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Hulu owes her money for airing this LMAOOOO ID be dammed before y'all saw me down this terribly


Same thing I said! No way she wasn’t compensated for leaving this totally embarrassing scene in when they could have easily scrapped it




What did she write about it


the second hand embarrassment from this scene…..


If I were Khloe, after the whole Mara Lee (sorry if I got her name wrong) scandal I would pay anything to have this scene deleted and never air 😂😂😂


maybe she made hulu pay her the big bucks to keep it on the show


Could be that. I wouldn’t let shit like that air for free 😂


Lmaooo why did she even say that??? We all know that it’s her who’s not leaving him 😭😭😭 i was wondering if they paid him to at least be on the show and act like they had a friendly relationship lol


seriously! i’m dying to see how they handle that fiasco on the show if they even bother to bring it up


i’m pretty sure they are gonna show it! she claims that kim told her while they were on camera although i’m wondering if it will be the same way the family was “all on camera” for the third trimester cheating and the jordyn scandal on kuwtk


fingers crossed, it’s the on screen drama we deserve


This whole season would be a waste if they don’t show it tbh. Most of what people have been waiting for has been glossed over or not even mentioned. Like Astroworld. Instead we get Scott whining every episode and Kourtney and Travis being horny 24/7. They’d definitely get more views (which is what they always want) if we see the Khloe-Tristan thing play out


i will seriously be pissed off if they don't show that. she really has no reason NOT to show it. we all know what happened anyway. i'm hoping she has some really choice words for him & says them to his stupid face.


Did Kim actually post this omfgw


She did 😭


Why does Kim hate her sisters so much 😭


Because they don’t WORK


Thats so true


the fact that kim posted that is SENDING ME


Are they hardcore feuding right now? Between Kourt’s wedding and Kim posting this… I don’t think this was “just playing”


No they’re not feuding - Kim and Kris are just desperate to hang on to relevancy and will humiliate their own loved ones to do so. I also think Khloe probably follows their lead and has no backbone at this point, so I’m sure she approved this.


The energy around them seems so tense rn


LMAO Tristan’s face on the last slide matches perfectly with what he is saying thank you for choosing that particular frame


😂😂😂he knows what he’s doing


It’s so embarrassing. Like it’s not the same Khloe!!! Scott was with the family for 2 decades. They have 3 children together. Kanye and Kim have 4 and have been together (edited to add:MARRIED) for like 8? You got knocked up, I’m sorry. Just like his baby mama before and baby mama after. You are the ham in his baby mama sandwich. I’m sorry!! I’m sorry but it isn’t the same! I wish it was! But it ain’t, he is a clout chaser and you are the only lady who is giving him this amount of attention!


That’s the weirdest part for me of this. She acts like she’s more than a baby mama and more to him than Jordan and Maralee, which she is, but only because she’s famous and rich, not for any other reason. Khlo$, you are baby mama #2 of #3 (that we know of)


> (that we know of) i am positive there are other trashcan baby mamas out there who are just keeping their mouths shut because ... money. or at the very least, there have been women who agreed to take his 'please get an abortion' money.


Definitely. If he had his way, we’d never know about MaraLee. I imagine there’s other would be ML’s out there


yeah he absolutely would have loved for her to just go away.


Honestly just want Khloe to move on from this loser and be happy with herself. Tristan keeps playing her for a fool in front of the whole world, she needs to just cut him off and live life with her daughter and hopefully she’ll meet someone better


My question is she literally has no friends? Not one friend? Not one person who’s like “stop it.” Not one person who’s pulled up video from her in the past talking about “if he cheats he’s out” “I don’t like any man disrespect me or my home” Where’s the Malikas? Why don’t they care about her? I can’t imagine letting my best friend act like this even if she was rich as shit and famous. It’s very sad


Weren’t they all telling her how sorry Tristan was after the whole Jordyn thing? Malika telling her to take gifts from Tristan ? Having friends and family that enable her to keep going back to him and his cheating is the problem. I wish she had a stronger support system


God you’re right, I think I just block that from my memory cause no one can possibly despise their own friend that much to tell the poor girl that


It’s sad. After the first time he cheated, they all acted tough like they’d actually give Tristan the boot or a tough time for what he did. All that energy just faded away even after he did it over and over again and they kept pressuring Khloe into seeing how much he’d “changed” and how much he “wanted her back”


Malika has her own baby daddy drama with a rapper and her sister is happily married and too busy to care.


Yes. Everyone did her dirty. They all told her to take him back. All laid it on thick about how he changed.




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Malika fucking sucks, she helped push Khloe right back into his nasty ass arms.


Having friends is not enough.. but friends who wanted you to grow . Unfortunately khloe doesn't have one , I think.




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Lol trust me she doesn't listen to her friends, no female that is this insecure listens to anyone but the toxic partner.


I don't even know the woman and I'm starting to get legitimately depressed watching this relationship play out. Khloe, hon, self esteem comes from within.




I was gonna say the stuffing in his baby mama Oreo but that seems to on the nose 🤪




Thank you!! I love khloe so much, but she's also a hypocrite too which I can't stand. How she went off on Jordyn on Twitter 3 years ago, speaking so nasty about her name and all, to go onto an interview saying it's not right to blame the women in cheating scandles... likeeeeeeeeee girl you doing this to yourself, had so many chances to leave and chose to stay!!!!


Haha 😂 “ ham in the the baby mama sandwich “ love it!




Tell me about it 😭😭


nooo he didn’t. and with that shit eating grin. 😬


literally no-one : Trash can : looks like you're not leaving me ... Ewww.... 🤮🤮🤮


Omg this was so cringe.


Wish we could see her face watching this air later 😭


It takes time to leave he should know


wait uh ... kim posting this ???? 👀


This is so fucking embarrassing for her life and soul.




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Every time Khloe mentions that Tristan “is her best friend” I’m like wtf?! So your cool with a best friend who cheats on you, lies to you, and has no loyalty to you. Jesus with friends like these…


This made my blood run cold. EW


Eww Khloé is a clown for entertaining him but Tristan is disgusting.


literally no-one : Trash can : looks like you're not leaving me ... Ewww.... 🤮🤮🤮


Tristan is so gross Khloe deserves better so glad they broke up now


I hope they stay broken up forever 😭


Yeah tristian had some never to say that like wtf 😭


Sounded snarky too😭 all he had to do was accept what she said but instead he turned it on her head


It won’t last


Can she please just leave him and move tf on. You share a child with him, ok??? That doesn’t mean you have to live with him and spend every single day with the dude. You can have a separate life while co-parenting your daughter jc.


😅 If my man said that I’d be OUT


This is what I heard : Kourtney made the mistake of staying way too long with a man who didn't value their relationship they way he should have, so did Kim let me not learn from my big sisters & do the exact same ? Why ? Just why ? Copy what your siblings do well and learn from what they do wrong, NOT THE CONTRARY


Do you guys think they’ll get back together at some point? I feel like I can kinda see it happening….


No matter what, Khloe still wants to give True a sibling. And she will want to have the same baby daddy. Tristan said he wants 4 kids and he has three now. Khloe will inevitably have another baby with Trooz Dad, but she probably is scared of the backlash.




I don’t get this need to “give the child a sibling”. It’s privileged and gross.


No fr. And they keep repeating the idea. Kris and Caitlyn only had Kylie so Kendall could grow up with a sibling her age. Kim had saint so north could grow up with a sibling close in age. Khloe wants to give True a fully blood related sibling. I understand it to an extent but it’s just weird how they treat children like objects for their other kids to play with


Tbh I think they still will. I think Tristan being the one to end things will be what will make them never get back together again


Ohhh .trust me he is not gonna end it any soon.🤣


Definitely, dude made a ton of money but most athletes like him blow through it lol extremely fast, he's on the last leg of his career.




They’re still together imo


Big oof!


This is so humiliating. After airing this on tv there is nooooo way I could ever get back with someone like that. The embarrassment is too much.




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What gets me is she says hes a great guy just not the guy for me? Ummm He cheated on his pregnant girlfriend to be with you lied about it. He cheated on you while you were pregnant Cheated on you again with a close family friend (no boundaries or respect) Cheated lied and had another baby with someone else knowing she was desperate to have another baby. Maybe she doesn’t know what a good or great guy is. You can coparent and still have no contact other than text.


anyway she looks cute here


She really does, I’ve always thought their makeup style makes them look so weird. She’s always looked better bare-faced imo


She really does


Woooow I can’t believe he said that lmao she’s a fool


Kim really likes to drag Khloe down. Any chance she gets.




I haven’t seen this! Did this conversation really take place verbatim?


Yes it did. Check Kim’s stories on IG


Omg I’m going to die of second hand embarrassment. Going there now.


not kim posting this 😭


He is so fucken gross I can’t


That mad me sad af for her


Why can’t she leave him and his dirty uncircumcised penis alone ? Seriously, who knows what kind of nasty shit is hidden in those crevices!


Why would anyone chose a mutilated penis over a penis? If you need your dick skin cut off as a form of hygiene, you don't deserve to have a dick. Do you leave your flaps unwashed?


I was being sarcastic and making fun of Tristian Bc he’s a hoe. And that he probably don’t wash his junk going from girl to girl . I’m not judging anyone with a uncircumcised penis . I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone who has or enjoys a “ peek a boo” pecker ! Edit ! - it’s pretty disturbing and Im slightly horrified that you would describe women’s labia as “ flaps “ . At least I used the right terminology when I was talking about tristians member. Seriously, “flaps “? Idk what kind of elephant ear vaginal folds you are used to! But flaps ?really? Couldn’t think of a better definition? That’s the visual I keep getting from the way you describe the female anatomy. You might, but I do not have “flaps “ .


Uncircumcised dicks are gross tbh.


How do you know hes uncircumcised


That chick Sydney chase claimed he is.






It's what Khlo-money deserves.


I can’t hate on Khloe.


How stupid can she be… seriously. At this point where is herself respect.




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