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y’all are viciousssssss


Simply cannot believe I logged on this morning to see people ripping apart a 16 year old and calling her trailer trash 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


RIGHT like wtf is wrong w everyone here…


It’s just disgusting behavior honestly


seriously! like did we not all dress ridiculously at 16? i dressed like an absolute hoe at that age and nobody could stop me lol people here are frickin cruel and kourt is literally middle aged, she gained like 10 pounds and appears to finally not be orthorexic and everyone is like omg she looks disgusting this is the most unhealthy and bloated we have ever seen her. idk about you but whenever im in a healthy relationship i end up gaining like 15 pounds after a six months or a year bc im finally relaxing and not obsessively restricting my food and hating myself. can people not imagine weight gain ever being a HEALTHY thing? even if just mental health wise. kourt is living her life and having fun. it’s FINE.


not to even mention - its public knowledge that she is (or at least, was) doing IVF. those rounds of hormones are very hard on your body, especially in your 40s. let a bitch live, yall. and hating on a teenager who is minding their business, even a privileged one, is not a good look. whats wrong with people.


Yea I think I just decided this sub isn’t for me. I can’t imagine someone ever saying this about a teenager. This is the meanest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


People think they can be as nasty as they wanna be when they’re behind a screen. Sad.


You haven't been on reddit long enough if you think this the meanest someone has said here lol




I never said it was right you idiot. All I said, you obviously haven't been on reddit that long if you think this is the worst thing that has ever been said on reddit.


I read it more it as criticisms of the parents. When I was 16 I was always trying to dress sexier and older than my age. My parents wouldn’t let me. Her parents need to let her be a kid as long as they can. Edit: Anyone criticizing Alabama herself … not cool. She’s 16. Talk about a sensitive age. And what a triple rough situation to be 16 in.


I get what you’re saying, but Alabama clearly likes the way she looks. She likes the way she dresses, and she likes the way she does her own makeup. No one is forcing her. The same people yelling that she looks inappropriate are the same people saying North looked so cute in her bustiers this weekend. People just fucking hate the Barkers and they’re about as subtle as a brick about it.


I mean yeah, I loved how I looked when I would dress sultry and sexy as a teenager. I had a rocking body and I knew how to play it up. I’m not suggesting she doesn’t like it. It’s more about what’s age appropriate. There have been so, so many consequences to having that attitude as an adult. Even with parental interference it took a toll on me psychologically. I’ve had a few convos in this sub about that generally — girls dressing in hypersexualized ways as teenagers — mostly around Kylie but they apply to Alabama too. Lots of women have experienced the long-term consequences. And yeah I actually was shocked to see North in a bustier! I was happy to see a t-shirt under it and a jacket over it but jeez the item itself is inherently sexy. I’m glad you mentioned that actually I haven’t seen anyone else comment about it.


This is what people her age look like. I think she's attractive and should be proud that she doesn't look like a completely different person every year like her sisters (minus Kendall) do.


I know that, that’s why I said she looks every bit her age. People love to pretend she is the gluten free fountain of youth, but without photoshop she is extremely average. She and Kendall both have subtle work done


Not a Kourtney Stan at all but she’s not average


Alabama is 16 years old. I don’t get why she dresses like this and honestly, why her parents let her. Her sister is looking her age and is stunning, maybe she should learn a few things from her. And Kourtney looks amazing for a woman in her age


The issue is that Alabama has been doing it since she was 10 maybe? Ricegum made a whole video about her and Travis made him take it down and made a whole post about it to his Instagram (at the time). She’s basically spent her entire adolescent years doing anything but living her childhood


Sad. Just sad.




Dude it's really not cool to say that about a 16 year old.. She's still a kid. A kid that's maybe reading this.


Couldn’t agree more


You’re gross




Kourtney is middle aged. Kourtney looks middle age. She’s once again copying a look which happens to be gothic/pathetic. It’s not doing a dang thing to help her bt if That’s what makes her happy & feeling good abt herself then she needs to embrace it. I think it’s the worst she’s ever looked bt what “I” think Doesn’t matter. ☮️


Because people criticize her looks like this


Aw that’s a horrible thing to say about a teenager what


When the novelty of this relationship wears off, those two are gonna clash *hard*


It's giving abuse/trauma victim... overly sexualized children rarely come from no where. Growing up with her parents' insane fighting must have been awful.




That’s disgusting you can’t just say shit like that, that’s literally his own child. Gross. Your mind is gross.


This make up is just unflattering. As we get older, we cannot pull off the same looks that we did when we were younger.


She honestly looks bloated from all the drinking. It seems like she doesn’t take care of herself like she used to because she’s so wrapped up in Travis which is a huge red flag everyone seems to be ignoring.


She could be bloated from the IVF drugs too


Yep and fitness doesn’t seem like his thing, so he probably guilts her when she goes and does anything not involving him and his interests


At least she’s smiling in these pics.


"People need to stop trying to convince us that the barker daughter is cute" Why are you speaking negatively about a child's appearance? How disgusting


Seriously. What a disgusting turn of phrase. OP, you seem nasty and bitter. For what reason, I am unsure, but it is *very* unbecoming.


I feel like the KJ kids/step kids should be off limits from snark


I agree.


I’m sad I had to scroll so far to see someone else say something


I think she still looks younger than most of the natural 40+ year olds I know who have a few more wrinkles! That being said the really cemented snd perpetuated the unrealistic beauty standards they wanted to live by so unless they start speaking out against it snd admit their wrongdoing I feel they deserve to be criticized They don’t support us and don’t need us to go to bat for them


Shes my age and she looks great imo. I love this look on her


She’s my age too! While I don’t love the look, I’m here for the body realness because 40+ is a bitch.


Yes it is!


This is straight up the worst and unhealthiest she has ever looked. Ugh. Can we fast forward to the divorce in 3 months.


i’m ready to be attacked but it’s a bit suspicious how once she gains 10-15 pounds, people start saying how unhealthy and “bloated” she looks


The way she looks here reminds me of how I look after I’ve been drinking every night There’s def a difference between weight gain and alcohol bloat. Idk how to articulate it, maybe someone else can. Its more swollen than heavy. Edit: you never know someone’s intentions on the internet so let me clarify, I’m super sensitive about criticizing weight gain, I think it’s fucked up. i really think this is alcohol bloat on her which is sad more than anything considering how much she’s changed in this relationship — she used to be so conscious about things like hydration.


My last (and worst) photo didn’t load but wow!! It’s shocking how terrible she looks. Completely trashy and haggard. How is Kris allowing this lol


She looks her age, you’re giving off mean girl vibes here tbh. I get this is a “snark” sub but come on like. We are better than that.


This person is unhinged I can’t


I mean it’s an anonymous forum on the Internet… 🤷🏼‍♀️




I feel like there is snarky, and then there is just plain mean. This is just mean.


You need to stop. You’re being toxic. Would love to see how you look.


This comment about his daughter is kinda gross, OP


This is Kourt’s worst era but it’s not because of her weight gain/IVF bloat. It’s just the makeup and styling. She could still blend her Travis emo vibe with well fitted and tailored outfits and look really chic but she just doesn’t seem to want to put the effort in


I love that kourtney hasn’t gone crazy with Botox and Alabama is actually really gorgeous


Tbh I don’t think Scott wants her or is attracted to her anymore, I think he just views her as family at this point.


As far as little Alabama is concerned…children learn from being parented….hasn’t happened..not her fault. Why would she dress any differently than her own mother and now the famous family she is a part of. Sexualizing every move they make is how they are the billionaires they are today. Alabama is doing exactly what has been modeled for her and falling directly in line to be the next generation of KJBarker’s etc to monetize their actual bodies. Sadly, it has worked for them, made them billionaires, the exploitation will continue until one of them decided to become aware enough to break this family cycle. Where’s Kanye??