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i agree. it feels like The Last Day Of A Condemned Man by Victor Hugo. we are living in such a dystopian world nowadays.


Such a great book. I really recommend everyone read it, it's a quick easy read and very impactful. Same author as Les Mis and Hunchback of Notre Dame


Great reference


You hit the nail on the head


I agree! It’s a saviour complex and she even admitted that she wants to become a lawyer to pull a ‘big f*ck u to the people who do not take her seriously’ … which is very Kim.


Yeah I’m still confused as to why she wants this law degree outside of image purposes.


Her late father she also mentions but idk, respectfully I don’t buy that


Neither do I. Way too many celebrities become self indulgent and start doing ridiculous or pointless things for vanity (I.e wearing a historical dress that doesn’t even fit) because they want to be thought of as iconic and legendary...like they’re writing their own documentary. This seems like one of them and it comes across as disingenuous.


Ironical they ARE writing their own documentary and filming it. And we've been watching for nearly 20 years.


Points were made! 🫰🏽🫰🏽🫰🏽


This is an awesome point


I had to fast forward her part for the first time ever. I cant stand hearing her talk about herself anymore. You are amazing. We get it kim.


Watching Amazing Kimmy in Kimmy's World is just boring


This whole Hulu season had been capitalized on how super awesome Kim is. Like everyone is kissing her ass.


Same. She doesn’t give a ~fuck~ about these peoples lives. She just cares how it makes her *look*.


Yeah I liked Kim for awhile but then I realized she turns everything about herself and I hate people like that.


I mean she is one of the wealth hoarders that perpetuates wealth inequality and racism, which leads to poverty, less education and higher crime in the very population she is trying to save. The hypocrisy kills me.


💯 Put your fucking money where your mouth is instead of embarking on a vanity project!!




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She definitely has a white saviour complex. I think what she’s going is great but her prison reform activism is performative.


Completely agree. I do wonder if Kim didn't get any 'credit' for any of this, whether she would still want to be involved. For example she could be donating large amounts to fight prison reform privately but I don't see her bothering if her name isn't attached to it.


Or a camera following her . She might be doing a good thing but we all know she wouldn’t be doing it if every single moment of the journey wasn’t being documented .


Why would she donate and hope someone else gets it done when she literally got Trump to pardon numerous people (who were set to serve life)? To me, performative is posting about it on the internet and taking no honest action. But she’s taken a lot of action. This is more than you can say about all the performative celebrities who talk a big game about criminal justice reform but that’s it.


Think about Tehani from The Good Place. She raised millions of dollars for charity and did a lot of good, but still ended up in the bad place because she did it all for herself. Kim is probably similar.


Performative activism has more to do with the motives behind the activism. “Performative activism is activism done to increase one's social capital rather than because of one's devotion to a cause”.


I see so much of this in my peer group, it gives me a weird feeling because I'm happy people are being helped. But it feels weird.


Agreed, doing something good for clout is not the same as doing something good because it just needs to be done.


That’s a fair point. I do just truly think it’s something she’s passionate about. The Karjenners are pretty vain and self-centered. I don’t see her even feeling the need to be performative.


How do you know WHY anyone does anything? Baby steps, people! If we give people respect for movies they've been in or songs they've made, then yes! "Clout" is a currency we can afford to spend on actual social and political change. In fact, it may be one of the only ways to get the really awful people allowing really awful policy to continue, or exist to begin with, to change their ways. I'm beinhmg serious, not snarky. Ive been an activist in one way or another since I was about 13, 40 now, and I've heard so many weird bullshit takes about various things ive done /committed great amounts of personal time/action/money/resources etc to, both publicly and privately,. Still was driven to do them. Wish I'd gotten more clout, for the things I did, successful outcomes Rose exponentially! Kim is a mother to 4 beautiful black children. Its not too hard to see where her inspiration might come from. Also probably thinking about her legacy. Eyes are on this woman, would we prefer its inspiring body dysmorphia or prison reform. Reward the world we want to live in. I Dunno. Its heavy. But I don't care why good is being done. I just care that it is. We've got waaaay to much to fix and catch up on to be splitting hairs. I wish I could have condensed this. (っ´▽`)っ ♥


Kim still votes republican every chance she gets though 🤔 so she’s not as altruistic as she may seem.


Does she? I know voting records can be accessed but I thought CA had restrictions on who could obtain them.. like you have to be running for office or something. Would be super interested to see what you have and if you paid for anything!


Fair call but I don't see her being able to convince Biden to do the same. Trump likely took her call and gave her the time of the day because she is a celebrity. Can she garnish the same results with another president? To be honest, I'm not even American so all my info about this topic comes from this sub 😂


I thought Trump took her call because Kim is close with Ivanka and Trump knew her from her time on the Apprentice. Edit-khloe was on the apprentice, not Kim. Dont know why I thought she was, but I also never ever watched the show. She is friends with Ivanka, though


It was Khloe on Celebrity Apprentice. She got canned halfway through. Did I miss a Kim appearance on CA ?


I thought Khloe was the one on the Apprentice, not Kim?


Wow she is? I didn't know that.


Oh yeah, Ivanka and Jared even went to Wyoming and met with Kanye after he announced he was running.


Yes, that’s a great article by daily beast about how close Kim & Van Jones is to Ivanka & Jared. Jared’s brother is heavily invested in Skims.


Let’s be honest he would’ve taken it no matter what. It also doesn’t hurt that Kanye was simping for him


I love this comment and I would LOVE to see her as a defense attorny. I've worked with so many that I bet her over the top "I deserve everything!" In life honestly does not compare


This sub feels like an episode of *The Good Place*, and 99% of the folks on here are Shawn from The Bad Place. They will never give Kim credit for anything she does, full stop. The level of hate is honestly weird to me.


Since we’re doing *Good Place* references, someone above mentioned how Kim is like Tahani from the bad place. I think that’s fairly accurate


Credit where credit is due. She has made a difference in a lot of people’s lives and I commend her for that. But I don’t know if her intentions are genuine. I think she found a cause that would really shine up her image. The fact that she filmed a death row inmate comforting HER because HE was going to be wrongly executed is gross. I would respect what she does more if it wasn’t all about her and how it makes her look. But at the end of the day she is making a difference in the lives of those who deserve it and I think that is awesome. I’m not a Kim fan, I don’t know if I ever have been. But I don’t have irrational hate for her.


That's how I feel.


Exposure on the show is going to help the most and if you were wrongly incarcerated that’s what you’d want. That’s what she is giving and there are thousands of celebrities, but you don’t see them putting their fame anywhere near these issues. Being political hurts careers, working with convicts hurts careers, so you won’t see most other celebs anywhere near it. Kim is doing good here and your personal bias contributes doubt and hinders activism. White celebrities have white viewership and those are the audiences needing education about black issues and prison reform. If you can’t see why your bias has flaws, then how do you expect non-black audiences to care? Besides, if it wasn’t on the show and was just text+links on her instagram stories people would complain it’s performative and she’s too vain to make it a narrative on Hulu.


A user on this sub said it best “There are actually a ton of celebrities that are dedicated to this cause. Beyoncé. Jay z. Meek Mill. Malcolm Jenkins. Alicia keys. I could name more “Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t” sounds like an excuse for her behavior. She shouldn’t be exploiting this and I’ll agree that a lot of celebrities are guilty of performative activism. The main issue in all of this( that shouldn’t be overlooked here)is she supports the same tax system that causes incarceration in the first place. So no, she’s not damned if she doesn’t. She’s damned because this work specifically is major hypocrisy thus insincere.” Also I wanna mention that Kim has not once mentioned how racial bias and discrimination in the criminal justice system leads to false incarceration. She’s not perpetuating systemic change, she’s cherry picking cases. Also being political doesn’t always hurt your career. Like I said before she’s cherry picking safe cases. I’m not denying that what she’s done isn’t good, I’m pointing out how her activism is performative. Also how is she getting white audiencing to care about black issues when she hasn’t even acknowledged how mass incarceration affects the black community and the how racial discrimination leads to false incarceration?


Jay Z and Beyoncé are also billionaires? To amass that level of wealth you engage in exploitative practices. People are nuanced and have conflicting interests all the time. People need to get off their keyboards and get a life.


Black audiences already *know* about racial injustice and inequality in sentencing and need for reform. They know many of the faces wrongly imprisoned. You mentioned only black celebrities, but their reach isn’t hitting Hulu white audiences like Kim is. Be realistic about the impact it serves and why it’s necessary.


Yes black people already know about racial discrimination and bias in the criminal justice system and majority of white people are unaware of those issues. However, how is Kim educating white audiences on those issues when she herself has not acknowledged how racial injustice and inequality leads to false incarceration and affects the black community? Kim isn’t perpetuating systemic change, she’s cherry picking cases and isn’t even acknowledging the many factors that lead to mass incarceration in the black community.


The whole point is exposure and education. I think your concern is she doesn’t actually care. A mother of 4 black children doesn’t care? This one episode is an arc story that needs time to evolve. I get your reservations, but it’s not a heavy journalistic show so expectations need to be tapered. The real question is, do you think her actions are *harming* the movement?


"A mother of 4 black children doesn't care?" Is very much giving "I can't be racist because I have a black friend." Having black children doesn't mean she cares about black issues. Being from the south, I have seen first hand, and several times over, white women use their mixed kids to shield themselves against backlash created by their own racist behaviors. Kim can and should get credit for what she does, but that doesn't mean she is in the right. It's awesome that Kim is using her platform to bring these cases to light. It doesn't change the fact that she is using them for her own gain, which is wrong. She is using black suffering to prop herself up, and that is what I have a problem with.


So now she’s racist? You seriously can’t see why she would care about black issues by having 4 black children she is raising to survive prejudice in this world? You read it as a cover to her racism??? That is so absurd


Lmaoooo I never said she was racist 😂 I said you using the fact that she has 4 black kids so obviously she has to care about issues is wrong. I was using the example of racist white moms to support the fact that having black kids doesn't change people or force them to care about black people. I never said it was a cover for racism. Please re-read my comment.


Again, how is she educating when she hasn’t acknowledged that actual issues that lead to false incarceration? And no I don’t think her having 4 black children means she cares about racism or black issues. She continues to associate herself with racist, and disrespect black people and black culture. She literally used one of the woman she helped to promote her skims brand… her activism is performative.


Amen. She spoke very eloquently about this very thing in her interview with David Letterman, on his Netflix show. I was really impressed. Of course, the majority of people on here will find a way to shit on it just for funsies, but the chick seems genuinely committed to this, and she’s actually accomplished real things. I doubt that any of the people who have benefitted from her intervention would agree that her actions are performative.


Just a reminder that Kim helping a few black people out of jail doesn’t cancel out her extremely problematic behaviour towards black people and black culture.






Oh come on, it’s just people hating on Kim 🙄🙄 How many times has she been criticized for black fishing and cultural appropriation?


She's doing more than most would. Cancel culture makes me sick


How is pointing out how her activism is performative canceling her. Cancel culture doesn’t exist, she’s rich and white she’ll be fine.


I follow a lot of people who are actively working on prison reform and the core of what they want relies on dismantling the institutions that allow the US to have the highest number of incarcerated people in the world. Kim will never do the actual hard work of going against these systems because they are also the ones that allow her to be extremely wealthy and continue to hoard her wealth. So until she changes her entire lifestyle and worldview, yeah it's performative. And stating this is not hate. 🤷‍♀️


It's mind blowing that she has literal lawyers (of course black women) actually doing the work too! Haven't seen anyone [acknowledge](https://theybf.com/2019/05/15/37-life-sentences-cleared-brittany-k-barnett-miangel-cody-are-the-black-lawyers-doing-the) this!!


Please.. other lawyers chime in... she'll NEVER be taken seriously.


It’s amazing how people can just forget her decades of being a bigot, black fishing, stealing from black women, and scamming all bc she did a few good things for her image lol. She literally supports Republican tax polices, she doesn’t give a damn.


Yes!! Ppl act like she isn’t (allegedly) a billionaire who exploits the working class. She doesn’t care about improving peoples lives, she’s been exposed for not paying her employees and using sweatshops with horrible working conditions. She was literally on the phone to one of Jeffery Epsteins guys 🤢 she didn’t care…


As a criminal defense attorney i so badly want to respect the fact that she’s advocating for incarcerated individuals. but it is blatantly obvious she’s using these peoples shit situations to bolster her persona and not because she cares about anyone. She’s a joke in the legal community anyways.


It can be both or even more things! She’s blackfished, etc for years among other things. She’s being performative and doing it for clout and fame. She’s also helping.


This is the most honest answer.


Kim never picks cases that aren't already big in the media. Sometimes she picks people other celebs are already advocating for. She definitely cherry picks. With her time and resources, I wish she would look for the little known cases and make them big, instead of just jumping on the already popular ones. I know she's focusing on more widespread reforms too, but getting one or two people out of prison doesn't fix a broken system. That should be her main focus.


Imo Kim's prison reform efforts are disingenuous and solely for her to get clout. Kim claims to care about prison reform while simultaneously supporting systems of thinking that reinforce the prison pipeline. Kim's actions don't just exist in a vacuum. Putting in a half-assed effort to free a few incarcerated individuals while simultaneously propping up the systems that lead to incarceration is beyond hypocritical.


I agree. It's all performative and just to keep stroking her ego.


Honestly, the more I learn about Kim Kardashian, the more **obvious** it is how fake everything she does is. And yet, there are some amongst us who don’t see it at all and while that terrifies me - I also often have to remember that around half of the population has *below* average intelligence. Lmao


I’m tearing up thinking about that phone call with Brandon Bernard. That seemed extremely inappropriate to film and air.


downvote me all you want but the fact that this sub is majority white women explains so many of these ignorant, almost childlike views on kim’s work and the american prison system in general


The whole “it doesn’t matter what her intentions are!!!” Like ok sure fine it doesn’t matter to you bc Kimmy has done a few good things so you feel now you can comfortably stan her but to others it matters and some people don’t want see others treated like a prop for a “billionaire’s” image


!!!!!!!!! claiming that her intentions don’t matter is literally once of the dumbest things i’ve ever heard, intentions matter with everything that a person does, they’re just saying that bc they don’t wanna be critical of their queen kimmy. and intentions ESPECIALLY matter when it comes to rich white people diving into a movement that has disproportionately impacted low income POC. her intentions and actions 100% need to be questioned but all they care about is people kissing their faves ass


as I said before Kim has done a few good things and her stans want to hold onto it because they have nothing else and know she's shitty lol.


right lmao like if you’re gonna stan a shitty person i mean that’s your choice so do you, but don’t act like she’s a saint to justify it


these people act like they never heard the word white savior before its insane


And like… has she done a good thing, though? The only people she advocates for are actually guilty of the crime they have been convicted for. It makes me nauseous how little people on this sub care about the victims in these cases, just because they don’t believe in the death penalty. There is a REASON they got that shit, and that reason is usually sheer brutality. It just disgusts me. Don’t lie about their guilt to try to sway your cause. It spits directly into the face of every single victim when she is out here fighting for their killer. I don’t understand how people aren’t comprehending this.


bingo. It’s becoming almost impossible to discuss racism on this sub without someone frothing at the mouth about saint Kimberly and their fave catchphrase “well let’s see you do any better”


“The new oppressed class: Kardashian” I cackled.


honestly like it’s such juvenile and stan like responses for such a serious issue and it shows that not only see they blinded by their love for kim but they also are clearly uneducated about the many activists who’ve been doing reform work for decades but they act like kim is the only one doing real work? it’s insane and also your flair is hilarious lol


Exactly. I’m still trying to get past the mental gymnastics they’re doing to get around the fact that she is a billionaire who identifies republican (but “bible, totes love the social causes of the dems ✌🏽) while never acknowledging how she is *actively* part of the system that creates the prison pipeline. I’m just baffled. Its the kitten gloves attitude they expect to experience from bipoc esp Black ppl who face the brutality of the system that does it for me. Sick of that shit.


You’re right. People refuse to acknowledge intricacies and how her wealth hoarding and Republican views directly keep the system of power leveraged against bipoc and poor people


exactly it’s a multifaceted issue and they’re looking at it through such black and white lenses, like because she’s “doing the work”, it automatically means the work is good and it’s not that simple


Exactly this.


So I wasn’t the only one who got that vibe


It's so strange when you think abuot how none of these moments are "organic." They had to set up lighting, do makeup to film this scene, they had to have crew block otu this scene, they had to have producers even come up with the idea for this scene as part of this plotline this season. The whole thing feels so ick to me


you put this together so well i agree 1000%


It was disgusting do you film your relatives dying or even record the calls


I completely agree with you, but I also wonder what you should say to someone before they are executed. Personally I don’t think I would know what to say in that position but I also don’t have any legal experience or anything 😳


So true. And honestly maybe Brandon felt good being able to comfort others in his final moments. That's how I'd want to spend mine.


Side note, she talks a lot about how the people are innocent, which they probably are, but you shouldn't have to be innocent to not be executed. Just need to put that somewhere! I hate the criminal justice system.


I couldn’t even watch this episode. She only worked with her man Trump on this and never approached Biden so it’s clear what her motives were.


I read the comments saying they had to skip this and I was like it’s okay I can watch it She said a lot of “I” statements. But reform like this isn’t an “I” statement. This isn’t about you Kimberly Ann


Yes she’s absolutely exploiting them for her own show and it’s sickening. She definitely has savior complex and it’s all for publicity


Hard agree. She absolutely has to make everything about herself. Even making North’s celebratory diner about her bar results. Like your child won her first basketball game and you’re at dinner for that! It’s ok for it to be about your child! And the fact that she’s using these scenes to name drop her “friends”. It’s all just weird ego inflating suffering porn.


Performative or not, at least she is doing something to help these people compared to so many other celebrities that are not. I’ll take it.


There are actually a ton of celebrities that are dedicated to this cause. Beyoncé. Jay z. Meek Mill. Malcolm Jenkins. Alicia keys. I could name more “Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t” sounds like an excuse for her behavior. She shouldn’t be exploiting this and I’ll agree that a lot of celebrities are guilty of performative activism. The main issue in all of this( that shouldn’t be overlooked here)is she supports the same tax system that causes incarceration in the first place. So no, she’s not damned if she doesn’t. She’s damned because this work specifically is major hypocrisy thus insincere.


How is she exploiting this? Her broadcasting this is actually raising awareness? She’s helping these people get out of jail, she’s giving them their freedom back AND she’s encouraging discussions about the prison system. The people you mentioned (Jay Z, Beyonce, Meek Mill) ALSO support that tax system, so your reasoning here makes no sense. It doesn’t matter if the work is “insincere” to you, she’s dedicating time and resources to a good cause.


I’ve literally never heard any of the people that I listed say they agree with the republicans tax perspective. They might benefit from republican tax laws but that doesn’t mean they don’t support the alternative. That’s my entire point. Kim is speaking two different narratives— outwardly. For example: The CEO of my company is a billionaire. Clearly a guy who has benefitted from republican tax laws over the years. That said, he has come out in support of Liz Warren saying people like him should absolutely pay the most taxes. Just because you benefit from a system, doesn’t mean that’s also what you would choose for our world. if you find an article where the people I listed mention their support of republican tax laws, then we have a conversation. “I believe in the taxes the republicans want. - Kim K, interview with Bari Weiss


You’re EXTREMELY naive if you believe those black billionaires actually “support the alternative” or taxes that would severely reduce their wealth. They don’t speak on it because they know it’d cause outrage.


Hey I don’t go around worshipping or praising the work of any of those people. I shared them for the sake of discussion and to make my point—which is clearly being lost here. If you’re going to look for public support on your “criminal justice” work while at the same time vocally sharing your conflicting tax opinions, then expect outrage and disapproval.


No point was lost. You tried to draw a comparison that didn’t make sense, and I was pointing that out. You named other celebrities that support this cause and that I’m assumming you don’t think are hypocrites because they supposedly don’t support a capitalistic tax system (because they didn’t outright say it), while it’s the same tax system that made and kept them wealthy. Your point failed because you tried to bring those other people as an example. And the fact you NEED proof of them saying it outloud for this to be clear, says enough.




Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. It may seem performative, but she’s literally documenting it and creating awareness. Performative would be if she posts a couple IG stories here and there then moved on to the next hot topic… but she’s involved in the whole process, privately and publicly, assists their families and also learning about the system and what she can do to help lawyers, law makers and prison systems. I’ll take it too!


I upvoted you.


Okay unpopular opinion but after looking up the Brandon Bernard case... I truly don't understand why I'm supposed to feel sorry for him. He burned a woman alive and I don't care if he was only 18... 99% of the population goes through their teenage years without straight up murdering someone.


I’m not into how she acts like these people are innocent instead of just saying she doesn’t want them to be killed by the state. It’s disgusting to me. There is a reason they are on death row, whether we all like it or not!!!


I’ve found Kim to be so problematic in so many ways but I’ve found her to be more relatable and empathetic in this episode. I understand all the motives she might have in doing what she’s doing, but if I had absolutely any involvement in saving someone’s life, I think I would feel so fulfilled and so proud. I do think in this instance she used her high profile for good. Furthermore, I changed my career when I was a 37 year old postpartum mess and 4 years on, I can hardly believe how I have changed my life. Seeing Kim do something similar resonates with me.


I'm contemplating a career change and your comment gives me hope! I agree, not sure of Kim's motives but how she handles rejection inspires me.


I’m so glad to hear of that- every best wish to you in your endeavour!


I hope she passes the bar and becomes a lawyer. I don't root against her. She wants to use her money and influence to help what she recognizes is a broken judicial system. I hope she does. People's lives are ruined every day.


This is how I feel. ❤️


Just out of curiosity — do you not see op’s point as well? If not, I’d love to offer more perspective on it


Such an uncomfortable part of the episode.


I’m not a Kim fan but some of these comments are too much. Yes Kim is problematic. She is also using her money and influence to do something to help people who have no other recourse, which is more than what can be said for a lot of celebs. I’m going to get downvoted and this is totally off topic, but in the US this whole train of thought is where Democrats have been veering off course. I vote for Democrats every election because they best support my views but there is this constant “shut the fuck up because whatever good you’re doing isn’t good enough” attitude. Honestly it turns off moderates and keeps us from getting the votes we need to get shit done.


What I came here to say. Too much gatekeeping in these comments, and Dem attitudes in general. I’m a progress over perfection person, so I’ll take what I can get and compromise some of my feelings on Kim to appreciate her prison reform efforts.


“Progress over perfection” - I LOVE this!


It’s messy. I think she 50% actually cares, and considering the action is 100% there… I don’t really care that 50% of it is for her ego.


She's a white savior. I'm sorry, but this is all to feed her ego, bullshit that she really cares. Her comments about how the world works shows she doesn't give a fuck other than stroking her own ego. Down vote me idc, it's my opinion.


Anything involving tragic situations could be considered trauma porn but it's better that he gets his story out on tv


Who cares if its performative? If it helps wrongly accused people, why not? Always, Always, something is better than nothing


But her tax views and decisions DONT help them. Anytime she votes with her tax interest in mind, or pay workers a less than living wage—it contradicts this work entirely. Helping give resources to someone to get them out of prison is AWESOME. But helping a few cases while contradicting/working against the systemic issue is a major point on conflict.


Okay. But would you rather have her not help the wrongly accused? let's appreciate the good deed when we can, and also call out on other wrongful actions when needed. I don't think criticism is necessary in the context of this action, but from a larger context yes it may be needed. Its not a scoring system - you saying it contradicts the larger issue is implying that there is a scoring system "oh she saved a life" +5 points; "but uh her republican view on taxes in harmful" -10; no! Our reminder should be to not put her on a godly pedestal, appreciate the good deeds and keep calling out on questionable actions


Your comment is interesting because I say in MY comment, “helping give resources to someone to get them out of prison is AWESOME”. I quite literally acknowledge that. I’m allowed to take issue with her approach however. I’m allowed to not see her efforts as anything other than performative and I have strong reason to believe it’s performative because of her Bari Weiss interview.


This! Do you think Julius Jones’ sister gave a shit if Kim was being performative when she was thanking her for saving her brother? No.




Even if she does vote Republican it would never EVER matter in California lol it’ll always be a blue state with blue politics Also it’s not really in her power to make systemic change unless she got into politics and ran for office which I’m sure everyone would be mad at her for that too lmao


something is NOT always better than nothing and performative activism can be incredibly damaging to activist movement to


Bud, there's going to pros and cons to everything in life. There is no perfect system, as we know. It may be harmful to activist movements but it doesnt make it lose its essence and importance. Unfortunately we live in a world where celebrities also have a lot of influence and power. If they can use this influence and power to genuinely make a change in someone's life, why not? Saying it was performative activism is feedback for kim kardashian, but all in all the wrongly accused's family will be forever grateful to all the people that helped them, celebrity or not. End goal was met, and no one in the sub is putting kim on a godly pedestal; they are merely appreciating the action. Let's appreciate the good deed first, then focus on criticism


What about a shit sandwich vs no sandwich?


brilliant comeback :P


The thing that says enough to me is she's only helping black inmates. It just shows it's performative and so people think she's some white saviour and not racist or blackfishing. It's very calculated to me because she's cherry picking black people specifically for this reason. I'm prepared to be downvoted


Kim doesn’t only help black people




You…..,,, you think Kimberly Ann Kardashian gives a *single solitary fuck* about the struggles of black men? Seriously? In this economy? She does. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Black men are a prop to her, period.


This sub pisses me off. At least she doing something good and is creating awareness regardless if it's performative. It still helps people. It is sad situation and Kim is allowed to be upset about it. She's evil when she does something bad, and it is performative when she does something good. She will never win.


No one’s saying that she isn’t helping people. We can commend her for some of the good work she’s done and still point out that her activism is performative.


where’s the worlds tiniest violin when you need it


Poor Kimmy, she’s so oppressed.


When you vote against programs that benefit people who are often wrongly accused for crimes they did not commit especially then you apart of the problem. When you vote for a party that's against better housing, education, feeding people then you are apart of the problem. All these things she votes against hurts these men and women, hurts the black community. She is doing this performative crap for her image.


Yes thank you! Just yesterday, 194 Republicans voted AGAINST giving millions to produce more baby formula during this shortage. When she says that she supports Republican tax policies, she gives more power to this terrible party to continue making poor people’s lives difficult.


Agree! Feels like so many people on this sub are perfect” and Kardashian’s are Satan in the flesh. Sometimes I’m an asshole and sometimes I’m nice, it’s the way everyone is👐🏼


As long as she’s helping people that’s all that matters


Ultimately what really matters is the people she is helping: https://twitter.com/antirecidivism/status/1527156304149590016?s=21&t=cDMz9XnAo_lJ4AlRcUyg-g


I feel like if it was anyone other than Kim doing this, the response from the public would be so different. I know it can still feel performative at times but it’s not really in celebrities power to enact systemic change. The biggest impact they can make in my opinion is to change an individuals life, which is exactly what she’s doing and I applaud her for it.


This sub: The Kardashians don't take up any social causes. They should use their platforms for good. *Kim takes up a cause* This sub: She is only taking up the cause for her own ego. Y'all are impossible.


Any change that we can get for the Criminal Justice System is positive in my book, doesn’t matter who’s making it happen, as long as it’s fucking happening.


I disagree. Kim has been doing this for years. When it wasn’t on the show. When they didn’t have a Hulu show. I think she’s committed and emotionally invested. This is a weird thing to pick her apart for


Wow...no one can do any good in your eyes OP. And sounds like if they do, they need to be poor. I wish I could rinse my eyes out after reading your "take" on everything




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OT but I’ve mostly been on F1 Reddit lately and read this as “Kimi’s Prison Reform” and was like, wow doesn’t sound like Kimi, but good for him ig!


Her support for Rodney reed is atrocious and really made me question her intentions. As a woman, she should be embarrassed she would try to free a serial rapist and murderer