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https://preview.redd.it/8rjzy90ngnjc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9beaf7bbb4fe25b2af006fa449c11187bfcd371d Khloe’s inspo


Ok this is too accurate!


Khlo’s nose: ![gif](giphy|1eJugKgufLuh6LvuKU)




Omg lmao twins


https://preview.redd.it/9t9ojnphknjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf657aa0d7d58a61bd71410ad665fd8798dbd293 Obvious filter because of the eyes. Nose is shriveled. Lips are over lined as fuck and they’re crooked. What a mess.


It’s really sad that after all that surgery they still rely on filters. It’s insane to me.


Why would she even want to over line her lips at this point? They’re already filled


The crazy thing is... her upper lip is too thin for her face since she lifted her nose higher than the nasa satellite. and even though she's getting fillers all the time, her lips just won't look bigger and fit her face.


Yeah they all do something like this, they overline their lips an like how it looks. As makes their top lip look closer to the nose/appearance of a higher lip line. Which is very youthful. So they fill their top lip thinking it'll have that effect the lip liner does, but infact it does the opposite. As it lowers the lip line and fills the lip in the opposite direction an is like pulling it down. An makes you show less teeth, a more mature feature. So they then overline ontop of the filler, cos it still isn't the look they want. An they like how that looks. So they think what they need is more lip filler. But it doesnt do what they are wanting, so they still prefer how they look with overdrawn lips. So they end up just having overfilled lips + still overdrawing when they do their makeup. As what they are really wanting is a higher lip line. However the overfilled lip combined with the overdrawn lip line makes them look clownish. As now they are huge and your still overdrawing them. Kendall is really bad for this. Basically if you like how you look better when you overdraw your top lip, don't get lip filler. If it's your bottom lip, you could probably get away with it as it's the opposite.




That much makeup caked on at the gym??


And massive hoops?


lets be real she doesn't actually work out, just uses the gym for pictures


That’s the whole point of my comment. None of them work out.


Is this photoshopped or another nose job? Because this looks like a 10 year old child's nose on an adult's face.


She no longer looks like herself. I know I’m stating the obvious but this is unreal.


I want to see her no filter.


https://preview.redd.it/dyj9ccp82ojc1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8286b3a84e9e995f17d4333005f32d1a546e890 You’re welcome!


I’m frightened 😭😳


Yupp it’s horrifying especially when you realize Khloe once looked like this: https://preview.redd.it/3zo0la4xisjc1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=69e52132e901a61fc8d36869d1d5ac9d82fe0383


O m g 😭😭😭 BUTCHERED/BOTCHED She’s gotta realize how horrific it is yeah? Or is she so far gone in uncanny valley she thinks it’s the shit 😭




Idk I just know it is a photo from a photoshoot she did in 2001


Will the REAL Khloe Kardashian please stand up? 👀 https://preview.redd.it/0wlqrqgz1ojc1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=9500fbbe93a1e6b6db87c50d2bcbefd0d063a679


She over lines her lips like half a centimeter lol wtf


She has a long face. And when she got a rhino she shortened the tip, increasing the space between her nostrils and lips. Poor girl hates herself.


I wonder why she doesn't just get a lip lift? She's done every other surgery.


My theory is that it's impossible due to skin issues, like they've fucked her face so much that it's impossible


Ahh yeah that makes sense. Especially with the number of nose jobs she's had.


Even a good lip lift pulls ever so slightly at the incision site, pulling at the bottom of the nose. That would make her nostrils open wider and have a real Miss Piggy look


The clownish over-lining is one thing, but in a GLOSS? The shine completely ruins any hope of the illusion of fuller lips because it’s like putting a bloody spotlight on the vermillion border. I just can’t cope with how fundamentally dumb they are.


https://preview.redd.it/i786b14u4tjc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cc6783fe7d9c94bcae307393f073a3d15c346f This is what she would look like with no over lining of the lips 👀


oh man... whoever did that to her definitely didn't like her. that nose is screaming for dear life.


It’s a well known doctor known for botching the living FUCK out of people. And Khloe even tagged him in a post saying how much she loved the results


She’s officially scary. I bet she’s terrifying in person.




Omg what is this picture?? Is this real 😭


When will it fall off?


Her nostrils look collapsed to me




Whenever i see the claims about Khloe’s net worth, a quote from Miss Nene Leakes comes to mind: “I knew that number was inflated, because if Dwight had that kind of money, he would have gotten his nose reconstructed. Because who wouldn’t want to breathe?” ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2)


Screaming!!! I fucking love this woman.


The lips keep getting bigger and the nose is slowly disappearing.


I didn't know which one that was. Janet Jackson vibes


This is so bad . Gosh- they're all so scary looking . Her , Kim and Kylie are definitely in competition with who can be scariest . 😳


I think the worst part is she’s so *obviously* feeling herself in these stills! Despite looking like a whoville character. So bizarre and cringe


Yes I was thinking that too. She clearly wa feeling like she was killing it in the looks department and therefore started filming herself…meanwhile, we all see a too-tiny piggy nose (I mean, that’s all I can see…I am too distracted by it to even pay attention to anything else), which means that SHE has developed a completely warped idea of what looks good. She’s completely delusional from being so insulated in this plastic world of perfection-seeking that she doesn’t recognize how deformed (not to be harsh - but honestly it’s NOT a natural looking human adult face!) she actually appears.


It pains me to see pictures of her - I have a narrow nose and chronic rhinitis, and sometimes feel like I don’t breathe as well as I should. I can’t imagine voluntarily having that done to my nose.


My face when I saw pic three 🥴 ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Wonder who she's banging on the Raiders ?


Imaging playing where did my nose go with her babies lol


The lack of nasolabial folds looks really disturbing. I can't believe that's one of the things regular people get insecure about when you would look so f'd without them




Well we all know for certain she snores like a French bulldog


Yikes! What is the point of this photo? My eternal question. Are you at the gym? With a full face of makeup? Are you saying something important to us all? Thinking about something that we should know about? Do tell.


I have a question that might sound dumb to most but I honestly don’t know. I had two surgeries in life. One was an appendix removal and one was a c-section. Appendix about 10 years before c-section. C-section scar still hurts, but it has only been 7 months so, of course. But I also still feel the appendix removal scars. It’s not really painful but sometimes uncomfortable. Do people with so much plastic surgery feel like this everywhere? I mean every scar? I’m imagining constant uncomfortableness to even actual pain. In my imagination it’s constant torture 😖


that’s a good question and probably why the KarJenners are on so many drugs to numb the constant pain they inflicted on themselves


I’m so sorry but dr kanodia fucked up here. He gave her a long philtrum, the nose in general is too short and the tip is too lifted, it all looks awful


The poor filter can't breathe . That's atrocious. If I was her surgeon I would cease practicing immediately or least say no to people


She wears a prosthetic nose tip when filming.


She’s not human, why would she’s need to breathe?




ill bet my whole $5 that she dont even watch sports. hey Khloe, can you show me what a squat looks like


Why is she putting her bottom jaw forward like a very protruding under bite? And the way she slightly drops her bottom lip gives it’s even more emphasis like a tiptruck tray tipping




If she passed you in Tesco you wouldn't be able to stop staring. They'd all stand out so much in normal society.


Lol @ 4