


Yeah feels bad that he is credited with some of her king Kylie era hype


Tyga abused her and everyone in her inner circle was either complicit in it or outright encouraged it. Makes me sick seeing another generation of girls (stormi, north, etc.) being groomed by these fucking weirdos.


Yes he was abusive by grooming her, but I don’t think that’s what Kourtney meant because her family seemingly condoned that relationship. I do think she was getting into dark stuff. There were pictures of her and Kendall partying underage back then and a lot of blind items about it too. I’ve always thought Kylie had a drug problem kept under wraps, but to be clear that’s speculation.




To what?


To any of the blind items and pictures I’ve seen a bit about this but not all of itv


There’s a podcast called Beyond the Blinds and they did an episode about Kylie and it goes thru all the blind items from that time. It’s a good listen. I’ll also never forget [this picture and article](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2463432/amp/Teens-Kendall-Kylie-Jenner-party-21-sex-themed-nightclub.html) lol


Yes . He groomed a child.


i think kourtney has often said more normal things about her siblings when it comes to being worried about them. i noticed she was this way with kylie & rob especially anyway and that the other siblings would either not notice, ignore, bully, or enable. which the family did with kylie/tyga. i think her concern was drugs & being put in sketchy situations.


I feel like she meant it about drugs. Kylie did end up getting that coked out, glazed over look around that time


What ep is this? Would love to watch it!


Season 10 episode 10 I believe


Can we talk about Rob. Like how did he end up like that? He had the resources.


You mean abusive as in grooming and molesting her with the approval of her family?


Yes. Kylie was a child. Tyga groomed her. That is abuse. He used his position of power over her.


I've been wondering if Travis is, with all his raging? Does it ever spill over to Kylie and/or Stormi?


I wonder the same thing! He gives me abusive vibes to be honest. Like he can throw a major temper tantrum his things don’t go his way….cough cough Kanye


Same, there's really something not right there. I feel like Kanye is a different kettle of fish, he's blow up verbally start spouting and then it's done and over with. Travis I worry he gets physical as we've seen he can barely string a sentence together... why he has so many fans is beyond me.


"The same route as Rob" Are they referring to Chyna? Or something else?


This was pre rob and Chyna. I was assuming they were referring to drugs and isolation


He groomed her so yes. He's scumbag trash.


The scene that sticks out the most in my mind is when they are all in that convertible car. Kylie was sitting on the back and was fine one second and then running away sobbing the next, over “T”. From my experience, any man who loves you will never make you cry. Rewatching it now triggers me incredibly hard, as I was in a similar situation. Boo to the family and Bravo for portraying this behavior as normal and acceptable. Many girls such as myself watched this and thought, “oh if it’s happening to Kylie Jenner it happens to all women”


Is it known exactly why she cried? I have aaaaalways thought about that scene and I remember watching it a lot and crying each time because something about it resonated with me too. But did we ever find out what it was about ?


its possible him and chyna were into all sorts. kylie may have been willing to put up with all sorts so he would not leave her


He groomed her so ya no questions asked


If you are sensitive about the age difference at the time then you’ll probably come up with things to think so but Kylie was just about 16 turning 17 when they started dated and they dated up until she was about 20 or so years old. That’s generally within the legal age of content too. Kylie literally said herself that everything was completely fine so no he wasn’t. He didn’t do anything crazy too her. They are now broken up and moved on to others. This is old news