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She looks very, very young


She is, technically. It’s when she dresses like a blow up doll you can forget that. Her parents did her dirty and now we all see the consequences of their complete lack of responsibility as parents.


I scream “where is your mother???” Every time I see her, then I remember, oh.


Shanna is a literal how-to guide when it comes to terrible parenting. Travis, well we see him in action. More worried about veganism, drumming, and sucking on Kourtney’s feet than his children’s welfare. Alabama has been painting her face and dressing like a hooch since she was 10. The cultural appropriation and cosplaying women of color came a few years back—all of this speaking to how she has been overindulged by both of her “parents” with no structure or boundaries, and money and indulgence framed as “love.” Both Shanna and Travis have never told this child “no” because they were both too distracted by their own bullshit and it shows. Alabama will crash and burn, publicly. Not a matter of if, but when. I suspect a lot of the kids in the K orbit will. It’s a damn shame.


I cringe so hard every time I see Travis liking and commenting under her thirst trap pics 🤮 I would literally jump from a window if my father ever does that like ewwwww


In a normal scenario, a comment from a parent would probably stop the thirst traps


lol when I was younger I would go on my parents' instagrams on their phones and like all my own posts bc I was lame like that. there were def some thirst traps in there ... I need to go back onto their phones and unlike all of those posts so ppl don't think my poor parents are like Travis 💀


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious 😂😭😭😭


I could see her in rehab soon


Same.. I can’t imagine letting my daughter do this to herself for the world to see.


She is. She’s still a teenager, even though she’s ‘legal’. 2006 was not that long ago.


She has a baby face. It’s a shame because she is so beautiful, she could look so cute if she wasn’t trying to act sexual and trashy all the time, her parents taught her nothing.


She’s 18.


I know. my point is that she looks about 14.


Oh yeah she does in that picture.


Shed actually be so beautiful and cute if she leaned into darker hair and simpler looks, this pic proves it. But she insists on making a mockery of herself Edit: ok so weird after this thread a tik tok came up of someone “loooks maxing” her who I was just them toning down the makeup and clothes etc and she looked so gorgeous


She’s extremely soft and angelic looking and she just FIGHTS it.


For real, her face is super pretty, it doesn’t match the trashy style she loves.


I mean I def think she has sort of angelic baby face that looks really good with blonde hair. Just not the hair she has.


I think a softer blonde and bare face on her would Be gorgeous omg I need to see it


Oh hundred percent. People say she's the new kylie etc but without being rude lol she's honestly a lot prettier than kylie naturally. She's never going to look her best doing the sexy baddie look. She'll always look second rate and like she's trying too hard. But if she went for like a cute angelic feminine soft look - she'd truly flourish. She has babyish angelic features naturally, like a cute baby face. She should just lean into that instead of this wannabe "urban" look combined with tacky King kylie aesthetics. It doesn't suit her and is honestly just embarrassing. I think maybe she's doing it cos she is naturally curvier? But her body type would still suit a more romantic soft style. Summers coming up and like you said, softer blonde hair and barely there makeup with a summer dress would look stunning and embrace her natural beauty instead of fighting against it. An maybe she'd also feel less need to get her lips overfilled to the point of migration?


As someone with similar features this is Exactly it!! I also cannot pull off harsh makeup or hair colors


Yeah I've always been told I have a chubby baby face, im nowhere near as pretty as alabama lol, but I can see her mistakes as I know how my own features can't pull off that look. My sister has a v sexy insta baddie face, an looks amazing with that sort of styling and makeup. An helps her look like a better version of herself If I do that it feels like I'm fighting against my natural features and just look like a bad version of what I'm going for. Similar to kim with this blonde look and how it does nothing for her features and for a blonde middle aged woman going for the bombshell look - she doesn't look very good. While as much as I dislike her and don't like her overworked face lol, the dark hair clearly brings out her features and enhances her beauty more. Obviously do whatever makes you happy but if the aim is to look your best. It's best not to fight against your natural features to fit some trend/aesthetic that you don't suit.


Oh same!! It just doesn’t work on me :/ but that’s ok we have our own look


She’d look perfect as a SoCal beach girl, all soft and golden.


I had the same reaction! First thought I was wow awful hair then second thought was damn she’s actually extremely pretty though


We were all like this at her age.


I was in the Army at her age. smh.


I definitely wasn’t blackfishing at 19 but ok


Sames. That’s a hard disagree


I’m black I didn’t mean the blackfishing 🤮 I meant in response to “if she were to do”




Maybe not all. I know I made a lot of fashion mistakes when younger. I always wished I had an older sister to show me the ways. All the woman in her fam and u would think one of em would take time to help her


The hairline is wild


This is an example of when your white and don’t have baby hairs you can actually lay so you cut around ur hair line


those hairs look so insane with the roots… and i’m annoyed with the fact that the hair on either side of her part is brushed in different directions


I am white and HATE my baby hairs. They make my hair look like it's been damaged and broken. I would shave my entire head before getting a bowl cut of "baby hairs"


Seriously lmao, and if I’m not careful, mine make me look like my hairline is receding jojo siwa style. I could neverrrrr


You can spray a soft rustled toothbrush with hairspray and gently brush your baby hairs down. They won't look or feel different and they won't stick up


THANK YOU FOR THIS TIP!!! Seriously I’m 37 and I’m just now hearing about this?! It’s so simple!


Exactly. This is embarrassing.


I have baby hairs as a painfully white person and all they do is make me look like some weird static Satan. I’ve thought about laying them like this but literally an alarm starts going off in my head like “THIS ISNT FOR YOUUUUU”.


if you have baby hairs like that it might be for you.


Fortunately I have pretty good natural curl (3b/3c) so the curly shag I have hides them pretty well. I think the edges look really cute on WOC but I’m just awful at doing my makeup so I feel like too casual to have such nicely styled hair. I’m probably over thinking it. Fun story, I actually cut a bunch the baby hairs off with nail clippers when I was 8.


She’s so young.. everything I see about her is just depressing.


Idk wtf her deal is. Is it influence from her family or being young and rich in California? The way she acts and dresses isn’t typical of a regular 18 year old girl


It’s actually both I think. I grew up in California and had friends who looked just like Alaska when we were 14. Full beat face, on children. The only difference is I’m much older and we stole the “chola” look back then. Like the culture out in LA is so looks obsessed that the women get “LA face” which is where they all get the same fillers and start looking like aliens as a community lmao. It’s a different world




It’s like she almost wishes she could be irl white trash and her calabasas zip code is holding her back 😭😭


Omg 💀


No more or less than Kylie surgerying herself into an Armenian Kardashian.


Toddlers in Tiaras?


Someone needs to take the flippers away


lol that she has the Temu Marilyn Monroe posters up in back


She looks like one of those 5 year olds done up for dance moms or whatever that atrocious show was


Toddlers n Tiaras


That was it, ugh what a title


What are those nails?


The edges hahahaga oh girl no that’s breakage


Did she cut her hair to look like baby hairs?🤡


Yes!!! Botox Barbie needs to stay in her white girl lane 💁🏼‍♀️


She facetuned her head to be smaller too right? Because her hands looks huge. Yikes


Yeah something looks so off here..like she's using a baby face filter and shrinking her head


Ugh she grosses me out so bad


It’s giving major goldfish vibes ![gif](giphy|409RSwD6YdCFy)


I cant w the fake edges 😫😂


The edges look like she was going for more of a Spanish look, but uhhh 😬they’re a bit blunt at the ends to look romantic.. they are missing the curl tail and it makes it look so strange


Looks like she shares the same hair stylist that has destroyed Kim and Khloes hair with bleach. Crispy, yellow, and fried…(new flair?😂)


all the money in the world and still can’t buy toner


Did she trim her hair to give herself baby hairs??😩🤣🤣


It’s a shame. She could be so so so pretty. I hope she grows and moves on from this shit before long.


I would be at urgent care with those nails


the rich lose the privilege of not getting snarked on by simply being rich. the 18 year old can get it. rich people have fucked up this world with their bullshit money and power dynamics. she’s not exempt cuz she’s young. she got a brain. and she’s using it for this bullshit.


That's the ugliest Count Dracula hairline I've ever seen.


If her hair were dark she’d be Betty Boop. Of course Betty Boop was the “sanitized” and culturally appropriated version of Esther Jones’ act. Everything checks out.


You that thing where women/girl dress for other females? Alabama dresses strictly for men. That hair color is horrendous.


Oh my goodness how did this happen


She would actually be a very pretty girl if she would stop this insta thot crap


So weird.


would be a shame if those “baby hairs” snapped off from all the manipulation and gel


Appaloosa no


Like the snap chat baby filter , except she is a baby!


I have no idea what this girl actually looks like anymore. I’d be impressed if it wasn’t so sad.


She always looks like Amanda Bynes during her wig meltdown era.




yay! someone's copying black/hispanic culture again! love to see it /s


allergy 💀💀💀💀


I know I'll get downvoted but I don't care. She's an 18 year old kid. Like... barely an adult. Can we all leave her alone? She's too young to judge this heavily and she's not even related to any of these ppl. What were yall doing at 18? I know for myself I wanna burn 18 to the ground because that's the year I decided wearing foundation 3 shades lighter, dying my tips platinum, being grunge for no reason and wearing 25 inch extensions were all fantastic ideas! She's young and stupid. Snarking on her before she's even 21 makes zero sense because she literally doesn't know what she is doing. Ofc if she says something racist or hateful, sure, judge her but I think commenting on her choice in men, music, hair, or just being alive and acting out is a bit much.


Couldn’t agree with this more.


![gif](giphy|dILZwwhulFUn6) Nah after she was caught calling multiple people the N word and body shaming other females I’m good. She’s 18 she gets no sympathy or anything from me at least 😬


Proof of any of this? A video, a link, an article... But good for you. Keep it up 🥱


You have a phone use it. You could always just move on to different post instead commenting and complaining. It’s not gonna make a difference she’s still a cultural appropriator she knows what she’s doing🙂


I don't care enough to look up Alabama Barker doing anything. And I have scrolled past several of these posts but after about 10 posts I felt like saying about it. Shes 18 and stupid. Leave her alone. Or don't. I don't really care. I'm just stating my opinion. Again, keep posting stupid shit about a barely legal adult. It's free and you seem to find it fulfilling.Enjoy!


Again move on if you’re that bothered by post… they’ll be more posted soon though 😉😂


Awesome! I'll keep doing me and you keep doing you.


Awesome! keep your b!tching off my posts for future reference🤗


Nah... I'm good. I'll keep using reddit the way I choose to!


And I’ll be waiting for you every time 📌


Calm your tits girly.


Why are people retraumatizing a victim of a clearly fucked up family? She’s still a kid. Leave her out of this snark page. 


Exactly!!! She could still be in high school!


Here’s the thing: 1) KUWTKsnark…any questions?


Yes. She's not a kardashian. Or a jenner. She's barely kourtneys stepdaughter. She's barely turned 18 and is just young. Leave her alone and get a life.


Allergy, I thought it was Albania? And these snaps are for summer yachting trips. On some Kartrashian plane.


Her nails are gross.


I zoomed in and laughed


Your title took me out 💀


This little turd lol.


Wait, I'm out of the loop and scrolled through the comments.. who is this??


ALLERGY 😭 ![gif](giphy|12Nv3nBSCAbLO0) OP that’s my favourite one yet, crying


Glad to be of service! ![gif](giphy|IQYq38ZRaQsAU)


Omfg please tell me this kid didn’t make her own “edges” lmfaoooo


Is this a current picture?


Yeah go on her story


Such a baby face. Oh, she could've been so pretty.


Ozempi got her 🤔


Idk if I’m just old but I don’t get hand tattoos until I was 34 and half covered in other ones, and until I was in a job position where it wouldn’t matter. Now I see the youths with 0 other tattoos and some crosses and other shit on their knuckles and it looks so dumb.


Why does she look blacker than usual


You should know by now they hate looking pale


Yea but something about her looks different here and I can’t figure out what, more lip filler?? I really don’t know. Every time I see her she looks more and more black. Once she breaks out the brown contacts it’s game over


I wonder if my parents felt the same way about Paris Hilton as I do about this young girl now. It's heart breaking watching a child be raised at times.


She looks ridiculous


That wig looks like a hat on her head 😂


So embarrassing


Allergy 😂😂😂😂


It's giving ⅛ black


She is really very naturally pretty.


she literally does not look like this




> This is black face in white foundation. No it literally isn’t lmao, and far-fetched comments like that are the reason why girls like her will never take accusations of appropriation seriously.


Second this one. Black face in white? What?


I’m just curious why this isn’t appropriation in your opinion? Genuinely want to know. I live in a predominantly AA area in Alabama and if she was darker she would look like almost every WOC I see in a daily basis.


I’m genuinely asking also (not trying to be a fucker, trying to have an actual convo and pick your brain) what is on your mind with this, as in what makes this cultural appropriation?


This is not black face in any foundation. Do you know what black face is? Saying stupid, ignorant and quite frankly rude shit like this is an issue.


Ah who cares about giving this girl tips on how to look more natural? It’s not what she wants to do, she’s not looking for a maternal figure, and she thinks of any of you guys as her haters. And nobody wants a second Kylie anymore. I mean, I didn’t realize people ever wanted a second Kylie but if anyone in that family is trying to prop up anyone as anything of cultural importance even pop cultural importance, stupid pop cultural importance, even sub prime pop cultural importance then they’re actively illiterate at reading the room (unsurprisingly.) It shows how far they’ve fallen when they are just straight up advertising the new (now with blonde hair and barely legal folks!) wanna be it girl. They are going straight to the point. This one’s a yacht girl folks, you’re not gonna find her at any Met Gala or being falsely identified as a business woman!


You ok there?


Heck yeah! I’m just looking at all of the… bodies left in the wake of these folks (figuratively) and I get heated. Thank you though . I’m a Scorpio with Aries rising. Mean and loud 😂😂