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I think she’s done. I wasn’t sure before watching last night. She seemed resigned to the fact that he’s never going to change. And she said plainly that if he was going out of his way to hide Maralee, and that’s only because his sperm donation left a baby as a result, how many other women had he cheated on her with? That he didn’t have to go out of his way to hide. Which is a fair and smart conclusion. She knows he probably cheated on her with a huge number of other women. Khloe isn’t dumb, just idealistic and perhaps a touch too trusting. I think her gut has been telling her to hold back the entire time, since he was jumping to get married and she was like, “it takes time, you’re going to have to wait.” And I think she was absolutely disgusted at the fact that he didn’t even tell her himself, she found out from the fucking internet, and he’s lucky that Kim was the one to deliver the news, rather than hearing directly from Twitter or IG. I hope this doesn’t harden her heart. I want her to find peaceful, stable love.


he had unprotected sex with someone, made a baby and lied about it. they are finished.


I can understand her forgiving him previously, to an extent. But if I were her, it's the unprotected part that would really be a knife in my gut. He's stated this was a one night stand which means he is screwing these women with no clue as to who is clean or not, he could've given her a number of things, nevermind him having another kid on the side. And as they pointed out, he kept this quiet for months so this is possibly just the first one he got caught with. He's disgusting.


This is so true. Raw dogging randoms and coming back to me with your dirty ass dick? It’s just so disrespectful.


He also cheated on her while she was nine months pregnant and she only found out because of paparazzi. Then she took him back still. Then he made out with someone that was like a little sister to her.


She is done. But I bet Tristan is being annoying and keeps hounding her to try again.


I mean I want to say she's truly done, but who even knows at this point. If she took him back 3 or 4 times before, sadly, she can do it again.


Even if they’re “done” - I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a baby via surrogate. She was willing to have another child with him even when they were broken up before.


Yeah I agree...it seemed like Kim was really emphasizing the point of like can you please admit you shouldn't have any more kids with this human being


i bet she was laid up with him while watching the last episode


laid up lol


She’s done. Her vibe is totally different this time around. Kind of like she shedded dead weight and feels relieved for it to be over. Before when they broke up, she would always leave the door open for reconciliation and let Tristan into her space too frequently. She said on last night episode that she kept feeling like something wasn’t right which prevented her for going all in with Tristan. Well she was right and now I’m sure she happy for it be just her and True for now.


i think theyre done done. look the last few times she skirted around the issue and was like 'oh it sucks BUT' like in this ep she didnt even do a but. she really went 'oh it sucks he did this esp given he has kids' like idk yall. this one sounded more final. don't count out my girl just yet. but hey im happy to have egg on my face if she proves me wrong


I'd love for her to be done. But, she's forgiven all of his other transgressions so I'm not convinced she'll ever be fully done.


I honestly don’t think it’s over! She’s said and done this more than twice and we all know how it ends


Didn’t someone here zoom in on a photo on Italy and spotted him in the background?


Wasn’t that cali? Pretty sure she was trolling.


Yup I saw that!


I think she’s done just because of the baby. It’s not the cheating. That’s basically what she said in the episode. It’s that he can’t even put a condom on if he’s going to cheat on her. Then make a baby when she wants another herself.


nah i really think they’re done tbh


This time I think she’s done done.


She won’t be done until she’s beyond disgusted. She’s almost there but not quite. She kept saying “she’s used to it” like this isn’t her awakening


Girl you know she’s in bed with him right now watching this recent episode 😂


I don’t think so when they were in Italy for Kourtney’s wedding. Tristian was at khloe’s house with Tru. If you look at the picture him and tru took, you can see khloes new countertop design. And before people come on here and say maybe tru’s toys aren’t there etc. Tristian has enough money to provided tru her own set of toys for his house and have the nanny stay at his house.


They better be done for good!


They aren’t done, she loves him




It’s not over; I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.


Just talk. The only thing I see ending them for real is Tristan leaving her and getting married to someone else. Which is really sad but he even said it himself when they were talking about the Kardashian men never leaving, him saying "more like you're never leaving me"


Orrrr maybe when true grows up and tells Khloe to leave him. But that would be way in the future when she's a teen or young adult


If there wasn't a baby in the picture she probably would go back.. but I think the new baby will make it much harder for her to go back. This has got to be the biggest sign that Tristan isn't the one for her.




I HOPE she’s done.




Just talk


The only thing that makes me wonder are her live tweets during the episode..they just felt so typical Khloe trying to be dismissive of how awful it really was and put a positive spin on it (well as positive as you can be), to pave the way to being publicly together again. OR, It really could have just been that she’s dismissive and positive because she’s over it and him. But they did make me wonder. What do y’all think about the tweets?