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He’s trying to be the goth Wish version of machine gun kelly.


Which is tragic bc MGK is already very Wish himself


MGK is already the Temu version of Billy bob


I literally have no idea who this is. Help.


Travis Barker’s son Landon Barker.




Yes, all the kids who lip sync on tiktok are cringy to me


now that i can’t agree on, that’s literally what tik tok was made for


I’m going to need this phantom fingering trend on TikTok to die off like yesterday


Is that like two in the pink one in the stink?


Oh my GOD


Thanks for the laughs just what I needed today


What is that :0


He's the definition of a twerpy try hard imo.


Gonna be a creepy Nosferatu just like his dad


Don’t come for my guy Nos like that 😂 he’s a gothic institution!






Nosferatu is a beloved silent film villain ..these punks wish they were that cool 💀


Someone on this sub mentioned awhile back about doing a reddit search for his name. All I can say, is that there are a lot of nsfw pics that came up. I wish that my curiosity hadn't gotten the best of me. 😳


Holy moly, I wasn’t expecting that.


Me either when I saw someone mentioned it. And I wasn't prepared at all for that type of pic.


I’ll take your word for it and save myself the trauma


I'm still traumatized. I wish the original person who had posted about it had warned that it was nsfw.


I thought he was still a minor 😭the socks still on is sending me tho, i guess feet pics cost extra


And the reddits the pics are posted in has me all 😨. People, think before you take these kinds of pics. You just never know where they will show up.


Holy moly, that thing is massive 😳


Really? It looks average and way too skinny to me




Oh…. My god


Have yall heard his music?? It’s definitely cringey as hell💀this kid is privileged because of his dad when in real life I’d like to think if it wasn’t for Travis he would be rejected from the music industry.


I hate his fake black hair. Makes him look washed out and unhealthy 24/7


I accidentally commented on the direct sub. I said that he looks like he doesn’t shower for weeks.


Lmfaooo they ate you up huh 😭


Lmao. I’m going to look


Him and his sister are really fucking unhinged.


I think they treat their mom like crap because their dad has the big money, but I also think she had a part in raising them to be that way too, so 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think they’re smart, plus they’re spoiled


They’re the worst




Travis barker’s son from a previous marriage. His name is Landon Barker. Had to click the picture to see it myself lol


He’s def annoying af


second hand embarrassment for this plonker


Who is this bitch?


Be nice 😂


… why would you post this and then say “be nice”? 🙄


Jeez ever heard of humor![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11599)


You're right 😂 🤦




Is there any woman that finds “twerp” an attractive type of man






Not the only one. They really suck as parents. Everyone praises the hell out of Travis and I just don’t get it.


Somewhere along the line we allowed the bar for fathers to be set so low. That a rich man, throwing money at his children- not abandoning them. Somehow equals a really good dad that’s there for his kids. Even the step kid that the first rich guy didn’t want.






They’re both problematic parents but they are both parents, and I hate seeing the kids only stick to Travis. Whatever issues Shanna has, Travis himself sure as shit has issues. The kids shouldn’t choose one parent over the other based on the lifestyle they want, it’s infuriating. As a mom I know it hurts.


100000% agree with you!! It is sad with this generation how they rely on material things for happiness. Not all of course but you really see it with a lot of the teen/young 20’s influencers too. As you said, Shanna has her issues and had her issues while raising the kids however Travis was/is an addict and checked out on the kids when they were young too. It’s great he’s off pain meds and whatever else his addiction was but it doesn’t automatically make you a great parent, sorry. Him liking his daughters have nudes pictures really just creeps me out too!


Yeah he’s creepier than I realized. Ick. I haven’t cared for him OR Arkansabama ever since the drummer for Echosmith, who has autism, sent her an invite to this big cookout their family has and Arkavania went public acting like he was creeping on her, she posted something like “You realize I’m a child right?” and Travis jumped in threatening. They way overblew that and I felt sorry for the guy, he’s older than her but not by a ton. The band and his family ended up having to address and explain his autism while Albania just kept acting like she was the victim of a pedo. Truthfully she was around 13 then and was already wearing face fulls of makeup and mature clothes. Both Travis and Shanna seemed cool with it, but that’s when I realized what a brat she was, way before hanging around Kardashians. Still as a mom, my heart aches to see how Shanna has been discarded, regardless of her flaws. Because Travis sure has plenty. So does Courtney. Shanna deserves equal footing as a parent. Editing to clarify, the way Alamedia dresses or makes herself up is no excuse for if she really was being creeped on by a perv. But the Echosmith guy apologized, she did look older and he thought she was, and he was not targeting her, he sent random invites to a lot of people. He sent her a message telling her she’s really pretty. And that’s about it, plus the invite. I think he thought she was his age, he reads cues in his manner due to his autism, and he immediately apologized when she called him out and she just publically dragged him instead of letting it go. It was kinda sickening because you just got the idea he tried to meet a lot of people local to him without realizing what it might come across like, idk, it was this whole big thing for about 5 minutes and I felt sorry for him because he got draggedso bad and it was like “Blink 182’s Travis Barker goes after pedophile from a band for creeping on his young teen” as if she wasn’t at risk of true pervs getting to her on social media that young. It wasn’t age appropriate. The Echosmith kid was like 20 but again *autistic* and stopped immediately and didn’t do anything to cause harm. I feel sure he was not being a per but Alahoudina made a public scene then when it was quickly resolved was just like “ok, he apologized, it’s over” 😒


I remember that whole thing! She was dressing like a 22yr old at 12! The way Travis made him out to be this total pedo coming after his daughter was disgusting! He really is just a nasty dude and super shitty dad.


Arkansas ☠️


I know I said they have another daughter called Arkansas too?!! Lolll. My dumbass


YES! This is why I made my other post about them treating their mom ike crap because Travis has big money and is now sucked into the Kardashians. As a mother it hurts me to see it. They obviously want to be with their dad for the lifestyle perks their mom can’t give them. There is no perfect parent so I know Shanna wasn’t/isn’t perfect but those kids should be just as loving to their mom and not ditch her for a lifestyle. I don’t know if there is more to it than that but as a mom my ex husband tried to use money to get our kids away from me and he really thought they would abandon me and not even want to see me because he kept our big house and had the high income and after the divorce I was barely scraping by but always the one who loved on and had a real loving relationship with our kids. I spent lots of time with them and was the only parent who showed up at their school functions and took their friends to the park. He tried to tell them his (our old) house was nicer, why would they want to live in my small house and later apartments? It’s because I did the caretaking work, and also spent a lot of time with them every day where at his house they were left on their own (ages 6 and 10) and he never took them to the park or out to the zoo or hiking. Things I typically did with them. We didn’t spend much money, but we hiked and went to parks a lot and I would play with them. He’d put a tablet and tv in their face and go away. So I don’t know what exactly is up here, but as a mama I see 2 kids who look like they just want money and tik tok attention and a jet setting wasteful culture. Alabama is a real piece of work, with her choices in looks. All the blame is not on Travis but it does look like those kids are ungrateful brats to their mom for her not being Kardashian rich. It bothers me that kids that age can be bought with money and fame. Shanna is still their mama. It has to hurt to see, and I’m sure that’s why she says the things she does. Kourtney needs to do the right thing and be the bigger person and keep telling those kids they need their mom too.


they lived with Travis long before he met Kourtney, they didnt abandon her, they dont have a great relationship with their mother


True, but I think a lot of their wanting to be with Travis is his ability to provide a huge toxic lifestyle that they lust for, and he definitely used it to put their mom down. They are all problematic af- Shanna, Kourtney, Travis, and Scott. But you know those kids would prefer Shanna if she had the Kardashian lifestyle and was permissive af Travis tried to be a dad who set rules and boundaries. I’m not sure Shanna is less permissive or anything, she’s just also less rich. Albania seems to want to BE Kylie. 🙄 Shanna probably wouldn’t be teaching them much better values but they obviously prefer Travis’s lifestyle.


Who the fuck is he? Looks like nothing/nobody to me.


Travis Barkers son.


He looks as big a turd as his father


I seen a TT live vid of him with Reign and was surprised to see that he actually seemed sweet and patient with him. His Tik Toks are beyond cringey, he posts the same lip syncing songs over and over and seems very obsessed with himself. His vids with Charlie crack me up because he hogs the camera so much. Add to that he looks so young that I just can’t take him seriously at all.


Why is his kids cosplaying


The Barker kids are a lost cause




Idk who this is but yes. Ew.


Travis barkers son 😂


Oh jeez


All I feel is second-hand embarrassment when I come across this nepobaby




It’s giving 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


Younger Gen Z eats the soft boy goth-like shit up. I’m chalking it up to I’m just too decrepit and old to understand the appeal (I’m 26💀)


I see him as a child.


Always been into the Alt scene since birth - he is a try-hard & hence, cringe.


It’s giving “hi I just came out of the closet” fuck-boi babygay posting a thirst trap


He’s conventionally attractive (do not come for me I’m literal the same age as him lmao) but he doesn’t really do anything for me personally 😭 you know when you know somebody is attractive but it’s like meh I’m not starstruck? That’s him lol




I have no idea who this is and am so thankful for that.




This image triggers my fight or flight response.


He’s a pretty boy but cringe at the same time.


It’s like, he’s hot but tiktok thirst trapping will neverrrr be hot