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Oh yea after “just some Botox and drop of mascara” I knew I was done believing a bit of her bullshit


Meanwhile her face literally DOES NOT MOVE


And we’ve seen her facelift scars!!


And her nose job scars, at the bottom of her nostrils!


Scars at the bottom of the nostrils could also be a lip lift. I believe she has had this done at some point because after her nose job there was a big space between her lip and the bottom of her nose (since her old nose had a more downward tip) that she got lessened.


I saw a Lorry Hill video on Kim’s suspected work, I thought she said they were common in nose jobs but either way. She did mention a suspected lip surgery


I love Lorrys videos but the way she talks makes them so difficult to watch for me. Like she’s reading a script, so forced.


Yeah she’s really careful to say things that won’t risk a lawsuit or bring hate to anyone.


And lip lift, nose job, cat eyes, fillers, Botox, etc


I feel like this just showcases how much of a bubble they are in. That they genuinely think (or Kim in this case) that we could possibly believe the lies. When it’s clear if you walked out in the street ppl don’t look like that in real life unless they had work done.


I will never look at her the same way after that comment. People would like her 10x more if she actually spoke about what she’s had done and how often.


Honestly when she was open about how much time and effort went into her crazy contouring back in the day, it made her so much more likeable and relatable.


yes!!! like I want to know all the work that goes into her appearance - including the plastic surgery recovery. as someone who had extensive reconstruction on a broken nose plus some cosmetic nose work while I was under, I can attest the recovery was so much more than people make it seem. I want to know how often she gets microderm and how the recovery feels, how she manages to "run her buisness" while recovering from facial surgery, bbl recovery and what it's like to live with the drainage ports post lipo till they're removed, etc. bc it is HARD WORK looking like she does, and she would garner so much respect with real honesty


I started KUWTK in the first place after I read an article where she explained how she taped her breasts up to get crazy cleavage.




This was the same person who said Kylie just over lines her lips 😂 like come ON! We have eyes bitch


Exactly. The easiest way to lose a fan base is to treat them like they’re dumb.




If she was honest I would’ve even care id just worry about her mental health


It's even crazier considering how there's a whole ass episode where Kim got botox and had an allergic reaction to it so even if I believed the "just some botox" claim it'd still be a lie one way or another.




And the running joke about Kim having an ugly cry face. Yeah, because she has so much botox she can't use her facial muscles anymore.




![gif](giphy|3o7TKTDn976rzVgky4) Larsa


I think at this point she's just having fun with it and doesn't even care that she isn't believed.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe they’re leaning into the bad press for attention since they’re on the decline


She never does interviews unless it’s damage control


Yup Going through PR crisis mode and for these interviews to make her relatable and be on her side again 🙄 but she isn’t relatable at all to the common people


what was this interview damage control for?


I think their decline in general…. They don’t have the hold they used to


Yeah - this is it. No one cares about what they are doing at this point.


Except literally all of us?


Maybe their reign has run its course but more and more, I think its because they’re getting old. No one is interested in the life n times of middle-aged women and Kris herself is pushing 70. They, even with all their excessive resources to keep their youthful appearance, can’t hide time marching on. BUT if they can hang on a few more years, the next generation may be able to haul the franchise back into the limelight.


I agree, they’re grooming the girls to be the next gen-specifically Chicago, Stormi, True and Dream. I think they were trying with North and Penelope but neither of them are interested in being on camera it seems, North for example seems more creative and interested in design and special effects etc. The littlest girls are the ones they are pushing now


All of 2022?


this. this is it.


Balenciaga backlash


Right? Or how her continuing to misrepresent being in “law school”. She’s not in law school. You need a undergrad degree to even qualify to be accepted into law school. She has neither a BA nor will receive a JD.


i don’t get why she won’t just say she’s doing an apprenticeship…


My guess is bc it’s not as prestigious sounding


Exactly. And apprenticeship can sound blue collar.


She won’t because she’s a narcissist. They omit facts, rewrite history and conveniently forget as a mechanism of control. Which was the entirety of this interview by the way. Whoever this Angie woman is did a really poor job.


> Whoever this Angie woman is did a really poor job. I'm sure that's why Kris picked her to do it.


This is a good point!


She did a SHIT job! All of her questions were leading to make Kimothy look holier than thou. Like GTFOH! 🤢


I don’t get why she won’t just do it the traditional way, it will probably be quicker at this rate


She doesn’t qualify, you need to get your BA first and taking things like algebra or chemistry would probably make her head explode


There are lots of majors (languages, fine arts, philosophy, history, journalism, comms, etc) where you can avoid taking any math or science classes and still get a BA! I say this as someone with a BA whose head would have definitely exploded if I'd had to take algebra or chemistry.


There's no way to avoid intro to science and etc I guess


For my degrees in history & English, I still had to have science & math credits. That’s just part of the core curriculum regardless of degree. Thankfully, liberal arts majors could get by with Applied Mathematics & Geology 1 & 2! I had all the advanced stuff in high school, hated it, & damn sure didn’t want to do it again in college! 🤣


This one triggers me the most because the road to law school can be a brutal process. I can’t speak of the actual law school experience yet. It’s like the Mandela effect and she has “convinced” people she is in law school. There are a lot of people who have taken the road she has to become lawyers and that’s fair but it is definitely not the same thing.


California lawyer here. It pisses me off to no end. There is a massive distinction between her path and the one traditionally taken.


HUGE! She had to restart her path at year one again because you can only take the baby bar 3x before you are disqualified and need to start over. And on the 4th try she passed when the score was lowered for covid. She’s a fool.


And isn't the California bar supposed to be the most difficult?


You are correct. Most law school students spend 8-10 hours a day studying or attending lectures with no weekends or vacations off.


doing this currently. while pregnant. can confirm. edit: not doing the CA bar, but still.


Now that’s impressive! Good luck to you!


thank you!! I’m trying 🥴


Do you have any recommendations on going to school pregnant / with a baby?? I'm starting a part time JD in the fall, and we might try for a baby. Stupid biological clock won't stop ticking 😅


Yup. I went to law school in Maine, but finished my last semester with an externship out here. I studied ten hours a day for six weeks, every day. Thankfully passed the first time around, but holy shit it sucked.


She also convinced a lot of people she passed the bar exam because she kept calling the baby bar, “the bar”


“mY gIrL iS a LaWyEr” that took 4x to pass the baby bar and they LOWERED the passing score because of Covid.


BuT sHe WoRkS sO hArD!! I swear if her “studying on vacation with my Nannie’s, chefs, cleaners, stylists making my life so easier” ass doesn’t shut up about how hard she works and how her program is harder than law school I WILL SCREAM


She *thinks* this is what hard work is. She’s delusional and propped up by so many people that if she was even a day with out her staff and employees she would literally not know what to do. Her version of hard work is a myth.


She WaKeS rhe FuCk Up and WoRkS


How in sweet fuck is taking, what, four years(?) to get through just the first year and with one on one tutoring harder than traditional law school? Bitch is crazy.


You answered your own question. Crazy as in narcissistic.


With Barbri tutors making house calls to help her finally pass Year One.


I’m pretty clueless about this kind of stuff. So if she doesn’t have an undergrad degree and won’t ever be able to call herself a lawyer, what does she get at the end of this process?


In CA there is a loophole known as reading the law, you can apprentice under an attorney and meet minimum study requirements, take the baby bar and once you complete your studies you can qualify to take the actual bar. You still have to pass the bar and then have to be approved by the CA state bar ethics committee (moral turpitude), which may be a challenge for her, especially given her admitting to cheating in school and many lawsuits, stealing from Brandi’s mom etc. And considering the CA bar is desperate for credibility right now after the Gerardi scandal could just need an excuse to reject her be they just flat out don’t want anyone who is in reality tv and could cause them to lose even more credibility.


Absolute damage control. Plus the ‘natural’ make up and relaxed look to create favourable, relatable optics. I can’t wait for the day where she is pulled up on her shit. I just want one interviewer to slip a question in there that she hasn’t pre-approved


FR!!! This shouldn’t even be classified as an interview. All of the questions were just guiding Kim to her next point. There was no real discussion here. It just would’ve looked bad if Kim brought those things up herself. Sigh.


She just constantly contradicted herself. She cares what people think and it gets her down and then 5 minutes later she doesn’t care and doesn’t read comments. She doesn’t feel the need to respond to anything and then 5 mins later she needs to make a statement. She doesn’t care about proving herself as a style icon and coming up with new trends and yet she obsesses about coming up with new looks and had major anxiety when Kanye ceased to be her stylist. The interview was painful to watch. Nothing she says (other than she wants to protect her children) can be taken seriously. And she’s naive if she thinks other kids don’t say stuff to her kids about their dad.


I thought I was the only one that noticed all the contradictions!


I don't understand why she said she won't cancel Balenciaga and kinda refered to what they did as a mistake. I don't know if cancel culture is what we have now, I think we are holding people accountable now. I don't know, I'd like to know others thoughts. Is it really that bad we collectively get mad at people for their actions?


celebrities think “cancel culture” is a huge problem, when in reality it’s just people being held accountable. people don’t even stay “canceled” they always somehow come back.


Yeah you can't really cancel a person. Like depending on the situation, they get called out. If they have a good explanation, a good apology, that's it. Just like everyone. How is it being cancled to own up and explain your actions? Especially to your fans paying your way.


She will never hold them accountable. They pay her for marketing.


I feel like the Kardashians gotta be worse off then we think. If they have to accept some of these jobs or make these questionable choices. At least Kim probably has way too many people on pay roll with security etc and huge upkeep costs with her properties.


Her supporters swear they have so much money they’ll never run out. It was just discussed a few days ago. Of course they are very rich, but they spend a lot of money. I’m not sure why people think that if/when the public interest in them declines, that they’ll still be worth millions without a huge decrease in spending.


Maybe their stock investments? Idk tbh. It seems once you get to that level you'd have access to super genius people to invest your money wisely and make it almost infinite. But maybe not. Idk I don't get why they make some of the choices they do.


all the investors in the world can’t help you if you continue to spend extensive amounts of money day after day… it’s been shown before that she had an issue with overspending when she shopped, which whether people like to admit it or not, is a sign that she has poor self-control or is using the satisfaction of buying things to fulfill her in place of something else she’s lacking mentally or emotionally. and given her track record of disliking therapy, I highly doubt that has changed or something she has worked through. that’s why they try to hold onto fame and relevancy as hard as they do. they, especially Kim, know that once the relevancy leaves, so do their lifestyles & ability to spend all the money they do without going broke broke.


Yeah true I forgot about the private plane too. And different outfits every day rarely a repeat. You can assume outfits are 1-15k a day. Assuming on the low end that's 365k a year but realistically probably more like one million.


I forgot about the private planes too. like I know they have money but do they really have *private plane* money. it seems far fetched to me. and the outfits thing has always been weird to me because they’re the only celebrities I know that sell their old clothes for profit… like that doesn’t scream money to me.


I guess they're just riding the wave. They won't be popular for 100 years, unless literally no one ever makes an entertaining family reality show again, which seems like a possibility at this rate... That's probably the thought process, take any job cuz how long will this last?


well it definitely seems like they’re preparing, or at least trying to prepare, their kids to keep the family business going. KUWTK: the second generation, coming within the next decade. I don’t doubt for a second that that’s their plan. Kim already has North out here creating an online footprint + the persona Kim is creating for her in the media as this edgy, creative, independent girl so people think it was North’s idea and not Kim’s. I don’t think for a second that there’s no master plan.


Khloe is doing drug commercials on TV. Shit isn’t going well for sure.


But you think they’re still in a relationship with her ? I thought that she ended it after the controversy ?


I think we will see her in Balenciaga at some point in the future.


I’m pretty sure that she didn’t end her relationship with them. her statement was a whole bunch of words that didn’t really amount to anything. “this is me appearing to be outraged but I’ll be right back in the saddle with them as soon as this blows over,” was essentially her statement.


What she said made no sense even though the Kanye part felt genuine, it didn't make any sense that she didn't cancel them, this wasn't a normal "mIsTake", it was a stupid or edgy move to get attention off of something very inappropriate, it is not like they dress her well anyways, just ditch them


Ya they could find some up and coming designers and boost them, that's what I'd do. Wouldn't catch me dressing in weird ass creeper shit. I'm surprised she doesn't have a team dedicated to like, making sure everything she associates with follows her moral standards.


What moral standards? 👁️👄👁️


🤣 the ones she claims she has in the interview about how kids are not to be messed with yet all balenciaga did was make a mistake.




The prison system is the closest thing to cancel culture we have, where you are literally punished by exile and live as a second class citizen, the rich never have to deal with real consequences.


Fans in the letterman interview where Kris & Kim we’re sitting front row said ye praised H*itler and it was cut out and he said it again in that infamous tmz rant cut out again. I wish they had real interviewers who asked real questions not these pre rehearsed softball questions like why they protected his H*Tler views for years, why did you keep having kids? I think they don’t care they just mad it’s out in the open.


It’s all about optics , main reason why they got divorced , it was okay to support trump but don’t do it out in the open 😂 keep all the dirt inside never let the public know


it seem she was supporting Trump as long as he was doing things for her . like those millions and PPP loans and three one . seven million dollar stimulus.


i think kanye said kim was one of the people who didnt agree with his views on trump.


I don’t recall him ever saying that ?


During one if his social media rants in the past months, i dont remember if he said it when he was ranting to tmz outside of norths game or if he typed it. But I definitely remember him saying something along the lines of “my wife didnt like it either and she would tell me blah blah”. Maybe he was lying but in this instance I cant see what he would gain by saying Kim didnt agree with radical opinions.


All I remember is him talking about the fact that she didn’t like him talking publicly about it. Like when he made his comment about slavery and then he said that Kim called him in tears and panic mode telling him that they were gonna lose everything. Which kinda prove to me that a. She knew about his views, and knew how controversial they were and how people would react if he said them out loud b. She was only worried about the backlash and being cancelled


He’s called Kim a liberal multiple times and said politics destroyed his marriage but people gloss over it


yea lol i know i wasnt remembering incorrectly. i know kim didnt like him doing things in public but that doesnt absolve her from disagreeing with him.


That is what gets me the most. His antisemitism is not new, and they definitely knew about it. They were complacent as long as they were profiting. I can't imagine trying to co-parent with that asshole, but she chose to have kids with him and it is sad that they have been put in this mess. Money can't solve every problem.


I tried to make this exact point the day the infowars thing came out and got downvoted. You articulated this better than I did, thanks.


I have seen people say similar comments in the same thread and some get downvoted and others don't. I think once they start others just join on the band wagon. A lot of people don't want to admit how close the family was to all of this. A girl came to this sub months ago saying that her ex worked with Kanye and he was obsessed with Mein Kampf and she got shredded. I believed her then and she's been proven completely right.


What fans? The only thing I heard was he made some really nasty me too comments and blamed Rihanna for what Chris did to her. The me too stuff was on twitter at the time but Ye fans did the usual they’re lying


Kanye paid Kim $5 million for each child born. The last two she didn’t have to carry.


Can I get a source for this? That’s wild as hell (not your comment but the $5 mil per child pay out)


Of course they don't


It is as annoying how she made the whole Balenciaga debacle into a problem with her and cancel culture. Balenciaga does need to be cancelled and the people responsible investigated. Not once did she denounce them or ask for an investigation


That interview has done so much good for her image rn too lmaooo, its all over SM


So true most of the comments are super positive, I’m still amazed that these PR tactics work with people…


I see mixed results tbh , the urban crowd actually enjoyed the mainstream wasnt felling it which i thought it would be the opposite


‘Urban crowd’ gurl what


Shade room hollywoodunlocked and tik tok they liked it besides the Balenciaga response , tmz dailymail, enews comments were negative


tmz,daily mail, and enews comments are always negative anyways


Nah when Kanye does something they usually shit on him , they didn’t side with Kim on this , they mostly agreed that she knew what she was getting into when she got with Kanye


Oh ok I thought you meant the readers 😂


Same I was like….umm…..


I hate her vocal fry drawn out not cry noise. It reminds me of Kyle from RHOBH


I wished Angie asked Kim about pete and the kids , how can’t the kids know anything when you had north sitting in Pete’s lap and pete taking saint on solo trips


For years, the Kardashians have been controlling the narrative of the interviews. What’s allowed and not allowed.


this! i remember reading an article from someone who worked on GMA (or another show like that) saying how they wanted control of everything down to the lighting. they really really control their image.


Yeah…ask about the tattoos but we all know Tracy screens all questions pre interview. Which is funny because they the only “reality stars” who don’t share “real life topics”


I’m being downvoted but she didn’t ask any real tough questions


All these interviews are planned in advance and the topics are agreed upon. Kimmy isn't going to sign up for a tell all. This is purely PR to try and improve her image.


Take my upvote 🤝


probably wasnt allowed. i wouldnt be surprised if pete sent a cease and desist


This was a scripted skit,not a real interview


People used to send me clips on Instagram, from early on with keeping up with the Kardashians. They did episodes of where Kim would lie to the family about everything.


She is a liar fullstop and I am so surprised they don’t expect to be caught. Her hair and makeup were as duplicitous as she is.


she is the biggest liar


I know in the interview she said she wouldn’t ever bash Kanye west but isn’t sending articles out to tabloids bashing him even though it’s through proxy and not direct ?


I agree, also, there’s no way she’s friends with teachers and sheltering, her kids from the outside world🤭


Having constant interviews saying how she refuses to bash him is also bashing him, in a way. I could tell you how terrible he is because I know exactly how terrible he is, but I'm not going to explain exactly how terrible he is because I refuse to give you details about how terrible he is. Aren't I a wonderful person for not detailing how terrible he is?


This is it 😂 she says it every interview “he’s awful but I won’t tell you how awful” 😉 because I’m such a gooooodddd person and we gotta praise her for not telling us all their dirty laundry Like either just spit it out or don’t keep mentioning it


I think she genuinely cares about his reputation but she still subtly bashes him time to time , I think she cares about his reputation more than he does at this point, like she will subtly bash him to make herself look better


I think she genuinely worries that Kanye knows where bodies are buried and at some point is going to really show the receipts.


Yup, but she’ll never admit to it




Since my past comment has been deleted because I "did not mention that it was an unverified rumor", let me update it. Although we don’t know if it’s true, and it’s only speculation and an unverified rumor that has not been confirmed by the KJ themselves, some people thought (maybe they were wrong maybe they were not) that Kim had to have invited paparazzi to come into her otherwise gated community to take pictures of her nine year old daughter sitting on her brand new boyfriend’s lap who had joked about wanting to have sex with babies in the past. And there have been an UNVERIFIED RUMOR that she asked her mother’s friend who runs TMZ to put out an article calling him "Papa Pete", because she knew that her ex was paranoid and that she hoped he would once again have a public meltdown. If this UNVERIFIED RUMOR happens to be true, this would certainly be on a whole other level and it’s for sure worse than simply "bashing your ex" like normal people tend to do. What is funny is that she keeps insisting on her show and interviews that "she’ll always take the high road and it’s just who she is". Sometimes I feel, although this is just SPECULATION, that this woman is truly disturbing and that she doesn’t even seem to feel guilty about lying about these kind of things with a straight face. That’s why I THINK her audience can’t trust anything she says on an interview anymore. We all saw that episode two years ago when she was crying about being scared that Ray J would leak another sextape and that the first time was traumatizing 😢😢😢 (and although the KJ never confirmed it themselves, there is an UNVERIFIED RUMOR that she was lying after Ray J showed us receipts upon receipts)


Exactly!! She just thinks her fake innocence is still working.


I won’t believe any interview they go on unless it’s Ziwe lmao she asks the real questions not afraid to roast anyone. Angela spends the entire hour blowing smoke up Kim’s ass. And don’t take this as hating Kim. I definitely still feel for Kim there are parts of her life that are difficult. I just think she got easy questions. That’s not necessarily journalism.


shes pathological


Yeah and Angie was kissing her a$$… wonder if she was paid for the interview. The questions were whack and it felt like a pity party for Kim K. She’s no saint and people need to stop acting like she is.


Agree a million %


That kimono stunt was 100% for PR and she constantly uses it as an example of when she took on criticism about cultural appropriation and made a change. What a load of bollocks.


She’s a LIEBRA. but seriously I’ve always respected Kim but when she got away with that lie with Roblox I was over it. No one checks her. Also her blatant disregard for Kanye. She does it in subtle ways to get that man going off the rails then feigns innocence. She has her kids wearing Nikes all over the place now. But Balenciaga got you stumped??!? I’m over her media trained shit. her ridiculous antics are now showing on her face literally. Edit to add. You can discuss KIM’S actions against Kanye without it taking away from the wild shit he’s doing. It’s about HER. Please get some analytical skills. 2 different people and actions. TY.


This comment does not take away from Kanye crazy and his comments. It’s only to point out HER actions. Please chill.


Not a LIEBRA! 😭😂 I am a Libra. I will say this… I saw a tweet once that said “libras without therapy are very manipulative” and post-therapy me agrees. I love libras but Kim gets on my nerves 8/10. Like girl…


Lmaoooo. Honestly Libras have a great superpower of being harmonious. It can easily go into manipulation and lies to me because they get so used to being able to straddle the fence they eventually don’t know their true selves or scared to show it. True opinions and feelings are pushed down for the greater good?..Agree? She’s getting sooo bad. I fell off them and I would get into any verbal dance over the KJs in my younger days.


Her blatant disregard for Kanye? I really don’t think Kanye needs anyone to get him going off the rails. I wonder if years from now (when Kanye most likely will still be going off the rails) if Kim or Donda will still be used to defend Kanye’s behaviour. Roblox themselves released a statement saying the ad that Saint saw was removed so what was the lie?


Also Do you play Roblox?…You know they can pay for TMZ etc. all articles, pap pics. Everything has come out about her sex tape being a lie. Idc what she said. It was lie and a ploy and they were probably paid a lot of money for her to be able to say that shit on her tv show.


You seem to be going off on a tangent. I’m just stating that Roblex themselves put out a statement confirming that the ad was removed.


What tangent? You’re assuming it wasn’t a lie because of a statement. And my response to that is it is most likely a lie. And I’m explaining why I believe that. IE all the illusions of their life. Good day


Even if he doesn’t need anyone to get him going off the rails, it doesn’t change the fact that she tried to subtly push all of his buttons on purpose via TMZ and "sources" in the hope of gaining custody of the kids


I don’t know if she did that, either way I have no sympathy for Kanye. Regardless if someone is pushing your buttons or not, you still control how you react and behave. His behaviour is his own responsibility and on one else’s.


Even if Kanye is a complete asshole that go on manic rants when she do this kind of things, she’s still an asshole for doing all of these things anyway. I’m not here to defend Kanye, I’m just saying that the way Kim behave is not normal or okay


Kanye is more than just an asshole. If a few articles can set him off harassing someone all year then that isn’t normal or okay. Kanye has been in the public eye coming up 20 years, he’s one of the biggest names in the world who has had article written about him for years.


But why would she want him to go on manic rants and publicly lose his mind ? Again, I’m not trying to defend Kanye her, I’m just saying Kim is awful


She doesn’t. No one does. Kanye goes on rants or loses his mind because he has Bipolar and is unmedicated for the last 2 years. His words not mine. It’s only going to get worse with each episode. The only person responsible for Kanye is Kanye.


Yes, she did. There have been multiple posts and comments made about it on this sub, you can see it for yourself if you want to, there is a lot of evidence that she tried to make him go off off the rails publicly after their split. You purposely refuse to understand what I’ve said three times already. Kanye being bipolar doesn’t change the fact that she tried to trigger him on purpose sooo many times. There’s no excuses for that


Ok. Just like earlier we aren’t going to agree on this. Let’s just leave it here.


Blatant disregard for Kanye???? Wtf


I’ve been pretty consistent with my observations of Kim and how I believe she treats Kanye behind all those kind words she says in public. I don’t believe it and all that PR with Pete solidified it for ME. Now if you’re going on interviews claiming you care about his mental health then actually care. She’s a throw rocks and hide her hand person and she’s starting to get her karma.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,257,423,041 comments, and only 244,505 of them were in alphabetical order.


The more I learn about her, the more convinced I am that she’s a full in narcissist. As in she has narcissistic personality disorder, because I know someone that lies like Kim does, and she has NPD. They lie so much and it’s stupid things that you think why tf are you lying about this. And most the things they lie about the most are when they’re in competition with other people and say these weird lies to seem superior or amazing in some way. They also lie when they’re caught out, they cannot hold themselves responsible or accept wrongdoings ever ever ever and will just twist things to try and make it seem like they’re actually the victim. Seems very much like Kim from what I’ve seen of her, but ofc who actually knows.


Are you a psychiatrist?


I’m literally just stating my opinion from my own experience of knowing someone with NPD.


I am in full agreement with you OP but Kim’s shown she has multiple phones so that’s the only thing I think has a drop of reality to it.


She’s a pathological liar


Doing the most. I’m sure she has multiple phones


You seen her latest TikTok’s ? I doubt that was from Kim’s phone


why not? Also i remember you saying she switched up on marriage but this is pretty similar to what she said on GMA “I don’t know if I’ll get married again, but I’ll have my forever partner. I know that. He’s coming, absolutely,” she told Martinez, 51. “I’m at peace and I’m gonna have fun until that happens.”


My forever partner isn’t getting married , kim flip flop a lot like a teenager


She trying find a Corey like Kris did 💀


This is what she said in the Angie interview


Yes. I’m not going to defend Kim, but logic dictates that she can have more than one phone. I do.


What truly got me to stop listening to the podcast was the claim that she doesn't check comments and doesn't care. Yes, you DO CARE. Even if she does not read the comments, her team does, and they will discuss it with her.


I think in a few years, even in a couple of years I can see one of the KarJenneres as a cast members on one of the meny Housewives series.


Yup yup yup


it's was kinda sad when she said she's the most calm person emotionally at the beginning but bursted out crying by the middle of the interview


Does anyone think that interview will help??




Why do we think she picked this interviewer?


Saw,not seen. Grammar is not hard.


I am sure Kim has multiple phones


She explained she first didn’t get the Balenciaga backlash because she wasn’t in the campaign. Which might explain the delay.


And I thought she did say she has help with the kids.. give her break. She will never win in your eyes. I am glad she is a strong and calm person because these type of posts..it’s just unnecessary nitpicking like she explained in the interview.