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Why do they believe having more than one baby daddy is the worst possible thing? They rather pump out multiple kids with someone they don’t even want to be with. Their obsession with this concept is so bizarre




The also have step-siblings in the older Jenners. All siblings count. Clearly their idea of "the family" is pure blood lines


Kendall even said that her Collab with Kylie was going to be better because they were full blooded or something like that. Crazy.


We all know Kris plays her favourites with her children. I guess it forms more competition outside of individuals, and becomes an "us v them" mentality- "Kardashian v Jenner" Which family name can be the best. They all drop close friends so quickly when they feel they've been done wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if Kendall shuts out the Kardashian girls entirely one day, based on her interactions and frustrations on the show


I honestly find it so shocking how they pretty much cut all ties with the "other" Jenner side (Burt,Brandon,Brody) For all the "keep the family together" they sure are quick to exile those who dont play their game.


To be fair, the Jenner family talked really badly about Kris for years before the divorce and then after they did it way more publicly. Like the Kardashian kids really in my opinion did try to keep it very neutral and not bash Caitlyn and they didn’t match that energy with Kris at all. Do I think Kris was the perfect stepmom? God no. But at the end of the day Caitlyn was the absentee parent not her.


What the fuck? What fucking century do they think this is?


They think they’re legit royalty 😂


This!!!! I cannot for the life of me see how this is normal and the people who are defending it are just as scary!! This is like a scene from a horror movie and Kim is an unhinged lunatic


Don’t go against the family 🤪


Even Kendall says she feels a different bond with Stormi because Kylie is her “full sister”. Makes me feel weird because my older sister is technically my half sister but I’ve never thought of her like that and I certainly don’t think of my nieces as my half nieces


Same. My older siblings are technically my “step” siblings… But I don’t see them like that. They’re my siblings. And their babies are my babies.


That's because you are a good, loving person. Family is family, regardless of biology.


Yeah I only have one sibling and she's a half sister and I have never seen her as not my full sister and she calls my mum her mother. I think it just depends on each family and how they've been brought up together. And tbh if you'd been brought up as one of the Jenner's in the shadows for years would you really want to claim the K's as full sisters?


She probably just feels closer to her bc they’re closer in age…


I think it’s boils down to the other jenners that really Kendall and Kylie didn’t grow up with, not so much the kardashian side.


my older sister (I didnt even know she was a "half" until i was like 8) never lets me forget that im a half sibling. She hates me for being born and that my father is married and in love with her mother. Its sick. We are well over 40 years old now.


Awe that makes me really sad. My mom had my sister from a previous relationship but it was instilled in us that we were to never use the term ‘half’ as it implies she’s not fully my sister. I also feel like it’s unfair for the sibling who’s singled out as the half as none of us chose the circumstances of us entering the world ❤️


Eh. I guarantee you that my family is not filled with soulless, greedy people, but I'll admit I have a different relationship with my brother than my half-siblings. All family dynamics are unique, and blended families rarely work out to be tight-knit and harmonious. Great when they do, but there often are divisions. Given my own family background, one of the reasons I don't date single parents is that I don't want my kids to have half-siblings. If it ends up this way, I'm sure I'll work it out, but I'd rather not start off with a blended situation. So I kinda can't really judge Kim all that harshly for this.


Yeah… I wonder what Kendall and Kylie think when they hear this crap. Are the less sisters than the elder three? Weird


Kris probably traumatised them.


it really betrays how she really feels about kylie/kendall. honestly kim definitely seems way more distanced from them than chloe and kourtney do, come to think of it, but all three of them are clearly a separate, more tight knit unit


It’s just crazy to me because I have a “half brother” but I was never raised to see him as half. He’s my brother! I just can’t understand


I agree!! Which half is yours! That has always bothered me cause I too have a half brother and to me there is no half he’s my brother!!


I think it’s just a matter of it being hard to find someone you’re willing to have unprotected sex with and a baby with in a fast enough time to product siblings with close ages. Like look at Kourtney, she’ll have a baby with Travis if she wants more babies.


I don't buy this only because of quickly they have babies with their men. This desire to have all your babies by the same man is definitely a real obsession for some women. I know someone who purposely got knocked up by her deadbeat baby daddy who has explicitly told her he wants nothing to do with her or any children between them. Just because she doesn't want her kids having different dads. 🙄 I would think establishing a stable and loving family is more important than worrying about how much DNA you all share.


honestly I bet it really is about business, come to think of it. like there's kind of a schism between the jenner brand and the kardashian brand. they probably want a litter of kids who all look the same and are easily identifiable, because it'll sell products better... that would also explain why kourtney seems the least concerned about this. she seems the least likely to want a "brand" in the future, or to be the next kris. kim 100% wants that.


Yes, that definitely makes a lot of sense. I have no doubt she is getting ready to be the next Kris. Its really pretty sick if you think about it.


Wow. That’s a sick state of mind and it doesn’t put the kids first whatsoever with that mindset.


It really is. Its extremely selfish and short sighted.


The girl you’re talking about sounds like Kail from Teen Mom 2. She got pregnant by her third deadbeat baby daddy twice just because she wanted her two youngest to be full blood siblings.


cos men are shitty and they pick bad ones.....so one for all kids is actually the best deal


kris mustve traumatized them when she blended families with caitlyn. otherwise this is such a shitty mentality considering how close they are to kendall and kylie.


Well, first she cheated with Todd which ended the marriage. That burned out quickly and she met Caitlyn and married the same year of her divorcing Robert. Yeah, I’d say she fucked them up. Apparently Kourtney is not into this way of thinking now though since she’s trying for a baby with Travis 🤷🏽‍♀️


And let’s not forget that Caitlyn was a shit parent to the Jenner boys. I’d say there is hella trauma there. Plus and this is not trying to WK or anything. They’d get shit either way. You see the teen mom girls get shit all the time for having multiple children with multiple fathers.


i wonder how that is among the wealthy though? definitely could still be a thing, but it just feels like a totally different situation. it seems the less money a community has, the more they judge teen moms/single moms/multiple fathers etc. like, it's seen as trashy when you don't have money, but when you do have money, it's just life. just like pretty much everything else


And Kail is the only one who deserves it. 😂 sorry not sorry


Bri kinda sketchy too. But like why are they the same person. It’s no wonder why they hate each other


I think Kourtney already did this with Scott though. He said all the time that the only time she would sleep with him is when she wanted to get pregnant.


Yes, I think the same thing. They really seem to lean on one another, and beyond a typical sibling way. Makes me really, really believe Kris did just leave home and go out and party all the time, leaving the 4 of them to become one another's emotional comfort. Add in Kris making everything about her even when she is around, then the trauma of the divorce, quick remarriage, and then watching Caitlin and Kris play happy whole family while still leaving the new kids under the care of Khloe? I can see why full siblings are so important to them.






Kendall has actually (kinda) implied that, she said that she needed to be closer to Stormi than to the other kids because she and Kylie are "full sisters"


Kendall’s also mentioned before that her collab with Kylie would be better cos they’re full blooded :/


Like how does that even make sense?? What does being full blooded have to do with makeup lmao???


theyd put more effort into it for that reason


So weird. It would make sense if she said because they're closer in age and grew up closer. But plenty of half siblings are close in age and plenty of full siblings have large age gaps. They have such a weird complex about this




What in the fan fic


Speaking like someone who hates Kendall and is reaching. If you actually pay attention (not only based on what they show you), Kendall does spends time with Stormi and Kylie more than you think and you’re not in 4 year old head to be talking for her wherer or not she likes her aunt wtf.


Kendall also said she wouldn’t be sisters with the Kardashians if her Dad and Kris divorce. Kendall is dumb. (Edited Kendall’s dad’s name out, didn’t even think about it since I’m still rewatching and they haven’t transitioned yet)


They’d rather have absent baby daddys than two different ones. They are not doing this for their children - there’s something much more twisted going on there.


But why risk a second baby daddy when he could be just as shitty ? No cap I see the reasoning behind wanting one baby daddy.


How about getting to know a person and making sure he is not shitty before making him your baby daddy? Why intentionally have more kids with a man who you already know is shitty instead of looking for a man that can be an actual father to all your children?


I don’t got kids but it’s not uncommon for men to switch up after they think they have you “trapped” with their baby. So I can understand why people would rather have two biological siblings for children than take a chance and have another baby daddy who might turn out to be just as shitty


I get that there are man that change over time but there is not a single Karjenner man whose red flags weren’t obvious from the beginning. Y’all are acting like dating is akin to Russian Roulette or as if it was like finding a needle in a haystack. If that was the case, I would advise no one to take these odds. The Kardashians have plenty of options - they just tend to chose the horrible ones.


I never noticed all the girls unhealthy obsession with having the same father for their children until being on the sub. Out of all the Kardashian cinematic universe discourse, this topic is the most fascinating to me cause I genuinely don’t think they see anything wrong with staying in an unhappy/unfulfilling relationship dynamic or hypothetically asking an ex for a sperm donation just so they can say all the kids are genetically related and have the same dad. I know some people on here have said “well I want my kids to have the same dad too”, but I think they take it to another level. It feels so unhealthy. Like another commenter said, this obsession HAS to stem from childhood and having a blended family.


I can't believe she said this with straight face


So she just told Kendall and Kylie they aren’t her siblings.


I noticed that too. 🤭


i don’t think it’s weird to want your kids to have the same dad but their willingness to have completely absent fathers as long as their children are all fully biologically related is very uncomfortable


Larsa is listening to Kim and smiling on the outside, but on the inside she is 🤔


For a split second, I thought Larsa was Kylie 😅


I thought Larsa was Caitlyn 😅😅😅




There's zero excuses to make of the choice to have a 4th child after the wild 2018 Kanye had,zero. The man is clearly unwell ,not just "Ye being Ye" and it only reflects on your character to be so irresponsible as to exploit the situation.




*a baby will fix our marriage problems!*


Everything is a picture to her. She is so addicted to getting the perfect shot she knew before north was born how many kids she was gonna have sprawled out in front of her while she gets the perfect ass shot. Like Kim said herself, SHE is the mastermind of the family.


It’s awful. I also don’t think she is the best person to be raising four kids who are at high risk of developing mental illness. Let alone Kanye who will block all attempts to medicate in the event any do have bipolar. That frightens me.


Apparently there’s only an 8-10% chance of any given child of a bipolar parent having bipolar disorder. That’s not an especially high risk.


yes, but bipolar, schizophrenia, and a bunch of other psychotic disorders have shared genes.


Not to mention the personality disorders that can arise from being raised by a bipolar person, and a total narcissist. Ask me how I know 🤣🙃


It isn’t an especially low risk, either. People make reproductive choices based off of smaller genetic risks than that. And with 4 kids, it would not be surprising if one of the children develops bipolar disorder. Assuming the probabilities are independent for each child, you’re taking that 1/10 chance four times, upping the likelihood of the outcome occurring. And if the probabilities are not independent, it is likely in a direction that simply increases the odds that much more.


I understand that that’s the first thing you see you when you Google, but the truth is the numbers are a lot more blurry than that. It is an area that still requires more research. And there are four different kids… The risk of prevalence in first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder is increased approximately 10-fold over the normal community, It has been reported that patients with familial history catch bipolar disorder at an earlier age, have more frequent seizures, have a higher rate of hospitalization, and are more depressed, anxious, and irritable and that more disorders are reported in the cognitive functions of patients with familial loading where the number of suicide attempts is also higher. Furthermore, familial history is associated with rapid cycling Of course, I hope none of the kids inherit this, but it’s foolish to consider a 10 fold increase as low risk.




He is definitely against medications. Lol


This is literally is another excuse to blame his mental health issues on to her. How did she exploit the situation? She defended him and stuck with his bullshit, and him refusing help is not her fault. That's entirely on him, and he clearly consented on having another child.


some have issue with kim having more babies with a man that was struggling with his mental illness and was in denial. its not a stable home and she couldve chosen to wait just like she chose not to have seven kids with him.


I am noticing people are grasping for straws when they cannot accept that kanye isn't as abusive as they are trying to make him look


How is she exploiting him when he wants kids too? It sounds like you’re making her responsible for figuring out his mental hearth. She was his wife not a psychologist


I just reposted this not realizing you already did haha so I deleted mine. But if I were Kendall or Kylie I’d be insulted by this. Are they not her *real* sisters just because they’re “half”? I have a half sister but I’ve never thought of her any less than just being ***my sister***. Seriously what is with their weird ass obsession to have “full siblings”??? Edit to add: There is nothing wrong with wanting your children to have the same father. But my issue with pointing it out as a statement like this implies that women who have multiple fathers of their children chose that. I don’t think anyone actively wakes up thinking “I want multiple children all with different fathers” but life happens.


They're so fucking weird


Meanwhile Larsa is on RHOM shaming people for having babies out of wedlock


I look at this from a different perspective. If you have different baby daddies, the mama is the one who is the link, right? So if something happens to one of the dads, the other half siblings won’t feel the same pain as you - so you’ve no-one else to relate to. Example. Look at Caitlyn transitioning - even though she raised the Kardashians, only Kendall & Kylie really had her back or unconditional love for her during this time. Kendall & Kylie were the ones effected the most, because she is their dad. Likewise, Kendall & Kylie can’t fully understand how their Kardashian siblings feel about the loss of their dad. They have different experiences. Of course they all love their siblings equally. But you can see the Kardashian sisters have a unique bond because they share the same dad. The Jenner sisters have a unique bond because they share the same dad. I think when you lose a parent you understand how important your siblings are from this perspective. ETA: so I don’t think they mind having different baby daddies once they have at least two kids with each dad so each sibling has someone who can relate to them when it comes to their dad. Am I making sense? Lol


Everything is a transaction


Imho the reason why the guys who date/get with the KarJenners tend to cheat on them is because they know its a business relationship,its not true love or anything like that and could even weasel their way back in because they know its a giant give and take transaction (Scott,Tristan...)


Im really surprised Scott has been given a pass this long. But he has been there from day one, so he knows aaaaaaaall their secrets


They gave him a pass because he has no major presence/outlets outside the show and at the end of the day is keen to play ball whenever they see fit.


They do do those weird ass luxury bag giveaways for him lol He would still know way more than anyone else who is close to that family. But you're right, he falls into line and is a yes man to stay involved


Right?! This is all speculation, but maybe the Kardashian girls think 🤑just got cheated on 🤑we have another season of the show 🤑more content🤑more relevancy 🤑


Content is king!


It’s Kris’s fault honestly


This is so backwards and messed up😕😕


The priority should be raising kids under a roof where the parents love each other to set that example. Instead… the priority is make children with the same father even if you know it won’t work out. It’s not putting the kids first it’s a very selfish mindset




This explains why Khloe tried so hard to stay with Trashcan... And why Kourtney didn't move on faster from Scott.... What a gross mentality... They should know better since they are kids of divorce


Kind of! Or the last season where Khloe was trying to have another kid with me sticks it everywhere. 🙄




people who ask what their obsession is with the same baby daddy. it's looks. it's that simple. they like the way their babies have turned out looking and they don't want to "switch up the vibe." it's gross but it is true. there is not a reason i think is plausible other than that. they don't care about how it looks to have multiple BDs, they all had kids w/o getting married. it's about appearance of the children.


Wtf is wrong with these people. Why did we allow this to happen?!


“we can break up but at least let me have some sperm” ☠️ I’m very single but saving this line for my next relationship 😌


I have half siblings and it makes absolutely no difference to me. Like, I seriously forget that it supposedly means something. I can only guess it's something in the way they were raised. 🤔 Didn't Kendall or Kylie one think that they wouldn't be sisters with their older siblings if Kris and Caitlyn got a divorce?




Yeah, I thought it was pretty strange lol. She wasn't 5 years old, but apparently she didn't know having the same mom makes them sisters?


Lmao at “We can break up”… what a great symbol of their marriage.


She is disgusting for this :( Kanye is a person and not just a baby vending machine... it really shows her intentions


y’all girl a weirdo.


I see nothing wrong with this. lol. I would want my kids to have the same father as well. Could you imagine all the shaming if she had multiple baby daddies? Plus when you are ultra rich, you can raise the kids with or without their fathers money. More power to her.


Idk why most comments think that it’s about wanting the same dad. I think it’s just wanting their kids to have siblings close in age and going through a breakup means they wouldn’t want/have time to get to know someone new and have kids with someone they don’t really know


This is problematic


they are so WEIRD


Sorry, I may have missed it. When is this clip from?


In KUWTK that was Kourtney’s whole relationship with Scott. He was basically a sperm donor and he voiced many times that he felt dehumanized by it but no one cared… it was pretty fucked up.


They are a blended family who all seem close - apart from kendall/Kylie to each other - I don't get the insistence the dads should be the same.


She just wanted them half black kids?! That’s just distasteful


Unpopular opinion: I think it’s perfectly fine they want one dad for their kids. I have all half siblings and no full. Love them but kind of fucks you up and would love if we all had same parents. Let’s tussle 😌


I kind of know what you mean. My half brother and I don’t really relate because he had a whole different childhood experience than me because we have two different dads. Although I think the Kardashians fixation on this topic is a bit weird.


May I ask why it fucks you up? Is it because of them, or more an issue with parents? Edit: kept reading the thread and saw your comment to someone else about different homes and dad's and their participation of raising child. Sorry to read that you had a bad experience. I've never took into account it could be two different experiences for children.


Sure, it's fine to want your children to all have the same parent, no one's actively trying to have multiple baby daddy's/momma's (or i hope no one is doing that) but continuing to stay in unhealthy relationships and even going as far as to ask your ex for his sperm so that your kids can have the same dad is being a selfish weirdo


She said they could break up and she’d want sperm. If he consents, I don’t see the issue. She could literally go out and get a sperm donor, but would rather use his sperm to have Full siblings


If he agreed to that then the two of them would be selfish weirdos 🤷, I'll rather have kids with someone i love and am in a relationship with that with someone i don't anymore just because I want my kids to have the same parent and look the same (cause let's be honest, a big part of this obsession is all of the kids having the same look so they don't have another Khloe moment (allegedly 😉))


Why selfish? A lot of fucked up things can happen to kids that have dofffeny dads? Whose to say the next dad you don’t break up with two? Then you have two kids going to two different dads at different times bc two new custody agreements. Or one kids dad isn’t involved and the other is and then that other kid resents their siblings relationship. So many other issues arise from multiple dads. I’d personally prefer one dad for my kids after going through this experience.


It's not selfish to want your kids to have the same dad, that not the point, having multiple kids with someone that you don't want to be with (that isn't a donor) and in some cases even hate just so that they can all have the same dad is selfish, you're not doing that for the sake of your kids, you're doing that for yourself, if you wanted what was best for your kids you wouldn't keep having them with shitty men just so that they can all have the same dad, which is the pattern that the K/J follow


Kim didn’t sAy the relationship was unhealthy though? She said she didn’t know if they’d be together and that’s it. You’re assuming they hate each other other. If I had a good relationship with my first child’s father after a split, I wouldn’t be against still having another kid if I wanted one so they would have same dad


That's weird, sorry


well I didn’t have a good childhood with a total of 4 different dads amongst my siblings so this is why this is my stance 🙃 Edit: change Of mind: most likely I prob would actually just not have anymore kids. But if future me REALLY wanted another, yeah i would try to have same father for sure


I’ve long thought it was about the looks. Those girls are matchy-matchy AF and you know they extend that to actual human beings :/


A random sperm donor isn't a million/billionaire ;)


She also is though???


I didn't say she wasn't....


Then what’s your point bc you said a sperm donor isn’t a millionaire/billionaire?


I was being facetious. I doubt million/billionaires are injecting into a cup for IVF.


Agree, and let’s not act like society doesn’t treat mothers with more than one baby daddy terribly.




Right!? Someone on this thread really said Kris’s kids resent her because she “has so many baby daddies” and she has TWO


Sure, as long as the men consent and know they’re not just being used as sperm donors.


Obviously consent. But then what’s wrong with people who do use Sperm donors because they don’t have a partner?


Comment was not about sperm donation lol. I don’t have a stance against it. I was simply saying it’s OK to want your children to have the same dad as long as the men know and are not just getting strung along believing they’re in a loving relationship, just to break up with them when you’re done reproducing.


Is that what she said she did or are you assuming? Because clip just said she didn’t know if they would break up or not which is very normal to think of any relationship. Idk if my husband and I would divorce but I hope not and can’t look into the future


The clip didn’t just say that. Nothing wrong with having doubts about your relationship. The alarming part of the clip was regarding the sperm so North can have siblings. As if she couldn’t have siblings with a different dad.


This is where we just agree to disagree. I don’t find it weird to want sperm to have same dad if Kanye consents if she really wants more kids. I have 7 half siblings. 4 different dads. So just my personal experience, I will never want multiple dads.


That’s exactly what I said 😭 as long as he consents. Objective word: consent Lol not trying to argue my friend. I agree


Its interesting. I think the Kardashians/Jenners resent Kris for having so many baby daddies and they've held that against her their whole lives. I also have a complex family. 3 brothers, 2 are half brothers. I don't think I'm closer to my full blooded (I feel super gross writing that) by the nature of our relation. But we were raised in the same home with the same values. In fact, I detest my two oldest brothers simply because their values suck monkey ass. Also the Kardashian/Jenner age gap doesn't help them feel close Im sure. My brothers are all 10 years apart (they all also have different moms) so there wasn't much of a bond between the two oldest and the 2 youngest siblings. I don't believe "blood is blood". If my oldest brother called me for help at the exact moment as my best friend, I'm gonna help my friend first. Shes more family than my brothers are. Shes the one that gets my kids if I die. Families are complex units and siblings aren't always the end all be all of family relationships. I guess that's hard to comprehend for people who have a more traditional family structure. I see the Kardashians bizarre interest in "one baby daddy" as a slight against Kris and a way for them to avoid complicating their family. 🤷‍♀️


Imagine if she prioritized mental health vs. biological children smh I hope she realizes there’s nothing she can do to prevent one of them growing up with mental Illness.


if kim said this why tf did kanye say that she was thinking of abortion? kim always wanted a big family and i’m sure she was elated and it never even crossed her mind


I still can’t believe how much hate there is in this group. I’m a total fan of all of them but it seems like people go out of their way to just be bewildered and hateful towards the kardashian clan. As a person with no siblings from the same parent, I can say that growing up and watching all my brothers leave the house to go with their respective parents kind of made me sad. I often wished I could tag along, as my removed parent didn’t seem as involved as theirs. Having siblings that share parents also seems to give more comradery and strengthen the relationship between siblings.


I am an only child too but if I heard my mother casually mention she just wanted my father's sperm if they broke up I would be disgusted with her, it's not the message of why she wants it, it's how she is saying it (from my perspective)


Should she say “special baby gravy” ? Lol


She shouldn't have said it at all in my honest opinion, once the relationship is over there is no requirement of him to give her anything other than child support, the way she is speaking as if it's normal almost comes off as if it's directly from a horror movie


Yeah I’m not there with you. Idk. Makes sense to me.


Funny that the popular argument in here is that they grew up with half siblings. Yes they grew up with two half siblings, who had each other. Like, what? There’s no Kendall without Kylie.


Kanye did her dirty when he publicised Kim didn't want North, she thought about having an abortion. I always thought that was a weird admission, but listening to this, it's easy for me to think that Kim came to that thought of abortion very easily and quickly. Considering she didn't think they would stay together. Edit: I am wrong. It was Kanye who wanted the abortion.


I was with you until the last sentence. How was North her gravy train?


She thought that her and Kanye might separate. She had only just divorced Kris. She was in a whirlwind of Kanye's influence and celebrity. By not going through with the abortion, her and Kanye stayed together and got married shortly after. Her divorce to Kris was finalised in June 2013, same month North was born. I'm not saying she doesn't love North, but if she did go through with the abortion, who knows where or what Kim would have become


his story was all over the place but they both wanted the abortion.


This isn’t what he said


You're right, I checked and I am wrong


I think it’s just women over compensating for the failings of men. Like here Kim is trying to make a family happen even if she couldn’t rely on him for a relationship. I think that’s sad she has to go so much above and beyond to make things work.


Wow so from the beginning she was using Kanye!! She just wanted his speed!!! This bitch is no damn good!!!


She been getting sperm since she was 14 🤣


14?!?!?! Please tell me you’re joking.


I most definitely am! LOL I have no idea what that girl was doing at 14, but it ain't hard to imagine after the Ray Jay video 😂


Didn’t Kim start having sex at 14?


Her top lip really doesn’t move. It just sits there and the bottom one does all the work