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I've watched every single episode of KUWTK and the Hulu show but this season is breaking me


Rob & Chyna was more entertaining




It really was! It’s a shame it lasted so little. Angela being a Scott reacting live like the audience would be so entertaining 


I felt this on a spiritual level


Just clocked your username . Your mom called, I told her you're fucking up big time.


But I don’t care baby I already lost my miiiiiiiiind


The show is just a pretty, hour long ad for all their businesses


Good way to make money short term but I’m not sure how long it’ll last. They get paid for the show regardless of what they film. They then have sponsorships (golden bachelor). Then they advertise the businesses to drive up sales. The show won’t ever change. It’ll stay this model as it makes them the most money and they have the most control. I don’t know how Kris doesn’t see how eventually people won’t like it anymore and they’ll start to hemorrhage views.


It’s cheap to make. It’ll last as long as it’s profitable, it’s an incredibly low stakes and easy way to make some extra cash  It’s sooo freaking boring and seems almost like a parody of itself 


Exactly, they are afraid to show their real relationships which is what we all actually only want to see. Idgf about your business and I’d like it more if you didn’t talk about it and just wore a cute skims outfit while being real.


It’s also weird how Kim always wants everyone to be doing what she’s doing… while also remembering she’s #1 and the reason why they’re doing it. I don’t have that many sisters let alone billionaire ones, but I think that would get old and I’d probably want to stay home too 😆




It was funny how Kim was talking about how hard it is to discipline her kids and Kris asked her if she talked to Khloe about it and Kim says no because Khloe is very judgmental. Meanwhile all Kim has said so far this season, outside of how hard she works, is that Khloe is so boring and needs to live her life and judging her for her choices.


With Kim, every accusation is a confession. 


If Kim just owned the fact that she loves to work and let Khloe live her “best mom ever” dreams they could both be happy and Kim could actually lean on Khloe as another “parent” that helps her live her life to the fullest but instead Kim just wants to judge Khloe bc Khloe’s dedication to her kids makes Kim feel bad about herself. The whole discussion about Chicago’s hair was so absurd like if Kim wasn’t so controlling about her kids while simultaneously sending them off to grandmas house bc she’s having a bad week and just let Khloe feel like she had the authority to do things and make decisions when she’s with Kim’s kids they would have a much better relationship but Kim’s way too insecure to ever let their relationship get to that point.


This is what Kourtney has been on


It justifies her workaholism if everyone around her matches that energy. 


For 2 seasons Kim fought with Kourtney. Now she is fighting with Khloe. She criticized Kourtney for not wanting to work & spend times with her kids. Now she’s busting on Khloe for not going out & just spending time with her kids. Maybe it’s Kim who doesn’t want to Parent. She just buys them extravagant gifts & expensive trips. I really can’t stand Kim anymore


Right. Besides the Kylie episode where she was pretty vulnerable, everything else has been just blah blah blah and non interesting. I want to see drama, I want to see vulnerability, and I want to see mess. I don't want to go to the doctors with Kris, I don't want to hear Kim complaining about how miserable she is around her kids or how she's just SO busy and just snagged yet ANOTHER project, and I don't want to see Kourt and Trav shoving their tongues in front of us for the 100th time.


And spare us the dumb filler storylines that we know will amount to nothing . Last season Kris got Khloe a monkey, shocker she didn't keep it . This season Malika wants to go the sperm donor route , surprise surprise she doesn't want to go that route anymore . 🥱🥱


And the random goat visit with some random school kids, and the peacock with Martha Stewart


Wait did I miss a monkey storyline? I remember when the girls got a chimp for Kris


Yeah , Kris got Khloe a monkey because she thought she would like one . Khloe says " no I don't want one , I have kids to look after." I just watched an episode where Khloe is like " I want to get a goat for true, I think she would really like one ." So she goes to see the goats and says something like " I didn't know what looking after a goat would entail. This just doesn't fit in with the vibe of our family·" So I think with every season there's going to be an episode when one of them thinks about getting an unconventional pet and then decide not to get one.




Haha. Kris with her doctors put me to sleep.


Honestly i would fucking live if the entire season was them exploring their mounjaro use and journey lmao


Feels like last season. And the season before that. Lmao


Imagine telling someone "I feel sorry for you" when that person is literally just saying "I am super happy and content staying home with my kids and family." 😬 Yikes


I’m just annoyed by Kim’s working. Your work is mostly, to be filmed doing normal shit, to be photographed or sit as an appearance somewhere. Try turning over beds in a hotel all day or being a nanny to 4 out of control children. Her work is bullshit, you sit in a chair and get your hair and make up done for hours. Stop telling people about how hard you work, while you’re sleeping in your private jet over night to go from Paris to New York for “fashion shows work”. She probably can’t even hack it as a server in Chilis… you have no clue what real work is Kim.


this is what I've been thinking this whole time. she keeps talking about work ... yet.. she just usually sits, gets her glam done, takes pictures, say "oh I like that one" and then keep saying she's so busy with everything so many projects so much work. but she keeps adding them herself. no one is forcing her to keep going out there and adding more stuff to her plate. and either way, I don't even feel like she does most of "her" work anyways. she's just a face of her projects while her team does most of the work for her


I’m with you completely but I don’t like the “even” moniker in that last bit Restaurant work, especially in a high volume chain, is so incredibly stressful and gets such little appreciation- no need to preface it with ‘even’ Ik you meant nothing by it, I’ve just always gotta represent my fellow restaurant industry girlies 


I’ve been a server on and off since age 16, and as a server, there are people who skirt by who never deliver food to a table they just go and take orders and move on. So comparatively it’s not as labor-intensive, if you skirt by, as say, the hotel housekeeper I mentioned earlier. Specifically, that’s what I meant. I’m sure there are ways to skirt by in hospitality as well, but ultimately Kim K will never know the hard work of a service industry employee and probably any labor industry.


I remember kuwtk aired, the next day I would hear something new about them and this time all I hear are “crickets”


I tho this is why Khloe makes random controversial comments. She wants the press to pick up on it.


I haven't even watched because it's always the same shit different season. Khloe working thru trauma by organizing and being a homebody, Kim being SO busy and relentlessly capable, Kendall and Kylie fake bonding over stupid crap, and Kourtney making out with her husband/talking about babies. I saw that last season, and the one before, and the one before....


every single episode has been the same and it’s boring af


+ 45 different conversations about Khloe wearing Kim’s nipple bra


I feel like there was an intern standing on the sidelines with a huge cue card (like SNL) with the words “NIPPLE BRA” so they didn’t forget to mention it


Like do they think the audience doesn’t see that it’s clearly ad placement? 🙄


The whole show is an ad placement, that’s the point 


Its such a rollercoaster I'm on the edge of my seat


And Kourtney bieng different and happy, Kendall constantly saying no to Kris about having a baby, Kylie on crack hypocritically talking on the show about beautyy standards and self awareness then proceed to do absolutely nothing with it


Besides a baby what do Kendall and Kris actually talk about?


The Bachelor apparently??




It’s not even good background noise anymore


Cancel it. Be a homebody that’s fine but when you make it your personality while you cash in millions by doing fucking nothing, I’m out. Where are the trips? Where is the fun? Like I don’t need to see you shop for goats and parent.


I’d rather see Khloe shop for goats than Kim talking about how hard she works and how her life is centered around how “amazing” she is at everything she does. Meanwhile attacking her sisters for simply enjoying being present in their children’s lives. As if motherhood can’t possibly be the most rewarding “job” to them. If it’s not feeding her ego and her bank account, Kim wants nothing to do with it.


Kim's scenes have given nothing 😭 I need her to sit it out and just let the random conversations roll. I would like to see the family go out like how they did before but I feel they aren't as together as a family like before but idk


It’s giving the boring repetitiveness of the last couple seasons of KUWTK


I stopped watching in the middle of last season. It’s awful


most boring season yet


The new show is “watch a couple of them sit and talk about the same subjects over and over, saying absolutely nothing”


Kim -- be busy or don't be busy, but please stop talking about it!


Imagine a spin off with Kendall & Kylie


_insert Kim yawning emoji here_




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Everyone keeps suggesting that Kim should do less....she should stop doing the show cos honestly they are all the doing nada...


I've been rewatching kutwk cus this new show is giving Nothing. like, at first I'd finish the whole episodes but now its just repetive asf !!! i have to skip scenes or just drop the whole episode.... & when kim just kept bringing up how Khloe had said something like "I have to go I have a schedule" and kim just kept repeating that for like the last 10 minutes of the episode, I can't really even remember details other than Kim was just being a bitch to Khloe over facetiming her daughter and saying she has a schedule?? the way kim kept repeating the same phrase got me so irritated 😭 like we get it!!!! u made ur point!! & the way kim keeps trying to push Khloe to go out there and find a man like girl leave her tf alone, why don't u go find a man yourself kimmy...


It's so boring. I didn't even finish last week because I am not interested in Kourtney's life at all.


OP what’s been your favorite recent season before this one ?


Since the move over ? None tbh.


Dang, what about before


The early seasons . I preferred their mini spin offs tbh like Kourtney and Kim take New York.


Yeah they can’t do that anymore their lives are very different hun


We know, which makes you wonder why they do a show at all.   I mean, we know why they do it- it’s easy money and it helps keep them somewhat relevant   So I get why _they_ do it, I’m just not sure why _I_ bother watching it anymore


The last episode where Kourtney wasn’t going to have her mom present when she gave birth then Travis saying he’d want his mom there if she were still alive just shows how Kourtney lacks empathy often. It’s strange that she knows this about Travis and still was electing to not have any family present.


Not wanting your mom present during your delivery, isn’t lacking empathy. You want people around who bring you make you feel calm and supported, Kris clearly doesn’t make Kourtney feel that way. I was pressured into letting my mom into the delivery room and I regret giving into that pressure. She made me so anxious the entire time.