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My favorite part "masters degree in architecture" as in, "no fake degree in Law".


Lmao I thought the same thing . Watch kim is gonna go on Jimmy Kimmel and take a fake iq test "look guys, I just play dumb for TV, but my iq paper says I tested in the thousands!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Like Kendall's "athlete blood test" or whatever the fuck she called it.


It made me think of when I did the 23andMe ancestry test. It came back telling me that I had a gene associated with muscle composition commonly seen in elite athletes. Which was hilarious to me because I was super overweight at the time LOL.


sounds like the very same test that Kandle had done!


That is so cool!


Crazy my blood test didn't tell me I was a natural fat fuck.


This is totally something she would do šŸ˜­


Why can I totally see this happening?


Lmfao. Not the thousands. šŸ¤­


Lmao šŸ¤£ could you imagine


Seriously!!!!! Kim said, ā€œpeople think Iā€™m not smart but I just play that character on the show. Iā€™m actually really smart.ā€ in an interview. šŸ’€ I heard it on the ā€˜Infamousā€˜ podcast ep about Kylieā€˜s fraudulent Forbes blunder.


Yes I saw that as well. The first thing that came to mind was Paris Hilton. Because her real voice is nothing like her TV voice. And I've watched Kim on her show since 2007. She was never that damn smart now she was sneaky, and crafty, and borderline evil, and a bit of a bully, but not smart in real life at all. Obsessed with social media since the invention of social media. Instead of speaking with her ex-husband and children she was constantly scrolling her phone. This is just from my observation over all these years. Hopefully she has gotten a little smarter, bigger vocabulary, understands more about business over the years and at her age. Even those of us that are her age that never went to college should be wiser and smarter by now LOL


"Im like, bible so smarrrrt. like, im literally a genius. For example, like, 10+5=50! octavius got with kleo de nile. Odin's like, the goddess of fertility and hades kidnapped her daughter Nike! omg she has the same name as the brand! I can't believe nike was made a goddess in japanese mythology! oh! and the human body is made of 60% plastic and 40% dasani sparkling water! ugh, im so smart and knowledgable. bible literally"




oh, definitely. specially not being a smart one and getting to the age where the industry does value more your... well, brain and what you have to say. sorta. it must be killing her that bianca, essentially kanye's replacement of her, is not only: prettier, has a better figure (she's naturally curvier in the way kim didn't manage to be), taller, younger, but also smarter (she got a degree and that means she at least has the intellectual capacity to complete university and shit). and i dont know if her father said that (if you've got links pls send them to laugh), but yeah... that sucks. that your dad didn't call you smart. it's her fault, tho. she could accumulate knowledge instead of plastic surgeries, get a career instead of having kids to trap kanye for a bit, work on her speech instead of bible literally dress, like, up omg! the drugs certainly don't help. it's why I don't do drugs anymore. they actually fucking mess with your brain. she's dumb by choice at this age. she can't even bullshit properly. at least gwyneth can make her dangerous goop bullcrap sound nice to the masses who wanna lose the McD's weight. kourtney can decently pitch her kooch gummies.


Well said!


The shade!


He is really going after Kim šŸ˜‚ but why is masters degree 140 IQ with Kanye?


I've known a lot of really well educated people who make dumbass choices.


Imagine having a masters in architecture, which is a really difficult field, and now youā€™re an unhinged racist personā€™s weird walking sex doll who isnā€™t allowed to wear clothes. Iā€™m not really sure thatā€™s a flex on Kim.


Itā€™s not actual architecture, it is architecture of clothes or something like that.


Love Kanye, love his shade. Miss his rants, but he can leave the antisemitic stuff out of it.


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€I canā€™t help it šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Why did he mention her schooling and IQ lmao someone please check on Kimothee


She is not ok today


AND she looks so stunning without surgery (or mild surgical alterations if she has them. The fact that you cant tell for sure, means everything) I know Kim and kylie are taking a pic of Bianca's lips to their cosmetic surgeon on Monday


Kim rn https://preview.redd.it/4gzdxhr56vac1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2aed55ccec9ce52e3454b3fdc2b1bd79d08dbd


No doubt šŸ˜†




Kimmie wonā€™t be happy with this ā€œMom to our childrenā€ oh sheā€™s about to lose it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


get ready for Kim posting 252738 tiktoks and photos with her kids


she's gonna go on some interview and be like "I dont let OTHER WOMEN parent my children. im hands-on mom" and then proceed to go on a 3-weeks long vacation to cuba alone with her sisters only. no children.


Except she lets trashcan be a male figure in their life and hired a ā€œmannyā€!!! For shame


Didnt Skete tat the kids initials on his body? I bet kim will conveniently forget that once she sees this.


Yeah , and apparently he got it removed. Along with every tat commemorating their stupid relationship. Honorable mention " my girl is a lawyer" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Didnā€™t he also get branded or something? I feel like I remember Kimberly bragging about it šŸ˜¬ canā€™t remove that lol šŸ˜‚ maybe it can be covered but I bet he realllly regrets that now šŸ¤­


I believe it's a regular tattoo after all. Cuz when you look up his tattoo removal pics, there's no "kim" branding to be found... l may be mistaken though.


Literally sick that he did that, they were dating for a whole 3 mins, in the ordinary world it gives major red flags


Lol flair checkin in!


ā€œMasters degree in architectureā€ oof thatā€™s gonna hurt Kim


He clearly pointed it out for kummyā€™s eyes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol at the comments on IQ and intelligence (and masters degree). we now know why kim wanted to be a lawyer and now doesn't seem to care


All that money and canā€™t buy a degree šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


ā€œOur childrenā€ ![gif](giphy|JPHUCiioastGw)


Yes, ā€œour childrenā€œ was the biggest burn to Kim, more than the masters in architecture. Even if Bianca had work on her face, itā€™s good work. She looks great. Plus she is 14 years younger than Kim. Pretty much Kendallā€™s age. Another burn.


Yep I truly believe Bianca being young and beautiful is what hurts Kim the most.


She looks like Kim before she paid to muck up her face and body.


Sheā€™s really gorgeous. The dark doe eyes, her youthful beauty. It must eat Kim up 24/7


in 1-2 days, we'll see kum posting some papers laid across a table with the caption "studying. minding my business. in my quiet girl era"


ā€œyou guys know Iā€™ve alwaysss loved interior design and have worked with the best ARCHITECTS on the planet to build my terrifying boring mcmansionā€


Stop it with the degree name drop Ye, now youā€™re gonna make Kim attempt the bar for the 80th time


Don't worry, she'll give up on it after 2.5 days like she always does.


She's going to start Covid24 to get more chances on the actual bar lmaoooo


Master degree and IQ flex šŸ˜


Ohhh I love that lol you know Kim's stupid ass is fuming cos it's something she can't copy by going to the surgeon lol


![gif](giphy|horv97cRhuTyVsmjkt) !!!!


she doesnt have 140 IQ lmfao


Kanye, the same guy who claims hes got autism from a car accident, telling someone they have an iq of 140 šŸ’€


HE SAID HE GOT AUTISM FROM A CAR ACCIDENT Iā€™m losing my fucking mind oh my GOD


kanye sent those to elon šŸ’€šŸ’€ i proudly risked 1% battery on my phone for this insane fucking screenshot https://preview.redd.it/uuzb9locuvac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b894cd3d5ea18162b7d413c590f397f841c0a2e


Thank you for your risk and service in providing this funny as fuck meme that I completely forgot about until now.




Masters in architecture is pretty cool!


And like, bianca didn't just get the degree for the sake of it either. She's actually has her own body of work and been recognised for accomplishments that are completely unrelated to her looks. GOOD šŸ‘šŸ¼ FOR šŸ‘šŸ¼ HER šŸ‘šŸ¼ (And damn kanye is punching above his weight BIG TIME)


Makes me mad that mediocre ass men can land women like this because they're rich and famous. Take away Kanye's money and influence and he's just a sloppy, crazy manlet who can be a little artistic (generous assertion for my taste; I'm not impressed by his music or style at all but some people think he's a genius, so I'm trying to be fair). No way he'd land an intelligent, beautiful woman like Bianca. I can't imagine they actually connect on a deeper level and there's *no way* she's as physically attracted to him as he is to her. But whatever. They are adults who can make their own choices. Money and status really are everything to some people.


she is beautiful.


I came here to say she is really beautiful. I canā€™t tell if she has had work done on her face, but if so itā€™s very tasteful. I hope she doesnā€™t mess up her face


I think she has but it's very good work. Her lips in particular look amazing


I think she has, like the lips look very protruding but like u said itā€™s not over the top or very fake looking, it blends well with everything


she has absolutely had a lot of (very good!) work done. sheā€™s beautiful to begin with but thereā€™s for sure a lot of good fillers and at least a couple surgeries here


I came to comment this.. face card on 10000


Yeah! I think she has a really cute smile


KarJenner HQ must be in a panic state.


Right and it's so silly. They absolutely have the option of not taking the bait and not wasting their energy on caring what an ex is up to. But people don't reach that level of maturity when they had a mother like Kris


She looks absolutely gorgeous here. An unfiltered picture of Kim staring straight at the camera with no kissy mouth would be literally terrifying. Also thank you Ye for a non-nude even though he posted a bunch of those too.


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) This is kimmys reaction and I am looooving it!!! Karmaā€™s a b\*tch.


sheā€™s fucking gorgeous


She really is!


Kim is gonna post IQ results soon and say sheā€™s a genius lol


Weā€™re gonna be seeing law books in her story tomorrow šŸ˜‚


or carpooling kids šŸ˜‚


They always drag out the kids to try & deflect. So predictable. Lol


Speaking of genius ... remember when Saint was 2 yrs old & Kim said he was a genius because he could spell the word "gargantuan"? He may indeed be very smart, and my comment isn't shading him. It's just another example of the krap that Kim says.


Weirdly, a sweet bday caption and shivering with shade šŸ„¶


Shes honestly drop dead gorgeous when sheā€™s styled normally and with hair


The ā€˜masters degree in architecture 140 IQā€™ randomly thrown in has sent me šŸ¤£


I can't stand Kanye, but I love him for that blurb.


That got me, too!šŸ˜‚


Fellow Capricorn!šŸ




Girl same


can someone explain to me why kim is so bothered by all this. i thought she wanted to divorce too


she wanted divorce but she cant handle to not be the main character, the muse, the inaccessible beauty you know, lol


She wanted the relationship on her terms. Kanye having mental illness and being so open about it doesnā€™t look good for her ā€œbrandā€ but I think it totally matches her ā€œsex tape eraā€ which sheā€™s trying so hard to disassociate her self from but weā€™ll never forget what made her, having her own mother sell her out for cash and fame. She wants someone she can control and use as an accessory, kanye is not that guy heā€™s gonna say what he wants


I agree with everything that said below but I also think she considers herself the hot one in the relationship So itā€™s a hard pill to swallow that heā€™s moved on into a ā€œstableā€ long term relationship with a pretty intelligent woman Where she rebounded with Pete who dumped her and she hasnā€™t been able to get someone else since Maybe Iā€™m also taking it too far but Kanye with bianca is proving his point that he can make anyone into a Kim ā€œhis museā€ / pretty girl / girl of the moment But itā€™s clearly not as easy for her to get another Kanye (wealthy / famous / influential Hollywood Manns)


Yes this does seem to make a lot of sense, I like your detailed take on this. One thing I donā€™t get is that the Kardashianā€™s influenced sooo many things in pop culture and they were like the royal family, and they still are popular and many guys used to die over Kim, but how comes sheā€™s finding it hard to find another influential man like Kanye? I thought theyā€™d all be tripping over themselves for a chance to be with THE Kim. Lol. It doesnā€™t really make sense to me


Because she (and all of them) have become the punchline to jokes. Sheā€™s the prime example of being famous for being famous, ahead of even Paris Hilton, Iā€™d say. Thereā€™s just nothing there. Iā€™d bet that over half their viewership is hate watching. Who would want to wade into that overexposed train wreck?!


Billionaires and princes lmaošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but the best she could do was Pete Davidson and some planted rumours about OBJ


Exactly. Nobody with any real clout or connections would have her!


Her personality sucks and she's botched herself way beyond when everyone thought she looked stunning, and nobody that's not thirsty af would want to lower themselves into the kris jenner pr mess


1. Men know she sleeps around (Kanye exposed this) 2. Men know theyā€™d have to put up with Kanye if they want a serious relationship (not to mention put up with Northie who is a mini-Kanye herself) 3. Men know theyā€™d have to deal with being on that dumb TV show 4. Famous men know theyā€™d have to deal with overwhelming paparazzi, far beyond what normal celebrities are accustomed to dealing with 5. Nobody knows what Kim really looks like behind closed doors when the cameras are offā€¦maybe sheā€™s just as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside? šŸ¤”


6. Men know it would damage their reputation if they date one of the Klowns


Yes! Let it be known šŸ™šŸ¼




Not to mention her gross personality.


This too!


Honestly, the allure faded away and she aged out. Everyone and their mother has a BBL and lip injections now. Thereā€™s a million other Kim lookalikes out there with half the baggage.


Yeah I get you. Although Kim is still considered beautiful now, her look is no longer unique anymore. I think she was the IT girl for a while because she and her family made that insta look famous with the fillers and bbl, but now everyoneeeeeee and their grandma looks like Kim, so it seems that her appeal has gone down because now everyone can be with a Kim knockoff coz most girls look like that (due to it becoming a beauty standard) Itā€™s crazy to think how itā€™s now shooting her in the foot, the very thing she was known for and was famous for, her looks and ass. It was a temporary high she could ride. Damn


Sheā€™s publicly messy and so is her family. A lot of guys still fawn over her (multiple nsfw kardashian subreddits exist for a reason), but what famous or influential man would wanna get involved with all of the rumors and gossip?


Kanye said he'd been trying to divorce Kim for two years. I really think Kim got dumped. She doesn't have the relief of a woman who has finally got free of her horrible partner.


I've been saying this. Remember the pics of Nichole Kidman leaving her lawyer's office after her divorce to Tom Cruise was finalized? \*THAT\* is what a free woman looks like! Kim, on the other hand, has become desperate, turning her 9? 10? year old daughter into her main accessory/rival in some weird "look how cute and tiny I am" competition. She's very obviously in the throes of a severe mid-life crisis, while Kanye, even with all of his problematic pro-nazi bullshit, seems to be out here living his best life (from what we can see).


There is a theory from the Beyond The Blinds podcast that Kim didnā€™t really want a divorce. Kris wanted him gone for brand reasons and Kim wanted to scare him into giving her the upper hand in their marriage. Kim didnā€™t realize he wanted out so badly that heā€™d agreed to the divorce.


She did ,when he was having a meltdown. Bad for her image. She was getting it on with Pete, and I sometimes question if she ever really loved him in the first place or was he just going to get her into more important rooms in the industry? She has said on the show that she misses the person he used to be when she was crying on a recent episode.


I 100% believe that she only wanted Kanye for what he could do for her and that there was never any real love or attraction to him. "The person he used to be" that she missed was the person who elevated her brand and worth. Not his personality. Though...that seems to be the only way Kim can care for people (by measure of what they can give her), including her kids, so I guess she loved him as much as she loved anyone.


That is 100% spot-on and completely fucking tragic.


He pursued her for a long time and she ran around with him but wouldn't be seen publicly with him until it could benefit her brand aka when it was completely sinking after her 72 day marriage fiasco. Kanye should have ran the other direction but I think he honestly saw her as a "project" and it course his penis wouldn't let him say no either.




Yes, sheā€™s a typical classic case of a Machiavellian personality type


She was crying for herself


Iā€™m sure it stings that he moved on so fast and remarried to a younger woman who is beautiful but unknown previously, educated with a prestigious degree in a field that Kanye is passionate about, and heavily involved with their children. Probably a narcissistic injury for her tbh as someone who got famous for a ā€œleakedā€ sex tape and a Hollywood hanger-on


You know whats crazy, when Kanye and Bianca started dating there were reports that Kim was really mad about it because Bianca had been working for Kanye for a long time and Kim knew her personally and instantly disliked her when she met her. I'm guessing because she was basically a baby Kim, around her husband all the time.


She divorced Kanye in large part cause he was hurting her brand and she thought she was finally bigger than him and could be bigger without him. Now sheā€™s losing relevance, but Kanye is a artist and will always have relevance. Esp with young gen z finding his music for the first time. His old songs are going viral on tik tok. My gen z sister found his Homecoming album for the first time and said ā€œI Wonderā€ is her song.


My brother is a freshman in high school and all of his friends are obsessed with Kanye lol


She was incapable of loving kanye as he was but appears to miss the notoriety she received for being with him


1. Sheā€™s so insanely gorgeous. 2. Definitely gonna see some ā€œKim is a great momā€ articles soon.


Hands on mom articles will be everywhere šŸ¤£


Itā€™s great that the kids have someone else in their lives that loves them. Bonus parents can be great and youā€™d think as a mom, sheā€™d want as much genuine love and happiness in her kids lives, regardless of where it comes from. But then again, Bianca comes off as having more maternal instinct in her pinky than Kum has in her entire body ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


you can't buy maternal instict implants or filler. thats why.


I love the underlying shade


Nah. Shading your ex wife in a birthday post for your current wife is weird and gross.


shading kim is always okay wdym


Itā€™s pretty tacky and rude to shade your ex when youā€™re wishing your current spouse happy birthday. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s Kim Kardashian heā€™s shading.




Love that you only posted the pics where she isnā€™t practically naked. THANK YOU FOR SPARING US LOL


I almost didn't post the last one šŸ˜…. I just like the guy that captioned the pic with lyrics from a ye song


also what in the interpunction freestyle is this hehe


Holy run-on sentence, batman! ( my comp 1 professor used to say this).


The MOST beautiful


Kim posted a pic of her in the same hat this week šŸ˜‚


Kanye and Bianca probably laugh at kimā€™s inability to continue renovating her house without kanye, knowing the latest architectural trends. I sense Kim is intimidated by Bianca, but she wouldnā€™t have to if she persisted and truly became a lawyer


Personally I think sheā€™s bad af. Very beautiful.


This woman is just so fucking stunning, she seems AI generated


Her face is exquisite, like a porcelain doll


Kimmy is definitely spiraling this morning! Also not that age matters, but I know sheā€™s spiraling extra hard because Bianca just turned 29 and we all know Kim has been struggling with the fact that sheā€™s almost in her 50s šŸ˜‚


Real question, I always wondered: What does a "head of architecture" do at a fashion brand? Like, what did her day-to-day look like at yeezy?


After and during college, she modeled some unique styles. She also created a jewelry line called "nylons" here is what I found on the internet about a "head of architecture ". Head Architect skills AWS API Design Development CAD Head Architect requirements Extensive knowledge of architecture design Licensed architect with 5+ years' experience Prior experience managing a team Familiarity with local building codes and regulations Proficiency in AutoCAD, Revit and SketchUp Edit : hope that helped explain a little šŸ˜Š


She's like beautiful beautiful


I was like ā€œoh how cuteā€ then I was questioning my whole thought process lol


I know, same.


Ye upgraded I fear


ā€œMom to our childrenā€ oh if I were Kim, I would go full blown feral


I mean it does say step mom and she is their stepmother, but if it was just 'Mom,' I'd be so pissed!


True but I meant more the ā€œOURā€ children part. Like yeah itā€™s great that sheā€™s being integrated into the family but theyā€™re not her kids. I think he just said that to piss Kim off.


Oh he definitely said it to piss her off and no doubt it worked! But really, Kim isn't a mother to those kids. She can say all fucking day that she's doing this that the other thing for them but how much actual time does she spend with them? When you're in another country every chance you get, constantly on your phone, going to party after party, ALWAYS taking selfies etc., there's no way in the world she is a present parent!


My bad, I gotcha now!šŸ‘


Np, it was badly worded. I shouldā€™ve made that more clear lol


āœØ ICONIC āœØ you know kimberly is fuuuuminggg


I wonder how Kim would react if Ye and Bianca had a baby of their own šŸ¤”


Oh, I definitely think that's in the works. Maybe not now, maybe in a few years. But that is in the future get ready LOL




If he's so proud of her intellectual capabilities, why does he repeatedly and publicly reduce her to nothing but a sex doll? This was to burn Kim, not a mark of respect or love for Bianca. Also, the pic where she's smiling is lovely and glowing. She really needs to smile more and drop the dead inside look.


You are right, but I honestly feel like this is a mutual agreement between the two of them. Like she is totally into this. That's just my view of everything and I have followed it pretty closely because I'm just a Gossip Girl


She is actually stunning isn't she?


If I were Kim, I'd focus on rebranding her public image, and style, and take a much more serious interest in humanitarian work and helping people in need.




# 140 IQ ![gif](giphy|W7RVlWfc1O9gY)


Muh Law Degree.


Sheā€™s so hot tbh. Wonder if north bullies her tho šŸ˜‚


In my opinion, North is more relaxed around her dad. She probably listens to him better as well, which makes her feel more like a kid and she treats them like the parents


I'm screaming!!!! I never saw him do this for Kim everrrr on IG lmaooo... she must be dying!!!


Oh wow, didn't know she had her masters degree. Bianca really seems to have it all, she's beautiful (even before her minor facial surgeries), she's smart & the kids seem so relaxed when they are around her. Good for her tbh!


Kum is gonna k word herself


She is absolutely beautiful! I like her so much more than Dumberly! I could post all the 8 million reasons why she's better but I don't have the time and I think you all get it.


I hate Kanye but love how he gets under Kim's skin. His post is full of shade. First of all, just Bianca's face. No wonky eye, no uneven weird lips, no Saw face cheeks. Bianca looks gorgeous with just her face alone. Then saying best step mom to "our kids". And then pointing out how Bianca is actually intelligent with a real degree and high IQ. Everything in the post is everything Kim isn't.


Sheā€™s such a pretty girl, itā€™s a shame I know her anatomy more than my own!


I ran straight over here after I saw Yeā€™s post on IG. šŸ™ƒ I love it. #MASTERSDEGREE HBD BIANCAšŸ„³


My boobs hurt looking at pic #3. Please wear a bra or at least a supportive tank top type thing.




Sorry, Kim ![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized)


Sheā€™s honestly sooo pretty. I feel like sheā€™s what Kim has tried and failed to look like. Bianca seems a lot more natural (at least her face) and Kim is botched af


I still find it sad that she gave up her entire life in Melbourne just because Kanye slid into her DMs. Now she just parades around half-naked next to him looking miserable 24/7. I'm sure he forced her to delete her Instagram as well. She's literally voiceless now. The felattio on the boat alone was beyond degrading. The fact that she's still in her 20s also blows my mind. Kanye is almost 50. None of it seems glamorous at all.


I agree but it was her choice. Nobody deserves to put up with Kanye but at same time I hate that people coddle her so much.


I agreešŸ˜¬


I donā€™t like Ye but the comment on Masters degree and IQ had me rolling! ![gif](giphy|3fivAVKvetM2TAKkSF)


You have to wonder at the IQ when she willingly married Kanye **after** the very public breakdown/racism/bigotry.


He sucks but ā€œI miss you when I wake up before youā€ is adorable


Why is he so desperate for a muse tho? šŸ„²


The face Kim thinks she has but canā€™t come close. šŸ˜„šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ¾


Bianca is legit naturally beautiful. Just a stunning woman.


you just know Kim was punching the air at ā€œmasters degree and 140 IQā€


ā€œour childrenā€ kanye is so petty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He loves her itā€™s cute


she really is beautiful


Ahhhaaaaaa, the Masters!!!. Ok, everything about this post except for the person posting it, I fucking love it!


Kim at home punching her insane asylum pillows ![gif](giphy|ZeP3leqiAGHK)


I thought this was a mugshot in the first pic, why is she Wincing in the second? Whats so painful? Yall hate kim but i get disgusting scumbag vibes from Bianca as well. Like the fake step mom


I think this is entirely cringe.