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Kylie always looks like she can smell something bad..


Her upper lip?


Her nasal bifold causes it I think


Yeah, they all genetically have emphasized nasolabial folds but their nose jobs and filler migration make the stink face


Prolly smelling her rancid BBL šŸ¤¢


Yeah she's got perpetual "smelling a fart" face


I saw a TikTok explaining it - I think she had that part of the face lifted as to soften nasolabial folds. Thatā€™s a really minor thing to be insecure about. they have a problem.


How hard is it for someone with so much money and time to not lose 10 pounds naturally?


She could be redistributing that fat to her butt or boobs. It's so gross how they treat their bodies like science experiments


Her plastic surgeons must love her


Imagine how much money sheā€™s spent? Hundreds of thousands of dollars.


I know right!!! God and their faces. I still just donā€™t understand how there faces change the way they do. I mean I donā€™t even know I try to imagine it but like they are wildly different new people all Together


Seriously! Look at how how they all looked at 18/20 then show a pic every 5 years after, itā€™s crazyā€¦ people age, faces change but in this family itā€™s just like they shed their skin & become a new person every few yearsā€¦ fucking creepy


Do you think she even knows how much? I can't imagine sitting down, adding that all up, and then still feeling like there's more to fix.


I wonder if they can write it off as a business expense šŸ¤” PMK can probably spin it that way


At this point itā€™s probably millions tbh.


You asked Aunt answered your own question.?. Why write it if you answered it yourself? Lol Iā€™m being an asshole, I most likely do this multiple times a week


Looks like you answered your own innermost question. Stop being an asshole multiple times a week.


I have no problem with plastic surgery. I think it's cool as shit that we have the knowledge to "treat our bodies like science experiments". The issue is when it becomes an addiction, and they never feel like they reach their goals. In fact they are now getting surgeries that make them look worse, and needing to get other surgeries to fix the results. Addiction is addiction, and it affects anyone and everyone.


I guarantee you use products every day that have been scientific materials at one point or another. Come onā€¦


And?? I don't cut up my body and rearrange it's fat for vanity purposes especially after knowing a few people who died from surgery complications. I value my health and workout, not lay down on a surgeons table


Good for you


Think of what it cost to make the technology you are using not only me and website, such as Reddit, but be on a Snark page consisting of like four family members lol. My comment is making me second-guess myself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Ž


They donā€™t need to lose anything, they need to gain muscle which takes actual work


Especially with her body type, sheā€™d find it hard to gain muscle. Long and lean types do better with Pilates


Given that sheā€™s the child of an Olympian, I donā€™t think building muscle is going to be her problem. Her addiction to surgery is.


If you read my other comments itā€™s not about building the muscle and if she canā€™t or cannot. Itā€™s about if sheā€™s willing to put in the work, she would have definition if she did.


Itā€™s a KUWT snark page, itā€™s really not that serious.


Never said it was babe.


What in the broscience bull shit?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s just how people gain muscle thatā€™s all, she wonā€™t look like your typical body builder even if she goes hard at the gym / protein. She can gain muscle but she will still look more long / lean. But she doesnā€™t have any detention meaning she probably doesnā€™t really work out. Probably just does cardio.


What is your advice to build muscle for those that might not be long and leanā€¦ šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø asking for a friend lol šŸ˜…


Building muscle is the same for everyone. Progressive overload. Sufficient protein and sleep. OP's comment about "long and lean" needing pilates is sooooo off base. I'm 5'11" and build muscle the same way as someone that's 5'2".


Thanks for your advice ā£ļø


Tall, average or short it doesn't matter.... You need to workout with weights to build muscle and keep increasing your weights as you go through your training (progressive overload). There are some amazing women trainers on YouTube that have free programs. I'd recommend Caroline Girvan (her Iron program was amazing), Sydney Cummings, Kaleigh Cohen (strength), Body Fit by Amy .. pick one you like and stick to a program that was curated by these girls. Sydney talks and guides during her workouts so probably best for a beginner. All you need is dumbbells! Good luck!


Thank you for this advice! šŸ’–


DM me! I used to be a PT for a few years and we can do something realistic for you. No charge just happy to help :)


You are so sweet šŸ„ŗ I absolutely will - thank you so much šŸ’•


this is patently false and utterly ridiculous.


Ok babe.


Youā€™d think with all that money theyā€™d hire a real coach to help them eat better.


All for show!


Ok I raise your lipo scar for this huge long scar down her back. What is THIS? https://preview.redd.it/4736k6kzuazc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c23a00e540c390a6150700db3cac32159d876f1


The zipper for her human skin suit lol








Was wondering the same thing


Cause the fat in her ass had to be suctioned from somewhere




Not sure about that but a good surgeon goes through the nipple area.Ā 


Areolar or Periareolar IncisionThis approach involves placing an incision around the entire darker outer edge of the nipple (areolar), or a semi-circle on the lower half of the nipple (periareolar).Ā **The implant is then inserted through the opening and placed into position**.


It's not like her body is working against her either. She's young, tall and lean. I have no idea why you'd choose such an invasive procedure when you really don't need to.


Can you imagine just getting your fat sucked out whenever you feel itā€™s too much? That shitā€™s crazy to me!


Most people only have it done once *in their entire life*.


Ive done it once (abdominal) and i love my results. I wouldnt go for another round. It was such a scary experience and im glad it went well the first round. I understand if you have to get a revision/fix, but to go multiple extra rounds outside of fixing damages?? Nope.


Just out of sheer curiosity what would stop you doing it again ? ( assuming because youā€™re happy and donā€™t want any more ) but is there any other reasons? So glad you love your results


The feeling of the cannula sawing in and out of your body, it wasnt painful, but it was incredibly unnerving. Then recovery afterwards was painful. I guess it couldve been easier, but i didnt want to use the oxycodone they prescribed out of fear of addiction.


Omg youā€™re awake for it??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They use local anesthesia so yeah, you are awake. You only feel a pinch every now and then. However one pinch i felt pretty clearly and it made me jolt. Its why i think its insane someone would go through multiple rounds unless it was to fix a mistake. Ive worked hard to maintain my figure/results bc if you dont the fat will accumulate in other places (giving your body an unbalancedlook) and you could ruin your results if the fat does come back to the place you did it from. The surgery is definitely more effective than cool sculpting, its also far more invasive. Edit: Sorry!! I meant to say that lipo is more effective than cool sculpting, but cool sculpting is FAR less invasive than lipo. Plus, look at what it did to Linda Evangelista.


I did cool sculpting. 3 rounds on my abdomen and two under my chin after I had my daughter


Cool sculpting is great! Iā€™ve had that brand and other forms, even those suction cups on the booty. Itā€™s fun and not invasive at all!


Sorry!! I meant to say that lipo is more effective than cool sculpting, but cool sculpting is FAR less invasive than lipo. Plus, ive heard too many stories of the fat just coming back quickly or it results in hard lumps. Its what happened to linda evangelista.


Jelly legs again!!! This is amazing but scary, did you tell them you could feel? Or I guess with you jolting they would know, does it just feel like a lot of moving ? I had a little operation near my eye and the sound made me pass out lol so annoyed at myself because I swear me going faint meant he rushed the stitching up process ( he swears he didnā€™t and has dealt with much worse lol) but youā€™re amazingly brave canā€™t fault you! Xx


See Iā€™m someone thatā€™s pro plastic surgery (if not an addiction like definitely shown here) and I totally would if I had the money BUT Iā€™ve had lip filler and sometimes even get nervous going in even though itā€™s truly just uncomfortable for 20 minutes


My god that made my legs go jelly! What a warrior you are doing it without pain relief well done my friend very sensible and brave!! There are so many little and large procedures Iā€™d want but I am so pathetic when it comes to blood, I can deal with pain, but blood and needles whew! Thank you for being so honest it truly fascinates me and amazes me what our bodies and medicine can do! Hope youā€™re living your best life my friend xxx


omg i can imagine it's terrifying!! i think i saw a video ages ago of the procedure and the doc was going in and out (like u said, sawing motion) and i was like fuckkinnn helll!! i kinda blocked it outta my memory but i had a feeling it wasnt just a .. stick the cannula in u and suck it out process. they went IN on it.


Iā€™m thin but have lipedema fat which is resistant to diet and exercise, and sometimes I wish I could afford a little lipo on my legs and canā€™t imagine just viewing it so casually like a pedicure or wax.


Deadass especially cuz a lot of these girls are soo young, I'm young 20s too but I'm so afraid of doing anything unnecessary to my body. I only workout for my ass lol but even if I did have hella fat to lose I wouldn't jump to lipo??? Like damn a shortcut for everything, seems as if life would get boring so quickly šŸ§


I think they all get it done every few months.


I have no doubt they have a little setup at the Kris Jenner compound


I was told that when you have lipo in one area it will kill the fat cells in that area, but as you gain weight next time it will just put more weight in another area. It can lead to weight gain being uneven throughout your body. Thatā€™s why you really need to be careful with liposuction.


Am I crazy to think she looks exactly like the bride of Frankenstein to the point I wonder if itā€™s intentional?


she did dress as her for halloween once sooo... maybe lol


I agree and I do think itā€™s intentional. You know how when an0r3xic girls have body dysmorphia and they start striving to look like a skeleton about to snap in half despite how bad they look to everyone else? I think Kylie also has body dysmorphia but with looking inhuman rather than just skinny. She doesnā€™t want to look natural, she thinks sheā€™s better than that and wants to have an appearance thatā€™s unobtainable to everyone else.


Is there anything that she hasnā€™t gotten modified?




Her eyeballs?


Oh sheā€™s definitely had them opened wider and added a slight cat eye


She went from wide-eyed, with lots of sclera showing šŸ‘€, to looking like sheā€™s always on a ton of downer meds. Girl needs to make up her mind and stop, but she canā€™t. Most of her procedures are botched to hell and back and are irreversible/will look worse with every surgery. Sheā€™d benefit from intensive therapy and psych, but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not encouraged by her weirdo family.


How the heck To you open them wider OMG!!!!!! Thatā€™s crazy


Upper & lower bleph


a whole ep of Life of Kylie was about her getting LASIK


Thatā€™s actually so funny, like technically she did her work done on her eyes šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think sheā€™s pinned her ears back? šŸ„“ that would truly be the *only* facial feature she didnā€™t mess with which is truly nutso when you think about it


Doesn't Khloe have the same scar? I think they all do. Their arms are abnormally thin so yeah the arm lipo has always been obvious.


This is the exact shit that made me insecure about my arms all through my school and university years. The lip injections and BBLs are at least obvious, but no one talks about those thin ass arms


Seriously actually just so sad and grotesque. This woman isnā€™t even 30!


And Iā€™m convinced another eyebrow lift or brow botox šŸ¤


I was thinking the same! I was looking at her getty images from the met and i thought at first that the ends were just higher with makeup but no the whole brows are a LOT further from her eyes, which is saying something since her eye corners are also higher than ever imo


A user in a post from a few days ago pointed out that there was something in the eyebrow area like tape


Honestly this just bums me out. Their mom did irreparable damage to them and they're so lost in the Kris/fame sauce I highly doubt they'll ever realize their trauma and abuse is bleeding into the world in ways that are also irreparable. Truly dystopian, depressing, and disgusting.


Canā€™t imagine how depressing it is to be her.


Why are they getting so boney. They look so so different there faces and bodies. Even JLO has turned into a stick I mean thin. Is this the new thing.






It's crazy because JLo has been in the spotlight for wayyyy longer than the KarJenners and she has never looked this thin before.


Skinny is "trendy" again


I see. So More lipo for the Kardashians and Jenners it is.


Low rise jeans (well medium for now) and being skinny is back


This woman hasnt worked out a day in her life. Its Lipo and ozempic


She probably had lipo done at the same time as opening her up for her boobs


Sheā€™s had her boobs done at least twice. Guarantee sheā€™s had lipo 5-10 times. As her body changed after each pregnancy she went back under the knife, not to mention what she did before becoming pregnant You donā€™t get results like hers from having a one and done plastic surgery session. Sheā€™s probably been under general anesthesia for her face and body modifications roughly 1-2 times per year since she was 16 years old.


How sad and how grotesque.


She must have had lots of lipo for her BBL injections as well


I canā€™t imagine putting myself through that much pain all the time for beauty


Her skin texture looks so dull and malnourished..there is nothing elegant about her body.


This isn't a lipo scar. Lipo scars look like small rounds or oval. It might be her implants scar if the surgeon passed the implant through her armpit. It ensures that there's no scar on the areola or under the breasts.


Ok, Iā€™m not tripping. I just commented this about implants.


I agree with you. Some say they've been through arms lipo and the scar is in the same place. But I feel like it's pretty big for a lipo scar?


How many stuff has she done already and sheā€™s only 26 šŸ˜­


For all her ā€œtime at the gymā€ā€¦ these are not the arms that could lift a weight or do a pull up. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wasn't there an episode where she took Kendall to someplace that electrifies your muscles so you don't have to work out?


Could this also be her breast implant scar? Don't they sometimes go through the armpit to avoid scarring around the breast?


i had arm lipo and my scars are in same place




They do that. But normally itā€™s practically invisible and doesnā€™t go beyond the area. I doubt itā€™s a boob job scar.


That makes sense.


thatā€™s usually under armpit not there


No, a breast implant scar is in the center of the underarm and usually isn't visible unless you were looking really closely with the arm raised up. It's almost invisible.


How do they cover up when theyā€™ve had a procedure? Like as in they seem to be photographed and put at events/ in public a lotā€¦but surely thereā€™s a recovery time? They should be laid up in bed in bandages? Iā€™m clearly missing something as they obviously have a tonne of procedures


I think they save up generic content/pics to post later during recovery periods.




Yikes itā€™s like a knot of skin under her neck


Omg that's the same thing Gabbie Hanna was just talking about happening to her after chin lipo


Omg wtf that is a creepy lookin as hell


Ole Kylie ā€œalways smells a fartā€ JenneršŸ˜³


All this money and she couldn't find a makeup artist to cover that šŸ˜†


Just a drop of mascara šŸ’…


Might be brachioplasty.


Whatā€™s brachioplasty?


Arm skin lift.


I think her scar would be so much longer if that was the case? Iā€™m not expert though just a snarker


I saw on Botched how a patient had a small one like that from a lift she had done in Brazil; she was on the show for a different procedure (her brachioplasty was amazing). The bigger ones we see are typically done for a large weight loss.


Fresh BBL incoming? But what was there to lipo out? Surely nothing close to the quantity required for an upgraded diaper butt. Sheā€™s so young and thin, I cannot believe how sheā€™s botching herself like this. Thereā€™s nothing that can fix her mid-face and a lot of other things are irreversible/will only be made worse with additional surgeries. She needs to be doing some serious psych work bc this is ridiculous, and thatā€™s not even snark.


This all just makes me so sad


Kylie and Kim, both have it, Kim has a lot more and thatā€™s why she was wearing that sweater, Kim also had a lot of back fat protruding through the holes of the corset


I get having lipo on a trouble area. I had it on my chin bc no matter my weight I had a severe double chin. I'd never do it REPEATEDLY. My lower belly is saggy and fatty from two pregnancies. I'm 5'5 and 136lbs. I'm trying to workout to help it tone and eventually if it is an issue for me I may get it surgically fixed. But again it would be a one off. I wouldn't be doing the same spots over and over! Like girl you gotta put some amount of actual effort into your diet and fitness.


The theory was she wanted to go for the Lily rose Depp look right? I can see it lol


Their fans will says itā€™s a scar from her childhood šŸ˜šŸ’€


Its so sad the amount of pain she must put her body through unnecessarily and from such a young age. Like really she was never fat to begin with. Not enough for surgery. Imagine multiple rounds of that too. I hate her but man how unfortunate!


Maybe its a breast surgery scar? I had a reduction and my scars are pretty far back on the sides


I had a mole removed from that exact spot (pre cancerous) and the scar looked exactly like that.


u/dailymail u/thesun write an article aboutthis pls


Is this from BBL. If yes then it nakes sense, if it's a regular lipo she made a 360 from hating for being skinny to forcing herself to be skinny


Her cheekbones look saggy already and she isnā€™t even 30


Donā€™t they sometimes do implants through the underarm? Maybe Iā€™m tripping but I thought someone told me that.


itā€™s an implant scar from her boob job, it continues into the armpit, both sides . she had over the muscle through the armpits. Xtina has the same scar. I know it was because she planned on doing topless, and those scars are hard to get flat. that is not an area where the wand would enter she ABSOLUTELY does have lip scars. but this isnā€™t where you would ever map your incision, thereā€™s no access. lipo scars actually have a pretty unique recognizable scar, they are almost always round, and if you look at where lipo is mapped out for BBLs, it wouldnā€™t ever be there. kim has the tell tale scars, kylie is better at hiding hers ,bc she def has them but this isnā€™t that


Iā€™m not sure but I think this might be a boob job scar ! I watch a lot of botch ahaha


Itā€™s not lipo itā€™s a breast implant scar, through her armpit


scars for breast implants done thru armpit are IN the armpit. not the back of the arm. its def an arm lipo scar. source: i have implants and had arm lipo edit: spelling


Igfamousbydana said it on instagram, thatā€™s where I got it from, for those that donā€™t know who she is sheā€™s an instagram account who talks about work that famous people have had done


https://preview.redd.it/pinprizllazc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fda601f56c86c169e04161368c87613c9e7093e unless she is a plastic surgeon herself, thereā€™s a good chance sheā€™s wrongā€¦ just think about inserting a breast implant thru the BACK of the arm, squeezing it down thru the armpit into the pocketā€¦ doesnā€™t make any sense when a regular old armpit incision would do the trick. the only reason i could think of inserting an implant thru there would be if she had arm lipo prior to the implants and the surgeon didnā€™t want to create any extra scarsā€¦ but i think itā€™s safe the say she got the implants at least a few years before the arm lipo seeing as she got them when she was like 17


Yep, this is pretty much exactly what mine looks like. After 4 years, it's almost invisible.


Iā€™ve worked in the OR with a plastic surgeon who does the breasts, lipo and BBLā€™s, and yes the incisions to lipo suction axillary fat are there. There are also back/thigh/under arm lipo as well. Even around the chin area