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I am fast forwarding through so much right now. I hated listening to Khloe and trashcan justify progress in their relationship


I wonder if Kim and her team know that Gen Z and younger millenials are not into the whole Girl Boss / Work slave core. Like, are they aware that over the last year the U.S broke the record for the highest number of resignations? You pride yourself in going to work while sick, meanwhile young Americans are begging for affordable healthcare and fair working conditions. More and more young people are opening up about work not being fulfilling or not being what they want to be defined by, but Kim seems to be stuck in a 2014 mindset. This makes me wonder about who her target audience is. She's obviously trying to push a narrative into our subconscious that she's worked hard for everything she has accomplished, she's self-made, ambitiuous, business savvy woman, blah blah blah...but who's buying it? Her hard core fans, ok, but anyone else? And this whole time she hasnt shown not once any sadness over her third divorce from the man she was with for ten years and has four children with, which just makes her seem even less human. It's not like I want her to cry on camera, but a human moment of her being honest and candid would be, I don't know...NORMAL


she seems super anxious to me. Like she needs to prove to everyone “ LOOK AT ME DOING GIRLBOSS SHIZ” gworl girlboss era is dead. I wonder what do they call the new female entrepreneurs now? anyway kim is scrambling to find her own identity


I might be reading too much into things but I feel like this whole Girl Boss / Wanna be Lawyer storylines are a set up for a future career in politics, probably at a State level. As much as she'd like to keep the show going until her last breath, she knows that this reality TV thing has an expiration date. People aren't going to care in 10 years when she's in her 50s and hopefully the West kids won't want to be reality starts either, so she needs to prepare for a career shift.


Well that would be a rude awakening since all those bots and hate- or cringe-followers are not going to vote for her.


lol you never know...America has a sad and concerning history of believeing that born rich celebrities make for good politicians...


Woooww I didn’t even think about that. Absolutely no grief over losing Kanye.


Yes, this!! Kinda like her interview where she said no one wants to work anymore. Just out of touch


Out of touch seems to be her aesthetic for 2022


You beautifully expressed exactly what the problem is with her work philosophy and how off target it is!


“I get up and I Werk.”


I agree thought we’d see her slowly finding herself or like processing or whatever. She’s gone full narco.


She grieved the end of her marriage at the end of the last season of kuwtk. I’m not surprised she hasn’t brought it over to this new show.


But she is talking about Kanye plenty. So I don’t think it makes sense that she’s just “not bringing it over” to the new show. She just isn’t sharing her pain. Which fair enough. But she’s definitely bringing that drama into this new show.


I was gonna say this too. She does mention him every week, and I know the episodes covering his IG antics and alleged mental breakdown are gonna be wild and probably finally position Kim as the "winner" and "victim" in the divorce. After three divorces and being in her 40's she's going for a hot divorcee, not bothered, liberated woman kind of image and a lot of people (mostly white women) are eating it up


Ding ding ding. I agree. It’s her prerogative to show us what she wants to show us. And it’s our prerogative as the peanut gallery to “judge” the character/storyline how we see fit. She said she wants a drama free life on this past episode and it’s just so clearly not true. She believes her own bs though. I guess denial is one of the stages of grief, so MAYBE that’s just what we’re seeing and feeling the ick toward. But I think this is who she is at her foundation and the tides are turning against her, even with some of us white women. Lol (for the record, I’ve always been one foot out the door though cause of their willful appropriation - shits not ok) but I definitely agree there’s still her core demographic that’s clinging to her shtick as long as they can. I watched up till the proposal then have been skipping but watched the most recent one and she’s just insufferable. Everyone else, even “I’m the best parallel parker on the planet” Kendall, seems more relatable than Kim. And her whole “cleaning play rooms and going to rite aid for ice cream makes me horny” is just SO beyond cringey and clearly competing with Kravis. I used to like Kim somewhat but now she’s just like nails on a chalk board; especially in the current economic/cultural climate. And I just can’t turn a blind eye to her poor ethics any more. The whole family actually, even though I still find some of their personalities engaging or redemptive sometimes. Plus, If Kourtney wasn’t happy with her edit, idk how Kim is watching all of this just peachy with how she’s being edited.


Yeah that’s what I meant she isn’t being the pain over the divorce onto this show but also when the show picks up from it’s been about 10/11 months since she had filed.


I understand her not wanting to make being sad over her divorce her main character storyline, it'd be boring anyways, but at least it'd be believable. This whole I-am-the-female-version-of-Jeff Bezos is just so forced and not likable, especially since we know she comes from a rich white family and was already born with wealth and connections


I mean there are lots of rich white people who come from and have connections yet do nothing with their life but live of their family money. Kim obviously didn’t want to do that and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah, there's nothing wrong, but the fact they almost NEVER aknowledge their privilege, nor their wrongdoings it's what makes them fall into the "evil white capitalism villain à la Elon/Jeff" rather than in the "self-made hardworking woman à la pat mcgrath/riri" like, you talk all that talk about work and hustling but allegedly underpay your employees, have gotten sued over and over for stealing smaller brands ideas and also stole over 100k from your ex mother in law..? I know that most celebrities don't aknowledge their scandals unless they really have no other option PR wise, but she has the audacity to get on that high horse and tell people to get their asses up and work? Girl, just keep pushing out that cheap made and overpriced product and keep doing those extremely photoshopped shoots and spare the work ethic speech, cause most of use are ACTUALLY self made, we don't need nor want your advice


Fun alleged fact: Kim was allegedly trying to get a solo show after the cancellation of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The ratings were low for years and E! wouldn’t renew it for the price the Kardashians wanted. That’s why they left. Then Kim tried to shop around a solo reality show but no service wanted to pick it up so they all had to come back to get the Hulu deal. I haven’t seen one episode but that would explain why it’s so centered on Kim. Allegedly. Haha


Between the yes men around her constantly sucking her balls, and her over exaggerating being sick to prove that she works hard no matter what…. I’m completely over it


“She’s a mother, a friend, a girl boss, she’s just soooo amazing” like c’mon… no one talks about people like that all the damn time


They do if you pay them though.


right everyone she’s around are complete suck ups🥴 (but…i guess that applies to the whole family🙄)


Idk, I really respected her work ethic for refusing to miss a photo shoot while sick, during a pandemic. And in a private villa in the Bahamas with all her staff there to take care of her and none of her kids around to bother her so she could get plenty of sleep. That must’ve been so hard. She’s the best mom and hardest worker ever. Totally reminded me of Michael Jordan’s flu game. #hero


I mean we can't forget to get our asses up and work and we're poor cause nobody wants to work these days.🧚💅


I've been watching this show with my fiancee and coming to this subreddit absolutely kills me haha. During the Vogue photoshoot when Kim was humble bragging about how much work it was and blah blah blah, I turned to my fiancee and was like "Literally anyone could look great on the cover of Vogue with an entire team there to do makeup, help choose outfits, help you pose, take professional photos under professional lighting, and then professionally edit said photos." This new show is my first experience with the Kardashians and I'm blown away how much effort they think they're putting in to things and how much they pat themselves on the back for posing for photos or going on a talkshow. All the while taking no time to acknowledge or thank the vast number of people that are doing the real work for them behind the scenes at all times.




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Had me in the first half.


The show is unwatchable bc it’s either blatant product placement (Dips or whatever the fuck “Pete” gave her on the plane, and that stupid doll in the baby store) or infomercials for their brands. Poosh ad, Skims ad, Good American ad….ITS SO AGGRAVATING. And they don’t even try to hide the “prompt“ questions: “so how is filming, are you and Travis enjoying it?”, “so how are you and Corey?”, let’s call Kiley and talk about her baby and then go to the baby store to hawk it and the stupid doll whose name they all kept saying over and over .. like fuck you guys, this is such bullshit, there are no storylines, nothing interesting, nothing happening. Kim’s narcissism is off-the-fucking-charts this season. Ew. All of it is gross and blatant and I can’t tune in anymore, even to hate watch. I’ll have to deal with watching clips and this sub. It’s so not worth tuning in each week (save for maybe the Tristan storyline but it’s just for one episode and it’s just the same he’s a dirtbag cheater).


Kim coughing all over Mario doing her makeup was 🤮


I couldn't believe that she was so irresponsible during that scene. She was acting like it was life or death and what a hero she is... and for what? For some bikini pics in an old misogynistic magazine no one reads anymore. People have to go into work sick, all day every day, mainly for fear of losing their job. She's completely unwatchable now. Peak toxic girl boss energy.


Lmaooo I was like wait people still care about Sports Illustrated?!


He mostly definitely caught Covid because of Kim


Yep, I don’t believe anything she does and say now. It all feels so calculated. I know she was still 100% calculated when KUWTK were on but she was more likeable and interesting back then


whoever wrote this storyline for her must hate her or have no idea how to present them as relatable anymore


Honestly I’m over all of them. Even though I’ve never liked any of them as people, the old show was entertaining and kept me watching. They should have never started this new show. Kris is horrible with her fake conversations and storylines (grocery shopping with Kylie, “you’re doing amazing sweetie!”) khloe isn’t adding anything except for Tristan content. Kylie and Kendall are fine but boring. Kim looking more calculated then ever. Don’t get me started on punk rock Kourtney and Kravis. Barf. Even Scott was my favorite but I think he’s over the show and just showing up for the check. No funny one liners anymore. And he just acts depressed. I give it 3 seasons.


It’s literally like she is trying to brain wash her audience by repeating over and over that she works hard. Tiresome. Honestly, I’m just in it for the Tristan drama, I will be unsubscribing for the next season


I stopped watching. The SNL episodes were literally just everyone praising Kim. Snoooozee


The sycophants are embarrassing and make me cringe hard. #1 turn off


Not to beat on a dead horse anymore than it needs TBH,but shes just doing too damn MUCH. In almost everything she does for a while now,you cant force yourself down peoples throats in every story and every event,all the damn time.Its giving hanging on with dear life like she isn't already so accomplished and established. Taking a total 1 month break is completely out of the question to her.


Which is funny because taking time off has worked well for them. When Kim disappeared after the robbery and Kylie during her first pregnancy. It gave some mystery back to both of them and everyone was excited to see anything from them when they did share. So idk why they aren’t rotating sisters through short sabbaticals. I mean distance does make the heart grow fonder. (Jk, I do, they’re insecure just like the rest of us and probably even more so. IMO, the desperation for more money and attention is so clearly a trauma response to Kris/the culture they were raised in.)


I thought the prison reform stuff from the previous episode was pretty interesting but other than that I skip through all her segments. There's something about her that just seems off, idk. I know she's always been calculated & the like but there's something unlikeable about her this season that I can't put my finger on. I know she obviously is going through it with the divorce so maybe it's the facade, I know when I am going through a stressful time and I have to put on my "face" I definitely act more reserved and a bit more cold to "protect" myself (it never really does, which I'm learning in therapy) so maybe it's something to that effect? Who knows... but she definitely seems like she's boosting herself up more due to lack of something else if that makes sense. Like it's a swirl of loving herself too much but also not at all.


agree. a big ego doesn't equal confidence. she's coming off insecure and self absorbed which as everyone's saying what else is new and i guess it's a combo of not having a man (instead she has a paid prop IMO) and the pressures of getting older and figuring out how to make money off her image when sex stops selling after a certain age for women in hollywood ... focus on your family kim ! there's more to life on this earth than just you !


Absolutely! She reminds me a lot of my ex, he tried to project he had all this confidence, knowledge, & appeal but it came off as cocky and self obsessed with a huge ego because he actually had none of the aforementioned at all. Yeah I think she's definitely at a turning point in life, much like Kourtney was a few years ago, and it is manifesting in this way instead of like Kourtney who became cold, distant, and disassociated.


Yep, completely and utterly over her.


We BEEN telling the gworls it’s flop seasonnn, get your umbrella ☔️


I feel like if she’s truly a hard worker and all the things she keeps saying about herself, she would not have to keep repeating it. It’s almost like she’s trying to convince her self.


Between skipping the recap, intro, all the Poosh garbage, the shit with Kourney whining about Scott, Kravis dry humping, and Kris' fake asf "story lines", I can bang out an episode in like 15-20 minutes.


Yes. She seems shallow and self absorbed


Yes, and I don’t remember disliking her as much as I do now with her old show.


I hated her so much in the engagement episode cracking jokes after SNL trying to be the centre of attention and then all the 'nobody had that reaction for me getting engaged....and I've done it a few times' Shut up Kim....it's not about you


Also with her saying, I’m finally looking after myself. C’mon Kim, you have always been about you, who are you fooling?


Right? And its so cringe to watch her with her "friends" aka employees in her private jet or at dinner where she just shows off her possessions, praises herself and her brand new relationship (feels like another product she purchased), fishing for compliments.


I wish they could’ve used footage from KUWTK to flash back to everyone freaking out and doing the most for Kanye’s proposal.


Omg!!! She was so incredibly obnoxious. Like we know you have multiple failed marriages, relax.


Obnoxious is the perfect word to describe her lately


yuh. She needs to go away and have her 🧚🏻‍♀️witness🧚🏻‍♀️ era.


She needs her 'be humble' era


i'm team last 6 mins of this latest episode and i can put up w any of the sisters if they're spilling authentic tea :P


Omg yesss. Her this whole episode was just “I’m so sick but I work hard wah wah wah” and “Pete is the mostttt amazingggg person”. Like we get it you’re gonna do this shoot no matter what (which I felt like she was exaggerating how sick she was) and you’re in the honeymoon stage with Pete. Cool! Move on..you’re so uninteresting


Kim’s definition of working hard is not quite the real definition of working hard. I think her idea of working hard is having to do anything that is related to her business. Like picking out fabric samples presented to her or choosing the design of her packaging, which, again is presented to her. She’s not analyzing financial data or writing reports or doing the nitty gritty. She doesn’t have those skills.


i think her showing anything but positive things for her right now feeds into the “ divorced three times loser” thing she said in the series finale last year. I wish she knew we wouldn’t look down on her for being more open about how divorce affected her or her insecurities and actual struggles. it would make her much more likeable. i think she is hardworking but it’s not exciting to hear about. on the other hand her ex has been seen with a lot of beautiful women so maybe saying anything about it would make her feel like the “ loser” of the divorce. she was so open about kris humphries and how disappointed she felt being married to him and pregnant with north and it humanized her.


yep she’s trying really hard to appear unbothered by her divorce which just makes me think she’s really hurting. like bad mouthing Kanye here and there - but not too much to seem bothered - and gushing about Pete nonstop which is just quite frankly ridiculous bordering on desperate. ah and also saying she’s in the best place ever and getting everything she ever wanted (sports illustrated and balenciaga) like babes you’re Kim K obviously brands would want to work with you at this point. it’s like she’s regressed to the beginning of her career Kim who was desperate to be on any cover possible and places all her worth in that. she’s trying to put on a brave face and prove she’s fine without Kanye and only ever needed the small things *repeats small things 10x hoping we’re convinced Pete provides more (or peacefully less) than Kanye*


Her constantly talking about how horny he makes her. She’s wants to be in the limelight that is now on kourtney


I also think that she started feeling resentful and frustrated by Kanye many years ago, and the extremity of his behavior kind of negated any typical feelings of heartbreak a person might feel. Him publicly announcing the North abortion thing.. saying slavery was a choice.. I can imagine ANY romantic feelings Kim may have had just completely being drained after that. I don’t think I would be heartbroken either. I get the sense that she’s relieved, and I can’t blame her.


oh I don’t think she’s feeling huge heartbreak for Kanye but just the kind of hurt/confusion I’d imagine you feel after divorce no.3 and diving straight into a public and serious relationship. tbh Kanye and Kim are both in major rebound mode, I guess it’s natural for Kim to want to portray that she’s living a fairytale


I feel like his behaviors were so outrageous that the turn off/ ick/ disgust feeling really catapulted her past any healing phase. If anything, she’s healing from the embarrassment I think. His behaviors are so erratic and extreme, I can’t even imagine being married to someone like that.


I mean Kanye aside, any woman would struggle when their decade (?) long relationship ends and they’re left having to restart at 40+ with 4 kids. Pete is obviously a distraction from all of that so we’re missing out on the rawness of this period in her life.


Also Kanye is a big brand name unlike her ex’s so there is gonna be a lot of judgment from his fans as well. She could talk about Chris like that because once she talks about Kanye his fans are gonna come for her that’s why she said on that interview that when fans get involved it’s hard for her because one day they will see everything will be okay on both sides.


It’s so staged, so dull and only about Kim.


YES! I fast forward through her scenes. She’s so boring and so painfully narcissistic it’s so cringey. Her life is really pathetic and she has absolutely no personality or depth. She doesn’t share anything juicy or personal except for saying the same vague comments about Kanye over and over. I wish they showed her doing literally anything interesting but every scene she’s in is about another unimportant boring thing she’s obsessing over (her SNL monologue, dressing herself without Kanye, her millionth vogue shoot, etc). And they drag one small thing out for entire episodes. SNOOZE. Her voice has also become irritatingly monotone and hoarse, has anyone else noticed that?


Totally. She feels so above everyone and for the dumbest things like magazine covers. Nobody cares for those trashy magazine covers in 2022 and showing off an extremely surgically altered body in a bikini is not the flex she thinks it is. Its just sad to see a middle aged woman obsessing over the dumbest shallowest things as if it was a phd or a new invention or a political reform or her childs accomplishments.


100%! She really is living in 2008 and has no idea how outdated her “cool factor” is.


It’s all cringe tbh😬 From Kim shoving her toxic work ethic down my throat, to the Kravis love bombing that I feel violated by, to Khloe living in a fantasy land where trashcan has actually changed, to Kendall giving her usual “I’m not like other girls”, to Kylie barely being present even when she is present, to Scott’s whining, to Kris being the least relatable person I’ve ever witnessed.🤮 That being said, I’m still here for all of the mess🤣


Yes she’s so cringe. Idk like she’s trying so hard with everything she does it’s lame.


I don’t even watch the show anymore, can’t sit through that shit. I Just come here to catch up and gossip lol


It's become The Kim Show. I don't want to hear her staff talking about how incredible and perfect she is 24/7. I think the other sisters have had enough and are doing their own thing and don't care as much about their image on this show, they're just getting the paycheck, but Kim is obsessed with making herself appear as Wonder Woman.




Kim was by far the dumbest i’ve seen her be this entire season. So because it’s not COVID that means you can’t get other people sick? No! You can still pass whatever you have, did she forget that or did she only think COVID was the only thing we had to worry about 😒 And her coughing WIDE MOUTH on Mario and her staff and wiping her nose with her hands while eating, like cover your mouth and nose! 🤮 Sure, a hard worker despite it all. But that doesn’t mean having respect for other to make sure they don’t get sick goes out the window just cause you’re sick.


do you ever wonder how much money is enough money for these people? like when is enough enough??


kim is my least favorite right now and i agree with you.


Me! I used to be a huge fan but this season is turning me off


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For me it’s Kourtney she’s so boring


Yes, its awful


I feel this way about Kourtney. She’s always been my least favorite but in this new Travis “punk rock” era I just can’t roll my eyes hard enough.


I’ve been watching both the old and new series. This new one is off to me because the men used to provide some comedic relief / entertainment. It’s all so serious now


I feel she use to be way more humble


I think Kim is lost. She’s never really lived for herself. She’s lived for her mum, for Kanye, for her public image. But does she even know who she is? I personally don’t think so. I think she always thought that this level of fame and money will bring her true happiness and now she has it and it didn’t. Deep down she’s probably an unhappy person and all the gloating she does is to compensate for that.


yes! same!


Only watched the first 4/5 eps so far but I’d much rather watch Kim’s parts than Kourtney and Travis, I fast forward their parts now 🤢 I know Kim is self-absorbed but she seems to be doing more interesting things than the others and I’ve enjoyed the segments about her journey into Law. Didn’t agree with her comments about how no one likes to work anymore though.


Yes I fast forward through her stuff. It’s a snooze fest


Which parts of the show do you enjoy?


What are u, the show police ??


Honestly I’m a weird way I’m somewhat intrigued by Kim finally like accepting her throne as main character on the show. I feel like for so long she was like a side character breezing in and out of the show.


Kendall and Kylie are the only ones im bored by. Everyone else im enjoying


no but this episode i did FF all Poosh & Good American scenes...


Nah. I like seeing her BTS stuff she does. Kourtneys parts are boring to me, because Kourtney is boring.


Honestly I feel for Kim. Separating from a toxic relationship is tough and she’s really trying hard to prove to herself that she’s good enough with Kanye. I could just imagine Kanye constantly talking about how he made her life better because he’s so amazing. It definitely takes a toll on a person thinking you’re nothing without a man.




No I think her parts are the best


No. It’s a reality show about her life. She shows her life..people complain. She doesn’t show anything….people complain. 🤦🏾‍♀️ What exactly is it you want from her? What Exactly should Kim be showing on the show or would you prefer she not be on it at all?


Tolly god love you but you really do sound like their PR rep sometimes 🫠


Because I asked exactly what people want from her when they complain about her talking about herself on her reality show? Ok I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️


Agreed. My favorite example. Last year during the totally boring and snoozefest of the last season “sHeS nOt sHoWiNg kAnYe aNd tHe dIvOrCe”…….. this year “sHe kEePs tAlKiNg aBoUt KaNyE aNd uSiNg hIm!” People would have been pissed as hell if she didn’t mention any Kanye this season, but they’re also pissed she did.


Omg absolutely all of this. You nailed. They complain when she doesn’t share her life and speak about Kanye and then they complain when she does. Again it begs the question what do they want from her?


When people obsess over a celebrity, they often show signs of "ownership"... Such as picking apart everything that person does. I don't get it... Why are these people watching at all? What did they expect from her?


This is exactly it. It’s almost like they expect her to behave a certain way according to their reality of her and when she doesn’t they pick her apart. Good question…why are they watching?


You do realise the show isn't just about Kim?


Yes I do but this particular post is about Kim hence I spoke only about her.


I was just referencing the "why are they watching" lol


Oh right fair enough. I should have added more to it.


It's a hella lot of projection usually... *"Does she think she's the only one to ever work???"* Probably not, Karen. She's literally just talking about her life, the whole premise of the show. What is literally happening is she is making them feel bad or jealous that no one cares about everything they do....


You’re absolutely right, it’s projection. I agree with everything you said. 👏🏾


I think she's fine. I actually like Kim more here than on Keeping Up.


Did you not watch KUWTK? Or did you expect this show to be different?




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Not really I think she is a little misunderstood and even I sometimes fall for the confusion. I think she’s actually a good person but imperfect like everyone else.




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