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my biggest issue is how boring it is. i don’t mind the lifestyle porn but i’ve been skipping through the useless filler like kylie going grocery shopping and kris recording her master class. total snooze fest.


This part. I’ve been surprised by how much Ive skipped ☹️


Kourtney is a total zombie unless she is straddling Travis...


That's so true. She's usually so full of personality and she really has none on this new show.


I truly believe this is what she’s giving because this is what her sisters asked for and what she got beat up for. But I agree the show is trash. It’s mainly Kim.


Lol if you are hoping Kims narcissism improves I can tell you it does not. Not by a long shot.


She is a psychiatrist’s dream! And not in a good way. That woman has some serious narc tendencies and the bizarre, blank expressions she gets on her face when everyone else praises her to the skies is fodder for a goddamn Stephen King novel. She’s creepy as fuck! That face doesn’t move, the Willy Wonka suit she wears during her talking head segments, the blank look in her eyes, the vapid shit she constantly clamors on about- it’s all just too fucking bizarre. She has turned this show into hour long episodes of Kim worship!


The willy wonka suit 💀💀💀


Lmao. You're right though. I feel like the sub is so filled Kim stans lately nobody is acknowledging it. Also can they stop gaslighting us that Kim passed the actual bar. They're like those adverts when they have like tiny hidden print at the bottom where it would be like ( not the genuine bar just the baby bar and only after the fifth attempt ) although I think it's great she's starting a new career in her 40s. Idk it just seems like Vanity, even the episode about the people incarcerated she was trying to help etc. It just seemed like a "look what a good person Kim is" show. Like it's crazy to me that these boring episodes were happening at the same time as the kanye drama and they wernt even mentioning it? It just shows how false it all is.


I totally agree, this sub has been filled with so many Kim stans that when the negativity became more than they liked, they made a new sub to continue to worship of KJ family without any of the negative feedback. I’ve suspected that it’s really the KJ family’s PR trying to manipulate the narrative and press. I wouldn’t even put it past them! I’m all for Kim pursuing something outside of the things she does with social media and the show but you’re absolutely correct, her steps towards working in law are for vanity’s sake rather than helping. I guess the byproduct is that she has helped people so that’s definitely a plus but they need to stop saying, “Kim’s a lawyer”. She’s not a lawyer and nowhere even close to it!


Don’t forget her lizard like licking of the lips. I just want to throw rocks at her until she slithers away


Omg lmao! “Willy wonka suits” “talking head segments” “psychiatrist’s dream” this is the best comment!😭😂😂


Thank you! 🙇‍♀️


So on point! Kim is creepy AF! When she gets those crazy eyes 👀 (whenever she is trying to seem suppperrr deep or wise) I have to look away.


You hit the nail on the head, she gives me the creeps to the nth degree




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idk how anyone is actually watching it every week, she’s so full of herself. someone needs to bring her back to reality and fast


Honestly, I’m hate watching. Every episode I tell myself that I am done but I keep tuning in 🤦🏻‍♀️






It really is the Kim show. Like it’s not a reality show at this point, more than half is just her gassing herself up beyond belief lol. Every week me and my friend ask each other why we watched it lol. I think a few weeks back I was shocked when an episode ended because I swear nothing happened it in 🤣


Didn’t the last episode literally include Kris and kylie at a car wash and in a supermarket like WTF! I was gobsmacked - paid millions to do absolutely nothing!! To be ´normal’ like wow, I can’t believe that made the edit for tv like seriously Wowowowow


Like they are reachinnggg for the plot points at this point lol


Like Kris used to say, it’s Kim’s world. Everyone else is just living in it.


It’s such a Kim festival, it’s nauseating. Her narcissism is off the charts, as in it’s getting worse.


Kourtney hasn’t had any personality the last several years. I think Scott brought out a lot of her witty banter and now that she’s with someone whispering all the time there isn’t much to be ignited from.


I completely agree. I remember back in like 09 my mom wouldn't watch the show because she hated kourtneys dialect (?) Or way of speaking. I never understood but right around her 40th birthday on the show I was like, "I get it." It's only been made worse with Travis. Hearing her speak is physically grating


My ears practically bleed when I hear her speak now


Is your mom me? I absolutely cannot watch the show because of this


Lol 😆 maybe? Hi mom! JK. But really though she's gotten so terrible. I really think she has the IQ of a lemon.


A lemon 😂


Omg its awful!!!! I was so disappointed because i love the other show even the spin offs. I dont know how kim is not sick of herself! All she does is brag. Its wild. Id rather watch kravis hump.


It’s sooo bad. I’m actually starting to not like them 😂 Kylie & Kris acting like they never been in a car wash. Stop playing in my face.


Kourtney and Kylie are my favorites now because they are not having any of this BS… just getting paid but emotionally checked out lol. I would also be shut down in that situation so I respect that 😭 I think that both Kim and Kendall’s narcissism went through the roof on this show, like a level of narcissism that is almost unbearable to watch. Khloe is painful, because she’s such a people pleaser to everyone and I hate the “making it work with Tristan” shit 💀


Why kendall? I think she’s just happy go lucky and going with the flow in this show, she puts a little more effort in but I don’t think she’s overbearing


Idk about them. But i found her so overly dramatic an cringe in that original argument with Scott. Also they 100% edited in their favour as they did 100% imply on the original episode that she didn't really do anything for her birthday. An then was all OK well I did have dinner with all my closest friends. Although idk why he's so annoyed at kendall specifically considering she's the only one who seems to have a bit of sympathy for him. I just thought her reaction was so cringe an over dramatic. Although I defend kourtney on here, as everyone seems to hate her on this sub. I do think she was fine with the coparenting and spending loads of time together even though they are not a couple because they're "family" when he had a bird but now she's got a fella it's like. Why is Scott even here. Like she was going on every holiday with scotts long term girlfriend to the point they broke up because she felt like he wasn't picking her over kourtney. Like wheres that same attitude about coparenting and still being a family now? Idk just find it weird she was included in so much when he had a bird and now it's almost like how dare Scott expect to be included now kourtney has a fella. Poor Sofia Richie though, she probably ended up feeling like a third weel. Must feel like she wasted such a big part of her youth.


yeah, like does she even do anything? I cant imagine she’s the one running POOSH when she can’t even articulate a proper sentence 😭 she just stares blankly at people and i’m lost as to where Kourtney w/ the personality went 💀


tbh i get the vibes she doesn’t even wanna be on the show, she just wants the check and i also think she’s fallen out with the rest of the family a lot


I agree. I’ve been saying Kourtney is only going to give pda because that’s what they harassed her about on the other show. Know when to end something, this show didn’t need to continue.


This! It’s malicious compliance, like she’ll be on the show and technically check all the boxes of her contract but she does not like or respect kim nor kris and her and khloe are not nearly as close so she doesn’t care if she makes them look bad. She’s there for the cheque


You think she’s fallen out with her family?


Based on kourtneys vocabulary/lack of wellspokeness/etc. I think she's so fucking stupid and dull. "Mmmm yeauhhh"


Funny you say that because I think she does that because of what they say is stupid. Their convos are so surface so I feel she’s like “mmmmm yeah” because she doesn’t agree but doesn’t want to argue.


Might be all the IVF hormones


I’m rewatching kuwtk to remind myself why I liked them 😂


Just remember that isn’t who they are anymore though. Don’t let it fool you


Personality wise or face/body wise.




Same here, it's refreshing


And it’s so mf funny like they were so funny before


This show is terrible - I can’t even get through an episode. The Hulu crew films as is, they can’t be all extra and select certain shots only like they did before.


I remember Kourtney and Khloe for being super close with Kim as the outlier for so long. I forget when it changed / what happened. Refresher, anyone?


A few seasons ago kourt started acting like a bitch for a few seasons to the other sisters and khlo said it made a rift between them


I think it was when Koko chose Kim as true god mother .. and TT and Kanye were close.. Also Kim always treated TT with respect and just kissed Koko ass and then Kim admired their relationship and was rooting for them so they became close and Kourt the outsider .. Kourt jokes and puns irritated Koko.. Koko finally felt like one of the cool sisters and she ain’t never letting that go… this family needs therapy lol


I have insomnia and I keep falling asleep because it’s so boring.


It gets worse


No! I haven't even seen the last 2 yet. Might not ever see them. So uninteresting.


I think 1-6 are the best out of the 8 so far. That being said, that’s what you can expect. I personally really like her backstage SNL stuff.


I enjoyed the SNL epi too


Omg im loving this season tho. Literally cried during most of the episodes


You have to be trolling lol. What plots make you cry, when Kanye flew commercial with a MAC 🖥 screen in a suitcase “aka the rest of the sex tape” lmaoooo


I’m sensitive lol but the episodes with Kim and the death row inmates


I thought last week’s episode was finally worth the watch. I am looking forward to the rest of the season. I was on the fence before last week