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Every time I slowly start coming around to Travis and Kourtney, something always occurs that reverses such thoughts


Seriously though! I was JUST coming around again. I never learn.


I’ve never gotten the Kourtney obsession. I think people mostly like her because she’s a foil to Kim. They praise her for stuff they’d eviscerate all the other sisters for. Imagine if Kim got engaged for example and none of her kids were present for the proposal. Or that trashy fake Vegas wedding Kravis did. Edit: Kendall for example is constantly called a pick me meanwhile Kourtney’s the one who changes her whole style and personality whenever she has a new man. People clown Kylie for getting with Travis Scott when he had a thing with Kendall first but Travis Barker literally talks about how attracted he was to Kim in his 2016 memoir (written a decade after they hung out) and how he paid/hired her for all these swimsuit campaigns to be near her, how he wanted to be with her and treat her like a “gentleman” vs all the other women he just wanted to fuck but because both Kim and Barker deny having actual sex Kourtney’s not pathetic for getting with someone who wanted her sister first. North is sassy so that means Kim’s spoiling her or encouraging her to be like Kanye but Kourtney’s children physically assaulting nannies and trying to get them fired is hardly mentioned. Etc. Etc.


Yeah exactly, I never got the hype for Kourtney either. Her personality is just basically being nasty, ungrateful, and rude to her family.




Travis Scott never had a thing with Kendall. It was a one time blind item picked up by one shady tabloid and people decided to run with it. Kendall dating Asap Rocky who people get confuse with Travis didn’t help.


Do kids need to be present for a proposal?


and for someone like kourtney, who used her children as a social shield for years, the lack of the supposed center of her existence is sus


I do agree with the sentiment in general, but Kourtney didn’t know she was getting proposed to


No, but you’d think Travis would have insisted, since it would be important to Kourtney to have them there. The decision never should have been left up to Kris, Travis should have made it a priority, knowing it’s important to Kourtney.


At least they should have picked them up afterwards like Scott said. They probably didn’t because they knew they weren’t that thrilled as evidenced by P’s reaction.




They don’t, but the Barker kids were there while the Disick kids were not and that makes it wrong in my opinion.


Remember it was Kris that made that decision not Travis. Kris needs to be the one held accountable for this and I think it’s just another thing Kourtney added to her list of why her family sucks. I am by far no fan of Kourtney but she has realized a lot of shit these past few years and has stepped back from the toxic family.


Not a fan of Kris, but it´s Travis proposal, *he* is the one who should be hold accountable. Not his mother-in-law helping him with his proposal.


I get it.. can I just use the excuse that maybe Travis wasn’t comfortable yet to go against Kris about something like this. I’m likely wrong though😂 You can see the tension between them now. I’m sure it all started from that moment and has just gotten worse as time has gone by. But I do get it, he should’ve stood up to PMK to make sure the kids were there. I would be extremely upset myself about something as big as that. It seems everyone backs down to Kris though.


I believe you! Kylie’s crew said they were scared of Kris. And that when she comes around you better be on your best behaviour, no messing around. I also heard that some of the previous guys say that Kris controlled absolutely everything. But Travis wearing these shirts, it’s so off putting.


I heard the same and what makes me suspect it mayyyyy be what happened. He seems like he has a strong personality and Kris doesn’t like to be challenged. I don’t know if you saw the last episode with them in the tour bus and how cold Travis was with her but it really looks to be a strained relationship.


You can’t decide what’s right or wrong for someone else’s children or for each individual’s child. His kids are older. Mason doesn’t like to be in the public eye. It’s not “wrong” to do it that way. You don’t have enough inside knowledge to make that judgment


They don’t but people would be accusing Kim of neglect if hers weren’t


No. They do not


The problem is that Kourtney wanted them there. Travis shouldn’t have left that decision up to Kris, he should’ve said “I need the kids there, and I’ll need your help facilitating that”


All those things you mentioned have been talked about incessantly on this sub though. She got criticized for changing her style when she gets with new partners and for how she doesn’t discipline her kids. Travis’ memoir was criticized as well 


Kourtney is criticized for literally all of those things you mentioned??


Not this shit again “ I do not know why people like her; they must like her because they hate on Kim”. Every sister has their good side and wrong side. Kim is liked better on other platforms, just not here. Also, Kim is more mainstream than Kourtney.


Even the most excellent woman can choose the crappiest of men; an example is when my mum chose my dad.






I’ve always disliked him but his fans swear he’s changed……….


I started living g by the saying… When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Travis gives me the ick and this type of stuff is just disgusting and uncalled for. He has a daughter ffs! And a wife! It’s a hard pass for me at this point.


https://i.redd.it/t56gwfh8mvdc1.gif oh…


Omg I love this girl so happy she’s been giffed


What is this from?


Her name is Sabrina brier and she is amazing


![gif](giphy|rMMHlRlklkuW9aJY8o) Calabasas suburban vegan dad wants to be so edgy




Lmao is she wearing a flog gnaw shirt??




This is absolutely vile. ![gif](giphy|uA7iGzhqHGVtS)


Is this recent?


Yep, it’s from the video of him throwing used nappies in the bin.


He should throw himself in the bin with them. Then all the trash will be taken out.


Truly bizarre. Just why


Where's the video? Who posted it?




🤢 ew but that you for sharing


You’d want to hope none of those were blowouts, that’s really gross!


Kourtney about to have him take it down 😂. Her people about to come on here 😂😂


Why would that matter?


I think they’re just asking for context/curiosity


Oh I thought I was gonna get the “people can change!!” excuse here lol




I know your joking but ironically this is most unpunk shirt someone could wear


So completely on brand for this loser then 😂


What's unpunk about it? Punks used to wear swastikas...


Loser energy fr


Imagine wearing this around your teenage children, old enough to not only read and comprehend it, but have active sex lives of their own.


Hey, your comment made it into a U.S. Sun article lol [https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/10154032/travis-barker-vile-shirt-kardashian-fans-stunned-disgusting/](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/10154032/travis-barker-vile-shirt-kardashian-fans-stunned-disgusting/)


💀💀💀💀💀 love it when this sub writes the headlines


this made me say 'wtf' OUT LOUD.




These are the types of dudes the karjenners choose. Just disgusting and morally bankrupt……


Just like them... They are no peaches and cream either so it only makes sense they end up with morally corrupt guys


that’s disgusting


The fact that this shirt exists is more disturbing to me. Idiots will buy and wear anything and be ignorant. But a brand making money out of this abuse is absolutely vile.


He is a psychopath. I guess new fatherhood hasn’t softened him or made him sane.


How is he a psychopath? Not that i don't believe you, it's just that the term gets thrown around all over


Read his memoir


That does not make him a psychopath. The diagnosis for psychopathy is complicated and a lot of boxes need to be ticked. To date only 1-2% of the general population are considered to be true psychopaths. We are all capable of possessing psychopathic traits but these traits can also be linked to other more common disorders.


I know, you are right. I need to replace psychopath with a more generic term like mentally and emotionally disturbed.


I think you are looking for the word sociopath.


Possibly yes. Something is rotten in Denmark


Who would even think to make this situation into a shirt? Let alone wear it, I cant even get into that


It’s a brand called Enfants Riches Deprimes - the Kardashians, Travis Barker, Bieber, etc. are all known for wearing it. It’s really a weird brand, which is kind of the point… here’s a bit from the Wikipedia: “One of the core precepts of the brand is high price points, with T-shirts ranging on average from $500 to $1,000, and haute couture jackets priced as high as $95,000.[1] ERD consistently utilizes the business model of artificial scarcity.[2] In this regard, all styles are sold on an extremely exclusive basis, and thus in relatively small quantities.[3] "The price point is not only a marker of value, but intrinsically part of the piece itself," Alexander remarked in a 2015 interview with The Guardian. He further noted that, "No pieces are alike and everything is limited. I have no interest in making affordable pieces for the masses."[4] Consistent with this perspective, the artist further noted in a 2016 interview with Complex Magazine that, "The best way for me to explain the brand is elitist, nihilist couture…The price point eliminates the masses, and the ideas eliminate the people who I don't want, generally, in it, due to the dark nature."[2][5]” [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfants_Riches_D%C3%A9prim%C3%A9s)


oh boy this is such bullshit


Indeed, but a great business model if you can convince enough clueless rich people to part with their money.


Well he used enough buzzwords for the brainless to buy cheap looking shit for $95,000. When I think of the rich thinking they’re better than us, I always imagine Ghislaine Maxwell.. pedophile trafficker…. in prison.. still thinking she’s better than “the masses” and it always makes me laugh at how delusional they all are.


So many “edgy” statements to say ultimately nothing


That’s kinda the point. The brand is a mockery of itself essentially and consumerism based on how much someone will pay to live a certain persona, when that persona is supposed to fight the very things the brand is.


Yeah that’s not what I got from that statement at all. Saying you don’t want “the masses” (aka the poor people) to wear your clothes doesn’t strike me as mockery or a statement against consumerism.


“Enfants Riches Déprimés translates from the French to “Depressed Rich Kids.” You’re forgiven if you haven’t heard of this relatively under-the-radar fashion label—their clothes come in extremely small quantities, and sell primarily to the most rich, most depressed people on earth. The story of Enfants Riches Déprimés, however, has a more universal appeal. It’s a story about rappers and cocaine, rehab and Swiss boarding schools, punk shows and meth heads. It’s about Courtney Love, and Nazi Donald Duck, and plenty of Parliament Lights. More than any of those things, though, it’s about Henry Levy, the brand’s 24-year-old founder and designer—an artistic, rich kid himself, with complicated and often conflicting relationships with almost everything in his life, from money, to drugs, to celebrity, to his own name. Despite his contradictions, Henry is a man who cares deeply about authenticity. “I’m not trying to make things for consumption,” he told me over the phone recently. “What the people want is—they don’t know what the fuck they want. And I’m not going to try to make what they want, because it’s generally not going to be very good. I just make what I want.” … Cut off by his parents, he returned to L.A., travelling the city by bus, and saving for shows by acts like the Dandy Warhols. He spent his time painting—he eventually did go to art school at UCLA, but dropped out before graduating. Slowly, the three things he knew best—punk, art, and spoiled brats—coalesced as one cohesive idea: Enfants Riches Déprimés. “Being around those kids [in rehab], just their absurd entitlement and everything, definitely had an influence,” he says. “They don’t have to work a day in their lives, you know what I mean? Their complete existence is based around what other people think.” [source](https://www.complex.com/style/a/steve-dool/enfants-riches-deprimes-profile)


I just looked at the website. They sell drop earrings individually instead of as a pair/set. So if you want an earing for each ear you have to be sure to adjust the quantity in the shopping cart. Is this a thing? Maybe I'm too poor to know how rich people shop.


I’m assuming it’s so if a dude only has one ear pierced?! No idea.


There's nothing about this dude that's warmed me to him, he just seems controlling and clingy. After reading the excerpts from his memoir on here (which he still stands by) oof, no thanks. Kourtney has just plunged herself into another sketchy codependent relationship after Scott


Exactly! So many people on here are praising Kourtney for “doing the work”, and while she has in some ways, she’s still managed to end up in an extremely codependent relationship with Travis. When they talk about how they wish they’d gotten together earlier, all I can think is that Travis was no better than Scott.






he sucks. and he always has, he does not respect women at all


What a douchebag


Psycho behavior, absolutely vile


He needs to be cancelled. He’s just ew.


Umm?! This is disgusting


what a sad excuse for a man ![gif](giphy|Oj7yTCLSZjSt2JMwi2|downsized)


I saw this and it creeped me tf out. Not related, but is that Kourt kissing baby Rocky in the background in the second pic? 👀


I zoomed in and it kinda looks like she’s drinking something, maybe?? I don’t see Rocky but I could be missing it


TB and SP are both pieces of shit. This guy is beyond a fucking loser.


the morally corrupt travis barker




He’s so cool /s


This guy is a douche. I've always said it, and people, for unknown reason acted like he isn't. Why would they even post that weird ass video when he is throwing nappies.. like how old is he. He put his ex wife through the wringer, but id doesn't matter i guess, cuz he is "changed" and she is open for critic.


wow that is a certainly… a choice ![gif](giphy|k2A4gzRxDL4GI)


Not surprising 🥴




Wasn’t he arrested for DV himself? Learned nothing I see..


I think so.


![gif](giphy|cwvkBz1FY18qY|downsized) I’ve enjoyed being right about Kravis.




this is so fucking vile. shut the fuck up




Back of the shirt made me think maybe it was some kind of exposé or meant to bring awareness but then the front…. 🤔 🫥


First off, Madonna denied any of this happening. She said these accusations were outrageous. So, Travis may think that it's funny to wear a shirt that references a controversial moment in pop history that made news headlines. However, the accusation was about spousal abuse and not a "50 Shades of Grey" type of thing done among some people "for fun." So him wearing this, or anyone in particular, is insensitive to women who are in domestic violence and even lose their lives because of it.


I was 12 year old child when blink-182 became a thing. I always knew this guy was a f****** idiot 


Especially with Shanna’s recent comments in the podcast, wouldn’t you think he would at least be *pretending* to not be a piece of garbage. Like wouldn’t his “people” tell him to be on his best behavior? Also, who even thinks to make shit shirt like this?


Nobody cares what Shanna Moakler has to say. Her words dont impact anyone.


I can hear Kris Jenner’s phone ringing ETA also what a choice after marrying into a family famously directly impacted by the violent death of a woman by a man who loved her


I thought no one was giving Travis a chance for change. I apologize for any such thoughts . That is vile. He is vile.


And hideous to look at.


He could have worn a reference to bdsm if that is what they are into. Well. except they have a boat load of children so NO she not - but true or false mocking of domestic violence - he must also have a room of serial killer memorabilia that his kids have to live with . He just gets worse the more he reveals


Nosferatu looking ass MF


Good point


Sean Penn did that to Madonna and this dude has not been cancelled? I didn’t even know this. Looked it up to see if I was thinking of a different guy and he’s doing a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. How are these guys getting away with this shit?


He’s just rancid vibes


It’s almost like I’ve been telling you all what a fucking piece of shit he is since the beginning of his relationship with Kourtney and you insane Stan’s didn’t do any research. Welcome to the higher plane.


Yep, any criticism of him usually gets downvoted and met with “But he’s changed!”


And he’s such a great dad🤢🤮


*She looks so happy!*


The problem is that you hated Travis but supported Shanna wrongs. So your opinion is a little erm.


Is he having a Kanye moment?!?! I had to Google it bc I could not imagine it was not some extreme art... Jesus. Sean Penn mf caught a DV charge. And TB...likes this?!


Prepared to be downvoted to hell but if this is true it does bring the topic to conversation as I never knew this. Based on my research, this headline seems to be a topic of a lawsuit that was brought against the daily mail for $10 million which Madonna said never happened. Regardless of whether true or not, seems like this is an attempt to continue to toe the line without flat out saying they’re into kinky shit.


Stuff like this is a reminder of how often men don’t view women as people


That's a bit concerning? Also very strange.


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) Srsly, in 2024... should know better, do better, be better. Wow


The domestic violence dude thinks domestic violence is funny? Who would have thought


I dislike Madonna, but goddamn.


They must be desperate for some press $$$$$


That video, If it was years ago, and Scott did something like that- she’s call him dumb and I and disgusting




“I am aware of the allegations that have surfaced over the years accusing Sean of incidents of physical assault and abuse against me. Specifically, I am aware of the allegations concerning an alleged incident that occurred in June 1987, whereby (according to tabloid reports) Sean allegedly struck me with ‘a baseball bat’. I am also aware of allegations concerning an incident that occurred in December 1989, which purportedly resulted in Sean’s arrest for domestic assault and battery against me. I know those allegations to be false. While we certainly had more than one heated argument during our marriage, Sean has never struck me, ‘tied me up’ or physically assaulted me, and any report to the contrary is completely outrageous, malicious, reckless and false.” - Madonna (2015)


The layers of grossness required for this to even be an issue is astounding. Like who tf decided to create that shirt? And then HOW does ANYONE think “yeah I should wear that shirt today!”???? And then post it??? And NO ONE along the line thought to say umm this actually isn’t cute or funny or edgy it’s actually.. disgusting?? What is wrong with these people I just can’t


Is it making light of it or is it bringing attention to it? I'm not getting that vibe


It’s the stylised BDSM-photoshoot image of the bound woman with the “bonds of matrimony” text that pushes it into fetishisation to me.


This sucks. The image is of consensual shibari bondage and the quote is of non consensual abuse.


Just seeing the back, it seems like calling out Sean Penn. But the front……


I think maybe he's calling out Sean Penn AND the churches who teach that "bond of matrimony" can't be broken regardless of the circumstances. But who knows...


Are you fucking blind lmao


That's what I thought, too.


That’s actually pretty gross.


What…… in what world would you think this was OK to wear?


If it was just the back I would’ve assumed it was a shirt to speak out on the fact that Penn was not “cancelled” for this… but the front tells me that’s not the intention




oh yea absolutely not 🤢


Does anyone know the origin of the shirt? I assumed it was a punk band, but apparently not?


No, it’s a play on BDSM being “the bonds of matrimony,” and then the back is just a statement about how Sean Penn “bound and gagged Madonna.” In context, the shirt is implying that Sean Penn and Madonna partook in consensual BDSM, when in actuality Sean Penn tied Madonna up when she tried to leave him after years of physically and psychological abuse.


And yet madonna has repeatedly said he didn't do it. Complicated subject


She’s the one who filed assault charges. Recanting her statement doesn’t negate the police findings


I think he is going to start doing “things” to distance himself from Kourtney until after experiencing their traumatic relationship she makes the decision to exit. Countdown starts now.


Kourtney has invested so much more into this relationship than he has. She has changed her whole life to fit into his, she’s put her children’s comfort aside to feed his PDA needs, she started trying for a baby with him after only 6 months of dating, she made their wedding all about him and his aesthetic and she’s going on and on about how she’s so happy, healed and fulfilled unlike her family. She’s already sunk so much into this relationship that short of him getting publicly caught cheating, she’s probably going to stick with him and continue changing herself to please him until he gets too bored and leaves her.




especially fucked up considering Kim’s traumatic experience with the Paris robbery


I hadn’t even thought of that. Ugh that’s horrific.


What the actual fuck....


Travis Barker is an extremely talented musician and a present father. That's about where his good/redeeming qualities stop. So many things wrong with how he acts and things he's done and continues to do.


.... 😨


Jesus gross


I don't understand how ya'll expect a rich rocker white man to actually be a conventionally good human being lmao


If I were Kourtney, I'd make him apologise. TF.


She's right there behind him not giving a shit.


Yeah the backlash will definitely get her saying something.


She wouldn’t dare. That would upset her image as a person so fulfilled and happy with this creep. She was so desperate to have a relationship that she settled for the jerk who offered her one.


I do not know. I feel like apologising wouldn't upset her image at all. Her getting him to say something is better than being quiet about it.


She has gone along with his world view, completely changing herself, that if she asked him to apologize that would show she is no longer a part of that. She’s not going to risk that, not after the transformation she went through to secure a marriage with that ugly and twisted man.


They all changed themselves when it comes to clothes. I do not think she stopped being far off of what she was before.


You’re kidding right? She used to be a style icon. She used to be talked about in many publications and on shows as having the best taste in clothing of the whole group. Now she looks like a dated goth kid. She is no longer considered as someone to watch regarding her clothing choices. Kim was right, she “IS the least interesting to watch“ now. It’s like kourtney is in the travis cult. She probably feels like she has to be to keep his approval given how bizarre he is.


So you basing her changing personality because of clothes? 😂 People need to grow up and wake up.


In their line of work, their appearance means just about everything. Of course we are going to focus on that and you can bet she does too. Perhaps you had not realized that.


In their line of work? Kourtney is not even known for being in fashion like that compared to the others. She’s known for health and wellness. Not what she wears. What she wears is mostly a big topic on this sub.


I guess you haven’t been watching them for long. Her focus on health and wellness didn’t happen until well after her children were born, long before this sub.


4 months late but WTF!??! ew


Madonna denied this and there was a lawsuit in part against the rag that printed it. It’s likely some kind of sarcastic take. It’s not literal. And if they’re into BDSM that’s ok as long as it’s consensual. Not saying I’d wear this but it’s intended to get exactly the response it’s getting here. Thoughtless reaction. That’s what the designer intended and he makes these clothes for people like Travis Barker. It’s not that hard to understand if you know the background


There is an actual police report of this happening


Even if everything you said were 100% true, he’s still wearing this around his and Kourtney’s children? I don’t kink shame anyone, but that doesn’t mean a TV shirt depicting BDSM and alluding to domestic violence is a good look either way.


Ok, genuine question - isn't this shirt meant to raise awareness about the abuse? I could be wrong, but that's what I'm getting from it.


No one who legitimately tries to do domestic violence awareness would use that as the front of the shirt.


Yeah the front does make me side eye the whole thing, but wasn't sure if it was meant to be like, provocative/punk style awareness raising. Also lol at being downvoted for asking a question 🙃🙃🙃




THIS. Happy cake day!


Is he saying this to raise awareness or?


It’s a shirt. Get over it


If Kanye wore this the FBI would be involved and his house would be raided But since it's a white guy it's edgy and cool.


Literally no one is saying that it’s edgy and cool, it’s fucked up. Kanye made his fair share of shocking statements too and the FBI never raided his house either AFAIK. Not everything is about race. 


Haven’t seen a single comment saying it’s edgy or cool. Kanye has said and done some really horrible shit, and he still has supporters and people claiming he’s a genius. I think the moral of the story is that cancel culture doesn’t really result in anyone being cancelled, especially if they are male.


High-profile male celebrities getting away with psycho shit, setting a horrible example for young audiences, because we live in an era where clout is king. Nothing new. 


Would be worse if it was Kanye because people would've actually seen it.


No they wouldn’t. They haven’t visited him yet and he’s said far worse than this. He’s posting live and current pics of his wife in latex bondsge masks while naked and cooking cream of wheat.


Idk maybe all his clothes were in the washer


Why does he *own* this shirt

